`050 - Library of Congress Call Number (R)
`MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
`May 2017
`First Indicator
`Existence in LC collection
`# - No information provided
`0 - Item is in LC
`1 - Item is not in LC
`Second Indicator
`Source ofcall number
`0 - Assigned by LC
`4 - Assigned by agencyother than LC
`Subfield Codes
`$a - Classification number (R)
`$b - Item number (NR)
`$0 - Authority record control numberor standard
`$3 - Materials specified (NR)
`$6 - Linkage (NR)
`$8 - Field link and sequence number(R)
`Classification or call numberthat is taken from Library of Congress Classification or LC Classification
`Additions and Changes. The brackets that customarily surround alternate class/call numbers are not
`carried in the MARCrecord; they may be generated based on the presence of repeated $a subfields.
`Second indicator values distinguish between content actually assigned by the Library of Congress and
`content assigned by an organization other than LC.
`Note that only subfield $u is locally defined. The entire field description is repeated here for ease of use
`of this document.
`First Indicator - Existence in LC collection
`Whetheror not the item is contained in the LC collections.
`# - No information provided
`Usedforall call numbers assigned by agencies other than the Library of Congress.
`050 #4$aNB933.F44$bT6
`0 - Item is in LC
`Item is in the LC collections underthe call number givenin thefield.
`Other agencies should use this value whentranscribing from LC cataloging copy on which
`the call numberis neither enclosed within brackets nor preceded by a Maltesecross.
`050 00$aZ695.7$b.B37 1980
`1 - Item is not in LC
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`6/14/2017 MARC21 Formatfor Bibliographic Data: 050: Library of Congress Call Number (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`Item is not in the LC collections, or that it is not shelved under that number.
`Used by other agencies when transcribing from LC copy on whichthe call number appears
`in brackets or is preceded by a Maltese cross. Brackets that customarily surroundcall
`numbersfor items not in LC are not carried in the MARC record; they may be generated for
`050 10$aBJ1533.C4$bL49
`Second Indicator - Source of call number
`Whetherthe source of the class/call numberis the Library of Congress or another organization.
`0 - Assigned by LC
`Used whenaninstitution is transcribing from LC cataloging copy.
`050 00$aJK609$b.M2
`4 - Assigned by agencyother than LC
`$a - Classification number
`Classification number portion of the call number. The source of the classification number is
`Library of Congress Classification and the LC Classification-Additions and Changes. Subfield
`$a is repeated to record an alternative class number. The alternate class number is recorded
`following the last subfield of the call number. If the alternate class numberalso includes an
`item number, the item number is included in the same subfield $a as the alternate class
`number; it is not separately subfielded.
`050 00$aQC861.2$b.B36
`050 00$aZ695.7$b.B37 1980
`050 00$aZ7164.N3$bL34 no. 9$aZ7165.R42$aHC517.R42
`050 00$aRC951
`$b - Item number
`Item numberportion of the call number. An item numberis the Cutter, date, term, etc. that is
`addedto a classification numberto distinguish an item from any other item assigned the same
`classification number.
`Organizations that use the Cutter-Sanborn Three-Figure Author Table may conform to Library
`of Congress item number practice by applying Subject Cataloging Manual: Shelflisting
`050 00$aJX1974.7$b.M5
`050 00$aZ673.L7$bY
`050 10$aHF5726$b.B27 1980
`050 00$aES06.5 6th$bG
`050 00$aES14.6 10th$b.T76 1905
`[The above two call numbers are call numbersfor regimental histories.]
`$0 - Authority record control numberor standard number
`See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
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`6/14/2017 MARC21 Formatfor Bibliographic Data: 050: Library of Congress Call Number (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`$3 - Materials specified
`Part of the described material to which the field applies. The subfield is used with archival-
`type materials; its use is parallel with the use of subfield $3 in otherfields.
`$6 - Linkage
`See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
`$8 - Field link and sequence number
`See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
`LCCNs- Whenthe call numberfield consists only of a class number(letters followed by numbers, possibly
`including a period andalso a space), no subfield $b is used.
`050 00$aQA37
`050 00$aE5S25.5 123d
`Generalrule is that the item numberpart of the call numberbeginsat the last capital letter in the call number
`or the period, if present, precedingit.
`050 00$aHF5549.5.R44$bM35
`Exceptionsto the generalrule for item numbers:
`If the call numberis followed by only a date, with no Cutter number, the date is contained in subfield $b.
`050 00$aE457.92$b1967
`If the call numberis followed by volume numbering that includes uppercaseletters, these letters are ignored
`in locating the last capitalletter.
`050 00$aJX1977$b.A2 St/ESA/35
`050 00$aHA1501$bA,Nr. 615
`050 00$aHD28$b.Y555 vol. 55 Suppl.
`If the call number begins with CS71, subfield $b contains the date.
`050 00$aCS71.C323$b1977
`If the call numberis for a classification schedule (i.e., it is a call number beginning with Z696.US), the class
`letter(s) for the particular classification and any following digit(s) are recorded in subfield $a (as part of the
`classification). Subfield $b contains the date.
`050 00$aZ696.U5E3$b1958
`050 00$aZ696.US5H-HJ$b1981
`Abbreviations subser. and Suppl. are recorded in subfield $b, even when there is no item number.
`Capitalization - Alphabetic characters in the classification number portion of the field are generally
`Spacing - Any spacesthat are desired as part of the call number must be input.
`050 00$aDK274.3 1968$b.K39
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`6/14/2017 MARC21 Formatfor Bibliographic Data: 050: Library of Congress Call Number (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`050 00$aVM341$b.M9 vol. 48
`050 00$aCS71.C323$b1977
`Display Constant
`Brackets that customarily surround call numbers for items not in LC or alternate class/call numbers are not
`carried in the MARCrecord. They may be system generated as a display constant associated with the first
`indicator value 1| or additional $a subfields.
`Content designatedfield:
`050 10$aHF5726$b.B27 1980
`Display example:
`[HF5726.B27 1980]
`Indicator I - Existence in LC collection
`# - No information provided
`Prior to the definition of code 4 in the second indicator position in 1982, the first indicator in the visual materials specifications
`was undefined. Visual materials records created prior to 1982 may contain a # meaning undefinedin thefirst indicator position.
`Indicator2 - Series call number (SE) [OBSOLETE]
`In the serials specifications, the use of the second indicator position to indicate the type of series was made obsolete in 1976. The
`values were: 0 (Noseries involved), 1 (Mainseries), 2 (Subseries), 3 (Sub-subseries).
`Indicator 2 - Source ofcall number
`# - No information provided [OBSOLETE]
`Second indicator was defined in 1982. Prior to that change, 050 was an agency-assigned field and contained only call numbers
`assigned by the Library of Congress. LC records created before the definition of this indicator may contain a blank (#) meaning
`undefinedin this position.
`$d - Supplementary class number (MU) [OBSOLETE, 1981]
`$0 - Authority record control numberor standard number [NEW, 2017]
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