`oe Decent 2e8] Ca 6,/4.0!)
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`November 27, 2001
`FILING DATE: February 20, 2001
`By Authority of the
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`YSk e Ee
`Sergey p
`Tanna t
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`Code Signing System and Method
`Michael Brown, Herb Little, David Yach
`5 Assignee:
`ResearchIn Motion Limited
`Field of the Invention
`This invention relates to security protocols with dynamic library linking
`programs such as Java™ programs. Specifically, this invention relates to assigning a
`digital signature to a program in orderto useit on a mobile communications device.
` cryptographic routines residing on the device must be restricted.
`Description of the Prior Art
`Whenan application program arrives at a mobile communications device
`such as the RIM Wireless Handheld 957™ or a multiple mode device incorporating both
`data and voice communications features, there is a need to control the access that the
`application has. For example, if such a device is to be exported, access to any strong
`Interfaces to a radio
`transmitter may be protected sothat destructive applications are unable to flood a wireless
`network with transmission signals; similarly, interfaces to a databaseorfile system may be
`protected so that destructive applications are unabletofill a device's storage space with
`unwanted data or alter existing data.
`One schemeforprotecting interfaces involves application software signing,
`commonly called code signing. In conventional code signing schemes, an application
`Page 4 of 30
`Page 4 of 30
`program developeror author generates a signature indicating the identity of the author and
`appendsthe signature to the application. Upon the arrival of a signed application at a
`device such as described above,the signature is used to authenticate the authorof the
`application.If the authoris a trusted source,the application may be loaded and executed
`on the device.
`Most known code signing schemes grant access to device or system
`resources for an application program based on authentication of the author of the
`application. However, there remains a need for a code signing schemewhichprovides for
`more selective resource accessrestriction, based onthe particular application instead of
`solely upon author authentication.
`It is therefore an objectof the invention to provide an improved coding signing
`system and method.
`It is a related object of the invention to oversee the management and
`execution of Java and other dynamic library link-based applications arriving at a mobile
`communications device.
`It is a further object of the invention to verify that any application has been
`digitally signed as having permissionto carry outits intended functions.
`A siill further object of the invention is to prevent unacceptable applications
`from gaining accesssirong cryptographic routines and anyother application programming
`interface (API) designated by the AP! author as “sensitive”.
`In the presentinvention, digital signatures are used to control access to
` _
`Page 5 of 30
`Page 5 of 30
`sensitive APIs, thereby allowing access to onlythose applications that have been digitally
`signed by the authorof a sensitive APIor by a signing authority acting on behalf of the API
`author. The invention thereby advantageously implements an authorization schemeinstead
`of the conventional authentication scheme. According to this aspeci of the invention, a
`device checksa digital signature appendedto an application to determine whetheror not
`the application has been authorized to access device resources.
`In a preferred embodiment of the invention, a Java application, which will
`access a sensitive API, is developed to run ona device. In orderto run on the device and
`access the sensitive API, the authorof the API must approve theapplication by attaching a
`digital signature using the author's private key. Before the application can be executed on
`a device, the signed applicationwill be verified. The author of any API may decidethat the
`API should not be exposed to every application on the device, but only to those that have
` beenverified to be non-destructive,orforwhich some business arrangementpre-exists,for
` the course of the following detailed description.
`Furtherfeaturesof the invention will be described or will become apparentin
`In order that the invention may be more clearly understood, embodiments
`20~—«thereof will now be described in detail by way of example, with reference to the
`accompanying drawings,in which:
`Fig. 1 is a system diagram of a first preferred embodimentthe invention;
`Figs. 2A and 2Billustrate componenis of a device on which an application
`Page 6 of 30
`Page 6 of 30
`may be loaded and executed;
`Fig. 3 is a detailed flow diagram of the signing process accordingtothefirst
`second embodiment; and
`Fig. 7 is a detailed flow diagram ofthe handling of a signed application on the
`device in accordance with the second embodiment.
`Fig. 4 is a detailed flow diagram of the handling of a signed application onthe
`device in accordance withthefirst embodiment;
`Fig. 5 is asystem diagram of asecond preferred embodiment the invention;
`Fig. 6 is a detailed flow diagram of the signing process according to the
`application, creating the signed application 8. The signed application 8 may now access
` i
`Several embodimentsof the invention will now be described with reference to
`Figures 1-8.
`FIG 4 is an overall system diagram ofa first embodimentof the invention. An
`application developer2, creates an application Y, 4, such as a Java application, to run on
`the device 12 and access somesensitive API 6.
`In this embodiment, before the device
`application Y can be executed and granted access to the sensitiveAPI 6, a codesigner10,
`which may be the authorof the sensitive API or a competent signing authority chosen by
`20~~‘the API author and acting on behalf of the API author must sign the application. Thatis,
`using the author's private key, code signer 10 must attach a digital signature to the
`Page 7 of 30
`Page 7 of 30
`the sensitive APIit requires whenit arrives on the device.
`If access to more than sensitive
`APIis required bythe application, a uniquesignatureis preferably generated for each API
`and appendedto the application.Itis also contemplatedthat a single signaiure may grant
`access to a group of related APIs. Signature requirements are easily established in
`accordancewith any desired level of control of API access.
`The signed application 8, having one or more appendedsignatures, may be
`sentvia the wireless network 9 orvia a seriallink (not shown)to the device. In the example
`of a Java application, a Java virtual machine (as shownin Fig. 2A) on the device will verify
`the digital signature of the signed application 8 before allowing the signed application
`accessto the sensitive API.
` applicable to other dynamiclibrary linking-based applications which require access to
`FIG 2Ais a diagram of the basic componentsof the invention on the device,
`including the Java virtual machine 20, applications 22, andlibraries 24. Although the
`device represented in Fig. 2A is enabled for Java applications, the invention is inno way
`limited thereto. Referencesin this description to Java applications and associated device
`components are forillustrative purposes only. As described above, the invention is
`devicelibraries or interfaces.
`The Java virtual machine 20 is responsible for managing the linking and
`execution ofall Java applications that are running on the device. The applications may be
`sent to the device overthe wireless networkor througha serial link. As shownin FIG 2B,
`the applications 22 may include somesigned applications 23 as well as some unsigned
`applications. Where the device 12 is a multiple mode device capable of data and voice
`Page 8 of 30
`Page 8 of 30
`communications for example, the applications may include data applications, voice
`applications and possibly applications relating to both data and voice functionality.
`If a library on the device 12 exposes a sensitive API,
`it must contain the
`following three items:
`a) Astring 26 that provides a short description of the contents ofihe library;
`b) A public key 28 corresponding to the private key held by the code signer 10, which
`public key will be used to verify signatures on signed applications that require
`access to the sensitive API; and
`c) An APIidentifier 30 that uniquely identifies the sensitive API. Ifa library exposes
`more than one sensitive API, the library will include an identifier for each sensitive
`Any signed application 23 on the device mustcontain the following three items:
`a) The Java byte codethatis to be run;
`b) One or more digital signatures; and
`c) An APidentifier for each digital signature indicating which APIthe digital signature
`q ;::: :
`neeiFey) wh So
`FIG 3 is a flow diagram ofthe code signing schemeofthefirst embodiment.If
`an application developer is writing an application that will require accessto a sensitive API
`on a device, through a library X for example as shown at step 40, then thefinished
`application will need to be signed before it can run on the device. The developer can write
`such an application 4 (FIG 1) andtestit in a locally available device simulator environment
`in which signature checkingis disabled (step 42). Once the developeris satisfied that the
`i P
`age 9 of 30
`Page 9 of 30
`application is working properly, the application is submitted to the code signer for the
`protected API, in step 44. . As indicated at step 46, the code signerfor the protected API
`reviews the application and verifies that it may be granted accessto the sensitive AP} on
`the device 12. The code signer may applyaplurality of criteria to determine whether or not
`such accessto the sensitive API is to be granted, including but in no waylimited to: a
`maximum application size restriction, the specific device resources used by the application,
`the perceivedutility and value of the application to a device user,its interaction with other
`applications on the device, and perhaps most important, whether or not the application
`appears to contain a virus or destructive code.
`In step 48, the code signer makes a determination of whetherornot to sign
`the submitted application. If the code signeris satisfied, then in step 50, the code signer
`generates a signature, preferably using a hash of the application and a private key, and
`appendsthedigital signature (including the API identifier) to the application. Where the
`application requires access to more than one sensitive API such that more than one
`signature is required, steps 46 through 54 would be repeated (not shown). The signed
`application is then returned to the application developer as in step 52. Provided that all
`required signatures granting access to all required APIs have been appended to the
`application, the application developer may then send the signed application, as in step 54,
`to a real device for execution therein. In step 56, if the code signer does not accept the
`code or does not wish to grant access to one or more of the required APIs, the developer
`receives a rejection notice and the submitted application will not run on the device,if sent
`to it. As described above, the code signer may be the API author or a signing authority
`Page 10 of 30
`Page 10 of 30
`acting on behalf of the AP! author.
`FIG 4 is a flow diagram of a method,in accordancewiththefirst embodiment
`of the invention, that a device uses to handle a signed application. Once an application
`has arrived on the device in step 60, through a wireless communication link or a direct
`connection to the device, the virtual machine 20 may begin theverification process. Any
`libraries that the application requires must also be present on the device before the
`process can continue. Once the device hasall of the libraries required by the application,it
`will determine if the application needs access to a sensitive AP! within one of these
`libraries, in step 62.
`If not, the application can be linkedwith allof thelibrariesit requires,
`and executedin step 76.
`In step 64,if the application does require accessto a protected
`API, the virtual machine can extract the public key and APIidentifier from the library
`exposing the API. Then,in step 66, the virtual machine looks throughall of the signatures
`appendedto the application, and tries to find one with an identifier matching the API
`identifier extracted from the library. The virtual machine determinesif there is a match in
`step 68.
`If a signature for the specific API is found in step 66,it must then be verified.
`Verification of the signature at step 68 preferably involves hashingthe application, applying
`a public key corresponding to the private key used by the code signer during the code
`signing process, and comparing the result with the appendedsignature. A match between
`the locally generated result and the appended signature verifies the signature. If the
`signature cannotbeverified, the application is not loaded or executed (step 74) and the
`process ends (step 78). According to a further aspect of the invention, non-verified
`Page 11 of 30
`Page 11 of 30
`applications are purged from the device.If the signatureis verified properly in step 68, then
`the application must have been signed using the code signer’s private key. Since only the
`code signer has accessto thatprivate key, the code signer must have beensatisfied that
`the application should be granted access to the sensitive API. This verification process
`5 maybe repeated, whenthe application requires access to more than one sensitive APIfor
`example. When all signatures have been verified, the virtual machine will display a
`notification message to the user, including the description of the API required by the
`application, such as: “Application X requires accessto the ‘strong cryptographicprimitives’
`API.” The userwill then be askedif the application should be allowed to proceed, at step
`if the user chooses to execute the application, the virtual machine will link the
`application with any required libraries and, once the linking process is complete, the
`application will be executed as in step 76. Otherwise, the application will be not be loaded
`or executed, and the process ends (78).
`Thefirst embodimentof the invention as described abovetherefore provides
`for control of access to sensitive APIs by a code signer. However, this necessitates a
`through review of every application requiring access to any sensitive APIs on the device by
`the code signer. Such application review is a time- and labor-intensive process. The code
`signer must also assumethe substantial responsibility of ensuring that the codeforall such
`applications is “clean”, or free from viruses and destructive code.
`For an application developer, a code signing scheme accordingto thefirst
`embodiment requires the transmission of an application to the code signer. As thoseskilled
`in the art will appreciate, most application developers invest significant time and expense to
`| P
`age 12 of 30
`Page 12 of 30
`prevent early release of applications currently under development. Therefore, a code
`signing schemeas described above mayactually discourage application development by
`certain developers.
`A code signing scheme according to a second embodimentofthe invention
`provides for API access control, but overcomesboth of the above potential disadvantages
`of the first embodiment. An overall system diagram of a second embodimentof the
`invention is shown in FIG 5. As described abovein conjunction with FIG 1, an application
`developer 2, creates an application Y, 80, to run on the device 12 and access a sensitive
`API 6. The application must therefore be granted accessto the sensitive APIin order to
`run on the device. In accordance with the second embodimentof the invention, the
`application developer 2 uses a hashing algorithm, such as the known Secure Hashing
`Algorithm SHA1, to generate a hash of the application. For a Java application, the Java
`.cod file is preferably used in the hashing operation. Instead of sending the application to a
` of the first embodiment, but performs somewhat different functions as will become
`code signer for approvalasin the first embodiment, the hash of the application Y, 82,is
`sent to the a signing authority 11. The signing authority 11 is similar to the code signer 10
`apparentasthis description proceeds.
`In a particularly preferred embodiment, a registration process is executed
`between the application developer 2 and the signing authority 11 before the hash of the
`application Y, 82, is sent to the signing authority 11. Such a registration processis
`preferably initiated when a development or other business relationship between the
`application developer 2 and the signing authority 11 is established. Where an application
`Page 13 of 30
`Page 13 of 30
`developer 2 has entered into an agreement with a manufacturer or service provider of
`device 12 to provide further services to the device 12 for example, registration of the
`application developer 2 could be performed, regardless of whetheror not an application
`has yet been completed. The registration of an application developer2 is preferably limited
`to specific APls, such that applications from a particular application developer 2 would be
`signed for access only to certain APIs. Therefore, a hash of an application from an
`application developer registered with the signing authority 11 for developing applications
`requiring access to a data messaging API or a voice- or telephony-related API in a
`communication device for example, would not be signed by the signing authority 11 to also
`grant accessto a cryptographic or any other sensitive API onthe device. API accessis
`thus closely controlled.
`The registration process begins with a request from an application developer
`‘2 to use a particular API.
`-If the developer 2 has established some sort of business
`relationship as described above,the signing authority 11 may then provide the application
`developer 2 with detailed information about the API to allow the application developer2 to
`‘write applications which operate with the API. The application developer 2 may submit a
`registration request to the signing authority 11 to be registered as a developerof
`applications for the particular API. The signing authority 11 then registers the application
` =
`developer 2 accordingly.
`The signing authority 11 thereby controls which application developers may
`write applications requiring access to sensitive APls. Different developers may have
`different API access requirements and maythus acquire different API accessregistrations.
`Page 14 of 30
`Page 14 of 30
`The nature of some APIs, such as any cryptographic APIs, may require morestrict controls
`than messaging or telephony APIs for example. As described above, export regulations
`may define specific guidelines for access to any cryptographic APls on a device. The
`registration operations performedbythe signing authority 11 can be adapted to implement
`any such guidelines.
`If export regulations require that an application developerobtain a
`permit in order to access a cryptographic API, then the signing authority 11 would confirm
`that the application developer has obtained such a permit before registering the developer
`for cryptographic API access.
`Whena hashof an application Y, 82, is sent to the signing authority 11, an
`authentication process is performed by the signing authority 11 to authenticate the
`application developer 2. Provided that the application developer 2 has previously been
`registered with the signing authority 11 and the registration has not expired or been
`revoked, the signing authority 11 will sign the hash of the application and send the
`signature 84 back to the application developer 2. The signature 84 is generated using a
`secret key of the signing authority 11 and the hash 82 of the application, as described
`above. Most modernsignature algorithms involve calculation of a hash of an inputfile or
`data, and any such algorithm may be usedin this embodimentof the invention. Instead of
`generating a hashofits input however, the signing authority 11 may use the hash 82 of the
`application sent by the developer 2. The signature 84 is then appendedto the application
`80 to form a signed application 86, which may be transmitted to the device 12 over a
`wireless network or loaded onto the device through a direct connection (not shown). The
`device 12 must verify the appended signature 84 before the application is executed.If
`Page 15 of 30
`Page 15 of 30
`access to more than one sensitive API is required, then more than one signature 84 may
`be generated by the signing authority 11 and appendedto the application BO.
`The second embodimentof the invention differs from thefirst embodiment
`primarily in aspects relating to code signing and signature verification. The actual
`applications and execution thereof are substantially the samefor both embodiments. Thus,
`applications 80, signed in accordance with the code signing scheme of the second
`embodimentof the invention, may be executed in a device as shownin FIG 2A and FIG 2B
`as described above.
`The code signing process according to the second embodiment
`= ©
`representedin the flow diagram of FIG. 6. As in FIG 4, an application requiring access to a
` the signing authority 11 determines whetherornotthe application developeris registered
`sensitive API on a device is shownat 40, usinga library X for example. The application,
` when complete, may be tested in a device simulator environment in which signature
`checkingis disabled (step 42).
`If proper operation of the application within the simulator
`environmentis verified, then the application is hashed and the hash of the applicationis
`submitted to the authorof the protected APIor the signing authority, in step 88. At step 90,
`with the signing authority 11. If so, then in step 92, a signature is generated using a private
`key, and the digital signature (including the API identifier) is returned to the application
`developer as in step 94. Steps 56, 92 and 94 maybe repeated if access to more than one
`sensitive API is required by the application. The application developer appends the
`signature orsignatures to the application (96) and may then sendthe signedapplication,
`as in step 98, to a device.In step 56,if the application developeris not registered with the
`Page 16 of 30
`Page 16 of 30
`signing authority 11 or is not registered for access to oneof the required APIs, such that
`ihe hash of the application should not be signed, then the developer receives a rejection
`notice and the submitted application will not run on any device.
`FIG 7 illustrates the operations executed on a device upon receipt of an
`application signed in accordance with the second embodiment of the invention. The
`process begins at a step 60 when anapplication with at least one appendedsignature
`arrives at the device. As described above, anylibraries that the application requires must
`also be present on the device before the process can continue. At step 62,itis determined
`whether or not the application requires access to a sensitive API within any of these
`If not, the applicationis linked withall of the librariesit requires and executed,at
`In step 64,if the application does require accessto a protected API, the virtual
`step 76.
`machine (FIG 2A) extracts the public key and APIidentifier from the library exposing the
`If a corresponding signature with an identifier matching the APIidentifier extracted
` application 80 and using the public key corresponding to the private key used by the
`from thelibrary has been appendedto the application, as determined at step 66, then the
`virtual machine attempts to verify the signature (102) by calculating a hash of the
`signing authority 11.
`If the signature cannotbe verified, the application is not loaded or
`executed (step 74) and the process ends (step 78). As described above, non-verified
`applications may possibly be purged from the device.
`if the signatureis verified in step 102, then the virtual machinewill display a
`notification message to the user, including the description of the API required by the
`application, and await input from the userto indicate whetherornot the application should
`Page 17 of 30
`Page 17 of 30
`be allowed to proceed, at step 70.
`If the user chooses to execute the application, the
`virtual machinewill link the application with any requiredlibraries and the application will be
`executed (76). Otherwise, the application will be not be loaded or executed (74), and the
`process ends (78).
`Notably, in the second embodiment,only a hash 84of the application is sent
`to the signing authority 11 by the application developer2, such that the signing authority 11
`does not checkthe applicationfor errors, viruses, and the like. Responsibility for the code
`therefore lies with the application developer 2. Since the application developer 2, in order
`to be registered with the signing authority 11, must have established a service or other
`businessrelationship with the signing authority 11 or the entity on whosebehalf the signing
`authority 11 acts, the application developer2 will ensure that no destructive or otherwise
`problematic code is sent to any devices. Should any such code be found in a signed
`application or suspected because of peculiar, destructive or problematic behaviour
`exhibited whena signed application is executed on a device,the signaturefor the particular
`application will be revoked. Theregistration orprivileges of the application developer2 with
`the signing authority 11 may also be suspended or revoked, since the signature 84
`provides an audit trail through which the developer of a problematic application may be
`identified. In such an event, all devices would preferably be informed of the revocation or
`instructed to download an updated revocation list.
`If any applications for which the
`‘fC —_ oa
`corresponding signatures have been revoked are running on a device, the device halts
`execution of the application and may purge the application from its local storage. Every
`device would also preferably store and periodically update a revocationlist to ensure that
`Page 18 of 30
`Page 18 of 30
`any subsequently received or downloaded signed applications for which a signature has
`been revoked will not be verified and are therefore not executable on any device.
`In addition, hashing algorithms are designed to prevent reconstruction of an
`input from the hash,or at least render such reconstruction computationally infeasible. As
`such, security concerns regarding the release of applications under developmentfor
`verification by a signing authority should bealleviated. Only a hash 84 of the application
`80, not the application 80itself, is sent to the signing authority 11.
`Although the signature 84 generatedbythe signing authority 11 is dependent
`upon authentication of the application developer and confirmation that the application
`developer has been properly registered, the signature 84 includes the hash of the
`application 80 and is therefore application-specific. This contrasts with prior art code
`signing schemes, in which API accessis granted to any applicationsarriving from trusted