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`Li Gong Sun Microsystems Inc.
`Inside Java 2 platform security architecture, API design, and implementation
`1999 Book
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`Inside Java 2 platform secur ty arch tecture, API design, and implementation
`Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc. Boston, MA, USA ©1999
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`100 Citat ons
`Li Gong, Why Cross-Platform Secur ty, IEEE Internet Computing, v.7 n.3, p.96, May 2003
`John W. Holford , William J. Caelli , Anthony W. Rhodes, Using self-defending objects to develop security aware appl cat ons in Java™,
`Proceedings of the 27th Australasian conference on Computer science, p.341-349, January 01, 2004, Dunedin, New Zealand
`Jan Jürjens, Model-Based Run-Time Checking of Secur ty Permissions Using Guarded Objects, Runtime Verification: 8th International
`Workshop, RV 2008, Budapest, Hungary, March 30, 2008. Selected Papers, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, He delberg, 2008
`Jan Jürjens, Foundat ons for Designing Secure Architectures, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 142, p.31-46,
`January, 2006
`Li Gong, A Software Architecture for Open Serv ce Gateways, IEEE Internet Computing, v.5 n.1, p.64-70, January 2001
`Marcel Winandy , Armin B. Cremers , Hanno Langweg , Adrian Spalka, Protecting Java component integr ty against Trojan Horse
`programs, Integr ty and internal control in information systems V, Kluwer Academ c Publishers, Norwell, MA, 2003
`Xavier Leroy, Bytecode verificat on on Java smart cards, Software—Pract ce & Experience, v.32 n.4, p.319-340, 10 April 2002
`Google LLC v. Blackberry Ltd.
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`Inside Java 2 platform security architecture, API design, and implementation
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`Sye Loong Keoh , Emil Lupu, An efficient access control model for mobile ad-hoc commun ties, Proceedings of the Second international
`conference on Security in Pervasive Computing, April 06-08, 2005, Boppard, Germany
`R. Sekar , C. R. Ramakrishnan , I. V. Ramakrishnan , S. A. Smolka, Model-Carrying Code (MCC): a new paradigm for mobile-code
`security, Proceedings of the 2001 workshop on New secur ty paradigms, September 10-13, 2001, Cloudcroft, New Mexico
`Denis Caromel , Fabrice Huet , Julien Vayssière, A Simple Secur ty-Aware MOP for Java, Proceedings of the Third International
`Conference on Metalevel Architectures and Separation of Crosscutting Concerns, p.118-125, September 25-28, 2001
`Alessandra Toninelli , Rebecca Montanari , Lalana Kagal , Ora Lassila, A semant c context-aware access control framework for secure
`collaborations in pervasive computing environments, Proceedings of the 5th international conference on The Semantic Web, November
`05-09, 2006, Athens, GA
`Gautam Pant , Filippo Menczer, MySpiders: Evolve Your Own Intelligent Web Crawlers, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems,
`v.5 n.2, p.221-229, June 2002
`Flemming Nielson , René Rydhof Hansen , Hanne Riis Nielson, Abstract interpretation of mobile ambients, Science of Computer
`Programming, v.47 n.2-3, p.145-175, May 2003
`Srijith K. Nair , Patrick N. D. Simpson , Bruno Crispo , Andrew S. Tanenbaum, A Virtual Machine Based Information Flow Control
`System for Policy Enforcement, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), v.197 n.1, p.3-16, February, 2008
`Dav d A. Naumann, Verifying a secure informat on flow analyzer, Proceedings of the 18th internat onal conference on Theorem Proving
`in Higher Order Log cs, August 22-25, 2005, Oxford, UK
`Gleb Naumovich , Paolina Centonze, Static analysis of role-based access control in J2EE applicat ons, ACM SIGSOFT Software
`Engineering Notes, v.29 n.5, September 2004
`Dav d Bettencourt Da Cruz , Bernhard Rumpe , Guido Wimmel, Retrof tting security into a web-based information system, Proceedings
`of the 2003 international conference on Web engineering, July 14-18, 2003, Oviedo, Spain
`Xavier Leroy, On-Card Bytecode Verif cation for Java Card, Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Smart Cards:
`Smart Card Programming and Security, p.150-164, September 19-21, 2001
`V. N. Venkatakrishnan , Ram Peri , R. Sekar, Empowering mobile code using expressive security policies, Proceedings of the 2002
`workshop on New security paradigms, September 23-26, 2002, Virginia Beach, Virginia
`Yougang Song , Brett D. Fleisch, Utilizing Binary Rewriting for Improving End-Host Security, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and
`Distributed Systems, v.18 n.12, p.1687-1699, December 2007
`Grzegorz Czajkowski , Stephen Hahn , Glenn Skinner , Pete Soper , Ciarán Bryce, A resource management interface for the Java™
`platform, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Mountain View, CA, 2003
`Ciarán Bryce , Nathan Dimmock , Karl Krukow , Jean-Marc Seigneur , Vinny Cahill , Waleed Wagealla, Towards an evaluation
`methodology for computat onal trust systems, Proceedings of the Third international conference on Trust Management, May 23-26,
`2005, Paris, France
`Xavier Leroy, Java Bytecode Verification: An Overview, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer A ded
`Verif cation, p.265-285, July 18-22, 2001
`Antero Taivalsaari , Tommi Mikkonen , Dan Ingalls , Krzysztof Palacz, Web browser as an application platform: the lively Kernel
`experience, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Mountain View, CA, 2008
`Jan Jürjens, Encapsulating Rules of Prudent Security Engineering, Revised Papers from the 9th International Workshop on Security
`Protocols, p.95-101, April 25-27, 2001
`Steve Muir , Larry Peterson , Marc Fiuczynski , Justin Cappos , John Hartman, Privileged operations in the PlanetLab virtualised
`environment, ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, v.40 n.1, January 2006
`Michele Bugliesi , Giuseppe Castagna, Secure safe ambients, ACM SIGPLAN Not ces, v.36 n.3, p.222-235, March 2001
`Tomoyuki Higuchi , Atsushi Ohori, A static type system for JVM access control, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.38 n.9, p.227-237, September
`Gleb Naumovich, A conservative algor thm for computing the flow of permissions in Java programs, ACM SIGSOFT Software
`Engineering Notes, v.27 n.4, July 2002
`Ciarán Bryce , Chrislain Razafimahefa, An approach to safe object sharing, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.35 n.10, p.367-381, Oct. 2000
`D. M. Chess , C. Palmer , S. R. Wh te, Security in an autonomic computing environment, IBM Systems Journal, v.42 n.1, p.107-118,
`January 2003
`Massimo Bartoletti , Gabriele Costa , Roberto Zunino, Jalapa: Securing Java with Local Policies, Electron c Notes in Theoret cal
`Computer Science (ENTCS), v.253 n.5, p.145-151, December, 2009
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`Inside Java 2 platform security architecture, API design, and implementation
`Page 3 of 6
`Anindya Banerjee , David A. Naumann, History-based access control and secure information flow, Proceedings of the 2004
`international conference on Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and Interoperable Smart Devices, p.27-48, March 10-14, 2004,
`Marseille, France
`Sotiris Ioann dis , Steven M. Bellovin, Building a Secure Web Browser, Proceedings of the FREENIX Track: 2001 USENIX Annual
`Technical Conference, p.127-134, June 25-30, 2001
`Grzegorz Czajkowski , Laurent Daynàs, Multitasking without compromise: a virtual machine evolution, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.47
`n.4a, April 2012
`Antero Taivalsaari, Mashware: the future of web appl cations, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Mountain View, CA, 2009
`Enriquillo Valdez , Moti Yung, DISSECT: DIStribution for SECurity Tool, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information
`Security, p.125-143, October 01-03, 2001
`Grzegorz Czajkowski , Laurent Daynés, Multitasking without comprimise: a virtual machine evolution, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.36
`n.11, p.125-138, 11/01/2001
`Anton o Corradi , Rebecca Montanari , Daniela Tibaldi, Context-Based Access Control for Ub quitous Service Provis oning, Proceedings
`of the 28th Annual Internat onal Computer Software and Appl cations Conference, p.444-451, September 28-30, 2004
`Dieter Gollmann, Mergers and Principals, Revised Papers from the 8th International Workshop on Security Protocols, p.5-13, April 03-
`05, 2000
`Thomas Gschwind, Type based adaptation: an adaptation approach for dynam c distributed systems, Proceedings of the 3rd
`international conference on Software engineering and middleware, May 20-21, 2002, Orlando, FL, USA
`Hiroaki Inoue , Junji Sakai , Sunao Torii , Masato Edahiro, FIDES: An advanced chip multiprocessor platform for secure next generation
`mobile terminals, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), v.8 n.1, p.1-16, December 2008
`Krzysztof Palacz , Jan Vitek , Grzegorz Czajkowski , Laurent Daynas, Incommunicado: efficient commun cation for isolates, ACM
`SIGPLAN Not ces, v.37 n.11, November 2002
`Cédric Fournet , Andrew D. Gordon, Stack inspection: theory and variants, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.37 n.1, p.307-318, Jan. 2002
`John Clements , Matthias Felleisen, A tail-recursive machine with stack inspect on, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and
`Systems (TOPLAS), v.26 n.6, p.1029-1052, November 2004
`Anindya Banerjee , David A. Naumann, Representation independence, confinement and access control [extended abstract], ACM
`SIGPLAN Not ces, v.37 n.1, p.166-177, Jan. 2002
`Patrick Eugster, Uniform proxies for Java, ACM SIGPLAN Not ces, v.41 n.10, October 2006
`Massimo Bartoletti , Pierpaolo Degano , Gian Luigi Ferrari , Roberto Zunino, Types and Effects for resource usage analysis, Proceedings
`of the 10th internat onal conference on Foundat ons of software science and computat onal structures, March 24-April 01, 2007, Braga,
`Zhenyu Qian , Allen Goldberg , Alessandro Cogl o, A formal specification of Java class loading, ACM SIGPLAN Not ces, v.35 n.10,
`p.325-336, Oct. 2000
`Michael S. Ware , Christopher J. Fox, Securing Java code: heurist cs and an evaluation of stat c analysis tools, Proceedings of the 2008
`workshop on Static analysis, p.12-21, June 12-12, 2008, Tucson, Arizona
`Paolo Bellavista , Antonio Corradi , Rebecca Montanari , Cesare Stefanelli, Dynamic Binding in Mobile Applications: A Middleware
`Approach, IEEE Internet Computing, v.7 n.2, p.34-42, March 2003
`Sabrina De Cap tani di Vimercati , Stefano Paraboschi , Pierangela Samarati, Access control: principles and solutions,
`Software—Practice & Experience, v.33 n.5, p.397-421, 25 April 2003
`Massimo Bartoletti , Pierpaolo Degano , Gian Luigi Ferrari, Program Transformat ons under Dynamic Security Pol cies, Electronic Notes
`in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 99, p.49-86, August, 2004
`Denis Caromel , Julien Vayssière, Reflections on MOPs, Components, and Java Security, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference
`on Object-Oriented Programming, p.256-274, June 18-22, 2001
`Peter Cappello , Dim tros Mourloukos, A scalable, robust network for parallel computing, Proceedings of the 2001 joint ACM-ISCOPE
`conference on Java Grande, p.78-86, June 2001, Palo Alto, California, USA
`Jason Crampton , M chael Huth, A framework for the modular specif cation and orchestration of authorization pol cies, Proceedings of
`the 15th Nord c conference on Informat on Security Technology for Appl cations, October 27-29, 2010, Espoo, Finland
`Sotiris Ioann dis , Steven M. Bellovin , Jonathan M. Smith, Sub-operating systems: a new approach to applicat on security, Proceedings
`of the 10th workshop on ACM SIGOPS European workshop, July 01-01, 2002, Saint-Emil on, France
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`Inside Java 2 platform security architecture, API design, and implementation
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`Ajay Chander , David Espinosa , Nayeem Islam , Peter Lee , George C. Necula, Enforcing resource bounds via static verificat on of
`dynam c checks, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), v.29 n.5, p.28-es, August 2007
`Cédric Fournet , Andrew D. Gordon, Stack inspection: Theory and variants, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and
`Systems (TOPLAS), v.25 n.3, p.360-399, May 2003
`Flemming Nielson , Hanne Riis Nielson , René Rydhorf Hansen, Validating firewalls using flow logics, Theoret cal Computer Science,
`v.283 n.2, p.381-418, June 14, 2002
`P. Parrend , S. Frenot, Secur ty benchmarks of OSGi platforms: toward Hardened OSGi, Software—Pract ce & Experience, v.39 n.5,
`p.471-499, April 2009
`Anton o Corradi , Naranker Dulay , Rebecca Montanari , Cesare Stefanelli, Policy-Driven Management of Agent Systems, Proceedings of
`the International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks, p.214-229, January 29-31, 2001
`Paolo Bellavista , Antonio Corradi , Rebecca Montanari , Cesare Stefanelli, Secur ty in Programmable Netword Infrastructures: The
`Integration of Network and Appl cation Solutions, Proceedings of the Second Internat onal Working Conference on Active Networks,
`p.262-276, October 16-18, 2000, Tokyo, Japan
`Laurent Daynès , Grzegorz Czajkowski, Lightweight flexible isolation for language-based extensible systems, Proceedings of the 28th
`international conference on Very Large Data Bases, p.718-729, August 20-23, 2002, Hong Kong, China
`Serge Chaumette , Asier Ugarte, A formal model of the java multi-threading system and its validation on a known problem,
`Proceedings of the 15th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, p.148, April 23-27, 2001
`Larry Koved , Marco Pistoia , Aaron Kershenbaum, Access rights analysis for Java, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.37 n.11, November 2002
`Ajay Chander , David Espinosa , Nayeem Islam , Peter Lee , George Necula, Enforcing resource bounds via static verificat on of
`dynam c checks, Proceedings of the 14th European conference on Programming Languages and Systems, p.311-325, April 04-08,
`2005, Edinburgh, UK
`Úlfar Erlingsson , John MacCormick, Ad hoc extensibility and access control, ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, v.40 n.3, July
`Jagun Kwon , Andy Wellings , Steve King, Ravenscar-Java: a high integrity profile for real-time Java, Proceedings of the 2002 joint
`ACM-ISCOPE conference on Java Grande, p.131-140, November 03-05, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
`Hiroaki Inoue , Junji Sakai , Masato Edahiro, Processor virtualization for secure mobile terminals, ACM Transactions on Design
`Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), v.13 n.3, p.1-23, July 2008
`Peter Cappello , Dimitrios Mourloukos, CX: A scalable, robust network for parallel computing, Scientif c Programming, v.10 n.2, p.159-
`171, April 2002
`Sunil Soman , Chandra Krintz , Giovanni Vigna, Detecting mal c ous java code using virtual machine auditing, Proceedings of the 12th
`conference on USENIX Security Symposium, p.11-11, August 04-08, 2003, Washington, DC
`Xavier Leroy, Computer security from a programming language and stat c analysis perspective, Proceedings of the 12th European
`conference on Programming, April 07-11, 2003, Warsaw, Poland
`Gian Luigi Ferrari , Carlo Montangero , Laura Semini , Simone Semprini, Mobile Agents Coordination in Mobadtl, Proceedings of the 4th
`International Conference on Coordination Languages and Models, p.232-248, September 11-13, 2000
`Dan S. Wallach , Andrew W. Appel , Edward W. Felten, SAFKASI: a security mechanism for language-based systems, ACM
`Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), v.9 n.4, p.341-378, Oct. 2000
`Mon-Yen Luo , Chu-Sing Yang, System support for scalable, reliable and highly manageable web hosting serv ce, Proceedings of the
`3rd conference on USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, p.18-18, March 26-28, 2001, San Francisco, California
`W. Keith Edwards , Mark W. Newman , Jana Z. Sedivy , Trevor F. Smith, Experiences with recombinant computing: Exploring ad hoc
`interoperability in evolving dig tal networks, ACM Transact ons on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), v.16 n.1, p.1-44, April 2009
`Xavier Leroy, Java Bytecode Verification: Algor thms and Formalizations, Journal of Automated Reasoning, v.30 n.3-4, p.235-269,
`Lorenzo Bettini, Data Privacy in Tuple Space Based Mobile Agent Systems, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS),
`v.128 n.5, p.3-16, May, 2005
`Jagun Kwon , Andy Wellings , Steve King, Assessment of the Java programming language for use in high integrity systems, ACM
`SIGPLAN Not ces, v.38 n.4, April 2003
`Emin Gün Sirer , Robert Grimm , Arthur J. Gregory , Brian N. Bershad, Design and implementation of a distributed virtual machine for
`networked computers, ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, v.33 n.5, p.202-216, Dec. 1999
`Xiaoqi Lu , Scott F. Smith, A m crokernel virtual machine:: building security with clear interfaces, Proceedings of the 2006 workshop
`on Programming languages and analysis for security, June 10-10, 2006, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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`Inside Java 2 platform security architecture, API design, and implementation
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`Anindya Banerjee , David A. Naumann, Stack-based access control and secure information flow, Journal of Funct onal Programming,
`v.15 n.2, p.131-177, March 2005
`Jeung-Bo Cho , Min-Soo Jung, A very small bytecode-verifier based on PCC algorithm for smart card, Proceedings of the 2nd
`international conference on Human.society@internet, June 18-20, 2003, Seoul, Korea
`Algis Rudys , Dan S. Wallach, Enforcing Java run-time properties using bytecode rewriting, Proceedings of the 2002 Mext-NSF-JSPS
`international conference on Software security: theories and systems, November 08-10, 2002, Tokyo, Japan
`Jeung-Bo Cho , Min-Soo Jung , Sung-Ik Jun, An efficient small sized on-card verifier for java card, Proceedings of the 2003
`international conference on Computational science and its applications: PartII, May 18-21, 2003, Montreal, Canada
`Fabio Martinelli , Paolo Mori, Enhancing Java security with history based access control, Foundat ons of security analysis and design IV,
`Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007
`Dieter Gollmann, Security in Distributed Appl cations, Advances in Software Engineering: Lipari Summer School 2007, Lipari Island,
`Italy, July 8-21, 2007, Revised Tutorial Lectures, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008
`Tian Zhao , Jens Palsberg , Jan V tek, Type-based confinement, Journal of Funct onal Programming, v.16 n.1, p.83-128, January 2006
`Algis Rudys , Dan S. Wallach, Termination in language-based systems, ACM Transactions on Information and System Security
`(TISSEC), v.5 n.2, p.138-168, May 2002
`Robert Grimm , Brian N. Bershad, Separating access control pol cy, enforcement, and functionality in extensible systems, ACM
`Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS), v.19 n.1, p.36-70, Feb. 2001
`Marko Hassinen , Konstantin Hyppönen , Elena Trichina, Utilizing national public-key infrastructure in mobile payment systems,
`Electronic Commerce Research and Appl cations, v.7 n.2, p.214-231, Summer 2008
`Lorenzo Bettini , Rocco De Nicola , Rosario Pugliese, KLAVA: a Java package for distributed and mobile applicat ons, Software—Pract ce
`& Experience, v.32 n.14, p.1365-1394, 25 November 2002
`David W. Pr ce , Algis Rudys , Dan S. Wallach, Garbage Collector Memory Accounting in Language-Based Systems, Proceedings of the
`2003 IEEE Symposium on Secur ty and Privacy, p.263, May 11-14, 2003
`Denis Caromel , Julien Vayssière, A security framework for reflective Java appl cations, Software—Practice & Experience, v.33 n.9,
`p.821-846, 25 July 2003
`Piero A. Bonatti , Daniel Olmedilla, Rule-based policy representat on and reasoning for the semantic web, Proceedings of the Third
`international summer school conference on Reasoning Web, September 03-07, 2007, Dresden, Germany
`Anindya Banerjee , David A. Naumann, Ownership confinement ensures representation independence for object-oriented programs,
`Journal of the ACM (JACM), v.52 n.6, p.894-960, November 2005
`Robert Grimm , Janet Davis , Eric Lemar , Adam Macbeth , Steven Swanson , Thomas Anderson , Brian Bershad , Gaetano Borriello ,
`Steven Gribble , David Wetherall, System support for pervasive applicat ons, ACM Transact ons on Computer Systems (TOCS), v.22
`n.4, p.421-486, November 2004
`William R. Bush, Software, regulation, and domain specif city, Information and Software Technology, v.49 n.1, p.44-54, January, 2007
`Bogdan C. Popescu , Bruno Crispo , Andrew S. Tanenbaum , Arno Bakker, Design and implementation of a secure wide-area object
`middleware, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, v.51 n.10, p.2484-
`2513, July, 2007
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`Security and privacy
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`Ins de Java 2 platform security architecture, API design, and implementation
`Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc. Boston, MA, USA ©1999
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