`Google LLC v. Blackberry Ltd., IPR2017-01619, Patent Owner Exhibit 2005, p. 1
`Google LLC v. Blackberry Ltd., IPR2017-01619, Patent Owner Exhibit 2005, p. 1
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`Google LLC v. Blackberry Ltd., IPR2017-01619, Patent Owner Exhibit 2005, p. 2
`Google LLC v. Blackberry Ltd., IPR2017-01619, Patent Owner Exhibit 2005, p. 2
`ab-o-ma-sum (ab/a m4/sam) n., Pl. -ma‘’sa (-sa) [ModL. <
`-faced’, -fac‘ing to turn or face in the opposite:
`L. ab-, from -+ omasum, bullock's tripe] the fourth, or
`digesting, chamber of the stomach .of a.cud-chewing
`a-bout-ship (e@ bout/ship/) vi. to tack a ship
`animal, as the cow: see RUMINANT,illus.
`above (a buv?) adv. [ME, above(m).<.OE. abufan, onbufan;
`%A-bomb (4/biim) n. same as ATOMIC BOMB ~~-vt. to attack
`overhead, above <on-, intens. + bufan < be, by + ufan,
`or destroy. with an atomic bomb
`over, on high] 1. in, at, or to.a higher place; overhead; up
`a-bom-i-na-ble (a bam/anab'l) edj. [ME. abhominable
`2. in or to: heaven .3. at.a previous place (in a piece of
`writing): often.used:
`in. hyphenated compounds fabove-
`(sp. infl. by folk.etymological derivation < L..ab homine,
`4. higher in power, status, etc. —-grep.- 1. .
`away from man, inhuman) < OFr. abominable <° L.
`abominabilis <-abominari: see ABOMINATE]
`1. nasty and
`2. beyond; past {the road”
`higher than; over; on top of
`disgusting; vile; loathsome: 2. highly unpleasant; disagree-
`above the village/-.3..at a point upstream of 4, superior to;
`able; very ‘bad [abominable taste] —SYN. see HATEFUL
`better than [above the average] 5. too honorable to engage
`—~a-bom/i-na:bly adv.
`in {not above cheating)
`.6, in excess of; more than /above
`fifty dollars} —adj. placed, found, mentioned, etc. above
`Abominable Snowman ‘a large, hairy, manlike animal
`reputed to live’in the Himalayas
`or earlier {as stated in the above rules] ~-n. something that
`is above —~above all most of all; mainly
`a-bom.i-nate (9 bim/s nat’) vt. -nat’ed, -nat/ing [< L.
`a-bove-board (-bérd’) adv., adj. [ABOVE ++ BOARD (table):
`abominalus, pp. of. abominart, to regard as an ill omen:
`orig. a cardplayer's term for cards in plain view] without
`see AB- & OMEN] 1. to have feelings of hatred and disgust
`for; loathe 2. to dislike very much —a-bom/i-na’tor n.
`dishonesty or concealment [be open.and eboveboard with
`a‘bom:i:na:tion (9 bam/a na’shan) n. 1. an abominating;
`tab o-vo (ab 5/vo) [L., from the egg] from the beginning
`great hatred and disgust; loathing .2..anything hateful
`ab-ra-ca:dab-ra (ab/ra ka.dab/ra) n. [LL., prob. .of Balkan
`and disgusting
`father: IL:
`origin, but assumed to be < LGr. Abraxas, the almighty
`14bon mar-ché (4 bén mar’sha/) [Fr] at‘a good bargain;-
`abfses).n. [L.
`God] 1. a word supposed to have magic powers, and hence
`used in incantations, on amulets, etc. 2. a magic spell or
`ab-o-rig-i-nal (ab/a rijfa n'l) adj.
`mors go from t
`1..existing (in a place) from the beginning or from earliest
`formula 3. foolish or meaningless talk; gibberish |
`rea in. body
`days; first; indigenous 2. of or characteristic of aborigines
`va-brad-ant.(o brad?’nt) adj. abrading —-n. an abrasive
`moan abscess
`—n. an aboriginal animal or plant -—-SYN. see NATIVE
` ab-rade(9.brad’) uf., vi. ab-rad/ed, ab-rad ‘ing [L. abradere :
`ab-sizf), vi, vt
`< ab-, away + radere, to scrape] to scrape or rub off; wear
`~-ab’o-rig'i-nal-ly adv.
`away by scraping or. rubbing —ab-rad/er n.
`ab-o-rig:i-ne (ab/a rijfa'n8’) n., pl, -nes’ (L., first inhabi-
`tant < ab-, from +! ovigitie, the beginning: sec ORIGIN]
`A-bra-ham. (a/bra ham/) [Heb., lit., father of many: the
`1. any of the first or earliest known ‘inhabitants of a region;
`original form, Abram, means ‘‘father is exalted’’: see Gen.
`gga (ab sisfa,'ab
`ea), (a.line) cut off,
`native 2. (pl.] the native animals or ‘plants of a region
`1. a masculine name: dim. Abe 2, Bible thefirst.
`issus, Dp. _of abscir
`a-born-ing (3 bér/nin)
`adv.: while being ‘born or -created
`patriarch and ancestor of the Hebrews: Gen. 12-25 —in
`Abraham’s bosom’
`1. at rest with one’s dead ancestors
`ff. </ab-,
`{the plan died aborning]
`2. in a state of heavenly bliss, peace, etc.
`a-bort (a bért/) vi. [L. abortire < aborius, pp.iot aboriri, to
`ta,cut] in a coc
`.the-distance of
`miscarry, pass away, orig., to set (as the sun) < a@b-, from
`Abraham,Plains of plateau in the city of Quebec, on the
`+ oriri, to arise] 1. to give birth before the fetus is viable;
`St. Lawrence: site of a battle (1759) in which the British
`under. Wolfe defeated the French under Montcalm, giving
`have a miscarriage 2. to fail to be completed 3. Biol. to
`Britain control of Canada
`fail to develop; stay rudimentary —vt.
`1. a) to end :(a
`ion (ab sizh/or
`A-bram (A/bram) same as ABRAHAM
`pregnancy) prematurely 6):to cause (a fetus):to be expelled
`before*it is viable c) to cause to have an abortion 2. to
`a-bran-chi-ate (4 bran?kéit, ati) adj. [< Gr, a-, not +
`cutting off, as by surger:
`check (a disease) before fully developed %3. to cut short
`branchia, gills + -aTe}] without giils —n. an animal without
` mal-separation oj
`gills Also a-bran/chi-al (-al)
`(an action or operation of an aircraft, spacecraft, etc.),as
`because of some failure in the equipment —-n. an aborting
`; ete. from plants
`ab-ra:sion (@ bra’zhan) n. (LL. abrasio < L. abradere: see
`pithy cells at the ba:
`of the action of an aircraft, spacecraft, etc.
`ABRADE] 1. a scraping or rubbing off, as of skin 2. a wear-
`a-bor-ti-cide (a bar’ta sid’) n.
`[ABoRTI(ON) +. -crDE]
`ing away by rubbing or scraping, as of rock by.wind, water,
`ab;scond.(ab skind/,.ab
`destruction of the fetus in the womb 2. an abortifacient
`ay + condere, to hide
`etc. 3. an abraded spot or area
`secretly; run away
`a-bor-ti-farcient (9bér/ta fa’shant): adj.
`ab-ra-sive (@ brafsiv) adj. [< L. abrasus, pp. of abradere, to
`ayy: :-ab-scond/er.r
`-FACIENT] causing, abortion —n. a drug or device that
`ABRADE -+ .-IVE] 1. causing abrasion 2. tending to provoke
`causes abortion
`ab-sence (ab/s’ns).n.
`anger,ill will, etc.; aggressively annoying; irritating —n. a
`a-bor-tion (@ bér/shan) n.[L. aboriio: see ABORT] 1.expulsion
`/ABSENT, adj.] 1. the ci
`substance used for grinding, polishing, etc., as sandpaper
`or emery
`of a fetus from the wombbeforeit.is sufficiently developed
`the.time of being aw
`to suryive; miscarriage: called. criminal abortion when
`dack-[in the absence of'e
`ta-bra-zo (Abra! thd, -sd) x., pl. -zos (this, -sds) [Sp.] an
`unlawfully induced 2, an aborted fetus. 3. anything, im-
`ab-sent (ab/s’nt; for »:
`embrace or hug, esp. in greeting a person
`mature and incomplete, as a deformed creature, a badly.
`.prp. of abesse' <
`ab-re-act (ab/ré akt?). ot. [back-formation < ABREACTION] -
`developed plan, etc.
`4. Biol. a) arrest of development
`epresent;.away 2.not-e
`Psychoanalysis to relieve (a repressed. emotion), as by
`absorbed.in “thought .-
`talking about it
`Be Bat
`b) an organ whose development has been arrested
`va-bor-tion:ist (-ist) n. a person whoeffects an abortion
`seabsent oneself from cla:
`ab-re-ac:tion (-ak/shon). n.
`[AB- + REACTION, after .G.
`a-bor-tive (@ bér’tiv) adj, [ME. abortif < L. abortivus: see
`lacking fabseni her testir
`abreagierung| Psychoanalysis the process of abreacting (a
`1. coming to nothing; unsuccessful; fruitless
`repressed emotion)
`ab-sen:tee (ab/s'n t®/).2
`Biol. arrested'in development; rudimentary 3. Med. a)
`“work, school, etc. —adj.
`a-breast(a brest’) adv., adj. [a-' 4+. BREAST] 1. side by side,
`causing abortion 6) halting a disease process 4. (Obs.] born
`lives some distance away
`as in going or facing forward (often with of or with)
`prematurely SYN. see FUTILE
`Xabsentee ballot a ballc
`informed (of) or conversant (wiih) recent developments.
`ABO system the system of antigens found on human red
`board of elections by a;
`a-bridge (a brij’) ut. a-bridged’, a-bridg/ing [ME. abregen
`blood’ cells, together with the corresponding antibodies of
`< OFr. abregier.< LL. abbreviare: see ABBREVIATE] 1. to
`election during which h
`reduce in scope, extent, ete.; shorten 2.
`to shorten by
`these antigens: antigens inherited determine major blood
`district -
`types (A,
`B, AB; Q) and their compatibility in transfusion
`ab‘sen:tee-ism (-iz'm) 2
`using fewer words but keeping the main contents; condense
`abound(3 bound’) vi. [ME. abounden < OFr. abonder < L.
`esp. when deliberate or t
`3. to lessen or curtail (rights, authority, etc.) 4. [Rare] to
`abundare, to overflow < ab-, away +- undare, to rise in
`deprive (ef rights, privileges, etc.) —-S YN. see SHORTEN.
`tab-sen-te re:o (ab sen’t
`waves < unde, a wave]
`1. to be plentiful; exist in large
`—a-bridg/a-ble, a: bridge’a-ble adj. —a:-bridg/er n-.
`numbers or amounts (tropical plants abownd in the jungle]
`ab-sent-ly (ab’s’nt 18) a
`a-bridg-ment, a-bridge-ment
`(@brij/mant) n [ME.
`2. to have plenty; be filled; be wealthy (i2) or teem (wtth)
`abregement < OFr. < abregier: see ABRIDGE] 1. an abridging
`faland that abounds in grain, woods that abound with game}
`manner; inattentively
`or being abridged; reduction 2. a curtailment, as of rights
`(3 bout’) adv.
`[ME. aboute(n) < OE. onbutan,
`3. an abridged or condensed form of a book,etc.
`around < ov, on + be, by. + uwian, outside.< ut, out: all
`thought’ as not to pay a
`SYN.—abridgment describes a work condensed from a larger
`senses develop from the sense of ‘“‘around’’]
`1. on every
`what is going.on around ¢
`work by omitting the less important parts, but keeping the main
`sent-mind/ed-ly ady. —al
`side; all around [look about) 2. here and there; in all direc-
`contents more or less unaltered; an abstract is a short statement
`YN.—absent-minded si;
`tions [travel about] 3.in circumference; around the outside
`of the essential contents of a book, court record, etc. often used as
`mind awayfrom the immedia
`{ten miles about]
`.4. near [standing somewhere about] 5. in
`an index to the original material; brief and summary both imply
`tendency of this kind [the «
`the opposite:direction; to a reversed position [turn it about}
`a Statement of the main points of the matter under consideration
`suggests a withdrawal of the 1
`in succession or rotation [play fair—turn-and turn
`{the brief of a legal argument/, summary, especially, connoting
`a.seridus concern with-some
`7. nearly; approximately [about four years old]
`that the attention cannot t
`a recapitulating statement; 'a synopsis is a condensed, orderly
`treatment, as of the plot of a novel, that permits a quick general
`8, [Collog.] all but; almost (just about ready]. —-adj. [used
`because: of its concern with
`view of the whole;.a digest is a concise, systematic treatment,
`inability to concentrate, -ofte
`only in the
`1. astir; on the move fhe is up and
`about again]
`2. in the vicinity; prevalent {typhoid is aboné]
`generally more comprehensive in scope than a synopsis, and, ‘in
`mood; distraught implies a si
`the case of technical material, often arranged under titles for quick
`cally. because of worry, grief
`1. around; on all sides of 2. here and there in;
`reference; an epitomeis a statement of the essence of a subject
`to pay attention, emphasizing
`everywhere in 3.nearto 4. with; on (one’s person) [have
`in the shortest possible form —-ANT. expansion.
`your wits about you] 5. concerned with; attending to [go
`absent without leave 4
`a-broach (a bréch’) adv., adj. [ME. abroche < a-, on .
`official permission ‘but w
`aboui your business] 6. intending; on the point of (followed
`broche, skewer, spit: see BROACH]
`1. opened so that the
`abbrev. AWOL, A.W.O.L.,
`by an infinitive) [Tam about to say something/ 7. having
`liquid contents can come out; broached 2. in motion; astir
`to do with; concerning [a book about ships) 8.in connection
`ab-sinthe, ab-sinth (ab!
`a-broad (@bréd’
`adv. [ME.. abrode < on brod: see ON &
`with —bow (or what) about [Collog.]_
`1. what: is your
`absinthium < Gr. apsint
`BROAD] 1. broadly; far and wide 2. in circulation; current
`wish, opinion, or information concerning? [how about going
`(Artemisia absinthium) or
`to a movie?/ 2. isn’t (that) interesting! [how about thatl]
`{a report is abroad that he has won]_3. outside one’s house;
`liqueur with the flavor of.
`—not about to not likely or willing to (do something)
`outdoors /to stroll abroad] 4. outside one’s own country;
`to or in foreign countries
`5. wide of the mark; in error
`tvra-bout-face (a bout’fas’, -fas?; for v. 3 bout/fas’) n. l.a
`fat, Ape,.car; ten, Even; is, b:
`—from abroad from a foreign land or lands
`sharp turn to the opposite direction, esp. in response to a
`@ for a in ago, ein agent, tin
`military command 2. a sharp change in attitude or opinion
`ab-ro-gate (ab/ra gat’) vt. -gat’ed, -gat/ing [< L. abrogatus,
`u, Fr. duc; r, Fr. cri; H, G
`Google LLC v. Blackberry Ltd., IPR2017-01619, Patent Owner Exhibit 2005, p. 3
`Google LLC v. Blackberry Ltd., IPR2017-01619, Patent Owner Exhibit 2005, p. 3