Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. 7,474,747

IPR2016-01888 | Patent Trial and Appeal Board

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Filed Sept. 24, 2016
Case Type Inter Partes Review
Status Trial Instituted
Application No. 10743481
Patent No. 7,474,747 assignments
Tech Center 2600
Inventors Carlos M. Esquivia-Lee, Donald W. Burnette, Kevin S. Olcott
Last Updated: 8 years, 5 months ago
Filing Date # Filing and Exhibits


Petitioner Petition 1:
Petitioner Power of Attorney 2:
Patent Owner Power of Attorney 4:
Patent Owner Preliminary Response 6:
Patent Owner Mandatory Notice 3:
Board Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition 5:
Board Institution Decision 7:
Board Hearing Transcript 9: