` .5 aFramesReceivedOK
`Std 802.3u-1995
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 16 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of frames that are successfully received (receiveOK). This does not include frames
`received with frame-too-long, FCS, length or alignment errors, or frames lost due to internal MAC
`sublayer error. This counter is incremented when the ReceiVeStatus is reported as receiveOK. The
`actual update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure (;
` .6 aFrameCheckSequenceErrors
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 16 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of frames that are an integral number of octets in length and do not pass the FCS check.
`This counter is incremented when the ReceiveStatus is reported as fi'ameCheckError. The actual
`update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure (;
` aA|ignmentErrors
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 16 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of frames that are not an integral number of octets in length and do not pass the FCS check.
`This counter is incremented when the Receivestatus is reported as a1ignmentError. The actual
`update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure (;
` aOctetsTransmittedOK
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of l 230 000
`counts per second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of data and padding octets of frames that are successfiilly transmitted. This counter is
`incremented when the Transmitstatus is reported as transmitOK. The actual update occurs in the
`LayerMgmtTransmitCounters procedure (;
` .9 aFramesWithDeferredxmissions
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 13 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`This is an Archive IEEE Standard.
`It has been superseded by a later version of this standard.
`bit 1025
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1025

`Std 802.3u-1995
`A count of frames whose transmission was delayed on its first attempt because the medium was
`busy. This counter is incremented when the Boolean variable deferred has been asserted by the
`TransmitLinkMgmt function (4.2.8). Frames involved in any collisions are not counted. The actual
`update occurs in the LayerMgmtTransmitCounters procedure (;
`30.3.1 .1.10 aLateCollisions
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 16 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of the times that a collision has been detected later than 512 BT into the transmitted
`packet. A late collision is counted twice, i.e., both as a collision and as a 1ateCol1ision. This counter
`is incremented when the lateCollisionCount variable is nonzero. The actual update is incremented
`in the LayerMgmtTransmitCounters procedure (;
` aFramesAbortedDueToXSColls
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 3255 counts per
`second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of the frames that, due to excessive collisions, are not transmitted successfiilly. This
`counter is incremented when the value of the attempts variable equals attemptLimit during a
`transmission. The actual update occurs in the LayerMgmtTransmitCounters procedure (;
` .12 aFramesLostDueTolntMACXmitError
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 75 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of frames that would otherwise be transmitted by the station, but could not be sent due to
`an internal MAC sublayer transmit error. If this counter is incremented, then none of the other
`counters in this subclause is incremented. The exact meaning and mechanism for incrementing this
`counter is implementation dependent.;
` aCarrierSenseErrors
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 16 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of times that the carrierSense variable was not asserted or was deasserted during the
`transmission of a frame without collision (see This counter is incremented when the
`carrierSenseFailure flag is true at the end of transmission. The actual update occurs in the
`LayerMgmtTransmitCounters procedure (;
`This is angairchive IEEE Standard.
`It has been superseded by a later version of this standard.
`bit 1025
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1025

` .14 aOctetsReceivedOK
`Std 802.3u-1995
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 1 230 000
`counts per second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of data and padding octets in frames that are successfully received. This does not include
`octets in frames received with frame-too-long, FCS, length or alignment errors, or frames lost due
`to internal MAC sublayer error. This counter is incremented when the result of a reception is
`reported as a receiveOK status. The actual update occurs in the LayerMg1ntReceiveCounters
`procedure (;
` aFramesLostDueTolntMACRcvError
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 16 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of frames that would otherwise be received by the station, but could not be accepted due
`to an internal MAC sublayer receive error. If this counter is incremented, then none of the other
`counters in this subclause is incremented. The exact meaning and mechanism for incrementing this
`counter is implementation dependent;
` aPromiscuousStatus
`A GET operation returns the value “true” for promiscuous mode enabled, and “false” otherwise.
`Frames without errors received solely because this attribute has the value “true” are counted as
`frames received correctly; frames received in this mode that do contain errors update the
`appropriate error counters.
`A SET operation to the value “true” provides a means to cause the LayerMgmtRecognizeAddress
`function to accept frames regardless of their destination address.
`A SET operation to the value “false” causes the MAC sublayer to return to the normal operation
`of carrying out address recognition procedures for station, broadcast, and multicast group
`addresses (LayerMgmtRecognizeAddress function).;
` aReadMulticastAddressList
`SEQUENCE OF MAC addresses
`The current multicast address list.;
`This is an Archive IEEE Standard.
`It has been superseded by a later version of this standard.
`bit 1025
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1025

`Std 802.3u-1995
` .18 aMulticastFramesXmittedOK
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 16 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of frames that are successfully transmitted, as indicated by the status value transmitOK,
`to a group destination address other than broadcast. The actual update occurs in the
`LayerMgmtTransmitCounters procedure (;
` aBroadcastFramesXmittedOK
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 16 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of the frames that were successfully transmitted as indicated by the Transmitstatus
`transmitOK, to the broadcast address. Frames transmitted to multicast addresses are not broadcast
`flames and are excluded. The actual update occurs in the LayerMgmtTransmitCounters procedure
` .20 aFramesWithExcessiveDeferra|
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 412 counts per
`second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of frames that deferred for an excessive period of time. This counter may only be
`incremented once per LLC transmission. This counter is incremented when the excessDefer flag
`is set. The actual update occurs in the LayerMgmtTransmitCounters procedure (;
` aMulticastFramesReceivedOK
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 16 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of flames that are successfully received and are directed to an active nonbroadcast group
`address. This does not include flames received with flame-too-long, FCS, length or alignment
`errors, or flames lost due to internal MAC sublayer error. This counter is incremented as indicated
`by the receiveOK status, and the value in the destinationFie1d. The actual update occurs in the
`LayerMgn1tReceiveCounters procedure (;
` aBroadcastFramesReceived0K
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 16 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`This is argegchive IEEE Standard.
`It has been superseded by a later version of this standard.
`bit 1025
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1025

`Std 802.3u-1995
`A count of frames that are successfully received and are directed to the broadcast group address.
`This does not include frames received with frame-too-long, FCS, length or alignment errors, or
`flames lost due to internal MAC sublayer error. This counter is incremented as indicated by the
`receiveOK status, and the value in the destinationField. The actual update occurs in the
`LayerMgrntReceiveCounters procedure (;
`30.3.1 .1.23 alnRangeLengthErrors
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 16 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of flames with a length field value between the minimum unpadded LLC data size and the
`maximum allowed LLC data size, inclusive, that does not match the number of LLC data octets
`received. The counter also contains flames with a length field value less than the minimum
`unpadded LLC data size. The actual update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure
` aOutOfRangeLengthField
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 16 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of flames with a length field value greater than the maximum allowed LLC data size. The
`actual update occurs in the LayerMgrntReceiveCounters procedure (;
` .25 aFrameTooLongErrors
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 815 counts per
`second at 10 Mb/s
`A count of frames received that exceed the maximum permitted flame size. This counter is
`incremented when the status of a flame reception is flarneTooLong. The actual update occurs in
`the LayerMgrntReceiveCounters procedure (;
` aMACEnableStatus
`True if MAC sublayer is enabled and false if disabled. This is accomplished by setting or checking
`the values of the receiveEnabled and transmitEnabled variables.Setting to true provides a means
`to cause the MAC sublayer to enter the normal operational state at idle. The PLS is reset by this
`operation (see 1). This is accomplished by setting receiveEnabled and transmitEnabled to
`Setting to false causes the MAC sublayer to end all transmit and receive operations, leaving it in a
`disabled state. This is accomplished by setting receiveEnabled and transmitEnabled to false.;
`This is an Archive IEEE Standard.
`It has been superseded by a later version of this standard.
`bit 1025
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1025

`Std 802.3u-1995
` .27 aTransmitEnableStatus
`True if transmission is enabled and false otherwise. This is accomplished by setting or checking
`the value of the transmitEnabled variable.
`Setting this to true provides a means to enable MAC sublayer frame transmission (TransmitFrame
`function). This is accomplished by setting transmitEnabled to true.
`Setting this to false will inhibit the transmission of further flames by the MAC sublayer
`(TransmitFrame function). This is accomplished by setting transmitEnabled to false.;
` aMulticastReceiveStatus
`True if multicast receive is enabled, and false otherwise. Setting this to true provides a means to
`cause the MAC sublayer to return to the normal operation ofmulticast flame reception. Setting this
`to false will inhibit the reception of further multicast frames by the MAC sublayer.;
`30.3.1 .1 .29 aReadWriteMACAddress
`Read the MAC station address or change the MAC station address to the one supplied
`(RecognizeAddress fimction). Note that the supplied station address shall not have the group bit
`set and shall not be the null address.;
` .30 aCollisionFrames
`A SEQUENCE of 32 generalized nonresettable counters. Each counter has a maximum increment
`rate of 13 000 counts per second at 10 Mb/s
`A histogram of collision activity. The indices of this array (1 to attemptLimit — 1) denote the
`number of collisions experienced in transmitting a flame. Each element of this array contains a
`counter that denotes the number of flames that have experienced a specific number of collisions.
`When the TransmitStatus is reported as transmitOK and the value of the attempts variable equals
`11, then collisionFrames[n—1] counter is incremented. The elements of this array are incremented
`in the LayerMgmtTransmitCounters procedure (;
`This is arigegchive IEEE Standard.
`It has been superseded by a later version of this standard.
`bit 1025
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1025

`Std 802.3u-1995
` MAC entity actions
`30.3.1 .2.1 aclnitializeMAC
`None required
`This action provides a means to call the Initialize procedure ( This action also results in
`the initialization of the PLS.;
` acAddGroupAddress
`Add the supplied multicast group address to the address recognition filter (RecognizeAddress
` acDeleteGroupAddress
`Delete the supplied multicast group address from the address recognition filter (RecognizeAddress
` acExecuteSeltTest
`None required
`Execute a self-test and report the results (success or failure). The actual mechanism employed to
`carry out the self-test is not defined in this standard. If a clause 22 M11 is present then this action
`shall also invoke a data integrity test using MII loopback, returning to normal operation on
`completion of the test.;
`30.3.2 PHY entity managed object class
`This subclause formally defines the behaviours for the oPHYEntity managed object class attributes, actions
`and notifications. Management of that portion of the physical sublayer whose physical containment within
`the DTE is optional is outside the scope of this clause.
`This is an Archive IEEE Standard.
`It has been superseded by a later version of this standard.
`bit 1025
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1025

`Std 802.3u-1995
` PHY entity attributes
` aPHYlD
`The value of aPHYID is assigned so as to uniquely identify a PHY, i.e., Physical Layer among the
`subordinate managed objects of system (systerr1ID and system are defined in ISO/IEC 10165-2:
`1992 [SM1], Definition of management information).;
` aPhyType
`An ENUMERATED VALUE that has one of the following entries:
`10 Mb/s
`Initializing, true state or type not yet known
`Ml] present and nothing connected
`Clause 7 10 Mb/s Manchester
`Clause 23 100 Mb/s 8B/6T
`Clause 24 100 Mb/s 4B/5B
`A read-only value that identifies the PHY type. The enumeration of the type is such that the value
`matches the clause number of the standard that specifies the particular PHY. The value of this
`attribute maps to the value of aMAUType. The enumeration “none” can only occur in a standard
`implementation an MII exists and there is nothing connected. However, the attribute aMIIDetect
`should be used to determine whether an MII exists or not.;
` aPhyTypeList
`A SEQUENCE that meets the requirements of the description below:
`10 Mb/s
`Initializing, true state or type not yet known
`MII present and nothing connected
`Clause 7 10 Mb/s Manchester
`Clause 23 100 Mb/s 8B/6T
`Clause 24 100 Mb/s 4B/5B
`A read—only list of the possible types that the PHY could be, identifying the ability of the PHY. If
`clause 28, Auto-Negotiation, is present, then this attribute will map to the local technology ability.;
` aSQETestErrors
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 16 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`This is ar13.firchive IEEE Standard.
`It has been superseded by a later version of this standard.
`bit 1025
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1025

`Std 802.3u-1995
`A count of times that the SQE_TEST_ERROR was received. The SQE_TEST_ERROR is set in
`accordance with the rules for verification of the SQE detection mechanism in the PLS Carrier
`Sense fimction (see The SQE test function is not a part of 100 Mb/s PHY operation, and
`so SQETestErrors will not occur in 100 Mb/s PHYs.;
` .5 aSymbo|ErrorDuringCarrier
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 160 000 counts
`per second for 100 Mb/s implementations
`A count of the number of times when valid carrier was present and there was at least one
`occurrence of an invalid data symbol. This can increment only once per valid carrier event. If a
`collision is present this attribute will not ir1crement.;
` aMllDetect
`An ENUMERATED VALUE that has one of the following entries:
`present, nothing connected
`present, connected
`An attribute of the PhyEntity managed object class indicating whether an M11 connector is
`physically present, and if so whether it is detectably connected as specified in 22.2.2.l2.;
` aPhyAdminState
`An ENUIVIERATED VALUE that has the following entries:
`A disabled PHY neither transmits nor receives. The PHY shall be explicitly enabled to restore
`operation. The acPhyAdrninContro1 action provides this ability. The port enable/disable function
`as reported by this attribute is preserved across DTE reset including loss ofpower. Only one PHY
`per MAC can be enabled at any one time. Setting a PHY to the enabled state using the action
`acPhyAdrninControl will result in all other instances of PHY (indicated by PhyID) instantiated
`within the same MAC to be disabled. If a clause 22 MII is present then setting this attribute to
`“disable” will result in electrical isolation as defined in 22.2.4. 1 .6, Isolate; and setting this attribute
`to “enabled” will result in normal operation as defined in 22.2.4. 1 .5, Power down; and 22.2.4.l.6,
`This is an Archive IEEE Standard.
`It has been superseded by a later version of this standard.
`bit 1025
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1025

`Std 802.3u-1995
` PHY entity actions
` acPhyAdminControl
`Same as aPortAdminState
`This action provides a means to alter aPhyAdrninState. Setting a PHY to the enabled state will
`result in all other instances of PHY being disabled.;
`30.4 Layer management for 10 Mbls and 100 Mbls baseband repeaters
`30.4.1 Repeater managed object class
`This subclause formally defines the behaviours for the oRepeater managed object class, attributes, actions,
`and notifications.
` Repeater attributes
` aRepeaterlD
`The value of aRepeaterID is assigned so as to uniquely identify a repeater among the subordinate
`managed objects of system (systemID and system are defined in ISO/IEC 10165-2: 1992 [SMI],
`Definition of management inforrnation).;
` aRepeaterType
`An INTEGER that meets the requirements of the description below:
`10 Mb/s Baseband
`100 Mb/s Baseband, Class I
`100 Mb/s Baseband, Class II
`Initializing, true state or type not yet known
`Returns a value that identifies the CSMA/CD repeater type. The enumeration of the type is such
`that the value matches the clause number ofthe standard that specifies the particular repeater, with
`further numerical identification for the repeater classes within the same c1ause.;
`This is ar13.9,;rchive IEEE Standard.
`It has been superseded by a later version of this standard.
`bit 1025
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1025

` .3 aRepeaterGroupCapacity
`Std 802.3u-1995
`The aRepeaterGroupCapacity is the number of groups that can be contained within the repeater.
`Within each managed repeater, the groups are uniquely numbered in the range from 1 to
`Some groups may not be present in a given repeater instance, in which case the actual number of
`groups present is less than aRepeaterGroupCapacity. The number of groups present is never
`greater than aRepeaterGroupCapacity.;
` aGroupMap
`A string ofbits which reflects the current configuration ofunits that are viewed by group managed
`objects. The length ofthe bitstring is “aRepeaterGroupCapacity” bits. The first bit relates to group
`1. A “l” in the bitstring indicates presence of the group, “0” represents absence of the group.;
` .5 aRepeaterHealthState
`An ENUMERATED VALUE LIST that has the following entries:
`undefined or unknown
`no known failures
`known to have a repeater related failure
`known to have a group related failure
`known to have a port related failure
`has a failure condition, unspecified type
`The aRepeaterHealthState attribute indicates the operational state of the repeater. The
`aRepeaterHealthData and aRepeaterHea1thText attributes may be consulted for more specific
`information about the state of the repeater’s health. In case of multiple kinds of failures (e.g.,
`repeater failure and port failure), the value of this attribute shall reflect the highest priority in the
`following order:
`repeater failure
`group failure
`port failure
`general failure;
`This is an Archive IEEE Standard.
`It has been superseded by a later version of this stanggrd.
`bit 1025
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1025

`Std 802.3u-1995
` .6 aRepeaterHealthText
`A Printablestring, 255 characters max
`The aRepeaterHealthText attribute is a text string that provides information relevant to the
`operational state of the repeater. Repeater vendors may use this mechanism to provide detailed
`failure information or instructions for problem resolution.
`The contents are vendor specific.;
` .7 aRepeaterHealthData
`The aRepeaterHealthData attribute is a block of data octets that provides information relevant to
`the operational state ofthe repeater. The encoding ofthis data block is vendor dependent. Repeater
`vendors may use this mechanism to provide detailed failure information or instructions for
`problem resolution.;
` .8 aTransmitCo||isions
`Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 75 000 counts
`per second at 10 Mb/s
`For a clause 9 repeater, the counter increments every time the repeater state diagram enters the
`TRANSMIT COLLISION state from any state other than ONE PORT LEFT (figure 9-2). For a
`clause 27 repeater, the counter increments every time the Repeater Core state diagram enters the
`JAM state as a result of Activity(ALL) > 1 (figure 27-2).;
` Repeater actions
` acResetRepeater
`None required
`This causes a transition to the START state of figure 9-2 for a clause 9 repeater, or to the START
`state of figure 27-2 for a clause 27 repeater. The repeater performs a disruptive self—test that has
`the following characteristics:
`1. The components are not specified
`2. The test resets the repeater but without affecting management information about the repeater
`3. The test does not inject packets onto any segment
`4. Packets received during the test may or may not be transferred
`5. The test does not interfere with management functions
`This causes a nRepeaterReset notification to be sent.;
`This is ar13Archive IEEE Standard.
`It has been superseded by a later version of this standard.
`bit 1025
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1025

`Std 802.3u-1995
`30.4.1 .2.2 acExecuteNonDisruptiveSelfTest
`None required
`The repeater performs a vendor-specific, non-disruptive self-test that has the following
`The components are not specified
`The test does not change the state of the repeater or management information about the repeater
`The test does not inject packets onto any segment
`The test does not prevent the transfer of any packets
`Completion of the test causes a nRepeaterHea1th to be sent.;
` Repeater notifications
` nRepeaterHealth
`A SEQUENCE ofthree data types. The first is mandatory, the following two are optional. The first
`is the value of the attribute aRepeaterHealthState. The second is the value of the attribute
`aRepeaterHealthText. The third is the value of the attribute aRepeaterHea1thData
`This notification conveys information related to the operational state of the repeater. See the
`aRepeaterHealthState, aRepeaterHea1thText, and aRepeaterHea1thData attributes for descriptions
`of the information that is sent.
`The nRepeaterHealth notification is sent only when the health state of the repeater changes. The
`nRepeaterHealth notification shall contain repeaterHea1thState. repeaterHealthData and
`repeaterHealthText may or may not be included. The nRepeaterHealth notification is not sent as a
`result of powering up a repeater.;
` nRepeaterReset
`A SEQUENCE of three data types. The first is mandatory, the following two are optional. The first
`is the value of the attribute aRepeaterHealthState. The second is the value of the attribute
`aRepeaterHealthText. The third is the value of the attribute aRepeaterHea1thData
`This notification conveys information related to the operational state of the repeater. The
`nRepeaterReset notification is sent when the repeater is reset as the result of a power—on condition
`or upon completion of the acResetRepeater action. The nRepeaterReset notification shall contain
`repeaterHealthState. repeaterHealthData and repeaterHealthText may or may not be included.;
` nGroupMapChange
`This is an Archive IEEE Standard.
`It has been superseded by a later version of this stanggrd.
`bit 1025
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1025

`Std 802.3u-1995
`This notification is sent when a change occurs in the group structure of a repeater. This occurs only
`when a group is logically removed from or added to a repeater. The nGroupMapChange
`notification is not sent when powering up a repeater. The value of the notification is the updated
`value of the aGroupMap attribute.;
`30.4.2 Group managed object class
`This subclause formally defines the behaviours for the oGroup managed object class, attributes, actions, and
` Group attributes
` aGrouplD
`A value unique within the repeater. The value of aGrouplD is assigned so as to uniquely identify
`a group among the subordinate managed objects of the containing object (oRepeater). This value
`is never greater than aRepeaterGroupCapacity.;
` aGroupPortCapacity
`The aGroupPortCapacity is the number ofports contained within the group. Valid range is 1-1024.
`Within each group, the ports are uniquely numbered in the range from 1 to aGroupPortCapacity.
`Some ports may not be present in a given group instance, in which case the actual number of ports
`present is less than aGroupPortCapacity. The number of ports present is never greater than
` aPortMap
`A string of bits that reflects the current configuration of port managed objects within this group.
`The length of the bitstring is “aGroupPortCapacity” bits. The first bit relates to group 1. A “l” in
`the bitstring indicates presence of the port, “O” represents absence of the port.;
` Group notifications
` nPortMapChange
`This is ar13.{>g'chive IEEE Standard.
`It has been superseded by a later version of this standard.
`bit 1025
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1025

`Std 802.3u-1995
`This notification is sent when a change occurs in the port structure of a group. This occurs only
`when a port is logically removed from or added to a group. The nPortMapChange notification is
`not sent when powering up a repeater. The value of the notification is the updated value of the
`aPortMap attribute.;
`30.4.3 Repeater port managed object class
`This subclause formally defines the behaviours for the oRepeaterPort managed object class, attributes,
`actions, and notifications.
` Port attributes
` aPortlD
`A value unique in the group. It is assumed that ports are partitioned into groups that also have IDs.
`The value of aPortlD is assigned so as to uniquely identify a repeater port among the subordinate
`managed objects of the containing object (oGroup). This value can never be greater than
` aPortAdminState
`An ENUMERATED VALUE LIST that has the following entries:
`A disabled port neither transmits nor receives. The port shall be explicitly enabled to restore
`operation. The acPortAdminContro1 action provides this ability. The port enable/disable function
`as reported by this attribute is preserved across repeater reset including loss of power.
`aPortAdminState takes precedence over auto-partition and functionally operates between the auto-
`partition mechanism and the AUI/PMA. Auto-partition is reinitialized whenever
`acPortAdminContro1 is enabled.;
` .3 aAutoPartitionState
`An ENUMERATED VALUE LIST that has the following entries:

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