Error Correction Code in SoC FPGA-Based
`Memory Systems
`White Paper, with contributions from Micron Technology
`This paper examines the potential sources and implications of soft errors and a
`method implemented by Altera Corporation and Micron Technology to make
`embedded systems more resilient to these types of soft errors through error detection
`and correction.
`Continuously advancing semiconductor process technologies have enabled increased
`component integration, functionality, and performance in embedded systems. While
`the increased capabilities reap huge rewards, one of the side effects of higher-
`performance systems is that more attention must be paid to the probability of soft
`errors. Decreasing supply voltages cause integrated circuits to be increasingly
`susceptible to various types of electromagnetic and particle radiation. As memory size
`in embedded systems grows to 100s of megabytes, soft errors due to naturally
`occurring alpha particles may exceed acceptable levels. As interface speeds exceed
`1 Gigabits per second, excessive noise and jitter may cause errors in the transmission
`lines to and from external memory.
`Memory Bit Error Sources
`Bit Cell Soft Errors
`Commonly used memory bit cells retain their programmed value in the form of an
`electrical charge. Writing a memory bit cell consists of reprogramming and forcing the
`electrical charge to represent the new desired value. Memory bit cells will retain their
`value indefinitely, as long as basic requirements are met, e.g. power is applied, and—
`for dynamic memory types—a refresh method is active.
`The stored charge can be negatively impacted by injection of a charge foreign to the
`memory device. Cosmic particles colliding with atoms in the atmosphere cause
`energetic rays which may affect the stored charge. To flip the value of a memory bit
`cell, enough charge has to be injected to change it to represent an incorrect logic value.
`High-energy alpha particles make up about 10 percent of cosmic rays and are able to
`penetrate many meters of concrete. Lower-energy alpha particles may be emitted by
`decay of materials used in the chip package, and while lower in energy, the distance
`these need to travel to make an impact is small. Similarly, gamma rays are highly
`energetic, are naturally produced by decay, and present in cosmic rays. The earth’s
`atmosphere is a natural, significant, but not flawless barrier to cosmic particles and
`rays. Consequently, at higher altitude, on mountaintops or in airborne systems, the
`thinner atmosphere provides less protection from these particles, and so the chance of
`soft errors is higher.
`101 Innovation Drive
`San Jose, CA 95134
`© 2012 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS,
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`for products or services.
`April 2012 Altera Corporation
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`Polaris Innovations LTD Exhibit 2002
`Kingston v. Polaris, IPR2016-01622
`Page 2002-1

`Page 2
`Memory Bit Error Sources
`The event in which an external energy injection inadvertently modifies the value of a
`memory bit cell is referred to as a single event upset (SEU). The class of these errors is
`soft errors, as the error is not caused by a defect in the device, but instead by the
`device being subject to an outside disturbance. If the correct data is subsequently
`rewritten, it is not likely to undergo the same upset. As such, the likelihood of such an
`event is extremely small, while it increases with growing memory capacity.
`Hard Errors
`Hard errors are categorized as incorrect functionality. This is where the error is often
`reproducible and persistent. While a system, including the memory contained therein,
`is assumed to be free of faults after production, this situation may change as the
`device ages. Factors such as excessive temperature variation, voltage stress, high
`humidity, and physical stress, all contribute to increased probability that a component
`in the system may start to fail. These errors may show as a stuck bit caused by a defect
`in a memory cell or in a printed circuit board trace.
`Transmission Errors
`Transmission errors are those errors that occur in the path between a memory bit cell
`and the functional unit that is reading or writing data. This type of error can be
`introduced by jitter and noise in the system temporarily exceeding design margins of
`the transmission path, and thus are dependent on design margins, quality of
`components used, and the systems susceptibility to electrical energy in its
`Inductances, capacitances, and wire lengths of physical connections to external
`memory are orders of magnitude higher compared to internal wiring in the system on
`chip (SoC) or the memory devices. Still, transmission errors also can occur inside
`components. Alpha particles and gamma rays can impact sense amplifiers and
`memory bit lines, causing the incorrect capture of a data value.
`Figure 1. Transmission Error Path
`April 2012 Altera Corporation
`Error Correction Code in SOC FPGA-Based Memory Systems
`Polaris Innovations LTD Exhibit 2002
`Kingston v. Polaris, IPR2016-01622
`Page 2002-2

`Memory Bit Error Sources
`Page 3
`Implications of Errors
`Memory data corruption is often fatal to the operation of an embedded system. In a
`processor-based system, memory errors result in incorrect values in either instruction
`or data streams. Modern processors will detect illegal instructions, commonly forcing
`a reboot of the system. Errors in data streams may cause the program flow to derail,
`which often results in illegal access to protected memory. These events have their
`equivalent in the desktop world as a “blue screen of death” or a “core dump.”
`While a crash is undesirable in embedded systems, the alternative is worse. Errors
`that are not immediately detected can linger in the system for an extended period of
`time. Undetected memory errors can multiply as the faulty data is used to calculate
`new data. Once faulty data has been detected, the originating point and the
`subsequent induced damage may be difficult to correct or even identify.
`Embedded systems often operate for extended periods of time and are not frequently
`rebooted as one may see with desktop computers. This gives embedded systems the
`additional disadvantage that errors will accumulate over time.
`The effects of data corruption or system crashes are numerous. Misbehaving systems
`will annoy users and make customers unhappy. Maintenance costs may increase, as
`customer complaints trigger expensive investigations for error sources that are non
`replicable. A sudden system failure may cause an unsafe environment around heavy
`machinery, and errors in secure systems may provide access via unintended backdoor
`entry methods.
`Likelihood of Errors in Embedded Systems
`The rates of hard errors and transmission errors are a function of many variables.
`Studies have measured such errors in larger systems, but those results may not
`translate to other systems.
`On the other hand, various studies have published soft error rate (SER) results. As a
`practical example, an embedded system with 1 Gigabyte of dynamic memory is
`expected to have a mean time between failures (MTBF) in the range of a few times per
`year to once every few years.
`The MTBF should be considered in view of the number of systems in the field. As a
`system supplier, you should regard the possible number of fails of the total devices in
`a given time period. Assuming 10,000 devices in the field with an MTBF of 10 years,
`this implies that an average of 1,000 devices per year is expected to suffer from a
`single bit soft error.
`The acceptability of such an error rate depends on the application domain.
`Developers of applications used at high altitudes will be concerned with higher SERs
`due to cosmic rays. Military, automotive, high-performance computing,
`communication, and industrial customers will be concerned with degradation of
`safety, security, and reliability. In the consumer domain, an MTBF of one year may
`sometimes be acceptable. In many cases however, the added maintenance cost and the
`number of unhappy customers are key factors driving the need for a solution.
`Error Correction Code in SOC FPGA-Based Memory Systems
`April 2012 Altera Corporation
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`Page 4
`Improving Error Resilience
`Improving Error Resilience
`Transmission Errors
`The Altera® SoC FPGA supports up to 533 MHz (1066 Gbps) DDR3. The specification
`for the DDR3 interface and the way this has been implemented in both the SoC FPGA
`and external memory device guarantee a negligible error rate. This assumes a robust
`board design and control of jitter and noise within the boundaries dictated by the
`DDR specifications.
`A large-scale study performed by Google in cooperation with the University of
`Toronto and another study by Stanford University showed that a subset of all the
`systems analyzed created the majority of the errors. These errors may well be caused
`by excessive jitter or noise, or may be related to sub-par quality of the systems and
`their components.
`The probability of transmission errors increases with higher interface speeds, such as
`defined for DDR4 and beyond. As voltages of power planes and signal levels shrink
`in support of reduced power consumption and higher interface speeds, jitter and
`noise are becoming harder to control. JEDEC points out that for next-generation
`memory specifications of DDR4 and GDDR5, the impact of jitter and noise has driven
`the specification to allow for a tradeoff between a certain bit error rate and
`simplification of design, characterization, and qualification. Any allowed bit error rate
`would effectively necessitate a method to correct occurring errors.
`Soft Errors
`Because soft errors are unavoidable, methods have been developed to make systems
`resilient to many such errors. That is, when an error occurs, it can be detected,
`corrected, and the corrected value passed on, and thus the system continues
`uninterrupted. This feat is accomplished by adding bits to memory data words,
`whereby the widened word carries sufficient information to detect and correct errors.
`The more bits are added to a data word, the more errors in a word can be corrected.
`This makes error correction a function of cost and desired reliability.
`A method that allows correction of a single error and detection of two errors in a word
`is both cost-effective and proven to provide excellent error resilience in embedded
`systems. This technology, widely deployed in the industry, is referred to as error
`correction code (ECC).
`April 2012 Altera Corporation
`Error Correction Code in SOC FPGA-Based Memory Systems
`Polaris Innovations LTD Exhibit 2002
`Kingston v. Polaris, IPR2016-01622
`Page 2002-4

`Improving Error Resilience
`Page 5
`Basic Implementation of ECC
`ECC is implemented by making the memory wider and adding a limited amount of
`combinatorial logic in the path to and from that extra memory. The logic required for
`ECC encoding is based on well-established polynomial Hamming algorithms. An
`ECC bit generator creates the ECC bits out of the data being stored and stores the ECC
`data together with the regular data. An ECC detection and correction logic function is
`inserted at the output of the memory. When reading the memory, this function will
`check the combination of ECC data and regular data. If no error is detected, it will
`pass the regular data through unchanged. If a single bit error is detected, it will correct
`the error bit pass through the regular data, now with all bits correct, and optionally
`raise a flag. If two errors are detected, it will raise a flag, allowing the system to
`gracefully respond to the event.
`Figure 2. ECC-Enabled Memories Are Wider and Have Additional Logic
`ECC bit
`Data in
`ECC bits
`Data out
`Advantages of ECC
`The ability to correct a single error and detect double errors brings many benefits.
`While the introduction of ECC has been driven by the SER of large memories, it adds
`resilience against other types of errors as well.
`A single hard error, such as a stuck bit line inside a memory or unreliable connection
`on a printed circuit board, may be fully covered by ECC. Single bit transmission errors
`are covered as well. Key is that single bit errors in a word can be corrected. That is,
`ECC will correctly handle many errors in the system, as long as any single word
`shows no more than a single bit error.
`Another benefit is that the ECC logic can indicate a system health status. For any
`single bit error in a word, the ECC logic will correct the error. It also can signal a
`failure status to the processor, and the operator can take measures relevant to the
`required reliability of that system. This method turns system degradation into a
`maintenance task that can be scheduled, as opposed to a response to an unexpected
`fatal system error condition.
`Based on heuristic probabilities, a model for estimating soft errors in systems without
`and with ECC is explained in the appendix. It shows that the addition of ECC
`effectively increases the MTBF from being shorter than the life time of the product to
`longer than the life time of the universe.
`Error Correction Code in SOC FPGA-Based Memory Systems
`April 2012 Altera Corporation
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`Page 6
`Altera and Micron ECC Solutions
`Table 1. ECC Brings Very High Resilience to Single Errors
`1-GB DDR, 32-bit
`Data, 7-bit ECC
`Error Probability
`Higher: 1.10 ×10-13
`Lower: 6.9 ×10-15
`Higher: 1.19 ×10-13
`Lower: 6.9 ×10-15
`Failures per 1 Billion
`Hours (FIT)
`979 hours
`1.9 years
`1019 years
`3*1021 years
`Figure 3. Example Soft Error MTBF for External DDR Memory Without Error Resilience
`Lower error probability
`Higher error probability
`32 MB
`64 MB
`128 MB
`256 MB
`512 MB
`1 GB
`2 GB
`4 GB
`Altera and Micron ECC Solutions
`ECC for External DRAM
`Adding ECC capability to a memory that is external to the Altera SoC FPGA only
`requires that the memory data width is increased. The functions to generate the ECC
`bits, and those for error detection and correction, are already built into the memory
`controller inside the SoC FPGA. With that regular, albeit wider, memories can be used.
`In addition, the data path between the SoC FPGA and the external memory is covered
`by ECC, thus including resilience to some transmission errors in the data path.
`External memory systems with 16- or 32-bit wide data lanes between the SoC FPGA
`and the external memory require six or seven additional storage bits of ECC,
`respectively. Altera’s architecture simplifies this by defining that one additional
`byte-wide memory be used for either scenario.
`April 2012 Altera Corporation
`Error Correction Code in SOC FPGA-Based Memory Systems
`Polaris Innovations LTD Exhibit 2002
`Kingston v. Polaris, IPR2016-01622
`Page 2002-6

`Altera and Micron ECC Solutions
`Page 7
`Typical Architecture of ECC-Protected DRAM
`A modern embedded system consisting of a SoC FPGA and external memory might
`be required to include 1 GB of DRAM. To achieve a cost-effective, 32-bit wide memory
`interface for such a system, a typical selection of DRAM might include a combination
`of one 8-bit wide device and two 16-bit wide devices, configured in parallel.
`Figure 4. Typical External DDR Memory Architecture
`of a 1-GB,
`32-bit wide
`DDR3 memory
`widened to
`a byte of
`ECC bits
`4 Gb
`256 M x 16
`4 Gb
`256 M x 16
`2 Gb
`256 M x 8
`ECC for NAND Flash
`External NAND flash can be connected to SoC FPGA devices, both as one of the
`possible boot configuration memories and as application as a file system. NAND flash
`is rather sensitive to soft errors, and there is often a desire for ECC protection. Instead
`of making data words in the NAND flash devices wider, as seen in external DDR
`memories, NAND flash devices provide additional storage buffers in the device to
`retain ECC data bits. ECC is done on larger data blocks, 512 or 1024 bytes, and the SoC
`FPGA device can correct up to 24 bit errors. While the implementation specifics are
`tuned to generally accepted error patterns of NAND flash, the resilience method is
`similar to those found on regular SRAM and DRAM.
`Error Resilience Inside Altera SoC FPGAs
`ECC functionality is built into the SoC FPGA device for a large number of on-chip
`memory instances. The level 2 cache, the scratch RAM, memory inside the FPGA
`fabric, and memories that serve as data buffer in peripherals are each widened and
`equipped with ECC generator and correction logic. As these are built-in, using the
`ECC feature carries no additional cost. Similarly, the ECC logic for external memories
`and NAND flash is built-in the SoC FPGA.
`Data and instruction caches are relatively small in their physical size and thus less
`prone to soft errors. They do need to operate at high performance levels, and to avoid
`additional latency when reading the level 1 caches, a simple parity check method is
`Error Correction Code in SOC FPGA-Based Memory Systems
`April 2012 Altera Corporation
`Polaris Innovations LTD Exhibit 2002
`Kingston v. Polaris, IPR2016-01622
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`Page 8
`The configuration bits inside the FPGA fabric are not organized in wide data words
`and do not lend to ECC implementation. Instead, the FPGA fabric has a built-in
`hardware engine that allows for cyclically checking for the correctness of the
`configuration bits, raising a flag when an error is detected. This error correction
`method is referred to as “scrubbing,” and is an industry-standard method for this
`class of devices.
`Altera SoC FPGAs have all the required logic to support error resilience at the system
`level, integrated into the device. By merely widening the external DDR memory, a
`comprehensive system-level wide method of resilience to soft errors and transmission
`errors can be obtained.
`Figure 5. SoC FPGA’s System-Level Error Resilience
`Single error detection (SED):
`FPGA configuration bits validation:
`Single error correction, double error detection
`ECC bits
`Data bits
`DDR memory
`CPU 0
`CPU 1
`FPGA fabric
`Memories in embedded systems may suffer from cosmic energy injections causing bit
`flips and from transmission errors due to excessive noise and jitter that can cause
`incorrect transfer of data. While the chance of such errors is small, with growing
`memory sizes, interface frequencies, and bandwidth, the likelihood of such events is a
`growing challenge. System-level error resilience is increasingly becoming a design
`consideration in higher-performance embedded systems.
`Altera SoC FPGA devices are designed for high levels of error resilience, through the
`use of scrubbing, parity checking, and ECC. They enable efficient addition of ECC on
`external memories, specifically including 32-bit-wide external DRAM memories
`found in higher performance systems. Adding ECC practically eliminates sensitivity
`to such errors in memories, contributing strongly to a system-level improvement in
`error resilience.
`April 2012 Altera Corporation
`Error Correction Code in SOC FPGA-Based Memory Systems
`Polaris Innovations LTD Exhibit 2002
`Kingston v. Polaris, IPR2016-01622
`Page 2002-8

`Page 9
`Error Occurrence Probability
`A simplified model for first order analysis of soft errors due to memory bit flips, e.g.
`the model assumes randomness of SEU and does not include hard or transmission
`n = number of bits in a data word (nd), plus the number of bits for correction
`code (ne)
`m = number of bits in memory
`w = number of words in memory, or m/nd
`p = probability of a single bit error in a period of one hour
`Empirically determined range: 1.19*10-19 ... 6.9*10-15
`Probability of Experiencing an Unrecoverable Error Without ECC
`pt = chance of an error in a memory of bit size m in a period of one hour
`1 p–( )m
`Probability of Experiencing Unrecoverable Errors with ECC
`pw = probability of an uncorrectable error in a word in one hour
`pmem = probability of an uncorrectable error in memory in one hour
`)n 1–
`1 p–( )n
`n p⋅( )

`1 p–(
`Pw 1
`1 pw–( )w
`Error Correction Code in SOC FPGA-Based Memory Systems
`April 2012 Altera Corporation
`Polaris Innovations LTD Exhibit 2002
`Kingston v. Polaris, IPR2016-01622
`Page 2002-9

`Page 10
`Further Information
`Further Information
`■ “A Second Look at Jitter: Calculating Bit Error Rates,” Justin Redd, Maxim
`Integrated Products:
`■ “Understanding the New Bit Error Rate DRAM Timing Specifications,” Perry
`Kelly, Agilent Technologies:
`■ “DRAM Errors in the Wild: A Large-Scale Field Study,” Bianca Schroeder,
`University of Toronto, Eduardo Pinheiro and Wolf-Dietrich Weber, Google Inc.:
`■ “Hard Data on Soft Errors: A Large-Scale Assessment of Real-World Error Rates in
`GPGPU,” Imran S. Haque, Vijay S. Pande, Stanford University:
`■ White Paper: Enhancing Robust SEU Mitigation with 28-nm FPGAs, Altera
`■ On the Need to Use Error-correcting Memory,” Berke Durak:
`■ Hans Spanjaart, Senior Technical Marketing Manager, Embedded Products, Altera
`■ Matthew Prather, DRAM Applications Engineer for Server Platforms, Micron
`Document Revision History
`Table 2 shows the revision history for this document.
`Table 2. Document Revision History
`April 2012
`March 2012
`March 2012
`■ Minor text edits.
`■ Moved figure 4 to Typical Architecture.
`■ MInor text edits.
`Initial release.
`April 2012 Altera Corporation
`Error Correction Code in SOC FPGA-Based Memory Systems
`Polaris Innovations LTD Exhibit 2002
`Kingston v. Polaris, IPR2016-01622
`Page 2002-10

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