Teleconference Session - May 11, 2018
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` ______________________
` _______________________
` )
` )
` Petitioner, )
` ) Case IPR2016-01622
` v. ) Patent 6,850,414,B2
` )
` )
` Patent Owner.)
` Friday, May 11, 2018
` 2:00 p.m.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
` 1
`Kingston v. Polaris


`Teleconference Session - May 11, 2018
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` On behalf of Petitioner:
` Fish & Richardson P.C.
` On behalf of Patent Owner:
` Gregory Edwards LLC
`2 3
`6 7
`8 9
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Teleconference Session - May 11, 2018
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` --o0o--
` Friday, May 11, 2018 2:00 p.m.
` THE COURT: Good afternoon. This is Judge Ken
`Barrett with the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. This is
`IPR 2016-01622. Who do we have on the phone for
` MR. HOFFMAN: Your Honor, David Hoffman for
`Petitioner and I have the court reporter on the call as
` THE COURT: Thank you, Mr. Hoffman. And who
`do we have for the patent owner?
` MR. WEATHERWAX: Your Honor, this is Ken
`Weatherwax, lead counsel for patent owner, and I also
`have my colleague, Nathan Lowenstein.
` THE COURT: Good afternoon, Gentlemen, and I
`understand we do have a court reporter on the phone.
` Mr. Hoffman, if you could please file that
`transcript as an exhibit when it comes in, that would be
`much appreciated.
` MR. HOFFMAN: Yes, Your Honor.
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` THE COURT: Mr. Hoffman, you asked for the
`call, so I'll let you speak first.
` MR. HOFFMAN: Certainly, Your Honor. As the
`Board may remember, Claim 4 in this IPR was not
`instituted. But under the recent Supreme Court case,
`SAS, which is occupying quite a bit of time, I'm sure,
`at the Board, and we believe that it should be.
` We are in a post final (inaudible) decision
`situation, obviously, and I'm taking some guidance off
`the chief judge's slide, which indicated that a
`petitioner or patent owner may request to extend a
`hearing deadline if it is past.
` In this case, the deadline for request for
`reconsideration has past for our IPR. We're in the
`period now for seeking an appeal.
` Certainly, if that's the Board's preferred
`mechanism to address the issue by filing an appeal and
`taking it up to the Fifth Circuit, petitioner is willing
`to do that. But we wanted to ensure that we can take
`what would be considered a more direct route and file a
`motion seeking reconsideration via SAS and ask the Board
`to render a decision on Claim 4, in view of what we
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`believe as a complete briefing on the substance of that
`claim and its patent ability.
` THE COURT: Say that last part again. You
`mentioned complete briefing.
` MR. HOFFMAN: Yes, Your Honor. We believe
`that through the motion to amend practice that was taken
`by the patent owner and the oral argument that we had,
`the patent owner had a full and fair opportunity to
`argue for the patentability of Claim 9, obviously, but
`Claim 4, as the Board may recall, is wholly contained
`within Claim 9. And in rendering a decision on Claim 9,
`the Board has essentially rendered a decision on
`Claim 4.
` We believe that the Board can stand on that
`decision, simply expand the final written decision,
`given that, again, patent owner has a complete full
`opportunity to argue the merits of Claim 4 both in
`briefing and before the Board.
` THE COURT: Okay, thank you for that.
` So you're not asking for more briefing at this
` MR. HOFFMAN: No, Your Honor, we're not.
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` THE COURT: And I should have mentioned, I
`have Judge Homere on the phone too, also.
` What about the other claims and grounds in
`this case?
` MR. HOFFMAN: We're only seeking -- certainly
`we wouldn't oppose if the Board wanted to expand
`further, but in this case, we only would be seeking
`reconsideration as to the grounds that apply to Claim 4.
` THE COURT: The reason I ask is because you
`invoked SAS, which is at least all claims, and you've
`seen the guidance, so you know the agency's position is
`all claims and all ground.
` I believe the petition had three separate
`grounds and Claims 1 through 8 and that would also
`include Claims 2 and Claims 3 that we did not go forward
`on. Is that your understanding?
` MR. HOFFMAN: Yes, Your Honor.
` THE COURT: Okay. All right. Mr. Weatherwax,
`would you like to respond?
` MR. WEATHERWAX: I would, Your Honor. Thank
` I would first point out -- to summarize, we
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`think that the request as stated for partial
`reinstitution could be denied on some terms as being
`contrary to SAS, which is just an up or down petition.
`We're not convinced that the panel has the jurisdiction
`to do what the petitioner is requesting. We also think
`it didn't preserve the issue, while it's timely while
`the trial was pending.
` And if the Board would have decided that it
`both can and should do a modification of its institution
`decision, we think that it shouldn't proceed on the
`basis of the motion to amend briefing as petitioner is
`requesting, but we think it's premature to reach that
` We think the first decision is whether to
`authorize the out-of-time request for the hearing, and
`if so, whether to grant it.
` And the first thing we want to point out in
`the context of our opposition, the only thing that
`petitioner asked us was whether we would consent to an
`out-of-time request that would ask the Board to
`institute on Claim 4 only, and, quote, "in view of the
`arguments presented and argued render a final written
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`decision on Claim 4," end quote.
` We said "no." We said they only cited SAS in
`the guidance. We didn't think those required that, and
`we didn't see a basis -- they didn't disclose any other
`authority. And their response is not to disclose more
`authority, but to go right to the Board.
` We're ready to cooperate. We think this case
`is in a very unusual posture, I think you'll agree. We
`don't think there's so much of a meet and confer on it.
` We think what most of the Board should do
`right now is decide its the power and decision. We
`think that in every other case that we've seen, when
`briefing was complete like this, the trial was still
`pending, that the Board has been sua sponte, granting
`full institution retroactively and directing the party
`to meet and confer on what to do next and come back in a
` The panel has not issued an order in this
`case, and we think that's proper. It's already been an
`appealable decision in this case, but the deadline is
`ticking set by the director. And, frankly, a notice of
`appeal could already have been filed. It hasn't
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`happened to have been, and we think if the Board were
`to -- we don't think there's an order that is done.
`What petitioner has requested is guidance, written
`guidance on April 26th specifically directed to pending
`trial, which this is not, and also said that the Board
`did not have to expand institution. And if it revisited
`institution, it could either retroactively grant info or
`deny info based on the circumstances.
` And in the webinar, which has the slide that
`Mr. Hoffman is relying upon, none of this is, of course,
`rule making. He speculates, I think that the Board
`could waive the deadline in this case. But he also went
`on the webinar to answer the question of whether there
`could be full retroactive denial of institution in such
`a case, and he said "yes."
` If a lot of claims have been filed by the
`Board to not have been successfully challenged in the
`petition, the Board could well decide in the
`circumstances to fully deny institution. Here, of
`course, almost half the claims were denied outright
`institution. So we think the Board should consider
`that, if it even thinks it has the power to revisit that
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` We also would point out that, this is not
`strictly speaking in the Board's position, but we've got
`issues committed through the director here through both
`institution and a deadline for the notice of appeal. So
`we don't think, for example, that the PTAP (sic) could
`direct us not to file a notice of appeal, which makes
`this a strange situation. And the chief judge himself
`said that none of this guidance applies if a notice of
`appeal has been filed.
` But I want to turn to the question that
`petitioner discussed with you here for the first time
`we've heard him discuss it, which is the choices about
`what to do afterwards. And we think it's premature to
`reach that. We think that we could meet and confer on
`it, but unless the Board tells me that they're not at
`all going to reach that issue, I'm going to give you
`some thoughts on it. We think we're constrained to do
` Actually, before I say that, though, I want to
`say that petitioner has not preserved its objection
`under the SAS. The federal circuit has said in Belden
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`(phonetic) that if you want to preserve an objection to
`the rules, that you've got to do so in a concrete and
`focused request made when trial is pending.
` And that is exactly what the petitioner did in
`the SAS institute case itself. It filed a timely
`request for the hearing. It laid exactly the issue on
`which it was eventually going to win in the Supreme
`Court. So it preserved that issue. Here, the
`petitioner was well aware of the SAS Institute case. So
`it had an advantage over the SAS Institute petitioner.
`Yet it did not file any timely request. So we think
`it's waived its challenge to partial institution unlike
`the SAS Institute petitioner, and we think that's what
`the Board should rule.
` THE COURT: Okay. So that's based on --
`because the final written decision was issued, but we're
`still in the window, correct, for appeal? Because my
`understanding is the clock was reset with the
`determination on patent owners' request for
` Is that your understanding, too?
` MR. WEATHERWAX: My understanding is that we
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`filed a timely request for a hearing; petitioner didn't.
`Now, then that moved the clock. So that's in abeyance.
`So then you issued your decision denying our request for
`the hearing but not changing the decision.
` As I recall, that means that what's left is 63
`days to file the notice of appeal, which is currently
`ticking. In other words, you get an extension of time
`to file the notice of appeal for however long it takes
`to file the timely request for consideration and have it
` We don't think that they now -- it doesn't
`change the deadlines for notice of appeal from 63 days
`from your decision on April 12th to deny rehearing.
` THE COURT: Okay, you're saying petitioner's
`clock ran at the end of the opportunity to file a
`request for rehearing.
` MR. WEATHERWAX: That's correct.
` What they're appealing is the request for
`original final decision.
` Now, if the Board were to rule that our denied
`request for rehearing reopens petitioner's clock for
`requesting rehearing of the unchanged position, well,
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`then obviously, they're still within a rehearing
` But we don't think that that's correct. The
`Board may feel otherwise. But the point we make is
`unless that's true, we think there's a waiver of this
` THE COURT: Okay.
` MR. WEATHERWAX: And we wanted to -- the last
`thing, as I said, we wanted to address is -- well,
`there's a jurisdictional question we wanted to point
`out. Not only is it committed to the director to set
`the deadline, but we think that it's not entirely clear
`that the Board has jurisdiction as a matter of law to do
`what it's doing, and we're not aware of any order in
`which the Board has done so.
` THE COURT: You say what the Board is doing,
`the Board has not done anything yet.
` MR. WEATHERWAX: I understand, but I mean in
`other cases. I apologize if I was unclear.
` THE COURT: So explain to me a little bit more
`on the jurisdiction part. You talked about deadlines
`committed to the director, okay.
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` What do you think the Board is doing that we
`don't have jurisdiction to do? And I'm not pushing
`back. I'm really interested in your thoughts here.
` MR. WEATHERWAX: In all honesty, you issued an
`appealable decision, a final written decision. There
`was a time frame for requesting a change to that
`decision on rehearing. That time has elapsed for both
`parties, we would argue.
` We filed a request for rehearing, and that was
`denied in full. And there was no request to respond to
`it. So we think that closes the door and that the time
`for appeal is currently ticking. And like I said, a
`notice of appeal could be filed at any moment. It could
`have been filed since April 12th. And by the terms of
`their own guidance, that would mean that we wouldn't
`even be having this conversation.
` And so we think it would be strange to rule
`that the Board will be thinking about something that
`could be mooted at any moment. We think that the better
`reasoning is that the Board should not be going back and
`on behalf of the director changing its mind on
`institution at this time and waiving or suspending the
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`rule on timeliness and waiving or suspending the waiver
`of the issue and going back and reopening all the doors.
` In other words, even if it were
`jurisdictional, I think the guidance is clear that the
`Board does not have to revisit its decision. There have
`been decisions that have come out that have simply gone
`on and issued a partial final written decision after the
`guidance and after SAS. For example, (inaudible) 2017
`87, that went ahead and issued, even though it
`instituted on only 22 of the 35 claims.
` THE COURT: What's the number again? I'm
`sorry. 2017?
` MR. WEATHERWAX: 201700087, Paper 75. That
`was on May 2nd.
` THE COURT: Okay.
` MR. WEATHERWAX: So unless you have other
`questions on that, I wanted to address what happens if
`you were to decide that you can and should go ahead with
`the partial institution here.
` I do not think that it would make any sense or
`be legal to decide on the basis of the papers filed to
`this point.
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` Certainly, the guidance does not indicate that
`the Board would be required to do that at all, but we
`think one of the fundamental issues here is they should
`not render a final written decision on other than the
`grounds and evidence that were submitted with the
`petition, first of all.
` The guidance does not determine that the
`petitioner should be allowed to supplement their
`petition, and other APJ that have instituted on the
`basis of SAS have remarked this is not an invitation to
`petitioner to supplement its petition. I'll point to
`PGR2018 number 1 where they said that in Paper 17.
` We also think that the SAS Institute petition
`itself confirms that you can't assert post-petition
`grounds and evidence against these claims, the
`petitioner controls the scope of review. And SAS
`Institute specifically said that the statute doesn't
`contemplate, quote, "a petition that asks not the
`director to initiate whatever kind of (inaudible) he
`might choose," end quote. Must be, quote "guided by the
`petition describing the grounds on which the challenge
`to each claim is based."
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` There's no quote like this to the part the
`petition institute in a different review of its own
`design. And we would point out that the Board denied
`institution on Claim 4 on the merits, denied rehearing
`on the merits, denied a second petition on the merits,
`and denied rehearing of that on the merits.
` So there's no reason to give it a fifth or
`sixth shot, even if it were proper under the
`circumstances to stand on what we have thought. And we
`would point second to the fact that the final written
`decision specifically pointed out that the only
`arguments that we have filed post institution are two
`pages in our reply in support of our motion to amend.
` And there's a reason for that, because we were
`relying on the partial institution decision. And we
`think that we should not be subjected to our reliance on
`that decision. The petitioner might argue that had the
`Board known of SAS, it would have fully instituted, but
`I assume you, we would have proceeded very differently.
`But it came to whether we filed a patent owner response
`and what, if any, motion to amend was filed.
` We would note that there was -- if you want to
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`have guidance as to what to do in such a situation, we
`did find a case where what happened was that the Board
`expunged all of the great things that happened after the
`partial institution decision. So an Elite performance,
`which is IPR 2017-01676, the Board had already received
`a patent owner response and motion to amend, and then
`along came SAS. What the Board did was it ordered full
`institution, and it asked the parties to meet and,
`quote, "confer and attempt to come to an agreement as to
`any needed modifications." But they said, quote, "The
`proposed modifications must include expunging the patent
`owner's responses and motions to amend already of record
`and allowing the patent owner to file new patent owner's
`responses and motions to amend." And that order has
`been issued in three IPRs, the one I mentioned,
`2017-1680 and 2017-1689.
` And if the Board were to find it appropriate
`to (inaudible) institute here, we think that that would
`be a relatively appropriate procedure in this case,
`because things would have been very different in the
`briefing. As you know, we relied on the partial
`institution which is rather unusual, I think. We're in
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`an unusual posture.
` Another thing the Board could do is what's
`especially suggested in the written guidance on SAS. It
`could retroactively deny institution and fall, as I
`indicated, and that would not deprive the petitioner of
`the right to challenge this claim. They could do it in
`district court. Indeed, if you expunge everything, they
`could bring the final written decision to the district
`court and argue that it is persuasive. And if it is,
`they'll win.
` So we think that certainly what petitioner
`asks for shouldn't be granted even if the Board has the
`power to do so. And if the institution is granted, the
`decision should be rendered on only in view of the
`arguments presented in argument argued and given
`evidence in the petition which the Board has already
`considered and rejected many times.
` THE COURT: Okay. That was very thoughtful.
` Mr. Hoffman, I'd like to give you an
`opportunity to respond. But, first, as you do so, I'm
`intrigued with Mr. Weatherwax's argument that should we
`go forward and institute on all these claims, shouldn't
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`petitioner be bound by the position set forth in the
`petition? That's where the prima facie case has to be
`made out.
` MR. HOFFMAN: I can start there, Your Honor.
` I guess I will start by saying that we don't
`intend to provide any additional records or additional
`evidence in this case. However, it is patent owners'
`own decision to move to amend here. It moved to amend
`on claims that were found to be unpatentable in an
`institution decision. If the patent owner simply
`stopped there, the record would be what it is, but it's
` In fact, the Board has rendered a final
`written decision finding claims invalid and finding
`unpatentable and finding Claim 9 unpatentable. I
`appreciate the patent owner's desire to make that go
`away or attempt to undo it, but that's not the
`appropriate remedy given the Board has already
`considered the evidence and rendered a decision.
` I haven't looked at these cases that
`Mr. Weatherwax cited because it hadn't been raised to
`our attention until now. But it certainly sounds as if
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`what is going on there was a process that was partway
`complete, I mean, where the patent owner essentially
`wanted to start over again. I guess they hadn't
`finished the briefing up, that is distinguishable from
`here. We've gone through a full and fair briefing on
`all of the issues. We're not asking for any additional
`briefing or to add anything to what is already in the
` If I could briefly address some of the issues,
`and there was a lot so I may not get them all, and I
`think the briefing could help fill in some of the
`details here.
` But as to the notice of appeal, it sounded as
`if at one point that the patent owner was asserting that
`there was now a different appellate period for
`petitioner. I don't believe that is correct. I've
`never seen law that says that.
` We're still within the appellate period, and
`the patent owner is certainly right. They could have
`filed a notice of appeal. In fact, they still can. And
`if that does happen, as I understand it, what will occur
`is that the federal circuit will receive immediate
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`jurisdiction over the matter, and then we'd have to move
`to remand back to the Board that there's no
` Certainly, we don't think that's the most
`efficient way to proceed, but that always remains a
`possibility if they were to choose to file an motion to
` As to the -- sorry, Your Honor.
` THE COURT: I understand Mr. Weatherwax not
`saying that you've met the time to appeal, but that
`petitioner had missed the time to file a request for
`reconsideration; and, therefore, that's water under the
`bridge at this point, and the only thing that's left is
` MR. HOFFMAN: Your Honor, I don't think
`dispute that we have certainly missed the period to
`request reconsideration, and that is in fact why we're
`asking to file it out of time.
` And in an attempt to avoid the potential
`effort and work for public resources, private resources,
`of going through with an appeal just to be remanded
`back. So that was all what we were saying. If I
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`misunderstood, I apologize. We're not disputing that we
`are requesting leave from the Board to file out of time
`on the request for reconsideration.
` As to preserving the issue, we don't believe
`there is any waiver here. Originally Claim 4 was not
`instituted. Briefing in the case have to focus on the
`issues and claims that pertain to the instituted claims
`and grounds in the proceeding. There was no opportunity
`in the proceeding to provide a response to noninstituted
`claims. That was to say a request for reconsideration,
`but that's not required in any sort of context for
` So the first chance that we would have to
`raise this issue within the confines of previously
`instituted IPR would be on appeal. And so we don't
`believe there's any waiver.
` As to the up and down, we were attempting to
`focus dispute and to limit the amount of work for the
`Board and the parties, as focusing on the grounds that
`pertain to Claim 4.
` To the extent there would be any argument that
`somehow that is a defect in the request, petitioner is
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`happy to expand the request, and (inaudible) is the
`request if that's a requirement to cover all claims and
`grounds. But we certainly don't believe that the
`decision to focus the request is somehow the barrier to
`its being granted, and we could expand.
` As to meeting and conferring, there was no
`intention here not to meet and confer. Mr. Weatherwax's
`e-mail did not seem, as least the way I reviewed it, to
`open the option for meet and confer. We think certainly
`there are scheduling issues or anything else that we
`need to meet and confer on, we'll be happy to do so, and
`should do so.
` MR. WEATHERWAX: May we briefly respond, Your
`Honor? This is Ken Weatherwax.
` THE COURT: Certainly. Certainly,
`Mr. Weatherwax. Go ahead.
` MR. WEATHERWAX: If Mr. Hoffman is finished.
`I assume he is.
` MR. HOFFMAN: I am.
` MR. WEATHERWAX: Mr. Hoffman said a couple of
`things that I want to respond to. He said that these
`claims had been found unpatentable in the institution
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`decision. Of course, that's not true. That's just a
`preliminary determination on a very low standard.
` It's argued that the Board has already
`considered these issues. No, indeed. As you know, we
`filed only two pages of evidence-free argument on these
`issues because we were relying on the partial
`institution and the Board's previous decision in
` Now this panel disagreed with us in that
`reliance. But it is remarkable for petitioner to argue
`that it had no opportunity to respond to the partial
`institution for two reasons: (1) If that is the case,
`then we most certainly have no opportunity to file a
`further briefing on this in response to the finding that
`the partial institution couldn't be relied upon.
` The first time we could have done so is in our
`reply in support of our motion to amend. That would
`have been the first time any expert evidence on our side
`appeared, that we filed any post-institution evidence at
`all, and that would seem extraordinarily strange to be
`an opportunity to begin that process under the rules.
` As you know, there were two changes of law in
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`this case, the decision in Aqua (sic) and the decision
`in SAS. So at this point we're in a very unusual
` And the second reason it's remarkable for
`petitioner to argue that it had no opportunity to raise
`this issue is because that it exactly had the same
`opportunity that the petitioner did in SAS Institute.
`It could have filed a timely petition for rehearing at
`the final written decision. And with a concrete focused
`argument, it could have said that SAS Institute is
`correct, and it should have been allowed full
`institution, and then it would have preserved the issue,
`just like the pe

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