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`Tetrahedron Letters. Vol32, No.7. pp 319-832. 1991
`Printed in Great Britain
`oo4u.4039;91 53_oo + .00
`Pcrgamon Press plc
`Carl D. Juby, Christopher D. Richardson, and Roland Brousseau“
`Genetic Engineering Section. Biotechnology Research Institute, National Research Council Canada, Montreal,
`Quebec, Canada l-l4P 2R2
`5_tymn_a_1: The solid phase synthesis of 3' deoxyoligonucleotide (I7 mer)-peptide conjugates is described. The
`oligonucleotide is complementary to the template strand of the measles virus in the region of the nucleocapsid protein
`on the 60 nucleotide leader RNA. The conjugates were synthesized on teflon support using a combination of solid phase
`FMOC peptide chemistry and phosphoramidite chemistry linked by a branched modifier.
`The concept of specific control of gene expression through the use of oligonucleotides promises rational
`therapeutic approaches to viral‘ diseases as well as to certain cancers‘. Several distinct modes of action for inhibition
`of gene expression’ have been demonstrated; they all have in common a requirement that oligonucleotides be readily
`incorporated into living cells. There is currently intense research activity focussed on the synthesis of oligonucleotide
`conjugates capable of enhanced cellular uptake.
`In attempts to increase the level of cellular incorporation, oligonucleotides have been covalently linked to a variety
`of hydrophobic groups such as cholesterol‘, or lipids’ or to positive! y charged groups such as poly-L-lysine‘.
`In this
`context. the synthesis of peptide-oligonucleotide conjugates offers great potential in terms of increased uptake and also
`through the possibility of targeting the antisense construct to certain types of cells using specific peptides. A generally
`applicable approach has been recently published’; this approach however requires several preliminary steps to modify
`the commercially available solid support before synthesis of the conjugate proper can begin.
`In this paper, we describe a synthetic method which is rapid and simple to carry out and which allows preparation
`of peptidcoligonucleotide conjugates starting directly from commercially available starting materials.
`The peptide (Z-D-Phe-I.-Phe-Gly, Z=benzy1o:tycarbonyI) was found to be a specific inhibitor of cell fusion and
`hemolysis‘. The oligonucleotide part of the conjugate is a 17-mer with the sequence 5'CAAA.G'I'I‘GGG'I‘AAGGAT.
`it was designed as a positive (rnRNA) sense oligomer hybridizing with the genomic. negative strand of this
`paramyoxvirus in the leader RNA region. starting 50 bases upstream of the mRNA cap site. Complexes which bind the
`viral genome in this region have shown ability to inhibit transcription. The hydrophobic conjugate (Trp), and the
`positively charged conjugate (Lys), are expected to provide enhanced uptake of the oligonucleotide moiety.
`The strategy is outlined in Figure I; it is based on a commercially available teflon resin which contains a
`our. Dimathuxyifityl;
`CNEl= 2—cyanoeihy|
`ootrr _.
`2t Branched modifier!
`Fmuc = Fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl; TCA= Trichloroacetic acid
`—- °'F"°“3
`CH2 NH Fmoc
`ll Peptide synth-
`21 Oligo synth.
`3} Deprotection
`“- CH2-NH-Gly-Phe-Pho-Z
`Page 3 of6
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`25 atom spacer arm terminating in a Dimethoxytrityl (DMT) protected hydroxyl. To this hydmxyl group is added the
`bifunctional branched modifier to create Intermediate I. This intermediate bears both a DMT-protected hydroxyl group
`and an Fmoc-protected amino group and therefore can be used directly both for solid phase Frnoc peptide synthesis and
`for subsequent oligonucleotirle synthesis by the solid phase phosphoramidite method.
`The stepwise synthesis of Z-D-Phe-L-Phe-Gly on Teflon was performed as follows:
`the commercially available
`Teflon support (Molecular Biosystetru, San Diego, CA, 1.0 ptnole) was placed in a DNA synthesis column. The DMT
`group was removed on the machine using 39!: trichloroacetic acid ('1'CA). A non-standard symhesis cycle was run
`introducing the branched modifier 1 (Glen Research, I-lemdon, VA., 0.1M) phosphoramidite with the amiditc reaction
`time extended to 110 seconds. The DMT group on the branched modifier was left on. The teflon packing was removed
`from the column and treated with 20% piperidinelDMF for [5 minutes to effect removal of the FMDC group. The teflon
`was washed with DMF and dry pyridine. Fmoc-Gly—OPFp (23.2 mg, 50.0 ptmole, Milligen, Cambridge, UK.) wa added
`to the teilon and dissolved in 700 pl of dry pyridine. The reaction mixture was stirred overnight at room temperature.
`Afier washing with DMF, 20% piperidine:‘DMF was added and stirred at room temperature for 15 minutes to effect
`removal of the Fmoc group. The solution was removed and the support was washed with dry pyridine. The previous step
`was repeated using Fmoc-L-Phe-0PFp (27.65 mg, 50.0 pmole) in 700 pl dry pyridine. Finally, Z-D-Phe-OH (29.9 mg,
`100.0 pmole) was reacted with the growing peptide chain using HOBT (15.3 mg, 100.0 umolc) and DCC (22.7 mg,
`100.0 pmole) in 700 pl of dry pyridine. Within 5 minutes a precipitate was formed and the mixture was left stirring at
`room temperature overnight.
`After the peptide coupling, the tellon was placed on the Applied Biosystems Model 380A and DNA synthesis
`was carried out using the cyanoethyl phosphoramidite chemistry with extended reaction and detritylation times (110 see.
`each) as specified by the manufacturer of the teflon resin. The trityl cation release was assayed and gave an average
`stepwise yield of 98.9%. The deprotection of the oligonucleotide was not carried out using Ni-l',0l-l because of the lability
`of the peptide bonds to strong base. For this reason,
`the alternative procedure originally reported by Miller and
`coworkers” for the deprotection of methyl phosphonate oligonucleotides was employed. The method involves treating the
`derivatized teflon with ethylenediarnine (EDA) in absolute ethanol (l:l "’.f.,.) for 1 hour at 55 “C. The conjugate was
`removed from the support” by treating with a 1 ml solution of 100 mM sodium periodate, 100 mM sodium phosphate
`buffer, pH 7.2, in acetonitrile/water (l:4 WV). The mixture was agitated at room temperature with exclusion of light.
`After 4 hours the solution was removed and the support was washed with excess water and methanol. The solution was
`removed and the tetlon was treated with n-propylamine (50 ul), acetonitrilc (I00 ul), and water (400 Lil) for 3 hours at
`55 "C. The solution was evaporated to dryness i. The product was purified by reverse phase HPLC to yield pure
`conjugate (14.8 0.D., 10.4% for 1 step synthesis or 15.1 0.1)., 10.7% for stepwise synthesis).
`HPLC conditions were as follows: reverse phase C-18 column 5 pm particle size, LKB type Pep-S analytical,
`using a linear gradient between Solvent A, 0.1 M triethylamine acetate (TEAA) in water and Solvent B, 75% acetonitrile
`in 0.1 M TEAA. The gradient was run from 0-l00% in 100 minutes. The conjugate elutes between the oligonucleotide
`(23.5 min.) and the peptide (56.8 min.) giving a sharp single peak at 42.4 minutes.
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`The ‘H NMR spectrum of the conjugate shows a phenyl absorption at 7.1-7.8 ppm, while the peptide (Z-D-Phe-
`L-Phe-Gly) shows a phenyl absorption at 7.1-7.3 ppm. This peak broadening of the phenyl groups is consistent with
`previous results".
`U.V. data (B20) is as follows: (hm 262.6 nm., e = 150,000 (estimate), hm 260.6 nm., hm 256.6 nm., it,-_
`253.0 nm., hm 250.4 nm., Aug 247.4 um.) and peptide, Z-D—Phe~L—Phe~Gl3f UN... 263.9 nm., 1,-_ 261.8 nm., )t_,
`258.] nm., e = 840, Lb 255.4 nm., }t,_, 252.3 nm.). These three maxima are indicative of the peptide.
`Stepwise §ynth§i§ of ([45), gm fljgpj, on tgflpn "l"he procedure described above was applied to the synthesis of the
`(Lys),- and (Tq)),- oligonucieotide conjugates. Fmoc-Lys-Boc—OPFp (31.8 mg, 50.0 pmole) or Fmoc-Trp-0PFp (29.6
`mg, 50.0 pmole) was added to the teflon and dissolved in 700 pl of dry pyridine. The reaction mixture was stirred for
`at least 4 hours at room temperature. The solution was pipetted off and the support was washed with DMF. Following,
`20% piperidine!DMF was added and stirred at room temperature for 15 minutes to effect removal of the Fmoc group.
`The solution was removed and the support was washed with dry pyridine. The previous addition step was repeated four
`times. The final Fmoc group was left on.
`The peptide synthesis mixture was pipetted off and the support was washed with dry acetonitrile. The teflon was
`placed in a DNA synthesis column. The oligonucleotide was synthesised as described above. The terminal Fmoc group
`was removed by treating with 20% piperidinefDMF for 15 minutes. The oligonucleotide was deprotected by treating with
`ethylenediaminelabsethanol, Ill at 55°C for 1 hour. The Boc groups on the lysine conjugate were removed by treating
`with 90% TFA)'ethanedithiol for 5 minutes". The teflon was washed with acetonitrile and 20% Et,NIDCM then again
`with acetonitrile. The conjugates were removed from the support by treating with sodium periodate as described above.
`The DNA-(Trp), product was purified by reverse phase HPLC to yield pure conjugate (1.8 0.D., 1.3% overall
`yield). HPLC conditions: Conjugate retention time of 47.2 min., DNA retention time of 24.6 min., using the same HPLC
`column and conditions as above. U.V. data (H20) was obtained for the Trp conjugate. 7\,,_,_ 256.0 nm. with a shoulder
`at 280 nm. ).,,,i,, 235 nm.
`The DNA—(Lys), product was purified by DEAE ion exchange HPLC to yield pure conjugate( 12 0.1)., 8.595
`overall yield ). HPLC conditions: Conjugate retention time of 38.4 min., DNA retention time of 42.5 min., column,
`Protein-Pak, DEAE SPW, Waters. analytical: gradient 0-100% of B in 100 minutes at a flow rate of 1.0 tnllmin. Solvent
`A = 25 mM Tris pH 7.5, Solvent B = 20% acetonitrile in 25 mM Tris, 1 M NaCl pH 7.5. The conjugate was desalted
`on a sephadex G-25 Fine column. U.V. data (H20) was obtained for the Lys conjugate. Am 256 nm., R,-_ 237 nrrl.
`Amino acid analysis of this conjugate gave lysine and glycine peaks. The glycine comes from hydrolysis of the
`The DNA peptide conjugates were run beside the oligonucleotide itself on a 15% pnlyacrylarnide gel containing
`7 M urea (Figure 2). ‘The Z-D-Phe-L—Phe—Gly conjugate and (Trp), conjugate run slower than the oligonucleotide. The
`(Lys), conjugate does not migrate on the gel due to the positively charged lysine residues. The DNA was visualized on
`the gel by U.V. shadowing.
`The conjugate was shown to be resistant to snake venom phosphodiesterase under conditions (0.8 0.D. of
`oligonucleolide, 0.1 unit enzyme, 0.1M Tris—HCI pH 8.9, 0.1 M l'~laCl, 0.014 M MgCl,, 3? “C,
`degraded the tmconjugated oligonucleotide (data not shown).
`1 hour) which severely
`Page 5 of6
`Page 5 of 6
`In conclusion the results describe a facile synthesis starting directly with commercially available reagents of
`oligonucleotide-peptide conjugates with potential biological activity against
`measles virus.
`We would like to thank Sylvie Bilodeau for obtaining the NMR
`spectra and Bernard Gibbs for the amino acid analysis.
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`(Received in USA 24 September 1990)
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