`Application of
`Serial No.
`: Burris et al.
`: October 16, 2012
`: HIl2—ll7
`Art Unit
`Conf. No.
`: DuVerne, Jean F.
`: 2833
`: 3288
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`This paper is being filed in response to the Office Action mailed December 16,
`2014. Reconsideration of the present application is respectfully requested in light of the
`amendments and remarks below, which include, in order of appearance, beginning on
`separate sheets:
`I Amendments to the Claims; and
`I Remarks.
`PPC Exhibit 2025
`Coming v. PPC

`Serial No. 13/653,095
`Docket HIl2—l 17
`Amendments to the Claims
`The following listing of claims will replace all prior Versions, and listings, of
`claims in the present application:
`(Currently amended) A coaxial cable connector for coupling an end of a coaxial
`cable to a terminal, the coaxial cable comprising an inner conductor, a dielectric
`surrounding the inner conductor, an outer conductor surrounding the dielectric, and a
`jacket surrounding the outer conductor, the connector comprising:
`a coupler configured ~ad~apted—to couple the connector to the terminal;
`a body assembled with the coupler, and
`a post assembled with the coupler and the body, wherein the post is configured
`~ad~apteel—to receive an end of a coaxial cable, and
`wherein the coupler and post define a plurality of pairs of electromagnetically
`coupled faces, wherein a first pair of electromagnetically coupled faces is substantially
`orthogonal to an adjacent pair of electromagnetically coupled faces
`(Currently amended) The coaxial cable connector of claim l, wherein RF signals
`external to the coaxial cable connector are attenuated by at least about 50dB in a range
`up to about l000MHz.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim l, wherein a transfer impedance
`measured from the outer conductor of the coaxial cable to the terminal through the
`connector averages less than about 0.24 ohms.

`Serial No. 13/653,095
`Docket HIl2—l 17
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim l, wherein the RF signals
`external to the connector comprise RF signals that ingress into the connector.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim l, wherein the RF signals
`external to the connector comprise RF signals that egress out from the connector.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim l, wherein the coupler
`a step, and
`a lip,
`and wherein the post comprises,
`a flange,
`a contacting portion
`and a shoulder.
`(Currently amended) The coaxial cable connector of claim 6, wherein a first
`circuitous path including the plurality of pairs of electromagnetically coupled faces is
`established by at least one of the step, the lip, the flange, the contacting portion and the
`shoulder, and wherein the first circuitous path attenuates of RF signals external to the
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 6, wherein the contacting
`portion is integral and monolithic with at least a portion of the post.
`(Currently amended) The coaxial cable connector of claim l, wherein the
`terminal comprises an equipment connection port, and wherein the coupler comprises a
`threaded portion configured adapted—to connect with a threaded portion of the equipment
`connection port, and wherein at least one thread on the coupler has a pitch angle
`different than a pitch angle of at least one thread of the equipment connection port.

`Serial No. 13/653,095
`Docket HIl2—l 17
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 9, wherein the pitch angle
`of the thread of the coupler is about 2 degrees different than the pitch angle of the
`thread of the equipment connection port.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 9, wherein the pitch angle of the
`thread of the coupler is about 62 degrees, and the pitch angle of the thread of the
`equipment connection port is about 60 degrees.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 9, wherein the threaded
`portion of the coupler and the threaded portion of the equipment connection port,
`establish a second circuitous path, and wherein the second circuitous path attenuates
`RF signals external to the connector.
`(Currently amended) A coaxial cable connector for coupling an end of a coaxial
`cable to an equipment connection port, the coaxial cable comprising an inner conductor,
`a dielectric surrounding the inner conductor, an outer conductor surrounding the
`dielectric, and a jacket surrounding the outer conductor, the connector comprising:
`a coupler configured ~ad~apted—to couple the connector to the equipment connection
`a body assembled with the coupler, and
`a post assembled with the coupler and the body, wherein the post is configured
`~ad~apted—to receive an end of a coaxial cable, and wherein the post comprises an integral
`contacting portion, and wherein the contacting portion is monolithic with at least a
`portion of the post, and
`wherein when assembled the coupler and post provide at least one
`circuitous path defined a plurality of pairs of electromagnetically coupled faces
`of the coupler and post, wherein a first pair of electromagnetically coupled faces
`is substantially orthogonal to an adjacent pair of electromagnetically coupled

`Serial No. 13/653,095
`Docket HI12—1 17
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 13, wherein RF signals external
`to the coaxial connector comprise at least one of RF signals that ingress into the
`connector and RF signals that egress out from the connector.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 13, wherein RF signals are
`attenuated by at least about 50dB in a range up to about 1000MHz.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 13, wherein a transfer
`impedance averages about 0.24 ohms.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 13, wherein the at least
`one circuitous path comprises a first circuitous path and a second circuitous
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 17, wherein the coupler
`comprises a lip and a step, and the post comprises a flange and a shoulder, and
`wherein the first circuitous path is established by at least one of the step, the lip,
`the flange, the contacting portion and the shoulder.
`(Currently amended) The coaxial cable connector of claim 17, wherein the
`terminal comprises an equipment connection port, and wherein the coupler comprises a
`threaded portion configured adapted—to connect with a threaded portion of the
`equipment connection port, and wherein the threaded portion of the coupler and the
`threaded portion of the equipment connection port establish a second circuitous path.

`Serial No. 13/653,095
`Docket HI12—1 17
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 19, wherein at least one thread
`on the coupler has a pitch angle different than a pitch angle of at least one thread of the
`equipment connection port.
`(Currently amended) A coaxial cable connector for coupling an end of a coaxial
`cable to an equipment connection port, the coaxial cable comprising an inner conductor,
`a dielectric surrounding the inner conductor, an outer conductor surrounding the
`dielectric, and a jacket surrounding the outer conductor, the connector comprising:
`a coupler configured ~ad~apted—to couple the connector to the equipment
`connection port, wherein the coupler has a step, and wherein the coupler comprises a
`threaded portion configured adapted—to connect with a threaded portion of the
`equipment connection port, and wherein at least one thread on the coupler has a pitch
`angle different than a pitch angle of at least one thread of the equipment connection
`a body assembled with the coupler;
`a post assembled with the coupler and the body, wherein the post comprises a
`flange, a contacting portion and a shoulder, and wherein the post is configured adapted
`to receive an end of a coaxial cable, and wherein the contacting portion is integral and
`monolithic with at least a portion of the post, and
`wherein a first circuitous path is established by the a step, the flange, the
`contacting portion and the shoulder, and wherein a second circuitous path is established
`by the threaded portion of the coupler and the threaded portion of the equipment
`connection port, and wherein the first circuitous path and the second circuitous path
`provide for RF shielding of the assembled coaxial cable connector such that RF signals
`external to the coaxial cable connector are attenuated by at least about 50dB in a range
`up to about 1000MHz, and wherein a transfer impedance averages about 0.24 ohms, and
`wherein the integrity of an electrical signal transmitted through coaxial cable connector
`is maintained regardless of the tightness of the coupling of the connector to the
`equipment connection port and without a separate continuity member.

`Serial No. 13/653,095
`Docket HIl2—l 17
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 21, wherein the pitch angle
`of the thread of the coupler is about 2 degrees different than the pitch angle of the
`thread of the equipment connection port.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 22, wherein the pitch
`angle of the thread of the coupler is about 62 degrees, and the pitch angle of the
`thread of the equipment connection port is about 60 degrees.

`Serial No. 13/653,095
`Docket HI12-117
`This paper is responsive to the Office action mailed December 16, 2014 and re-
`mailed on February 11, 2015 (herein after the “Office action”). Prior to entry of this
`Amendment and Response, claims 1-23 are pending and stand rejected. In this
`Amendment and Response, claims 1, 2, 7, 9, 13, 19 and 21 are amended without
`prejudice or disclaimer. Support for the amendments can be found throughout the
`originally-filed application. See, e.g., Figures 21-23. No claims have been canceled or
`added. It is respectfully submitted that in light of the remarks below, all of the claims are
`now in condition for allowance. Reconsideration and reexamination are respectfully
`Re'ections Under 35 U.S.C.
`Claims 1, 4-8, 13, 14 and 17-19 stand rejected as purportedly anticipated under 35
`U.S.C. 102(e) by United States patent no. 8,480,430 to Ehret et al. (Ehret).
`In order to
`reject a claim under 35 U.S.C. 102(e), “[t]he reference must teach each and every element
`of the claim.” MPEP § 2131. It is respectfully submitted that Ehret fails to disclose each
`and every feature of the rejected claims. Thus, Applicant respectfully traverses this
`rejection for at least the following reasons.
`Amended claim 1, from which claims 4-8 depend, recites, inter alia, the
`following: “wherein the coupler and post define a plurality of pairs of electromagnetically
`coupled faces, wherein a first pair of electromagnetically coupled faces is substantially
`orthogonal to an adjacent pair of electromagnetically coupled faces.”
`Amended claim 13, from which claims 14 and 17-19 depend, recites, inter alia,
`the following: “wherein when assembled the coupler and post provide at least one
`circuitous path defined a plurality of pairs of electromagnetically coupled faces of the
`coupler and post, wherein a first pair of electromagnetically coupled faces is substantially
`orthogonal to an adjacent pair of electromagnetically coupled faces.”
`In contrast to amended claims 1 and 13 and their dependent claims, however, the
`Ehret fails to disclose, teach or suggest at least the limitations cited above. Rather, in

`Serial No. 13/653,095
`Docket HI12-117
`Ehret the tapered surface 47 or its corresponding surface of the coupler is not
`substantially orthogonal to any adjacent pairs of faces of the coupler and post of Ehret.
`Thus, claims 1, 4-8, 13, 14 and 17-19 are not anticipated by Ehret. Accordingly,
`Applicant respectfully requests that the Office reconsider the rejection of claims 1, 4-8,
`13, 14 and 17-19 and allow claims 1, 4-8, 13, 14 and 17-19.
`Re'ections Under 35 U.S.C.
`Claims 2, 3, 9-12, 15 , 16 and 20-23 stand rejected as purportedly unpatentable
`under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) by United States patent no. 8,480,430 to Ehret et al. (Ehret). In
`order to establish a primafacie case of obviousness under 35 U.S.C. 103, “[a]ll the words
`in a claim must be considered” and all limitations must be taught or suggested by the
`prior art. MPEP § 2143.03, In re Royka, 490 F.2d 981, 180 USPQ 580 (CCPA 1974).
`Additionally, “there must be some articulated reasoning with some rational underpinning
`to support the legal conclusion of obviousness” to establish obviousness. KSR Int’l V.
`Teleflex Inc., 550 U.S. 398, 418, 82 USPQ.2d 1385, 1396 (2007). It is respectfully
`submitted that Ehret fails to support a prima facie case of obviousness with respect to
`claims 2, 3, 9-12, 15, 16 and 20-23. Thus, Applicant respectfully traverses this rejection
`for at least the following reasons.
`Claims 2, 3, 9-12, 15 and 16 depend from claims 1 and 13. As discussed above,
`Ehret fails to teach or suggest all features of amended independent claims 1 and 13.
`Thus, all the limitations of claims 1 and 13 are not taught or suggested by Ehret. As
`such, the Office action has failed to establish a prima facie case of obviousness of claims
`2, 3, 9-12, 15 and 16, which depend from independent claims 1 and 13, based on Ehret.
`Thus, it is not necessary to address the additional features in claims 2, 3, 9-12, 15 and 16
`to overcome this rejection. However, Applicant reserves the right to do so in the future.
`Accordingly, Applicant respectfully requests that the rejection of claims 2, 3, 9-12, 15
`and 16 be reconsidered and withdrawn and that claims 2, 3, 9-12, 15 and 16 be allowed.
`Claims 20 recites, inter alia, “a coupler configured to couple the connector to the
`equipment connection port, wherein the coupler has a step, and wherein the coupler
`comprises a threaded portion configured to connect with a threaded portion of the

`Serial No. 13/653,095
`Docket HIl2—l 17
`equipment connection port, and wherein at least one thread on the coupler has a pitch
`angle different than a pitch angle of at least one thread of the equipment connection port.
`Emphasis added.
`Claim 2l, from which claims 222 and 23 depend, similarly recites, inter alia,
`“wherein the coupler comprises a threaded portion configured to connect with a threaded
`portion of the equipment connection port, and wherein at least one thread on the coupler
`has a pitch angle different than a pitch angle of at least one thread of the equipment
`connection port.”
`The Office action alleges that although Ehret fails “to explicitly disclose the
`77 CC
`threading size,
`[i]t would have been an obvious matter of design choice to have the
`threading being at a certain angle or size, such a modification would have involved a
`mere change in the size of the component.”
`Applicant respectfully suggests that the Office misses the recitation of claims 20
`and 21 that the threaded portion of the coupler has a pitch angle difierent than a pitch
`angle of at least one thread of the equipment connection port for which it configured to
`connect. Thus, it is not merely a design choice of which particular pitch angle to use for
`both the threaded portion of the coupler and a corresponding equipment connection port,
`but rather claim 20 explicitly recites that the pitch angle be different. The Office has not
`identified a reference disclosing a coupler threaded portion having a pitch angle that is
`different from at least one thread of the equipment connection port for which it
`configured to connect or any reason why one of skill in the art would choose different
`thread pitches between the two components. Thus, Office action has failed to establish a
`prima facie case of obviousness of claims 20-23 based on Ehret. Thus, it is not necessary
`to address the additional features in claims 20-23 to overcome this rejection. However,
`Applicant reserves the right to do so in the future. Accordingly, Applicant respectfully
`requests that the rejection of claims 20-23 be reconsidered and withdrawn and that claims
`20-23 be allowed.

`Serial No. 13/653,095
`Docket HIl2-l 17
`Applicants respectfully submit that the present application is in condition for
`allowance. The Examiner is encouraged to contact the undersigned to resolve efficiently
`any formal matters or to discuss any aspects of the application or of this response.
`Otherwise, early notification of allowable subject matter is respectfully solicited.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Thomas J. Osborne, Jr./
`Thomas J . Osborne, Jr.
`Registration No. 39,796
`Fifth Third Center
`One South Main Street, Suite l300
`Dayton, Ohio 45402-2023
`Telephone: (937) 449-6400
`Facsimile: (937) 449-6405

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