`I hereby certify that this correspondence and any attachment thereto are being transmitted to
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office via the Electronic Filing System of the U.S. Patent
`and Trademark Office under 37 CFR §i .6(a)(4) on the date indicated below.
`Michelle Martinez
`4 «Z7»//A
`Appl. No.:
`Donald Andrew Burris
`Confirmation No.: 3288
`Art Unit:
`283 3
`Jean Duverne
`Docket No.:
`11112-1 17
`Customer No.:
`Mail Stop Amendment
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313 -1450
`37 CFR § 1.111
`In response to the Office Action mailed February 28, 2014, please find enclosed
`Applicant’s reply:
`Amendments to the Claims are reflected in the listing of claims beginning on page 2.
`Remarks begin on page 7 of this paper.
`PPC Exhibit 2022
`Coming v. PPC

`Application Serial No. 13/653,095
`Response to Office Action mailed February 28, 2014
`In the Claims:
`(Currently Amended) A coaxial cable comiector for coupling an end of a coaxial cable to a
`terminal, the coaxial cable comprising an inner conductor, a dielectric surrounding the inner
`conductor, an outer conductor surrounding the dielectric, and a jacket surrounding the outer
`conductor, the comiector comprising:
`a coupler adapted to couple the connector to the terminal;
`a body assembled with the coupler, and
`a post assembled with the coupler and the body, wherein the post is adapted to receive an end
`of a coaxial cable, and
`wherein the coupler and post provide RF shielding such that RF signals external to the
`coaxial cable connector are attenuated such that the integrity of an electrical signal transmitted
`through coaxial cable connector is maintained regardless of the tightness of the coupling of the
`connector to the terminal, and without a separate continuity member.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 1, wherein RF signals are attenuated by at
`least about 50dB in a range up to about l0OOMHz.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 1, wherein a transfer impedance measured
`from the outer conductor of the coaxial cable to the terminal through the connector averages less
`than about 0.24 ohms.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 1, wherein the RF signals external to the
`connector comprise RF signals that ingress into the connector.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 1, wherein the RF signals external to the
`connector comprise RF signals that egress out from the connector.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 1, wherein the coupler comprises,
`a step, and
`a lip,

`Application Serial No. 13/653,095
`Response to Office Action mailed February 28, 2014
`and wherein the post comprises,
`a flange,
`a contacting portion
`and a shoulder.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 6, wherein a first circuitous path is
`established by at least one of the step, the lip, the flange, the contacting portion and the shoulder, and
`wherein the first circuitous path attenuates of RF signals external to the connector.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 6, wherein the contacting portion is integral
`and monolithic with at least a portion of the post.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 1, wherein the terminal comprises an
`equipment connection port, and wherein the coupler comprises a threaded portion adapted to connect
`with a threaded portion of the equipment connection port, and wherein at least one thread on the
`coupler has a pitch angle different than a pitch angle of at least one thread of the equipment
`connection port.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 9, wherein the pitch angle of the thread of
`the coupler is about 2 degrees different than the pitch angle of the thread of the equipment
`connection port.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 9, wherein the pitch angle of the thread of
`the coupler is about 62 degrees, and the pitch angle of the thread of the equipment connection port is
`about 60 degrees.
`(Original) The coaxial cable comiector of claim 9, wherein the threaded portion of the
`coupler and the threaded portion of the equipment connection port, establish a second circuitous
`path, and wherein the second circuitous path attenuates RF signals external to the connector.

`Application Serial No. 13/653,095
`Response to Office Action mailed February 28, 2014
`(Currently Amended) A coaxial cable connector for coupling an end of a coaxial cable to an
`equipment connection port, the coaxial cable comprising an inner conductor, a dielectric surrounding
`the inner conductor, an outer conductor surrounding the dielectric, and a jacket surrounding the outer
`conductor, the connector comprising:
`a coupler adapted to couple the connector to the equipment connection port;
`a body assembled with the coupler, and
`a post assembled with the coupler and the body, wherein the post is adapted to receive an end
`of a coaxial cable, and wherein the post comprises an integral contacting portion, and wherein the
`contacting portion is monolithic with at least a portion of the post, and
`wherein when assembled the coupler and post provide at least one circuitous path resulting in
`RF shielding such that RF signals external to the coaxial cable connector are attenuated, such that
`the integrity of an electrical signal transmitted through coaxial cable connector is maintained
`regardless of the tightness of the coupling of the connector to the terminal and without a separate
`continuity member.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 13, wherein RF signals external to the
`coaxial connector comprise at least one of RF signals that ingress into the connector and RF signals
`that egress out from the connector.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 13, wherein RF signals are attenuated by at
`least about 50dB in a range up to about l000MHz.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 13, wherein a transfer impedance averages
`about 0.24 ohms.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 13, wherein the at least one circuitous path
`comprises a first circuitous path and a second circuitous path.

`Application Serial No. 13/653,095
`Response to Office Action mailed February 28, 2014
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 17, wherein the coupler comprises a lip and a
`step, and the post comprises a flange and a shoulder, and wherein the first circuitous path is
`established by at least one of the step, the lip, the flange, the contacting portion and the shoulder.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 17, wherein the terminal comprises an
`equipment connection port, and wherein the coupler comprises a threaded portion adapted to connect
`with a threaded portion of the equipment connection port, and wherein the threaded portion of the
`coupler and the threaded portion of the equipment connection port establish a second circuitous path.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 19, wherein at least one thread on the coupler
`has a pitch angle different than a pitch angle of at least one thread of the equipment connection port.
`(Currently Amended) A coaxial cable connector for coupling an end of a coaxial cable to an
`equipment connection port, the coaxial cable comprising an inner conductor, a dielectric surrounding
`the inner conductor, an outer conductor surrounding the dielectric, and a jacket surrounding the outer
`conductor, the connector comprising:
`a coupler adapted to couple the connector to the equipment connection port, wherein the
`coupler has a step, and wherein the coupler comprises a threaded portion adapted to connect with a
`threaded portion of the equipment connection port, and wherein at least one thread on the coupler
`l1as a pitch angle different than a pitch angle of at least one thread of the equipment connection port;
`a body assembled with the coupler;
`a post assembled with the coupler and the body, wherein the post comprises a flange, a
`contacting portion and a shoulder, and wherein the post is adapted to receive an end of a coaxial
`cable, and wherein the contacting portion is integral and monolithic with at least a portion of the
`post, and
`wherein a first circuitous path is established by the a step, the flange, the contacting portion
`and the shoulder, and wherein a second circuitous path is established by the threaded portion of the
`coupler and the threaded portion of the equipment connection port, and wherein the first circuitous
`path and the second circuitous path provide for M shielding of the assembled coaxial cable
`connector such that RF signals external to the coaxial cable connector are attenuated by at least

`Application Serial No. 13/653,095
`Response to Office Action mailed February 28, 2014
`about 50dB in a range up to about IOOOMHZ, and wherein a transfer impedance averages about 0.24
`ohms, and wherein the integrity of an electrical signal transmitted through coaxial cable connector is
`maintained regardless of the tightness of the coupling of the connector to the equipment connection
`port and without a separate continuity member.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 21, wherein the pitch angle of the thread of
`the coupler is about 2 degrees different than the pitch angle of the thread of the equipment
`connection port.
`(Original) The coaxial cable connector of claim 22, wherein the pitch angle of the thread of
`the coupler is about 62 degrees, and the pitch angle of the thread of the equipment connection port is
`about 60 degrees.

`Application Serial No. 13/653,095
`Response to Office Action mailed February 28, 2014
`This paper is responsive to the Office Action mailed February 28, 2014 (hereinafter
`“Office Action”). Applicant would like to thank the Examiner for a timely and thorough review
`of the above-referenced patent application. Claims 1, 13 and 21. Claims 1-23 remain pending.
`It is respectfully submitted that in light of the remarks below, all of the claims are now in
`condition for allowance.
`Rejection ofClaims 1, 4-9, 12-14 and 17-20 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) -Purdy
`Claims 1, 4-9, 12-14 and 17-20 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) over U.S. Patent
`Application Publication No. 2010/0255719 to Purdy (hereinafter “Purdy”).
`In order to reject a
`claim under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b), “[t]he reference must teach every element of the claim” MPEP §
`It is respectfully submitted that Purdy does not disclose every feature of the rejected
`claims. Thus, Applicant respectfully traverses this rejection for at least the reasons set forth
`Amended claim 1
`recites the limitation “wherein the coupler and post provide RF
`shielding such that RF signals external to the coaxial cable connector are attenuated such that the
`integrity of an electrical signal
`transmitted through coaxial cable connector is maintained
`regardless of the tightness of the coupling of the connector to the terminal and without a separate
`continuity member.” Emphasis added. Amended claims 13 and 21 recite a similar limitation.
`Purdy requires a separate continuity member 70. See Figs. 1-9. Moreover,
`it is due to the
`separate continuity member that continuity and grounding in Purdy are maintained:
`“The pre-load condition of the continuity member 70 involving a constant moment and
`continuous motive contact between the oppositely tapered surfaces 35 and 45 of the nut
`30 and the post 40 facilitates an electrical ground path between the post 40 and the nut
`Q.” Purdy, 110029 Emphasis added.
`“With continued reference to the drawings, FIG. 9 depicts a perspective cut—away View of
`an embodiment of a continuity connector having an attached coaxial cable, the connector
`in a not fully tightened position on an interface port. As depicted, the connector 100 is
`only partially installed on the interface port 20. However, while in this partially installed
`state, the continuity member 70 maintains an electrical ground path between the mating

`Application Serial No. 13/653,095
`Response to Office Action mailed February 28, 2014
`port 20 and the outer conductive shield (ground 14) of cable 10. The ground path, among
`other things, results from the continuous physical and electrical contact of the continuity
`member 70 as compressed by forces resulting in a moment between the oppositely
`tapered surfaces 35 and 45 of the nut 30 and the post 40, when the continuity connector
`10 is in an operably assembled state. The ground path extends from the interface port 20,
`to and through the nut 30, to and through the continuity member 70, to and through the
`post 40, to the conductive grounding shield 14. This continuous grounding_path provides
`operable functionality of the continuity connector 100, even when the connector 100 is
`not fully tightened onto an interface p_ort 20. Id. 110035 Emphasis added.
`Therefore, Purdy does not teach every element of the claims 1 and 13. Accordingly, for
`these reasons, claims 1 and 13 are allowable and Applicant respectfully requests
`withdrawal of the rejection of claims 1 and 13. Applicant further respectfully requests
`withdrawal of the rejection of claims 4-9, 12, 14 and 17-20 as depending, either directly or
`indirectly, from claim 1 or claim 13. Because of these dependencies, it is not necessary to
`address the additional features presented in claims 4-9, 12, 14 and 17-20. However, Applicant
`reserves the right to do so in the future.
`In addition, though, Applicant would like to address the rejection of claim 8 in this
`response. Claim 8 recites the limitation “wherein the contacting portion is integral and
`monolithic with at least a portion of the post.” At page 3, the Office Action contends that “[i]t
`has been held that the term “integral” is sufficiently broad to embrace constructions united by
`such means as fastening and welding.
`In re Hotte, 177 USPQ 326, 328 (CCPA 1973).”
`However In re Hotte does not support the Office Action’s rejection of claim 8, and, further,
`assuming that it did, a point which Applicant does not concede, it does not address all of the
`limitations of claim 8,
`In particular, Purdy’s continuity member 70 is neither “fastened” nor “welded” to the
`post 40:
`“Turning now to FIGS. 2-4, an embodiment of a continuity connector 100 is shown
`during assembly and as assembled. A continuity member 70 may positioned around an
`external surface of the post 40 during assembly, while the post 40 is axially inserted into
`position with respect to the nut 30. The continuity member 70 should have an inner
`diameter sufficient to allow it to move _L_ip the entire length of the post body 40 until it
`contacts the tapered surface 45 of the flange 44 (as depicted in FIG. 3).” I_d. 110027
`Emphasis added.

`Application Serial No. 13/653,095
`Response to Office Action mailed February 28, 2014
`the continuity member is disposed between and contacts both the
`Once assembled,
`tapered surface 35 of the internal lip 34 of the nut 30 and the correspondingly oppositely
`tapered surface 45 of the flange 44 of the post 40, so that the continuity member 70
`resides in a pre—load condition wherein the continuity member 70 experiences constant
`compression force(s) exeited upon it by both the tapered surface 35 of the lip 34 of the
`nut 30 and the tapered surface 45 of the flange 44 of the post 40. lg. 110029.
`AS is evident from the above—quoted portions of Purdy, the continuity member 70 freely
`moves with respect to the post 40 and, instead of fastening, is kept in place by being squeezed
`between a surface of the nut 30 and a surface of the post 40.
`It, therefore, is not fastened to the
`post 40, and certainly is not welded to the post 40. Moreover, the Office Action completely
`disregarded the term “monolithic” in claim 8. Since Purdy’s continuity member is a completely
`separate component from the post 40, the continuity member 70 is not and cannot be monolithic
`with the post 40.
`Therefore, Purdy does not teach every element of the claim 8. Accordingly, for at least
`these additional reasons, claim 8 is allowable and Applicant respectfully requests withdrawal of
`the rejection of claim 8.
`Rejection of Claims 2-3, 10-11, 15-16, 21-23 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) - Purdy
`Claims 2-3, 10-11, 15-16, 21-23 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) over Purdy.
`Applicant respectfully traverses.
`In order to establish prz'mafacz'e obviousness, “[a]ll words in a
`claim must be considered” and all limitations must be taught or suggested by the prior art. MPEP
`§ 2143.03, In re Royka, 490 F.2d 981, 180 USPQ 580 (CCPA 1974). Additionally, “there must
`be some articulated reasoning with some rational underpinning to support the legal conclusion of
`obviousness” to establish obviousness. KSR Int’l v. Teleflex, Inc., 550 US. 398, 418, 82
`USPQ.2d 1385, 1396 (2007).
`As discussed above, Purdy does not teach or suggest all features of amended independent
`claims 1, 13 and 21. Accordingly, all of the limitations of claims 1, 13 and 21 are not taught or
`suggested by Purdy. A such, the Office Action has failed to establish prima facie obviousness of
`claims 1, 13 and 21 based on Purdy. Additionally, claims 2-3, 10-11, 15-16, 22-23 depend,
`either directly or indirectly, from one of claims 1, 13 and 21. Due to these dependencies, the
`Office Action has failed to establish prima facie obviousness of claims 2-3, 10-11, 15-16, 22-23

`Application Serial No. 13/653,095
`Response to Office Action mailed February 28, 2014
`based on Purdy. Thus, it is not necessary to address the additional features in claims 2~3, 10-11,
`15~l6, 22-23 to overcome this rejection. However, Applicant reserves the right to do so in the
`future .
`In view of the foregoing remarks, Applicant respectfully submits that claims 1-23 of the
`present application are in condition for allowance.
`It is respectfully requested that a Notice of
`Allowance be issued in due course. Examiner Jean F. Duverne is encouraged to Contact
`Applicant’s undersigned attorney to resolve any remaining issues
`in order
`to expedite
`examination of the present application.
`A fee of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) is believed due in connection with this Reply
`for a one-month extension of time. The Office is authorized to charge the one—month extension
`fee and any additional fees that may be necessitated by this Reply to Deposit Account No. 03-
`Customer No. 21495
`Corning Optical Communications LLC
`P.O. Box 489
`800 17th Street NW
`Hickory, NC 28603
`Tel Office (828) 901-5032
`Fax Office (828) 901-5206
`Respectfully submitted,
`ohn H. Vynalé
`Registration No. 37,254
`10 ofl0

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