(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0040537 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Feb. 16, 2012
`US 20120040537Al
`Donald Andrew Burris, Peoria, AZ
`(21) App]. NO‘.
`Aug_ 5, 2011
`Related US, Application Data
`(60) Provlslonal apphcanon N0' 61/372=187= filed on Aug‘
`10> 2010'
`P bl_
`ass] canon
`Int, C1,
`H01R 9/05
`H01R 39/00
`(52) U.S. Cl. ......................................... .. 439/11; 439/578
`A radio frequency interference (RFI) and grounding shield
`for a coaxial cable connector is disclosed. The shield com-
`prises a circular inner segment and at least one arcuately
`shapeid pre-formed captbileveredarmular be2:rnT2111ttactli1ed tp the
`circu ar inner segmen
`y a JO1I11I1g segmen .
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`rom a p ane o t e circu ar inner segment.
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`pre-formed cantilevered annular beam applies a spring-force
`to a surface ofthe surface of a component of the coaxial cable
`connector establishing an electrically conductive path
`between the components. The at least one pre-formed canti-
`levered annularbearn comprises an outer surface with a knife-
`like edge that provides a wiping action of surface oxides on
`component surfaces ofthe coaxial cable connector and allows
`for unrestricted movement when the coaxial cable connector
`is attached to an equipment connection port of an appliance.
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`PPC Exhibit 2019
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`Patent Application Publication
`Feb. 16, 2012 Sheet 1 of 4
`US 2012/0040537 A1
`FIG. 1
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`Patent Application Publication
`Feb. 16, 2012 Sheet 2 of 4
`US 2012/0040537 A1
`FIG. 2A

`Patent Application Publication
`Feb. 16, 2012 Sheet 3 of 4
`US 2012/0040537 A1
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`Patent Application Publication
`Feb. 16, 2012 Sheet 4 of 4
`US 2012/0040537 A1
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`US 2012/0040537 A1
`Feb. 16, 2012
`[0001] This application claims the benefit of priority under
`35 U.S.C. §ll9 of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No.
`61/372,187 filed on Aug. 10, 2010 the content of which is
`relied upon and incorporated herein by reference in its
`[0002] The disclosure relates generally to coaxial cable
`connectors, and particularly to coaxial cable connectors hav-
`ing a flexible, resilient shield which provides radio frequency
`interference (RFI) and grounding shielding independent of
`the tightness of the coaxial cable connector to an appliance
`equipment connection port, and without restricting the move-
`ment ofthe coupler ofthe coaxial cable connector whenbeing
`attached to the appliance equipment connection.
`[0003] Coaxial cable connectors, such as type F connec-
`tors, are used to attach coaxial cable to another object or
`appliance, e.g., a television set, DVD player, modem or other
`electronic communication device having a terminal adapted
`to engage the connector. The terminal of the appliance
`includes an inner conductor and a surrounding outer conduc-
`[0004] Coaxial cable includes a center conductor for trans-
`mitting a signal. The center conductor is surrounded by a
`dielectric material, and the dielectric material is surrounded
`by an outer conductor; this outer conductor may be in the
`form of a conductive foil and/or braided sheath. The outer
`conductor is typically maintained at ground potential to
`shield the signal transmitted by the center conductor from
`stray noise, and to maintain a continuous desired impedance
`over the signal path. The outer conductor is usually sur-
`rounded by a plastic cable jacket that electrically insulates,
`and mechanically protects,
`the outer conductor. Prior to
`installing a coaxial connector onto an end ofthe coaxial cable,
`the end of the coaxial cable is typically prepared by stripping
`off the end portion of the jacket to expose the end portion of
`the outer conductor. Similarly, it is common to strip off a
`portion ofthe dielectric to expose the end portion ofthe center
`[0005] Coaxial cable connectors of the type known in the
`trade as “F connectors” often include a tubular post designed
`to slide over the dielectric material, and under the outer con-
`ductor of the coaxial cable, at the prepared end of the coaxial
`cable. If the outer conductor of the cable includes a braided
`sheath, then the exposed braided sheath is usually folded back
`over the cable jacket. The cable jacket and folded-back outer
`conductor extend generally around the outside of the tubular
`post and are typically received in an outer body of the con-
`nector; this outer body of the connector is often fixedly
`secured to the tubular post. A coupler is typically rotatably
`secured around the tubular post and includes an intemally-
`threaded region for engaging external threads formed on the
`outer conductor of the appliance terminal.
`[0006] When connecting the end of a coaxial cable to a
`terminal of a television set, equipment box, or other appli-
`ance, it is important to achieve a reliable electrical connection
`between the outer conductor ofthe coaxial cable and the outer
`conductor of the appliance terminal. Typically, this goal is
`usually achieved by ensuring that the coupler ofthe connector
`is fully tightened over the connection port of the appliance.
`When fully tightened, the head of the tubular post of the
`connector directly engages the edge of the outer conductor of
`the appliance port, thereby making a direct electrical ground
`connection between the outer conductor of the appliance port
`and the tubular post; in turn, the tubular post is engaged with
`the outer conductor of the coaxial cable.
`[0007] With the increased use of self-install kits provided to
`home owners by some CATV system operators has come a
`rise in customer complaints due to poor picture quality in
`video systems and/or poor data performance in computer/
`internet systems. Additionally, CATV system operators have
`found upstream data problems induced by entrance of
`unwanted RF signals into their systems. Complaints of this
`nature result in CATV system operators having to send a
`technician to address the issue. Often times it is reported by
`the technician that the cause of the problem is due to a loose
`F connector fitting, sometimes as a result of inadequate instal-
`lation ofthe self-install kit by the homeowner. An improperly
`installed or loose connector may result in poor signal transfer
`because there are discontinuities along the electrical path
`between the devices, resulting in ingress of undesired radio
`frequency (“RF”) signals where RF energy from an external
`source or sources may enter the connector/cable arrangement
`causing a signal to noise ratio problem resulting in an unac-
`ceptable picture or data performance. Many of the current
`state of the art F connectors rely on intimate contact between
`the F male connector interface and the F female connector
`interface. If, for some reason, the connector interfaces are
`allowed to pull apart from each other, such as in the case of a
`loose F male coupler, an interface “gap” may result. If not
`otherwise protected this gap can be a point of RF ingress as
`previously described.
`the coupler
`[0008] As mentioned above,
`secured about the head of the tubular post. The head of the
`tubular post usually includes an enlarged shoulder, and the
`coupler typically includes an inwardly-directed flange for
`extending over and around the shoulder of the tubular post. In
`order not to interfere with free rotation of the coupler, manu-
`facturers of such F-style connectors routinely make the outer
`diameter of the shoulder (at the head of the tubular post) of
`smaller dimension than the inner diameter of the central bore
`of the coupler. Likewise, manufacturers routinely make the
`inner diameter of the inwardly-directed flange of the coupler
`of larger dimension than the outer diameter of the non-shoul-
`der portion of the tubular post, again to avoid interference
`with rotation of the coupler relative to the tubular post. In a
`loose connection system, wherein the coupler of the coaxial
`connector is not drawn tightly to the appliance port connector,
`an alternate ground path may fortuitously result from contact
`between the coupler and the tubular post, particularly if the
`coupler is not centered over, and axially aligned with, the
`tubularpost. However, this alternate ground path is not stable,
`and can be disrupted as a result ofvibrations, movement ofthe
`appliance, movement of the cable, or the like.
`[0009] Alternatively, there are some cases in which such an
`alternate ground path is provided by fortuitous contact
`between the coupler and the outer body of the coaxial con-
`nector, provided that the outer body is formed from conduc-
`tive material. This alternate ground path is similarly unstable,
`and may be interrupted by relative movement between the
`appliance and the cable, or by vibrations. Moreover, this
`alternate ground path does not exist at all if the outer body of

`US 2012/0040537 Al
`Feb. 16, 2012
`the coaxial connector is constructed ofnon-conductive mate-
`rial. Such unstable ground paths can give rise to intermittent
`failures that are costly and time-consuming to diagnose.
`[0010] One embodiment includes a radio frequency inter-
`ference (RFI) and grounding shield for a coaxial cable con-
`nector. The shield comprises a circular inner segment and at
`least one arcuately shaped pre-formed cantilevered annular
`beam attached to the circular inner segment by a joining
`segment. The at least one pre-formed cantilevered annular
`beam extends angularly from a plane of the circular inner
`segment. The at least one pre-formed cantilevered annular
`beam applies a spring-force to a surface ofa component ofthe
`coaxial cable connector establishing an electrically conduc-
`tive path between the components. The at least one pre-
`formed cantilevered annular beam comprises an outer surface
`with a knife-like edge that provides a wiping action of surface
`oxides on component surface of the coaxial cable connector
`and allows for unrestricted movement when the coaxial cable
`connector is attached to an appliance equipment connection
`port of an appliance.
`[0011] A further embodiment includes a coaxial cable con-
`nector comprising a tubular post, a coupler, a body and a
`shield. The shield provides an electrically conductive path
`between the post, the coupler and the body providing a shield
`against RF ingress. The coaxial cable connector couples a
`prepared end of a coaxial cable to a threaded female equip-
`ment port. The tubular post has a first end adapted to be
`inserted into the prepared end ofthe coaxial cable between the
`dielectric material and the outer conductor thereof. The cou-
`pler is rotatably attached over a second end ofthe tubular po st.
`The coaxial cable connector includes a central bore, at least a
`portion of which is threaded for engaging the female equip-
`ment port. The body extends about the first end of the tubular
`post for receiving the outer conductor, and preferably the
`cable jacket, of the coaxial cable.
`[0012] A resilient, electrically-conductive shield is dis-
`posed between the tubular post and the coupler. This shield
`engages both the tubular post and the coupler for providing an
`electrically-conductive path therebetween, but without
`noticeably restricting rotation of the coupler relative to the
`tubular post. The shield may be generally circular and
`includes a plurality of pre-formed flexible annular cantile-
`vered beams. The tubular post comprises an enlarged shoul-
`der extending inside the coupler with a first rearward facing
`annular shoulder and a stepped diameter leading to a second
`rearward facing annular shoulder. The coupler comprises a
`forward facing armular surface, a through-bore and a rear-
`ward facing armular surface. The body at least partially com-
`prises a face, a through bore and an external armular surface.
`The shield is at least partially disposed between the annular
`shoulder of the post and face of the body. The pre-formed
`flexible cantilevered annular beams of the shield are at least
`partially disposed against the rearward facing annular surface
`of the coupler. The shield is resilient relative to the longitu-
`dinal axis of the connector and maintains an arcuately
`increased surface of sliding electrical contact between shield
`and the rearward facing armular surface of the coupler. At the
`same time the shield is firmly captured and grounded between
`the body and the tubular post providing electrical and
`mechanical communication between the coupler, body and
`tubular post while allowing smooth and easy rotation of the
`coupler. The coaxial cable connector may also include a seal-
`ing ring seated within the coupler for rotatably engaging the
`body member to form a seal therebetween.
`[0013] Additional features and advantages will be set forth
`in the detailed description which follows, and in part will be
`readily apparent to those skilled in the art from that descrip-
`tion or
`recognized by practicing the embodiments as
`described herein, including the detailed description which
`follows, the claims, as well as the appended drawings.
`It is to be understood that both the foregoing general
`description and the following detailed description are merely
`exemplary, and are intended to provide an overview or frame-
`work to understanding the nature and character of the claims.
`The accompanying drawings are included to provide a further
`understanding, and are incorporated in and constitute a part of
`this specification. The drawings illustrate one or more
`embodiment(s), and together with the description serve to
`explain principles and operation ofthe various embodiments.
`FIG. 1 is a cross sectional view ofan embodiment of
`a type ofa coaxial connector with a shield as disclosed herein;
`FIG. 1A is a detail section ofa portion of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 2 is a front schematic view ofthe shield utilized
`in the connectors of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 2A is a side cross sectional view of the shield
`shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 3 is a perspective view of the shield utilized in
`the connectors of FIG. 2;
`FIG. 4 is a cross sectional view of the coaxial con-
`nector of FIG. 1 with a coaxial cable disposed therein;
`FIG. 5 is a cross sectional view ofan embodiment of
`another type of a coaxial connector with the shield as shown
`in FIG. 2 with a coaxial cable disposed therein; and
`FIG. 6 is a cross sectional view ofan embodiment of
`another type of a coaxial connector with the shield as shown
`in FIG. 2 with a coaxial cable disposed therein.
`[0023] Reference will now be made in detail to the embodi-
`ments, examples ofwhich are illustrated in the accompanying
`drawings, in which some, but not all embodiments are shown.
`Indeed, the concepts may be embodied in many different
`forms and should not be construed as limiting herein; rather,
`these embodiments are provided so that this disclosure will
`satisfy applicable legal requirements. Whenever possible,
`like reference numbers will be used to refer to like compo-
`nents or parts.
`[0024] Coaxial cable connectors are used to couple a pre-
`pared end of a coaxial cable to a threaded female equipment
`connection port of an appliance. The coaxial cable connector
`may have a post or may be postless. In both cases though, in
`addition to providing an electrical and mechanical connection
`between the conductor of the coaxial connector and the con-
`ductor of the female equipment connection port, the coaxial
`cable connector provides a ground path from the braided
`sheath of the coaxial cable to the equipment connection port.
`Maintaining a stable ground path protects against the ingress
`of undesired radio frequency (“RF”) signals which may
`degrade performance of the appliance. This is especially
`applicable when the coaxial cable connector is loosened from
`the equipment connection port, either due to not being tight-
`ened upon initial installation or due to becoming loose after
`In this regard, FIGS. 1 and 1A illustrates an exem-
`plary embodiment of coaxial cable connector 100 known in
`the art having a shield 102 to provide a stable ground path and
`protect against the ingress of RF signals. Although,
`coaxial connector 100 in FIG. 1 is an axial-compression type

`US 20l2/0040537 Al
`Feb. 16, 2012
`coaxial connector having a tubular post 104, the shield 102
`may be incorporated any type of coaxial connector, examples
`of which will be discussed herein. The coaxial cable connec-
`tor 100 is shown in its unattached, uncompressed state, with-
`out a coaxial cable inserted therein. The coaxial cable con-
`nector 100 couples a prepared end of a coaxial cable to a
`threaded female equipment connection port (not shown in
`FIG. 1). This will be discussed in more detail with reference
`to FIG. 4. The coaxial cable connector 100 has a first end 106
`and a second end 108. A shell 110 slidably attaches to the
`coaxial cable connector at the first end 106. A coupler 112
`attaches to the coaxial cable connector 100 at the second end
`108. The coupler 112 may rotatably attach to the second end
`108, and, thereby, also to the tubular post 104. The shield 102
`is disposed between the tubular post 104, the coupler 112 and
`a body 114 of the coaxial connector 100. In this way, the
`shield 102 provides an electrically conductive path between
`the body 114, the tubular post 104, and the coupler 112. This
`enables an electrically conductive path from the coaxial cable
`through the coaxial cable connector 100 to the equipment
`connection port providing shielding against RF ingress and
`[0026] Continuing with reference to FIGS. 1 and 1A, the
`tubular post 104 has a first end 115 which is adapted to extend
`into a coaxial cable and a second end 117. An enlarged shoul-
`der 116 at the second end 117 extends inside the coupler 112.
`At the first end 115, the tubular post 104 has a circular barb
`118 extending radially outwardly from the tubular post 104.
`The enlarged shoulder 116 comprises a first rearward facing
`annular shoulder 120, and a stepped diameter leading to a
`second rearward facing annular shoulder 122. The coupler
`112 comprises a forward facing annular surface 124, a
`through-bore 126 and a rearward facing armular surface 128.
`The body 114 at least partially comprises a face 130, a
`through bore 132 and an external annular surface 134. An
`inner segment 136 of the shield 102 is disposed between the
`second rearward facing annular shoulder 122 of the tubular
`post 104 and face 130 of the body 114. In this manner, the
`shield 102 is captured and secured in the coaxial cable con-
`nector 100, and establishes an electrically conductive path
`between the body 114 and the tubular post 104. Further, the
`shield 102 is and remains captured and secured independent
`of the tightness of the coaxial cable connector 100 on the
`appliance equipment connection port. In other words, the
`shield 102 remains secured and the electrically conductive
`path remains established between the body 114 and the tubu-
`lar post 104 even when the coaxial cable connector is loos-
`ened and/or disconnected froin the appliance equipment con-
`nection port. Additionally, the shield 102 has resilient and
`flexible cantilevered annular beams 138 disposed against the
`rearward facing annular surface 128 ofthe coupler 112. In this
`manner, the cantilevered annular beams 138 maintain contact
`with the coupler independent oftightness of the coaxial cable
`connector 100 on the appliance equipment connection port
`without restricting the movement, including the rotation of
`the coupler 112. The coaxial cable connector 100 may also
`include a sealing ring 139 seated within the coupler 112 to
`form a seal between the coupler 112 and the body 114.
`[0027] Referring now to FIGS. 2 and 2A, the shield 102
`may be circular with the inner segment 136 and at least one
`pre-formed cantilevered annular beam 138. Additionally, the
`shield 102 may have a plurality of pre-formed cantilevered
`annular beams 138. The least one pre-formed cantilevered
`annular beam 138 is flexible, arcuately shaped and extends at
`approximately a 19° angle from the plane of the inner seg-
`ment 136. The pre-formed cantilevered armularbearn 138 has
`an outer surface 140 with an edge 142, as shown in FIG. 2A.
`Joining segments 144 join the plurality of the pre-formed
`cantilevered annular beams 138 to the inner segment 136
`forming a plurality of slots 146 therebetween. The inner seg-
`ment 136 has an inner surface 148 that defines a central
`aperture 150. Shield 102 may be made from a metallic mate-
`rial, including as a non-limiting example, phosphor bronze,
`and have a width ofapproximately 0.005 inches. Additionally
`or alternatively, the shield 102 may be un-plated or plated
`with a conductive material, as non-limiting examples tin,
`tin-nickel or the like.
`[0028] Referring now also to FIG. 3, the shield 102 is
`illustrated in a perspective view to further illustrate the com-
`ponents including the pre-formed cantilevered annular beams
`138. Pre-forming the cantilevered armularbearns 138 as illus-
`trated in FIGS. 2A and 3, provides the technical advantage of
`improved application of the material properties of the shield
`102 to provide a spring force biasing the edge 142 toward the
`rearward facing annular surface 140 and causing the edge 142
`of outer surface 140 to intimately contact rearward facing
`annular surface 128 of the coupler 112. Because of this, the
`shield 102 may be manufactured without having to utilize a
`more expensive material such as beryllium copper. Addition-
`ally, the material of the shield 102 does not need to be heat
`treated. Further,
`the natural spring-like qualities of the
`selected material are utilized, with the modulus of elasticity
`preventing the shield 102 from being over-stressed by pro-
`viding for limited relative axial movement between coupler
`112, the tubular post 104 and the body 114.
`[0029] Electrical grounding properties are enhanced by
`providing an arcuately increased area of surface engagement
`between the edges 142 of the cantilevered annular beams 138
`and rearward facing annular surface 128 of coupler 112 as
`compared, for example, to the amount of surface engagement
`ofindividual, limited number of contact points, such as raised
`bumps and the like. In this manner, the increased area of
`surface engagement provides the opportunity to engage a
`greater number ofAsperity spots (“A- spots”) rather than rely-
`ing on the limited number of mechanical and A-spot points of
`engagement. Additionally, the edge 142 may have a knife-like
`sharpness. Thus, the knife-like sharpness of the edge 142
`makes mechanical contact between the cantilevered annular
`beams 138 and rearward facing annular surface 128 of cou-
`pler 112 without restricting the movement ofthe coupler 112.
`Also, the knife-like sharpness of the edge 142 and the plating
`of shield 102 provide a wiping action of surface oxides to
`provide for conductivity during periods of relative motion
`between the components.
`[0030] Moreover, in addition to the increased number of
`A-spot engagement, the increased area of surface engage-
`ment results in an increased area of concentrated, mechanical
`pressure. While providing the degree of surface contact and
`concentrated mechanical force, the shield 102 does not nega-
`tively impact the “feel” of coupler rotation due to the limited
`amount of frictional drag exerted by the profile of edges 142
`against reward facing annular surface 128. Mechanically and
`conductively capturing shield 102 between tubular post 104
`and body 114 obviates the need for any flanges and, thus,
`simplifies the tooling necessary to produce the shield 102
`resulting in a cost savings in manufacture.
`[0031] The shield 102 is resilient relative to the longitudinal
`axis of the coaxial cable connector 100 and maintains an
`arcuately increased surface of sliding electrical contact
`between shield 102 and the rearward facing annular surface
`128 of the coupler 112. At the same time the shield is firmly
`captured and grounded between the body 114 and the tubular
`post 104 providing assured electrical and mechanical com-

`US 20l2/0040537 A1
`Feb. 16, 2012
`munication between the coupler 106, the body 114 and the
`tubular post 104 while allowing smooth and easy rotation of
`the coupler 112.
`[0032] Referring now to FIG. 4, the coaxial cable connector
`100 is shown with a coaxial cable 200 inserted therein. The
`shell 106 has a first end 152 and an opposing second end 154.
`The shell 106 may be made of metal. A central passageway
`156 extends through the shell 106 between first end 152 and
`the second end 154. The central passageway 156 has an inner
`wall 158 with a diameter commensurate with the outer diam-
`eter of the external armular surface 134 of the body 112 for
`allowing the second end 154 of the shell 106 to extend over
`the body 112. A gripping ring or member 160 (hereinafter
`referred to as “gripping member”) is disposed within the
`central passageway 156 ofthe shell 106. The central passage-
`way 156 proximate the first end 152 of shell 106 has an inner
`diameter that is less than the diameter of the inner wall 158.
`[0033] The coaxial cable 200 has center conductor 202. The
`center conductor 202 is surrounded by a dielectric material
`204, and the dielectric material 204 is surrounded by an outer
`conductor 206 that may be in the form of a conductive foil
`and/or braided sheath. The outer conductor 206 is usually
`surrounded by a plastic cable jacket 208 that electrically
`insulates, and mechanically protects, the outer conductor. A
`prepared end of the coaxial cable 200 is inserted into the first
`end 106 of the coaxial cable connector 100. A compression
`tool (not shown) is used to feed the coaxial cable 200 into the
`coaxial cable connector 100 such that the circular barb 118 of
`the tubular post 104 inserts between the dielectric material
`204 and the outer conductor 206 of the coaxial cable 200,
`making contact with the outer conductor 206. The compres-
`sion tool also advances the shell 106 toward the coupler 112.
`As the shell 106 is advanced over the external armular surface
`134 of the body 114 toward the coupler 112, the reduced
`diameter of the central passageway 156 causes the gripping
`member 160 to compress against the cable jacket 208. In this
`manner, the coaxial cable 200 is retained in the coaxial cable
`connector 100. Additionally, the circular barb 118 positioned
`between the dielectric material 204 and the outer conductor
`206 acts to maximize the retention strength ofthe cable jacket
`202 within coaxial cable connector 100. As the shell 106
`moves toward the second end of the coaxial cable connector
`100, the shell 106 causes the gripper member 160 to compress
`the cable jacket 202 such that the cable jacket 202 is pinched
`between the gripper member 160 and the circular barb 118
`increasing the pull-out force required to dislodge cable 200
`from coaxial cable connector 100. Since the outer conductor
`206 is in contact with the tubular post 104 an electrically
`conductive path is established from the outer conductor 206
`through the tubular post 104 to the shield 102 and, thereby, to
`the coupler 112.
`Further, the shield 102 is and remains captured and
`secured and the electrically-conductive path remains estab-
`lished independent of the tightness of the coaxial cable con-
`nector 100 on the appliance equipment connection port. In
`other words, the shield 102 remains secured and the electri-
`cally conductive path remains established between the body
`114 and the tubular post 104 even when the coaxial cable
`connector is loosened and/or disconnected from the appliance
`equipment connection port. Additionally, the shield 102 has
`resilient and flexible cantilevered annular beams 138 dis-
`posed against the rearward facing armular surface 128 of the
`coupler 112. In this manner, the cantilevered annular beams
`138 maintain contact with the coupler independent of tight-
`ness of the coaxial cable connector 100 on the appliance
`equipment connection port without restricting the movement,
`including the rotation of the coupler 112.
`[0035] Referring now to FIG. 5, there is shown the shield
`102 disposed in another coaxial cable connector 100' known
`in the art with the coaxial cable 200 inserted therein. In FIG.
`5, the coaxial cable connector 100' is not a compression type.
`The prepared end of the coaxial cable 200 inserts into the first
`end 106 of the coaxial cable connector 100' and the tubular
`post 104 inserts into the prepared end coaxial cable 200 in a
`similar manner as described above with reference to FIG. 4.
`However, instead of having a gripping member as shown in
`FIG. 4, the compression tool (not shown) forces the tubular
`post 104 to slide (to the left in the drawings) relative to the
`other components in the coaxial cable connector 100'. This
`results in the second rearward facing annular shoulder 122 of
`the tubular post 104 to move toward the face 130 of the body
`114 such that the tubular post 104 and the body 114 meet at
`the inner segment 136 and apply compressive pressure on
`both sides ofthe inner segment 136. In this mar1ner, the shield
`102 is captured and secured in the coaxial cable connector
`100', and establishes an electrically conductive path between
`the body 114 and the tubular post 104 as described above with
`reference to FIGS. 1 and 1A. Further, the shield 102 is and
`remains captured and secured and the electrically-conductive
`path remains established independent of the tightness of the
`coaxial cable connector 100' on the appliance equipment
`connection port. In other words,
`the shield 102 remains
`secured and the electrically conductive path remains estab-
`lished between the body 114 and the tubular post 104 even
`when the coaxial cable connector 100' is loosened and/or
`disconnected from the appliance equipment connection port.
`Additionally, the shield 102 has resilient and flexible cantile-
`vered annular beams 138 disposed against the rearward fac-
`ing annular surface 128 ofthe coupler 112. In this manner, the
`cantilevered armular beams 138 maintain contact with the
`coupler 112 independent of tightness of the coaxial cable
`connector 100' on the appliance equipment connection port
`without restricting the movement, including the rotation of
`the coupler 112.
`[0036] Referring now to FIG. 6, there is shown the shield
`102 in another coaxial cable connector 100" known in the art.
`The coaxial cable connector 100" shown in FIG. 6 is a post-
`less coaxial cable connector. The prepared end of the coaxial
`cable 200 inserts into the first end 106 of the coaxial cable
`connector 100". However, instead of a tubular post inserting
`between the dielectric material 204 and the outer conductor
`206, the prepared end of the coaxial cable 200 extends to a
`collar 162. The collar 162 comprises a first rearward facing
`annular shoulder 164, and a stepped diameter leading to a
`second rearward facing annular shoulder 166. In a similar
`manner as described above, the inner segment 136 of the
`shield 102 is disposed between the second rearward facing
`annular shoulder 166 of the collar 162 and the face 130 ofthe
`body 114. In this manner, the shield 102 is captured and
`secured in the coaxial cable connector 100", and establishes
`an electrically conductive path between the body 114 and the
`collar 162. Further, the shield 102 is and r

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