(12) Ulllted States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,712,631 B1
`Mar. 30, 2004
`........................ .. 439/578
`4/1990 Bout
`8/1992 Mattingly et al.
`........ .. 439/314
`3/1993 Pesci ........................ .. 439/352
`ray e a .
`............. ..
`10/1996 Shenkal et al.
`........... .. 439/301
`1/1997 Zander et al.
`.... ..
`4,915,651 A
`5,141,448 A *
`5,195,905 A
`2 *
`5,564,938 A
`5 595 499 A
`3/133? E222
`3:227:32 2
`8/1999 Fox, Sr. .............. .. 439/350
`5,938,465 A
`1/2000 Porter, Jr. ........... .. 439/320
`6,010,349 A
`6,468,100 B1 * 10/2002 Meyer et al.
`............. .. 439/320
`* Cited by examiner
`Primary E’“’mi””—T“1SidaS Patel
`(74) A”0’”e” Age“ 0’ Fi’”’_Ri°h“d C" Lima“
`The internally locking coaxial connector has a conductive
`insert disposed in an outer body. The insert has a front flange
`and a lock Washer placed between the front flange
`inwardly extending annular flange at the rear of a coupling
`nut slidable on the outer body. When a male connector is
`mated with the female connector, the lock Washer applies a
`d f
`°°““““°“S “H1510” etweent emaea“
`to prevent their separation when exposed to Vibration or
`thermal cycling.
`5 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
`PPC Exhibit 2009
`Coming v. PPC
`Inventor: Timothy L. Youtsey, 1715 W. Sunrise
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`( * ) Notice:
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`USC 154(b) by 0 days
`(21) Appl. No; 10/309,215
`(22) Filed:
`Dec. 4, 2002
`. . . . . . . . . . .. H01R 13/62
`Int. Cl.7 . . . . . .
` (52) U.s. Cl.
`439/322, 439/581
`................. ..
`(58) Field of Search ............................... .. 439/312, 313,
`439 321 320 322 319 581‘ 285 33 900
`’ 921’
`References Cited
`6/1968 Forney, Jr.
`3,390,374 A
`8/1971 Curl
`......................... .. 439/675
`3,601,776 A *
`6/1972 Zerlin et al.
`..... N 439/352
`3,671,922 A 4
`12/1973 Forney, Jr.
`3,778,535 A
`4,307,926 A * 12/1981 Smith ......... ..
`RE31,995 E * 10/1985 Ball
`......................... .. 439/488

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 30, 2004
`Sheet 1 014
`US 6,712,631 B1

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 30, 2004
`Sheet 2 of4
`US 6,712,631 B1

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 30, 2004
`Sheet 3 of4
`US 6,712,631 B1
` om

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 30, 2004
`Sheet 4 of4
`US 6,712,631 B1

`US 6,712,631 B1
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to coaxial connectors. In
`the internally locking coaxial connector is a
`female coaxial connector with a lock washer placed inside
`the coupling nut that produces a constant tension against a
`mated male coaxial connector to prevent its loosening or
`separation during use, especially during periods of vibration
`and thermal cycling.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`The present
`invention is directed to a coaxial cable
`connector in which the female connector is modified to
`include a lock washer that applies a constant tension against
`a mated male connector to reduce or prevent the resulting
`connection from loosening during use, especially in situa-
`tions of excessive vibration and thermal cycling.
`Coaxial cables come in a variety of sizes and styles,
`including various configurations of central signal-carrying
`conductors and shielding. The cables are exposed to envi-
`ronmental factors during their use, whether used indoors or
`outdoors. Connectors are used to connect cables to respec-
`tive terminals on electrical equipment and related housings,
`as well as to other cables. The cables contain a center
`conductor that carries an electrical signal, e.g. a radio
`frequency (RF) signal. Signal frequencies typically range
`from just under 1 MHz to the gigahertz region. Acylindrical
`dielectric layer surrounds the signal-carrying center
`conductor, and a cylindrical conductive shielding layer
`surrounds the dielectric. Finally, a jacket surrounds the
`shielding layer to complete the cable.
`it is
`No matter what the frequency of the RF signal,
`important that the shielding layer, and the signal-carrying
`center conductor when the connector has a center pin,
`maintain good contact with the connector, and that
`connection between a male and a female coaxial cable
`connector securely maintains continuity between the respec-
`tive shields of the coaxial cables and between the center
`conductors of the respective cables in order to avoid inser-
`tion loss and to establish a consistently strong signal during
`use. However, during use, various factors can cause the
`connectors to loosen, thereby separating the connectors from
`each other and resulting in loss of signal.
`The present invention reduces or eliminates the loss of
`signal by preventing threaded male and female coaxial cable
`connectors from separating during use. This is accomplished
`by incorporating a lock washer inside the female connector
`that produces a constant
`tension against a mated male
`U.S. Pat. No. 3,390,374, issued to Forney, Jr. on Jun. 25,
`1968, teaches a coaxial connector including a locking mem-
`ber using an annular rib or radially inwardly directed barbs
`to hold a connector onto the prepared end of a cable. U.S.
`Pat. No. 3,778,535, issued to Forney, Jr. on Dec. 11, 1973,
`teaches a coaxial connector in which the outer conductor of
`a cable is squeezed during application of a connector.
`U.S. Pat. No. 4,915,651, issued to Bout on Apr. 10, 1990,
`teaches a coaxial cable connector using two springs to apply
`axial tension to compensate for axial tolerances when the
`connector is applied. U.S. Pat. No. 5,195,905, issued to
`Pesci on Mar. 23, 1993, teaches a coaxial connector includ-
`ing an outer locking ring. U.S. Pat. No. 5,548,088 issued to
`Gray et al. on Aug. 20, 1996, teaches a coaxial connector in
`which a radial force is applied on a contacting member to
`provide on-going pressure engagement between the contact-
`ing members without
`the need for continuance of axial
`pressure to maintain electrical continuity.
`U.S. Pat. No. 5,564,938, issued to Shenkal et al. on Oct.
`15, 1996, teaches a coaxial cable connector having an outer
`sleeve member used to prevent unauthorized cable removal.
`U.S. Pat. No. 5,595,499, issued to Zander et al. on Jan. 21,
`1997, teaches a coaxial connector having improved locking
`capabilities using radially movable locking arms.
`U.S. Pat. No. 5,607,325, issued to Toma on Mar. 4, 1997,
`teaches a coaxial cable connector including a locking mem-
`ber using radially extending ribs that provide a frictional
`lock. U.S. Pat. No. 5,651,498, issued to Locati et al. on Jul.
`29, 1997,
`teaches a coaxial cable connector including a
`ferrule having serrations for mechanically connecting with
`parts of a cable, a mandrel and a closing collar. U.S. Pat. No.
`5,938,465, issued to Fox, Sr. on Aug. 17, 1999, teaches a
`quick connect-disconnect cable connector.
`U.S. Pat. No. 6,010,349, issued to Porter, Jr. on Jan. 4,
`2000, teaches a multi-piece connector having pieces that are
`torqued in two directions to lock the connector onto the
`Although various connectors are available for use on
`coaxial cables, there is a need for a coaxial cable connector
`that resists or prevents loosening between the male and
`female connector members during use. Such loosening
`might occur as a result of thermal cycling, vibration or
`routine use. The internally locking coaxial connector of the
`invention fulfills this need by providing a lock
`washer member that is inserted in the female connector
`member with a conductive inner body, so that when the male
`connector member is threaded into the female member, the
`lock washer is compressed. The lock washer then produces
`a continuous tension against the male member that holds the
`male member at
`its threads firmly in place against
`corresponding threads of the female member, thereby pre-
`venting its movement during use.
`None of the above inventions and patents, taken either
`singly or in combination,
`is seen to describe the instant
`invention as claimed. Thus an internally-locking coaxial
`connector solving the aforementioned problems is desired.
`The present invention is directed to a threaded connector
`for use in a coaxial cable.
`In particular,
`the inventive
`connector is a female connector including a conductive
`flanged insert and a lock washer member placed next to the
`flange so that when a corresponding male connector member
`is threaded into the female member, the contacting face of
`the male connector bears against the flanged insert and
`presses against the lock washer member, compressing the
`lock washer, thereby resulting in a constant tension being
`applied by the lock washer against the male member that
`prevents its movement during vibration or thermal cycling.
`Accordingly, it is a principal object of the invention tot
`provide a threaded coaxial cable connector having a female
`connector portion including a flanged insert and a lock
`washer positioned between the flange of the insert and an
`internal flange of the female member.
`It is another object of the invention to provide a coaxial
`cable connector wherein after threaded mating of a corre-
`sponding male member into the female member, a lock
`washer member applies a constant tension against the male
`member to limit or prevent its movement during thermal
`cycling or vibration.

`US 6,712,631 B1
`is an object of the invention to provide improved
`elements and arrangements thereof for
`the purposes
`described which is inexpensive, dependable and fully effec-
`tive in accomplishing its intended purposes.
`These and other objects of the present invention will
`become readily apparent upon further review of the follow-
`ing specification and drawings.
`FIG. 1 is an environmental, perspective view of an
`internally-locking female coaxial connector according to
`the, present invention.
`FIG. 2 is an exploded view of the coaxial connector
`showing the lock washer and conductive insert.
`FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional cutaway view of the modified
`female connector mated with a male connector.
`FIG. 4 is a perspective view showing various types of lock
`washer members that are usable in the female connector.
`Similar reference characters denote corresponding fea-
`tures consistently throughout the attached drawings.
`invention is directed to a coaxial cable
`The present
`connector in which the female portion of the connector
`includes a flanged conductive insert and a lock washer
`member that rests between the flange of the insert and a
`flange inside the female connector.
`FIG. 1 shows a perspective view of a threaded female
`coaxial cable connector 10 fastened to an end of a coaxial
`cable 20. Coaxial cable 20 as shown includes a signal-
`carrying center conductor 22 extending longitudinally
`through the cable 20. The center conductor 22 is surrounded
`by a conductive shielding layer 24 that is separated from the
`center conductor 22 by a dielectric layer, as is known in the
`art. The shielding layer 24 must be conductive and can be
`present in any of various configurations and conductive
`materials, as is well known in the field of coaxial cables. For
`example, the shielding 24 can be braided copper or alumi-
`num wire (often used with very high frequency or alternat-
`ing current signals) or aluminum foil (used with direct
`current signals). The shielding 24 can also be present as two
`or more layers of braided wire or foil or both, depending
`upon the type of coaxial cable.
`FIG. 2 shows an exploded view of the female connector
`10 including a flanged conductive insert 40 and lock washer
`50. As shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, lock washer 50 is placed
`behind the front flange 44 of the conductive insert 40 and in
`front of an inwardly extending annular flange at the rear of
`the hex nut coupling 30 of the female connector 10.
`In order to fasten the female connector to the end of a
`cable, the cable end is prepared in a conventional manner,
`i.e., a portion of the outer jacket of the cable is removed
`(usually about 1 inch) to expose the shielding. Then the
`exposed shielding 24 is turned back onto the outer jacket to
`expose the underlying dielectric. Part of the dielectric is then
`removed to expose the center conductor 22. The cable end
`is thus prepared for the connector to be attached to it.
`In order to securely fasten the female connector 10 to the
`prepared cable end, the exposed center conductor 22 is fed
`through the outer body 32 of the connector 10 until
`extends into the hex nut coupling 30. The lock washer 50 is
`placed into the hex nut coupling 30 until it rests against the
`rear annular flange (not shown) of the hex coupling 30. Then
`the end of the cable 20 is passed through the conductive
`insert 40 in the direction shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, and the
`shielding 24 is turned in the opposite direction to grip onto
`the rear end of the body 42 of insert 40. In the case of the
`insert 40 shown in the figures, the shielding 24 is braided and
`the body of the insert 40 is provided with ribs providing
`additional gripping surface area for attaching the shielding.
`The surface of body 42 can be provided with any suitable
`features that provide adequate grip for the shielding 24.
`After the shielding 24 has been attached to the insert body
`42, the cable 20 is pulled to retract the insert 40 into the
`female connector 20-until the flange 44 sandwiches the lock
`washer 50 against the rear annular flange of the hex nut
`coupling 30. The insert 40 may be a press fit into the outer
`body 32, or at this point the body 32 of the female connector
`may be crimped in a manner known in the art to permanently
`secure the connector 10 to the end of the cable 20. This
`crimping action also results in pressing the shielding 24 into
`direct and secure contact with the conductive insert 40,
`thereby ensuring continuity of the shielding 24 through the
`insert 40. Although the particular type of female connector
`10 shown is crimped axially to bring together the grooves 34
`in the outer body 32 of the female connector 10,
`invention contemplates any known type of crimped
`connector, including conventional radially crimped connec-
`tors (using “hex crimpers”). The resulting connector 10 can
`now be used to mate with a corresponding male connector.
`The female connector includes internal threads 36 inside
`the hex nut coupling 30 into which a corresponding male
`connector is threaded.
`A mated connector is shown in FIG. 3. The female
`connector 10 is attached to the end of cable 20, while the
`male connector is attached to the end of cable 70. The male
`connector includes a male fitting 62 so that the threads 60 of
`the male connector engage the hex nut coupling 30 of female
`connector 10. The male connector includes a provision, such
`as a socket or receptacle (not shown), that ensures electrical
`continuity of the signal-carrying center conductor 22 of the
`“female” end of the cable 20 with the corresponding center
`conductor of the “male” end of the cable 70.
`When the male connector is firmly seated inside the
`female connector 10, as shown in FIG. 3, the conductive
`face of the male connector rests firmly against the flange 44
`of the conductive insert 40 at the contact face 46, thereby
`establishing continuity between the shielding 24 of the
`“male” and “female” cable ends. The face of the male
`connector thus causes the lock washer 50 to become com-
`pressed between the flange 44 of the insert and the inwardly
`extending rear annular flange of the hex nut coupling 30.
`When fully mated in this manner,
`the lock washer 50
`produces a continuous tension pressing against the male
`connector. The presence of the threads on the male and
`female connectors prevents the tension of the lock washer 50
`from separating the connectors. Also, during various envi-
`ronmental exposures,
`including vibration and thermal
`cycling, the continuous tension applied by the lock washer
`50 prevents the male connector from loosening,
`ensuring electrical continuity between the cables 20 and 70
`during use.
`FIG. 4 shows exemplary lock washers, including a split
`ring lock washer 52 (or “helical spring washer”), an external
`tooth washer 54, and an internal tooth washer 56. However,
`any type of lock washer 50 is contemplated,
`countersunk and combined internal/external washers. Also,
`any material for the washer 50 having a suitable resiliency
`is contemplated, including metal and plastic.
`It is to be understood that the present invention is not
`limited to the embodiments described above, but encom-

`US 6,712,631 B1
`passes any and all embodiments within the scope of the
`following claims.
`I claim:
`1. An internally locking coaxial cable connector for
`connecting a coaxial cable, comprising:
`an outer body having a coupling nut slidable on the outer
`body, the coupling nut having an inwardly extending
`rear annular flange;
`a conductive insert having a substantially cylindrical body
`having a front end and a rear end, the insert having an
`outwardly extending annular flange at the front end, the
`insert being retained in the outer body; and
`a lock washer disposed about the insert between the front
`flange of the insert and the rear flange of the coupling
`whereby when the coupling nut is threaded onto a male
`coaxial connector, the lock washer member is com-
`pressed between the front flange of the insert and the
`rear annular flange of the coupling nut so that the lock
`washer maintains a tension force between the female
`and male connectors to prevent separation of the con-
`nectors during use.
`2. The internally locking coaxial cable connector accord-
`ing to claim 1, wherein the lock washer member is selected
`from the group consisting of a split ring washer, an external
`tooth washer, and an internal tooth washer.
`3. The internally locking coaxial cable connector accord-
`ing to claim 1, wherein the coupling nut is hexagonally
`4. The internally locking coaxial cable connector accord-
`ing to claim 1, wherein said insert is press fit into said outer
`5. The internally locking coaxial cable connector accord-
`ing to claim 1, wherein said insert is crimped into said outer

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