(12) Ulllted States Patent
`Burris et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,272,893 B2
`Sep. 25, 2012
`3/1951 Brown .......................... .. 206/46
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`7/1956 C
`.. 339/102
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`5/1955 Atkms ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 339/177
`InVem0r53 Donald <_4lld1'eW Burns: Peorlas AZ
`(US); Wllllam Bernard Lutz, Glendale,
`AZ (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`(73) Assignee: Corning Gilbert Inc., Wilmington, DE
`Subject to any d1scla1mer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`2,544,654 A
`2,754,487 A
`2,755,331 A
`2,757,351 A
`2,762,025 A
`2,805,399 A
`3:001:169 A
`3,015,794 A
`3,091,743 A
`3,094,364 A
`3sl84a705 A
`(21) App1.No.: 12/787,021
`May 25 2010
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2011/0117776 A1
`May 19, 2011
`Related U_s_ Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 61/261,541, filed on Nov.
`16, 2009.
`PCT International product brochure, HFC Network Division Con-
`Int. Cl.
`H01R 9/05
`(52) U.S.Cl.
`..................................................... .. 439/578
`(58) Field of Classification Search ................ .. 439/578,
`439/580, 582, 583, 584, 585
`See application file for Complete Search history-
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`Primary Examiner — Ross Gushi
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Matthew J. Mason; John H.
`The coaxial cable connector has a coupler, a post, and a ring
`that prevent interfaces from gapping and provide a robust
`alternative ground path that also RF shields the connector
`from both ingress and egress. The ring is disposed in between
`and engages at least a portion of a groove in the body and at
`least a portion ofthe charmel in the coupler, radial movement
`Ofthe Coupler Causes the axlal movement Ofthe body mauve
`10 tl1ete1'm111al~
`7 Claims, 18 Drawing Sheets
`PPC Exhibit 2018
`Coming v. PPC
`§\“'~‘»'. fir;
`V 4
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`4,835,342 A
`4,836,801 A
`4,838,813 A
`4,854,893 A
`4,857,014 A
`4,867,706 A
`4,869,679 A
`4,874,331 A
`4,892,275 A
`4,902,246 A
`4,906,207 A
`4,915,651 A
`4,921,447 A
`4,923,412 A
`4,925,403 A
`4,927,385 A
`4,929,188 A
`4,938,718 A
`4,941,846 A
`4,952,174 A
`4,957,456 A
`4,973,265 A
`4,979,911 A
`4,990,104 A
`4,990,105 A
`4,990,106 A
`4,992,061 A
`5,002,503 A
`5,007,861 A
`5,011,422 A
`5,011,432 A
`5,021,010 A
`5,024,606 A
`5,030,126 A
`5,037,328 A
`5,046,964 A
`5,052,947 A
`5,055,060 A
`5,059,747 A
`5,062,804 A

`US 8,272,893 B2
`Page 4
`....... .. 439/578
`2/2003 Michelbach et al.
`3/2003 Rodrigues et al.
`.. 439/98
`4/2003 Syed et al.
`5/2003 Montena ..................... .. 439/585
`6/2003 Feye-Homann ............ .. 439/839
`6/2003 Twiss et al.
`174/35 GC
`9/2003 Vaitkus et al.
`.. 403/349
`1/2004 Montena
`1/2004 Lee
`.. 174/75
`2/2004 Islam
`3/2004 McCarthy .
`.. 439/394
`3/2004 Youtsey ..... ..
`4/2004 Ferderer et al.
`............... .. 439/95
`4/2004 Palinkas et al.
`............. .. 439/578
`5/2004 Montena et al
`.. 439/578
`5/2004 Kodaira ..... ..
`6/2004 Aizawa et al.
`.. 439/63
`7/2004 Hung ......... ..
`8/2004 Bartholoma et
`9/2004 Fuks et al.
`.... ..
`9/2004 Burris et al.
`10/2004 Chen ....... ..
`11/2004 Derenthal
`2/2005 Stirling
`2/2005 Montena
`2/2005 Wlos et al.
`4/2005 Montena
`4/2005 Malloy
`8/2005 Holland et al.
`8/2005 Holland ..... ..
`9/2005 Islam et al.
`9/2005 Goodwin et al.
`12/2005 \/Iontena et al.
`.. 439/578
`4/2006 \/Iontena ....... ..
`7/2006 \/Iorisawa et al.
`.............. .. 451/5
`8/2006 \/Iontena ..................... .. 439/578
`8/2006 Purdy
`9/2006 \/Iontena
`10/2006 Bence et al.
`10/2006 \/Iontena et al.
`10/2006 Lin ......... ..
`11/2006 \/Iontena
`12/2006 Burris et al.
`12/2006 Burris et al.
`................ .. 439/578
`1/2007 \/Iontena ..................... .. 439/584
`1/2007 Chawgo ..... ..
`6/2007 Vermoesen et al.
`8/2007 Holland et al.
`.. 439/584
`8/2007 \/Iontena et al.
`11/2007 \/Iontena
`.. 29/857
`5/2008 Gale ....... ..
`7/2008 Palinkas et al.
`.. 439/620.03
`11/2008 \/Iontena ................ .. 439/620.03
`11/2008 Sykes
`......................... .. 439/584
`12/2008 Amidon
`1/2009 Wei
`......... ..
`1/2009 Bence et al.
`2/2009 Burris et al.
`2/2009 Hughes et al.
`3/2009 Wei
`......... ..
`3/2009 Amidon
`6/2009 Paglia et al.
`7/2009 Malloy et al.
`10/2009 Van Swearingen .
`3/2010 Chen .......... ..
`3/2010 Berthet
`6/2010 Montena et al.
`7/2010 Montena .... ..
`9/2010 Rodrigues .
`10/2010 Chen ........................... .. 439/578
`10/2010 Gray ...................... .. 439/607.41
`11/2010 Purdy
`11/2010 Mathews
`11/2010 Gale
`11/2010 Mathews ..
`12/2010 Mathews ..
`12/2010 Chen ........................... .. 439/578
`12/2010 Wei
`............................. .. 439/578
`12/2010 Islam .......................... .. 439/584
`6,520,800 B1
`6,530,807 B2
`6,540,531 B2
`6,558,194 B2
`6,572,419 B2
`6,576,833 B2
`6,619,876 B2
`6,676,446 B2
`6,683,253 B1
`6,692,285 B2
`6,705,884 B1
`6,712,631 B1
`6,716,041 B2
`6,716,062 B1
`6,733,336 B1
`6,733,337 B2
`6,752,633 B2
`6,767,248 B1
`6,780,068 B2
`6,786,767 B1
`6,790,081 B2
`6,805,584 B1
`6,817,896 B2
`6,848,939 B2
`6,848,940 B2
`6,848,941 B2
`6,884,113 B1
`6,884,115 B2
`6,929,265 B2
`6,929,508 B1
`6,939,169 B2
`6,948,976 B2
`6,971,912 B2
`7,029,326 B2
`7,070,477 B2
`7,086,897 B2
`7,097,499 B1
`7,102,868 B2
`7,114,990 B2
`7,118,416 B2
`7,125,283 B1
`7,131,868 B2
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`7,252,546 B1
`7,255,598 B2
`7,299,550 B2
`7,375,533 B2
`7,393,245 B2
`7,452,239 B2
`7,455,550 B1
`7,462,068 B2
`7,476,127 B1
`7,479,035 B2
`7,488,210 B1
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`7,497,729 B1
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`7,682,177 B2
`7,727,011 B2
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`7,794,275 B2
`7,806,725 B1
`7,811,133 B2
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`7,830,154 B2
`7,833,053 B2
`7,845,976 B2
`7,845,978 B1
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`7,857,661 B1
`5/1997 Diener ........................ .. 439/188
`5/1997 Szegda
`. 439/578
`7/1997 Porter et al.
`174/65 R
`7/1997 Locatiet al.
`................ .. 439/578
`7/1997 Holliday ..................... .. 439/585
`8/1997 Woehlet al.
`. 439/321
`9/1997 Holliday
`. 439/585
`10/1997 Moldenhauer ..
`11/1997 Hsu ........... ..
`. 439/319
`12/1997 Baumann eta
`. 439/321
`3/1998 Fuchs et al.
`. 439/578
`4/1998 Anthony ....... ..
`. 439/271
`5/1998 Porter, Jr. et al.
`........... .. 439/248
`5/1998 Harting et al.
`.............. .. 439/352
`6/1998 Wider .... ..
`. 439/248
`7/1998 Wider ....... ..
`. 439/188
`9/1998 Bufanda et al
`1/1999 Holliday
`. 439/584
`3/1999 McConnell
`3/1999 Burris .... ..
`. 439/584
`3/1999 Bell et al.
`. 439/582
`7/1999 Phillips
`. 439/188
`8/1999 Fox, Sr.
`. 439/350
`8/1999 Saito
`. 439/248
`9/1999 Marik ....... ..
`. 439/610
`9/1999 Buckley et al.
`. 439/321
`10/1999 Follingstad et al.
`. 439/675
`11/1999 Holliday et al.
`. 439/585
`11/1999 Burris et al.
`. 439/585
`11/1999 Lee et al.
`12/1999 Burris et al.
`. 439/585
`1/2000 Porter, Jr.
`. 439/320
`2/2000 Nelson .
`. 439/583
`2/2000 Esh
`. 439/348
`3/2000 Wild ............................. .. 29/863
`3/2000 Youtsey ...................... .. 439/585
`4/2000 Lazaro, Jr
`. 439/681
`4/2000 Mitchell et al
`4/2000 Kubota et al.
`. 439/578
`4/2000 Boyle ................. ..
`. 439/700
`7/2000 Anderson, Jr. et al.
`7/2000 Stafford Gray et al.
`7/2000 Tallis et al.
`...... ..
`. 439/584
`7/2000 Holliday ..................... .. 439/584
`9/2000 McCarthy ................... .. 439/427
`11/2000 Holliday et al.
`. 439/585
`11/2000 Johnson et al.
`. 439/321
`11/2000 Montena ....... ..
`4/2001 Tso-Chin et al.
`. 439/545
`4/2001 Langham et al.
`. 439/583
`..... ..
`4/2001 Holland et al.
`5/2001 Lilienthal, II et al.
`174/35 GC
`6/2001 Hsia ............................ .. 439/578
`7/2001 Stone et al.
`................. .. 439/502
`7/2001 Stirling ..... ..
`. 439/583
`8/2001 Cunningham
`174/35 R
`12/2001 Rodrigues
`. 439/584
`12/2001 Bruce ..
`. 439/862
`3/2002 Young ..
`. 439/321
`6/2002 \/Iontena
`6/2002 Bruce
`. 439/609
`7/2002 Fox
`7/2002 \/Iontena
`7/2002 \/Iontena
`7/2002 \/Iontena
`. D13/154
`7/2002 \/Iontena
`7/2002 Hogan
`. 439/578
`7/2002 Holland
`. 439/585
`8/2002 \/Iontena ..
`8/2002 \/Iontena .................... .. D13/154
`8/2002 Fox ............................ .. D13/151
`8/2002 \/Iontena
`. D13/151
`8/2002 Fox ........... ..
`8/2002 \/Iuzslay et al.
`9/2002 \/Iontena ....... ..
`10/2002 \/Ieyer et al.
`. 439/320
`12/2002 Perry .......................... .. 439/620
`1/2003 \/Iontena .................... .. D13/151
`1/2003 Bickford et al.
`............ .. 439/736
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`6,152,753 A
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`D468,696 S
`6,506,083 B1

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`* c1ted by exam1ner
`1/2011 Chen ........................... .. 439/582
`2/2011 Holliday
`. 439/321
`2/2011 Haube ..
`. 439/321
`2/2011 Chen ........................... .. 439/578
`4/2011 Wlos ........................... .. 439/584
`5/2011 Mathews
`. 439/578
`6/2011 Bence et al.
`. 439/583
`10/2011 Purdy et a1.
`. 439/578
`11/2011 Montena et al.
`. 439/277
`12/2011 Montena
`. 439/578
`12/2011 Zraik ........ ..
`. 439/255
`1/2002 Rodriguesetal
`4/2002 Kai et al.
`................. .. 174/125.1
`10/2002 Wong .......................... .. 439/583
`11/2003 Allison etal.
`. 333/182
`4/2004 Palinkasetal.
`. 439/578
`5/2004 Chee ......... ..
`. 439/578
`10/2004 Burris et al.
`. 439/587
`11/2004 Burris et al.
`. 439/578
`11/2004 Liu ........ ..
`. 439/578
`2/2005 Montena ..
`. 439/578
`8/2005 Montena ..
`. 439/578
`8/2005 Montena etal.
`. 439/271
`8/2005 Montena etal.
`. 439/578
`9/2005 Burris et al.
`. 439/578
`1/2006 Montena
`. 439/578
`5/2006 Matthews
`. 439/578
`7/2006 Montena
`. 439/578
`7/2006 Bence etal.
`. 439/578
`8/2006 Tusini
`. 439/578
`2/2007 Bence etal.
`. 439/583
`5/2008 Montena ..
`. 439/578
`5/2007 Palinkas .... ..
`1/2009 Sykes et al.
`. 439/585
`4/2009 Bence etal.
`................ .. 439/583
`4/2010 Malloy etal.
`............... .. 439/578
`4/2010 Malloy etal.
`. 439/578
`4/2010 Burris et al.
`. 439/578
`10/2010 Purdy etal.
`11/2010 Montena etal.
`.. 439/620.04
`11/2010 Haube ....... ..
`11/2010 Purdyetal.
`. 439/578
`1/2011 Purdy .... ..
`. 439/578
`3/2011 Mathews .................... .. 439/578
`5/2011 Malloy etal.
`............... .. 439/578
`6/2011 Purdy etal.
`. 439/277
`9/2011 Amidon etal.
`. 439/578
`9/2011 Krenceskietal.
`. 439/578
`1/2012 Zraik .......................... .. 439/578
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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 25, 2012
`Sheet 1 of 18
`US 8,272,893 B2
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`Sep. 25, 2012
`Sheet 13 of 18
`US 8,272,893 B2
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