(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0102696 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`May 1, 2008
`US 20080102696Al
`Noah Montena, Syracuse, NY (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`John Mezzalingua Associates, Inc.
`C/0 Hiscock & Barclay: LLP
`2000 HSBC P1313: 100 Chestnut Street
`Rochester, NY 14604
`(73) Assignee:
`John Mezzalingua Associates, Inc.
`(21) App]. NO‘,
`Oct. 26, 2006
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.
`HOIR 9/05
`(52) U.S. Cl. ...................................................... .. 439/578
`l't th
`'bl RF
`sea ino e
`epresen inven ion incorpora esa exi
`ground face of a typical connector. The seal comprises a
`flexible brim, a transition band, and tubularinseit with a insert
`chamber defined within the seal. In a first embodiment the
`flexible brim is angled away from the insert chamber, and in
`a second embodiment the flexible brim is angled inward
`toward the insert chamber. A flange end of the seal makes a
`compliant contact between the port and connector faces when
`the nut of a connector is partially tightened, and becomes
`sandwiched flrmly between the ground surfaces when the nut
`is properly tightened. The present invention allows the con-
`nector to make a uniform RF seal on a port even with a range
`of tightemng torques.
`PPC Exhibit 2016
`Coming v. PPC

`Patent Application Publication May 1, 2008 Sheet 1 of 4
`US 2008/0102696 A1

`Patent Application Publication May 1, 2008 Sheet 2 of 4
`US 2008/0102696 A1
`Eig. 2

`Patent Application Publication May 1, 2008 Sheet 3 of 4
`US 2008/0102696 A1

`Patent Application Publication May 1, 2008 Sheet 4 of 4
`US 2008/0102696 A1

`US 2008/0102696 A1
`May 1, 2008
`[0001] This invention relates to connectors for coaxial
`cables used in CATV applications, and more specifically to
`the structure for providing solid mechanical and electrical
`connections between a cable port and connector face.
`[0002] CATV systems continue to be plagued with service
`quality problems resulting from loose connections. For the
`most part, these connectors are loose because they were not
`installed to the proper torque, which can occur for a number
`of reasons from laziness, a lack of training, and improper use
`of/inadequate tools. An improperly installed connector will
`result in poor signals, because there are gaps between the
`devices, resulting in a leak of radio frequency (“RF”) signal.
`[0003] As an example, a cable port is used to transfer an
`RF signal to a coaxial cable that transmits the signal to video
`equipment, such as a television. The coaxial cable has,
`attached to its terminal end, a female cable connector, which
`is used to house the cable and assist its connection to a cable
`port. The connector contains a nut that engages the cable
`port and advances the connector with a coaxial cable to the
`port. In this instance, the cable connector nut is used to hold
`two mating surfaces, the cable port and the cable connector
`housing the coaxial cable. If these two surfaces are not
`tightly connected, a gap will exist creating a loss in RF
`signal, resulting in lower quality cable signal.
`Improvements on coaxial cable connectors have
`been proposed to deal with such a problem. An example of
`such an improvement on a connector is described in U.S.
`Pat. No. 6,716,062 (Palinkas, et al.), the disclosure of which
`is herein incorporated by reference. In this patent, a spring
`element is incorporated to a traditional coaxial cable con-
`nector, under a nut element a11d beneath the flange portion of
`a post member. The spring biases the connector face towards
`a port after the nut is rotated around the connector a certain
`number of times. While this device is effective, it requires
`time and cost in the manufacturing process of the connector.
`[0005] Therefore, it is desired in the art to have a flexible
`device that can be used with existing connectors to prevent
`RF signal leakage.
`is desired in the art to have a
`connector capable of making a tight mechanical and elec-
`trical connection.
`[0007] The present invention incorporates a flexible RF
`seal into the ground face of a typical connector. A flange end
`of the seal makes a compliant contact between the port and
`connector faces, as in the above example, when the nut is
`partially tightened, and becomes sandwiched firmly between
`the ground surfaces when the nut is properly tightened. This
`allows the connector to make a uniform RF seal on a port
`even with a range of tightening torques.
`[0008] The present invention relates to a flexible RF seal
`which can be fitted into a coaxial cable connector, which
`decreases the amount of RF leakage produced by that
`coaxial connector when in place. The flexible RF seal is a
`simple device made of a conductive and resilient material
`having three regions: a flexible brim, a transition band for
`maintaining the flex of the resilient brim, and a tubular
`insert. Further, there is defined within the seal an insert
`chamber. In its first embodiment, the flexible brim is angled
`outward away from the insert chamber.
`In the second
`embodiment, the flexible brim is angled inward towards the
`insert chamber.
`[0009] Moreover, the invention relates to a coaxial cable
`connector for mounting on a RF port comprising: a post
`member having a flange end and a stem having a substan-
`tially cylindrical bore therethrough; a nut having at one end
`inner threading and at the other end a flange to engage the
`flange end of the post; a body member; a compression ring;
`and flexible means for providing a uniform electrical con-
`nection between the post and the RF port.
`[0010] The invention, also, relates to a method for making
`a connector for mounting on the terminal end of a coaxial
`cable. The method of making a connector for mounting on
`a RF port comprising: providing a post having a flange end
`and a stem having a substantially cylindrical bore there-
`through; a nut having at one end inner threading and at the
`other end a flange; a body member; a compression ring, and
`a flexible RF seal having a flexible brim, a transition band,
`and a tubular insert; attaching the post to the flanged of the
`nut to engaged the flange end of the post; attaching the body
`member to the stem of the post; attaching the compression
`ring to the body member; and attaching the flexible RF seal
`to the post.
`Furthermore, the invention relates to a method for
`making a uniform RF seal between a RF port and a coaxial
`cable comprising: providing a connecter comprising a nut, a
`post, body member, a compression ring; a flexible RF seal
`comprising a flexible brim, a transition band, and a tubular
`insert; a coaxial cable; and a RF port; attaching the flexible
`RF seal
`to the connector; attaching the connector to a
`terminal end of a coaxial cable; and connecting the coaxial
`cable with the connector and flexible RF seal to a RF port.
`[0012] An advantage of the present invention is that the
`flexible RF seal provides a tight connection between a cable
`port and the connector face, when there is a gap between the
`faces due to improper installation. Thus, the RF seal can
`provide at the least a contact between the port and the
`connector to prevent RF signal
`leakage, and if properly
`installed firmly compressed between the port and the con-
`[0013] A further advantage of the present invention is that
`the invention provides an easy to install, highly reliable
`solution to providing an electronic connection that provides
`an effective RF seal. The device thereby saves time and cost
`in the manufacturing process. Alternatively, connectors that
`may already be in use can be retrofitted with the device for
`providing a uniform RF seal.
`FIG. 1a is a cross-sectional view of the first
`embodiment of the flexible RF seal of the present invention;
`FIG. 1b is an isometric view of the first embodi-
`ment of the flexible RF seal of the present invention;
`FIG. 2a is a cross-sectional view of the second
`embodiment of the flexible RF seal of the present invention;
`FIG. 2b is an isometric view ofthe second embodi-
`ment of the flexible RF seal of the present invention;
`FIG. 3 shows a cross-section of the coaxial cable
`connector with the first embodiment of the flexible RF seal
`of the present invention;

`US 2008/0102696 A1
`May 1, 2008
`FIG. 4 shows a cross-section of the coaxial cable
`connector with the second embodiment of the flexible RF
`seal of the present invention.
`[0020] Corresponding reference characters indicate corre-
`sponding parts throughout the several views. The examples
`set out herein illustrate two embodiments of the invention
`but should not be construed as limiting the scope of the
`invention in any manner.
`[0021] Referring to FIGS. 1a and 1b, the present invention
`is a sealing element for coaxial cable connector. More
`specifically, the sealing element is designed to ensure a solid
`mechanical and electrical connection between a coaxial
`cable, connector, and port, and thereby termed a flexible
`radio frequency (“RF”) seal 10. There are three regions that
`define the flexible RF seal 10. First, there is a flexible or
`resilient brim 12 that is flexible for ensuring a tight connec-
`tion between a connector and a cable port (not shown) to
`which is it coupled. Second, there is a transitional band 14,
`and the band 14 transitions to a tubular insert portion 16. The
`flexible RF seal 10 also has an insert chamber 18 defined
`within the seal 10.
`[0022] The flexible brim 12 is a flange end that, when
`inserted into a coaxial cable connector, in its first embodi-
`ment, sits above a post member, as will be shown and
`described in greater detail below. The flexible brim 12, in
`this position, can be pressed against a coaxial port causing
`the flexible brim 12 to be compressed and bent so that it
`creates a tight connection between the connector and port. In
`the first embodiment of the flexible RF seal 10, the flexible
`brim 12, because of the inner geometries of the coaxial cable
`connector, is angled, so that it can sit within the connector
`and seal the connector face to the cable port. Preferably, the
`flexible brim 12 is seventy-degrees (70°) from the horizon-
`tal. The flexible brim 12 is shaped such that the flexible brim
`12 is angled away from an insert chamber 18.
`[0023] The next region of the flexible RF seal 10 is the
`transitional band 14. Due to the shape of cable connectors in
`general and the positioning of the flexible RF seal within the
`connector, there is a band 14 that transitions the flexible brim
`12 to the tubular insert portion 16. As shown in FIGS. 1a and
`1b, the transition band 14 is a flat, inclined portion on the
`inside of the seal 10. The transition band 14 assists in the
`flexibility of the seal 10, in that as a transition portion it
`allows the flexible brim 12 to further bend or create a greater
`angle of distance once the flexible brim 12 is engaged by a
`coaxial port on one end and further compressed by a post
`member of a connector on its other end.
`[0024] The last region of the flexible RF seal is the tubular
`insert portion 16. The tubular insert portion 16 is below the
`transition band 14. The tubular insert portion 16 is cylin-
`drical in shape and depending on its embodiment can be
`used to sit on the inside or outside of a post within a coaxial
`cable connector. Defined within the tubular insert portion 16
`is an insert chamber 18. The tubular insert portion 16, in the
`first embodiment of the flexible RF seal 10, sits within a post
`member of a cable connector (as shown in FIG. 3). As a
`result, the insert chamber 18 assists in housing a coaxial
`cable on which the cable connector is placed.
`[0025] Referring to FIGS. 2a and 219, there is a second
`embodiment of the flexible RF seal, denoted by a reference
`numeral 20. The flexible RF seal 20 has the same three
`regions as the first embodiment: a flexible brim 12, a
`transition band 14, and a tubular insert 16. Further, defined
`within the flexible RF seal 20, as with the first embodiment
`10, is an insert chamber 18. The flexible RF seal 20 of this
`second embodiment has a different shape than the first
`embodiment 10. The shapes are different because the seal 20
`is configured to sit on the outside of a post member of a
`coaxial cable connector, whereas the seal 10 is configured to
`sit inside a post member. The flexible brim 12 is spaced such
`that the brim 12 is angled inward towards the insert chamber
`18. Moreover, the tubular insert 16 of the flexible RF seal 20
`may generally be larger in diameter than the seal 10 because
`it is configured to sit outside of a post member of the coaxial
`cable connector.
`[0026] The flexible RF seal 10, 20 can be made of any
`suitable material which can assist in providing a tight, solid
`connection between the surfaces of a coaxial cable connec-
`tor and a cable port. Suitable materials can include metals
`such as beryllium copper, spring steel, and phosphor bronze,
`which are all resilient and allow for flexibility. Further, while
`the flexible RF seals 10, 20 are shown in with a solid, smooth
`surface, the seal can have a construction where there are
`fingered elements, or may further have a wavy construction.
`In FIGS. 3 and 4, there is shown a conventional
`coaxial cable connector 100 that is placed on the terminal
`end of a coaxial cable (not shown). The connector 100 has
`six elements. First, there is a nut 30 on the terminal end of
`the connector 100 that has inner threading 32 used to
`threadedly connect the connector 100 with a coaxial cable
`(not shown) to a cable port (not shown). The nut 30 rotates
`freely around a post 40, so that it can advance the connector
`100 and coaxial cable housed within it to a cable port. The
`nut 30 is interconnected to the post 40 under the flange end
`44 of the post 40, whereby there is a nut groove 46 created
`between the post 40 and a body member 60. Specifically, the
`nut groove 46 is under the flange end 44 of the post 40 and
`above body flange end 62. The corresponding nut flange 34
`that fits within the nut groove 46 and allows the nut 20 to
`freely rotate about the connector 100. The post 40 has a
`cylindrical bore defined through it to house a coaxial cable.
`Further, between the nut 30 and the body member
`60 is a coupling element 90, such as an O-ring to provide a
`solid connection between these elements. The body member
`60 is also connected to the post 40 through a larger body
`groove 48, in which the body flange 62 fits. Defined between
`the body member 60 and the post 40 is a coaxial cable
`material space 80. A coaxial cable is typically made from
`several components. Working from the inside to the outside,
`the inner most part of a cable is a central conductor sur-
`rounded by an inner dielectric layer which is covered by a
`layer of aluminum. Above the aluminum layer is a braided
`metal layer, and the entire cable is then housed in another
`dielectric material. There is a lower separator member 50 of
`post 40 used to separate the coaxial cable between its
`aluminum layer and braided metallic layer, so that the outer
`dielectric layer and braided metal layer enter the coaxial
`cable material space 80, and the aluminum layer,
`dielectric layer, and central conductor layer sit in the cylin-
`drical bore of the post 40. At the very end of the connector
`100 is a compression ring 70 which assists in attaching the
`connector 100 to the terminal end of a coaxial cable.
`[0029] Referring now to FIG. 3, there is shown a first
`embodiment of the invention coupled to a conventional
`coaxial cable connector 100. The post 40 has a lip 42 on
`which the flexible RF seal 10 sits. The tubular insert 16 sits

`US 2008/0102696 A1
`May 1, 2008
`within the post 40, such that the insert chamber 18 assists in
`creating a continuous cylindrical bore within which a portion
`of a coaxial cable (not shown) would be housed. The flexible
`brim 12 sits above the flange end 44 of the post 40, but is not
`flush with the flange end 44. The flexible brim 12 is not flush
`with the flange end 44 so that it can conform to shapes of a
`cable port (not shown) and the connector 100, and to a greater
`extent the cable housed within the connecter, as sometimes
`there can be gaps between the cable port and the inner por-
`tions of the connector 100 with a cable. As mentioned above,
`the flexible brim 12 can be, if necessary, pushed backward so
`that the angle from the horizontal increases from its manu-
`factured positioning. Moreover, the flexible brim 12 can be
`deformed to ensure a tight connection between the post 40
`and the cable port.
`there is shown a second
`[0030] Referring to FIG. 4,
`embodiment of the seal 20. The seal 20 sits on the outside of
`the flange end 44 of the post 40. In this position, the seal 20
`sits between the nut 30, above the nut flange 34 and the
`outside of the flange end 44 of the post 40. The flexible brim
`12 sits above the flange end 44, but is not flush with the flange
`end 44 so that it can adapt to the shape ofboth a cable port (not
`shown) and the connector 100 with a coaxial cable (not
`shown) housed within it. In this embodiment, the post 40 does
`not require a lip 42, as was shown in FIG. 3 with the seal 10.
`Once the connector 100 engages a cable port and is advanced
`to have an inner conductor ofa cable enter the port, the seal 20
`can be deformed to a position necessary to fill gaps or tightly
`connect the connector 100 to the port.
`[0031] While the invention has been described with refer-
`ence to particular embodiments, it will be understood by
`those skilled in the art that various changes may be made and
`equivalents may be substituted for elements thereof without
`departing from the scope of the invention. In addition, many
`modifications may be made to adapt a particular situation or
`material to the teachings of the invention without departing
`from the scope of the invention.
`[0032] Therefore, it is intended that the invention not be
`limited to the particular embodiments disclosed as the best
`mode contemplated for carrying out this invention, but that
`the invention will include all embodiments falling within the
`scope and spirit of the appended claims.
`10—Flexible RF Seal, First Embodiment
`12—Flexible brim
`14—Transitional band
`16—Tubular insert
`20—Flexible RF Seal, Second Embodiment
`32—Inner threading
`34—Nut Flange
`46—Nut groove
`48—Body groove
`50—Lower separating element
`60—Body member
`62—Body flange
`70—Compression ring
`80—Coaxial cable material space
`90—Coupling element
`1. (canceled)
`2. (canceled)
`3. (canceled)
`4. (canceled)
`5. (canceled)
`6. (canceled)
`7. (canceled)
`8. A coaxial cable connector for mounting on a RF port
`a post member having a flange end and a stem having a
`substantially cylindrical bore therethrough;
`a nut having at one end inner threading and at the other end
`a flange to engage the flange end of the post;
`a body member;
`a compression ring; and
`flexible RF seal having a flexible brim, a transition band,
`and a tubular insert.
`9. The connector of claim 8 wherein the tubular insert ofthe
`flexible RF seal is placed in with stem of the post.
`10. The connector of claim 8 wherein the tubular insert of
`the flexible RF seal is seated between the nut and the flange
`end of the post.
`11. The method of making a connector for mounting on a
`RF port comprising:
`providing a post having a flange end and a stem having a
`substantially cylindrical bore therethrough; a nut having
`at one end inner threading and at the other end a flange;
`a body member; a compression ring, and a flexible RF
`seal having a flexible brim, a transition band, and a
`tubular insert;
`attaching the post to the flanged of the nut to engaged the
`flange end of the post:
`attaching the body member to the stem of the post;
`attaching the compression ring to the body member; and
`attaching the flexible RF seal directly to the post.
`12. The method of claim 11 wherein the step of attaching
`the flexible RF seal to the post further includes placing the
`tubular insert of the flexible RF seal within the stem of the
`13. The method of claim 11 wherein the step of attaching
`the flexible RF seal to the post further includes placing the
`tubular insert of the flexible RF seal between the nut and the
`flange end of the post.
`14. The method of claim 11 further comprising tile step of
`placing the connector on the terminal end of a coaxial cable
`such that a central conductor is passed through the central
`bore of the post and the nut.
`15. The method of claim 11 wherein the flexible RF seal is
`made from. a resilient material.
`16. The method of claim 15 wherein the resilient material
`is a metal composition.
`17. (canceled)
`18. (canceled)
`19. A flexible RF seal for a coxial cable connector com-
`a flexible brim having a first end and a second end;
`a transitional band formed on the first end; and
`a tubular insert portion connected to the transitional band,
`whereby the
`flexible RF seal is configured to deform upon mating with
`a coaxial cable connector to an RF port, thereby provid-
`ing a uniform RF seal between the RF port and the
`coaxial cable connector.

`US 2008/0102696 Al
`May 1, 2008
`20. The flexible RF seal of claim 19 wherein the flexible
`RF seal deforms between the RF port and a post member of
`the coaxial cable connector.
`21. The flexible RF seal of claim 20 wherein the tubular
`insert of the flexible seal is placed within a stem of the post
`22. The flexible RF seal of claim 21 wherein the tubular
`insert of the flexible seal is seated between a nut and a flange
`end of the post member.
`23. The flexible RF seal of claim 19 wherein the flexible
`brim is angled.
`24. The flexible RF seal of claim 19 wherein the flexible
`brim is at an angle between three degrees and ninety degrees
`from the horizontal.
`25. A flexible RF seal for a coaxial cable connector, the
`coaxial cable connector having a body member, the body
`member having an internal passageway defined therein, a
`post mounted within the internal passageway, the flexible RF
`seal comprising:
`a flexible brim having a first end and a second end;
`a transitional band formed on the first end; and
`a tubular insert portion connected to the transitional band,
`the tubular
`insert portion connected to the post,
`whereby the flexible RF seal is configured to deform
`upon mating the coaxial cable connector to an RF port,
`thereby providing a uniform RF seal between the RF
`port and the coaxial cable connector.
`26. The flexible RF seal of claim 25 wherein the flexible
`RF seal deforms between the RF port and the post.
`27. The flexible RF seal of claim 25 wherein the flexible
`brim is angled.
`28. The flexible RF seal of claim 25 wherein the flexible
`brim is at an angle between three degrees and ninety degrees
`from the horizontal.

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