(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0322968 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Oct. 30, 2014
`US 20140322968A1
`(71) Applicant: CORNING OPTICAL
`Glendale, AZ (US)
`Inventor: Donald Andrew Burris, Peoria, AZ
`(73) Assjgnee; CORNING OPTICAL
`(21) Appl. No.: 14/259,703
`Apr‘ 239 2014
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 61/817,043, filed on Apr.
`29, 2013.
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.
`H01R 13/58
`H01R 13/658
`H01R 9/00
`(52) U-S- Cl-
`CPC ............ .. H01R 13/5825 (2013.01); H01R 9/00
`(201301); H01R 13/658 (201301)
`USPC ........................................................ .. 439/578
`A coaxial cable connector having an inner conductor, a
`dielectric surrounding the inner conductor, an outer conduc-
`tor surrounding the dielectric, and a Jacket surrounding the
`outer conductor and used for coupling an end of a coaxial
`cable to an equipment connection port. The coaxial cable
`includes a coupler, a body, a post, and a biasing ring. The
`coupler is adapted to couple the coaxial cable connector to the
`equipment connection port. At least one of the coupler, the
`post, and the body has an integral, monolithic contacting
`portion to establish electrical continuity between at least two
`of the coupler, the body and the post. The biasing ring biases
`the contacting portion such that the electrical continuity is
`maintained regardless of the tightness of the coupling of the
`connector to the terminal.
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`US 2014/0322968 A1
`Oct. 30, 2014
`[0001] This application claims the benefit of priority under
`35 U.S.C. §ll9 of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/817,
`043 filed onApr. 29, 2013, the content ofwhich is relied upon
`and incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
`1. Field of the Disclosure
`[0003] The technology of the disclosure relates to coaxial
`cable connectors and, in particular, to a coaxial cable connec-
`tor that provides radio frequency interference (RFI) protec-
`tion and grounding shield.
`2. Technical Background
`[0005] Coaxial cable connectors, such as type F connec-
`tors, are used to attach coaxial cable to another object or
`appliance, e.g., a television set, DVD player, modem or other
`electronic communication device having a terminal adapted
`to engage the connector. The terminal of the appliance
`includes an inner conductor and a surrounding outer conduc-
`[0006] Coaxial cable includes a center conductor for trans-
`mitting a signal. The center or inner conductor is surrounded
`by a dielectric material, and the dielectric material is sur-
`rounded by an outer conductor. The outer conductor may be in
`the form of either or both of a conductive foil and braided
`sheath. The outer conductor is typically maintained at ground
`potential to shield the signal transmitted by the center con-
`ductor from stray noise, and to maintain continuous desired
`impedance over the signal path. The outer conductor is usu-
`ally surrounded by a plastic cable jacket that electrically
`insulates, and mechanically protects, the outer conductor.
`Prior to installing a coaxial connector onto an end of the
`coaxial cable, the end of the coaxial cable is typically pre-
`pared by stripping off the end portion of the jacket to expose
`the endportion ofthe outer conductor. Similarly, it is common
`to strip off a portion ofthe dielectric to expose the end portion
`of the center conductor.
`[0007] Coaxial cable connectors of the type known in the
`trade as “F connectors” often include a tubular post designed
`to slide over the dielectric material, and under the outer con-
`ductor of the coaxial cable, at the prepared end of the coaxial
`cable. If the outer conductor of the cable includes a braided
`sheath, then the exposed braided sheath is usually folded back
`over the cable jacket. The cable jacket and folded-back outer
`conductor extend generally around the outside of the tubular
`post and are typically received in an outer body of the con-
`nector. The outer body of the connector is often fixedly
`secured to the tubular post. A coupler is typically rotatably
`secured around the tubular post and includes an intemally-
`threaded region for engaging external threads formed on the
`outer conductor of the appliance terminal.
`[0008] When connecting the end of a coaxial cable to a
`terminal of a television set, equipment box, modem, com-
`puter or other appliance, it is important to achieve a reliable
`electrical connection between the outer conductor of the
`coaxial cable and the outer conductor of the appliance termi-
`nal. Typically, the goal is usually achieved by ensuring that
`the coupler of the connector is fully tightened over the con-
`nection port of the appliance. When fully tightened, the head
`of the tubular post of the connector directly engages the edge
`of the outer conductor of the appliance port, thereby making
`a direct electrical ground connection between the outer con-
`ductor of the appliance port and the tubular post. In turn, the
`tubular post is engaged with the outer conductor ofthe coaxial
`[0009] With the increased use of self-install kits provided to
`home owners by some CATV system operators has come a
`rise in customer complaints due to poor picture quality in
`video systems and poor data performance in computer/inter-
`net systems. Additionally, CATV system operators have
`found upstream data problems induced by entrance of
`unwanted radio frequency (“RF”) signals into their systems.
`Complaints of this nature result in CATV system operators
`having to send a technician to address the issue. Often times
`it is reported by the technician that the cause of the problem is
`due to a loose F connector fitting, sometimes as a result of
`inadequate installation of the self-install kit by the home-
`owner. An improperly installed or loose connector may result
`in poor signal transfer because there are discontinuities along
`the electrical path between the devices, resulting in ingress of
`undesired RF signals where RF energy from an external
`source or sources may enter the connector/cable arrangement
`causing a signal to noise ratio problem resulting in an unac-
`ceptable picture or data performance. In particular, RF signals
`may enter CATV systems from wireless devices, such as cell
`phones, computers and the like, especially in the 700-800
`MHZ transmitting range, resulting in radio frequency inter-
`ference (RFI).
`[0010] Many ofthe current state ofthe art F connectors rely
`on intimate contact between the F male connector interface
`and the F female connector interface. If, for some reason, the
`connector interfaces are allowed to pull apart from each other,
`such as in the case of a loose F male coupler, an interface
`“gap” may result. If not otherwise protected this gap can be a
`point of RF ingress as previously described.
`[0011] A shield that completely surrounds or encloses a
`structure or device to protect it against RFI is typically
`referred to as a “Faraday cage.” However, providing such RFI
`shielding within given structures is complicated when the
`structure or device comprises moving parts, such as seen in a
`coaxial connector. Accordingly, creating a connector to act in
`a manner similar to a Faraday cage to prevent ingress and
`egress of RF signals can be especially challenging due to the
`necessary relative movement between connector components
`required to couple the connector to a related port. Relative
`movement of components due to mechanical clearances
`between the components can result in an ingress or egress
`path for unwanted RF signals and, further, can disrupt the
`electrical and mechanical communication between compo-
`nents necessary to provide a reliable ground path. The effort
`to shield and electrically ground a coaxial connector is further
`complicated when the connector is required to perform when
`improperly installed, i.e. not tightened to a corresponding
`[0012] U.S. Pat. No. 5,761,053 to, teaches that “[e]lectro-
`magnetic interference (EMI) has been defined as undesired
`conducted or radiated electrical disturbances from an electri-
`cal or electronic apparatus, including transients, which can
`interfere with the operation of other electrical or electronic
`apparatus. Such disturbances can occur anywhere in the elec-
`tromagnetic spectrum. RFI is often used interchangeably
`with electromagnetic interference, although it is more prop-
`erly restricted to the radio frequency portion of the electro-

`US 2014/0322968 Al
`Oct. 30, 2014
`magnetic spectrum, usually defined as between 24 kilohertz
`(kHz) and 240 gigahertz (GHz). A shield is defined as a
`metallic or otherwise electrically conductive configuration
`inserted between a source of EMI/RFI and a desired area of
`protection. Such a shield may be provided to prevent electro-
`magnetic energy from radiating from a source. Additionally,
`such a shield may prevent external electromagnetic energy
`from entering the shielded system. As a practical matter, such
`shields normally take the form of an electrically conductive
`housing which is electrically grounded. The energy of the
`EMI/RFI is thereby dissipated harmlessly to ground. Because
`EMI/RFI disrupts the operation of electronic components,
`such as integrated circuit (IC) chips, IC packages, hybrid
`components, and multi-chip modules, various methods have
`been used to contain EMI/RFI from electronic components.
`The most common method is to electrically ground a “can”
`that will cover the electronic components, to a substrate such
`as a printed wiring board. As is well known, a can is a shield
`that may be in the form of a conductive housing, a metallized
`cover, a small metal box, a perforated conductive case
`wherein spaces are arranged to minimize radiation over a
`given frequency band, or any other form of a conductive
`surface that surrounds electronic components. When the can
`is mounted on a substrate such that it completely surrounds
`and encloses the electronic components, it is often referred to
`as a Faraday Cage. Presently, there are two predominant
`methods to form a Faraday cage around electronic compo-
`nents for shielding use. A first method is to solder a can to a
`ground strip that surrounds electronic components on a
`printed wiring board (PWB). Although soldering a can pro-
`vides excellent electrical properties, this method is often
`labor intensive. Also, a soldered can is difficult to remove ifan
`electronic component needs to be re-worked. A second
`method is to mechanically secure a can, or other enclosure,
`with a suitable mechanical fastener, such as a plurality of
`screws or a clamp, for example. Typically, a conductive gas-
`ket material is usually attached to the bottom surface of a can
`to ensure good electrical contact with the ground strip on the
`PWB. Mechanically securing a can facilitates the re-work of
`electronic components; however, mechanical fasteners are
`bulky and occupy “valuable” space on a PWB.”
`[0013] Coaxial cable connectors have attempted to address
`the above problems by incorporating a continuity member
`into the coaxial cable connector as a separate component. In
`this regard, FIG. 1 illustrates a connector 1000 having a
`coupler 2000, a separate post 3000, a separate continuity
`member 4000, and a body 5000. In connector 1000 the sepa-
`rate continuity member 4000 is captured between post 3000
`and body 5000 and contacts at least a portion ofcoupler 2000.
`Coupler 2000 may be made of metal such as brass and plated
`with a conductive material such as nickel. Post 3000 may be
`made of metal such as brass and plated with a conductive
`material such as tin. Separate conductive member 4000 may
`be made of metal such as phosphor bronze and plated with a
`conductive material such as tin. Body 5000 may be made of
`metal such as brass and plated with a conductive material
`such as nickel.
`[0014] Embodiments disclosed herein include a coaxial
`cable connector having an inner conductor, a dielectric sur-
`rounding the inner conductor, an outer conductor surrounding
`the dielectric, and a jacket surrounding the outer conductor
`and used for coupling an end of a coaxial cable to an equip-
`ment connection port. The coaxial cable may include a cou-
`pler, a body, a post, and a biasing ring. The coupler may be
`adapted to couple the coaxial cable connector to the equip-
`ment connectionport. At least one ofthe coupler, the post, and
`the body has a contacting portion is formed monolithically
`with at least one of the coupler, the post, and the body to
`establish electrical continuity between at least two of the
`coupler, the body and the post. The biasing ring biases the
`contacting portion such that the electrical continuity is main-
`tained regardless of the tightness of the coupling of the con-
`nector to the terminal.
`In yet another aspect, embodiments disclosed herein
`include a coaxial cable connector having an inner conductor,
`a dielectric surrounding the inner conductor, an outer conduc-
`tor surrounding the dielectric, and a jacket surrounding the
`outer conductor and used for coupling an end of a coaxial
`cable to an equipment connection port. The coaxial cable
`comprises a coupler, a body, a post, a biasing ring and a
`retainer. The retainer comprises contacting portion. The con-
`tacting portion is ofmonolithic construction with the retainer.
`The biasing ring biases the contacting portion to the coupler
`such that the electrical continuity is maintained regardless of
`the tightness of the coupling of the connector to the terminal.
`[0016] Additional features and advantages are set out in the
`detailed description which follows, and in part will be readily
`apparent to those skilled in the art from that description or
`recognized by practicing the embodiments as described
`herein, including the detailed description, the claims, as well
`as the appended drawings.
`It is to be understood that both the foregoing general
`description and the following detailed description are merely
`exemplary, and are intended to provide an overview or frame-
`work to understanding the nature and character of the claims.
`The accompanying drawings are included to provide a further
`understanding, and are incorporated in and constitute a part of
`this specification. The drawings illustrate one or more
`embodiment(s), and together with the description serve to
`explain principles and operation ofthe various embodiments.
`FIG. 1 is a side cross sectional view of a coaxial
`cable connector;
`FIG. 2 is a side, cross sectional view ofan exemplary
`embodiment of a coaxial connector comprising a post with a
`contacting portion providing an integral RFI and grounding
`shield and a biasing ring;
`FIG. 3 is a detail view of the biasing ring illustrated
`in FIG. 2;
`FIGS. 4A through 4H are front and side schematic
`views of exemplary embodiments of the contacting portions
`of the post;
`FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of an exemplary
`embodiment of a coaxial cable connector comprising an inte-
`gral pin and a biasing ring, in the state of assembly with body
`having a contacting portion forming to a contour of the cou-
`FIG. 5A is a partial, detail view of the contacting
`portion and the biasing ring illustrated in FIG. 5;
`FIG. 5B is a cross-sectional view of the coaxial
`cable connector illustrated in FIG. 5 in a partial state of
`assembly illustrating the contacting portion of the body;
`FIG. 5C is a is a partial, detail view ofthe contacting
`portion and the biasing ring illustrated in FIG. 5B;

`US 20l4/0322968 A1
`Oct. 30, 2014
`FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional View of an exemplary
`embodiment of a coaxial cable connector comprising an inte-
`gral pin and a biasing ring, wherein the coupler rotates about
`a body instead of a post and the contacting portion is part of a
`component press fit into the body and forming to a contour of
`the coupler;
`FIG. 6A is a partial, detail View of the contacting
`portion and the biasing ring illustrated in FIG. 6.
`FIG. 7 is a cross sectional View of an exemplary
`embodiment of a coaxial cable connector comprising a post-
`less configuration, and a body haVing a contacting portion
`forming to a contour of the coupler and a biasing ring;
`FIG. 7A is a partial, detail View of the contacting
`portion and the biasing ring illustrated in FIG. 7.
`FIG. 8 is a cross sectional View of an exemplary
`embodiment of a coaxial cable connector comprising a hex
`crimp body and a post haVing a contacting portion forming to
`a contour of the coupler and a biasing ring;
`FIG. 9 is an isometric, schematic View ofthe post of
`the coaxial cable connector of FIG. 2 wherein the post has a
`contacting portion in a formed state;
`FIG. 10 is an isometric, cross-sectional View of the
`post and the coupler of the coaxial cable connector of FIG. 2
`illustrating the contacting portion of the post forming to a
`contour of the coupler;
`FIG. 11 is a cross-sectional View of an exemplary
`embodiment of a coaxial cable connector haVing a coupler
`with a contacting portion forming to a contour ofthe post and
`a biasing ring;
`FIG. 12 is a cross-sectional View of an exemplary
`embodiment of a coaxial cable connector haVing a post with
`a contacting portion forming to a contour of the coupler and a
`biasing ring;
`FIG. 13 is a cross-sectional View of an exemplary
`embodiment of a coaxial cable connector haVing a post with
`a contacting portion forming to a contour behind a lip in the
`coupler toward the rear of the coaxial cable connector and a
`biasing ring;
`FIG. 14 is a cross-sectional View of an exemplary
`embodiment of a coaxial cable connector haVing a body with
`a contacting portion forming to a contour behind a lip in the
`coupler toward the rear of the coaxial cable connector and a
`biasing ring;
`FIG. 15 is a partial, cross-sectional View ofan exem-
`plary embodiment of a coaxial cable connector haVing a post
`with a contacting portion forming to a contour of a coupler
`with an undercut haVing a prepared coaxial cable inserted in
`the coaxial cable connector and a biasing ring;
`FIG. 16 is a partial, cross-sectional View ofan exem-
`plary embodiment of a coaxial cable connector haVing a
`biasing ring and a moVeable post with a contacting portion
`wherein the post is in a forward position;
`FIG. 17 is a partial cross sectional View of the
`coaxial cable connector of FIG. 17 with the moVable post in a
`rearward position and the contacting portion of the moVable
`post forming to a contour of the coupler;
`FIG. 18 is a cross-sectional View of an exemplary
`embodiment of a coaxial cable connector comprising, a
`retainer, an integral pin and a biasing ring;
`FIG. 19 is a cross-sectional View ofthe coaxial cable
`connector illustrated in FIG. 19 in a partial state of assembly
`illustrating the contacting portion of the retainer and adapted
`to form to a contour of the coupler;
`FIG. 19A is a partial, detail View of the contacting
`portion and the biasing ring illustrated in FIG. 19.
`FIG. 20 is a cross-sectional View ofthe coaxial cable
`connector illustrated in FIG. 19 in a partial state of succes-
`siVely further assembly illustrating the contacting portion of
`the retainer and adapted to form to a contour of the coupler;
`FIG. 21 is a cross-sectional View ofthe coaxial cable
`connector illustrated in FIG. 19 in an assembled state illus-
`trating the contacting portion of the retainer and adapted to
`form to a contour of the coupler.
`[0045] Reference will now be made in detail to the embodi-
`ments, examples ofwhich are illustrated in the accompanying
`drawings, in which some, but not all embodiments are shown.
`Indeed, the concepts may be embodied in many different
`forms and should not be construed as limiting herein. Rather,
`these embodiments are proVided so that this disclosure will
`satisfy applicable legal requirements. WheneVer possible,
`like reference numbers will be used to refer to like compo-
`nents or parts.
`For purposes ofthis description, the term “forward”
`will be used to refer to a direction toward the portion of the
`coaxial cable connector that attaches to a terminal, such as an
`appliance equipment port. The term “rearwar ” will be used
`to refer to a direction that is toward the portion of the coaxial
`cable connector that receiVes the coaxial cable. The term
`“terminal” will be used to refer to any type of connection
`medium to which the coaxial cable connector may be
`coupled, as examples, an appliance equipment port, any other
`type of connection port, or an intermediate termination
`deVice. Further, it should be understood that the term “RF
`shield” or “RF shielding” shall be used herein to also refer to
`radio frequency interference (RFI) shield or shielding and
`electromagnetic interference (EMI) shield or shielding, and
`such terms should be considered as synonymous.
`[0047] Referring now to FIG. 2, there is illustrated an
`exemplary embodiment ofa coaxial cable connector 100. The
`coaxial cable connector 100 has a front end 105, a back end
`195, a coupler 200, a post 300, a body 500, a shell 600 and a
`gripping member 700. The coupler 200 comprises a front end
`205, a back end 295, a central passage 210, a lip 215 with a
`forward facing surface 216 and a rearward facing surface 217,
`a through-bore 220 formed by the lip 215, and a bore 230.
`Coupler 200 may be made of metal such as brass and plated
`with a conductiVe material such as nickel. Altemately or
`additionally, selected surfaces of the coupler 200 may be
`coated with conductiVe or non-conductiVe coatings or lubri-
`cants, or a combination thereof. Post 300 may be tubular and
`include a front end 305, a back end 395, and a contacting
`portion 310. In FIG. 2, contacting portion 310 is shown as a
`protrusion integrally formed and monolithic with post 300.
`Contacting portion 310 may, but does not haVe to be, radially
`projecting. Post 300 may also comprise an enlarged shoulder
`340, a flange 320, a through-bore 325, a rearward facing
`annular surface 330, and a barbed portion 335 proximate the
`back end 395. The post 300 may be made of metal such as
`brass and plated with a conductiVe material such as tin. Addi-
`tionally, the material, in an exemplary embodiment, may haVe
`a suitable spring characteristic permitting contacting portion
`310 to be flexible, as described below. Altemately or addi-
`tionally, selected surfaces of post 300 may be coated with
`conductiVe or non-conductiVe coatings or lubricants or a com-

`US 2014/0322968 A1
`Oct. 30, 2014
`bination thereof. Contacting portion 310, as noted above, is
`monolithic with post 300 and provides for electrical continu-
`ity through the connector 100 to an equipment port (not
`shown in FIG. 2) to which connector 100 may be coupled. In
`this manner, post 300 provides for a stable ground path
`through the connector 100, and, thereby, electromagnetic or
`RF shielding to protect against the ingress and egress of RF
`signals. Electrical continuity is established through the cou-
`pler 200, the post 300, and the body other than by the use of
`a component unattached from or independent of the coupler
`200, the post 300, and the body 500, to provide RF shielding.
`In this way, the integrity of an electrical signal transmitted
`through coaxial cable connector 100 may be maintained
`regardless of the tightness of the coupling of the connector
`100 to the terminal. Maintaining electrical continuity and,
`thereby, a stable ground path, protects against the ingress of
`undesired or spurious radio frequency (“RF”) signals which
`may degrade performance ofthe appliance. In such a way, the
`integrity of the electrical signal transmitted through coaxial
`cable connector 100 may be maintained. This is especially
`applicable when the coaxial cable connector 100 is not fully
`tightened to the equipment connection port, either due to not
`being tightened upon initial installation or due to becoming
`loose after installation.
`[0048] Body 500 comprises a front end 505, a back end 595,
`and a central passage 525. Body 500 may be made of metal
`such as brass and plated with a conductive material such as
`nickel. Shell 600 comprises a front end 605, a back end 695,
`and a central passage 625. Shell 600 may be made of metal
`such as brass and plated with a conductive material such as
`nickel. Gripping member 700 comprises a front end 705, a
`back end 795, and a central passage 725. Gripping member
`700 may be made ofa suitable polymer material such as acetal
`or nylon. The resin can be selected from thermoplastics char-
`acterized by good fatigue life, low moisture sensitivity, high
`resistance to solvents and chemicals, and good electrical
`In FIG. 2, coaxial cable connector 100 is shown in
`an unattached, uncompressed state, without a coaxial cable
`inserted therein. Coaxial cable connector 100 couples a pre-
`pared end of a coaxial cable to a terminal, such as a threaded
`female equipment appliance connection port (not shown in
`FIG. 2). Shell 600 slideably attaches to body 500 at back end
`595 of body 500. Coupler 200 attaches to coaxial cable con-
`nector 100 at back end 295 of coupler 200. Coupler 200 may
`rotatably attach to front end 305 of post 300 while engaging
`body 500 by means ofa press-fit. Front end 305 of post 300
`positions in central passage 210 ofcoupler 200 and has a back
`end 395 which is adapted to extend into a coaxial cable.
`Proximate back end 395, post 300 has a barbed portion 335
`extending radially outwardly from post 300. An enlarged
`shoulder 340 at front end 305 extends inside the coupler 200.
`Enlarged shoulder 340 comprises a collar portion 320 and a
`rearward facing armular surface 330. Collar portion 320
`allows coupler 200 to rotate by means of a clearance fit with
`through-bore 220 of coupler 200. Rearward facing annular
`surface 330 limits forward axial movement ofthe coupler 200
`by engaging forward facing surface 216 of lip 215. Coaxial
`cable connector 100 may also include a sealing ring 800
`seated within coupler 200 to form a seal between coupler 200
`and body 500.
`[0050] Contacting portion 310 may be monolithic with or a
`unitized portion of post 300. As such, contacting portion 310
`and post 300 or a portion ofpost 300 may be constructed from
`a single piece of material. The contacting portion 310 may
`contact coupler 200 at a position that is forward of forward
`facing surface 216 of lip 215. In this way, contacting portion
`310 of post 300 provides an electrically conductive path
`between post 300, coupler 200 and body 500. This enables an
`electrically conductive path from coaxial cable through
`coaxial cable connector 100 to terminal providing an electri-
`cal ground and a shield against RF ingress and egress. Con-
`tacting portion 310 is forrnable such that as the coaxial cable
`connector 100 is assembled, contacting portion 310 may form
`to a contour of coupler 200. Assembling coupler 200 with
`post 300 forms contacting portion 310 in a forward direction
`to the contour of coupler 200. In other words, coupler 200
`forms or shapes contacting portion 310 of post 300. The
`forming and shaping of the contacting portion 310 may have
`certain elastic/plastic properties based on the material of con-
`tacting portion 310. When coaxial cable connector 100 is
`assembled, biasing ring 314 positions inside of the coupler
`200 around the post 300 and provides pressure on contacting
`portion 310. Additionally, when in the formed state, contact-
`ing portion 310 at least partially encloses biasing ring 314.
`Biasing ring 314 biases contacting portion 310 forcing the
`contacting portion 310 against coupler 200. Biasing ring 314
`reinforces the flexible and resilient nature of contacting por-
`tion 310. Contacting portion 310 deforms, upon assembly of
`the components of coaxial cable connector 100, or, altema-
`tively contacting portion 310 of post 300 may be preformed,
`or partially preformed to electrically contactedly fit with cou-
`pler 200. In this manner, post 300 is secured within coaxial
`cable connector 100, and contacting portion 310 establishes
`an electrically conductive path between body 500 an

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