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`The Random House College Dictionary
`JESS STEIN Editor in Chief
`LEONORE c. I-lAucK Managing Editor
`P.Y. SI! Senior Defining Editor

` ._...00.n.,_.HHum.mMm-;_o n._.n%m
`-1.1-=$.S.STE1I.~1_ 6. I.aI,>'fIT,0..1uu_._<.t_ru1-:1=

`Consultant Stafl
`lndo-European Langyage Chart
`Historical Slcetch ofthe English Language
`_ -_
`Pronunciation‘_Key 1;
`, Qglish. 1
`Usage, Dialects, __and’Functional Varieties ..
`Guide to the Dictionary ._
`Table ofCommojn English Spwebllingsl
`Signs and Symbols
`United States Colleges and Universities
`Canadian Colleges and Universities
`English Given Names
`Basic Manual ofStyle
`COPYRIGHT © 1980, 1979, 1975 BY RANDOM HOUSE, INC.
`Previous edition copyright © 1973, 1972, 1969, 1968 by Random House, Inc.
`All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part
`of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
`including photocopying, without permission in writing from the publisher. All inquiries
`should be addressed to Random House, Inc., 201 E. 50th Street, New York, N.Y. 10022.
`Based on The Random House Dictionary of the English Language—The Unabridged Edition
`Copyright © 1979, 1973, I971, I970, 1969, 1967, 1966 by Random House, Inc.
`A number of entered words which we have reason to believe constitute
`trademarks have been designated as such. However, neither the presence
`nor the absence of such designation should be regarded as affecting
`the legal status of any trademark.
`Chart of Periodic Table of the Elements, Copyright © 1964 by E. H. Sargent & Co.
`Table of Common Pr0ofreaa'er’s Marks, Copyright 1950, © 1956 by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
`.. Main entryuunder title:_ _ _
`- The Random House college ‘dictionary.
`Based on t_Ile_ _R_ando,ml House dictionary, of the En ' lish language, unabridged ed.
`Published in 1968 under title: The Random House diction '_
`rtlle English language, college ed.
`’ I ‘ 1;" rEnglish language——'Dictiqnaries.
`423 Z ‘75.-4‘sss
`'1sl3'N o—394435bo-l
`I ISBN 0-394-.‘fl3600-f8.thumb—indexed ed.77
`" fl
`, nn.s/ur
`,Manufacture'd in the United States of America .

`. resolution
`it aeniounit. 5. a large or.-extra. supply or stock; -reserve.
`re-signed (ri zind/), adj. . 1. submissive or acquiescent.‘-‘ 2.
`.r servo r~-—
`, <
`characterized by or indicative of resignation. ——re-sig'n-
`Vrésergser). to) nasmwn. +'-_oir -oar’)
`re-set (u. re set ; 1;; set
`; >v.,=.-set, -feet,-ting, n.
`-—-t_7.t. 1.
`eddy (ri zi/nid l6),.adv. ——re-sign/ed-ness, n.
`to set again.
`-11. 2..the act of_.resett1ng._ V3. that which is
`re-sile (ri zil/). v.i.. -siled. -sll-ing. 1. to spring back: re-
`reset.. .4. a deviceVused inresetting aninstrument or control"
`bound;.,re5ume __the orig,-331 form or pas“-,ion_ as an elastic.
`-mechanism-‘ ‘T1‘_9'59t’tel_‘.v 71- _‘
`' u .
`body. 2. to shrink bac ;recoiI.. [< MF resiI(ir) <VL resiiir
`.res.-ges-tae, V(rez..;jes/te,. ras),
`.1; things done; accom-
`to s ring back; see.m.=:srL1nNrr “.——re-sile/ment, n.‘
`plishznents; deeds. : 2_..Law. the acts. circumstances. and
`res -ience (ri zil.’yans, —zil cans), n.. 1.
`o‘wer or
`statements the principal fact =0! 3-
`ability to return to- ‘the original -form or posit on after
`.lit1§3.t0¢_i_D18«W91‘--.[f‘.L] " ’
`being bentpcompressed; onstretched; elasticity. 2. abilityto
`1-Mesh (rash,-i: Heb. na_sh),‘ 3:.
`the 20th letter of'the_ Hebrew
`recoverreadilyfromillness, depression, adversity, orthelike:
`alphabet.--E<_*He_13 rash, ht.._ head]:

`.-buoyancy. Also, Vre-ail/ien-cy.
`[j< L resil(Ire)~ (to) spring
`bacl1<l,.jrebotund +-anon]
`b "
`ip/).~ v:.v-‘slupped.
`rebounding.‘ 2. rgturhing to the)origjinal forym or fiosmofi
`eren .or_m.
`- en ri zili ant, —zil/E ant . ad. 1. s rlngin
`ship ?»Z9«111-
`- 150 Wl‘5.J1Sf6_l‘:fl‘0171 0!-‘Le ship to another,» -,~v.i.
`after being bent, compressed," or stretched. 3. recovering
`33130 8001! 8 811113 again» 4'-' (91 3 11.19mb6l‘.‘0l arfihip
`readily from illness,-v depression, adversity; or the like;
`to sign"up for another V0 61%.
`---1'-e-EhiP’.m8l!%7% -
`[< L.resilz'ent— springing back (s. of resihzns, prp.
`4(r&sshtt)i9n6.3)a: City
`Iran. flea fthah 515111511"38,8»,
`0!resililrle ='tni— 1222+sal(ire) (to)‘leap. 5un1P): see SALIEINTJ
`—"—re-silien-y,a 11'.‘
`" .~= V
`re-Side (ri zxdl). 17.1.. "-Bid-ed: -and-ms: 1-to dwell per1:_aa.-*
`res-inrirez/in), n. 1. any ofa class of-nonvolatile, solid or
`nently 01' for 8-ponsiderableitimes <2, (0! things. qualities.
`semisol d. organic substances-obtained directly‘from certain
`etc.) to 8-bide. 11e.- 0r'=be_present hab1tu&11Y..- _V3- 1:9 rest 0!‘
`plants aseX_1ldatlOI!8’0l‘prepared bymolymerizationofsim le
`‘be ;~Ve8t€.d.
`as 'D9Wer8.,
`hts.’ 8156-
`[ME r€81I1e(‘n) < -1_VIF
`molecules: used in medicine -and‘in‘*the ma
`of varnis es
`_resui(e1_’) < L reszdére .=
`.ma- + sid-.(var. of sedére to s|t)]
`and plastics. .2. a substance 0! this t
`ed from cer-
`‘.—l‘9'51fi/91'y’7‘« H _—-Syn-—_1-‘live. abide. SQJOUFD. Stay.-10dS6.
`tain plnes‘;.rosin.~ _—:_1;.t. 3. to'trea_t or_ru_'-withresin [ME <
`ren1ain.- V
`MF resins < L resma‘_< Gk rhetine pine resin]
`res-1-dance, (rezl
`us), n.
`1. the . lace. esp. the house,
`in which a person lives‘ or resides; dwe ling place; home. 2.
`res-ifiza e raz/9 haul), 9,1,,
`to _1;rea,t;' with
`like! zad .
`-the act or fact of resldmg. ‘ 3. the act/of living or‘stayinignin a.
`resin; as by
`eclfied place while
`ing. official ‘duties, aw_ait g a
`res-in-if-er-ous ,(;-ez/3 wrap 95), ad}, yielding resin,
`vprce. etc. 4- the -t
`e durins_whic_h a person resxdes in a
`res-in-old (rez'/a noid/), adj. 1.resinlike. -'—nV. 2. a resinbid
`Vplace. -.[ME '<_ MF'
`.‘<V ML resuientuz V= L_;res1d(ére)
`3_ 3, gun]_regjn_
`naanm ’+ -entw -z=Ncm]':v.—$yn. -1. jhabitation. domicile.
`res-inaous ‘(rez/a nos); adj.
`-1., full ofor containing resin.‘
`»See house.
`'4. stay. abode_,‘-sogourn. '
`res-1-den-cy (rezli dan'se).. m.
`2. the position or tenuregt‘ a; ined1_cal‘resident.»‘V 3.‘ Hist. an
`f§5i£,a5'§(u§1)s] (E__re§/in.ous11y?adg_ .‘_-1%.‘/5,,.o‘,’~51.1,‘,e,,'. ,,_-
`21.1’ of the _i.1€:1turefofrgs:i resfibling 1'eSil1:1_.
`fidministrat "6 d“’3si9',1~°
`the-' D“¢°h.E€1St.1ndie.S-
`ressist (ri zistl ,~u.z. 1._to withstand, strlve'aga.i.ns_t,‘or op-
`‘ "
`pose. 2. towit
`tand the" action or effect of.» or
`i>’(r:'N'r +*-'EN_0Y]_
`-“'°S.E”‘“ "°-‘=35
`-M 4.-V*°‘
`~clall2ed trainintgi. ‘ 8.-‘ivlist the governor of a. residency
`ma 9 8' mm or ma‘ 9 e or 8 ON” t on’ act
`opposit on’
`,:Du.tch East In i-es
`._ad-j 4 resid
`weum in a place
`offer resistance. —7:.. 5. a. substance that prevents or inhibits
`in ;- d
`5. living or staying at a place in dlscfiiar e of uty. 6.'(oi
`some action‘ as 3' mam that inhibits corrosion‘ ' [ME re
`ylallfilesi existins--inttinsic.-:
`7- <0‘ W. 5) not migratory.
`‘sisters-ti’) cause to stand
`, re-sist/er,'n. ——ré-sist/ing-ly,
`'8i$i(€1l) <'-L res1‘st(er_e)-
`to) remain ‘standing = _re-'-im--+
`<VL'res1dent- (s. of resufens). prp. of resulére to m::srnn- see
`. Syn 1 confront, counteract, rebuff. See oppose
`_ENT] _res,i.dent_shi /’ n’.
`re=si’st-‘mice’ (ri zis/tans_)'.‘*n:‘ 1. the actor p'o '
`f r“
`r.:~.e::.s::*.=~::::°.,’.r:.;-2 sism-s.s°s=s~°r 2-°vv°si33*°?'°=e°5

`national VHouseAof Representatives.
`" A
`act. a. a property of
`ggforca etc. to another."'3.,El
`al) v adj .
`_ 1, ‘ of or fiertaming
`a conductor by virtue of which the passage of ‘current is-o
`(rez/i den!
`to residence. or. residences’.
`. a apted or u_sed for residence.
`§?se‘V1'7-c8‘Vusing 616°-mckenergy m be mmsmrmed into he”-‘
`(".°."i d°“’§5° 31’1 t°)-
`,Ps;c5:zia,t1'~_y.c oppgsftgon to an ‘atmmptgito ‘gr-fnrge re rlessed
`ondu to 0
`ll offering such op ositi n-
`sisto .
`'éer/5 @9325 I.
`“’°“5‘“‘-'°” ‘°"‘“‘ 5 ‘”‘°V °°“s9‘°“‘“°5‘-V 5-"""““3’ "1 "
`V1. -3-
`_ad;. 1 residin -re
`9111-; Q 1,
`- go
`"m"of’ ‘
`_(esp.-during Worl War II) an underground or aniza on
`ix? .<l)ffsi'cia.l‘resi'dei1ce' —'§z’ 3 a."resident
`-V-7°"]’-K1“:--‘z-""°".°m-1-"°Wr the 9°-°“pyin D-°w°"' "S", y by ac“
`«dr§(os) =- resi'denti(a)"1znsrz'>n1~'1cE'+~-Erii1s.=.§nr]» V
`°f E-3<b°§“-‘-5°’ 3'?°"“u"' ""V".'”-‘?"'°" etc.‘ .
`'. E < ME]
`re_s1d_u_al_(fl,zfi,6b..aD«V adj
`attaining. to onconsmut_
`re-sist-ant (ri zis/,-tant)V',‘adj. 1. resisting.
`-—n.._2. a person
`[mg iresidue or remain‘-‘er; -rem-. £flngHefmver_ 2_ Mam
`or thing that resists.
`[< MF resistant < L res1.st_ent- (s. or
`£3332‘!zPitzfitzii‘?”§‘3“¥}P*:.:’3.2;‘€..‘.i.’.i”é‘“£¥.’.§§%?’i.2§3§.fé}§’€'.‘i Rm-ten-era <ne/ass mum us a °i*¥in'NE4r8°"fiWi-
`resist¢'ms.’prpLof Iesistere_)]
`:—r‘e-bist/ant‘~ly adv.
`residuals.-‘3 4. ‘Gaol: remaining after the soluble elements have
`‘°n the Parana‘ River’ 30300’ (“'5 4965
`been dissolved: residual sail."-n. 6. a resid
`rqezsist-1-ble (ri zis/.t_e bal),v z_zdj
`apable of being resisted.
`remainder. "6. Often. residuals. something tn'§?1r§n'§§i'§i’§7%’é
`a_d:°’?i°"-i'.biVi'tYv .'°.'.'i.‘t"'V“°.“‘°5'.’v 7‘- "'°'5i°".““7»
`.dj bl
`§f.5.§§2.'§i$:',to3rthei?ke?.i’n§§h§?§.'f9i33\'23§. :?tia1§3:°§5ia‘t'i3a‘£'3r
`r9‘S19.'t1V° (ri zis’tiv.>V-wit
`resistive: capableoI.or-inclined
`one ofzaset’o1"obser'va'tions ornumb‘ers.froin the‘mean ‘of the
`"° ’°3i5'”m°°- "‘!°'9‘.°’-“"'°'_ly’-“d"' *'°'5i“’“V°'V“°"!. "'
`set. b. the deviation b'etwe‘e‘nV"a.nVempirical and-a theoretical
`1'e'S,iS-t1V-1~ty (re/zis tiv/i to). n.
`.1..the power orproperty
`result. 8. Usually. residuals.’additional pay v_en to.<a'per- .
`.0‘ 1‘¢5iSt3'1109« 2- E1“‘- the 1‘°5i5.t3«!1.¢.5
`between opposite faces
`former for repeated use of a. illm,"rs.dio or T commercial,
`°f 9' °n°'°°m"1m°"'°1'- cube °‘ 9' SW9“ matenali F3910 0‘ °1.9°‘71'i°
`or the 1ike,inwhich the performer ap ears. < L res-idu um
`intensity 170 °l‘°55'59C‘3§°D3«1 9193- :~
`what is left over‘ (neut- of residzius p= re- 1E2:-"'+ sid-"Evar). ~1‘9'5i3t'1e5§ (Pi ZiSt’11s). ad}. 1. irresistible. 2. Vnot,
`owed-,:,3 to Sm + _u(um) ad,-,'5u1 1-x;+ __,;,1,j
`ing. —re-sist/less-ly, adv. -,—.—,re-mat/less-ness, n.
`al-ly, adv.
`re-sis,-tor‘ ri zis/tar),,.m Elect; a device, the rlmary mu--
`rg.51d.u.ar_.y (1-1'21;/57; er/§)_ adj.‘ pertaining tour’ or the
`istomtroduceresistanceinto an ectrlccircuit.
`nature of aresidue. rerna.inder.orresiduuin'. [< Lresidu(1m'l)
`l‘9S{11l'di'C8't3 0'52’ 55T?"d1 k5/$3.’ 15).? EMA a $111118
`what is left over (see iiinsinonrz): + -ARY]
`adjudicated; a case tnat'
`been decided. [< L] 2'.
`res.1.due (1-ez71-d.,—0/_.—_dy¢-,—c./_,~_ ,5. 1, yh3,[;'whjch‘ran1ajns
`res-na-tron (rez'/no tronI).'- VElet-trantcs. a. tetrode with
`arterva‘.-part<i's taken, dispose ‘of,’ or gone; remainder; rest.
`the grid connected to form afidrlft
`aioezfor the electrons, for
`2.'0hem. a. residuum." b. an" atom or group of atomsfcon-‘
`Eeneratin 18-1'86 '
`'0W61‘ at V01‘? 3311 freqliel1cY-
`c. the partVremain-
`mg as a soli on.a filter .paper-after a. liquid passes through
`re-sole" re sol/). 171., -soled,‘-‘sol-ing. -to'put a new sole on
`inthe filtration procedure‘. 8. Law. the.part of a testator’s
`(a shoe‘,
`'oot, etc.).
`estate thatren1a.insV'a.fter thepayment of‘allxiebt charges
`re-ol-Ii“-blel rizoll 9 bal rez’al-) ’ ad
`capable ofbeing
`nspecial devises. and bequests." -[ME < M*F’ residu < I:
`resolved. < L mm itb"121 is’) = Lresolv era (to) nns’oI.v1i:~+
`restdu‘(um) whatxis Vleftiover; see nnsxnmmj —Syn. 1. re-
`‘—bilis -Br-in ——’re-'s'oI/u-lfisli-ty Vre-‘sol/u-b e-ness-' n -'
`‘residuum-. See remainder. ' '
`re-sol-u-b e3 (re sol’ a bal)‘ adj
`‘able toberedissoived.
`r'e-s1d'-’u-umV(ri'fli’<fi 9111)
`-9id'|l'|'1 (-ZU’0—0 9)
`r'e"s-‘o-lute (rez/a l6E)t’:’/-
`res'olved‘or de-
`‘the residue remainder, or rest oflsomething
`2. Chain 5
`‘termined '2 characte” ‘ed
`firinness ind‘ determination
`“qua.‘nt1ty‘:oz'- body of ‘matter remainlng.after'-evaporation
`< Iz='res'olut'(us) pt '- of"'ie‘so1t'ere to nnsonvn ——i-es/o-'
`‘combustionldistillation-Veto.’ -3.V'a.ny residual product. 4::
`utelfy ddn 41'-es/giluté/nose" n
`' 1
`irm stead-
`rléfigvi.‘the réé_id,ixe of an éstate. -.-[<_'L: sée smsxnrmqx-J
`fast, n'x'ed. se. eamestl. 2. unwavering, unda'un:ed'.
`”.?’l§.‘¥£.]§§‘.3?l‘3.‘€..S't‘i’§.‘* “§..°.{"“°"’;.1’l" ~.%‘:'..i*.:‘.‘.’.'.’.“§.‘i‘ °f."‘°‘i‘°“ °i
`subnJit' yield - —'23t 3. to give‘ up (anoffioe D0m'tion' eth)
`oil-Ionization‘ a 1 gisllgt 9' Ezsuclu
`onother E. y a om”
`ot.ten.r6rma1,1§J4L'»%<‘=,r'e11nqu,1s1a aI'i8h13x§'eément:’
`grfiu . _Cf.'con?:utrei!11:e'r’esolution, faint
`2- a
`mire to
`the’ act of resolving or’ determinin , as
`°r We °*
`me“ °d~
`procedure,‘ -etc.
`the mental state or
`5'll.1'l'9!ldel'. cede..10r80- -
`, V.
`quality of being resolved or resolute; firm-'
`res-lg-na-tion (rez/lg na/shan), n.
`’1. the act of resigning.
`,ness of purpose. -5. the actor
`rocess of re- 1..-
`2'..a; formalVsta.ternent,'- document, etc.; stating-that one gives
`solving or separatin into co
`_tue_nt or ele- '
`‘V'~“D an oft‘-ic.e,.position, etc.
`-8. a. submissive attitude. state,
`‘mentary parts. 6.,t "e resultin state.
`'1. a
`’etc.; submission; unresisting acquiescence.
`[ME <’ MF‘ <
`solution or explanation,~ as o
`ML rasignati6n- (s. of resigmitzfi) a canceling, rescin’ding*"=.L
`controversy, etc. 8. Music. a. the‘ progres- '
`( t . of rest nfira to RESIGN’)"‘+ -1611». -1013]
`sion of a voice art or of tl1e‘harm‘ony‘Va's a.’ A Dissongnoe
`1, 2. Waxing! ation.-- ~
`. meekness, patience, compliance,
`whole‘ ‘from ‘a dissonance to a cons_on_an'oe.‘ B ’ C,-,,,_.,,,,,a,,'.,e
`_forbea.ra.nce. —-Ant. 8.- recalcitrance..V
`Vb. the tone or chord to which axdissiinance is V
`‘re-sharp/en, n.,
`re-shut/fle, 12.. .-fled,
`it/u.-n_I:e/, v.t., -at-ed,
`re-shoe/,11.1., yshod; -shoe-ing.
`-fling; n.
`. Eble, dare,’ art; ebb, Equal;
`if," ice, hot, over, 4671197,‘ ‘oil; bo15Ic;: <:Toze;.V.-out; up,‘-urge; 9 = ‘a as in alone; chief;
`-Vsl3oe;.- thin; -shat,-.--ah -as'in measure;-. 9‘ as in button (butfln), fire (rm). See the full key» inside the front cover.
`system of
`E 3i1<1te§§°t§§"a3}ec€1”onL{.‘ie§"§1ngie
`a. ency or
`6 E“,
`,,E< mseaui
`common goals A159-1'ffigm
`)f mis net.<‘L 733' (3 °resec&on. on_ _ ,[< L
`|'«’)- 01- -"SW5" to _o e.,m_'+.,gecEretocut
`i sek
`an .
`.o§ reiecfirf) Egney a technique 0
`ose (pt
`int by taking .bea,,.1ng.
`le loca ion of 9 pant 5-of known loc tion.
`t on two other 13°
`5 or fi5sue_ e5p_.%on‘e_
`zisionof part 01' 3“ °‘;§f£ng OH 4,
`- gs 01 Zesemo) 2' cit) + -ion? —1oN]
`0 resecare to.011 0
`’j'd")’ "' 1' anyngIl1%1t€e°f;P:
`§3.‘.‘§’1';n greggi
`68-1(131 V‘; adj
`to- the
`is (res/I dafa.r:il' of plants.
`[g;h§1’L Rese-
`d/)' "1" ”'}'b1t° ')‘°".‘.i aglaflthe state or fact of
`ae Qizem ans ' arance.
`"1‘*““”'e“"i.'i“”‘Z.°o: soinethins. ME -< AF]
`‘5- 3' 3' Sen.‘ “"2A31-Ivy imply that there is 3
`sign;-$1303!-‘ Sniggre people or thingm Rmanu.
`aril a likeness in appearance. either
`tes Prim y’ 1-31
`serves as a reminderto the V,
`0y -
`°l1';onehtal.1vm7a%?ron}g resemblance to his father. ~
`, b is usually
`lay imP1Yin3ot§'eI,§l;°e!i"iassl?ics:u1‘here‘is a
`Jl -
`$3‘-niztifigitefrttressémbzdnz "to thafaf P_hW'"-
`3e Rsslfimiinm. 'tA1?‘f3led ._b1ing. 1. to be like ,
`rlgenzfcglggcf-£5 m,e,,’.,, Icompare.
`[ME re-V
`— + sembler to
`41: '.zw;;'.':.'.%2.<<".*:7m.z«£‘-n*15-1
`¢:IiI17- -_‘se'nt" _send_ing_ 1_‘fo send again
`to feel or show i1i5P1°as“'° °"
`kt/) wt
`to.) (mm a sense
`1; .(a-person. act. remark» 9
`< or
`lnsult_.‘_ ge<m €(e)s§:ré{('l2)
`—r°-=e-""°.- W 1‘ k... .........V 1
`ant/ful-ly adv. —z-e-santIful-ness.‘II- -
`ri zent/fal). l1dJ-
`5“-11 ° 01'

`th I
`8 0 '
`flz(‘1‘;1.§“)’:I1J"g}';’;':’1‘.‘,‘.7:.’e,T,‘,a,k,epe‘;-‘son: etc.. I‘ arded
`g djgpleasure
`[< F ressent1ment_<
`‘ we
`or insult.
`dudgeon. pique. en
`.-IV I_S';iu_
`_ §n,_
`I-asfir/p ,
`1; roeisdaCsaH'40NI;09' °b"a‘med from the rfmtlga
`aRau'w0lf1!1 35"1’°"“"“' used to’-auevia €< ZG
`"'hypertensionV and" as a tranql1}l11Zl‘;31'r- mimm)
`:serz1- (prob. irreg. < NL Rauwolf a s 717
`I. ma.
`(re'z/Iar V5/5ll9n)’v
`1' the act 0‘ keg ms
`*'*i'=*=.-...‘;.'..::.*.*.*.:=.:* *r*;°.~.
`cgrkegsly or taclt17-
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