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`naval architect
`near miss
`Plan of
`fourth-century .«.o.
`Saint Peter's, Rome
`A. Apse
`B. Transept
`C. Nave
`D. Aisle
`E. Narthex
`F. Atrium
`naval architect n. One who designs ships.
`naval stores pl.n. Naut. Products, such as turpentine or pitch,
`originally used to caulk the seams of wooden ships.
`Na-varre (no-var’ , na-). A historical region and former king-
`dom of SW Europe in the Pyrenees of N Spain and SW
`France. The S part was annexed to Spain (1512-15), and the
`N part became part of the French crown lands (1589).
`nave‘ (nay) n. The central part of a church, extending from the
`narthex to the chancel and flanked by aisles. [Med.Lat. mi:/is
`< Lat., ship (prob. < its shape). See nau-“.]
`nave? (nav) n. The hub of a wheel.
`[ME < OE nafu. See
`na-vel (nalval) n. 1. The mark on the surface of the abdomen
`of mammals where the umbilical cord was attached during
`gestation. 2. A central point; a middle. [ME < OE nafela. See
`navel orange 11. A sweet, usu. seedless orange having at its
`apex a navellike formation enclosing an underdeveloped fruit.
`na-vel-wort (nalval-wfirt’, -wort’) n. 1., See pennywort a.
`2. Any of various Eurasian plants of the genus Omplzalodes,
`having one—sided cymes of usu. blue flowers.
`na-vic-u-lar (na—vIk’ya-lar) n. Anat. 1. A comma—shaped bone
`of the human wrist, located in the first row of carpals. Z. A
`concave bone of the human foot, located between the talus
`and the metatarsals. ~ adj. Shaped like a boat; scaphoid. [<
`Lat. nauicula, boat, dim. of ncii/is, ship. See nau-"‘.]
`nav-i-ga-ble (navli-gs-bal) adj. Sufficiently deep and wide to
`provide passage for vessels: navigable waters. —nav’l-ga-
`bllll-ty, navli-ga-ble-ness n. — navli-ga-bly adv.
`nav-i-gate (navll-gar’) 1/. -gat-ed, -gat-lng, «gates.
`1. To plan, record, and control the course and position of (a
`ship or an aircraft). 2. To follow a planned course on, across,
`or through: navigate a stream. —intr. 1. To control the
`course of a ship or an aircraft. 2. To voyage over water in a
`boat or ship; sail. 3.a. To make one’s way. b. Informal. To
`walk. [Lat navigare, nai/igat- : nauis, ship; see nau-* + agere,
`to drive, lead; see ag-*.]’
`nav-I-ga-tion (nav’i—ga’shan) n. 1. The theory and practice
`of navigating, esp. the charting of a course for a ship or an
`aircraft. 2. Travel or traffic by vessels, esp. commercial ship-
`ping. —— nav’i-galtlon-al adj.
`nav-i-ga-tor (n(av’i—ga’tar) n. 1. One who navigates. Z. A
`device that directs the course of an aircraft or a missile.
`Nav-ra-ti-lo-va (n$iv’r9-ti-lolva, na’vra-), Martina. b. 1956.
`Czechoslovakian-born Amer. tennis player who won nine
`Wimbledon singles championships between 1978 and 1990.
`nav-vy (navlé) n., pl. —vies. Claiefly British. A laborer, esp. one
`employed in construction or excavation projects. [Short for
`NAVIGATOR, canal laborer (obsolete).]
`na-vy (nalvé) n., pl. -vies. 1. All of a nation’s warships. 2. Of-
`ten Navy. A nation’s entire military organization for sea war-
`fare and defense, including vessels, personnel, and shore es-
`tablishments. 3. A group of ships; a fleet. 4. Color. Navy
`blue. [ME < OFr. nai/ie < Lat. ntii/igia, pl. of nzivigium, ship
`< nziz/igare, to sail. See NAvioA'ria.]
`navy bean n. Any of several varieties of the kidney bean, cul-
`tivated for their edible white seeds. [< its former use as a
`standard provision of the U.S. Navy.]
`navy blue 71. Color. A dark grayish blue. [< the color of the
`British naval uniform.]
`Navy Cross n. A U.S. Navy decoration awarded for exceptional
`navy gray 71. Color. A dark gray.
`navy yard n. A dockyard for the construction, repair, equip-
`ping, or docking of naval vessels.
`na-wab (na-wobl) n. See nabob 1.
`Nax°os or Nax~os (naklsos, -s6s, -sos, naklsés). An island of
`the Cyclades in SE Greece in the Aegean Sea; famous in an-
`cient times as a center of Dionysian worship.
`nay (na) adv. 1. No. 2. And moreover: He was ill-favored, nay,
`hideous. —n. 1. A denial or refusal. 2. A negative vote or
`voter. [ME < ON nei : ne, not; see ne* + ei, ever; see aiw-*.]
`nay-say (nalsal) tr.u. ~said (-séd’), -say-lng, -says (-sez’). To
`say no to; deny or oppose.
`nay-say- er (nalsalar) n. 1. One who is assertively negative in
`attitude. 2. One who criticallydisagrees.
`Naz-a-rene (naz’a—rén’, nazla-rén’) ri. 1.a. A native or in-
`habitant of Nazareth. b. Jesus. 2. A member of a sect of early
`Christians of Jewish origin who retained many of the pre-
`scribed Jewish observances. 3. A member of an American
`Protestant denomination, the Church of the Nazarene, that
`follows many of the doctrines of early Methodism. — adj. Of
`or relating to Nazareth or its inhabitants. [ME < LLat. Na-
`zarénus < Gk. Nazarénos < Nazaret, Nazareth.]
`Naz-a-reth (naz’9r—ath). A town of N Israel SE of Haifa; the
`boyhood home of Jesus. Pop. 46,300.
`Na-zl (natlsé, nath) n., pl. -zis. 1. A member of the National
`Socialist German Workers’ Party, brought to power in Ger-
`many in 1933 under Adolf Hitler. 2. Often nazi. An adherent
`or advocate of Nazi policies; a fascist. — adj. Of, relating to,
`controlled by, or typical of the National Socialist German
`Workers’ Party. [Ger., short for Nationalsozialistische deut-
`sclie Arbeiter-Partei, National Socialist German Workers’ Par-
`if:_y.] — Na’zi-fi-ca/tion (-so-fl-kalshan) n. — Na'zl-fy’ (-sa-
`1’) i/.
`Na-zism (nat’siz’9m, nat’-) also Na-zi-lsm (-sé-iz’am) n. The
`ideology and practice of the Nazis," esp. the policy of racist
`nationalism, expansionism, and state control of the economy.
`Nb The symbol for the element niobium.
`NB also N.B. abbr. New Brunswick.
`Nb. abbr. Bible. Numbers.
`n.b. or N.B. abbr. Nota bene.
`NBA also N.B.A. abbr. 1. National Basketball Association.
`2. National Boxing Association.
`NDE abbr. North by east.
`NbW abbr. North by west.
`N(13 abbr. 1. No charge. 2. No credit. 3. Or N.C. North Caro-
`NC-17 (éii’ sé-sév’ an-tén’ ) n. A movie rating that admits no one
`under the age of 17. [N(o) c(hildren under) 17 (admizzed).]
`NCAA or N.C.A.A. abbr. National Collegiate Athletic Associa-
`NCC abbr. National Council of Churches.
`NCO or N.C.O. abbr. Noncommissioned officer.
`NCTE abbr. National Council of Teachers of English.
`NCTM abbr.-National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
`Nd abbr. The symbol for the element neodymium.
`ND or N.D. abbr. North Dakota.
`n.d. or N.D. abbr. No date.
`N.Dak. abbr. North Dakota.
`Nde-be-le (an’da-bélla) n., pl. Ndebele or -les. 1. A member
`of a Zulu people of southwest Zimbabwe. 2. The Nguni lan-
`guage of the Ndebele.
`Ndja-me-na or N'DJa-me-na (an-jalma-no). Formerly Fort-
`La-my (for-la—mé’). The cap. of Chad, in the SW part on the
`Shari R.; founded by the French in 1900. Pop. 303,000.
`Ndong-o (an-dénglgo) n., pl. Ndongo or -05. See Mbundu 3.
`Ne The symbol for the element neon 1.
`NE abbr. 1. Nebraska. 2. Or N.E. New England. 3.a. North-
`east. b. Northeastern. 4. Not equal to.
`Ne. abbr. Bible. Nehemiah.
`NEA abbr. National Education Association.
`Ne-an-der-thal (né-anldar-thol’, -t6l’, na-anldar-t'a'l’) n.
`1. Neanderthal man. 2. Slang. A crude or boorish person.
`—adj. 1. Of, having to do with, or resembling Neanderthal
`man. 2. Slang. Crude or boorish. —Ne-an’der-thal'oid'
`(-th6’loid’, —ror-, -tar-) adj.
`Neanderthal man n. An extinct species or race of human be-
`ings, Homo neandertlzalensis, living during the late Pleisto-
`cene Age in the Old World and associated with Middle Pa-
`leolithic tools. [After Neanderthal, valley of W Germany.]
`ne-an-throp-ic (né'sn-thréplik) adj‘. Of or relating to mem-
`bers of the extant species Homo sapiens as compared with
`other, now extinct species of Homo.
`Ne-a-pol-i-tan (né’a-p61'i—t:;n) adj. Of, belonging to, or
`characteristic of Naples, Italy. — n. A native or resident of
`Naples, Italy. [ME < Lat. Neapolitanus < Gk. neapolités <
`Neapolis, Naples, Italy.)
`Neapolitan lce cream n. Ice cream in brick form with layers of
`different colors and flavors.
`neap tide (nép) n. A tide that occurs during the first and third
`quarters of the moon when the difference between high and
`low tide is least; the lowest level of high tide. [ME neep < OE
`riép(fl6d), neap (tide).]
`near (nir) adv. near-er, nearest. 1. T0, at, or within a short
`distance or interval in space or time. 2. Just about; almost;
`nearly. 3. With or iii a close relationship. — adj. nearer, near-
`est. 1. Close in time, space, position, or degree. 2. Closely
`related by kinship or association; intimate. See Syns at close.
`3.a. Neatly pccurring but not actually happening. b. Just
`barely avoided. 4.3. Closely "corresponding to or resembling
`an original. b. Closely resembling the genuine article.
`5.a. Closer of two or more: on the near side. b. Being on the
`left side of an animal or a vehicle. C. Being the animal of
`vehicle on the left. 6. Short and direct. 7. Stingy; parsimoni-
`ous. —prep. Close to. —u. neared, near-lng. nears. —-tf-
`To come close or closer to. - intr. To draw near or nearer;
`approach. [ME ner < OE néar < comp. of néa/7, close, n€31’~
`See néhw-lz*.] — nearlness n.
`near beer n. A malt liquor that does not contain enough 31‘
`cohol to be considered an alcoholic beverage.
`near-by (nir’bi’) adj. Located a short distance away; close at
`hand. See Syns at close. — adv. Not far away.
`Ne-arc-tic (né-arl<’t‘ik, -arltik) adj. Of or being the biog€0'
`graphic region that includes the Arctic and Temperate areas 0
`North America and Greenland.
`[Ni=.(o)— + ARCI1C.]
`Near East (nir). A region of SW Asia generally thought to in‘
`clude Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia:
`and the other countries of the Arabian Peninsula. —-Near
`East/em adj.
`Near lslands. An island group of SW AK in the W Aleuti_al15~
`near-ly (nirllé) adv. 1. Almost but not quite: I nearly failed-
`Z. In a close manner; intimately.
`near miss n. 1. A narrowly avoided collision. 2. A missile
`strike that is extremely close
`near point 71. The nearest poin1
`distinctly by the eye.
`near rhyme n. See off rliyme.
`near-sight-ed (nir/si’tid) adj
`clearly; myopic. — near’ sigh
`11855 n.
`neat‘ (net) adj. neat-er, neat-
`Z. Orderly and precise in pt(
`by ingenuity and skill; adroit
`other substances: neat wl7iSl2<
`net: neat profit. 6. Slang. W01
`pure,—var. of OFr. net < La
`nitére, to shine.] - neat/ly a
`Syns: neat, tidy, trim, sh
`marked by good order and cl:
`eral: a neat room; neat hair. '1
`merit and order: “When slae
`dressed, she even smiled” (C
`especially smart appearance
`trim little sailboat was dancing
`Melville). Sliipslaape evokes 1'
`make this ham :1 little more :
`, neatz (net) n., pl. neat. Archai.
`vine animal. [ME net < OE 2
`neat-en (nétln) tr.i/. -ened, -ei
`make neat.
`neath or 'neath (neth) prep. B.
`neat-herd (nét'hfird’) n. Arcl
`neat's-foot oil (nétsl foT:>t’ ) n. .1
`the feet and shinbones of Catt
`aneb (neb) n. 1.a. A beak of a
`projecting part, esp. a nib.
`NEB abbr. New English Bible.
`Mneb-bish (neblish) n. A persc
`timid. [Yiddish nebeleli, poor,
`:bhag-*.] — neb'bish- y adj’.
`NEbE abbr. Northeast by east.
`NEDN abbr. Northeast by nortl
`Nebr. abbr. Nebraska.
`Ne-bras-ka (na-braslke). A S)
`Great Plains; admitted as the
`coln. Pop. 1,584,617.
`Ne-bras-kan (n5-bras’ ken) adj
`I 2. Geol. Of or relating to the
`tocene in North America. — n
`-Neh-u-chad-nez-zar ll (néb'
`562 ia.c,.;King‘ of Babylonia (l
`and destroyed (586) Jerusalen
`.neb-u-la (neb’ya—la) n., pl. —la:
`diffuse mass of interstellar du
`V minous patches or areas of d
`the mass absorbs or reflects ir
`1a. 2. Patbol. a. A cloudy spr
`- in the urine. 3. A liquid medic
`‘ule, mist < Lat. nebula. See r
`nebular hypothesis n. A theory
`tern according to which a ro
`tracted into the planets and tl
`neb-u-lize (neblys-liz’) tr.u.
`convert (a liquid) to a fine spr
`medicated spray. — neb’uv
`‘— neblu-Iiz’er n.
`‘nab ‘ll ‘ 105 ' I ‘W (néb ’y9-lés li-ti
`‘ condition of being nebulous.
`mass of material constituting
`.neb-u-lous (neblya-las) adj.
`2. Lacking definite form or lin
`3. Of, relating to, or characte
`nebulosus < nebula, cloud.
`adv. — neb'u-lousvness n.
`- fleC'es-sar~i- ly (nEs’i-sat’;-lé
`nec-es-sar-y (nesli-sér’é) adj
`Syns at indispensable. 2. Need
`effect; requisite. 3.a. Unavoid
`. or_cii-cumstances; inevitable.
`quired by obligation, cornpul:
`-les. Something indispensable.
`saire < Lat. necessarius < 7181
`“ewes-si-tar-i-an-ism (na-Si
`The doctrine holding that even
`> preceding causes. —ne-ces’si
`_lle-ces-si-tate (na-sés'i—ta‘it') l
`1. To make necessary or unavi
`P91. [Med.Lat. necessitdre, 71.51
`cessity. See NECESSlTY.] - ne-ct
`ta’tive adj.
`“9'ce.s-si-tous (na-sésli-tas) an
`I Pelling; urgent. [Fr. nécessiteu
`rstte, necessity. See Ntcrssmn] —
`I “Ewes-sl-ty (no-sesli-té) n., p

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