JS<.t)ii!i:C 111~~:1 , tss.q
`t.N&r.!'IE"~ ~ 002.3, Hl!i:! Edltice
`I ucr
`...... -·-···-··-·~·•·--····---·--· .... «,'1
`.. L
`SQf 1f.5f t
`.......... ~, ·• ......•. ._ ..... - .. , .. J
`•p«r~.~ !
`·~e...~~ J
`• SQ£
`.... ~ ............... -.... -. -·-
`O~lU!.£ l
`< . , . . . . . . . - - . . <--->~., .... "' ><« < • ··j
`==~:: ·J'
`, ........... ~~.:~"21"''"""'
`• 11~1~\>t-dl:iqtl!b
`• tl~•u~h,_drlvlJr
`.. J
`! i mllL~tlfM.t;_~a
`~~ Fi.tnetfcm tot' MAO with Cmlditi.mdng
`or tb~t dat-a ~wmte. A ~~lnthd loop W' ~lllVttW.nt m.trl:mniRm m.n:inf.:aiM &:tntmu:ws tl'tlekinil
`of' tM pharo dtr>& hu'of'!M.tkln M th& Du~ mcuit.
`7 ... 'M.2 Control El:toodin~. Al.>.hup!er m~r.g ~anism iH US<:id fur oont:rul wipaling tltar. far data
`~i'-mal.fni(. Tho cnttJdad ~nmllf us.OO: itt tlt.U! stifrtalinlt rrt<ld'li\!1i%m aro C$0, CSI, and IDL 'rh~t C.OO s~w
`!.'> n. aigna1atrerun of ftequaru:y aqttfl:t w the bit! (l.H~). The t:..':\1 is a ~<1~-ai stt<catn en froqucxtey
`equa1-w halr~th<rhi.t r-ateOJM).ltth¢ tntarfat!.l ~t1J!PI)l1.i> mor{' th<~n vnc bit.ratt> {s~W 4:.2)j L~ bit ta~ ih
`U!l~ Ql'l th~ data eireuitlt! i.s the Met¢ wh{cl! the. cxmtrul ~·it.rnal!'! are mfuren~"'d, The l:OL aigual uaed. Gll t:hti
`oon.ltrol circuits i!l the i!ialniHW liM rm~ &ignut ill:dinM ror thtHhtt.l .. d:r.euits (>>k':le 133 .1). The Control Out ch'··
`~nit fllnptiQw:<l (()}as-h on. a ttt0ooqu m1 Conn11l rn,
`Th•• tr£1qmmcy tolerance: o£ th~ CS1 and CStl mg!mlll un. the CO d.rcuit; &mU he t:-15~ AM that of the CS1
`,Ugnru \l'rt. th~ <::I {.'!t.'(rolt shall bo :tl5~~. 'llro ttuty ey' 1tfth(,l ~1:f1!~ "i¢.'n~ds i~ nmniau!ly 50<1Jb0% &.n.d sbtill
`Page 101
` Dell Inc.
` Exhibit 1008 (Part 2 of 3)

`lSO,'lli!C 8.00!M' : 1~
`M"SL18EE Bt~ 8~, 1~3 ~di~
`n n n .. , .... }L.JLFL.n
`fMu--"1li!t~ll)i:t o
`!Xit;$mlr. "'CVO"
`liN~ 1'11\Wf'QRM -
`rn~ ~Wfll(lU -
`ili.fQlt41.mfft "WI>\ "~»1~
`··-·--··u-"h-rLJLil .. ~ .. J l
`ju jo 1 !11T f { f l l
`-~ l'IA~- ~~ IW'~
`~mplt& ~fllbn>¢hestrx·Wa:v&onns
`~no wo:rse than. 60%140%. The CSO signal an tho CI circuit shall have a frequency,"toleranceflflm.+25%1
`- 1119<> with the puli!€- wid.tM no laB!! t.~n 3fi na and no ~,enter than 70.ns at. the V}Yfi i'Tossing pn.ints.
`The m:enning oft!~ !rlgnals on w CQ.nt.rol Out clrooit (l)Tll!-to M.•\.'0) are:
`~ ..... ·~~-···---···-·-·····~>-···-·~~·-~-~~------~--·····--··-···-···-···-·····~-····--·-·~~--~,~--
`ntGUJ<,Ulr.;.$91: {Q)
`~'Qlafe {0}
`llistruds the MAU to eriter \rem ~'lin ml nor:mal moil.e
`Requi"Mltsihat the MAUshould be. made ava:ilsble
`I:rt6trn$. the MAU t;o. ~n{'i.'ir {temnin nwn:tt.or mode
`·-·······-·--··-·-·--.. ·····--···-·--·-·-···--····-·-.. ··-·-···-·····-· .. ······· .. ···-········ .. ·····-· .............. _ ........ _ ... ___ _
`.............. _ ............ ~. --.. ··--·~_ .. _ ....... ___ ............. _ ......... _ ............ _ .............. _, ........................................... -.................................... __ ~~-·
` .
`.'btdicflt~lS< "il1e. M4tJs rtorid;y to-. outpni; dntu
`Indieatea~tthe M:AU is :not rea~y ro autput dam
`Ind:ic~s ·that. :f;he .MA.U has detet:ted an awo:r JJutpn~ ~ta
`7,~~~ Sif,'(naling &>te~ Si&<tmlimr ·;:ftte"a l)f'from. l tx,t 20 M:Ws ttn~ ~nmwnpns~>~'-d ey. t&us,.$tttndar:d. 'l1.rii! edi.·
`Q{}n nf' the standard. specifies a s~ rate o£ 1£\ niill.ioo hits per ~ti.nd ± 0.01%.
`It is intended fu&ta give;n J;ID1 operate at a sinW:£ data :rat-e .. 1t is not precluded that $pec:jth; PTE and
`M.AU desigtla b:e .manually switched i)t' set th aJternaoo ;rates. Agiv-M loo&l netwurk sh:illqpe.rat.e .at a ~n¥te
`SlJF' rate. Th faoili'tm;f: ·th.e ~tiqn m IJPQ.l'Atinnnl sy\ltru:n% D~E rutd: MAU ~vi~ shall ~e­
`lHk~lM with tht) a~{ttaJ !!:igl)alingratf5 1.!.,.~ wi.tb tb.O.t il%Jvi(l(l..
`Page 102

`i80/1EC 81!02·3: 199~
`ANSI/1EEE Stcl t'tl2 3. IH!l3 Edition
`7.4 Electrical Charac.teristh:s. Terf!l$ rm and BR/2 have very !'pecific ll1Cl;l.Hing a;-; used in. thil:\
`subsection. The term HR is used to mean the bit rate of the highest signaJing rate supported b:y any o:ne
`implementation of this interface, BR/2 is used to mean half the bit rate of the lowest signaling rate
`,;;upported by any one implementation of this interface lsee '7.3.2}. An interface may suppo1·t one or rrwre
`signaling rates.
`NOT8: 'The charact~ristios uf lhe driver aud rece-lver can bt: at·hi.evcd with standard ECL !og-le wit:h t.lm addition of !H! approp!1ote
`NiUI-lJi·ng network; ho'NPVer.., t.his imphnnent.ation i~ not mandatory.
`7.4.1 Driver Characteristics. 'The driver is a diff<)tential driver capable of driving the speciHed 78 C!
`interface Only the paramcit'r:o necessary to ensure compatibility with the specified receiver and to
`assure personnel safety at the inh;:rfacc ~onn<)ctor are specified in the following sections.
` Diffenmtial Output Voltage, .Loaded. Drivers shall meet all requirem<mts of this st'<:tion
`under two basic sets of test conditions !that is, each of two resistive values) . .For driver::; located within a
`DTE, a combined indudive load of27 ~tH ± 1% and either a 73 or 83 n ± 1% resistive load shall be used . .For
`a driver located w·ithin a 11A.U, a combined inductive load of 50 ~JH ± 1% and either ?a or &'l n ± 1% resis·
`tive load shall be llse<l.
`The di1fenmtial output voltage, V Jn·,; is altemateJy po8itive and negative in magnitude with respect to
`zero voltage. The value ofV Jm into either (Jf the two test loads identified above (I{ ·= 73 f2 or 83 f2 i: J%) at
`the interface ronneetor nf the driving unit shall satisiy the conditions defl ned. by values VJ, Vz, and V3
`shown in Fig 7-11 for signals in between BH and BR/2 meeting the frequency and duty cyde tolerances
`specified for the signal being driven. The pt·ocedure for measuring and a11plying the test condition is as
`Measure the output voltage V d{ll frw the (lriver being tested at the wavefoTm point after overshoot,
`before droop, under test load comiitions of This voltage is Vz.
`Cakulate V1 and V~~-
`V 1 shall be < 131.5 m V, V ;l shall be > 4-50 m V.
`The wav(~f;).rm shall remain within ;:;haded area limits.
`The differential output voltage magnitude, V dn~> i1;to either of the hvo test loads identified above, at the
`interface conm~ctor of the driving unit duri11g the idle state shall be within 40 m V of 0 V, The into
`either of the two test loads shall be limited to 4 Jn.t\,
`When a driver. connected to the appropriate two test loads identified above, enters the id.le state, it shall
`maintain a mirdmum differ(mtial <mtpuf: voltage of at least 0.7 x Vz mV frrr at least 2 bit times aftel' the last
`low to high transition. The drivN differential output voltage shall then apptoach within 40 mV of 0 V
`within 80 bit times. In addition, the current into the appropriate test load shall be limited in magnitude to
`4 mA within 80 bit times. Undershoot, if any, upon ~·caching 0 V shall be limited to -100 mV See 'f'ig 7-12.
`For driver'" on either the CO or CI circuits, fhe first transltion or the last. positive going transition may
`occur asynchronously with respect to the timin!t of the following transitions or the preceding transttion(s),
`7.4.1..2 Requirements After Idle. When the driver becomes uonidle after a period of idle on the inter·
`face circuit, the differential output voltage at the interface connector shall meet the requirements of 7 .4.1.1
`beginning with the first bit transmitted. Tbe tlrst transition may occur asynchronously witb respect to the
`timing of the following transitions.
` AC Common·Mode Output Voltage. The magnitude of the ac component of the common(cid:173)
`mode outp'Ut voltage of t.he driver. measured betweo:m the midpoint of a test load consisting of a pair of
`matehed 39 n ± 1% resistors and circuit VC, as shown in J:.'ig 7-13, shall not exceed 40 mV peak.
` Differential Output Voltage, Open Cin~uit. The differential output voltage into an open cir(cid:173)
`cuit, measured at the interface connector oftbe ddving unit, shall not exceed 13 V peak
` DC Comn1on-Mode Output Voltage. The magnitude of the de component of the couunou·
`mode output voltage of the driver, measured between the midpoint of a test load consisting of a pair of
`matched 39 n ± l% resistors and circuit VC, as sho•.vn in Fig 7-13, shaH not exceed 5.5 V.
`Page 103

`lSO/lEC 8802·3 . 1993
`AN~lflf:f·~r·: S td iiO?. :l l9!::l Ji~litior>
`) n( 1
`Y!mv-- ~~~~~~~~ J
`t = 3.5 llS .AT 1-10 M~z DATA "ViTES
`"~" 0.89 v,
`~---------------------------~-----r---.r +
`TEST LOll!>
`NOTE: The nme t in tflis figurs ntiS'S to tne rise time anvalcpe. J!ttar and t:lury ~'Cf& are specified Elisewhere.
`Fi.g 7·11
`Differential Output Voltage, Loaded
` Fault Tolerance. Any single driver in the interface, when idle 01· driving any permissible sig(cid:173)
`nal, shall tolerate the applieation of each of the faults specified by the switch settings in Fig 7-14 indefi(cid:173)
`nitdy; and after th~! fault condition is removt)d, the operation ofthl! driv..-r, ac<:ording to the spe~:iftcabons of
` through 7.4. ].5, shall not be impaired.
`ln addition, the magnitude of the 1>utput current from either out.put of the driver under any of the fault
`conditions specified shall not exceed 1.50 mA,
`7.4.2 R eceiver Characteristics. The receiver specified terminates the interface cable in its chanH.:ter·
`istic impedance. The ·receiver shall function nornMUy over the :;pedfied r.l.c and ac common-mode ranges.
`Page 104

`lSO/IEC 8802·3 ' 1993
`ANSVIEEE Stil 802.3. 1993 Ediliou
`l n r\. \\ ~ .. -. .L.
`--··HI u··+-···-~V."-~\~;t-····-·--v-1·--r-(
`i u
`I R
`~·--- T 2-·.·-··- ··_j
`T 1
`200 nn MINIMUM
`U "' -100 mV MAXIMUM UNOf~SHOO!
`... j- ~0 MV W.X
`4 mA I.IA,'o(
`R • RiNGING SHALL BE <200 mV PK-f'K
`Fig 7-12
`Generalized Driver Waveform
`A 1 = R2 = 39 n ::t 1%
`Fig 7-1~~
`Common-Mode Output Voltage
`Page 105

`fSOiU.;t; ~tl'lh~ : .ll¥1~
`ANSHH'!F'JiH~l::l S( 1~ FAitmn
`'.ilrh'~'fft' 'Fault Cm.tdi&ru~
`'1 •• u~s ~et>.i.Vt\1" 11rrm;hoJd I,ey~~~.!f. When th.r~ ~'e~)ivlng interfaCe ctr~lit, at the mted'ace oon.n~d:o-r ef
`t00 I<lt'dvlll~ t1{flliJI'Il.\il:rtt ~li dri•lfnl by a d]tfurantial input fliguul at eit.hDr ilfi W Hi\i2 mwtiDg the trt-qu$ney
`•~lui duty eyde 1;{~hmme(!_s epl•d·tlcd ·for the ~rehing cl:ri:I,.H. trthen the A hJad ·Js l~Q m V' pogiuve with r~~ct
`to the B lead .• the inU!ll'f~ clr'cult is in 1he)'H t.'i:.rJ..t.e; •md u . .>illm. theAiead i,.~ 100 roYJwgati•~e \\ritb :respect
`t11 the}} leadj t:.he: in.tmi'..a<Xt ci.renit is in ih<t 'f..O ~tat.e. !'be ~vnr output shall a&filume tba initmded HI \llind
`IX} stll:t~s forth£ cmn-lSJXfndin.g ilt1mt c!ttl.d.iiwns.
`J1 tho ~"''iver }las .a ;;queld1 l!Jature1 the S,pei~ed te1!dVe thl'flSboW.l~y(>Js appLy onJy·wh£\n fj)@ !K1\teithili
`;lJloviing the. ~r.U to pa&~ thmugh t:'M r¥:~t1iver,
`:Nl)'!'B: 11-.e ¥.~>cllled t!i."\whllM f,wvh 4<.> not t.;lm ~d~ mmr tha <lut;r ~t« ,'},t;lf jittf..l''fh~l>.rl.'¥~ ~dfil'rl ~bt.•Whw~, Fbth ""~" <-.f
`l1f::J&~&!Jci..ii:-..u ~itw~·~e l~:t:)
`7.4.:2..2 .AC .nmm:-tmHul fuput. im.I?'Yd~n-oo. Tho }1t diff~ntint inpttt. intpOOance f~ AU£ ~ven:>
`l~ateti ih .MAt!~> ii!hall hav~ a t:-ttaltJm:t ~)f'l'i$~ n, :i: !$?JI2. with the <*i!,rn oftha itM.ginil.fy part- p<~:it-ivc, and
`th$ p'OO..'I'e anglf,l of the imp~dAt!.~ in degr~J lens'thtdt !lr eq:tml1iQ O.t'Kttlii ti:ml!fl thu:elll parl; nfth(-l im:ped(cid:173)
`an<>A~. ~'him :t:rmasu:roo '>tit;h a Jo NI.Hz aine: WH.V0~
`'l'he a.:: diff~nt<iaJ input imp~a~ fer Alii teueivers l<Jeateti in ·th~ fYJ'J!; ~han h!we :a 'l'l:~al part of
`17 .g.,>.r; !l ± 6%, wit'i:l the s~g:r. nftbe i.maginm:y pt.tri-,poEitl.?t\ and ·tlw p.h!l»t! an.rr:le of the i:m}X\> in clet~ees
`Jeg•r ttM,n Qt eq);la:l ta <L0.183 t)mt'>E. the :re1ll p,.~M: t>f the i:mp~lln~~ whM m~~:a1ru:rod with ft H) Mlf2o cin<•
`A 'f8 Q ± $% resiefut in with an indu<-+a..~ uf gr'ftat.ur th<»n 27 1-tH m: 50 .ElH fur l't'tl:'.eive.r:s in th~;~
`MAll tmdD1'E N'l'll)el:tiwly; s-(ttisfteS~ tru. ... t<lquirf'J"n.ent,
` AC Gnm.nlon-MO£h~ 1-lang'f.l. When the rf.!e!~!.vinc interfn~U~ ckJJuii; at thH reeeh-intrequipmen:tis.
`driV(>.n hy a Mffilrffitiai input rug:mt!. at ei'tJmr till l>r .ffii/2 ttl<*-tlHjj the ft(.lllUCIH;y. 'and dttf,Y cyul.e i::.Jlitrm~c.>£
`~pecifu!U fo~ Hm ci:nl'Uit h~lirtg' dnven. tft(1 :rooci.v~1r outyut shn1l ~~~wue. th~~ ptopftr zyutpu:t .sta~l ~ B'}X?--eifl~
`. ttl 'rA.:t.l; m the pro~~· net CJf a- !klak (!OJt'!.t'!lM-rtt(lde. a£ ~me W&V* vrutJ:~(ftli !Jith~n: !)f frilm. ae H:t t£j 40 kllz T1;lf(cid:173)
`an>nt4ld ~ ~drnuit VC in n'H~i(n:itude from 0 to a \r, <tr ht magnitud•1 Q tlJ :1.mJ tnV for }H' Wllt&geS! of from
`40 klhr t~ BRas shmvn inf!g 1·15.
`'1.4.~A 1\ftal Cu~nm.t~n-Mode ~· '\J\ib~ll thC~ntOOiving iukcfure d'I'Cuitat tlw F'00C~:\'ing.equip.numt
`h1 d.riv(l}1 by 11 ditlen<.ntial i'n,rmt signal at eithel' .BR. 0t l:H'l/2 .~u,ng· tiH1 fr~tt(~fit.Y and du.ty cyde 1Iikr~
`a.nt:ctv sp:eclfted for: the drcuit bci.llg drivtm, ill» ruQeivm: otltput shall ttJO!l\ t,h{', intendt~d· output 3tat-e M
`!!pt~dfit~d l.n 1.4:Jtl tn tbe. pr(!SIJH~ nf a, t'fJt:81 c;~Jmm~tn;-~nodu vult~g...;-, de J11!;!l:l W!, ~f'0rell<l(~d tn ef.t'{luit VC fll
`ma,g:rdJ..nd(~ rro:w o- h:di$ VI fts sfl()l;li'Jl in the k>st oot{l p of Em 1·15, Thtl ac (:mnp(ntent dh>a'l.lnot l;l~~~d the
`rt:qvi~me.nt& cff7AjUJ.
`Page 106

`JSOIIEC 8-302-3 : 1993
`AN!S-1/{~~j;~_v. 'St-.J 8(}2.~ . . !.99~ Edlti~~l
`....._ ____ _..;
`'------------ ·-··· -···-···~
`Fig 7-15
`Common-Mode lnp11t Test
`The receiver shall be so designed that the magnitude of the current from t:he common-mode voltage
`source used in the test shall not excc.ed l mA.
` Input Behavior. \\'hen the receiver be(,~lmes nonidle after a period ofidk on the interfa<:e
`circuit, the characteristics of the signal at the output of the receiver shall stabilize within the startup d€'lay
`allowed for the device incorporating the receiver so that it is not prevented from meeting the jitter specifi·
`cations established for that device.
`The receiving unit shall take precautions to ensme that a HI to id.le transition is not falsely interpreted
`as an idle to nonidle transitiou, even in the presence <lf signal droop clue to ac coupling in the interface
`drivtlr or receiver circ:uits.
` Fault 'l'olet·ance. Any single receiver in the interface shall tolerate the app.lieatiou of ~adt of
`the faults specified by the switch settings in Fig 7-16 indefinitely, and after the fault eondi.tion is removed,
`the ope.ration of the receiver according to the speeifications of? .4.3.1 through shall not be impaired.
`In addition, the magnitude of the current into either input of th~! receiver under any of the fault condi(cid:173)
`tions specified shall n.ot exceed 3 rnA.
`-···-··· .. ---~ -----
`l_t~AD 8
`Fig 7~16
`Rec<~iver Fault Conditions
`Page 107

`HI<JII.~:c a!!ft.h> : l99:<
`.-\.o"'IISrtl!l:loE St:l $2.3, l!Al<l l!;;ilt\•ru
`7.4.3 AU! ea·hle Char.acteri:~ti£!!f, The i.n.Wrf~c<~ <'(tble <:ont!i!i"~ onndlvidusll.v jl:hiclded tV~-ibted. Jl&inl of
`wi1~~ with An <NHrail shield VOJ:("ring thct<c indivi<lu.U sh.icldoo wire _p<~in;. Thai<' shield£ mu~t !'Jr'ovide suf(cid:173)
`ficl.E:flt shi<>ldin;: U> moot the requirem-ent'! <1f prc.tectidn ag:\il!st n int~.ri('rence and the f<~ll<'> cable
`parameter~. fr.dhid,wl shit~ld..~ for ~.aeh slgnal pair ore ei~ct:rkuJly isolated from trti' ; shield lJut: IUlt
`r.~eesf!3rily fr<~m each <:•t.her.
`The overall <:hiHld "lr>ill lle.·retnrr.~.>d to t.he Mr\U and D'ft!: Units vta thi'AUI rontlHCtor shdl as d<Jfir.('d in
`'Ui.2 a·nd 'l.ti.J. K n eormuon drai:n wtr(' is t\~d. f<rr o.U the signal pair s.hiclds, th~n. it £<liall he cnr.ui:'ct·<~d to
`pin 4, ft;dividu<d drain wil'fl rut"ln't'l!! fbr ;zach ~ignal pair mt\._v bc. used fAAe 7.63}. It: is 'tetXImm~nd<Jd t~
`tJtdivi.du:>.l d~lin wir<>s ~· us~ ~n ttll <.l<>ntrol ~md datil .<.'itettH sltie!rls l.t> m~Nt auti~fM.t!lzy 1ev!.'!s. lf
`imlividmt1 tirain \or:ires a:t~~ Uli(·:d, they shall h\• intcm~cm.t\(>;(:l:~d Witr~~n theAVl ()41blB~t. .eath,e'mlumi H>hall be
`Mnn~tcd at. taaflt i:o 11itt·4 I>i ~ach «nd nf tit£• cQb}e.
`The. pm~nce ~;f the CMJ.ttul but ~i,gr~tl pail.' .i~ opti<lnat if <l•-iver or r(!ceitrer tin;uit- <xr.tnJ)(m.-ec.ntl; i<w CO
`m"! not pn:rvitfe<L ~nMidii.rathn.should be givon to pr<fptldy t<~rm1natinl.t th~ eo ~lgttalturir within tht>. DTb:
`at•d 'MAU to preeh:uhl (~t"rl>noou.-, !Jp<trntion;
`7.4JU C'.:ond:uet.o:r. Si.ze. The d:<; p<~WW" p~lr i.¥1 the intet~1n~r.ting cab1<~, vo1i:ag" (1£liJ:l.num az•d volt~~
`minu~. r<ht,f! be ~OmJXl6P.<l of a twistlld pair of sufi:kioo.t [fuug.~ str,mded ~?il't'.S tu Ns11lt in a n<>rnfnal de
`!'eS.iiltr.ttt(~ fi(jf,t(a ~~~d l.-7ft n ptT tl')z)(i.ud<ff-
`CQJ'ItJUCt.()r .!d.w. thr the sig:~1-al fX\its !lhoH be <i<'t<~mine-1 aecordiug to Uju ac: r•:-lat.e~Ipara.meter" in 7.4..3.2-··
` Pait"-to-P.ai1" B.Uanced Crosirutlk. The balan~·d <'f(lsstalk.frwn one pair ofwir~;s w t\ny ~the~
` in the sRme Ci.ihlJ:>; ! ( wh.(A.:n ~h p::Ur i;:~ driv~n ~t 7.4 .. 1.1-'{.4-.1.~) ;::hrul ha~~ a min.imuKI'I value !Jf
`41) dB of .attenuation 1neasured over th(: range of BBi2 to BR.
`7.4..t~..S DHft>NlntiAJ Charaet(:r'fs'Uc 1Inp0d.rm:~. Thf! difl"e-r<!lntial cMrfie~ri~w:: impsdun<:e far all
`sis.'ttal p;tin; f) hall be ~G. within .ll ~1 am Mt\ll be 'lB ·.i; ~ n Ul(l('IBIH\ld ~t a fr\'({UeU(:y' (if BR.
`tO Th!\ !!omml.ln--mc.d<~ ia'rul&f<·tt·• imp<~lance ~>h~Jl Mt m::e<~i the vnh,tes sh<JW~t in. Fig 1,17 o~·t~r the i.ruU(cid:173)
`t:i\ted :fi:<~tlu .. ~n~:y range.
`f2} The d.rrf<~r('\1.ltial mod<l tm.n.'i!fHl' impednnc<1 fhr all pair.l! glmU be t~t t .. asi; 20 t[B b~l£$W the <;o:mm<~n·
`m{)({e tmnsiar imp!xla.n(~.
`"1 A i3.G Attt>nuat;ion~ 'Ib1;:\l ~able ~;ttemmtion h~n>l& lx-ltW<'en driw•r nnd 1*"l;£~ive.r (at !l'0Jia.rnte stntJouli!)
`lhr (~t.u~h S!i.g]l(tl s.hull :m>t t~~e~eti :J dB over trn~ f:<e·qucncy rll~e ~1fBR/2 to BR {Hz.; f<lt' s-in.mva.fie mea(cid:173)
`1 .A .3.6 Timing , Gah!e medin;J thi!!: <.<pec-ifi<:.."\ s.hnll exhibit; <.-<lge j i tte11 of no more than 1.5 ns
`at the rec-eiving end wh~n th_e lon_g~clt le:gnll<:lngi:h ~f th<! cable 1:1.~ !Sp<!cifk·d irt 7 .4.3.1 through 'i.S-.3:1 is ter··
`minawd in a 7& ~~ ± lt;;, N>H'.stor at t;hH:r:!x:eiving end (l.nd ttldd...-en with ps~ud!n'a:n.doru M.1uH:h~~ ~m:odod
`binary data from a data ~ners.tM which 0~h.i.bits n<i mor{, than 0.5 n6 of (;(!g_e jitter on hal! bit ~.'ells uf
`exactly !J'i liT ant! whooe output meet.~ the specificntion..~ of7.4·.1.1 thrcugh ThiS! test shan he ~~m­
`duviad. in a noi~v"-frt>e The abuve gpedficd Wt!tpbnent ~~ :nut M introduce 1I1<11'<:l th;;n 1 UF of
`~ jttt'.l.'..r' lnto ttw r!y~tam,
`7.4.::t 'l Dei"y.lbt:al si[,>nai deh1y bet.-w>;:gn driver und m:x~i~T-r (at e<,yxrrate ilta.tfmt«} ·fm; eF.tch iliignal P<'~ir
`~ll noi: l"XOOM ?.5? n~.
`7.rt.:L G~m.u·&l. '.l'bt' Alil cvn~i«1~ of l'it1wr thrtJe ()l" i(~r dift~tential ~jgnal cl:rc:uit>!, p!}w(Jr. mrd J.~tmd.
`Two (Jf the ci.r.;uits ~:a~ry ¢!1C04~d data ami bvn ()(UT.'j' fUU:od~ (:£!!\trill i.rtfufl.Il~tio:n. CIT-m.tits no (D(,\t£t Out)
`"nd (',.() Woutrol Out.) ar~ ffilll'<!t.-.d hy th~ Il'J'F~, and cix'(;u!l'I.Ill (l)ata .l.n) and CHCnntrt~llnl.a~'<• gourrocl by
`Page 108

`!SO/IEC 88Q2-3 · 199:'J
`~'\ ~-~.JiTPPJ? Bt,·l A(\~~.~. 1~(-l ~~!!.!~!!
`~ 10
`1 OOl<.
`Fig 7-17
`Common-Mode Transfer Impedance
`the l'v1AU. The interface also provides for power tra.nsfer from the DTE to the A:fAU. The CO circuit is
`7.5.2 Definition of Interchange. Circuits. The following circuits are defined by this specification:
`-------·---- -----------
`Signal Direction
`Circuit Name
`to MAU
`Data Out
`Data In
`Control Out
`Control In
`Voltage Plus
`Voltage Common
`Protective Ground
`Encoded Data
`Encoded Data
`Enwcled Control
`Encoded Control
`Return lor VP
` Cir·cuit DO-Data Out. The Data Out (DO) circuit is sourced by the DTE. It is a differential
`pair consisting of DO-A (Data Out circuit A) and DO·B (Data Out circuit B).
`The signal transferred over this circuit is Manrhester encoded An output message containing a one bit is
`encoded as CD!. An octtput_idle message is encoded as an IDL.
`The following symmetry requirements shall be met when the DTE transfers pseudo· random Manchester
`encoded binary data over a DO circuit loaded by the t€.st load specified in i.4.1.1.
`Bit cells gtmerated internal to the JYI'E are required io bH 1 BT within the permitted tolerance on data
`rate specified in 7 .3.2. Half bit cells in each data bit are the be exactly 1/2 BT (that is, the reference point
`tor edgH jitter measurements) within the pennitred t1}hm:wce on the dat.a rate specified in 7 3.2. "E;ach tran(cid:173)
`sition on the DO circuit is permitted t.o exhibit edge jitter not to exceed 0.5 ns in each direction. This means
`that any transition may occur up to 0.5 ns earlier or later than this transition would hanl (lt:eurred had no
`cilge jitter occurred on tlus signal.
`Page 109

`i&Jllll:G l!lMJ:J.~{ : :l9!i!J
`A.t-i~V! RKE Hll.l 8{l2.~,!l '!f..litiv'"
`7'.5;2.2 Cl~uit· DI..J)tltt\ ln. 1'tti1 Datlt. ln {01) (:ib:tti.t i,<! Gt._·IU'~~d hy th@ .M-.1\:r..l. 1t t!i> 11 dUft>:re~J:Iitl p:nir
`r.oru•l»tin?, O'flH-A (nat~ l.n dreuit Al ti.r<d DIA3. cDu Wl ln d:reui1: H;t.
`t'h<~ rogru.J. t~t.Ut>.1lP-mlli oveT'f~li~J ci:rtmit :if+ I\1a:tllih~$tm•\enO'J(le~. An. iJlp;.tf., nlt'>!!l~l~ !:Olli:~in.hi~f a. 1:< bit. h~
`encodHi~ 111::1 C:OtLAu u~pu.r me(;<=i:4.,"1i ~nt~i)'ing ~ (lrm. bit il)l t.~ncodt~\,:1 &>ll C'J}l . . ,\n i.r~{:'tJ.t_id.le J:n~s~gfJ is
`·liltOOrlbC!: ~({ &'~. lD).,,
`.A IlTl~ nHH:ti(\,¢' th~; s.!ped.fleRti~. lihu11 'he r.W1\\' ·~ 1x:c~i';e, on the m dreuit with<rat ~. d'¢'.ed~lhht 'F'.GS
`!'.r.rm•, .nunn.o.l p,tt>~mble dhto,. arr~nged ln 10~\1 l{>;rrgt.h. pro::kt~;g ·~ !1('-.l'\l by :ll;l'!.otlwr ati.\t~on trr th~ Dl'E>: Th.e
`t~t L~]l(~·mun:: ·f.b,r lli£> data ()1! !h.e m ciri:u1t-gh~lfllllefJt, U:i: l'~([Ilirements fot· .driV(l~ in. ~'L\Uo; SJI~tifi».~! it~
`7A .. U t.hmugh 'f.~. Hi I.U:id uhHll ';lr:hr.:;. t1te Df.~;:i.!x~itthto\Jgh a. ~e~ lC:l~hAU! ~:ahkL R!l.,l!h'tl'j1 al~4ilht.i'\' rif
`e-t4,lll jltta~ frMn 0 m 12 n-e on either· ~1iM rn ~ch transition ?-fl.nll bu £dded by the W'st g<m<rrnfu r fu trHnii(cid:173)
`t,iml.ll ·t;n bhn Jn tlho pre.amhl<·l; aml ra.n1lmn flmo\1ntit uf Mw:JJitter o:f: rroni ,a to 18 n.~.<>n . .cit.h~r si\t(J <:>f ~~t;h
`tn\nsit;ion shall ()(} f~tled to th?. tra:u.~tti-:> ns ;in .all hl:ts tn ·~:fnulm, &eambl£> ler~gi'J1 L>:'Cto. the, test ~~mHr.atl)r.
`ilhall h~.; 4'1 bitB ot}lmlxmhi~.>, fbtlowecl. b:y·t.'tv 8 b1t:Sl.01t
`~HYl'E;A aigtiifi<'IHJt.p<m.krHlf tfll> <tytit~~jltt'Air tilit,p lw l>ill'm~ll:l(utl te. Mi1.1re !H\ll (.',>Mi~t.s fifri ilte:ld)'<itti\•n «Mtt. ¥ ~h•; ~ni<i!<lt Wt>.n:<ii·
`t.\G,.'m in,.rui..'to;: ,u~,., f-::r~n jJ\ll!ir ~'ll""'i~<·tl >~lF.<1~;·;~l~< A uq; na ~.~'ll )ltwc i~ a:o; m~ i-i•~· l.r.Anml'l!:;t.Ed lfi.j; ;,t l;t'..ll 1•~h>i.rl[~
`D'l'l'!, w;~n~t.t'lt'~<i: 'l':"'e'iliffi\rt.r.l\>tl l:i(-t:W<le.U 1SA'i h.'\ :t.t.cl1~ .fi..'fJ\tf-...l' ~~P~lM .I'IX"ein>r ~h~\i;r,. roarlfi,lt.
`7 .!i.:2.:i t;!i:t'tluit (;(}-.(;(il).trul O-ut. (Qpf.l.~l"nli\n. Thi.> cJor~tTol Oilt (C{l). ~;irmit is Slotft'cl"d by tl't~ ITrK It
`jg >) d:i:fl'i'rcmt:ia'!, -pai.~ <Vf1sifthlft 'Qf CO.A tC<mt.K:l Out cir<:lclt M and CO-B (Cont:nil Out d~r.uH .H).
`'.l.11e. ;{i~nui l;ta11ttW.i:ntt1 (I'll~ H1.:ir; cir~t1it i!l mlc::Od(.ii al!l tl.eEtt)bed:in 'ULL2. Ama.U .. J-cque~t mCl:illt~Ji.l.H i;;;. en~
`.c.o.diacl !i.~ CHLA ~mrm.QJ itlt:~ls:~ili.!W ]$ i<",q.~ ':\.>t.'IDL~ A:i1 ii<(~lr;,t:e m~'~S"li!gt;;.if> en<:QllNl <!.ill C$i),
`"1~') . .2.4 C'i'r.cnit Cl,...C'Un~ll fu .. 'fh(! C!)nftf.oT J,t (Cl) clt~emit is oou.rcM:l.lly the 1'\.I!Al,.Y, lt :\.!;a drilatenti~J
`pair c~n~ist; (llChA(Cxmt:r<Jlln ctn:uit AJ tmd, Ghl3 (f',;,.'ln:l;rd ln drtlllft :m,
`'rhe ~ grull ttansf'Hr~ti <>Vt-r'tnia dreuli; i~ r;nrod~ ~. q,! in 't.3:. 1-2. A nwa.dwaitabU1 m.~fm!~-0 t.~ en·
`ccd(~tl&~ JDL A nMJU,]W(.{J.II«iiabie. tnfl:&'i!ti.g•~ is ertM;-dt~d !t'i!·(';SsLA.:l{gtwl...gutJUf;r,J;>.rtor tn('GS!i_g'!) 1s enc.od.t~d
`.as a CSO ..
` (~inu.ii VP.-Vultng~ Plu~. "t'b~ Vci~g.: Flus(\.'!)) ,:in:uit. is a.n cpt.imHli d;r(\'tit that hHlJ be
`20!trred frmn dw DT'lj:;, If: Ud$ dn;uit :Is i!!mn·~P.d Jrom. tlti:1 I.Yl'E it shall .tu~ t:apilhk M f~Jl.e'r<lting: ~t pn:e"fixell
`'l(~l hetV?{;lc.!) ·~· 12, -.;:: de •'- G'Jf, UflQ + 15 ·v d~ + :5~ Ytith: l'(~5f)(i(~~ f.o ckeuit V'C fu.t· an C'llfiT('.Ui:S· from (I to
`.fl'{J\:1 m.:\. TJ)~ OOl.t.t>OO "'ha.H pi!'Wlde p.r!Jtecti.-m. ~br thiz ciFeuit 11gainr;t an ovr:dMd 1~1ndl:b6n. The tn()thvd 1;f
`13VX~rlvad ,pl'{>tectlon i!; rwt s peci·ff~i; rtqw~>ve::r) unllt':r' no <.(lnd,iti<>n"! Qf Q.}>l':~t:i~l, dtlwr 'll~ill or ¢V;.~·liJ~\;l,
`.:'ih~lt the lHJ\l'l:'(:{~ ,appf7 a vot~g.;~ io ~in;uit V.P. of l!~9S tf}~l.rt j} 0!.' ~t~E.U~ ·t l.5.~m Vdc fl!i sp~'J(~fi.eti fil)l:)Vt,' ..
`J\.4-\U d~n,; arc cfrtrl;lonwi! that p:nltm~Jon I.Iteal'.sem_pkr)"P.d. bj JHrwtrt' £OUt<ct~'> ~1\aJ' canse ~ vnltll.g:r! 11't
`sig:nytl Vt" to dl:tlp Wluw the ~minimum ~a:atinrult vo1t"!~f'*" spe.ciiied witJwnt g:oin,g <:f).rnpl~4'lY ~a $01'il vu~ta
`,;..'htort lqads:drawlng in. exres.s nith<r> currt;~t $\rpplicil. iU'tHt{)_!)IiOO !;.>d?.V£,l00 V.P and vt:r Ad~;:qua~c pr nvinim1E
`~U\1\.ll. be tl'H>.dil.t$ J,'psutu tiv1t .t>'<ll:h rt wnditiliil dooo ant t!}fil.<!e f!.tH ~'tA.tJ to dis.r.npt.,tlm m<:.'liin:r.rL
`·Irlh~ D'l'l\; tlo~ls rwt supPGtt t:it{~ttH: 'Vft :it shall have. mr rcn:r;;(.;d;i<!n t1~ tJ:.W,
`1;ii.~~a Ch;qtd~ VC-Voltag~ Conunc:m. (.:i:r<:uit VG ls, t.1w. gro\tn<l. r~utn to the J)iJW(!!." 1lonret~.ltn r.Jr.::Hit
`'\'?; <::<:q:lt>ble i>f' ainking2.0 A. Al&'i.'li ~{l con1.rnon·made Ulftnfnuhu,"l! ib.r ALi:£ cin:ults· BhaU bu nmd~ to circuit
`'7.5~;7 Oi:rnuit P<'~P~;rt~.~t:ive Ct'.(>uud. Oi:r<:uit P(j ahr4l1 l~{:-ci:i:!d ·w ch.Msi» gi'olind thr{nigh !l
`m'n.x{r~n.:rm Jt te$i!lttmeg of 20 Jilf,l. At fil(~ lYfE enrL
`'i..S.2..8 Citcuii;.·Hhi~hl,.ft>:r.m,inati.crru)!. J.ndivi.<iual pin t!.'nlli:t;a~t>tw. s,b.a:lt mi.'>i::Hh.(~ f(,lJuwiug:~u.irf.?.
`.PhtH 1, 4; 8, .ll, 1.4. CtiM~!4;ed f.() !ogk gl:'()u.nd in. tlw IffE
`iZ) !'in~ t. 4. ,S, :U., H C,ap/lciti:vd)' cm~plad t\:<· VC In MAU
`(3} In:q>o.?d~M:ed.() grVll.nd. ·< 5 s1 u.t t.b} low{\(if; (IIJm::•J>!ti<md l~ll/2 in t:lm MAl! ami }lt t'hc- l'righ~t .BR in the
`Page 110

`1.G M~~ <".hlU'Iietell'imew;
`1AU th-ttnltiou fit Mi:lchllliJbllnted.ce.All (lQQJt~~ lJ.liled d:a.ll DE: u ~in 11U "rint DTlD
`wll u~ a f~l-o~n~ ddt\w~L\U ah~ ~"<~- • tnAle~r:~. 'rhc UAU =ay~ ~~>& d.ln·cdy
`into 1'1-.t ~ ¢.t 1111¥! be! ~y {)n~~t ttt41'ite4b:kl ~~~ w~ t«ttll~ ~ ltm t!tan ~r "~ to
`6:0 tn. An <roW!; ~r.m s.b:ali ~a, mala wnvl(!d(lft ~~ Me ~ a:nd a fema!~ ~fltH':~{ft l;ttt thJa ~'hu end.
`J\n (&n~· ~~l} ti.~ fU."iHY thtt &1J~ 1ft~ imd tt.Jl nuta ~onoo.dcr~ sn~f! ~3.'\'e ~ \®\i:ing }WI!I!:s (ll .. 'O
`d.( t!'~ 'f' .. :ta, ':t~l~, ~~:n4 1~~J i.l$ tM fflM~i4H ~~t<ltn.
`'t.tMJ Uuo lnt•t-1'n~4l Ccmn~wr.A l!J·pot~ MnJteMr h.tvinsr tn~ ma~lltlity tHmen$i!}nli H~<
`l!{l¢clfi~ttti lti IEC ~ONJ;' rn with ~l4•Iilnted <Xltttii¢ ~u t0 ~ fnr. th.~Y lit'& tntArfaC$ cnnnootitU', t~~ shl!'.n ..
`at~ ¢0fiM~ilJ$ t<halt h~ tin Ww4'llt¢tl w ¢rwwrQ ~f.! ~!lt(l~t,y ()£tnt>: <tah1~ r.hleta t4!~ ~~If e~ut ~th ..
`~ ~~~ ~r t~ oohfll mkt!4 'tt:t ilt(lU}lm~~ ~!! $lw.l Mt ·~~ {1 mO. aibr a manimum v,f' f:l>'OO
`tyei,Q$ ~'( tnftt¥~ ;md, UAIS:.tkin:g~
`"M<t)~ to~t :.-'
`ti ... ~}~~a ~· @H~ ;="$~!
`r. ... ~~!l~ ;:..0 6\~~-.i
`:.> • ·~~(;l '
`t~ ...
`l' •. ~ti)t ·~
`1'- .(tl.~ .• t.;l·~~
`r;. .. i1HW;;4N~j
`•···~fr,V t~i~
`¢ ~·t~-~~~-~'1
`0 ... :tl~ t J!ii)<i!--
`Jl. - '~ •ill '\' ti.t»l .... ......,,
`~ti'.60cttlr Lttdd.rt~ .~l)tttw
`Page 111

`t !;~~ V'M'i.'tLt¥1
`11 WJoiilt~ !tn:mm ~~'~'
`"OiiQ.K \JffO~ t!EK
`Cmmoo~ &rd'v.~ tJndAmi Cabht ('~-9tk~!1
`Page 112

`l::1(Jir l'i<: ~s<t.;.a : l!iiia
`ANSl!l'EJi;ii; Sw OOZ.l!. HltrJ ~ll\iJ-.11
`In or.rle.r to ensure intettuateability uf. connector!i! l)l)tained from different n:mnu!act.'tlra:s, !.he <nuned.or
`with t"\'ntale cuut:a.cts shall ronl1mn w !EO $07-2 l"'ii nnd h.n-.·e gold-pl"te.d ~.:on~ and tittNp~awd tdwlls. All
`addition.:~ tf) p-rovide fot fum,,;., "hell tamale shell cvn<luct.ivi~• shall be t>tl the. shell of the tonnecl>OT w:hh.
`male contacts, 't~~ro Bhou}ti he mulii1~le «!ntad. poin~ around ~he !!ides of this &hcll t-!:1 pro11ide frn' ~hicld
`ooni:i.n ui tY-
`NO'rs~ r.;,.., .,; ~Amiln ll~fllt. .e~>rtlu><;O<<'<> <>m!I«.W romS>~el.<!rt~.ndll&itni!Ar ~.rt!it.tili.K: Ytuf~·~ ~~~ 1.\><t ~'~"~\.<;< !ilw.ih mbiJArms 1r.U·
`vnnleucticm oml rod;.,t'bd ~'l.!'lll:<
`Tho OOnll(~t:or i~ not Sp<lcifle~ f:<t p~Vilnt operat.N· wut.let with th~ shield, ~lld pt~C<l'\lUOEt~ awn t~. taken
`nt intota.U,ttion tim~ to ~u-l'e t)taf, the in~taUct i~ wam~:~~l t.hnt th(~ shiel<l iH twt tt1 be br-uught into roniad;
`with any h<lza.rdous n~!:age whih' bdng handleAt hy OJ>erfltiniJ p<11:90Jmd .
`.St:'.o r(~fk'rmtC(; fA l~~j,
`00~ ........ ·-··-0M""'''""-"'~00
`Dati\ Out dl.'et(it A
`................................................ _____ .. _ ................................................ _ . .,_ .......................................................................... -···-···-·----·························«<•-·····-·····
` Out; eircuil H
`Data O<.lt ci.r:vui!. ShieLd
`Datn In cir(;uit.A
`Dn.ta ln cireuit B
`Dab In ei.rcuit Shield
`f'..ont:rol Out efrcuit. A
`()l)nt.rol Out cirt.'Uit H
`f::.:.tlbxtl Out ci:r<.ili.t Shi<~W.
`(:Ont:rol in. ~imtil: A
`Conf.rol fn circtlit '8
`(',{mfitnl.ln c.irl::uit Shk,ld
`Vn1tuge Comniun
`Volta~; Pln;s
`Vol~ Shield.
`Pro~tlun {~.rni (Conth~t;:tiv~ Shell)
`NO'f&'J: (l) Vclh~ Pill<! 1md '1\.'>lllge.Ccml\lc~ QW; a llir>f;l\• i-wi.'l~ J)Bir in t!t~ AU! eM.t!t:..
`{~A\" indi~at~>d ln. '[.~~.1, th& A lol-t.d 3! <> ~ir~db; l"'nit.h·" rnl.aliv~;~ C.l t.ltn R ~••H\:r "ni ocigr.lll =l u!!ga~ .fur1t Uhggrui!.
`Page 113

`!SO/IEC 8802-:l : 1993
`8. Medium Attachment Unit and Baseband Medium Specifications,
`'J)rpe 10BASE5
`8.1.1 O~o-•t.•rview. This standard defmes the functional, electrical., and mechanical characteristics of the
`.fv1AU and one specific medimn fi-Jr use with local networks. The relationship of this specification to the
`entire ISO [IEEE] Local Network specificati()n is shown in Fig 8·1. The purpos(~ of the :r-..1AU is to pruvide a
`simple, inexpensive, and flexible means of attaching devices to the local network med.illm.
`(AU: not

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