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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster’s third new international dictionary of the English language,
`unabridged: a Merriam-Webster/editor in chief, Philip Babcock Gove
`and the Merriam—Webster editorial staff.
`ISBN 0-87779-201-1 (blue sturdite).—ISBN 0-87779-202-X
`(carrying case).——ISBN D-87779-206-2 (imperial buckram).
`l. English language—Dictiona.ries.
`I. Gove, Philip Babcock,
`II. Merriam—Webster, Inc.
`All rights reserved. No part ofthis book covered by the copyrights hereon may be
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`1‘ ‘
`5 -
`law. he-changed plans before graduation) (frequently changing
`(American expansion into the Pacific and into the Caribbean.
`hands in turning the crank)
`to switch to another (he
`however, represented a ~ in American thinking ‘Carol L.
`cltanged his seat) (official permission to ~ occupation) (the
`c (l) :the passage of the moon from one monthly
`right to hold or ~ faith) (not till you ~ your attitude) 2 make;
`revolution to another
`the coming of
`the new moon
`a shift from one to another of two (forced to ~ planes by bad I
`(3) : the passage of the moon from one phase to another (as
`weather) (one does not ~ parties as he ~: tailors) (weakly
`crescent to quarter) d : a spare or reserve outfit ofclothing or
`citmtging sides in the argument)
`to give or receive an
`article of wear to replace one in use: flfxu : the act of making a _
`equixalenl sum in bank notes or coins of other (as smaller) ;
`transfer from one of these to the other (management supplies
`denomination or of a different national currency in return for,
`each worker with three ~r a week) (time for a quick ~ before
`(~ a 20-dollar bill)
`d : to undergo a loss or modification of
`(some property or aspect)
`(we arrived in time to find the
`e : a succeeding or superseding of some activity,
`condition, circumstance, or other phenomenon or relationship
`foliage rapidly c/ranging color) (when confronted with the
`by a different one (on the occasion of her recent tout it was.
`photograph the accused cluzngcd countenance)
`e :
`to put a .
`for a ~, a beautiful summer evening ‘G.W.Talbot)
`: a
`fresh covering on to replace that or those in use (as a diaper on ‘
`transfer from one point to another in time. space, or measure,
`a baby, garments on a bed patient. covers on a bed)
`3 B : to f
`(it ~ of venue to an adjoining county) (sudden ~.r of tem-
`give (Something) to another. taking in return something corre~
`perature) g : a shift of weight from one foot to the other in
`sponding : give and receive reciprocally 2 INTERCHANGE ‘ now
`used chiefly in colloquial applications (wilt thou ~ fathers?
`dancing 4 a ab: : reciprocal giving and receiving : excnxnoe ,
`B Err‘: : something that is due or obtained in return (as by way
`l will give thee mine ‘Shak,) (this chamber ~ for one more
`of retaliation, by way of advantage over another, or by way of
`holy ‘E.A.Poe> (I wouldn't ~ places with him)
`(let‘s -
`desired cooperation or disclosure)
`5 Brit
`: a place where
`scats) (he and l c/ranger! shifts so he could attend his son's
`merchants, brokers, bankers meet to transact business‘ used
`: to give up, taking in return something of ti
`with at prefixed apostrophe as if an abbreviation of axchnltge
`different kind :F.X(‘HAN(SE. TRADE ‘ used with for (‘tis a fault
`(with sensational press campaigns and stocks and shares on
`I will not ~ for your best virtues ‘Shak,) (for a new name
`‘change ‘William Irvine)
`6 a : the equivalent in money of
`. to ~ the honors of abandoned Rome ‘P,D.Shelley) (~ a
`small denominations of a sum of money in higher denomina-
`uniform for mufti) (unwilling to ~ independence for the com~
`tions or the equivalent in money of one currency of a sum in
`forts of wealth) ~ rt‘ 1 : to become different in one or more
`another currency (to get ~ at a bank to facilitate cash sales)
`respects without becoming something else:
`a : to lose or to
`(supplying ~ for a tourist‘s dollars)
`2 money returned to
`acquire some characteristic, property, or tendency : ALTER
`one making a payment consisting of the difference between the
`(the clianging foliage of autumn) (with the threat of war the
`amount of money given in payment and the amount due (to
`receive ll cents in ~) (a cashier quick at making ~) c : coins
`popular mood c/ranged) (racial relations seem to be changing
`or the better)
`I: (l) :
`to pass from one form, appearance.
`esp. of low denominations (jingling a pocketful of ~) 11 slang
`position, state, or stage to another : SHIFT (the country has
`:money in hand zcouoi-t 7 :any order in which a set of bells
`survived changing governments)
`the light ~.r)
`is struck in change ringing properly other than that of the
`(cltauging world Conditions) (fashions ~ like the weather) (2)
`diatonic scale but loosely including it (in ringing the ~s a bell
`ob: :
`to pale or blush (how they «-3 Their checks are paper
`may shift one
`lace in position or keep its position) 8 a (l)
`c :
`to increase or decrease (prices ~ overnight) .
`around the set
`I: :CALL 14
`: FIGURE 13a (5) in square dancing : a dancing of the figure
`d :
`to adopt different customs, methods, attitudes (peoplel
`don't like to ~ ‘J.P.lllank); xpocij : to experience .1 religious f
`3change \“\ adj [lchartge] archaic : serving or held ready toserve as a substitute
`conversion e 0/ the moon : to pass from one phase to another;
`xpccif : to pass through the phase of new moon fchiejly dial
`changetabil-i-ty \,ch§nj9'bil:ad-E,
`n {ME change-
`:to turn sour : become tainted g : to shift one's means of con-§
`fr. chattlzctthil, changeable changeable -+—
`-fie ~ity]
`veyance : TIZANS'l"l:R (there we cliungvd to a local train) h of the l
`: the capacity of being changeable or changed : CHANGEAllLE-
`voice : to shift to lower register: BREAK i Brit : to shift gears ’
`2 : to turn into or become something materially different from
`change-able \'ch§nj::bal\ dd/' [M5, fr. MF, fr, OF, fr. changier .
`a : to undergo transformation or conversion ‘ used
`to change + -able] 1 : liable to change; spcci] : having a
`with info (but the truth is that after a certain point quantity
`marked tendency to change esp. as a property (as in form,
`of money does indeed ~ into a quality of personality ‘Lionel
`quality, action) : fluctuating in direction or tendency : M()~
`Trilling) b : to pass over from one character or state : undergo
`2 : capable of being changed : subject to
`transition ‘ used with to (winter changed to spring) (the ter-‘
`change IALTERAHLE (a provision N at will) 3 : given or prone
`rain c/ranged gradually from rolling farm land to rugged mining
`to change esp. as
`a characteristic : erratic tn disposition
`country) (the chilly sensations ~ to discomfort and the acuity
`of touch sensations and muscular reactions are dulled —l<l.G.
`4 : varying in color with the change of light or point of view:
`to undergo substantial substitution or re-
`spccij : having such a color effect produced in certain fabrics
`placement or to be wholly replaced (external circumstances
`(as taffeta) by weaving contrasting colors in warp and weft
`may ~ catastrophicztlly. as during a war ‘Aldous Huxley)
`change-able-ness \-n:ls\ n
`[ME changcablenessc,
`(the diet of marine species is generally very varied. and often I
`c/tnngcabfe + -7lL'$.fE -ness] :
`the quality or state of being
`~: considerably as the animals grow older and larger ‘W.l-l.
`Dowdeswell) (how the objects of a war may ~ completely
`change-ably \—ablE, -li\ adv EME, alternately, fr. clmngeablc
`during its progrcss‘Zechariah Chafee) 3 : to disrobe and re-
`+ »I,v) 1 ob.r : in exchange 2 ob: : in alternation 3 archaic
`: with the possibility of changing or being changed (events
`array oneself more suitably esp. in clothes suitable for a social !
`or formal occasion (prepared to ~ for dinner) 4 a obs": to ac
`scheduled ~ depending on weather conditions) 4 : with fre
`ccpt something else in return (but might
`I of .love‘s nectar
`quent changing or shifting : VARIAIJLY,
`lb-‘CONSTANTLY (the
`sip I would not ~ for thine ‘Ben Jonson) b obs : to give up
`instrument needle flicking ~) (~ disposed on successive bal-
`what one has in exchange‘ used with jar c :
`to engage in
`5 1 with changing shades or hues (feathers on the
`giving something and receiving something in return : EX-'
`drake‘s neck glinting ~)
`CHANGE (I need a lighter ax; l‘ll ~ with you)
`changeualtout \'ss,s\ n ~s[1change + about, adv.) : a reversal
`syn ALTER. MODIFY, VARY: CHANGE is wide in use and meaning
`esp, In position or direction
`and may be used in place of any of the others in this set on
`change bowler n Pchangc} : a relief bowler In cricket
`changed past of CHANGE
`most occasions. ALTER may suggest changes only in a single
`detail or characteristic, without an ensuing loss of identity or
`change-ful \-fal\ ad/‘
`: given to or full of frequent changes
`new essential character (he looked ,. . with clouded eyes and
`‘ change-tttl-ly \-felE\ adv
`with an altered manner of breathing ‘Charles Dickens)
`change gear I1 1 1
`ti gear by means of which the speed of a
`(Tockwotton House. the grounds of which, somewhat altered
`mechanism or of a vehicle may be chan ed while the speed of
`with the passing years. now form Tockwotton Park ‘Amer.
`its driving agent is constant 2 : any a a set of interchange»
`Guide Series: R, 1.) MODIFY may indicate a change away from
`able gears for varying the speed ratio between two shafts (as on
`an extreme or a minor change made in the interest of adapting
`a screw-cutting lathe) ‘ called also r/range wheel
`to a new use, function, or significance (Boner,
`refusing to
`change house /1 [pron so called fr. its original use as a station {
`where horses were changed} 1 Scot : a small inn or alehouse '
`modify his politics, found all doors closed to him in his own ,
`statc ‘Trcmainc McDowell) (all of these have their respiratory ;
`2 : a locker building in which workers may wash and change
`their clothes ‘ called also dry/rouse
`organs rnmilfirvi to suit their mode of l’CSpIl”EllO|'|*'JOyC(: Allan) f
`VARY stresses a breaking away from sameness. from identity, ;
`change Key rt : a key that operates only one lock of a masters
`keyed lock system
`duplication, exact repetition (this is not a proceeding which ‘*
`may be vurft'd .
`, but is a precise course accurately marked
`change-less \lés\ adj : that does not change 2 UNCHANGXNG,
`consnwr ‘ changedess-ly adv —— change-less-ness n —t~:s
`out by law and is to be strictly preserved ‘John Marshall)
`(tasks may he varicrl slightly, as when a worker in a cigarette
`‘changedlng \'ch§n)lit;|, —lErJ\ rt ~s (‘change 1- -ling] 1 arclmic
`factory is shifted from the job of feeding tobacco into a ma-
`: one that wavcrs : one marked by fickleness or inconstancy;
`esp : TRMTOR. TURVCOAT 2 a obi : a fraudulent substitute
`chine to the 10b of packing and weighing ‘Aldous Huxley)
`‘ change color :
`to undergo ct blanching or a diffusion of
`surreptitiously left
`in place of a valued object or personage
`color in unc's face usu. revealing a sudden emotion (as pallor,
`b (l) 2 a child left
`in place of another child carried away‘
`surreptitiously in early infancy (as :t lowborn substitute for
`from fear. a blush of shame or embarrassment, or a flush oft
`one of noble birth) (2) in folk /mrlitirm : a deformed or weak:
`change ends in) 11/Imzli/12 dag : to reverse direction ,»'
`in sccnlefollowing -»— change gears [irir :
`to shift gears
`wilted offspring of ftiiries or elves substituted by them surrcp—
`‘ change hands . to pass from the possession of one person
`titiously for
`a comely human child
`- called also cl] child
`or owner to another or from one of two contesting teams or
`3 rtrclmic :
`lM[ll:ClLE 4 : COLOR CHAN ELlNL:‘
`armies to lht‘. other ‘ change atte’s feet Scar :
`to put on
`hthangelittg \"\ adj
`1 arc/mic :
`other shoes or other shoes and stockings ‘ change step : to
`2 : markedly altered from an original or native condition (his
`reverse the order in which the feet are advanced in walking
`return to his family in Bombay .
`., half a stranger in dress
`csp, by bringing one foot almost up to the other and then I
`and speech, wholly ~ in his un—Indian attitudes ‘John Wood-
`stepping off with the fO0l that is in advance —— change the -,
`leg nj (1 f1(77S('
`: to change gait
`, cnangemaker \'=,s=\ n[1r:/range (money) + maker] : a device i
`that mechanically supplies change in coins of desired denomi~
`lchange \“\ If
`-5 {ME,
`fr. OF, fr. cltn/tgier, v. ‘ more at
`lcttAM;t=] 1 2 the action of making something different in form,
`nations upon the operation of the proper levers or keys
`quality. or shift: : the fact of bucoming different : introduction
`change-menl \-mant\ ll
`-5 [MF,
`fr, c/mngier to change + E
`-mm! ‘ more at (7HA‘~’(iE] archaic : cHANr;te l, 2. 3
`of novelty (_~ cons" is in realizing a potentiality thntis notreall
`already ‘W,T.Harris) (things and processes arc the sort of:
`entities of which w is predictable -‘Arthur Pap) (in otherl
`change-men! de pied \sltd“zhmit“tpya\ n, pl changements de l
`pied \“\ [f-‘, lit- change of foot] balm dancing :
`zt jump st;irt—
`words. ~ is concomitant variation in time and some other re~
`ing and ending with the feet crossed but with their positions
`spec: ~-~
`-elson (ioodm.-in) ~‘ used often without implication
`as to bettering or worsening and often with an implication of ;
`change note n {Zchangc (moncy)] : a note of irregular issue in
`undircclion or haplxaznrdness
`2 ti : an itstance of making or *
`low denomination serviceable as small change locally and
`redeemable in regular notes of larger denominations
`becoming different in somc particular :
`ti‘ departure from a l
`norm : a tlcv“ tion from estuhlishcd character, sequence, or
`condition : a
`ergence from uniformity or constancy in any
`change of edge : a skating figure or maneuver in which the r
`change-of—day line /2
`: oA'rr.t.ir~:c 2
`quality’. qunnur, or degree ZALYERATION, M()Dll7l(.‘ATl(,)h', VAR~
`IATIUN‘, MUTATlU.\‘ (but in the daily routine of their business 3
`skater shifts from one edge of the blade to the other‘ compare l
`there was little ~ -~~Tl~.omas Hardy) (for while there have ‘
`change on vi‘ 1 : to alternate with another at performing an 1
`been several clear and distinct ~s in the pattern, the essence of
`act 2 : to alternate between two different acts or instruments l
`the university tradition has through all
`the years remained
`‘_l.l3,Conan1> (quite clearly,
`there is no ~ in
`change of heart : a full reversal in position or attitude
`phenomenal any more than in physical time ‘Nelson Good
`change of life 1 : CL.l\4ACTlZRlUM 2 : MfiN0l’All§Z
`: a passing from one stzttc to another marked by
`change of pace 1 : an ltlmrruplintl of continuity by El sudden
`rzttiically diffcrcnt makeup, character, or operation. whether by
`and mu.
`temporary shift
`to a sltarply different manner of
`sudden mutation or gradually by evolution :Tl{/\,‘-'.\l()RMATI<).\,
`action (as for rclicf from monotony)
`(he found the work;
`(‘(),\'VFR5ll\N (there is always the danger that pcnplc who are
`, for ‘.1 Cfltlllllf’ ()f[m‘Ei”,l1E:j0l!1L:d£hE army "Jolm -
`tedious, so .
`impatient \
`ll.‘l'l'\'COIl1CSfOO slowly will attempt violent solu-l
`2 : a slow pitch in baseball
`that is thrown for dc»
`lions WP.
`times) (the semantics of functional ~) (since tl
`fast ball ‘ called also‘
`caption with the same motion as a
`bcgitlltim; of the 20th centur_v. however. the time span of socizt
`~ is shorter than a human life ‘Maurice Crrancy) (another _
`hange of voice : the gradual cltangu in quality and pitch of
`kind of evidence for the ulviquilousncss of ~ in culture can be
`voice occurring in boys about the age of puberty
`drawn from our otxn cvcrylluv experience as well as from,
`change over rt : to convert to ;t different purpose or.
`stem or
`nonlitcrute St)t.‘fl.‘llC\
`\l..l.l~lers ovits)
`c :
`It shift in relation t
`from use of one method or tccitntttuc to another {C/l<l71,Qt‘()l‘('r
`1) plant to production of ict cngtrcs) ~ vi : to make :1 tr;m,sfcr.
`to surruuntlings ms to ll different place, situation. course)
`lcvcl) (prices are subjcct to ~ Wllhoul notice)
`t1:a switch to ‘
`transition, or conversion (the industry clizmtrcll
`contrasting character or trend : ttt,vr.t<s»tL e : t:H,t,~2t>r, or Ll
`from steam to cl "lflCily)
`l\I(‘().\'\’TAV‘( v (it
`is the woman‘s part
`change-over \' s=\n-sir/mntmow»r] 1 : the action of C]‘2)ng‘ ,
`coverings, ~ of prnlcs, disdxiin, nice longing. slundcrs. mum-7
`ing over (the point of w from low to high ]'7l’eS.sUrC>
`2 : an ,
`billly .
`for even to vice they are not ctmslam A
`instance of changing over
`a :a shift from one opcmlion. one i
`g :
`rt religious or moral convc .
`it : any step in the m:mu~
`set of equipment or
`f1lClflllL‘S, or one production model
`ftlctttre of soup by boiling including tlratvmg of! and addition ‘
`: a conversion to if different .
`stem. program. or 3
`of liquid fr’lS lyc or brine: (sittlng ‘) (salt ~) 3 2 the action
`mclhod I:
`2 Ll tlmttge to :1 different group olypcrsonncl 3 : £l
`of fCrfiilClDlL somctliing ll ilh somctltinu also of the same lttml or
`trunsiliott from one sci of ccmmmic or social conditions or ‘
`with something that st:r\‘CS as a suhstittltc : st‘tls'Tt1’U"t»tN (he- i
`cultural stzlntlards or ideals to rtnothcr 4 : the changing; from
`warc of suddcn ‘ in any great point of dict
`Francis Bacon) ‘
`one protector to another between rcels during the L‘OllllnLl0Ll'> i
`(but N of air L.‘flLlllS_;CSl1Cll lhclnlnd ~lohn Milton): 3 : a rc«
`screening of a motion picture or program of motion picturcsf
`placing of some agent. method, moans, material, or other sub«
`change pocket 71 [zcfnlllkf (moncy)} :
`:1 small pocket oftcnl
`jcctofrcgurd \\llfl.lLflffCFCl1f0llLl<\\‘()fll out four ~ ‘of horses
`within 21
`larger pocket
`(us in :1 woman's purse or ll man"
`as he gzillopcd all night ‘Dorothy C. Fisher) (striking for ‘s
`jacket) for holding small change
`in working conditions)
`It : a shift from sortie mode of personal
`changer \'chEnjs(r)\ I1 -5 (ME changcre, alter. (influz-nerd by ‘
`action or disposition or matter of concern to at different one
`ME -ere -er) of E/l/II7gtfill'0f3f\v1F €fm‘I‘lg(‘(lP‘ money changer, ‘
`or between an action and El rest period
`fr. cfmngier to change + -207 -or] : one that chungesrfss
`a : one that changes or alters the form of something b : one
`that exchanges one thing for another; esp : RECORD CHANGER
`d : one that wavers; exp : one
`inconstant in his views
`change ringer n : one skilled at change ringing
`change ringing n : the art or practice of ringing a set of tuned
`bells in con»
`linually vary-
`mg order
`with we
`5ucha(,.aya5 Rl23A5Rl2J45
`to avoid (1) W,
`place of any
`orderby more
`than one step
`and‘ (2)
`order before
`the whole sev
`ties‘ used in
`nology of the
`r t n gt n g of
`team with one
`man assigned
`to each bell:
`called also
`sec PEAL
`room suitable
`for changing
`change ringing: diagram showing the order in
`one‘s clothes
`fire: which the bells (indicated by numbers) are
`struck in successive changes, beginning in
`rounds (at R), each_hor1zontal row of clots
`0 range
`representing a change
`three~lobed fancy skating figure consisting of a right
`orward outside-to~inside change of edge with an inside three,
`l ree
`: lc)ft %utslde«to-inside change of edge followed by an inside
`change-up>\'x_-_\ n .5 z CHANGE or PACE 2 (a fast ballrthnt
`it: man
`rirttptges, a>f)ne shder and a good change-up ‘Arthur Sr. Milton
`change wheel n : CHANGE GEAR 2
`changing re: pan‘ 4;] crimes
`changing ag rt :a lightught bag Wll._l1 sleeves to fit the arms in
`out wit out a
`at room
`whtchprrocedurgs sléich as loading film holders may be carried
`changing box It : a holder for a number of sheet films or plates
`changing note or changing tone £1
`an_ accented passing
`that can be attached to a camera and permits exposure in turn
`note or tone in old strict musical counterpoint 2 : a usu. u_n-
`ortng c or
`tone a ter
`touc ing an tnterventng tone
`acceggcdv nonlgarrgontc notte or
`that ‘resolves
`to its
`typically a third distant : CAMBIATA ‘ compare ESCAPE NOTE
`chan-go \‘chl1n( )go. ;a -\ n, pl change or changes um rag
`[Sp, of Amcrlnd origin
`1 a : an extinct peofle of the nor:
`o t e
`ango peope
`b : almember of such people
`: the language
`cha_n_ogo-an \-,g6an\
`n -5 uxu cup [Sp cftanga (of Amerlnd
`gggtn) -l; F}-an] : a language family consisting of Change
`use p a crowd
`reva ent in
`angs a
`chang-sha \'chllqIsh1l\ adj, usu cog‘ [in Changsha, China)
`: of of from $1: Cllyélf Changsha, C ma :01 the kind or style
`c ’a,ng shan \'ch:tng'sh:tn\ tr -s Iprob.
`ir. Chin] :_a shrub
`(Dtchroalebrijugq) of the family Saxtfragaceae found in China,
`serrate caves, pcmlcu ale
`ue fowers an
`runs. an
`northeastern India,‘ Jaiva,
`thle PllIlI]Jpl‘I11E:,lWlfP oppostlg
`roots that have long been used by the Chinese in the manu-
`facture of a home remedy for malaria
`chanvt-tlae \'kana,dé\ I1 pl, cap [NL, fr. Cfmnor.
`type genus
`(fr, Gk c/tartar mouth) + _NL «iducl : a family ofrather large
`cluding among recent forms only a milkfis
`(Charms c/10110:)
`brilliant silvery toothless ftshcs related to if: herrlngs and in-
`ch'an-ism \‘ch:l,nizam\ /1 -S u_ru cup [zclfatt + —i_rm]
`: Ch'nn
`ch’an-ist \-.nést\ n «s um CLlp[1z:h'aIl + ~t'rr] : an adherent of
`the Chain school of Buddhism
`rial : c cw noisily . LHAMP
`‘c1llan)(h'chauk, -0
`ll \ vh -r.o/‘wt:/~s fprob. alter of‘cfmIrtp]
`ichanlt \‘chank\ ulso cltank shell n -s [Ski far’:/tlia ~ more at
`pt:ar»shapcd gastropod n_1ollusks:_ crp : aspcctes
`CONCH] : any of a family (Xanctdae) of tropical he-avy<—ls"helled
`p)‘Vjl4‘IT1) commonly appearing in Hindu religious pictures and
`chank-ings \‘cha k.'lt1z.voi3-,'litJ»,~ktgz\ n pffpl. of cltanltrng,
`gerund of lcltank dial : scraps or rciected parts of fruit or
`nuts (as chewed pieces or panngs)
`tg11an.ne1\‘chan’l\ n -5 {ME chanel. fr. OF, fr, L cmtafi: pipe,
`channel‘ more at CANAL] 1 a : the hollow bed where a nat-
`ural body or stream of water runs or may run b : the deeper
`part of a moving body of water (as a river. harbor, or strait)
`c : a strait or narrow sea
`etween two c use an masses
`where thevmatn current flovgs or which affords] thejbcst passétge
`English E‘/ta/me!) (the Mozambique Clmnncl)
`: a means or
`instrumentality aiding communication or cxpression or com-
`mercial exchange (alongside the familiar prcss, radio, and film
`media .
`. other ~t- have multiplied _‘E.I).Canham) e chall-
`cation or transmission o in ormation or o commercia inter-
`nels pl : a fixed. aceustomefd. or official cpurse of corrIununt«
`change (submitting material to the Defense Department wilh—
`out going through prescribed . Army ~:‘_N.l’,Ti'rnc.v) 1: a
`pears to
`can one 0
`cc’ or ‘s ~; or communication
`person thrrougllt) whom lnff()l;lll1H|ft\lfl)ndlS transfmtttcd (he
`. ap-
`with Courtenay ‘Tim:-,5 LII. Supp.)
`8 : a way, course, or
`direction of thought or‘action_(the accident which directed
`my curiosity originally into this ~ ‘Charles Lamb); speed
`:a restricted path of movement (as of traffic directed between
`islands at an intersection)
`h : RIVER 4
`l : a band offrenuen-
`cues _of sulficietrt width for a single radio or television com«
`munication being as little as a few cycles pcl‘_SeC0ml wide for
`telcgraphy or as great as several megacycles wide for televtstun
`the mechanism providing it single path in multiple-path
`systems for simultaneously and separately rccording or trans~
`S)’SlC||l from l1llCl'0]'7lOIlC fl)
`l|'\ sing C-‘Dill
`mttting sounds from ‘more than oncdsourcc; olsv‘) : thchcomplcte
`2 a : an esp, tubular enclosed passage ' C<)Nl')UlT.
`l"lPE, DUCT
`(thc poison ~ in a snakc‘s fangs)
`D :_ any of the chambers
`l;LlllL‘T. QTODVLE. 01' Ul'l’>DWI ES
`3 :11 Sfl’CC
`l‘lOl\l‘lllg idgniiceltl matrices in LI Cll’CIll£l;ll‘lg-millrlx typesetting
`or road gutter
`b 2 C’/\N,\l_ -1
`c : a flute ill a column
`d :
`groove cut along the line where rock is to be split
`e : a slant-
`ing groove cut around the cdgc of an outsole of a shoe on the
`grain surface for embedding stitches; also : onc of two parallel
`grooves cut around the edge of an insole on the flesh surface
`forming :1 ridge to which the welt is scwcd
`I : the truck for
`the rope in a acklc block g : a metal beam or strip having a
`Ueshapcd sec on syn see MFAN
`hzhannel \“\ vb channeled or chanitellerl; channeled at
`channelled: channeling or channelling;
`channels W
`1 3 : to form. cut,_or wear a channel in (spring freshers _may
`series of parallel flutcs : (inor_i\‘t: (~ a chair leg)
`: lo’ ower
`~ the fields) (the river ~11] a new course) h : to inctsc with a
`(an automobile body‘: by rebuilding with channels which fit
`around the frame rails ‘ compare 'CHtnt vi 4 Z :to traversc
`3 a :
`to send or convey through or as tft rougt a c anne
`by or as if by channels (moors ~rd by hpastoiral valleys)!
`(~ malcrlals and labor into housing);
`spcct'j_ :
`to direct
`through or into a fixed or official course b : to direct (feelings
`wrt sins
`.j__g____j _:.-_._. -_,,
`e piec
`tI:]lli;.SI1-:il1sei:\ei::Nhan°l\ 22 -S [ME clianel, fr. OF, fr. L canalis pipe,
`channel — more at CANAL] 1 a : the hollow bed where a nat-
`ural body or stream of water runs or may run b : the deeper
`part of a moving body of water (as a river, harbor, or strait)
`where the main current flows or which affords the best passage
`0 '.' a strait or narrow sea between two close land masses (the
`English Channel) (the Mozambique Channel)
`(1 :_ a means or
`instrumentality aiding communication or expression or com-
`mercial cxchange (alongside the familiar press, radio, and film
`media .
`. other A-s have multiplied —E.D.Canham) e chan-
`nels pl : a fixed, accustomed, or official course of communi-
`cation or transmission of information or of commercial inter-
`change (submitting material to the Defense Department with-
`out going through prescribed .
`. .Army r-vs -—N. Y. Times) I : a
`person through whom information is transmitted (he .
`. ap-
`pears to have been one of Beckford’s ~s for communication
`with Courtenay ~—Times Lit. Supp.) g : a way, course, or
`direction of thought or_action (the accident which directed
`my curiosity originally into this ~ -—Charles Lamb); specif
`_: a restricted path of movement (as of traffic directed between
`islands at an intersection) h : RIVER 4 i : a band of frequen-
`cies _of sufficient width for a single radio or television com-
`munication being as little as a few cycles per second wide for
`telegraphy or as great as several megacycles wide for television
`the mechanism providing a single path in multiple-path
`systems for simultaneously and separately recording or trans-
`mitting sounds from more than one source; also : the complete
`system from microphone to recorder in single-path systems
`2 a : an esp. tubular enclosed passage ° CONDUIT PIPE DUCT
`"‘j’ in a snake"s fangs)
`b :. any of the chambers
`olding identical matrices in a circulating-matrix typesetting
`machine 3 : a long gutter, groove or furrow‘ as a ' a street
`(fr road gutter b : QANAL 4
`c : a flute in a column d : a
`groove cut along the line where rock is to be split
`e : a slant-
`inggroove cut around the edge of an outsole of a shoe on the
`glfglcilv-°‘::lS1F‘:f3<t3€af_E>){1ei(1i1bfiddigg stitches; also : one of two parallel
`[3 6 ge 0 an insole on the flesh surface
`{gg”I‘_:)”g 5} Tldge to which the welt is sewed I : the track for
`De "1 3 Wckle block 8 : a metal beam or strip having a
`U'3h3I3ed section syn see MEAN
` 20113111191 \“\ vb channeled or
`skeleton or supporting framework in an animal (as the system
`en-do-thoracic \:enda+\ ad; Ur, endamanzx. after E thorax-
`ME endaweri to endow), fr. MF enduira to bring in. introduce,
`of apodcmes in an insect or the internal system of articulated
`thoracic] : of or relating to an endothorax
`digest, fr. L inducer: to bring in, introduce, induce -Vmore at
`bones in a vertebrate) V compare EXOSKELETON
`eii-doothorax \‘‘+\ it [I5V endv + thorax] : the system of
`uvnuce] 1 a (I) : PROVIDE, surrey V usu. used with with (2)
`[ISV 2m:losmo-
`(fr. F endor-
`apodemcs in the thorax or cc halorhorax of an arthropod
`7lNVf;ST V usu, used with with (the court etzdued him with the
`mase) + -meter} : an instrument for measuring endosmosis V
`leii-do-tlirix \'enda,rhriks\ NL, fr. eIid~ + -thrix] syn DJ
`full rights of a citizen)
`b :
`with with (~ an object with life)
`2 [ME iriduen to take upon
`endmsinosis \:cn.d+\ n, pl endosmases [alter-. (influenced
`7elldOlh1'iX \"\ rt, pl endothrixes \~sés\ or endolhri-ces
`end-osmometric \“+ \ ad/'
`oneself, clothe, fr. L lnducre to put on, don, fr.
`i/rd» (fr, OL
`by Gk -sir) of earlier ezidrimiorc, fr. F, fr, 014- + Gk Erma:
`indu, emlo in) + men: (as in cxuure to take off) V max: at
`action of thrusting or pushing. fr. 6tIlr’in to
`ush; akin to Skt
`3e11d0Ull’iX \“\ adj [NL. fr. cm1'- + Gk rlirix hair V more at
`lNDt(,‘vENOUS, cxuvmc] a : to put on : ooh‘
`I: : CLOTHE V usu_
`[NL Endathrix] : TRICHOFHYTON 2
`TRICHINA] : Occurring within a hair V compare ECTOTHRIX
`vad/lair’ he strikes. kills] 1 : piissage (as o
`a surface-active]
`used with with (enduz-d with gorgeous robes) 3 ob: : 010551‘
`V used chiefly of hawks
`en-dovtoxic \:en(.)d6+\ adj [endoroxin + -lc] : of, relating
`substance) through a membrane from a region of lower to a ;
`to, or acting as an endotoxin
`en~due-ment \-mant\ n -5 [rndue + -menr] 1 2 the act or
`region of higher concentration V used chiefly in biology;;
`compare EXOSWOSlS 2 2 : osmotic diffusion toward the inside l
`enduing 2 : something that is endued
`en-do-toxin \“—‘v\ ri {ISV end- + toxin} : a toxin of internal
`origin: 5/{eel}
`ny of a class of poisonous substances present
`en-du-ra \;'-n‘d(y)ura, en-\ n -5
`fr. OProv,
`fast, 1;,
`a cell or vessel
`3 :
`infiltration or permeation of one}
`cultural group by members of another
`endurar to fast, endure,
`(assumed) VL iridurure to last,
`in bacteria (as of typhoid fever) but separable from the cell l
`\“+\ [frl cIzrio.3‘tttn5i.t, after such pairs as E m1r:ori‘r.' narcotic] 1
`continue] : a hunger strike against evil carried out by the
`adj V end-osmolically \“+\ adv
`en~rlo-toxoid \“+\ rt. n/ten altrib [endomxin + mid] :
`Cathari and usu. leading to death
`body only on its disintegration V compare EXOTDXIN
`en-do-soine \'enda,s5m\ rt -5 [rmd- + -rams] 1 : the central E
`en-dur-able \éti‘d(ylurob2l, en~\ ad/'
`: capable of being en-
`toxoid derived from an endoroxin
`body of a vesicular nucleus_v~.hether a karyosome or a plasmo»
`dured : BEARABLE, TOLERADLE (V burdens) (our table man-
`en-do~tracheal \len‘(.)d6—.—\ adj [emi- + tracheal] 1 :placed
`within or
`some (as in various protozoan

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