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`~ted : not having the mind or
`11fj (1885) : having a single nucleus
`. LL union-, unio oneness, union, fr.
`I a : an act or instance of uniting
`o one: as
`(I) : the formation of a
`m-c separate and independent units
`W.AL INTERCOt;RSE (3): the grow(cid:173)
`a wllfied condition : COMBINATION.
`sr and strength) 2 : something
`mi by a combining or coalition of
`laation of independent individuals
`~n purpose b : a political unit
`...i usu. from previously indepen-
`11 in 1707) which have surrendered
`!mDellt of the whole or to a newly
`1789) c cap : an organization on a
`liding recreational, social, cultural,
`.., : the building housing such an
`. . ts belonging to one or more of a
`called also join, sum e : LABOR
`~ -
`mc of the union of two or more
`Ilg typically in the upper inner cor(cid:173)
`P' of the flag b : the upper inner
`*"ices for connecting parts (as of a
`.,.- pipes and fittings
`*'g with, or constituting a union
`~g personal membership in good
`ISbing that resembles a union card
`'1!1lCfll or in providing evidence of
`ICb uniting members of diverse de(cid:173)
`adenominational congregation
`fl : the principle or policy of form-
`r: adherence to the policy of a firm
`the United States esp. during the
`los. theory, advocacy, or system of
`:Ile or supporter of union or union-
`• (1896) 1 : the quality or state of
`Hilg vt (1890) : to organize into a
`1 labor union
`I by the presence of labor unions<......._
`: a jack consisting of the union of a
`ishment in which the employer by
`ss as well as members of the union
`~II only on conditinn of their be(cid:173)
`• a specified time
`aent with shirt and drawers in one
`'(ca. 1909) : )laving or involving a
`JC- uni 0pa0 ren°tal0ly \-'1-e\ adv
`: having, produced by, or acting by
`- uni·po·lar·i·ty \-po-'lar-ot-e, -po-\
`fr. unus one - more at ONE) (1602)
`- concern was his own comfort) (I
`oppose I lost it? -Kingsley Amis)
`into prime factors) 2
`a : being
`ED (could stare at the flames, each
`~er) b : distinctively characteristic
`to California -Ronald Rea(cid:173)
`JO -
`-point pen) (we were fairly -, the
`1e good mixer in the bunch -J.D.
`oe-ly adv -
`unique-ness n
`bjected to the comparison or modi(cid:173)
`r very) of unique; the statement that
`t has often been repeated by them.
`e assumption that unique has but a
`>tion contradicted by information
`Unique dates back to the l 7th cen(cid:173)
`"1d of the 18th when, according to
`was reacquired from French. H.J.
`I in his edition (1818) of Johnson's
`·affected and useless." Around the
`d to be considered foreign and came
`h popular use came a broadening of
`vo meanings (here numbered 1 and
`Jn and modification are widespread
`be extended senses 2b and 3. When
`que is used without qualifying mod-
`11.e state or condition of not being
`11.g) as to sex
`shable as male or female (a -
`Jes and females <- clothes)
`-'sek-shol\ adj (ca. 1802) 1 : of.
`~= a : male or female but not her(cid:173)
`ower) 2 : UNISEX -
`~. fr. ML unisonus having the same
`- more at SOUND) (1575) 1 a
`the interval of a perfect prime b
`onded c : the wnting, playing, or
`e at the same pitch or in octaves 2
`unison adj -
`m : CONCORD -
`: so as to harmonize exactly 2 : at
`1unit \'yii-not\ n [back-formation fr. unity] (1570) 1 a: the first and
`least natural number : ONE b : a single quantity regarded as a whole
`in calculation 2 : a determinate quantity (as of length, time, heat, or
`value) adopted as a standard of measurement: as a : an amount of
`work used in education in calculating student credits b : an amount
`of a biologically active agent (as a drug or antigen) required to produce
`a specific result under strictly controlled conditions 3 a : a single
`thing, person, or group that is a constituent of a whole b : a fart of a
`military establishment that has a prescribed organization (as o person(cid:173)
`nel and materiel) c : a piece or complex of apparatus serving to per(cid:173)
`form one particular function d : a part of a school course focusing on
`a central theme e: a local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
`'unit adj ( 1844) : being, relating to, or measuring one unit
`unit·age \'yii-not-ij\ n (1935) 1 : specifications of the amount consti(cid:173)
`tuting a unit 2: amount in units
`uni-tar·i·an \,yii-no-'ter-e-on\ n [NL unitarius, fr. L unitas unity) (1687)
`1 a often cap : one who believes that the deity exists only in one per(cid:173)
`son b cap: a member of a denomination that stresses individual free(cid:173)
`dom of belief, the free use of reason in religion, a united world commu(cid:173)
`nity, and liberal social action 2 : an advocate of unity or a unitary
`unitarian adj, often cap -
`system -
`uni·tar·i-an·ism \-e-a-,niz-am\ n,
`often cap
`uni·tary \'yii-no-,ter-e\ adj (1861) 1 a : of or relating to a unit b
`: based on or characterized by unity or units 2 : having the character
`of a unit: UNDIVIDED, WHOLE- uni•tar0i-ly \,yii-no-'ter-o-le\ adv
`unit cell n (ca. 1936) : the simplest polyhedron that embodies all the
`structural characteristics of and by mdefinite repetition makes up the
`lattice of a crystal
`unit character n (ca. 1909) : a natural character inherited on an all or
`none basis; esp : one dependent on the presence or absence of a single
`unit circle n (1955): a circle whose radius is one unit of length long
`•unite \yu-'nit\ vb unit-ed; unit-ing [ME uniten, fr. LL unitus, pp. of
`unire to make one, fr. L, fr. unus one - more at ONE] vt (!Sc) 1 a
`: to put together to form a single unit b : to cause to adhere c : to
`link by a legal or moral bond 2 : to possess (as qualities) in combina(cid:173)
`tion ,..., vi 1 a : to become one or as if one b : to become combined
`by or as if by adhesion or mixture 2 : to act in concert syn see JOIN
`2unite \'yii-,nit\ n [obs. unite (united), fr. ME unit, fr. LL unitus, pp.)
`(1604): an old British gold 20-shilling piece issued first by James I in
`1604 for the newly united England and Scotland -
`called also Jacobus
`unit-ed \yu-'nit-~d\ adj (1552) 1 : made one : COMBINED 2 : relating
`to or produced by jomt action 3 : being in agreement : HARMONIOUS
`umt-ed·ly adv
`United Nations Day n (1947): October 24 observed in commemoration
`of the founding of the United Nations
`Unit-ed States \yu-,nit-od-, esp Southern 'yii-\ n pl but sing or pl in constr
`(1617) : a federation of states esp. when forming a nation in a usu.
`specified territory (advocating a United States of Europe)
`uni·tive \'yii-noi-iv, yu-'nit-\ adj (1526): characterized by or tending to
`produce union
`unit-ize \'yii-not-,iz\ vt -ized; -iz·ing (1860) 1: to form or convert into
`a unit 2 : to divide into units (the added cost of unitizing bulk prod(cid:173)
`ucts)- unit0iza0 tion \,yii-not-o-'za-shon\ n
`unit magnetic pole n (ca. 1890) : a mal!netic pole that will repel an equal
`and like pole at a distance of one centimeter in a vacuum with a force of
`one dyne
`unit membrane n [fr. its being the basic structural unit of the cell) (1966)
`: a 3-layered membrane that consists of an inner lipid layer surrounded
`by a protein layer on each side
`umt rule n (1884) : a rule under which a delegation to a national politi(cid:173)
`cal convention casts its entire vote as a unit as determined by a major(cid:173)
`ity vote
`um•trust \'yii-ni-,trost\ n (1970) : a trust from which the beneficiary
`receives annually a fixed percentage of the fair market value of its assets
`units digit n (1955) : the numeral (as 6 in 456) occupying the units place
`in a number expressed in the Arabic system of writmg numbers
`units place n (1937) : the place immediately to the left of the decimal
`point in a number expressed in the Arabic system of writing numbers
`unit train n (l 964) : a railway train that transports a single commodity
`directly from producer to consumer
`unit trust n (1940) 1 Brit : MUTUAL FUND 2 : an investment company
`whose ,Portfolio consists of long-term bonds that are held to matunty
`uni0ty \ yii-n~t-e\ n, pl -ties [ME unite, fr. MF unite, fr. L unitat-, unitas,
`fr. unus one - more at ONE) (14c) 1 a: the quality or state of not
`being multiple : ONENESS b
`(I) : a definite amount taken as one or
`for which I is made to stand in calculation (in a table of natural sines
`the radius of the circle is regarded as-> (2): IDENTITY ELEMENT 2 a
`: a condition of harmony : ACCORD b : continuity without deviation
`or change (as in purpose or action) 3 a: the quality or state of being
`made one : UNIFICATION b : a combination or ordering of parts in a
`literary or artistic production that constitutes a whole or promotes an
`undivided total effect; also: the resulting singleness of effect or symme(cid:173)
`try and consistency of style and character 4 : a totality of related
`parts : an entity that is a complex or systematic whole 5 : any of
`three principles of dramatic structure derived by French classicists
`from Aristotle's Poetics and requiring a play to have a single action
`represented as occurring in one place and within one day 6 cap : a
`20th century American religious movement for health and prosperity
`formerly affiliated with New Thought but closer to orthodox Chris(cid:173)
`1uni0va0lent \,yii-ni-'va-lont\ n (1928): a chromosome that lacks a syn(cid:173)
`aptic mate
`2~~~~ei:'~i~~{e~t933) 1 : having a valence of one 2 : being a chromo-
`uni·valve \'yii-ni-,valv\ n (1668) 1: a mollusk with a shell consisting of
`one valve; esp : GASTROPOD 2 : a mollusk shell consisting of one piece
`univalve adj
`1uni0ver0sal \,yil-no-'vor-sol\ adj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L universalis, fr. univer(cid:173)
`sum universe] 04c) 1 : including or covering all or a whole collec(cid:173)
`tively or distributively without limit or exception 2 a : present or
`occurring everywhere b : existent or operative everywhere or under
`all conditions ("-'cultural patterns) 3 a: embracing a major part or
`unit • unknown
`state) (- practices) b
`the greatest portion (as of mankind) (a -
`: comprehensively broad and versatile (a .......,, genius) 4 a : affirming
`or denying something of all members of a class or of all values of a
`b : denoting every member of a class (a -
`: adapted or adjustable to meet varied requirements (as of use, shape,
`uni0ver0 sal 0ly \-s(o-)le\ adv -
`or size) (a - gear cutter) -
`uni0 ver0sal(cid:173)
`ness \-sol-nos\ n
`syn UNIVERSAL, GENERAL, GENERIC mean of or relating to all or the
`whole. UNIVERSAL implies reference to every one without exception in
`the class, category, or genus considered; GENERAL implies reference to
`all or nearly all (the theory has met general but not universal accep(cid:173)
`tance) GENERIC implies reference to every member of a genus (_generic
`likenesses among all dogs)
`'universal n (l 553) 1 : one that is universal: as a: a universal propo(cid:173)
`sition in logic b : a predicable of traditional logic c : a general con(cid:173)
`cept or term or something in reality to which it corresponds : ESSENCE
`2 a : a behavior pattern or institution (as the family) existing in all
`cultures b : a culture trait characteristic of all normal adult members
`of a particular society
`uni0ver0sal 0ism \,yii-no-'vor-so-,liz-om\ n (1805) 1 often cap a: a theo(cid:173)
`logical doctrine that all men will eventually be saved b : the princi(cid:173)
`ples and practices of a liberal Christian denomination founded in the
`18th century orig. to uphold belief in universal salvation and now
`united with Unitarianism 2 : something that is universal in scope 3
`: the state of being universal
`\-s(o-)lost\ n or adj, often cap
`uni0ver0sal0 is·tic \-,vor-s~-'lis-tik\ adj (1872): of or relating to the whole
`: universal in scope or nature
`uni•ver•sat.i.ty \-(1Jv~r- 1sal-at-e\ n [ME universalite, fr. LL universalitas,
`fr. L universalis] (14c) 1 : the quality or state of being universal 2
`: universal comprehensiveness in range
`uni•ver0sal 0ize \-'vor-so-,llz\ vt -ized; -iz·ing (1642) : to make universal
`: GENERALIZE- uni·ver•saJ.iza-tion \- 1var-sa-ld- 1za-shan\ n
`universal joint n (ca. 1882) : a shaft
`coupling capable of transmitting rota-~
`tion from one shaft to another not col-
`linear with it -
`called also universal
`universal motor n (1925) : an electric
`motor that can be used on either an
`.J~\~~:~t"~r'::d~it&~~u~"('~1s5J~P~ bar
`code that identifies a product's type and
`Universal time n (ca. 1890); GREENWICH TIME
`uni•verse \ 1yti-na- 1vars\ n [L universum, fr. neut. of universus entire,
`whole, fr. uni- + versus turned toward, fr. Pf· of vertere to turn -
`' ,
`· ....
`. .
`universal JOlnt
`more at WORTH) (1589) 1: the whole body o things and phenomena
`observed or postulated : COSMOS 2
`a : a systematic whole held to
`arise by and persist through the direct intervention of divine power b
`: the world of human experience c
`(I) : the entire celestial cosmos
`(2): MILKY WAY GALAXY (3): an aggregate of stars comparable to the
`Milky Way galaxy 3 : a distinct field or province of thought or reality
`that forms a closed system or self-inclusive and independent organiza(cid:173)
`tion 4: POPULATION 4 5: a set that contains all elements relevant to
`a particular discussion or problem 6 : a great number or quantity (a
`large enough - of stocks ... to choose from -G. B. Clairmont)
`universe of discourse (1881) : an inclusive class of entities that is tacitly
`implied or explicitly delineated as the subject of a statement, discourse,
`or theory
`uni•ver-si·ty \ 1yti-na- 1vdr-sat-e, -·v~r-ste\ n, pl -ties [ME universite, fr.
`MF universite, fr. ML universitat-, universitas, fr. L universus] (14c) 1
`: an institution of higher learning providing facilities for teaching and
`research and authorized to grant academic degrees; specif: one made
`up of an undergraduate division which confers bachelor's degrees and a
`graduate division which comprises a graduate school and professional
`schools each of which may confer master's degrees and doctorates 2
`: the physical plant of a university
`univ-o-cal \yti-'niv-a-kal\ adj [LL univocus, fr. L uni- + voe-, vox voice
`- more at VOICE) (1656) : having one meaning only -
`\-k(o-)le\ adv
`un°Joined \,on-'joind\ adj (1538): not joined
`un•JUSt \,on-'jost, 'on-\ adj (14c) 1 : characterized by injustice : UN(cid:173)
`un·just-ly adv -
`\-'jos(t)-nos\ n
`un°kempt \-'kem(p)t\ adj [un- + kempt (combed, neat)] (1599) 1: de(cid:173)
`ficient in order or neatness <--- individuals) <--- hotel rooms); also
`; ROUGH. UNPOLISHED<- prose) 2; not combed<- hair)
`un°kenned \-'kend\ adj, chiefly dial (14c); UNKNOWN, STRANGE
`un°ken°nel \-'ken-']\ vt (1576) 1 : to drive (as a fox) from a hiding place
`or den 2 : to bring out into the open : UNCOVER
`un°kind \-'kind\ adj (14c) 1 : not pleasing or mild: INCLEMENT (an -
`climate) 2 : lacking in kindness or sympathy : HARSH, CRUEL -
`kind·ness \-'kin(d)-nos\ n
`un·kind·li·ness n
`•un°kind0 ly \-'kin-(d)le\ adj (13c): not kindly -
`'unkindly adv (14c) : in an unkind manner (dwells ~ long on his final
`decline -A. H. Johnston)
`un°kink \,on-"kil)k, 'on-\ vt (ca. 1899): to free from kinks: STRAIGHTEN
`,..., vi : to become lax or loose : RELAX
`un.knit \-'nit\ vb -knit or -knit-ted; -knit·ting (bef. l2c): UNDO, UNRAVEL
`un°know·able \,on-'no-o-bol, ·~n-\ adj (14c) : not knowable; esp : lying
`beyond the limits of human experience or understanding
`un°know·ing0ly \-il)-le\
`un.know·ing \-'n6-i1)\ adj (14c): not knowing -
`1un·known \-'non\ adj (14c): not known or not well-known; also: hav(cid:173)
`ing an unknown value (an,...._, quantity)
`\o\ abut \'\kitten, F table \or\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \a\ cot, cart
`\i\ ice
`\ail\ out
`\ch\ chin
`\e\ bet
`\e\ easy
`\g\ go
`\i\ hit
`\j\ job
`\1J\ sing \6\ go \o\ law \oi\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \ti\ loot \ii\ foot
`\y\ yet \zh\ vision \<i, k. n, re, re, U!, le, Y\ see Guide to Pronunciation

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