`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` Petitioner :
`v. : Case IPR2015-00885
` Patent Owner :
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` Deposition of RICHARD ZECH, PH.D.
` Washington, D.C.
` Friday, November 13, 2015
` 9:30 a.m.
`Job No.: 96195
`Pages 1 through 158
`Reported by: Marilyn Feldman, RPR
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 1 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` Deposition of RICHARD ZECH, PH.D., held at
`the offices of:
` 1999 K Street, NW
` Washington, D.C. 20006-1101
` 202.263.3154
` Pursuant to agreement, before Marilyn
`Feldman, Registered Professional Reporter and Notary
`Public in and for the District of Columbia.
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`3 4 5
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 2 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 1999 K Street, NW
` Washington, D.C. 20006-1101
` 202.263.3154
` 8300 Greensboro Drive
` Suite 500
` McLean, VA 22102
` 571.765.7708
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`8 9
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 3 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` C O N T E N T S
` By Mr. Helge 5, 154
` By Mr. Barrow 140
` E X H I B I T S (marked previously)
`LG Display Exhibit 1001 Shen patent 7,202,843
`LG Display Exhibit 1010 Lee, Korean translation
`LG Display Exhibit 1011 Declaration of Richard Zech
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`5 6 7 8 9
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 4 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` P R O C E E D I N G S
`having been duly sworn, testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Zech.
` A Good morning, sir.
` Q Dr. Zech, you provided an opinion
`regarding U.S. patent 7,202,843 in this case; is
`that right?
` A That's correct.
` Q This case that I'm referring to is LG
`Display Company v. Surpass Tech Innovation LLC,
` A Correct.
` Q And the case number is IPR2015-00885,
` A Well, I'll take your word for it.
` Q I understand.
` A I didn't happen to memorize that.
` Q Fair enough. We are here for a deposition
`on your declaration; is that right?
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`Exhibit 2007
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`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` A I believe that is true, yes.
` Q Have you seen the notice of deposition for
`this case?
` A I don't believe I have.
` Q Are you appearing voluntarily?
` A Oh, yes, yes indeed.
` Q And you are appearing probably pursuant to
`that notice of deposition?
` A I'm sure that was the case.
` MR. BARROW: Yes.
` Q Thank you. Dr. Zech, can you please state
`your full name for the record?
` A Be happy to. Richard, initial G, last
`name Zech, Z-e-c-h, 130 Cresta Road, C-r-e-s-t-a,
`Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906, (719) 633-4377.
` Q Dr. Zech, I am going to stop you there.
`What I don't want is any more information that you
`might consider private.
` A You are entitled to my full contact
`information, although you have my card, but for the
`record to make sure I'm the same person.
` Q Thank you. I take it you have been
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`Exhibit 2007
`Page 6 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
`deposed before?
` A Once or twice.
` Q Probably more than that; is that right?
` A Many times more.
` Q Probably at the beginning of all those
`depositions the attorney who has been asking you
`questions has stated some ground rules for the day;
`is that right?
` A Absolutely.
` Q One of those ground rules that I think we
`are doing a pretty good job at so far is only one
`person can talk at a time because the reporter can
`only take the transcript of testimony from one
`person at a time. Do you understand that?
` A I understand.
` Q Dr. Zech, are you taking any medication or
`do you have any other reason why you may not be able
`to give true and accurate testimony today?
` A Other than old age.
` Q Understood.
` A I haven't been taking any medicines.
` Q And you can give true and accurate
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`Exhibit 2007
`Page 7 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
`testimony today?
` A I certainly hope I can. I'll do my best.
` Q You'll let me know if you feel you are not
`able to answer a question?
` A Absolutely.
` Q And you'll let me know if you have a
`question about anything I have asked you?
` A Absolutely.
` Q One other thing that has come up recently,
`but I suspect it won't come up here, is if I ask you
`a question, I will need an affirmative verbal
`response because head-nodding and shaking of the
`head won't get onto the reporter's transcript.
` A I understand. I won't do it on purpose
`but as the day goes on I may wear out and start
`doing something like that. Please bring me up short
`if I do.
` Q Absolutely. Thank you. Dr. Zech, this is
`a case before the Patent Tral and Appeal Board; do
`you understand that?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q Have you been before the Patent Tral and
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`Exhibit 2007
`Page 8 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
`Appeal Board or been offered as an expert before the
`Patent Tral and Appeal Board before?
` A No more than six times in the last year.
` Q Have you been deposed in any of those
` A All but this one.
` Q Okay, good. Something I'm going to read
`to you comes from the Patent Office Trial Practice
`Guide and maybe this has been read to you before,
`maybe not, but I want to make sure you understand
`the particular rules of this forum. "Once the cross
`examination of a witness has commenced and until
`cross examination of the witness has concluded,
`counsel offering the witness on direct examination
`shall not (A), consult or confer with the witness
`regarding the substance of the witness's testimony
`already given or anticipated to be given except for
`the purpose of conferring on whether to assert
`privilege against testifying or on how to comply
`with a board order; or (B), suggest to the witness
`the manner in which any questions should be
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`Exhibit 2007
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`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` Do you understand the paragraph as I have
`just read it?
` A That's the way it has been for the prior
`five depositions.
` Q Great. And so the way the board
`interprets this is that even when I have concluded
`asking questions and when your counsel may be
`preparing to ask you additional questions during
`this deposition, this prohibition against conferring
`with your counsel still applies.
` A Okay.
` Q And so until we actually close everything
`up with the reporter and shut the deposition down
`for the day, this prohibition still applies. Does
`that make sense?
` A I understand it and I'll respect it.
` Q Thank you. Dr. Zech, you submitted your
`CV in this case back in March; is that about right?
` A Yes, I believe so, about the same time
`that I submitted the declaration.
` Q Right. Is that CV still accurate?
` A Probably not because, as I say, I have
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`Exhibit 2007
`Page 10 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
`done depositions on five of the declarations I
`submitted at about the same time I submitted the one
`for LGD. But other than saying here's the case,
`here is the fact that I did a deposition, probably
`not very informative, but I'd be glad to supply Mr.
`Barrow with an up-to-the-minute resume if that would
`be helpful.
` Q I'll just ask you, have you added any more
`engagements to your CV since March?
` A Yes, I have, yes.
` Q Do you recall the case names or the
`patents at issue in any of those cases?
` A The only current activity of mine has to
`do with a litigation that hasn't been filed yet,
`it's prelitigation.
` Q In that case please don't tell me anymore.
` A I didn't intend to.
` Q Thank you. So is that the sole addition
`you think from your CV?
` A I'm embarrassed to say I can't remember.
` Q Why don't we do this. I'm going to hand
`you exhibit 1011. Dr. Zech, does this document look
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`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
`familiar to you?
` A It sure does.
` Q Is that your name on the cover?
` A It sure is.
` Q If you were to turn to page -- and this is
`going to be a little bit tricky because some of them
`are numbered sequentially and some of them have
`these Bates numbers, but it looks like page 48 on
`the bottom middle and page 654 using the Bates
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Is that your signature there?
` A It is indeed.
` Q This is going to be page 662 and it's page
`7 of 26 on your CV which is just a few more pages
`beyond where we were just looking.
` A I have the first page, for example.
` Q Looking at page 7 of 26.
` A Thank you. Yes, sir.
` Q Do you see the top, this looks like your
`litigation support experience, correct?
` A Yes, sir, it is.
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`Exhibit 2007
`Page 12 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` Q At the top you have the Intellectual
`Ventures case versus Canon and that appears to be
`your most recent engagement listed on this paper.
` A Oh, actually that engagement came in
`January of 2015 and this following, the one with Mr.
`Barrow here, so at the bottom of each section I have
`the starting date and whether or not I have
`terminated my work with this particular customer,
`and every place you see the TBDs -- oh, this is from
`February, this is out of date unfortunately -- all
`of these TBDs with the exception of this matter I
`have been deposed on.
` Q I see.
` A Yes. I have not -- it wouldn't do you any
`good because I have not revealed anything about the
`current work and I couldn't and shouldn't so it
`wouldn't be on here anyway. But if you'll just --
` Q When you say current work, you mean the
`prelitigation work.
` A Prelitigation.
` Q Understood. Thank you. So that
`prelitigation is the only new engagement since this
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`Exhibit 2007
`Page 13 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
`Intellectual Ventures v Canon case; is that right?
` A Yes, to the best of my recollection. I
`have been offered by one of the brokers, DDW
`Brokers, expert witness brokers, probably 5, 6, 10
`people, but they tend to get in early and the
`lawyers won't be looking for an expert for 6 or 10
`months from now.
` Q Right, I understand. Dr. Zech, what did
`you do to prepare for this deposition today?
` A Well, I'll work backwards. Yesterday I
`spent the day with Mr. Barrow, we went over my
`declaration, the '843 patent, some other documents,
`and prior to that I reviewed -- oh, yesterday
`included review of the Lee not patent but the
`application and translation from the Korean. Prior
`to that -- well, I didn't have a lot of time, so for
`the last week or so, maybe two weeks, at a low level
`I reviewed my materials on LCD products, did quick
`scans through the declaration, the patents, other
`documents that I relied on.
` Q So let's start with the people that you
`spoke with. You spoke with Mr. Barrow yesterday?
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`Exhibit 2007
`Page 14 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` A Yes.
` Q Did you speak with any other attorneys?
` A I did. Is it Kamir?
` MR. BARROW: Kfir.
` A Kfir, yes, he stopped in briefly. All we
`did was say hello, no real interaction. Mr. Barrow
`has been my primary contact on this in all regards.
` Q Yesterday was the first day you met in
`person with him?
` A No. I met in person with him in either
`November or December of last year, I don't remember
` Q Okay. We don't need to get into that.
`Thank you. Did you talk with any nonattorneys about
`this case prior to this deposition?
` A No, sir.
` Q Dr. Zech, let's go through some of the
`documents that you mentioned.
` A Okay.
` Q I want to get my hands on what you
`reviewed. So yesterday you looked at the '843
`patent; is that right?
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`Exhibit 2007
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`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` A Yes.
` Q You looked at your declaration?
` A Yes.
` Q You looked at the Lee translation?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you speak Korean?
` A No, but my wife does.
` Q Do you read Korean?
` A No.
` Q Did you talk to your wife at all about the
`contents of the original Lee documents in Korean?
` A No, not to my wife.
` Q Did you talk to anybody else about the
`contents of that document in Korean?
` A Yes.
` Q Whom did you talk to?
` A My niece and my nephew.
` Q Are they Korean speakers?
` A Yes.
` Q Are they able to read Korean?
` A Yes.
` Q What was the nature of your conversation
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`Exhibit 2007
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`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
`with your niece and your nephew about the Korean
` A Well, mainly -- it involved entirely the
`figures and I just wanted to make sure that my
`guesses about what these Korean words represent were
` Q Okay. Did you compare what you were told
`by them to what you found in the English translation
`of Lee?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q Did that information that you received
`from your niece and your nephew match what you found
`in the translation?
` A They were spot on. I can't tell you how
`impressed I was with the way they translated these
`things. It included a lot of technical terms.
`Neither one of them is a college graduate and have
`no technical background so I was impressed.
` Q When you say they translated, you are
`referring to your niece and nephew?
` A Yes. Just the figures.
` Q Did you have them translate all of the
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`Exhibit 2007
`Page 17 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
`figures with you?
` A I think we went through most all, but I
`really can't recall at this point.
` Q So you are not sure how many figures you
`looked at with them?
` A There were quite a few as I recall but I
`couldn't answer your question and say there were 20
`of them, did I do all 20 or just 15 or what have
`you. I'm pretty sure we did them all.
` Q And you didn't spot any errors during that
` A No, that wasn't my mission. As far as I
`know, there were no technical errors, although I
`wasn't purposely trying to seek them out.
` Q Dr. Zech, I just want to understand what
`you just said. You said you weren't trying to seek
`out any errors; is that right?
` A Yes. My mission was not to find errors
`but to get the English meaning of the words so at
`some future date if I chose to review it in detail,
`say I didn't get a certified English translation,
`I'd still be able to work with them.
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`Exhibit 2007
`Page 18 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` Q How did you get the Lee documents in the
`first place?
` A My guess is it came from Mr. Barrow.
` Q You don't recall looking for it yourself
` A Well, I do have things from Lee but they
`are patents, not that Korean application. I have
`U.S. patents that have been issued to Lee.
` Q Did you search for those yourself and find
` A I found those on my own.
` Q Was that before or after you received the
`Lee reference we are talking about in this case?
` A I don't really recall.
` Q But you didn't rely on any other Lee
`reference in your declaration, correct?
` A No.
` Q And you didn't identify it in appendix B
`which lists the documents that you relied upon in
`this case, right?
` A Yes. I did not use anything other than
`the Lee translation.
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`Exhibit 2007
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`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` Q And so you found that your niece and
`nephew's translations matched what is in the English
`translation of Lee, correct?
` A Very close, very close.
` Q At any point was there a situation where
`you deferred to your niece and nephew rather than
`the English translation that we have in this case?
` A No.
` Q So the English translation is the primary
`source of your understanding of Lee; is that right?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q You mentioned, if I recall, when you were
`discussing the work you did yesterday that you
`looked at some other papers. Do you recall what
`those other papers are?
` A Well, give me a moment to reflect and
`maybe I can recall them all. We have already
`mentioned the Lee translation, the '843 patent, my
`declaration. I suspect we might have looked at the
`petition coming from LGD. That's all I can
`remember, sir. Sorry.
` Q Dr. Zech, did you look at all at any
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`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
`documents from other papers filed with the Patent
`Trial and Appeal Board relating to the '843 patent?
`I can give you some examples if you like.
` A No, that's okay. The only thing I looked
`at was the Sharp petition.
` Q The Sharp petition?
` A Yes, it's in the public domain, I found it
`on the Internet.
` Q You looked at that yesterday?
` A No, I didn't.
` Q In the past?
` A Sorry?
` Q In the past?
` A Yes, before I did my declaration.
` Q You understand that Sharp petition was
`denied on most grounds, correct?
` A Yes, I got that impression from some of
`the documentation. Oh, one other thing was your
`document -- having a senior moment here -- it was
`your reply, your response, and it was very clear to
`me that Sharp had been denied.
` Q Have you looked at any deposition
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`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
`transcripts from other cases against Surpass Tech
`Innovation before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board?
` A No, sir. Until this case I had never
`heard of Surpass before.
` Q I will tell you, I can represent to you
`recently other depositions were taken of experts in
`related cases dealing with the '843 patent,
`depositions of experts provided by petitioners, and
`so I was curious if you had looked at any of the
`transcripts of those depositions and this would have
`been in the last month or so.
` A I understand your question. The answer is
`no. Mr. Barrow did not share those things with me.
`I didn't even know those depositions had taken
` Q Thank you. I am going to go back to last
`week because you mentioned things that happened last
`week. You said you looked at some LCD materials and
`I'm curious what those materials were.
` A Basically industry papers. The field of
`liquid crystal displays, whether used for monitors
`or televisions, is very complex and because I was
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`Exhibit 2007
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`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
`working on other things as my resume indicates,
`optical data storage drives, scanners, etc., and
`really it's been a year since I have worked on this
`case, I just wanted to refresh my memory.
` Q So that was primarily for general
`understanding of the technology?
` A Exactly.
` Q Did you rely on any of those materials in
`preparing your declaration?
` A I don't believe so.
` Q Because I know they are not listed in
`appendix B.
` A No. In something like a declaration --
`and this year wasn't the first time I have done a
`declaration -- I'm basically instructed to stick
`closely to the program, that is you have patents,
`you may have some other supporting documents, and I
`should wait until my expert report, if there is
`going to be one, to perhaps introduce some of this
` Q Okay. When you were reviewing those LCD
`materials, did you come across any disclosure that
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`Page 23 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
`would contradict what you said in your declaration?
` A I don't believe so.
` Q When you were reviewing those other LCD
`materials, did you find any disclosure that may
`contradict what you saw in Surpass's reply in the
`Sharp case?
` A Well, I don't really remember much about
`your reply to the Sharp case so my answer would be
` Q And it's no because you don't really
`remember what --
` A I really don't. I try not to depend on
`other people. If I say something to you, it's
`because I'm saying it to you, not someone else.
` Q Okay. Thank you, Dr. Zech.
` A You're welcome.
` Q You mentioned also some other documents
`that you reviewed last week. Do you recall any of
`those other documents?
` A Pretty much what we talked about yesterday
`and the tutorial material, as I call it.
` Q What is that, doctor?
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`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` A Those were the industry papers and what
`have you, books, I have a number of books.
` Q Dr. Zech, when was the last time you
`looked at the prosecution history for the '843
` A I know I have it and it had to be about a
`year ago.
` Q You looked at it in preparation for your
`declaration, right?
` A Oh, yes.
` Q I know it is listed on appendix B. So you
`are aware of the '843 patent issue in the Patent
`Office, are you not?
` A I am.
` Q Do you recall seeing a document called
`Reasons For Allowance that was issued by the
`examiner during prosecution?
` A Only most vaguely.
` Q Do you recall that the examiner commented
`on another reference called Ham, H-a-m, and the
`reasons for allowance?
` A No.
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`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` Q And you don't recall looking for the Ham
`reference in preparation for your declaration at
` A I really don't recall. It's been a year
`ago and at my age I not only can't remember if I had
`breakfast but if I did, what I had.
` Q Understood. So Dr. Zech, let me ask you
`this. In preparing your declaration, at any point
`did you feel that you should compare the art that
`you were relying on in this declaration against art
`that was examined and looked at and considered by
`the examiner in the prosecution?
` MR. BARROW: Objection, relevance.
` A Well, normally I would do that of course.
`I just don't recall having done it in this case. As
`I recall, we were on a very short schedule and I may
`have done that, I just don't plain remember.
` Q Would you have any notes if you had done
` MR. BARROW: I would caution the witness
`not to reveal the substance of any privileged
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`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` Q Sir, if you have notes, but not the
`contents of those notes.
` A Well, I have notes of course, but as you
`say or as Mr. Barrow said, I can't reveal what they
` Q When was the last time you reviewed those
` A Early this year probably.
` Q Did you review them in preparation for
`this deposition?
` A Actually not. I forgot I had them.
` Q Okay. Doctor, you looked at the petition
`yesterday as well; is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you review it in some detail, do you
` A No.
` Q How would you describe your review of the
` A We had quite a few documents to go through
`and there were certain portions of it that were more
`important than others, and I remember that we looked
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`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
`at those, discussed them, and the same with my
`declaration, we only had one day.
` Q Would you say that you reviewed your
`declaration in detail yesterday?
` A That I looked at more carefully, yes.
` Q In reviewing your declaration, did you
`spot any errors?
` A Yes.
` Q Would you describe those errors for me.
` A I forget exactly where but figure 2 is
`referenced and said that it's shown below and I
`don't know what happened, it was in there
`originally. I think I wanted to annotate it so I
`took it out and then forgot to put it in.
` Q Is there anything else that you noticed?
` A No, nothing that I would call an error or
`misrepresentation or anything like that.
` Q So that was the only one that figure 2 was
` A Yes, but I know it's in the patent so it's
`not an entirely lost cause.
` Q Was this a figure 2 from the '843 patent?
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`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
` A Yes.
` Q So as you were going through your
`declaration, aside from figure 2 that was missing,
`did you see anything else that you would change if
`you could go back and do it over?
` A No, I don't think so.
` Q So your declaration stands with that?
` A Yes.
` Q Dr. Zech, let's talk about LCD technology
`in general.
` A Sure.
` Q When did you first hear the term
`overdrive, do you recall?
` A Sometime in the '90s --
` Q 1990s?
` A -- at a conference.
` Q If you weren't finished, I apologize.
` A No, I'm through. I have a good memory but
`20 years later or so it's not as good as I would
`like it to be.
` Q When you heard about overdrive in the
`1990s, do you remember the context in which it was
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 29 of 374

`Deposition of Richard Zech, Ph.D.
`Conducted on November 13, 2015
`being discussed?
` A Yes, I think I can say that with
`certainty. The LCD products were not introduced
`until about 1985. They weren't very good. In the
`mid '90s they still weren't very good. Now if you
`understand the physics, and I'm not going to put you
`on the spot here, but to those who understand the
`physics of the device, they know that you can build
`a good panel and it is what it is. If you want to
`improve its performance, you have to do things in
`the electronics and you got to look at these as two
`separate entities, LCD panel, electronics.
` Now we are in a situation here where we
`have a device whose inherent characteristic is what
`we call RC, resistance capacitance. It's
`essentially one big capacitor divided into M by N
`pixels. Now RC circuits don't like to be kicked
`around. You try to push them, they push back at
`you. You turn them off. They are still charged,
`drained from the capacitor part of it.
` So

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