United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
` Kozaki et al. [45] Date of Patent: Jul. 30, 1991
`S“V",‘°h_’ K‘’“‘‘’? M‘_‘‘‘“‘‘’. O_'‘“‘‘‘’
`Fumialu Funada; Ker Sasaki, all of
`Nara; Hideo Saito; Fusayuki
`Takeshita, both of Chiba, all of Japan
`[731 Assignees: ' Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha & Chisso
`Com. 61991 10 099 07301991 JPX
`Japan 09061989 1-232372 6 I
`Thomas; Alexander S. 6 9 ll; Chisso
`Corp., both of Osaka, Japan
`. N .:

`1 Appl
`sep‘ 4’ 1990
`[22] Filed‘
`Foreign Application priority Data
`Miiffii: 1333 313%
`123:: :11:1"""""""":::::::::::::..‘Z3313
`Int. Cl.5 .............................................. .. C09K 3/34
`[52] U.S. Cl. ........................................ 428/1; 350/340;
`[53] Field of Search ............... 428/1; 350/341, 350 R,
`References Cited
`3/1990 Mochizuki ............................ .. 423/1
`Primary Exarr1iner——Alexande1" S. Thomas
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Birch, Stewart, Kolasch &
`Disclosed is an improvement of an active matrix type
`liquid crystal display device using a combination of; a
`specific mixed liquid crystal and a specific polyimide
`orientation film-
`6 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
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`U.S. Patent
`July 30, 1991
`Sheet 1 pr 6
`Fig. /
` ;':~
` rlzlllla
`9 9
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`U.S. Patent
`July 30, 1991
`Shéet 2 of 5
`Fig. 2
`Oscil loscope'
`Liquid crystal cell
`9‘ 69ps
`VG _L__JL___JL_
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`US. Patent
`July 30, 1991
`Sheet 3 of 6
`Fig. 3
`§h\\.\.Nm§ wnIuaNsu\.N.\
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`U.S. Patent
`July 30, 1991
`Sheet 4 of 6
`Fig. 5
`Fig. 6
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`U.S. Patent
`July 30,1991
`Sheet 5 of_6
`Fig. 7
`F /' g . 8
`V0 0
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`U.S. Patént
`July 30, 1991
`_Sheet 6 of 6
`Fig. 9
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`The present invention relates to an active matrix type
`liquid crystal display device.
`resistance is caused by electroconductive materials,
`such as contaminations externally introduced into the
`liquid crystal or decomposed materials of the liquid
`crystal. Accordingly,
`the charged voltage Vp, as
`shown in FIG. 8, discharges though the liquid crystal
`layer to result in decrease of voltage with time. The
`smaller the specific resistance, the larger the decrease of
`voltage In FIG. 9, a voltage wave applied to the liquid
`crystal layer is shown in case where PCH type liquid
`The active matrix type liquid crystal device, in which
`the non-linear active element (e.g. the switching transis- 10 e,-ysta] layer is shown in case where PCH type fiqujd
`tor) is attached to each picture element, has become
`' crystal
`important and useful for pocketable color televisions
`and computer terminals, because the device provides
`pictures with high contrast and no cross-talk phenome-
`non by the switching function of the non-linear active 15
`element. For making such devices colorized, four pro-
`cesses have been proposed,
`i.e. (l) a guest and host
`effect process wherein a colorant is mixed in a liquid
`Whefelh R 1'ePYesehts an alkyl 8l’°“P) h3V1h8 3- P0slt1Ve
`crystal, (2) a twisted nematic (TN) process using a col-
`ored polarizing panel, (3) an ECB (electrically con- 20 dleleetfle 3hls0tT0PY ls emPl0Yed- FlG- 9 (C) sh0Ws 3
`trolled birefringence) process using the birefringence
`VD ‘/Oltage W3‘/e at 25 ° C- and FIG 9 (d) sh0WS 3 VD
`phenomenon of a liquid crystal by means of electric
`voltage at 80 " C. This shows that the smaller the spe-
`field, (4) a color filter process wherein a color filter
`cific resistance of the liquid ‘crystal, the smaller the
`layer Which iS C0l0feCl With red, green and blue are
`effective voltage applied to the liquid crystal layer. In
`formed lh 3 lltll-ltd CTYst3l Cell and the liquid Crystal 25 order to evaluate the decreasing amount of the effective
`layer is used as light shutter. In the four processes, the
`vonage, a voltage retention (95,) is introduced as a pa-
`e0l01' filter Preeess (4) is the m0st Useful and important
`rameter. The voltage retention is defined effective value
`process, because the process can provide more contrast
`of actual VD Voltage divided by effective value of VD
`fl1llCOl.Ol'.plC.tLlI‘eS. In this color filter process, twisted
`Voltage’ when a resistant eomponem Ofthe liquid e1.yS_
`“mane hqmd CryS.ta1 15 e.mp1°.yed'
`30 tal are indefinitely high. The voltage retentions in FIG.
`The process (4) is classified into two ‘groups in view
`9 (C) and (d) are respectively 97% and 92%. AS ie
`of the ammgmg way of the two polanzmg panels‘ one
`known to the art since li uid cr stal exhibits accumula-
`is normally black process wherein the device displays
`ff’ t.
`t ylt
`eh d.
`black color at no applied voltage (at OFF position),
`we r.eSP°nsee e°.M.3 agams V0 age’
`lsp aye .2“-
`thue the polarizing panels being parallel with each 35 acteristics ofthe liquid crystal depend on the effective
`other. The other is normally white process wherein the
`Voltage apphed to th°_hq“ld crystal and thefefore a
`device displays white at no applied voltage (at off posi—
`decrease Of the effefillve Voltage reduce? _d15Pla_yed
`tion), thus the polarizing panels being orthogonal with
`picture contrast. _In viewof practical use, it is desired
`each other. Preferred is the normally white process in
`that the Veltage 1'etehtl0h 15 93% OT m0l'e at 3 maximum
`view of display characteristics, such as displayed pic- 40 Cll'lVlhS temPeT3tlh'e- A5 l5 ePP3l'eht from the 3h°Ve> the
`ture contrast, color reproducibility and dependency on
`voltage retention depends on the product of capacity of
`visual angle of displayed picture,
`if sufficiently high
`the liquid crystal (CLC) and resistance R1_c) (Time Con-
`applied voltage can be ensured.
`stant), i.e. the product of specific dielectric constant L
`FIG. 4(a) and (b) schematically show a liquid crystal
`(A5) and specific resistance. In order to enhance the
`display device to which 3 Switching transistor q is at- 45 voltage retention,
`is required to increase the time
`tached. The switching transistors q and picture element
`‘constant of the liquid crystal, but B, Rjeger eta], have
`eleetfedes C are fefmed at lhtetseetlohs Of signal elee'
`found that the time constant is tend to decrease as the
`"Odes 3 and scanning eleetredes ha and the elements 3-
`specific dielectric constant increases (B. Rieger
`b, c and q are all formed on a first substrate d. A counter
`13th. he Symp_ on Lid. Crystal. Freiburg (1939))
`electrode 3 15 f°rmed_ °“ 3 5°°°“d Substrate fr ahd 3 50
`Accordingly, in order to increase the voltage reten-
`liquid crystal layer g is held. between the first and sec-
`tion, the specific dielectric constant of the liquid crystal
`should be lowered. This, however, means that the driv-
`respectively shown in _FIG. 5 and FIG. 6 (a)-(c). In
`age!‘/eoltlgfifesifigerggggfirystal becomes hlgher In vlew
`FIGS. 5 and 6, if the scanning signal VG which is ap- 55
`plied to the scanning electrode b turns on the transistor
`q, the signal voltage V5 which is applied to the signal
`electrode a is charged between the first and second
`substrates d and f, because the liquid crystal layer g is
`functioned as a condenser CLc. The charged voltage is 60 Whetelh Vrh=th1'eSl10_lCl Voltage of liquid crystal, K:e1as-
`kept between the substrates until
`the transistor q is
`“C °°n5la“l Of hqlfld Crystal Thls Causes many Prob’
`turned on Accordingly, a Voltage \/Dis applied on the
`lems such as the increase of demand voltage of the
`liquid crystal q at the same time as the static drive to
`circuit and the use of a circuit element which is resistant
`display picture_
`to high voltage. This raises more serious problems in
`The above described FIG. 5 show ideal picture ele- 65 case of projection type liquid crystal display devices
`and liquid crystal display devices for automobiles which
`ments, but actually as shown in FIG. 7, the liquid crys-
`are used at a high ambient temperature, as well as com-
`tal layer has a resistant component r which is equivalent
`to an electrical resistance RLC. It is believed that the
`puter display of fine and high capacity.
`V” °:
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`The present invention provides an active matrix type
`liquid crystal display device which does» not have the
`above mentioned problems. The liquid crystal display 5
`device comprises
`a first substrate having thereon a switching transistor
`and a picture element electrode at an intersection of a
`wherein n is an integer of 1 to 10,
`signal electrode and a scanning electrode,
`t 1
`t 1
`t d
`a second substrate having a counter electrode at least 10 by(b) a
`eas one lqul crys a Compoun represen e
`on an area facing said picture element electrode,
`orientation films formed on said first and second sub-
`strates with facing each other, and
`a mixed liquid crystal layer held between said first 15
`and second substrates at a constant thickness,
`characterized in that said mixed liquid crystal com-
`prises, as liquid crystal compound having a positive
`dielectric anisotropy,
`(a) at least one liquid crystal compound represented 20 Whefeifl 111 is an integer Of 1 to 10»
`(c) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
`wherein n is an integer of l to 10,
`(b) at least one liquid crystal compound represented Where” P ‘S 3“ mteger °f 1 to 10: and
`(d) at least one liquid crystal compound represented_
`wherein m is an integer of 1 to 10, and
`(c) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
`(CH2)2 a © F
`wherein q is an integer of 1 to 10.
`The mixed liquid crystal can also be changed to a
`mixture comprising
`(a) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
`wherein p is an integer of l to 10, and
`said orientation films are formed from a polyimide hav-
`ing a main Chain represented by
`55 wherein n is an integer of l to 10
`(c) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
`wherein X represents 0, CH2 or C(CH3)2.
`The mixed liquid crystal can be changed to a mixture 55
`(a) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
`wherein p is an integer of 1 to 10,
`(e) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
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`wherein r is an integer of l to l0,
`(0 at least one liquid crystal compound represented
`wherein s and s’ are respectively an integer of l 20 to 10,
`should be selected. Each Np compound is poured in a
`liquid crystal cell for determining the voltage retention
`(%) which is determined using a retention measuring
`system which is shown in FIG. 2. A construction of the
`liquid crystal cell for determining voltage retention is
`shown in FIG. 3. A transparent insulating substrate 18 is
`formed on the substrate 18 and an orientation film 22a is
`formed thereon to form an electrode substrate 16. An
`electrode 21 is formed on a transparent insulating sub-
`strate 19 which is formed from glass, quartz and the like,
`on which a orientation film 22b is formed, thus obtain-
`ing a counter electrode substrate 17. The orientation
`films 22a and 22b are provided for orientating liquid
`crystal molecules to a certain direction to form a
`twisted nematic liquid crystal layer 23. The films 22a
`and 22b are a polyimide film which has a main chain
`represented by
`(g) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
`wherein t and t’ are respectively an integer of l to 10.
`The device has a high voltage retnetion, even if a
`specific dielectric constant (As) of the liquid crystal is
`high. Accordingly, a discharging voltage can be made
`very small, and the device has very good display char-
`In order to realize a liquid crystal device which has a
`high voltage retention and can be driven with a low
`driving voltage, a liquidcrystal which has a positive
`specific dielectric constant anisotropy (Np compound)
`They are prepared by coating a solution of an aliphatic
`tetracarboxylic anhydride and derivative having a main
`chain of the formula (II) in gamma-butyl lactone on the
`substrate using a spinner coat, a roll coat or a printing
`method, followed by curing at 180° C. for one hour and
`rubbing the surface threreof. The orientation films 22a
`and 22b twist by 90° the longitudinal axes of the liquid
`crystal molecules between the electrode substrates 16
`and 17. A voltage is applied across the twisted nematic
`liquid crystal layer 23 through the electrodes 20 and 21
`which are transparent electrodes prepared from In2O3,
`etc. As is shown in FIG. 2, a switching transistor (FET)
`and a driving circuit 24 are connected with the display
`to apply a voltage between the electrode substrates 22a
`and 22b. A circuit 25 for measuring a discharging
`amount of electric charge which is reserved in the liq-
`uid crystal layer 23 is also connected with the electrode
`substrates 22a and 22b.
`Some mixed liquid crystals were formulated from the
`compositions as shown in Table 1 and their voltage
`retentions were measured using the above mentioned
`circuit. The results are shown in Table 1.
`composition retention
`Mixed liquid crystal
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`TABLE 1-continued
` N0. Mixed liquid crystal composition retention Evaluation
`C3H7 (CH2)2F1=
`80% V
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`TABLE 1-continued
` NO. Mixed liquid crystal composition retention Evaluation
`NO 1
`I 6%
`N0. l
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`TABLE 1-continued
`composition retention
`Mixed liquid crystal
`C5Hll C0O F
`NO 1
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`TABLE l-continued
`Mixed liquid crystal
`composition retention
`No. 1 47%
`As is apparent from Table 1, the mixed liquid crystals
`orientation films 10a and 10b are provided for twisting
`1 to 3, 8 and 9 are preferred in view of voltage
`the liquid crystal molecules of the twisted nematic liq-
`retention, but the others have poor voltage retentions.
`uid crystal layer 7 and composed of a polyimide film as
`FIG. 1 schematically shows a construction of the
`active matrix type liquid crystal display of the present 50 shown in the formula (II) which has been rubbed. The
`invention. In FIG. 1, a twisted nematic liquid crystal
`formula (II) shows that in the formula (I) X is CH2, but
`layer 7 is held between a display electrode substrate 5
`the others, i.e. 0, C(CH3)2, show the same results. The
`and a counter electrode substrate 6. The display elec-
`orientation films 10a and 10!) may twist the longitudinal
`trode substrate 5 is composed of a transparent insulating
`axes of the liquid crystal molecules within the range of
`substrate 8 which is prepared from glass, quartz etc., a 55 60 to 270° between the display electrode substrate 5 and
`picture system including a picture electrode 9 formed
`. counter electrode substrate 6, but preferred is 90° for
`on the substrate 8 and an orientation film 100 formed
`obtaining contrasty pictures. The thickness of the liquid
`thereon. The switching transistor includes a-Si, P-Si
`crystal layer is set 5.0 micrometer in view of response
`thin film transistor (TFT) and the like. The counter
`properties, visual angle properties and color hue. The
`electrode 6 is composed of a transparent insulating sub- 50 color filter 12 can be dyed by electrocoating, color ink
`strate 11 prepared from glass, quartz et., a color filter 12
`printing and the like. In the present invention, a gelatin
`formed thereon, a transparent counter electrode 13
`film with about 1 micrometer thickness is patterned by
`formed on the color filter 12 and an orientation film 10b
`photolithography and then dyed with three primary
`formed on the electrode 13. The color filter 12 is col-
`color (red green and blue). The twisted nematic liquid
`ored three colors, e.g. red, green and blue, which face 65 crystal layer 7 is sealed and kept a desired thickness
`with an epoxy resin seal 15. A An-d value (An show a
`eachpicture element. The picture electrode 9 and the
`birefringence of the liquid crystal and d is a thickness of
`counter electrode 13 are transparent and prepared from
`the liquid crystal layer) of the liquid crystal display is
`In2O3, with which a driving circuit 14 is connected. The
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`retentions are poor in comparison with the device of the
`preferably set within the range of 0.3 to 0.6 micrometer
`present invention.
`to obtain contrasty pictures having a wide visual angle
`_Chemical structure of polarizing "film
`N: :@ >~—©—o
`/ N
`in case of the normally white process.
`As the result of the voltage retention test as men-
`tioned above, the mixed liquid crystals Nos. 3, 8 and 9 25
`(are selected. The No. 3 and No. 8 liquid crystals
`showed a An value of 0.08, thus And being 0.4 microm-
`eter. The No. 9 liquid crystal showed a An value of 0.09,
`thus An-d being 0.45 micrometer. In FIG. 1, numbers 3
`and 4 indicate polarizing plates which are present on the 30 BRIEF EXPLANATION OF THE DRAWINGS
`Oute1' Surface Of the hquid Crystal element» The PO1a1'iZ'
`FIG. 1 is a sectional view which schematically shows
`hi8 axis Of the PO1a1’tZh18 Plate is O1’thO8Oha1 with the
`the liquid crystal display device of the present inven-
`longitudinal axes of the liquid crystal molecules which
`are adjacent tO the PO1a1’tZh18 P1ate- Thus: the axes Of
`FIG. 2 is a system drawing for measuring the voltage
`the polarizing plates 3 and 4 are orthogonal with each 35 retention of 3 liquid crysta1_
`Othe1'- The Ohtathed heluid e1'Y5ta1 display deVtOe Of the
`FIG. 3 is s sectional view which schematically shows
`Present hwehtieh Was eVah-lated Oh e1eOtTO‘OPtt°a1
`the liquid crystal cell for measuring the voltage reten-
`properties and an aging test with passing electric cur-
`tion of a liquid C,-y5ta1_
`rent at an ambient temperature of 80° C. The results are
`FIG. 4 Shows a construction of the liquid crystal
`ShOWuh1 Table 2-
`40 display device to which a switching transistor is at-
`FIG. 5 shows an ideal equivalent ClI'Cu1t of one pic-
` o'3 Na 8 No. 9 Conventional one
`——-———-—-————-:-———-—-—-— ture element.
`Th’°Sh°1d "°”“g°
`FIG. 6 shows a driving voltage wave of the circuit of
`45 F1G- 5-
`TNI (°C.)
`FIG. 7 shows an actual equivalent circuit of one
`Voltage retention
`picture element.
`831:3‘: mention
`FIG. 8 shows a driving voltage wave of the circuit of
`Aging test
`No change
`Nonuniformity in
`FIG. 9 shows a voltage wave which is applied to the
`(Vrms = 4 V.
`displayed Picture
`liquid crystal layer of the present invention.
`me’ L000 h°“’5)
`What is claimed is:
`1. An active matrix type liquid crystal display device
`a first substrate having thereon a switching transistor
`and a picture element electrode at an intersection
`of a signal electrode and a scanning electrode,
`a second substrate having a counter electrode at least
`on an area facing said picture element electrode,
`orientation films formed on said first and second with
`facing each other, and
`a mixed liquid crystal layer held between said first
`and second substrates at a constant thickness,
`characterized in that said mixed liquid crystal com-
`prises, as liquid crystal compound having a positive
`dielectric anisotropy,
`(a) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
`As is apparent from the above results, the device of
`the present invention has very good display characteris- 55
`tics after the aging test with passing electric current.
`For comparison, a conventional mixed liquid crystal
`(cyano-phenyl chyclohexan) were employed and the
`same evaluations were made. The results are shown in
`Table 2.
`Liquid crystal display devices were produced as gen-
`erally described in the above mentioned preferred em-
`bodiment, with the exception that the polyimide orien- 65
`tation films are changed to those as shown in Table 3.
`The voltage retention was evaluated as mentioned
`above and the results are shown in Table 3. The voltage
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`CnH2n+l F
`wherein n is an integer of 1 to 10,
`.(b)b2)1]t leastoneliquidcrystal compoundrepresented 10 C2H5 (CH2)2FF
`CmH2m+l (CH2)2 F
`C3H7 V
`H@ FF
`(CH2)2 a Q F
`3. An active matrix liquid crystal display device com-
`wherein in is an integer of l to 10, and
`(c) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
`_wher_°in p_iS an integer °f 1 to 10’ and
`said orientation films are formed from a polyimide
`having 3 mm“ chain represented by
`wherein X represents 0, CH2 or C(CH3)2.
`2. The liquid crystal display device according to
`claim 1 wherein said mixed liquid crystal comprises, as 45
`liquid crystal compound having a. positive dielectric
`30 prising
`a first substrate having thereon a switchingtransistor
`and a picture element electrode at an intersection
`of a Signal electrode and a scanning electrode
`a second substrate having a counter electrode at least
`on an area facing said picture element electrode,
`orientation films formed on said first and second sub-
`strates with facing each other, and
`a mixed liquid "crystal layer held between said first
`and second substrates at a constant thickness,
`characterized in that said mixed liquid crystal com-
`prises, as liquid crystal compound having a positive
`dielectric anismr0133’,
`(3) at least One liquid Crystal 00111130111151 represented
`wherein n is an integer of 1 to 10,
`(b) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
`wherein m is an integer of.l to 10,
`(c) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
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`CPI-l2p.,.1~ —(CH2)2F
`C3H7 (CH2)2F
`wherein p is an integer of 1 to l0, and
`(d)b:t least one liquid crystal compound represented 10
`(cflm a Q F
`wherein q is an integer of l to 10, and
`said orientation films are formed from a polyimide
`having a main chain represented by
`wherein X represents 0, CH2 or C(CH3)2.
`4. The liquid crystal display device according to
`5. An active matrix liquid crystal display device com-
`".n 3 wherein Sald mlxed Crystal .C°mp.1-lses’ ‘.15
`liquid crystal compound having a positive dielectric 35 prising
`a first substrate having thereon a switching transistor
`and a picture element electrode at an intersection
`of a signal electrode and a scanning electrode,
`a second substrate having a counter electrode at least
`on an area facing said picture element electrode,
`orientation films formed on said first and second sub-
`strates with facing each other, and
`a mixed liquid crystal layer held between said first
`and second substrates at a constant thickness,
`characterized in that said mixed liquid crystal com-
`prises, as liquid crystal compound having a positive
`dielectric anisotropy,
`(a) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
`C H
`C H
`wherein n is an integer of l to 10,
`(c) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
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`wherein p is an integer of 1 to 10,
`(e) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
`wherein r is an integer of 1 to 10,
`(f) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
`C5311 Q a Q F
`wherein s and s’ are respectively an integer of 1 to 29
`10, and
`(g) at least one liquid crystal compound represented
`CrH21+1 6 © 0CrH2r+1
`wherein t and t’ are respectively an integer of l to 30
`l0 and
`said orientation films are formed from a polyimide
`having a main chain represented by
`wherein X represents 0, CH2, or C(CH3)2.
`6. The liquid crystal display device according to
`claim 5 wherein said mixed liquid crystal comprises, as
`liquid crystal compound having a positive dielectric
`CZHS 4 © © F
`C3H7 F
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`July 30, 1991
`Kgzaki et al
`It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby
`conected as shown below:
`on the title page
`Item [73],Ass1gnee change "Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha
`& Chisso Corp., 61991 10 099 07301991 JPX Japan 09061989
`1—232372 6 l 1 Thomas; Alexander S.
`6 9 ll; Chisso Corp.,
`both of Osaka, Japan" to
`-—Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 22-22, Nagaike-cho, Abeno-ku,
`Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan and Chisso Corporation 3-6-32,
`Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan—-
`Signed and Sealed this
`Thirtieth Day of March, 1993
`Arresting Ofiicer
`Acting Conznlissianer of Patents and Trademark:
`SEC v. Surpass Tech, |PR2015—OO887
`SAMSUNG EX. 1022 — 19/19
`SEC v. Surpass Tech, IPR2015-00887
`SAMSUNG EX. 1022 - 19/19

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