`USP 36
`NF 31
`Volume 1
`By Gut/'70/‘ity of the United Slates; Pimrriiacopeicil COI‘1V€‘I’1Z'/OM
`Prepared by the Council of Experts; and its; Expert“ C0rriI7”IifZ‘€e5
`Official from May 7, 2013
`"1"iw <f,i(Z’Si{.:]T"1£i1U(.‘)f""! on the mver of1;i"iia publication, ”USP NF 2013,” ifs for eeise of
`1£1€;?f1T,11Mi£Zi:“l'[‘i(‘JI"1 oiiiy. The publicjatiiori c0r11:airis two SEé§J<':‘1l"a1;E* CO!T1[f}F3i"1CiiaZ "!“i’ii.:*
`Stcitm: /3‘/’i«:iri7'iciwpie?i'ci,
`'Tii1irty—;‘i3i><'th Revirsicm, and The Natioricil F50/mu/ary,
`Ed i ti <1; ri .
`12601 ‘”fwinbrm1a Parkway, Roclizviile,
`1‘v1[") 2085.32
`Page 1
`CUBIST 2302
`Page 1
`CUBIST 2302

`USP 36
`The United Ercites Pnarmcicopeici-Natiorial Forrriuiciry and its supplements become official six months after being released to
`the public. The USP—MF, whic i
`is r'e|‘eased on hlcivernher l oi eacli year, becomes official on May ‘I of the following year. This
`six—rrion‘th implemeritation timing gives users more time to bring their methods and procedures into compliance with new
`and revised UEP—/W3 requirements.
`The table below describes the official dates of the U5P——i\/F and its supplements. The 20ll USP 3.9---NF 30, and its supple»
`merits, /riterirri Revision Aririouncerrierirs (IRAs) and ltevisiori milletiris to that edition, will be official until May 1, 2013, at which
`time the USP 36~l\lF 37 becomes official.
`USP 36--NF Ji
`First Euppierrienl to the
`USP 36 NF 3i
`Second Supp/ernent to the
`USP 35--NF 3 7
`USP 37—i\iF 32
`Release Da’te__
`liioverriber 1, ZUIZ
`February 1, 2013
`lime i, 201%
`Noveiiiber l, 201 3
`Official Date
`May I, 2t)‘l 5
`August 1, 2013
`Decernber 1, 201'}
`May l, 2014
`_ __,Q_f_flC_l__§l,l__ Until
`May 1, 2014 (except as siipersedecl by supplemerits,
`May l, 2014 (except as stiprzrsibclrrcl by Secorici Eu/J/J/einei‘ii, ill/ii,
`eintljievisiori Bu/leririsl,
`May I, 2014 (except as supers" ‘
`May I, 2015 (except as siiperaeded by supp tincnts, IRAs, and
`i(e._\_./_i§iori _i3ii/ieriris)
`The table below gives .he details of the IR/ls that will apply to USP 3r5~/VF 37.
`ABA........:.................,_......,. PF Ifestsir-_si..l2e §;i.,tg eesE::7 .._LI1.A.r:9_s1:r;g_I3:
`March 3'], 2013
`V __ay 3_jl,_,_20’l’3
`March ‘l
`May si 2013
`u_ly 25 2oi3
`lulv 3'1. 2013
`Septerriber 27 Z91
`lulvz 2013 _ W
`Begtember 30, 20133“_____M ovember 29,_ ,
`Nor/erriber 30 20__l_'5__
`anuary 31, 20l__A_i
`l‘\lW.e,n‘i,bs‘,r. "1, Ni 3
`Ianuarv 3i, 201:4
`Merci‘! 28 Z91‘)....................
`W N-:l£l:”i;:l:::‘ilLfl_i_¢lj&3I1:):z;__t_;e:_m::::'MMnn:::
`li,i_]y___l 2013
`§Opi.t3M_i_T_1lQfi§rl 20l3___m(((((,_
`_(:{_T"Il‘)I£‘i' i 201 ;i________‘_
`7.()'l4 __________
`__ cl _,,20l4 __u_
`Revision i3‘ul/eriris publis' ed on the USP website become official on the date specified in the /ievi.sioi'i Biri/etin.
`Concerning U.5. Pcitent or Trademark Ri'giits—The inclusion in The United States Plicirmricopeici or in the hltiZ'/O/’lCi/ Forrriuiary of
`monograph on any drug in respectto which patent or trademark rights may exist shall not be deemed, and is not iritenclecl
`as, a grant of, or authority to exercise, any right or privilege protected by such patent or tradernarlt. All such rights and
`privileges are vested in the patent or tradernarlt owner, and no other person may exercise the same without eiipress
`permission, authority, or license secured from such patent or trademarl< owner.
`Concernirig Use of USP or NF Text—«Attention is called to the fact that USP and NF text is fully copyrighted. Authors and
`others wishing to use portions of the text should request permission to do so from the Eiecretary Oll‘[l'iQ UBPC Board of
`Copyright to 2012 The United States Pharrriacopeial Convention
`‘l 2601 Twinbroolr. Parkway, Rockville, MD 20852
`All rights reserved.
`ISSN: O"l95«7996
`ISBN: 978-L936424-i 22
`Printed in the United States by United Book Press, Inc., Baltimore, MD
`Page 2
`Page 2

`90 (81) Antibiotics-—ls/licrobial Assays / B/0/09/CCl/ T9515
`USP 36
`Table A2-ll. Test for Uutlier Measurements
`i m gles lronn a normal population, gaps equal to or larger tiiaii the following values of Ci, ()2, and C; occur with a probability P 2 0.01, when“
`oltitlilerlrneasurements can occur only at one end‘ or with P5 0.92 when they ma
`occur___at either end.
`'1 l
`_ " '
`~_ _
`@643 ,_
`ll 3
`0.617 .
`, _,
`(85) BACTERlAL EhlDOTOXll‘slS
`“Portions of this general chapter have been l’lal’lTiOl"IlZ€‘Cl
`with the corresponding texts of the European Phorrricicripoeio
`and/or the /ciponese Pharmacopoeia. Those portions that are
`not harmonized are marlted with symbols (M) to specify this
`mgllhwe Bacterial Eridotoxins Test (BET) is a test to detect or
`quantity endotoxins from Cram-new ative bacteria using
`amoebocyte lysate frorri the horses oe crab (L/rriiilus poly-
`pherrius or Tochyp/eus ti‘/dentotus).
`There are three techniques for this test: the gel«clot tech
`nique, which is based on
`el formation; the turbidirnetric
`technique, based on the tevelopmeni: of turbidity after
`cleavage of an endogenous substrate; and the chromogenic
`technique, based on the development of color after cleav-
`age of a synthetic peptideclirornogen complex. Proceed by
`any of the three techniques for the test.
`in the event of
`doubt or dispute, the final decision is ‘made based upon the
`gel»clot limit test unless otherwise indicated in the mono— _
`graph for the prodiict being tested.
`is carried out in
`a manner that avoids enclotoxiri contamination.
`Depyrogenate all glassware and other heat—stable materi-
`als in a hot air oven using a validated processfll. A coin
`monly used minimum time and temperature is 30 min at
`If employing plastic apparatus, such as mici‘oplates .
`and pipet tips for automatic pipetters, use apparatus that is
`shown to be free oi detectable endotoxin and does not in-
`terfere in the test. [isiort-ln this chapter, the term ”tube”
`includes any other receptacle such as a microtiter well.j
`Amoebocyte Lysatee/ii lyophilized product obtained
`from the lysate of amoebocytes (white blood cells) from the
`horseshoe crab (Liiriulus polypherrius or Tuchyp/eus‘
`trideritorus). This reagent refers oni
`to a product manufac—
`tured in accordance with the regu ations of the competent
`authority. [N(‘)TE~«-—Amoebotfyte Lysote reacts to some [3-glu-
`cans in addition to endotoxins. Arrioebocyte L sate prepara-
`tions that do not react to glucans are availab e: they are
`prepared by removing the C3 factor reacting to glucans from
`Arrioebocyte Lysote or by inhibiting the C factor reacting sys-
`tem of Arrioebocyte Lysqte and rnay be used for endotoxin
`testing in the presence of glucansj
`Water for Bacterial Endotoxins Test (BET)e-«Use Water
`for injection or water pr'oducer_l by other procedures that
`M pol; ti V/I-alidity test of the procedi.irr.: for iriactivaiing enclotmiiiis, s
`i-lent S'rr~ri/izatiori under Siiarilizaiioii and sterility Assurance of (.017) Jendiol Art»
`rfp: ‘/1
`1 i um Lyscile T3 having a sensitivity of not less than 0." E Endotoxin
`Unit per mL..
`Page 3
`shows no reaction with the lysate employed, at the detec-»
`tion limit of the reagent.
`Lysate T5—~Dis.solve Arrioebocyte Lysoie in Water for BET,
`or in a butter recommended by the lysate mariuiacturer, by
`entle stirring. Store the reconstituted lysate, refrigerated or
`rozen, according to the specificatioris of the i"nanuia<:turer.
`Standard Endotoxin Stock S2o|utiori-»A ;'itr.‘ir'ic/aid Eric/o«
`toxin Stock Solutiori is prepared from a USP Eiidotoxin Refer-
`ence Standard that has been calibrated to the current Wl-10
`international Standard for Endotoxin. Follow the specitica
`‘Lions in the package leaflet and on the label for preparation
`and storage of the Sioricr/ord EI"I(/Ol())tlIi Stocli .S"o/Litiori. El"it',lt')-
`expressed in Endotoxin Units (EU).
`[l~J(_")"l"E------~~One USP
`Endotoxin Unit (EU) is equal to one International Unit (iii)
`of endotoxin]
`Standard Eridotoxin Eolutions--—~After mixiiig the fituri»
`dord EI’idOl'0XlI’i Stock Solution vigorously, prepare appropriate
`serial dilutions of Etaridord Eridotoxiri Solis/tion, usin Water’
`for BET. Use dilutions as soon as possible to avoid oss of
`activity by adsorption.
`Sample Eolutions—«~Prepare the Scirriple SO/l.Il’lt)I’lS by dis-
`solving or diluting drugs using Water for BET. Some sub
`stances or preparations may be more appropriately dis
`solved, or diluted in other aqueous solutions.
`if iieressary,
`adjust the pH of the solution to be examined (or dilution
`thereof) so that the pH of the mixture of the lysato and
`Sample Solution falls within the pH rance specified by the.
`lysate manufacturer, usually 6.0---8.0. Til? pi~l may be ad»
`justed b use of an acid, base, or suitable buffer as recom~
`by the lysate manufacturer. Acids and bases ma
`be prepared from concentrates or solids with Water for BET
`in containers free oi detectable eiidotoxln. Buffers must be
`validated to be free of detectable endotoxin and interfering
`The maximum valid dilution is the rna>iirriurn allowable
`dilution of a specimen at which the erir_loti..i>v.iri limit can be
`determined. Determine the MVD from the following
`MVD = (endotoxin limit
`concentratiori of .’>7i.irrip/e .So/ui‘iori)/
`Endotoxin Limit-—The endotoxin limit for parenteral
`drugs, defined on the basis of dose, equals K/ll/1%,, where K
`f» K is 5 lJSl“’-~t.U/kg oi lziody wi:iql‘il. for any route of :idinli”iis‘tratlon otliui' than
`9. 3c.1~< E
`iiitratlwcal (tor whlcth it is 0.2 USP~l1l.J/liq
`t‘). For i'ei<.llopii;irim.
`ceuliral products not adiriinistoretl iriti‘a'll'iecully, t‘
`_oxin limit i
` as 'l 75 EU/l/, where l/ is the rnaximum iettoin
`oeci dose in n
`admlnisleietl radiopharn‘ia(:eutir;a|s,
`the ondoioxin limit is ob»,
`tainsid by two lorrnula l4 EU/V. For forn'iulutioris (usiially 2‘irit'ii:ai‘icer products)
`aitlinimtered on a per square. rrieter of lziody iuria 2, the lormula is K/M
`where K ..-I ltiii Fl.)/nv and M is the inaxinium close:/n'i'..
`Page 3

`U S; l9 3 (:3
`[ml/l,lg/ml’ Tam /
`l£alclel‘ll2ll Er“ld0l;cw<l'rl:5 ”l"e5t Ell
`l;l'll'OLlgll‘l 9ll“30ul
`l.l.lll‘l l.lill:ll'lly lmrll ilwa: lllf.l,llMl.()f, allll lllvert ii
`MO" in one ootll l‘l"l(.‘)l,lOl"l,
`ll liml gel has l'ol'l’r‘lle<.l ‘lilmt
`l.lw;~ TC*SLlll'
`rim; lrJrl‘l'll.acl.
`lllla» llgwl.
`,lllU wl
`.>UllJl.lClili5 Y>‘l'l(JW5 ll
`l'|lE'g'cll.l‘/E rmilli ill all re"
`l;l"le aerles of
`is llll: mlalllcsl; l:;l;>l“ll:l:l‘ltl'al:il:>rl
`llw el"ldp0ll‘"ll;
`l’QaSll"lg wl"lcel'll;ral’iol"ll; ol E»,.il‘lClEll‘d l3l“ldotoMil“l tlwll clam;
`ll)’5£:lt‘li’. D€?U3rl’l’lll"l(€
`tllll (.)€£*Oll‘"llE."lLl”l(_"
`lllealrl el"lcll.milli by call-
`mg ille l‘“i'
`ll oi t,l
`lzlrlll”lr“m of ills: lEl"l polllt coll-
`('.E.?l'll,lE,lll()l‘l‘:l Of
`lrgllll" ll:pll<.clI,
`Ffllf“ l_ll"lcl
`‘lLal“lfl? llle
`J1l""I{lll')g«”fll‘lT.l‘ll'l'l ol tlle rl‘ll3alrl Wllllléi, as ll"ll;ilr
`lllla allow-
`img ‘l0m‘ll,lllql:
` l’T‘ll:“cll"l‘lcJpol'l‘lt C'f.ll'l('.6l“l'Zl'a1llIJl"l : zlrltllog (L;»3,’f)
`Wl'll':l‘lI:,‘ 15.9 ll; tlw: sum of l_l“ll.«.-2 log lelldpcyilll l’j«’_)l”lC€l"lLl‘€ll§lOl‘lE
`f3f3l'll:.“5 llrleelgl,
`l:llll.:l /la l.l“l€t,‘
`llLll'T1bF,£r of l'r;-pllclglil;
`, "l‘l'll.3 gmjlllea "ll.
`l*wllll el‘ll.ll.l0il‘ll,
`llll"lrJl3ll‘£ral:llJl”1 13 till,
`(ill kl.)/ll*lL).
`If l.:l‘l§:3
`"l’;ll‘lVity of ll‘l(:‘% ly
`‘U‘ll3l‘l 2'/.., llw l;€‘tl_)€lE“
`‘l Sf;‘*llE§l‘l.‘~.ll'l;y
`lrm llmll 06% and rwl: l‘l”iOr¢“
`ill l:l.llllill“l“led l,‘ll1lll
`is; Llfiififfd ill
`1.5. pl-; Ul"l"l'”l
`gsl wil_‘r“l lllls lyss
`Teal: fol‘ lnterferll‘lg F€l(It0l‘L'>'~-'~*-U
`lily l:ll'epal'l3 5oll.ll,iolla
`5‘/l~--D) all 3.llOWl”l
`ill Tcllllw 7, llllh l_l€:fll'Flll’lTi|
`lllvzz ll“ll'lil:3ill<:ll’“l/l;er‘l—
`etlrll lml. OH l.l'l€;‘
`.5’l,ll‘ll;9/ls» Solul/«::ll'li
`dllLJl.lOfl lam
`ll»/ll/I"), lwl wl‘ll_llil“lil“lg ally Cll“‘l<‘Cl&‘ll.")lP a;»lll,loil;'mim;,
`l)pl+l'l:lllllg ll
`i‘c;l‘ll;>l::l,l lm lml frll ("l’llll'l'ml'
`ll of Lcllllal/mil
`5l;'ll.*.lz'l.l'lx/Ky. ‘llw l.}lel:ll“l“le‘l,l‘i
`if“ H
`55)/lllll/Clflfi 6' allllrl
`l.l'll2 ‘ml for Fl
`il‘rl*ll;ll‘/ml all Lalrleled l
`{ml ‘fr
`ll "rl‘ ’
`ljll-3 W;
`gllly (.',‘{.>l”ldll.lOi"l
`c;l*l;ail"l_g<_>l,~' Ll
`Tlw lml, ll; ml‘l3icl£:l'el:
` 2
`i'l‘ll'l~3ul:lll<.,l pyl‘l,ll‘l2llll..' dl.)M~? wl
`l"l'l(l£§‘)l.U>(lll per lag of l’
`Llclll L0 lllti‘
`ml‘ lll;
`VW':lC}l"ll;, Wll<=3l‘l UT- prim-
`'FWTll‘.‘l OI‘
`illl'l.l:s<.2d r.,c)l'llil‘ll,l~
`k.“Il(1l‘Tlll"llC»l.l~" _l:l
`‘)£ll‘“llLllVll Imlill all
`ill a lslrlg :1
`lllufsly, M is Lilli
`l £L'll’l.,lC]& Kl;
`lllllii Tor lgm ‘¢3l"l
`ff) "l‘l(‘)l§,l.
`lllliim l;l.lc_;llati EU/
`3[IMfCll .1 ill U”llF: ilmllvidilal l‘lll>m>gl‘llpl‘l
`ml, Fll/rill}, Ell/lJrlil. lll‘
`lll.liVil.y, elc.
`C0l‘WII:'3l”I“U‘M;l(Jr‘! mi Earlnple Ellxlliltilm ------M
`lrl 1;lllil (ml: of €?l"l(l(‘)l'C.')§n’.lH lilllll,
`l3:llcll'lt<:yxir‘l limit Sl”J€I‘(.'lflf‘3(fl by will
`X oi
`ill llm C
`l‘lil;>ll;ll.;ll‘lll m livlty
`ml /ml; WlW;'?l‘l
`tllle llr‘l(.lo‘tml.lrl
`. llw ll
`Oi’ line:
`the lllld.
`ecliilecl by wl_‘».i~gl'll
`':‘.pCi“Cl‘ll£‘3Cl by VOll.ll'T‘ll.3‘
`lml FJ€”,llY»lll\/i'l'y
`in l‘;l‘v:~ (J6?/l~(./(“)1 /WIHI"l/L'{l1(? (EU/l"l"IL")
`.1 r.'<')l‘lc:l->lltr2ll.l<_lrl
`llll,’ 'sl,zll'l<lz.lrl:“
`i/i(l*<"llr"llc,‘;l.,/ll (‘ll U’?/“/J'fl”lL.‘)\gl,~‘?l7/<7 ‘/lllltflrl/l7l,lla.
`lm (li‘2llEl('llllg ml‘
`in USl“'
`llllz gtml
`all clrl
`l;,:loltil"ll_g oi i,l‘l¢;:< lysg
`Grill in l.l"ll3:
`e:<l‘ll::ll_>lll.lx.irl.*; be).
`f)l"1i?W.“l ll Ill 6?l'lil(3l,(')7&lll. Tlw l’illl“lll'Hlll‘l“l
`l“‘c;)l'lr.,:l‘limill)ll ml min
`ill llm lé}bF”li"d .;dli."‘:ll.lVlly (fl
`erl»,ll,ll"l:~ lllllll Hli‘
`.)ll alrml vllllcliiy all ll
`', per .
`tlw lmtll rm l;l‘)l‘lgll‘ll‘lil'lg i.
`ll» ll2‘1l)6:‘l€.;*('.l
`lyallw <l..l"witiviLjy i;ll"ld for
`il'll_l‘lrlm‘ill«g ll
`(.'l.()lf> lain; dllilcrlljlell ll"l PW/,)(i/(I10/‘y lmtll'lq,
`clillmly lmlclvl/.
`Prepellramry Testing
`‘mil. ml C0l“ifir’lTI€ltlOl"l of Lzilmlli-cl Lyaate Selmilllvily----—-
`ill ‘l(,lLll’ rlepllcallm illla llil"ll~=lz~¢?l:l wlll:;itivily,
`ill l;él.)/ll'll,_ wf tlw ly‘“""l'W [;“lrl()f lo Lisle irl
`i'l'“ll:> ‘lust. Tl"Ilf.?
`llml lllr CTOl'llll‘"l”l‘”l<llll(§)l"l of lyrx
`fiC?l‘lSl‘llVll,y is to bl;
`7ll'l‘ll:l.l Oill‘
`rlwll l")l"'lI(,l‘l all
`I‘;/m:lll% is l.llmr‘l
`I)!‘ wl“
`l“l(}l" ill llw all mlll;lilll3ll1l llllcll; llllly ¢?ll'lEI‘,‘(fl. lilw l;>Lllll;:lJl‘rll.:l
`oi’ ‘llw tlwl.
`me: 5ll‘ll‘ll.:ll.ll"cl
`§'.‘:)ll.lll§,liJ)l”‘l% llalvilm “
`l. least lv_:ll_ll'
`(IL”)l"I{§€‘llIl'l,Ill1)ll‘i Wl]l.llW“:ll
`ll, in Q, " , 0.5’/l,
`lllllgl C)
`.5). by «:li~
`llllllllq llll» l_,)T;:ll’
`llfi vi/itl‘“l WC‘lI‘i?l” for [it I.
`Mix ll vl">ll.,ll"ll<3
`f i.l‘l¢.‘l lywm 1.3 Willi £:“ll"l
`l;.‘lqlll>ll V<f>lul‘l’W
`<‘iLl(.'l“l Lila 0.1 -~
`iqlJ(f>liZn) Of lzllw mi ‘llliz? §<./ l.‘i'/ll’/l‘)lclxl'l*'l
`V7 ‘ll
`‘Si ulljfltx Wlwll ‘.«il'l(_}|.
`‘L villlzl or mlmlllsl
`lywltcl lire U,‘ wl, mill
`f;(Z,llul,l¢.3l"lfS C7lll"lE?ClZl}/
`ll: ilw Vida) ill“ ‘Xll'l[;)l‘ll.
`iglw ll
`l‘l'll><tLll"(‘} rm ll
`1,0 tlll: cl:
`l':>‘l' ‘tlllé lysllllsz
`l‘l“ll’ll'l[lli'?lC§Ulf(ll' illwlllly e
`{VV 1 ml M. O l; 2 mill"),
`ltlm, illlé ml‘ lily ml
`illl‘ qlel,
`l,.;ll<l.3 c-ll‘lr.:l'l
`l;i:ll'lill'll'l:~,: llw l
`(Lil 57/
`l;%l<i:)lal'lll‘ll;ll‘ll;ll cclrll
`lSl:ll'l’l/J/ll Fill/ill/nl'l
`lye i’:‘>(:ll”“lll“l
`LJl‘ll;l(E*l lgwt r;ls')l..l lwl a...
`Cl C,JlllLlllOl'l llm lll‘lal'"l llm lvlvlf), ml
`l; tr
`l;lllLllll")l‘l, ml (:.“YV6:Q/Cllflg tl'll.:
`lviVl",). "l"hc;:
`l\/$l‘W'.%* pl.:<l"l"l'llts ll gl
`l;llll,llll;ll‘l sill lll wlllpll: to l.
`ll"l‘lil"ll\rl, allllgl Lllil, may l:cll‘ll..l‘llllll:€,:
`illl: l;»lill“lll'"ll?lllol"l all
`illtl',~l‘l’l;= lfl“l{L€,
`l“l'lay l".)EZ (;wl:l'c;alll“ll.'> by E;lllLdl' le lll9ell,ll‘l«
`ll Ll‘ll'élllZr.ll’.l(_)l”'l,
`, or lWi:'ll,ll”llf_]. To
`lallll'lllllLli<:3 il"ll.Ql'l@l'l£*”“llII€
`Witmill: lam ml <~2l'll.l<;llx.;l>lil'3, pl, lclrlll
`llll: l:,lr»;';.ay ltllasicirllylslzl
`ill U”ll:'3 presrw
`lllrli gm;
`l“! factljllfl that ll‘ltel‘lmla
`l’mll)all'll:l:i«lrrll ml" fmlutmm. ‘full’ the Iflhibl“:i()l"fl/l§flfVlllil§|l"l’1l£ll?’:flll¢l%ll’fll#
`Tllnhlou “H.
`llimillmwxlrll Cm‘ml:lllnl:n'mirlti/
`fmlmlon in VVWINZWI EI“W‘(M’O%h‘ll
`Isl‘ IMllllml,,
`Ml“ MI.-lrlmlljlll Wcllrllqum
`lmumllllwar M
` /l/l/r l /l: A ‘l/Kllll/J/ll ‘mlllllllll ml HM:
`ll ";l,l/l./l/=lll
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`Page 4
`Page 4

`92 (85) Bacterial Endotoxins Test / Biological Tests
`tion to be examined to which Stan-
`?lt:\?(;/eEil:llgl|(?’[C_g)Xlnehpari?¥lZ))?E‘i:n added and which has then been
`submitted to the chosen treatment.
`Limit Test
`Procedure-——Prepare Solutions‘ Al 3, C, arid D 35 5h0Wl"‘ in
`Table 2 and perform the test on these solutions iollowin
`the procedure above for Preparatory Testing, Test for Can ir~
`motion of Labeled Lysate Sensitivity.
`Table 2. Preparation of Solutions for the Gel-Clot Limit Test
`Endotoxin Concentration/
`Number of
`Solution to Which
`Endotoxin ls”A¢_lc_|ed
`W None/Diluted Sonia/e Solution
`2K/Diluted Sample Solution
`2»./wiiiegior BET
`' C
`lslonejwater for BET
`* Prepare Solution A and the positive product control Solutlonli using
`a dilution not greater than the MVD and treatments as described for
`the Test for interfering Factors in Preparatory Testing. The positive cori-
`trol Solutions /3 and C Cf)i'lI'cill'i the Stanaora’ Enclotoirin Solution at «Li
`concentration corresponding to twice the labeled lysate sensitivity.
`The negative control Solution D consists of Water for BET.
`lnterpretation—-«The test is corisiderecl valid when both
`replicates of Solutions 3 and C are positive and those of Solu-
`tion D are negative. When a negative result is found for
`both replicates of Solution A, the preparation under test
`complies with the test. When a positive result is found for
`both replicates of Solution A, the prepeiration under test
`does not comply with the test.
`When a positive result is found for one replicate of Solu~
`tion A and a negative result is found forgthe other, repeat
`the test.
`in the repeat test, the preparation under test com-A
`plies with the test it a negative result is found for both _repli~
`cates of Solution A. The preparation does not comply with
`the test if a positive result is found ior_one or both replicates
`of Solution A. However,
`if the preparation does not comply
`with the test at a dilution less than the MVD, the test may
`USP 36
`be repeated using a greater dilution, not exceeding the
`Quantitative Test
`Procedure--The test quantifies bacterial (il’id0l;0%ll‘lS in
`Sample Solutions by titration to an endpoint. Prepare Solu~
`tions A, B, C, and D as shown in Table 3, and test these
`solutions by following the procedure in Preparatory Testing,
`Test for Corifirrrioliori of lobelecl l..ysate Serisilivity.
`Calculation and lriterpretation»-The test is considered
`valid when the following three conditions are met: (1) lsotli
`replicates of negative control Solution D are negative; (2)
`Both replicates of positive product control Solution 8 are
`positive; and (3) The geometric mean endpoint concentra-
`tion of Solution C is in the range of 0.5% to 2%.
`To determine the enclotoxin concentration of Solution A,
`calculate the endpoint concentration for each replicate by
`multiplying each endpoint: dilution factor by 1.. The erirlo-
`toxin concentration in the Sample Solution is the endpoint;
`concentration of the replicates. ii the test is conclucled with
`a diluted Sample Solution, calculate the concentration of en-
`dotoxin in the original Sample Solution by multiplying by the
`dilution factor.
`if none of the dilutions of the Sarnplc? Solu»
`tion is positive in a valid assay, report the endotoxlri concen-
`tration as less than it (if the diluted sample
`tested, re
`port as less than it times the lowest dilution factor of the
`sample). ll all dilutions are positive, the endotoxin concen-
`tration is reported as equal to or greater than the greatest
`dilution factor multiplied by it (e.g., iriitial dilution factor
`times eight times ‘it in Table 3).
`The preparation under test meets the r'eciuiremeiits oi the
`test it the concentration of endotoxin in both replicates is
`less than that specified in the individual monograph.
`Turbidimetric Technique
`This technique is a photometric assay measuring increases
`in reactant turbidit
`. On the basis of the particular assay
`principle employe , tl is technique may be classified as ei»
`ther an endpoint-turbidimetric assay or a |<inetic—turbidimet~
`Table 3. Preparation of Solutions for the Gel~CIot Assay
`Endotoxin Concentration/
`Solution to Which Endotoxin
`Nurnher of
`Concentration_____"_ ,,,,__EtgpIlcate§_
`lt, 0.S'lt, and (3.2%,
`Is Added
`_ __lf~lOfi€/§ClI7lpl(’ Solution
`M“ Water for_ BET
`Zltfiiarnple Solution
`2’i.[Woter for BET
`Wr,iiv2i' for BF T
`l__’_ W
`.4 M-
`g M _
`lilone/Water for BET
`5] Factors was corripleteisl.
`~ Solution A: Sample Solution under test at the dilution, not to exceedtlielmlx/lVU,Mvvitfi
`Subsequent dilution of the Sci/np/e Solution must not exceed the l\/l\/D. Use Water for BET to make a dilution series of four tubes containing lglie
`Sample Solution under test at concentrations of l, ‘/1, ‘/4, and ‘la. relative to the coriceritratiori used in the Tizsi for /ritei'fei'ii'i_i; Ff.lCl/.)l‘S, C‘)i;her dilutions
`up to the MVD may be used as appropriate,
`A Solution ti: Solution A containing standard endotoxin at ai concentration of 2')» (positive product control).
`4 Solution C: Two replicates of four tubes of Water for BET contairiirig the standard endotoxin at coricentrations of Zlt,
`ll Solution D: Water for BET (negative control).
`Page 5
`Page 5

`Ulzil’ 36
`Biological Tests / (85) Bacterial Endotoxins Test 93
`ric assay. The endpoint-turbidimetric assay is based on the
`c uantitative relationship between the concentration of en-
`clotoxins and the turbidity (absorbance or transmission) of
`the reaction mi>rture at the end of an incubation period.
`The lrinetic-turbidimetric assay is a method to measure ei-
`ther the time (onset time) needed to reach a predetermined
`absorbance or transmission of the reaction mixture, or the
`rate of turbidity development. The test is carried out at the
`incubation temperature recommended by the lysate manu-
`facturer (which is usually 37 1:1“),
`Chromogenir: Technique
`is an assay to measure the chromophore
`This lf_“‘,t‘Ll“Il‘ilCll.lf;‘
`released from a suitable chromogenic peptide b the reac-
`tion of endotoxins with I sate. On the basis of the particular
`assay principle employer, this technique may be classified as
`either an end oint-chrornogenic assay or a ltinetic»chrorno-
`genic assay. ’ he endpoint-chromogenic assay is based on
`the guarttitat.ive relationship between the concentration of
`enclotoxins and the release of chromophore at the end of
`an incubation period. The lrinetic-chrornogenic assay is a
`method to measure either the time (oriset time) needed to
`reach a predetermined absorbance of the reaction rni>o;ure,
`or the rate of color development. The test is carried out at
`the inculoation tenriperature rectornmended by the lysate
`lT‘li:1l'lUld(IllJl'FJl‘ (which is usually 37 :|: ‘l ").
`Preparatory Testing
`To assure the precision or validity of the turbidimetric and
`chrornogenic techniques, preparatory tests are conducted to
`verify that the criteria for the standard curve are valid and
`that the sample solution does not interfere with the test.
`Validation for the test method is required when conditions
`that are likely to influence the test result change.
`Assurance of Criteria for the Standard Curve-The test
`must be carried out for each lot of lysate reagent. Using the
`Storidard Endotoxin Solution, prepare at least three endotoxin
`concentrations within the range indicated by the lysate
`manufacturer to generate the standard curve. Perform the
`assay using at least three replicates of each standard endo-
`toxin concentration according to the mar‘itifacturer’s instruc-
`tions for the lysate (volume ratios,
`inc ubation time, temper-
`‘H, etc.) If the desired range is 4 reater than two logs
`in the tinetic methods, additional stan ards should be in-
`cluded to braclret each log increase in the rance of the stan-
`dard curve. The absolute value of the correlation coeffi-
`cient, r, must be greater than or equal to 0,980 for the
`range of endotoxin COl‘lCE.'l”ill"E?ltl0l“\_'~; set up.
`Test for Interferin Factors---fielect an eridotoxin con-
`centration at or near tie middle of the endotoxin standard
`curve. l’repare Solutions A,
`ll, C, and D as shown in Table 4.
`Perfrirrii the test on 3‘olutiori.r /l,
`[3, C, and D at least in dupli-
`cate, according to the instructions for the lysate employed,
`for example, concerninc volume of Earn/ale Solution and Ly-
`sate TS, volume ratio 0 Sample Solution to Lysote T5, incu-
`bation time, etc.
`The test is considered valid when the following conditions
`are met.
`‘l. The absolute value of the correlation coefficient of the
`standard curve generated using Solution C is greater
`than or equal to 0.980.
`2. The result with Solution D does not exceed the limit
`of the blank value required in the description of the
`lysate reagent employed, or it is less than the endo-
`toxin detection limit of the lysate reac ent employed.
`Calculate the mean recovery of the adcle
`endotoxin by
`subtracting the mean endotoxin concentration in the solu-
`if any l_.S7olut‘ion A, Table 4), from that containing the
`added endotoxin (Solution [3, Table 4).
`in order to be consid-
`ered free of factors that interfere with the assay under the
`conditions of the test, the measured concentration of the
`endotoxin added to the §urn‘le Solution must be within
`50%---200% of the ltnown a ded endotoxin concentration
`after subtraction of any €;‘l'lCl(')tOXll'"l detected in the solution
`without acliiiled enclotoxiri.
`When the endoto>rin recovery is out of the specified
`range, the Sornple Solution under test is considered to con-
`tain interfering factors. Then, repeat the test using a greater
`dilution, not exceeding the it/IVD. Furthermore, interference
`of the Sample fiolution or diluted Surnple Solution not to ex-
`ceed the lvl‘i/D may be eliminated by suitable validated
`treatment such as filtration, neutralization, dialysis, or heat
`treatment. To establish that the chosen treatment effectively
`eliminates interference without loss of endotoxins, perform
`the assay described above, using the preparation to be ex-
`amined to which Standard Endotoxin has been added and
`which has then been submitted to the chosen treatment.
`Test Procedure
`Follow the procedure described for Test for Interfering fac-
`tors under l-lreporotory Testing, immediately above.
`Calculate the endotoxin concentration of each of the rep-
`licates of Solution A, using the standard curve generated by
`the positive control Solution C. The test is considered valid
`when the following three requirements are met.
`‘l. The results of the control Solution C comply with the
`i‘eqtiiren"iei'ils for validation defined for Assurance of
`gr/terio for the standard Curve under Preparatory
`2. The enclotoxin recovery, calculated from the concen-
`tration found in Solution 8 after subtractiiig the’ C0”:
`centration of eridotoxin found in Solution A, 59 W”:l””
`the range of 500/0-2000/o.
`Number of Regllciltei
`|‘\.l,c_'it less irigi;i_,2,,, MM
`Not less than 2
`Table 4. We aratlon of 5oIq_t_l_grLs or the Inhibition/Enhai cement Test for Photometric Techniques
`Solution to which
`__Endoto_>_r_i_n Is Added
`Sninple Solution
`:» (IOl‘lC;(3l”lll‘i‘lill')l)ti (lo
` de
`ated }
` lu
`n A:
`iurriplizr 5o/ul n may be diluted not to exc
`N iiolullon ll; lhe pi'oparv:itioi‘i imder test at the ziairie dilution as Solution A, contairiing adclr.-d enclotoxin at a r:oni:eritration equal to or near “CW-‘
`inid<,lle of lltl-i <il,rindnrtl curve,
`‘ ‘solution C: The l5l£Ll{'ltllC'3l“iL]l endoto> at lghe corir:oriti'ations used in the validation of the method described for /lssurunce ol Criteria for the 5lUI‘IC/Uftl
`(furvii ul"lf;ll”:F l’i'ir/>tii'r1loI‘y liaslirir] (positive controls).
`'1 to/ullori U: Writer‘ for Blil (negative control).
`“ii coriizeritration is
`’L_l0I' W
`Al,/l_/olcir lor BC I’
`Page 6
`wgEacl‘i___,not less t_ltEll“I 2
`,/____l\lot less than 2
`Page 6

`94 (85) Bacterial Endotoxiris Test / Biological Tests
`3. The result of the negative control Solution D does not
`exceed the limit of the blank value required in the
`description of the lysate employed, or it is less than
`the endotoitin detection limit of the lysate reagent
`in photometric assays, the preparation under test com-
`plies with the test if the mean eridotoxiii coriceritratiori of
`the replicates of Solution A, after correction for dilution and
`concentration, is less than the endotomn limit for the
`lhl VlTRO
`The follovviri1g tests are designed to determine the bio|ogi~
`cal reactivity o’ mammalian cell cultures following contact
`with the elastomeric plastics and other polymeric materials
`with direct or indirect patient contaci: or of specific extracts
`prepared from the rriateriais under test.
`it is essential that
`the tests be performed on the specified surface area. When
`the surface area of the specimen cannot be determineci, use
`0.1 g of elasi:on'ier or 0.2 g of plastic or other material for
`every rriL of extraction fluid. Exercise care in the preparation
`of the rriaterials to prevent contamination with rriicroorgan
`isms and other foreign matter.
`Three tests are described (ie, the Agar Difitisiori Test, the
`Direct Contact Test

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