`(12) Ulllted States Patent
`Buchheit et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`45 Date of Patent:
`US 8,540,152 B1
`*Se . 24 2013
`(71) APP1iCaI1tSIBriaI1 K-B11chheit,DaVie, FL (US);
`Sean I. Mghie, Boca Raton, FL (US)
`Inventors: Brian K. Buchheit, Davie, FL (US);
`Sean I. Mghie, Boca Raton, FL (US)
`4,546,241 A
`4,609,812 A
`4,621,814 A
`4,634,848 A
`4,689,742 A
`4,695,053 A
`417601527 A
`10/1985 Walton
`3.0 C 3.
`E024 ft ill.
`9/1986 Drexler
`11/1986 St
`1/1987 Sh€1Ir)12(1)I111:raaeta1.
`8/1987 Troy et al.
`9/1987 Vazquez
`7/1988 Sidley
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`Utstct 1 54(1)) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`(21) Appl. No.. 13/901,175
`May 23, 2013
`Joan Magretta—“Why Business Models Matter” Harvard Business
`ReVieWiMay 2002 pp. 1_8.
`Related U_s_ Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 13/542,451, filed on
`Jul. 5, 2012, now Pat. No. 8,342,399.
`Primary Examiner — Edwyn Labaze
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm —Patent on Demand P.A.;
`Brian K. Buchheit; Scott M. Garrett
`Int. Cl.
`G06K 5/00
`(52) US_ CL
`USPC ......... .. 235/380; 235/375; 235/379; 235/487;
`(58) Fleld of Classlficatlon Search
`USPC ............... .. 235/380, 375, 379, 487, 486, 382;
`705/14, 39; 463/25
`An entity and a commercetptarttner agree to permit II§lI1SfeI('1S or
`E31121/eI'.S1OI1S o drtilon-negeittlia fiecfie itsdtp entiftuy 1&1 epten :1:
`1‘ S 1“ a°°°r
`“Ce V.“
`X‘? “e 1 S‘ 0‘ H S Ia 1°"
`account for non-negotiable credits ofa loyalty program mem-
`ber is established. A set of two or more interactions earning
`additional non-negotiable credits for the loyalty program
`. h
`f h 1
`giem etri in aceor aI1Ce1:V1t dtderms o1 t e oya
`R f
`C. d
`e erences
`3,918,716 A
`11/1975 Nonaka et al.
`4,087,660 A
`5/1978 Sedtey
`4,358,672 A
`11/1982 Hyatt et al.
`4,473,825 A
`9/1984 Walton
`4,518,098 A
`5/1985 Fleischer
`conversion. operation occurrence, a quantity ofthe non-nego-
`tiable credits is subtracted from the account. The subtracted
`quantity etftrtilon-negtotitalblte credits is at éeast a qpantittyt of
`non-nego ia ecre 1 s
`a were conve e or rans erre
`o a
`newtquantity of eritity independent funds using the fixed
`Credlts-10-funds F8110
`20 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets

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