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`I. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
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`”9h. (ill
`I! if
`-.!t-:~n'veu a;
`printed by the government : PORFEITED 2 :
`2«:on-fisocate \'k‘:in-fa—.skat\ vt -cat.ed; eating (1552]
`forfeited to the public treasury 2 z to seize by or in it 5! '
`con-fisca-tton \.lt'ain-fo-‘ské-shan\ n - con-tis—ro-tw \ _-
`tar\ n —— comfim-toqy \kcn-‘fis-koator-é. -.tor-\ .sz
`comflt \kt‘m-‘fé, Rona kan-\ n [F, fr. 0F, prepara-inn.
`of confire to prepare — more at com-r] (1951): "I‘m.“ 1..
`or pork) that has been cooked and preserved in its aw n in
`con-fl‘te-or \kan-‘fé—te-fir, -ar\ :2 £1345, fr2 L, ht, I . uni“
`ing words — more at CONFEss] (l y): a liturgical ‘ 'rm n.
`ness is acknowl
`edand 131W for God’s um
`comfi-tln'e \'k§n- orphirr, -.tyil.r, -.tur\ n [B it. \IF. f;
`: preserved or candied fruit : 1m
`comm-grant \kanffla—grann ad“ [L wnflagmnr-. .0»
`conflagmre to burn, fr. com» +
`grare to burn .. rm It: ‘ _
`1656): aummmuzmo
`gamma _
`-tion \xan-floo'gra-shom n [L
`Ll! _.
`frco agrare](ca1656)
`art-a vcon~a
`: mrlpi‘eclthm !
`fl t-ed,
`fishing Il
`conflare to blow together, fuse, fr. amp + flare I.) New
`mow] (1610)
`1 a : to bring together : was In 1 r
`combine (as two readings of a ten) intoa -.\
`-"-- :~- --'!I 1: who“
`con-mutton \-‘f15oshan\ n (15c) : BLEND. r: .. m g ‘=
`reading or text
`iconefllct \'kin-.fllkt\ n (ME, fr. L conflictus act
`it t: nit...
`confligere to strike together, fr. cam- + fligere In nah,
`1 : non-r. BATTLE. was 2 a: t. .
`posing action of incompatibles : antagonistic '-l-1|t or
`divergent ideas3 intermta. or pemons)
`:nlnl u .
`from incompatible or opposing needs, drives. a [ah-.1. or
`internal demands 3 : the opposition of t-r-“M'N n-r !.
`rise to the dramatic action in a drama or lsction 53'. s.
`conflict-tn] \‘kfin-flikt-bh adj :— (‘nn-lhc-tu‘ll \k'an-
`Item, 431101, -shwa1\ ad'
`2con-flict \kan-‘flikt,
`iin—.\ vi (lie)
`1 archaic: '0 con.
`2: to show antagonism or irreconcilabilit —-cnn.l"t
`shon, kan-\ n ~ conflic-tive \kon-‘flik v, " . r:-.\ 3d,!
`conflict-ed \kon-‘flik-tad\ adj (1967) : having or Cl-
`tional conflict (this unhappy and ~ modernm mun — l
`conflicting adi (1607) 2 hem in conflict, col
`n. or i
`- -'r\rll”.hll!| ~oonoflict
`~ y\-'flik—_titJ-lé,
`-\ adv
`conflict of interest (1951 : a conflict between the pri
`and the official responsibilities of a
`teen in a .n- Hm IDII d ’
`run-flucnn‘ \‘kan-Jliieonhh. kan-
`n {150)
`l : a u .-
`together, meeting. or
`thering at one point (a at. my —- d
`scenery) 2 a: the owing together oftwo or own: st -
`place of meeting of two streams c : the . .u‘ubiucd “I-
`Icon-fluent \-ant\
`'{L canfluenl-; confluena rip rd .
`uereto flow—moreat ; :‘ ml 1'13:
`2: .
`aka: run together (~p}: mil—t
`(~ smallpox)
`4): aconfluent stream; broadly;
`zconfluent n .
`con-flux \'kiin-.flaks\ n [ML confluxux. fr. L I'rfrflaffi‘lt-
`condo-cal \(.)k§n-‘fo-kal\ ad' (1867) : havmg :he um:
`ses)(~1enses>—con-fo~caI-ly Hrs-la adv
`con-form \kan-‘fotm\ vb (ME, fr. MP conformer. Fr L .
`com- + fonnare to form, fr. fornta form] vr ("k‘l :
`to -
`shape, outline, or contour to : bring into Iurmnn) or
`rows to the slope of the land) ~ vi 1: to be \lfl‘llll! or
`: to be in agreanent or harmony -— used with to or mi
`obedient or compliant ~ usu. used With to h : m can h '
`with prevailing standards or customs 5"]: see Mun —-
`n —- condom-ism \«Tbr-.mi-zam\ n — condom-lat \
`con-formhle \kanfior-ma-boh adj (15c)
`1 : (.flr - -
`or character : _er]LAR—~ usu. used with to 2: u w _
`3 2 following in unbroken sequence —-— used of min
`under uniform conditions — eon-tormoahly \-h r\
`condor-ma] \kan-‘lor-mal, (Jkfink adj [LL runformafi '
`same shape, fr. L com- + formalis formal. fr. lama] 1' I "‘ ..'_
`ing the size of the angle between corresponding :unrn
`tiaansformation) 2 ofa map : representing \r‘rul” anub_
`con-for~mance \kon-‘fér-manhh‘t n (1606): i 'rhl vial-rm .
`con-for-ma'tion \.k§n-(.)for-‘mi~shon. -f:>r-\ n II‘I II It .
`conforming or producing conformity : warn ram 3 :
`something by appropriate arrangement at partl- ur
`- —
`.I -
`sembling into a whole (the gradual ~ of the embryo)
`spondence esp. to a model or plan b : STRUCIE'II' c r
`proportionate dimensions esp. clan animal
`a : an! d
`arrangements of a molecule that can be nhuinrd h)‘
`:1qu about a single bond ~— conofor-maatiunal \
`cou-for-mi-ty \kzn-‘for-ma-ta n, pl dies (15c)
`form. manner. or character : AGREEMENT (behaved in of
`liefs) 2 : an act or instance of conforming 3 :
`with some 5
`' ed standardor authority (~ to and --
`on-‘tat'md, him vr [M5, tr. MP mum-idle.
`dere to pour together, confine, fr. ogm‘ + rurttlm- to M .
`FOUND] (14c)
`I archaic: to bang to ruin_: msrnol'
`FRUSIKATE<C0flfercnceS .
`. are not for :u-c- mnlnhmt H .
`ish tricks ——J. K. Galbraith) ~20bs: CONSUHI. our: 3
`shame : DISCOMFIT (a performance that ~ed lhc critics)
`(..:iiru to ~ his arguments) 4 : pm 5 :
`ln mm- to
`.'-'-nfuunn or per-plenty 6 i: to fat] tOilIth d' '
`: mix up It: to increase the (Ullfli'lll‘h of. an! it: "
`found-er \-'faun-dar\ n — comfound-ing’aly an, n-lfl all. .
`confound-ed \kan-‘faun-dad. (Jinan-3 ”Iran-A ad; *1:th I I
`ram 2: DAMNED—mCOflJOEHd‘ed'ly an.
`comfmbermbty \kfin—fro—‘tor—uo-m n [ME - n'rutflll‘l-_
`fraternité. fr. _ML confmzemitat-,
`-.ru1.‘!ut(n:r 41.
`confidence 0 confraterm‘ty
`mind or a manner marked by easy coolness and freedom from uncer-
`tainty, diffidence, or embarrassment. CONFIDENCE stresses faith in
`oneself and one‘s powers without any suggestion of conceit or arro
`gance (the confidence that comes from long experience). ASSURANCE
`carries a stronger implication of certainty and may suggest arrogance
`or lack of objectivity in assessing one's own powers (handled the
`cross-examination with complete assurance). SELEPOSSFSSION implies
`an ease or coolness under stress that reflects perfect self—control and
`command of one’s powers (answered the insolenr question with com-
`plete self-possession). APwMB implies a manifest self-possession in
`up out
`trygingbgir challenging situations (handled the reporters with great
`zconfidence adj (1849) : of, relating to. or adept at swindling by false
`promises (3 ~ game (21 ~ man)
`confidence interval
`11 (1934) : a group of continuous or discrete adja-
`cent values that is used to estimate a statistical parameter (as a mean or
`variance) and that tends to include the true value of the parameter a
`predetermined proportion of the time if the process of finding the
`group of values is repeated 3 number of times
`confidence limits n pl( 1939) : the end points of a confidence interval
`con-{idem \’lt'a'n-fo—dont, -.dent\ adj [L mnfrdent-. cortfidens. fr. prp. of
`confidere](1576) 1: characterized by assurance; esp: SELFREUANT 2
`obs : murmur. CONrtomo 3
`a : full of conviction : CERTAIN b
`: cocstiua—— con'fl-dentoly adv
`con-fiden-tial \.kiin~fa—’den(t)—shal\ adj (1759)
`t : marked by inti-
`macy or willingness to confide (2 ~ tone)
`information) 3 : entrusted with confidence: (~ clerk) 4 : contain-
`ing information whose unauthorized disclosure could be prejudicial to
`the national interest —.— compare sacncr. TOP SECRET _ condi-den-ti—
`Elli-Lt)! \-.den(t)-she-'a-la-té\ n — conofhden-tial'ly \—‘den(t)—sh(o-)lé\
`con-fld-ing \kan-‘fidim adj (1829) : tending to confide ; TRUSTFUL ~
`\-dir3—lé\ adv - concfid-ingonees n
`con-fig-u-ra- on \kan—.fi-gyo—'r“a~shan,
`.kiin-. -go—'\ n [LL configura-
`tion-, conflgurutio similar formation, fr. L configumre to form from or
`after, fr. com- + figurare to form, fr. figura figure] (1646)
`a :
`tive arrangement of parts or elements: as
`( l) : SHAPE (2) : contour of
`land (~ of the mountains) . (3) : functional arrangement (a small
`business computer system in its Simplest «7) b : something (as a fig«
`ure, contour, pattern, or apparatus) that results from a particular ar—
`rangement of parts or components c : the stable structural makeup of
`a chemical compound 51:. with reference to the space relations of the
`constituent atoms 2 : 055mm rsonality ~) —— conifigoutra-tion-
`a! \~shnal, -sha-n’l\ adj ~ con- g-wra-tiomaldy adv — con-flgdrv
`ra-tive \-‘fi~gya—ra—tiv, »'fi«ga-\ ad'
`con‘flg-ure \kan-‘fi—gyor, esp Brit —’fi-gar\ v1 Aired: «ring (1677) : to
`set up for operation esp. in a particular way (a fighter. plane configured
`for the Malaysian air force)
`icon-fine \"kan—fin also kan-'\ n [ME fr. NIP or L; MF confines, pl., fr.
`L confine border, fr. neut. of confinis adjacent. fr. com- + finis end]
`1 £1 a : something (as borders or walls) that encloses (outside
`the ~s o the office or hospital ——W. A. Nolen); also : something that
`restraints (esca
`from the ~s of soot and clutter —E, S. Muskie)
`: SCOPE 3 (wor within the ~s of a small group —Frank Newman)
`a archaic: masrkrcnou b obs: PRISON
`zcon-fine \kan-‘lrm vb con-fined; confining vi (1523) archaic : non.
`DER ~ vi
`1 a: to hold within alocation b: [MPRISON 2: to keep
`within limits (will ~ my remarks to one subject)
`syn see Lmrr —
`cowfinoer n
`con-fined \kon~'find\ adj ( 1772) : under oing childbirth
`con-fine-ment \kan-‘fin-morm n (1646 : an act of confining ;
`confirm \kan-‘farm\ vr (ME, fr. 0 confirmer, fr. L confirmare. fr.
`state of being confined (solitary ~); Pp: LYING-IN
`com- + firmare to make firm, fr. firmus firm].(13c)
`l : to give ap-
`proval to : RATIFY 2 z to make firm or firmer : STRENGTHEN 3 :
`administer the rite of confirmation to 4 : to give new assurance of the
`validity of : remove doubtabout by authoritative act or indisputable
`fact - conifirm‘nbild-ty \-.far-mo-'bi-la~té\ ,n —_— con-finn-ahle
`\-'far-ma-bal\ adj
`VALIDATE mean to attest to the truth or validity of something. con
`FIRM implies the removing of doubts by an authoritative statement or
`indisputable fact (confirmed the reports). CORRDBORATE suggests the
`strengthening of what is already partly established (wimesses cor-moo»
`rated his story). suasrammra implies the offering- of evidence that
`sustains the contention (the claims have yet to be substantiated). VEk»
`lFY implies the establishing of correspondence of actual-facts or details
`with those proposed or guessed at (all statements of fact in the article
`have been verified). AurHENHCAreimplies establishing genuineness by
`adducing legal or official documents or expert opinion (handwriting
`experts authenticated the diaries). vnunms implied establishing valid~
`ity by authoritative affirmation or by factual proof (validated the hy-
`pothesis by experiments).
`conofir-mand \.kan-fsr-'rnand\ n [L confinnandus, gemndive of confir-
`mare (1884) : a candidate for religious confirmation '
`com duration \.k'an-far~‘ma.shon\ n (He)
`1 : enact or process of
`confirming: as a (I) z a Christian rite conferring the gift of the Holy
`Spirit and among Protestants full church munbetship (2) -: a cere-
`mony esp. of Reform Judaism confirming youths in their faith I: : the
`ratification of an executive act by a legislative body 2 a : confirming
`proof : CORROBORATION b : the process of supporting a statement by
`evidence » combats-flown! \shnol, -sho—n°l\ adj
`con-fir-ma-tory \kan~‘far-mo~.tor-é, -.tor-\ adj (1636) : serving to
`confirm: coakowlumvr;
`confirmed \kon-‘formm adj (141:)
`a : marked by long continu-
`ance and likely to persist (3 ~ habit)
`in fixed in habit and unlikely to
`change (3 ~ do—gooder) 2 2 having received the rite of confirmation
`syn see murmurs —— cowfimed'ly \—'formod~lé\ adv — con-
`firmed-tress Vim-madman -‘farrn(d)-nas\ n
`con-fim-ble \kan-‘fis-ko-bah adj (ca. 1736): liable to confiscation
`con-fis-cat-able \ltan.fa~.ska-to-bol\ adj(1863) : CONFISCABLE
`lcotl-fis-cate \‘kiin-fzvskat, kon~‘fis-kct\ adj [L confiscatus. pp. of cor»
`fiscare to confiscate, fr. com- + fiscus treasury] (ca. 1533)
`1 : appro~

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