MARCH 18,1996 VOLUME 13, NUMBER 12
`It may be immature, but
`IBM battles
`fans claim Java’s no es
`-, BackOffice
`Aut will it be the basisfor distributed ‘Net apps?
`By John Cox
`the other half
` i
`ol thes ©rp las
`robust server apalk
`cations linked via
`the clients inte trac distributed
`syatemns— 1s sill unproven,
`On the plus side, cevelopers
`Application developers working
`Ine. 's
`with Sun Micresstem,
`Big Bluefires offits own server application bundles that
` Java lar age nepart that it deliv
`farge!l databases, network management and the Pulernet.
`en most of what Sun promises,
`By Michael Cooney
`the ent
`IBM pack-
`Buiwhether fava willsucceed as a
`foundation for distributed Teter-
`The Eagle has landed
`saltware, but hardware and oper
`nethased applications renusires
`ating svstems could be added
`fier more than a vear of
`tobe seen
`Geneme at
`speculation, [BM next week will
`down the reac, accor’ ing to
`tand an eclaborate
`B java applications have been
`series Of
`written on Solaris and porte dl to
`extend application functions,
`Windows NT
`ware bundles aimed at regaining
`Heal just views of documents, cult
`and Winetws 95 in prcctiae Ch
`to desktop computers via
`Intemet and World-Wide Web
`Pati ea de
`SerJava, page tf
`sero Miia estiga-
`Microsoft Corp.s Back
`OlTice siitte inits place
`IBM's seven-menvher
`Project Eagle, will runon
`05/2, AL and even
`Microsofe’s Windows NT
`CC TAIN Sy ae ‘ih
`4nd while Microsolt's
`BackOMiee pair
`a variety ial applications
`nto ond
`bundle, LSM
`See LEM, page 6]
`Big Blue blends
`SNA/LAN data
`By Michael Cooney
`Anehern, Calif.
`TBM rex week will Keel Lip its line wt
`LAS and SNA traffic Comcentnators,
`providing customers with what
`company says isan even better altema-
`tive to brooch office routers.
`The company will unveil a new ecdi-
`ton of ins 2217 Nwavs Multiprotocol
`See Big Blue, page Of
`a =
`has different packages
`LiScs. —
`trom the
`Internetto databases,
`bunclles Egat hassomecatchinguptodon the fast-growing
`svsters marie
`market for SNA,LAM integration products,
`iM 25% ————
`. Stem 14%
`SeCUNTLY. Ernst Hons ane
`Notwneh |
`Protron 5.4%
`Besides trving to beat
`Bay 10.65 ——_——
`back Microsoft, TM is
`looking to simplify the
`server products and bet
`preconfigured working
`soltware suites combme
`more throughout
`Based on 1995-totat reventie of about £900 million
`Hie, FRuianieatpaiad, bea
`Digital ClearVISN to focus on
`solving management mess
`By Jodi Cohen
`Callit ste pMt he
`Three years after killing off
`Polycenter Framework—aVAX-
`centric manager of managers
`(MOM) — Digial Equipment
`Corp. this week will unveil plans
`for a muliivendor management
`HTC EX. 1022
`HTC v. Ancora
`suite that goes in another direc
`is designed te let firins
`more cal manage multivendor
`nets by eliminating the need for
`individual clement managers.
`is partnering with
`Stonvarook Software we boiled
`Ser Digital, page 59
`Giants back voice over ’Net
`[ante Thee SEs ATT
`Corp, Microsatt Corp.
`and LOQorse corporate allies Lest
`week threw their weight behind
`the emerging marker with a plan
`bo bet different Doaternet
`bope thier
`The effort could have
`the small phone CURTIN a
`nics in America’s Carriers
`Telecommnication Asso
`cation (ACTA)
`nigh trnaire:
`millions af people talking
`over the Internet te avoid
`ACTA complained oo
`the Fed
`eral Gomimunications Commis
`sion that Intemmct phone semvaice
`is not
`fair simce the cormipanies
`providing the software ane ser-
`Vices Bre
`regulated like
`phone companies (WW) March
`11, page 6).
`Some observers have
`ACTA menhers were overredct-
`See Voice over "Net, pore [2
`US Patent No. 6,411,941
`© When buying, conseder usinga
`middleman to hold the money
`until the merchandise |g.
`delivered, The Usenet
`Marketplace Fag has more
`By Joanie Wexler
`The group ol small phone com
`pames petinoning the
`calls ower
`the “Net
`han plone
`nt fighting
`bunch «al
`ra TRL ae MaaeTsienredeie(Lag
`Dm er
`PU es
`PeteeteeesUa ky
`0 5
`Access Network World Fusion using the numberin yellow. See page 5 for details.
`used E
`aml priv
`neo thts aeteTOED el
`iim a Berry
`“Java Joust” generates hot debate
`applications. See story, page 1,
`Java proponents, opponents and
`other Interested parties made our
`Network Word Fusion on-line
`conference a lively forum for
`discussing Sun's moch-talked-alout
`programming language for Internet
`Crime: It’s
`link aw ay
`information at weew,phoensnet,
`Page 1
`HTC EX. 1022
`HTC v. Ancora
`US Patent No. 6,411,941


`Technology Update=
`Keeping Up with Network Technologies and Standards
`Updated spec provides standard
`for remotely managing computers
`By Paul Ruocchio
`[If you want to remotely manage
`computers while
`complying with industry stan-
`dards, check out products that
`support the soon-to-be-released
`updated version of the Desktop
`Managementinterface (DMI).
`Version 2,0 ofthe DMI spccifi-
`cation details.a standard way for
`sending management
`tion from remote devices across
`agement applications. The MIF
`database defines the standard
`manageable attributes of PC
`The MI
`lets DMb-enabled
`applications access, manage and
`components and peripherals,
`while the Cl allows components
`to be seen and managedbyappli-
`cations that call the DMI service
`layer. The (I gets
`relevant management
`information, the DML now usesa
`procedural API composed ofsev-
`eral discrete functions. These
`functions can casily be described
`using the Open Software Foun-
`Inc.'s (OSF)
`Description Language (IDL).
`Theuse of IDL is important
`because it allows information to
`be categorized rather than pre-
`sented in black form. Moresig-
`Update impact
`Desktop operating systems
`recognize products
`comply with DMI Version 1.0 can
`accommodate the updates. The
`is defined such that
`new code will be required to
`However, the Cl changes will
`installed base of DM -enablecd
`hardware, which can still be
`accessedat the Version 1,0 func-
`tonality level by DMI-enabled
`The DMI and MIFs were
`industry consortium with 122
`formal members and technical
`dialogues with more than 350
`includes Compaq Computer
`Corp., Dell Computer Corp.,
`Digital Equipment Corp., Hew-
`leut-Packard Co.,
`Corp., Microsoft Corp., NEC
`Corp., Novell,
`Inc., The Santa
`Cruz Operation, Inc., Symantec
`Corp. and SunSoft, Inc. Version
`2.0 of the DMI further extends
`the work of these industry lead-
`ers to makesystems and servers
`better citizens of the LAN,
`Fluserhio is a staff programmer
`at JBM on Mesearch Triangle Park,
`AAG, and chairmanof the DMTF's
`can he
`Let Network World provide a
`quick primeron an important
`or emerging technology. If
`youhave an idea for Technol-
`ogy Update, contact Beth
`Schultz by phoneat (312) 283-
`0213 or via the Internet at
`bschultz@nww. com.
`Local management
`Remote management
`| 1 TheMlsendsthainformation
`to local and, via remote
`procedure call (APC), remote
`Management ape icatcas.
`Service layer
`Procedural Ml
` |
`The component interface
`(Cl) passes To the service
`eal-time eventinfor:
`acts from the
`‘hardware and
`Interface 2.0
`Release: 2.0 of the Desktop
`Management Interface adds
`the ability to filter events
`and changes the block man-
`agementinterface (MI) used
`in the specification’s initial
`version Lo a procedural MI,
`which enables remote access.
`the network toa central site. The
`release also allows managers to
`define and filter events, such
`as alarms, sent oul by the man-
`aged PC products, servers and
`The Desktop Management
`Task Force (OMTF), an industry
`group, plans to release DMI Ver-
`sion 2.0 early next month, The
`release extends DMI Version 1.0,
`which established a standard
`| framework for man:
`ging tet-
`worked computers, The DMI is
`independent of protocol, plat-
`form and operating system.
`Architectural overview
`The DMI architecture in-
`cludes a service layer, a manage-
`ment information format (MIF)
`database, a management inter-
`face (MI)
`and a component
`The DMI servicelayer acts as
`an information broker between
`manageable products and man-
`dynamic instrumentation infor-
`mation from manageable prod-
`ucts and passes it to the Mi via the
`service layer. It shields compo-
`nent vendors
`from decisions
`about management
` applica-
`lions, protocols and operating
`systems, allowing them to focus
`on providing competitive man-
`agementlor their products,
`The DMTFtechnical commit-
`tee has fine-tuned the original
`DML with two enhancements: a
`procedural interface and a self
`describing event model.
`Procedural interface
`The DMI Version 1.0 uses a
`block structure interface with a
`single API.
`the ser-
`With this interface,
`vice layer has to sift
` =
`large amounts ofindiscriminate
`data to access required inform:
`tion. What's more,
`it has been
`prone to errors.
`To make it easier for users to
`nificantly, it allows an interface
`to be used with the OSP's Distrib-
`uted Computing Environment's
`remote procedure call function.
`This makesit possible to use the
`interface for remote manage-
`Event model
`The DMI Verstan 1.0 specii+
`cation incorporates a highly flex-
`ible event model, However, pwo
`things are missing: 4 Way tO cle-
`scribe events and a mechanism
`for filtering those events before
`forwarding them to a manager.
`Asaresult, management applica-
`tions receive a plethora of indis
`tnguishable events.
`In Release 2.0, the DMI gains
`the ability to define events within
`a component's MIF and toset
`event filters in the service layer,
`This means managers can estab-
`determine the types of events for
`which they receive notification.
`a he
`Network World tracksdown
`anstoersto your questions Please
`subneit them to Chris Nerney via
`phone al (S00) 622-1108, Eri 451,
`the Internet al cheneymwcom.
`orfasral (508).830-1 103.
`Occasionally, readerswrite tous with
`questions or postqueries.onNetwork
`World Fusion's Help Desk Confer-
`ence but findthe answers beforewe
`do. Here is an example:
`Recently, Brett Stuart, supervisorof
`LAN operations for ALLTELCorp. in
`Little Rock, Ark., told us that making
`achangeto his Madge Networks, Ine.
`FDDI network interface cards (NIC)
`salved a ring operations problem. He
`says that about every sevendays, the
`FDO! ring would go into a high rate of
`ring-cperations/transitions between
`the primary and secondary ring.
`Originally, his Novell, Ine, Net-
`Ware d.X.and 4.4 servers used dom
`single-attach station FDDI
`cards with the latest drivers, but
`problem started,
`changed to Madge’s dual-attach sta-
`tion (DAS) cards with that compa-
`ny's latest drivers, which werein beta
`However, the Madge cards did not
`eyele correctly in DAS made, appear-
`ing to hang up and never reestablish
`After consideringchanging again
`to Cisco Systems, Inc, DAS cards,
`Stuart saysusing the Madge cardsin
`SAS mode finallystabilized the FODI
`ring. The networkis running fine
`now except for occasional problems
`with NetWare Directory Services.
`Ifyou have similar experiences to
`share, posta message to our Fusion
`Help Desk Conference at httpyAvww,
` Select Forums then
`Help Desk,
`After reading how to prevent Micro.
`soft Corp.”s Windows 95 from attach-
`ing unwanted printerjob language
`code to PostScript files destined fora.
`Unix printserver (NW, Feb. 19, page
`94), areader tobdus howtoaverta
`similar problemin Windows NT.
`The readersays his Windows NT
`printer driver was attaching Hew-
`lett-Packard Co, escape sequences
`tothe start of print files. Tocliminate
`the problem, he suggests you go inte
`the printer driverconfiguration and
`makesure the page independence
`setting ischecked off.
`Network World « March 18, 1996 « « 35
`Page 2

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