MARCH 13.1995 UDLUME13.H!.IHBE|112
`'I-IIIlI a
`I liL'lEl'k IIJIII l.| lll.' cllxuilmlz'll
`HII IlII- jlllh aacIIa III'lI-II-Ima
`l_|.I1'.a .IlalIhcuul-m Ilmr 'IIn-n
`l.-.|'|i|I-|| IIIl‘ ."III:.|IJ-.IIL-:l IIII|t1II I.-
`'iI'i'IIHlH-iln Kl
`' H
`“Java Joust" generates not delete
`.lnm [Imgmm-nls. opprInI-ms and
`Nerwnrl: ‘I-i'nrlll Flmun uIL-Iillr
`('llflrl‘n'rlt'f' a I'm-1r I'Ilrum lIIr
`dismislfih' Sun‘s Tnur h-lquIIrI-dlmlll
`wry-alumina iiinmmxo lot Interns-I
`HM!ll1'1l[llJfL‘s.§l't m. M H.
`| '
`C-rime: It‘s
`just a hot.
`link away
`By Ell-.In
`[mi-Ii!“ V‘lll.““-'.'1l|'ll'l ll'~
`ll1ll'l“ISL-LII”ELIH'l-lh-l w.-
`!_I]1IIn1- a.
`n1 lll I.I_-||I.|.|1II.1:'Ir:|.I~I".I
`“1|”. 1:
`iIt may he immature, but
`fans claim Java’s no jive
`Hm II'HI’ I'l' I'm HIP familial?» dallflrl'linlewa' iii'l' Iqum.’
`E: '5a?“
`By John on:
`nl llli‘ i'lllldlliH-ll —
`.in1.r|Ln:':IItr-II IIMI'Inial-I'Is 'MllLiIIL:
`Ilil'lil Lulullugr Ie'prll'til'ljll ll Ili'llt-
`|||II1.| I‘Il'hlml "inn llrllll'llI'Ii'k.
`lllll'I'Illh'llls'l I.l|..l1llll-Hll Ic'IIl.I-I.I
`.Iillniir.lli.u|1-I Inn.qu
`ll'lllzm Ill'u'llllal'l'w
`mat iIhI 'III'In-nl I'll‘l'illllnt'lll“. I'tll
`l.rI drain-qr I-II1IIIIuI-1'- 1|.l
`!lBM battles
`Big HFmgri'rm rgfl'ils mm .sr'r‘I'I'I‘rmph'rrrl'l'rm FJrI'lI'dIrIJJ-‘Il'lml'
`- Farm-l Il-rllnlrrlm's. network flltlllflflf’N-lflll um! H'rr‘ I'nlw‘rrrrt.
`Ely Michael Courier
`IIIH' Ill.“ lJILL'k-
`_'|.'r-..'.Irl_ .l'r'tm
`.IIIIIg thI-III-I 1l||I|l1E hr-
`.l “.1:
`.‘HII' Ill-3|. Ego I'H
`slam I'.|..Il:-.III. lll'il lll'\I “n: l'k hlll
`.I «win -.Il suit-l
`h .m- 'l'rlll'll'l'lt": .IiIILII-Ii .Lr rvgnmllag
`.‘IIIiI'IrIurll imp .1- Hull
`|il‘.l'-. HI'L'l'II-Illt'llllil'l'
`I'll-:I'LI l';LL;|L'.'n||| lllll I-II
`'lIlI |InII1L'\. “uni-Imu \' I'
`Hlul 'l'Illlll'
`'xlu l'l|'|-|lirl‘~
`HULLEHI-Ilg' !llll
`.1 1.1|il'l1 lJi
`Big Blue blends
`SNA/LAN data.
`By Michael (loom
`Ill'F iu lim' n1
`II'IIM III-an Ho‘le will isn't-l
`IAN .uIIi HIE-1. Itullit uI-I‘III'uIIulIItk.
`lu'nvirlallg flLilIll'l-ll‘fh inlJi wh:II1
`I IJIIIFMIH .'i-'l."I\ it. :LrI l'i't'll In'llrr :Illrnm—
`liu- 1n l'll'..Ll:1I'l'lfllll1'r'lfllllL'l'F.
`'I III' Hunpam‘ will IIm‘L'il .l. mm. I'rli-
`:iIm nt ".5 EELT Emm- Illiililllr-Inurl
`5"- Big Hlur. Err Er!
`lBfl hmmufiwh Ill ins-am
`nalloat hrWWWm.
`IBM 1“
`3Com I.“
`EmuCIMIn I.“ - —
`541' Ill“
`Buyer! on 59-95 Immune-nu: mint-an: soon nt-Iinn
`1'1III_--|l Immune lul.‘
`I|-.I-. _
`llIE Ill.
`u-I, ||I:|l\._ l|'.-I1|-.iI IIIIII'NIIIIIIIJ
`Braille-IL IIIIIL; I|l inn-Ll
`lJI‘lRL HILIIr-Illl.
`In \Illllilll‘l'l
`*l'l'll'l prL-IlIIIIL .lml
`III-inun- allm-s c'nmlmw
`11|II:1- null-I
`Digital ClearlllSN to focus on
`solving management mess
`By Judi Cob-u!
`Iliu't' wars .1Jw1 LiIImL:
`l'irl‘IlL'llfi'l FI':1III:-1IIII-I l. -— :I ‘I' 11'.-
`l:'r|l|:|1 I11.I.:II.I.|.LI.'I
`lllalllilljl'L'l .‘i
`[75H ]-.‘IIII — lingual
`limp. IIIlE'WI'i'IL will uInI-il plaus-
`II1II1I:-.':-I|.I|r:ur I1I:I11'.1_i:r:mI-Iu
`HTC EX. 1022
`HTC v. Ancora
`US Patent No. 6,411,941
`"-'1||E1.' I]I.II III-w III '.lr'II-||l|r'|' IlII'e-t-
`in lit-\Sglll'd in In l'IIIm
`III?“ In. rlilllilinfllllfl llll' Ill'l'l'lI Inf
`1r:I1'I1|t'|i1I:.I. wilh
`In lmiltl
`Sin-r lligjtai. My 95'
`Page 1
`Giants hack voice over 'Net
`If luanlc Hakim
`l1|I:I'l [.Ill!l.. "IliIHm-ll EIIIEI.
`|"III- nl'll1lli III mull IriII-nI- I'IIIr:
`.IlI-:| “In”! IIIII IIlfI-II.I|I:'.||I::" l.l~':
`[.1:II'IJII-M' pnilarllllllg llll' I'll
`ilIL' "\I'l
`1iII'--:1II':I:IILgr|I.L1LI-t IL1'-1ILII:I|.I:I
`lllllllll ul
`In In lllllt'lt'lll
`Mal-r.- lain-m1 l-ictL'IHrL'l'JrJlll FmiEaniludlllfi
`a llnlula hm Ill-Illmm
`e mefln mutual“: ll'I‘lH Illfl MEI-II"
`plm tDlHll'lIl-lvll irlh thriram:
`II: A IIL“ of five tnmpifilas parflclpallngln tho
`spEtIf-lnaflun film
`I'rnnl F'rI|_.'_I'
`I55. mum'HulIfI-‘usinn Idnztlnmmbaria ream.5up|[e5lnrdlufls.
`lulu: Ila-:1
`llII- I-H-III Inulll |I.I~.II-
`[lsr ~:1I.Ill
`IJlH-ru' HIIIl.|I.'1-
`:llll'V ill .-5.lI|-:'I:I-I .l'fi lull liI'I'H
`lt'll'ldl-H‘IIllllllll'JIIl I11 harn-
`l'll.lll'lll.§ I.‘.{'J.".I 11'.lll.flll.§.{
`mghl l1l:!l'l"'.
`milith III InI-IIIIL I.I|iIIII;_I.
`I-u-r [hr lllllll JIL'I u- LI‘IlIJll.
`|II11|,||:1||lI¢ ll In Ihr E't'll-
`lultfllllllllllll :IlIIIIh‘I lllllllllllv
`unl- Ill.1l Intrrnr'l fll1- Illl' M-TII'H I'
`|1|.I'II |I ll!" IlllilllI'ILlllll'h
`Inn-ruling lill' mllmlln'
`.HIIIJ \l'l'
`1Ilmm- llll'l'lll.LI'll['31 I'.\|.'l'_ MHII'I'h
`ll. pain-1L1.
`,'|.|!']'.’l. mrnflu'h lulu' uu'HI'm l-
`.‘irr Voice own 'N H. firng l2
`Page 1
`HTC EX. 1022
`HTC v. Ancora
`US Patent No. 6,411,941


`technology Update_
`[is eping Up with Network Technologies and Standards
`Setwork 1tl'orld Metamu-
`flnmtow ammonia Paw
`rubmitidmd reinitialth
`til-own! {infill} oar-Hoe Est Hi.
`theth at momma-mm
`Doe-hull}, main-Illa bus I‘III
`arm or MMMHM
`Hull Fulton's llllp meant...
`dtr. Heroine Ira-role;
`Recenter Emit SLIItIITJlIlpflrt-‘isnrot
`WowmtlomiorsLLTElCorp. in
`Little Rock, Arie, told us [tun ma [ring
`a nhangt) mhrsumlfl' Neurosis. ll'ltt.
`FDIJi network interface cards {NIB}
`gained a ring operation rs. problem. He
`m-srhal about evenysetendays, the
`Fniil ring woo Irt go into a high resent
`tin-primary and secondary ring.
`Ufiginalb'Jis Now-II, Int. Net—
`Wan: illirindxtimmrs ueed 30am
`single-till sell station FDDI
`cards with the latest. drivers. but
`problem started.
`cltanged tn Hodges dual-attach ste-
`tiorr tons} ear-ctr with that. contus-
`nir's litters! drivers. which were in lieu.
`trail at. the Li me.
`HDWIH'EI. the Hedge cards did not
`cycle trurretrlly in {MS tirade, appear-
`ing to hung on rtrtli never reestablish
`Aherconsiderlrrgohomjnri again
`Lo [Esra Sasha ms. lnc. DrlS cards.
`Stuart. writ sing the M srlgu. esrtisirt
`5A5 mode fi nallystatrilised the FD Ul
`ring, The nem'orlt isritrrru'rrg line
`now except [ortrcossiurralprohlems
`with NelWore Dimmer! Be Nice:
`lfroir have similar erqreritrncesto
`sluire. posts mistress to our Fusion
`Help lleslr (hnierenoe at htlpit'trtm.
`rtwttrntnn.onrn.$alerl i‘orumrrtllm
`Help Desk.
`Futile up
`Muir read i ng how to nmnnrittinm
`eon (For-1:33 \l'rndowntistrorn attach-
`irtg unwanted [.rrin'terjohtartguage
`cadr- ln I‘nnL‘lr‘ri p't filnrttiestirttrrt Fora
`lanIptllllllen’flfNH‘I Feta. l9. page
`5.1).rtrtrrtrierlnld ushuw Lauren 3
`similar pmolnm in Win flows NT.
`The tsunami-'5 trts Windows NT
`printord martian—attaching Hew-
`lett-Packard Cot-scape sequences
`to the stat-Lot Drint files.'t‘onliminnte
`“retirement, hesmrmwu go i nlo
`lllrl! printerrtrit'eroonl'igu ration and
`metre sure the range i nd Ppendence
`setting ischeclted off.
`Updated spec provides standard
`for remotely managing computers
`By Paul mimhln
`[f you want [u remote-l}l manage
`computers while
`complying with industryr stan-
`dards, check out products [Ital
`support the smn-tohorelcascd
`updated version of the I)th
`Version 2U ol'llrt: DMIspccir-
`ratiott Ill-tailsa standard war: for
`sending management informa-
`tion from remote devices across.
`sgemenl applications. The MIF
`database delines the standard
`managcahle attributes of
`Tire Ml
`lcls TIMI-enabled
`applications access. manage and
`components and peripherals.
`while [he (Ii allows corriponents
`to be seen and managed by appli-
`cations. that. call the D511 senl'lce
`layer. The CI gets
`relevant management
`information, the DM[ noh'usesa
`procedural i‘tPl composed nl'sev-
`oral discrete Functions. These
`functions Eilll casilvbc described
`using the Open Software Foun-
`Description Language: (lDL).
`The use of IDI. is important
`because it allows inlonnation to
`be categorized rather than pre-
`sented in block form. More sig-
`local ailment
`rim meager-nit!
`Hell-anti :5.” til the W
`W'm adds
`the ability to filter events
`illltl changes the blurlt marr-
`rigerrrent irrlt' rider {Mil used
`in the specificstlulr'ii initial
`tension to a procedural Ml.
`“‘l‘ill'll enables remote duress
`Settles layer
`Procedural Ill
`tn mat and. lilil remote
`I 1 “IE!”sendsrrromlonnutron
`u’oo‘care cal rflt’fir. remote
`management npzrt IEJlI'Jl‘S.
`"IE Elfin lC'.‘ lit-El crrtegor ICS
`T'IC B-‘E'FEB lni‘TelEEei‘l U55"
`spec iro‘i Lllli‘ShUld‘j ills]
`sonrlstlrri'n tn the pince-
`uural MI.
`mecomDocent Intenace
`{till nassestorr-e sen-roe
`taint tcal-‘I rnr: Curr-t 'r-for
`martian IT Cfliigctsfi'um the
`CWT-[Juliet lla’tll'fllfl an I]
`release also allows marraget'stu
`define and tiller m‘rrrts. Jillt'll
`as slat-ins. sent out by the Irrati-
`aged PC products. servers and
`The liesktnp Management
`Task Forrt‘ tDMTFi. an li‘it‘lliflu’y
`group. plans to release DMI Vt.
`slim 2.0 early next rnunth. The
`release extends DMlVersinn 1.0.
`which established it standard
`framework for managing nel-
`wurked computers. Tire DMJ is
`independent of protocol. plat-
`fonn and operating system.
`Architectural overflow
`The DM] architecture in-
`cludes a service layer, a manage-
`ment information format (MlFl
`database. a management inter-
`face {MI} and :1 component
`The DM] service layer act-t as
`an information broker between
`manageable products and man-
`drnamic instntntenlation infor—
`mation from manageable prod-
`ucts anti trams it tn the M I via the:
`sender Iat'er. lt shields compo-
`nent vendors
`from decisions
`tinm. protocols and operating
`systems. allowing them to focus
`on providing wrnpctitit'l: matr—
`ngemrtlt for their pmdttr ts.
`The DMTF technical cotntnil-
`tot: has line-tuned the original
`DMI with two enhancements: it
`procedural interface and a self-
`rlesrrihi rig crenr mnrlei.
`Procedural Interface
`The DM] Version Lil uses a.
`block structure interfitlst: with as
`si ngl c API.
`the ser-
`With this interface.
`vice layer has to sift
`large artruttrtts of indiscriminate
`data In acct-Rs required in 'urrru-
`lion. What's morc. it has been
`prone [O E "OPS.
`To make it easier for users In
`rtificandi'. it. allows all interface
`to he used wi LII the OSF's Distrib-
`rrlerl Cmnpnting Enrir'utul'rerll's
`remote procedure call function.
`This makes it possible to use the
`interface for remote rirauagc-
`mc tit.
`Event model
`'I'hr I'll-ll Vr'rsinrr I." slit-rife
`call on incorporates a highly flex-
`ilrle. event rttotlel. However. W0
`things an: missing: a way In der-
`Kflhl' events and it mechanism
`for filtering those events htrl'nre
`forwarding them to a manager.
`Ana result. management applica-
`tions rcccirt: a. plethont ofindis-
`In Helms-r 2.0, the UM] gains
`the abilin wdrline events within
`a component‘s MIF and to set
`event tillers in the service lil'lr'tfl'.
`This I'I'll'allll manage-rs can estab—
`determine the lypes oft-vents for
`which they receive notification.
`Update Impact
`Desktop operating systems
`recognize products
`comply,‘ with Dhil‘ulersiun Ll] czui
`accommodate the updates. The
`liltll‘s CI
`is defined such that
`new code will he required to
`However. the Ci changes will
`instalird base of llMl-cmtblerl
`hardwarr. which can still he
`:trcessufl at the Version 1.0 func-
`Llorialit}l Ietel by DMl-enabletl
`The IiMl and MIFs were
`by a
`ll'lLlLtsll'lI' consortium with 122
`formal members and technical
`dialogues with more than 359
`ittcltrtlt't- Compaq Computer
`Corp. Dell Computer Corp"
`Digital eqliprtrcut Curl)" lit-w-
`illicrmoft Corp" NEG
`Corp“ Nora-ll.
`Inca. Tl“: Santa
`(lruz OperaLlon, Inc.. S't-rnnntec
`(Lorp. and Strnlinl't. Inc. Version
`2.0 (if the Bil-ll further extends
`the writ; of these industry lead-
`ers to iTIiIlU.‘ systems and sewers
`bettercitizens nl'lthAN.
`Hutu'dlt'r; is rt starry paprth
`It! Iii-H in linear?! Tommi! PrtF'I.
`MC. turd rhrtinnan oftlw DMTT';
`technical cnmma'rrm Ht mu hr
`pr: filming-’3. trimmer.
`llitrlcr' provide a
`but Nrmmir
`quick primeron an important
`or emerging technology. If
`you have an idea for Technol-
`ogy Update, mntacr Beth
`Schultzh'yphone at. [312) 233-
`0215 or via 1he inter-net at
`Network World 0 Mamh 13, 1995 o mnufuflnnnum o 35
`Page 2

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