`JOSEPH MELI et al.,
`DATE FILED: 3-26-20
`No. 19-Cr-480 (RA)
`RONNIE ABRAMS, United States District Judge:
`On March 23, 2020, Defendant Joseph Meli’s parents made a request for bail on
`their son’s behalf. Citing the ongoing public health crisis and Mr. Meli’s pre-existing
`health conditions, his parents requested that he be released from the Manhattan Detention
`Center (the “MDC”) and temporarily placed on home confinement. The Court directed
`the Government to respond. On March 24, the Government opposed the bail request on
`the grounds that “even if Meli is bailed by this Court, he must nonetheless remain
`confined in BOP custody” because he is currently serving a 78 months’ sentence in
`connection with a separate and prior case. See United States v. Simmons et al., No. 17-cr-
`127 (KMW) (S.D.N.Y.).
`Although the Court would have given very serious consideration to Mr. Meli’s
`bail application, particularly in light of the public health crisis, the Court agrees with the
`Government that any decision made by this Court would not render him eligible for
`release. Mr. Meli is currently detained at the MDC on a writ from Otisville, where he is
`serving his sentence imposed in the Simmons case. Granting him bail in this matter
`would thus not change the fact that he is still serving that sentence. For this reason, any
`Case 1:19-cr-00480-RA Document 42 Filed 03/26/20 Page 2 of 2
`request for Mr. Meli’s release from BOP custody is properly before the sentencing judge
`in Simmons.
`Accordingly, the Court denies Mr. Meli’s bail application at this time.
`Dated: March 26, 2020
`New York, New York
`Ronnie Abrams
`United States District Judge