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InSite Platform Partners, Inc. v. OrbComm, Inc.

4:16-cv-00491 | Missouri Western District Court

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Division Kansas City
Judge Chief District Judge Beth Phillips
Filed May 31, 2016
Terminated March 27, 2018
Case Flags CLOSED and MAPN
Nature of Suit 190 Contract - Other
Cause 28:1441 Petition for Removal
Jury Demand Both
Last Updated: 2 years, 4 months ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
  • Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer)Granted
Clerk's ORDER OF DISMISSAL. (McIlvain, Kelly) (Entered: 03/27/2018)
3/22/2018STIPULATION of dismissal Joint Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice by Orbcomm SENS, LLC. (Boulware, Brandon) (Entered: 03/22/2018)
  • Scheduling Order
AMENDED SCHEDULING ORDER: Discovery due by 6/11/2018. Dispositive Motions due by 7/16/2018. Teleconference set for 12/21/2018 10:00 AM. Pretrial Conference set for 1/10/2019 02:00 PM Courtroom 7A, Kansas City (BP) before District Judge Beth Phillips. Jury Trial set for 1/22/2019 08:30 AM in Courtroom 7A, Kansas City (BP) before District Judge Beth Phillips. Signed on 11/16/17 by District Judge Beth Phillips. (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 11/16/2017)
11/9/2017Joint PROPOSED SCHEDULING ORDER [Proposed & Amended Scheduling and Trial Order] by Orbcomm SENS, LLC. (Boulware, Brandon) (Entered: 11/09/2017)
11/2/2017103ORDER granting 102 : The parties' Joint Motion for Extension of Time to submit a joint proposed amended scheduling order is GRANTED. The parties have up to and including November 9, 2017 to file the amended proposed scheduling order. Signed on 11/2/17 by District Judge Beth Phillips. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 11/02/2017)
  • Motion to Extend Timeby Δ
Joint MOTION for extension of time filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of Orbcomm SENS, LLC. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 11/16/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 11/02/2017)
  • Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer)
ORDER granting 56 : Comtech's Motion to Dismiss is GRANTED and Comtech is dismissed without prejudice from this case. Signed on 10/26/17 by District Judge Beth Phillips. (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 10/26/2017)
  • Responseby Π
RESPONSE to order re 95 Order Joint Statement Supplementing the Record filed by Andrew B Protzman on behalf of Plaintiffs InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1)(Related document(s) 95 ) (Protzman, Andrew) (Entered: 10/05/2017)
  • Motion to Extend Time
ORDER granting 98 : The Motion for Extension of Time is Granted and the parties have until October 5, 2017 to respond to the Court's Order of September 12, 2017. This Order also clarifies the request for information. See Order for details. Signed on 9/29/17 by District Judge Beth Phillips. (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 09/29/2017)
9/28/2017 MOTION for extension of time to Submit Joint Answers to Jurisdiction Questions filed by Thomas M. Franklin on behalf of Comtech Mobile Datacom Corp. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 10/12/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Franklin, Thomas) (Entered: 09/28/2017)
  • Motion to Extend TimeGranted
ORDER granting 96 : The parties' Joint Motion for 10 Day Extension of Time to respond to the Court's 9/12/17 Order directing the parties to provide a joint statement supplementing the record is GRANTED. The parties' joint statement is due on or before September 28, 2017. Signed on 9/15/17 by District Judge Beth Phillips. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 09/15/2017)
  • Motion to Extend Time to File Responseby Π
Joint MOTION for extension of time to file response/reply as to 95 Order filed by Andrew B Protzman on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 9/29/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Related document(s) 95 ) (Protzman, Andrew) (Entered: 09/15/2017)
  • Order
ORDER directing parties to provide joint statement supplementing the record. Joint response due September 18, 2017. Signed on 9/12/17 by District Judge Beth Phillips. (Wolfe, Steve) (Entered: 09/12/2017)
9/7/2017NOTICE of filing PLAINTIFFS SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF IN RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT COMTECH MOBILE DATACOM CORP.S LLCS MOTION TO DISMISS by InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp re 56 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM , 88 Supplement (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Declaration of R.L. ("Rick") Humphrey)(Protzman, Andrew) (Entered: 09/07/2017)
8/30/2017ELECTRONIC TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held 5/12/2017 before Judge Beth Phillips. Court Reporter: Katie Wirt, 816-512-5608, katie_wirt@mow.uscourts.gov. Number of pages: 25. NOTICE RE: REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: Within 7 calendar days of this filing, each party shall inform the Court, by filing a Notice of Redaction, of the parties' intent to redact personal data identifiers from the electronic transcript of the court proceeding. The policy is located on our website at www.mow.uscourts.gov. Please read this policy carefully. NOTICE: Attorneys must contact the court reporter for copies during this 90 day period. Notice of Intent to File Redaction of Transcripts due by 9/6/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/27/2017.(Wirt, Katie) (Entered: 08/30/2017)
  • Motion to Extend TimeGranted
ORDER granting 91 : Plaintiffs' Unopposed Motion for 10 Day Extension of Time to respond to Defendant Comtech's Supplemental Briefing on Personal Jurisdiction is GRANTED. Plaintiffs have up to and including September 7, 2017 to file the supplemental brief. Signed on 8/25/17 by District Judge Beth Phillips. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 08/25/2017)
  • Motion to Extend Time to File Responseby Π
MOTION for extension of time to file response/reply as to 88 Supplement (Unopposed) filed by Andrew B Protzman on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 9/8/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Related document(s) 88 ) (Protzman, Andrew) (Entered: 08/25/2017)
  • Motion to Withdraw as CounselGranted
ORDER granting 89 : Nicolas Purifoy's Motion to Withdraw as counsel for Plaintiff is GRANTED. Signed on 8/18/17 by District Judge Beth Phillips. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 08/18/2017)
  • Motion to Withdraw as Counsel
MOTION to withdraw as attorney filed by Nicholas D. Purifoy on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 9/1/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Purifoy, Nicholas) (Entered: 08/18/2017)
8/14/2017 SUPPLEMENT Briefing on Personal Jurisdiction in Further Support of Motion to Dismiss. (Related document(s) 56 ) (Franklin, Thomas) (Entered: 08/14/2017)
7/18/2017Minute Entry. Proceedings held before District Judge Beth Phillips: TELEPHONE CONFERENCE held on 7/18/2017. The Court issues an Order that amends the scheduling order as to discovery and sets a deadline for the parties to amend the scheduling order after ruling on Comtech's Motion to Dismiss (see Order for details). (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 07/18/2017)
7/15/2017DESIGNATION of Expert Witnesses (Preliminary) by All Plaintiffs filed by Nicholas D. Purifoy on behalf of Plaintiffs North American Satellite Corp, InSite Platform Partners, Inc..(Purifoy, Nicholas) (Entered: 07/15/2017)
7/14/201785 NOTICE OF HEARING - This is the official notice for this hearing. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached. Telephone Conference set for 7/18/2017 10:00 AM, before District Judge Beth Phillips. Parties shall call in by dialing (877) 336-1839 and enter access code 4259420. Each party shall submit a one page summary by 5:00 PM on 7/14/17 be emailing to opposing counsel and to annette_cordell@mow.uscourts.gov.(Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 07/14/2017)
  • Motion to QuashDenied
ORDER denying 83 motion to quash without prejudice. See Local Rule 37.1(a). Signed on 7/12/2017 by District Judge Beth Phillips. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Wolfe, Steve) (Entered: 07/12/2017)
  • Motion to Quash
MOTION to quash Defendant Orbcomm's Notice of Corporate Deposition Representative Deposition filed by Nicholas D. Purifoy on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 7/26/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Purifoy, Nicholas) (Entered: 07/12/2017)
7/12/2017 MOTION to amend/correct 69 Amended Scheduling Order, As to Disclosure of Expert Witnesses filed by Nicholas D. Purifoy on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 7/26/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Related document(s) 69 ) (Purifoy, Nicholas) (Entered: 07/12/2017)
  • Motion to Extend Time
ORDER granting 80 : The Plaintiffs' Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Jurisdictional Discovery is GRANTED. The deadline for jurisdictional discovery is July 26, 2017. Signed on 7/5/17 by District Judge Beth Phillips. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 07/05/2017)
  • Motion to Extend Time
MOTION for extension of time to complete discovery (Unopposed) filed by Nicholas D. Purifoy on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 7/19/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Purifoy, Nicholas) (Entered: 07/05/2017)
6/30/2017 NOTICE to take deposition of Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation filed by Andrew B Protzman on behalf of Plaintiffs InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Protzman, Andrew) (Entered: 06/30/2017)
6/28/2017Amended NOTICE to take deposition of North American Satellite Corporation filed by Brandon J.B. Boulware on behalf of Defendant Orbcomm SENS, LLC.(Boulware, Brandon) (Entered: 06/28/2017)
6/28/2017Amended NOTICE to take deposition of InSite Platform Partners, Inc. filed by Brandon J.B. Boulware on behalf of Defendant Orbcomm SENS, LLC.(Boulware, Brandon) (Entered: 06/28/2017)
6/21/2017CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Comtech Mobile Datacom Corp filed by Thomas M. Franklin on behalf of Defendant Comtech Mobile Datacom Corp.(Franklin, Thomas) (Entered: 06/21/2017)
  • Motion for Protective Order
PROTECTIVE ORDER. The Court enters a Protective Order. Signed on 6/13/17 by District Judge Beth Phillips. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A) (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 06/13/2017)
  • Motion for Protective Orderby Δ
Joint MOTION for protective order filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of Orbcomm SENS, LLC. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 6/26/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 06/12/2017)
5/25/2017CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Orbcomm SENS, LLC filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of Defendant Orbcomm SENS, LLC.(Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 05/25/2017)
  • Motion to Extend TimeGranted
ORDER granting 71 : Defendant OrbComm Sens LLC's Motion for Extension of time to respond to Plaintiff's First Interrogatories and First Requests for Production of Documents is GRANTED. Defendant OrbComm Sens LLC has up to and including May 25, 2017 to respond to the discovery requests. Signed on 5/17/17 by District Judge Beth Phillips. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 05/17/2017)
  • Motion to Extend Timeby Δ
Consent MOTION for extension of time filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of Orbcomm SENS, LLC. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 5/31/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 05/17/2017)
5/12/201770Minute Entry Proceedings held before District Judge Beth Phillips: MOTION HEARING held on 5/12/2017 re 56 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Comtech Mobile Datacom Corp; Discovery to be conducted on matters related to personal jurisdiction and to be completed by July 12, 2017. Defendant Comtech Mobile Datacom Corp to file supplemental suggestions by August 14, 2017 and plaintiff to respond 14 days thereof. Time in court: 1:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.. To order a transcript of this hearing please contact Katie Wirt, 816-512-5608. (McIlvain, Kelly) (Entered: 05/12/2017)
  • Scheduling Order
AMENDED SCHEDULING ORDER: Discovery due by 11/17/2017. Dispositive Motions due by 12/18/2017. Teleconference set for 4/27/2018 10:00 AM. Pretrial Conference set for 5/11/2018 10:30 AM Courtroom 7A, Kansas City (BP) before District Judge Beth Phillips. Jury Trial set for 5/21/2018 10:30 AM in Courtroom 7A, Kansas City (BP) before District Judge Beth Phillips. Signed on 4/27/17 by District Judge Beth Phillips. (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 04/27/2017)
4/27/201768Minute Entry. Proceedings held before District Judge Beth Phillips: TELEPHONE CONFERENCE held on 4/27/2017. Plaintiffs' Unopposed Motion to Amend the Scheduling Order 61 is granted. A separate Amended Scheduling Order will be issued in a separate docket entry. To order a transcript of this hearing please contact Katie Wirt, 816-512-5608. (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 04/27/2017)
4/27/201767 NOTICE OF HEARING - This is the official notice for this hearing. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached. Evidentiary Hearing set for 5/12/2017 01:30 PM in Courtroom 7A, Kansas City (BP) before District Judge Beth Phillips. (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 04/27/2017)
  • Order
ORDER setting hearing on motion: Evidentiary Hearing set for 5/12/2017, 1:30 PM in Courtroom 7A, Kansas City (BP) before District Judge Beth Phillips, on Comtech's Motion to Dismiss (Doc. 56 ). Signed on 4/27/17 by District Judge Beth Phillips. (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 04/27/2017)
4/19/2017 NOTICE to take deposition of North American Satellite Corporation filed by Brandon J.B. Boulware on behalf of Defendant Orbcomm SENS, LLC.(Boulware, Brandon) (Entered: 04/19/2017)
4/19/2017 NOTICE to take deposition of InSite Platform Partners, Inc. filed by Brandon J.B. Boulware on behalf of Defendant Orbcomm SENS, LLC.(Boulware, Brandon) (Entered: 04/19/2017)
4/18/201763 NOTICE OF HEARING - This is the official notice for this hearing. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached. Telephone Conference set for 4/27/2017 10:00 AM, before District Judge Beth Phillips, in reference to Plaintiff's Motion to Amend Scheduling Order (Doc. 61). (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 04/18/2017)
4/18/2017CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp of First Interrogatories and First Request for Request for Production of Documents to Defendant Orbcomm Sens, LLC filed by Nicholas D. Purifoy on behalf of Plaintiffs InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp.(Purifoy, Nicholas) (Entered: 04/18/2017)
4/14/2017 MOTION to amend/correct Scheduling Order (Unopposed) filed by Nicholas D. Purifoy on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 4/28/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Purifoy, Nicholas) (Entered: 04/14/2017)
  • Reply
REPLY SUGGESTIONS to motion re 56 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Thomas M. Franklin on behalf of Defendant Comtech Mobile Datacom Corp. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Declaration of L. Johnson)(Related document(s) 56 ) (Franklin, Thomas) (Entered: 04/11/2017)
3/29/2017SUGGESTIONS in opposition re 56 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Nicholas D. Purifoy on behalf of Plaintiffs InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp. Reply suggestions due by 4/12/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Affidavit - Humphrey - Exhibit A)(Related document(s) 56 ) (Purifoy, Nicholas) (Entered: 03/29/2017)
3/27/2017CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Orbcomm SENS, LLC filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of Defendant Orbcomm SENS, LLC.(Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 03/27/2017)
3/15/2017SUGGESTIONS in support re 56 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Thomas M. Franklin on behalf of Defendant Comtech Mobile Datacom Corp. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit of D. Latter, # 2 Exhibit A)(Related document(s) 56 ) (Franklin, Thomas) (Entered: 03/15/2017)
  • Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction
MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction , MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Thomas M. Franklin on behalf of Comtech Mobile Datacom Corp. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 3/29/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Attorney Thomas M. Franklin added to party Comtech Mobile Datacom Corp(pty:dft))(Franklin, Thomas) (Entered: 03/15/2017)
3/7/2017CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp (Response to Orbcomm SENS LLCs First Request for Admissions) filed by Nicholas D. Purifoy on behalf of Plaintiffs InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp.(Purifoy, Nicholas) (Entered: 03/07/2017)
2/22/2017CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp (Responses to Orbcomm SENS LLC's First Request for Production and Responses to Orbcomm SENS LLC's First Interrogatories) filed by Nicholas D. Purifoy on behalf of Plaintiffs InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp.(Purifoy, Nicholas) (Entered: 02/22/2017)
2/1/2017 DISCLOSURE OF CORPORATE INTERESTS filed by Nicholas D. Purifoy on behalf of Plaintiffs InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp.(Purifoy, Nicholas) (Entered: 02/01/2017)
1/23/2017CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Orbcomm SENS, LLC [First Interrogatories to InSite Platform Partners, Inc.; First Request for Production of Documents to InSite Platform Partners, Inc.; First Interrogatories to North American Satellite Corp.; and First Request for Production of Documents to North American Satellite Corp.] filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of Defendant Orbcomm SENS, LLC.(Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 01/23/2017)
  • Complaintby Π
AMENDED COMPLAINT (third) against ORBCOMM SENS, LLC, Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation filed by Andrew B Protzman on behalf of North American Satellite Corp, InSite Platform Partners, Inc..(Protzman, Andrew) (Entered: 01/19/2017)
  • Motion to Amend Complaint
ORDER granting 49 : Plaintiffs' Unopposed Motion to Amend their Second Amended Complaint is GRANTED. Plaintiffs have three business days to electronically file their Amended Complaint. Signed on 1/19/17 by District Judge Beth Phillips. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 01/19/2017)
  • Motion to Amend Complaint
Consent MOTION to amend/correct 41 Amended Complaint by Interlineation filed by Nicholas D. Purifoy on behalf of All Plaintiffs. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 2/2/2017 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Amended Complaint - Strikethrough)(Related document(s) 41 ) (Attorney Nicholas D. Purifoy added to party North American Satellite Corp(pty:pla))(Purifoy, Nicholas) (Entered: 01/19/2017)
  • Answerby Π
ANSWER to Counterclaim on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp.(Attorney Andrew B Protzman added to party North American Satellite Corp(pty:pla))(Protzman, Andrew) (Entered: 01/05/2017)
1/4/2017CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by ORBCOMM SENS, LLC [First Request for Admissions on Plaintiff North American Satellite Corporation] filed by Brandon J.B. Boulware on behalf of Defendant ORBCOMM SENS, LLC.(Boulware, Brandon) (Entered: 01/04/2017)
1/4/2017CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by ORBCOMM SENS, LLC [First Request for Admissions on Plaintiff InSite Platform Partners, Inc.] filed by Brandon J.B. Boulware on behalf of Defendant ORBCOMM SENS, LLC.(Boulware, Brandon) (Entered: 01/04/2017)
12/16/2016 DISCLOSURE OF CORPORATE INTERESTS filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of Counter Claimant ORBCOMM SENS, LLC.(Attorney Jeremy M. Suhr added to party ORBCOMM SENS, LLC(pty:cc))(Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 12/16/2016)
  • Answerby Δ
ANSWER to 41 Amended Complaint , COUNTERCLAIM against InSite Platform Partners, Inc., North American Satellite Corp on behalf of ORBCOMM SENS, LLC.(Attorney Brandon J.B. Boulware added to party ORBCOMM SENS, LLC(pty:dft))(Boulware, Brandon) (Entered: 12/16/2016)
12/16/2016CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by InSite Platform Partners, Inc. Plaintiffs Response to Orbcomms First Request for Production filed by Nicholas D. Purifoy on behalf of Plaintiff InSite Platform Partners, Inc..(Purifoy, Nicholas) (Entered: 12/16/2016)
12/2/2016NOTICE of appearance by Nicholas D. Purifoy on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc. (Attorney Nicholas D. Purifoy added to party InSite Platform Partners, Inc.(pty:pla))(Purifoy, Nicholas) (Entered: 12/02/2016)
  • Complaintby Π
AMENDED COMPLAINT (Second) against OrbComm, Inc. filed by Andrew B Protzman on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc..(Protzman, Andrew) (Entered: 12/02/2016)
  • Motion to File Amended ComplaintGranted
ORDER granting 37 motion for leave to file Second Amended Complaint. Plaintiff shall have three business days to electronically file the Second Amended Complaint. Signed on 12/2/2016 by District Judge Beth Phillips. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Wolfe, Steve) (Entered: 12/02/2016)
  • Motion to Amend Complaintby Δ
RESPONSE to motion re 37 MOTION to amend/correct Plaintiff's Complaint to Add Parties filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of Defendant OrbComm, Inc.. Reply suggestions due by 12/15/2016 unless service is made pursuant to FRCP 5 or as otherwise directed by the court. (Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 12/01/2016)
11/18/2016 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE OF INITIAL RULE 26 DISCLOSURES filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of Defendant OrbComm, Inc..(Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 11/18/2016)
  • Motion to Amend Complaint
MOTION to amend/correct Plaintiff's Complaint to Add Parties filed by Andrew B Protzman on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc.. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 12/1/2016 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Second Amended Complaint)(Protzman, Andrew)Modified on 11/15/2016 main document 37 replaced at the request of counsel to correct COS. NEF regenerated to all parties.(Travis, Kendra) (Entered: 11/14/2016)
11/4/2016CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by OrbComm, Inc. [Defendant's First Requests for Production of Documents to Plaintiff] filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of Defendant OrbComm, Inc..(Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 11/04/2016)
  • Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer)
ORDER granting in part and denying in part 21 : Defendant's Motion to Dismiss is granted in part and denied in part. Plaintiff is ORDERED to file a Second Amended Complaint within 14 days. Signed on 10/31/16 by District Judge Beth Phillips. (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 10/31/2016)
  • Replyby Δ
REPLY SUGGESTIONS to motion re 21 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Brandon J.B. Boulware on behalf of Defendant OrbComm, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit F, # 2 Exhibit G, # 3 Exhibit H)(Related document(s) 21 ) (Boulware, Brandon) (Entered: 10/05/2016)
  • Motion to Withdraw as CounselGranted
ORDER granting 32 Christopher Sorenson's Motion for Leave to Withdraw as Attorney for Plaintiff is GRANTED. Attorney Christopher Michael Sorenson is terminated from this case. Signed on 9/30/16 by District Judge Beth Phillips. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 09/30/2016)
  • Motion to Withdraw as Counselby Π
MOTION to withdraw as attorney filed by Christopher Michael Sorenson on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc.. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 10/17/2016 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Sorenson, Christopher) (Entered: 09/30/2016)
  • Motion to Extend Time to File ReplyGranted
ORDER granting 30 : Defendant ORBCOMM, Inc.'s Consent Motion for Extension of Time to file Reply Suggestions in Support of its Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint is GRANTED. Defendant has up to and including October 5, 2016 to file the Reply. Signed on 9/28/16 by District Judge Beth Phillips. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 09/28/2016)
  • Motion to Extend Time to File Responseby Δ
Consent MOTION for extension of time to file response/reply as to 22 Suggestions in Support of Motion, 21 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM [to file Reply Suggestions in Support of the Motion] filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of OrbComm, Inc.. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 10/17/2016 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Related document(s) 22 , 21 ) (Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 09/28/2016)
9/12/2016SUGGESTIONS in opposition re 21 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Andrew B Protzman on behalf of Plaintiff InSite Platform Partners, Inc.. Reply suggestions due by 9/29/2016 unless otherwise directed by the court (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Affidavit of R. L. Humphrey)(Related document(s) 21 ) (Protzman, Andrew) (Entered: 09/12/2016)
9/7/2016NOTICE of filing: Mediation and Assessment Program Reminder: Your post-mediation status report is due within 10 calendar days after the mediation. See MAP FAQs on Court's website for specifics and submit report(s) to: map@mow.uscourts.gov. (ADI, MAP) (Entered: 09/07/2016)
9/2/2016DESIGNATION OF MEDIATOR naming Jay Daugherty(Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 09/02/2016)
  • Scheduling Order
SCHEDULING ORDER: Discovery due by 7/14/2017. Dispositive Motions due by 8/18/2017. Teleconference set for 12/15/2017 10:00 AM. Pretrial Conference set for 1/12/2018 10:00 AM Courtroom 7A, Kansas City (BP) before District Judge Beth Phillips. Jury Trial set for 1/22/2018 08:30 AM in Courtroom 7A, Kansas City (BP) before District Judge Beth Phillips. Signed on 9/2/16 by District Judge Beth Phillips. (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 09/02/2016)
8/27/2016Joint PROPOSED SCHEDULING ORDER by InSite Platform Partners, Inc.. (Protzman, Andrew) (Entered: 08/28/2016)
  • Motion to Extend TimeGranted
ORDER granting 24 : Plaintiff's Consent Motion for Extension of Time to respond to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss (Doc. 21) is GRANTED. Plaintiff has up to and including September 12, 2016 to respond to the Motion to Dismiss. Signed on 8/23/16 by District Judge Beth Phillips. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 08/23/2016)
  • Motion to Extend Timeby Π
Consent MOTION for extension of time filed by Andrew B Protzman on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc.. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 9/9/2016 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Protzman, Andrew) (Entered: 08/23/2016)
8/23/2016ELECTRONIC TRANSCRIPT of Oral Arguments held June 30, 2016, before Judge Beth Phillips. Court Reporter: Gayle Wambolt, 816-512-5641, gayle_wambolt@mow.uscourts.gov. Number of pages: 30. NOTICE RE: REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: Within 7 calendar days of this filing, each party shall inform the Court, by filing a Notice of Redaction, of the parties' intent to redact personal data identifiers from the electronic transcript of the court proceeding. The policy is located on our website at www.mow.uscourts.gov. Please read this policy carefully. NOTICE: Attorneys must contact the court reporter for copies during this 90 day period. Notice of Intent to File Redaction of Transcripts due by 9/1/2016. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/21/2016.(Wambolt, Gayle) (Entered: 08/23/2016)
8/12/2016SUGGESTIONS in support re 21 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Brandon J.B. Boulware on behalf of Defendant OrbComm, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E)(Related document(s) 21 ) (Boulware, Brandon) (Entered: 08/12/2016)
  • Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claimby Δ
MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Brandon J.B. Boulware on behalf of OrbComm, Inc.. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 8/29/2016 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Boulware, Brandon) (Entered: 08/12/2016)
7/20/2016Set/Reset Deadlines: OrbComm, Inc. answer due 8/12/2016. Proposed scheduling order due by 8/26/2016. (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 07/20/2016)
  • Motion to Extend Time
ORDER granting 19 : The Fourth Consent Motion for Extension of Time for various deadlines is GRANTED. Defendant shall file an Answer or response by August 12, 2016. The parties shall conduct their Rule 26 Conference by August 12, 2016, and submit a proposed scheduling order by August 26, 2016. Signed on 7/20/16 by District Judge Beth Phillips. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 07/20/2016)
  • Motion to Extend Timeby Δ
Consent MOTION for extension of time filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of OrbComm, Inc.. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 8/8/2016 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 07/20/2016)
  • Complaintby Π
AMENDED COMPLAINT against OrbComm, Inc. filed by Andrew B Protzman on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc..(Protzman, Andrew) (Entered: 07/08/2016)
  • Motion to File Amended ComplaintGranted
ORDER granting 10 and 16 : Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to File Amended Complaint, (Doc. 10), and Defendant's Motion for Extension of Time, (Doc. 16) are GRANTED. Plaintiff has 3 business days to electronically file the Amended Complaint. Defendant's Answer will be due 21 days after Plaintiff electronically files its Amended Complaint. A proposed scheduling order is due 35 days after Plaintiff electronically files its Amended Complaint. Signed on 7/7/16 by District Judge Beth Phillips. (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 07/07/2016)
  • Motion to Extend Timeby Δ
Consent MOTION for extension of time filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of OrbComm, Inc.. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 7/25/2016 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 07/07/2016)
  • Motion for Preliminary InjunctionDenied
ORDER and opinion denying Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Signed on 7/1/2016 by District Judge Beth Phillips. (Wolfe, Steve) (Entered: 07/01/2016)
7/1/2016SUGGESTIONS in opposition re 10 MOTION for leave to file Amended Complaint filed by Brandon J.B. Boulware on behalf of Defendant OrbComm, Inc.. Reply suggestions due by 7/18/2016 unless otherwise directed by the court (Related document(s) 10 ) (Boulware, Brandon) (Entered: 07/01/2016)
6/30/2016EXHIBIT INDEX by InSite Platform Partners, Inc. used at the Preliminary Injunction Hearing. (McIlvain, Kelly) (Entered: 06/30/2016)
6/30/201612Minute Entry Proceedings held before District Judge Beth Phillips: PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION HEARING held on 6/30/2016 Time in court: 10:05 a.m. to 10:57 am. Both parties present and ready for hearing. Arguments presented to the court. Court will take the matter under advisement. To order a transcript of this hearing please contact Gayle Wambolt, 816-512-5641. (McIlvain, Kelly) (Entered: 06/30/2016)
6/30/2016SUGGESTIONS in support re 10 MOTION for leave to file Amended Complaint filed by Andrew B Protzman on behalf of Plaintiff InSite Platform Partners, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint, # 2 Exhibit A to Amended Complaint)(Related document(s) 10 ) (Protzman, Andrew) (Entered: 06/30/2016)
  • Motion to File Amended Complaintby Π
MOTION for leave to file Amended Complaint filed by Andrew B Protzman on behalf of InSite Platform Partners, Inc.. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 7/18/2016 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Protzman, Andrew) (Entered: 06/30/2016)
  • Motion to Extend TimeGranted
ORDER granting 8 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer. Defendant's Answer due on or before July 8, 2016. Signed on 6/27/2016 by District Judge Beth Phillips. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Wolfe, Steve) (Entered: 06/27/2016)
  • Motion to Extend Time to Answerby Δ
Consent MOTION for extension of time to file answer filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of OrbComm, Inc.. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 7/11/2016 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 06/24/2016)
6/23/2016NOTICE of filing of Opposition to Plaintiff's "Motion for A Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary and Permanent Injunctive Relief" [Dkt 1-1] by OrbComm, Inc. re 6 Notice of Hearing,, (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 1-A, # 3 Exhibit 1-B, # 4 Exhibit 1-C, # 5 Exhibit 1-D, # 6 Exhibit 1-E, # 7 Exhibit 1-F, # 8 Exhibit 2, # 9 Exhibit 2-A, # 10 Exhibit 2-B, # 11 Exhibit 2-C)(Boulware, Brandon) (Entered: 06/23/2016)
6/13/20166 NOTICE OF HEARING - This is the official notice for this hearing. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached. Hearing on Motion for Temporary Restraining Order/Preliminary Injunction set for 6/30/2016 10:00 AM in Courtroom 7A, Kansas City (BP) before District Judge Beth Phillips. Notwithstanding the parties agreement, Defendant's response to the motion for temporary restraining order/preliminary injunction shall be filed 6/23/16, and their answer to the Complaint shall be filed on 6/28/16.(Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 06/13/2016)
  • Motion to Extend Time to Answerby Δ
Consent MOTION for extension of time to file answer filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of OrbComm, Inc.. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 6/27/2016 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 06/10/2016)
6/8/2016NOTICE of filing: Mediation and Assessment Program Reminder: Your Designation of Mediator is due soon (filed as an ADR event in CM/ECF). See Notice of Inclusion and MAP General Order for specifics. (ADI, MAP) (Entered: 06/08/2016)
  • Order
ORDER. Rule 16 Notice. Proposed scheduling order due by 7/21/2016. Rule 26 conference due by 7/7/2016. Signed on 6/6/16 by District Judge Beth Phillips. (Cordell, Annette) (Entered: 06/06/2016)

Notice of MAP assignment to an outside mediator. (Attachments: # 1 MAP General Order)(Houston, Kiambu) (Entered: 05/31/2016)
5/31/2016 DISCLOSURE OF CORPORATE INTERESTS filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of Defendant ORBCOMM, Inc. d/b/a ORBCOMM SENS, LLC.(Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 05/31/2016)
5/31/2016NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Circuit Court of Jackson County, MO County, case number 1616-CV11445, filed by Jeremy M. Suhr on behalf of ORBCOMM, Inc. d/b/a ORBCOMM SENS, LLC. Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0866-4847928. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Civil Cover Sheet)(Suhr, Jeremy) (Entered: 05/31/2016)