Commonwealth vs. Lovell Webb, Paul

2281CR00345 | Massachusetts State, Superior Court, Middlesex County

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Filed Sept. 22, 2022
Case Type Indictment
Status Open
Last Updated: 10 months ago
  • Count #1
    Original Charge: 267A/2/C-0 MONEY LAUNDERING, TRANSACTION c267A §2 (Felony)
    Indicted Charge:
    Amended Charge:
  • Count #2
  • 266/60/A-2 - RECEIVE STOLEN PROPERTY +$1200 c266 §60
    Original Charge: 266/60/A-2 RECEIVE STOLEN PROPERTY +$1200 c266 §60 (Felony)
    Indicted Charge:
    Amended Charge:
Filing Date # Docket Text

Tickler: Case Disposition

Start Date: 08/17/2023

Due Date: 05/13/2024

Days Due: 270


Tickler: Final Pre-Trial Conference

Start Date: 08/17/2023

Due Date: 04/29/2024

Days Due: 256

4/4/2024Scheduled: Event: Trial Readiness Conference Date: 08/12/2024 Time: 10:00 AM
4/4/2024Defendant 's Agreed to Motion to Continue Trial
4/4/2024Scheduled: Event: Jury Trial Date: 09/10/2024 Time: 09:00 AM
4/4/2024Event Result:: Jury Trial scheduled on: 05/06/2024 09:00 AM Has been: Rescheduled For the following reason: Request of Defendant Hon. Patrick Haggan, Presiding Staff: Michelle Goldman, Assistant Clerk Magistrate Apriel Jordan, Assistant Clerk Magistrate
4/4/2024Event Result:: Trial Readiness Conference scheduled on: 04/08/2024 10:00 AM Has been: Rescheduled For the following reason: Request of Defendant Hon. Patrick Haggan, Presiding Staff: Michelle Goldman, Assistant Clerk Magistrate Apriel Jordan, Assistant Clerk Magistrate
4/4/2024Endorsement on Motion to Continue Trial, (#20.0): ALLOWED 4/4/24 After review, and without objection, motion ALLOWED. Rule 36 is waived. (Haggan, J.) Judge: Haggan, Hon. Patrick
3/20/2024Defendant 's EX PARTE Motion for funds for Expert Assistance
3/20/2024Affidavit of Counsel in Support of Motion for Expenses
3/20/2024Endorsement on EX PARTE Motion for Funds for Expert Assistance, (#19.0): ALLOWED Allowed in the amt of $2,000. (Laurence Pierce, J.) 3/20/24 Judge: Pierce, Hon. Laurence D
3/14/2024MEMORANDUM & ORDER: On Defendant's Motion To Dismiss (Ruling On Paper No.15.0) ORDER/ Thus, the Defendant's motion to dismiss [Paper No. 15.0] is DENIED. Judge: Freniere, Hon Diane (Copy of decision emailed to parties on 3/14/24)
1/16/2024Commonwealth 's Memorandum In Opposition To Defendants' Motion To Dismiss Indictments
1/16/2024Affidavit of AAG Christopher O'Brien
1/16/2024Defendant 's Corrected Memorandum In Support Of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss
1/16/2024Defendant 's Notice Of Filing Of Impounded Information - Corrected Memorandum of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss
1/16/2024Event Result:: Non-Evidentiary Hearing to Dismiss scheduled on: 01/16/2024 12:00 PM Has been: Held as Scheduled Hon Diane Freniere, Presiding Appeared: Prosecutor Christopher O'Brien, Esq., Defendant Paul Lovell Webb Kenneth M Resnik, Esq., Appointed - Indigent Defendant Staff: Douglas Nagengast, Assistant Clerk Magistrate

Tickler: Pre-Trial Hearing

Start Date: 08/17/2023

Due Date: 12/29/2023

Days Due: 134

11/28/2023Event Result:: Filing of Motions scheduled on: 11/29/2023 09:00 AM Has been: Held as Scheduled Comments: via mail Hon. James Budreau, Presiding Staff: Michelle Goldman, Assistant Clerk Magistrate Apriel Jordan, Assistant Clerk Magistrate
11/9/2023Defendant 's Motion to Dismiss Indictment
11/9/2023Paul Lovell Webb's Memorandum in support of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Indictment (IMPOUNDED)
11/9/2023Defendant 's Notice of Filing of Impounded Information RE: (P#15.1) Memorandum in Support of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss
10/19/2023Scheduled: Event: Trial Readiness Conference Date: 04/08/2024 Time: 10:00 AM Result: Rescheduled
10/19/2023Scheduled: Event: Jury Trial Date: 05/06/2024 Time: 09:00 AM Result: Rescheduled
10/19/2023Event Result:: Jury Trial scheduled on: 04/16/2024 09:00 AM Has been: Rescheduled For the following reason: Joint request of parties Hon. James Budreau, Presiding
10/19/2023Event Result:: Trial Readiness Conference scheduled on: 03/15/2024 09:30 AM Has been: Rescheduled For the following reason: Joint request of parties Hon. James Budreau, Presiding
10/18/2023Defendant 's Assented to Motion to Continue Jury Trial and Affidavit
10/18/2023Endorsement on Motion to Continue Jury Trial and Affidavit (Assented to), (#14.0): ALLOWED All defendants waive Rule 36 through the next trial date. (Budreau, J.) Judge: Budreau, Hon. James
10/17/2023Event Result:: Filing of Motions scheduled on: 10/24/2023 09:00 AM Has been: Rescheduled For the following reason: Joint request of parties Hon. James Budreau, Presiding Staff: Michelle Goldman, Assistant Clerk Magistrate Apriel Jordan, Assistant Clerk Magistrate
9/21/2023Event Result:: Hearing for Capias scheduled on: 09/21/2023 12:00 PM Has been: Held as Scheduled For the following reason: Defendant defaulted Comments: NON BAILABLE STRAIGHT WARRANT TO ISSUE Michael A Sullivan, Presiding Staff: Mary T Aufiero, Assistant Clerk Dennis Collins, Assistant Clerk Magistrate
8/24/2023Scheduled: Event: Trial Readiness Conference Date: 03/15/2024 Time: 09:30 AM Result: Rescheduled
8/24/2023Scheduled: Event: Jury Trial Date: 04/16/2024 Time: 09:00 AM Result: Rescheduled
8/24/2023Event Result:: Scheduling Conference scheduled on: 09/05/2023 09:00 AM Has been: Held as Scheduled Comments: via email Hon. Sarah Weyland Ellis, Presiding Staff: Michelle Goldman, Assistant Clerk Magistrate Apriel Jordan, Assistant Clerk Magistrate
8/17/2023Attorney appearance On this date Kenneth M Resnik, Esq. added as Appointed - Indigent Defendant for Defendant Paul Lovell Webb Appointment made for the purpose of Case in Chief by Judge Daniel Flaherty.
8/17/2023Recalled: Straight Warrant cancelled on 08/17/2023 for Lovell Webb, Paul
8/17/2023Event Result:: Arraignment scheduled on: 08/17/2023 10:00 AM Has been: Held as Scheduled Comments: Po Dipietrantonio Daniel Flaherty, Presiding Appeared: Prosecutor Christopher O'Brien, Esq., Defendant Paul Lovell Webb Kenneth M Resnik, Esq., Appointed - Indigent Defendant Staff: Mary T Aufiero, Assistant Clerk FTR: J. MacEachern
8/17/2023Defendant arraigned before Court. Judge: Flaherty, Daniel
8/17/2023Defendant waives reading of indictment Judge: Flaherty, Daniel
8/17/2023Plea of not guilty entered on all charges. Judge: Flaherty, Daniel
8/17/2023Court inquires of Commonwealth if abuse, as defined by G.L. c. 209A, § 1, is alleged to have occurred immediately prior to or in connection with the charged offense(s). Judge: Flaherty, Daniel
8/17/2023Court finds NO abuse is alleged in connection with the charged offense. G.L. c. 276, § 56A. Judge: Flaherty, Daniel
8/17/2023Bail warnings read Judge: Flaherty, Daniel
8/17/2023Issued on this date: Mittimus in Lieu of Bail Sent On: 08/17/2023 12:37:01
8/17/2023Finding and Order on Bail: Judge: Flaherty, Daniel
8/17/2023Findings and Order of Statutory Fees Judge: Flaherty, Daniel
8/17/2023Commonwealth files the statement of the case.
8/17/2023Commonwealth 's Notice of Discovery (First)
8/17/2023Case assigned to: DCM Track B - Complex was added on 08/17/2023
8/17/2023Affidavit of indigency filed; APPROVED, counsel appointed. Judge: Flaherty, Daniel

Disposition: Active

7/21/2023Endorsement on Motion to Unseal Docket, Enter Warrants into Warrant Management System, (#6.0): ALLOWED Allowed. (Sarah Ellis, J.) Judge: Ellis, Hon. Sarah Weyland
7/21/2023Issued: Straight Warrant issued on 07/21/2023 for Lovell Webb, Paul
7/20/2023Commonwealth 's Motion to Unseal Docket, Enter Warrants into Warrant Management System
9/22/2022Indictment(s) returned
9/22/2022Commonwealth 's Motion for Indictment to be Kept Secret Until after Arrest
9/22/2022Endorsement on Motion for Indictment to be Kept Secret Until After Arrest, (#2.0): ALLOWED Allowed. (Laurence Pierce, J.) Judge: Pierce, Hon. Laurence D
9/22/2022Attorney appearance On this date Christopher O'Brien, Esq. added for Prosecutor Massachusetts Attorney General
9/22/2022Commonwealth 's Motion to Impound Filings
9/22/2022Endorsement on Motion to Impound Filings, (#3.0): ALLOWED Allowed. (Laurence Pierce, J.) Judge: Pierce, Hon. Laurence D
9/22/2022Commonwealth 's Request for Indictment Warrat
9/22/2022Affidavit of Christopher O'Brien, Esq.
9/22/2022Endorsement on Request for Indictment Warrant, (#4.0): ALLOWED Allowed. (Laurence Pierce, J.) Judge: Pierce, Hon. Laurence D
9/22/2022Commonwealth 's Motion for Copies of Indictments
9/22/2022Endorsement on Motion for Copies of Indictments, (#5.0): ALLOWED Allowed. (Laurence Pierce, J.) Judge: Pierce, Hon. Laurence D
9/22/2022Docket Note: Paper Secret Warrant Issued