LIMO GmbH v. VulcanForms Inc.
1:24-cv-12838 | Massachusetts District Court
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3/17/2025 | Notice of Filing of Official Transcript | |
3/17/2025 | 22 | Transcript |
3/13/2025 | Motion Hearing, Order on Motion to Remand, Order on Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim | |
2/28/2025 | 20 | Letter/request - non-motion |
1/8/2025 | 19 | ELECTRONIC NOTICE Setting Hearing on Motion 10 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM , 7 MOTION to Remand to Middlesex Superior Court (Plaintiff's) : Motion Hearing set for 3/13/2025 11:00 AM in Courtroom 11 (In person only) before Judge Denise J. Casper. (LMH) (Entered: 01/08/2025) |
1/8/2025 | Notice Setting or Resetting Hearing on Motion | |
1/7/2025 | 18 | MEMORANDUM in Opposition re 10 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by LIMO GmbH. (Lu, Tony) (Entered: 01/07/2025) |
12/9/2024 | 17 | Judge Denise J. Casper: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered granting 16 Motion for Extension of Time to January 7, 2025 to Respond to Motion to Dismiss by LIMO GmbH. (Hourihan, Lisa) (Entered: 12/09/2024) |
12/9/2024 | Order on Motion for Extension of Time | |
12/6/2024 | 16 | MOTION for Extension of Time to January 7, 2025 to Respond to Motion to Dismiss 10 by LIMO GmbH.(Lu, Tony) (Entered: 12/06/2024) |
12/5/2024 | 15 | MEMORANDUM in Opposition re 7 MOTION to Remand to Middlesex Superior Court (Plaintiff's) filed by VulcanForms Inc.. (Moulins, Charles) (Additional attachment(s) added on 12/6/2024: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Appendices) (Cook, Savannah). Modified on 12/6/2024 to separate exhibit and appendices from main document (Cook, Savannah). (Entered: 12/05/2024) |
12/4/2024 | 13 | Judge Denise J. Casper: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered granting 6 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Added Charles E. Moulins. Attorneys admitted Pro Hac Vice must have an individual PACER account, not a shared firm account, to electronically file in the District of Massachusetts. To register for a PACER account, go the Pacer website at You must put the docket number under ADDITIONAL FILER INFORMATION on your form when registering or it will be rejected. Pro Hac Vice Admission Request Instructions A Notice of Appearance must be entered on the docket by the newly admitted attorney. (Cook, Savannah) (Entered: 12/04/2024) |
12/4/2024 | 14 | NOTICE of Appearance by Charles Moulins on behalf of VulcanForms Inc. (Moulins, Charles) (Entered: 12/04/2024) |
12/4/2024 | Order on Motion for Leave to Appear | |
11/25/2024 | 12 | NOTICE by VulcanForms Inc. re Local Rule 81.1 - Certified Copies of State Court Documents (Trainor, James) (Entered: 11/25/2024) |
11/25/2024 | 11 | MEMORANDUM in Support re 10 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by VulcanForms Inc.. (Trainor, James) (Entered: 11/25/2024) |
11/25/2024 | 10 | MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM by VulcanForms Inc..(Trainor, James) (Entered: 11/25/2024) |
11/25/2024 | 9 | CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by LIMO GmbH identifying Corporate Parent Focuslight (Hong Kong) Investment Management Co., Ltd, Corporate Parent Focuslight Technologies Inc for LIMO GmbH.. (Lu, Tony) (Entered: 11/25/2024) |
11/22/2024 | 8 | MEMORANDUM in Support re 7 MOTION to Remand to Middlesex Superior Court (Plaintiff's) filed by LIMO GmbH. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Lu, Tony) (Entered: 11/22/2024) |
11/22/2024 | 7 | MOTION to Remand to Middlesex Superior Court (Plaintiff's) by LIMO GmbH.(Lu, Tony) (Entered: 11/22/2024) |
11/18/2024 | 6 | MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice for admission of Charles E. Moulins Filing fee: $ 125, receipt number AMADC-10702255 by VulcanForms Inc..(Trainor, James) (Attachment(s) added on 11/19/2024: # 1 Certification) Certification separated from motion PDF by Clerk. (McManus, Caetlin). (Entered: 11/18/2024) |
11/18/2024 | 5 | CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by VulcanForms Inc.. (Trainor, James) (Entered: 11/18/2024) |
11/18/2024 | 4 | NOTICE of Appearance by James S. Trainor on behalf of VulcanForms Inc. (Trainor, James) (Entered: 11/18/2024) |
11/14/2024 | 3 | Certified Copy of Notice of Removal Provided to Defense Counsel by Email (Kelly, Danielle) (Entered: 11/14/2024) |
11/14/2024 | 2 | ELECTRONIC NOTICE of Case Assignment. Judge Denise J. Casper assigned to case. If the trial Judge issues an Order of Reference of any matter in this case to a Magistrate Judge, the matter will be transmitted to Magistrate Judge Jessica D. Hedges. (Cook, Savannah) (Entered: 11/14/2024) |
11/14/2024 | Certified Copy of Notice of Removal Provided to Defense Counsel, Notice of Case Assignment | |
11/13/2024 | 1 | NOTICE OF REMOVAL by VulcanForms Inc. ( Filing fee: $ 405, receipt number AMADC-10694494 Fee Status: Filing Fee paid) (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Elizabeth O'Dess In Support of Defendant's Notice of Removal, # 2 Exhibit 1, # 3 Exhibit 2, # 4 Exhibit 3, # 5 Exhibit 4, # 6 Exhibit 5, # 7 Exhibit 6, # 8 Civil Case Cover Sheet & Category Form)(Trainor, James) (Entered: 11/13/2024) |