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`a fitbit inspire mm
`User Manual
`Version 2.0


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`Table of Contents
`GeUstarie? seemmseqen mere cmemeneuaeee ieee ere eee eee eee: 6
`What's in the BOX ooo... occ cece cece cece ec cnc cee ceceeeecescceeseeeeeeseceeeeseceersnaveeseses 6
`Set up Inspire HR... 88.8cee eee eee eee cent eee 7
`Charge your tracker 20000. o 2 occ cece cee ee eee cece eee Z
`Set up with your phone or tablet 20000.eee eee eects 8
`Set up with your Windows 10 PC ooo... occ cece ccc cec cece cere cecenceeeeretecuevees 9
`See your data in the Fitbit App ooo... cece cece ccecenc eee ceceeeeeeseeeeseeaeees g
`Wear Inspire HR...8.cee eee eee ee eee tee eeee cesses 11
`Placement for all-day wear VS @xerciSe _2oo. 2ccc ce eee ee eee 11
`Handedness ooo... cic ec c cee e ee eee ceeeeeeecbee be ee bebe cee eeeeeeeeeeseeeeeteee 12
`Change the wristband ......0.. 20.0... o o.oo cccc cece cece ncccececeecceceeceeseeeencsecceaeees 13
`Remove awristband ooo.cece ee eee 14
`Attach a wristband 220002ec ee eee ee eee eee eee eee 13
`BASICS ooo... oe eee cece eee cece ee eee eee ee cece cece eee veeeeeeeeeeetecseeeeseeeeseneesens15
`Navigate Inspire HR oo... 0.2.2. cee cece nec ce cecceceeeee eee ee eeee ee cece eens 15
`BASIC NAVIGATION . 2.2.02. eee cece ec eee ee cee eee eee oe eee be eee ee eee ee eeeee es 15
`Quick S@ttingS _ 20.0.ceceee eee 7
`Ajust SQttINGS | ooo ieee ccc ee cee ce ce ee eee eee eceeeeeeees 17
`Care for Inspire HR ooocece ceeee18
`Change the clock face _o 00... cece cc cece enc ncc ce cecceeeecteeeteteetsesseetseseeses19
`Notifications 2220.00.00... .o coco cece cece cee eee c ec cee ce cece cecee ce ceeeeeeceececsesececeseneee:20
`Set Up NOTIFICATIONS 22... cece ccc cee ce cee eee cee ee cee eeceeeecececceceeeeeeeeeeeeseees 20
`See incoming notifications -...... 02. c occ eee eee e cece cece ec cececceceeceeecceeevecsseeenes 20
`Turn off notifications 2.2.2... 2c. c cece ccc cece cee cee cce eee cececceeeeveceeceseevevcereeceeeees 21
`TIM@KE@PING ©... o.oo eee cee eee cece cece eee cence ee eee beeen eee ceeeececeesceeeeeees 23
`Set An Ala 0... occ ccc cece cece eee cee ec cece ee eeeeeceneeeeeuseceeneeceeeseteeseeeseenteeesere 2S
`Dismiss or SNOOZE aN Alar .... 22.2. cece ce cece cece cece cee ceceeeececeececeececeeeeeeessees 24


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`Use the TiMe@rs ADO o.oo... ec e cece cece ccc ce ccc ce cece ceceecucecceececeeeceuceteesseeesecaeees 25
`Activity and Sleep ooo... ooo cece cece cece ccc ececceccececceseccesereeserecseneenees26
`See your stats ooo ccc ccc nce cence cece ccc ee cece necee vues ceeesceteseeeesereees 265
`Track a daily activity Goal 22.00... ce cece ccc cnc ce ceceecececceeeseeeneeeeeceeers 27
`CHOOSE & GOA ooo.c cece cece cece ce eeecececeeeecueeeceerscaeeseueecereneeeeens 27
`Track your hourly activity 220.0000. ce cece cece ccc cce cee ec cece ceeeecececeeeeceesseeeses 27
`Track your SI@@Ocece ceee eee 28
`Set asleep goal ooicc ce ee ee ce eee 26
`Set 4 bedtime reminder 000 ceceeect eect esses 28
`Learn about your sleep habits 200eee eee cece ees 29
`See your heart rate ooo. cc cece ccc cece ne cee ecceceenesuceeretaveesecenensenears 29
`Adjust your heart-rate setting 20... ecco cece cc cc ccccecc ec cccceccececeseeeteneceeereeeees 29
`Practice guided breathing 22.22.0000... ccc cece ccc ec ccc cccecnecececcucecceeneeeeeceeeeeeness 29
`Fitness and Exe@rcis@ 2.00 0..00o0. 0c oc ccc cence cece eee ncenenccueceuecceusucensectsesensesense 32
`Track your exercise automatically ..0000 00. c eee cece ccc ec cence ceeeccececeveuereeees 42
`Track and analyze exercise with the Exercise app —..00.0000. lee 42
`GPS requirements 22.2... occ cece ce cee cc eee eee eee cece cee eeceteeeeees 32
`Track AM GXGFCISG ooo ccc ccc cc cnc ce ce cnecececcuceececnecececeeeseeeceeeeeneteeeenecs 33
`Customize your exercise settings and shortcuts 22.00.00 cee ee eee eee 34
`Check your workout SUMMAIry _00. 00. cece ce eee cece eee ee eee 35
`Check your heart rate oooccc en eee cee ee eee eee 35
`Default heart-rate ZON@S oooec ce ce e e ee eee cee eeteeeceeeees 35
`Custom heart-rate ZONGS occ cece cece cece eeteeneeceseeee 36
`Share your activity 2200000 ccc cece ee eee nee enero cece nese teeeensenes 3/
`Track your cardio fitness SCOPG ooo... lec ee cc cece cce ce cecceceeceeeecececceeeceeeseeeses a7
`Wpodate, Restart, and Erase 20000. cecc cece ccc cc cc cececucecceeeveveveseeee,38
`Update Inspire HR ooo cece cece cee een pect eee ceeees 38
`Restart Inspire HR ooo... cece cece cece cece ec cece cece cceeecceeeccseereeeeneeeess 48
`Erase Inspire HR ooo... ooo cece ccc cee cence eee nee ee ceeee ceceeceeeeseeessecnceseecerees 49
`Troubleshooting 220.000.0000 occ c ccc cece eee cece cece ence ce cececeeeeceseeseeececseeceveveseceveee AO
`Heart-rate signal MISSING .200.2 cece eee cee eee ee ee eee tenes AO
`SPS signal MISSING _00 0002ce cence eee beeen eee ce eee eeesecenenes AO


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`Other ISSUES ooo cece cece cee cece cee cece cee cececcececcesecsessceesscseseceesecs 4]
`General Info and Specifications ....... 20.0000 occ cece ccc cece ec ececcecnececcesess 42
`S@NSOMS ooo cece eee cee cence cee e ene e ene cee cena seuss cceeeneegneseneenerengeseenesnaeene 42
`Materials 0c ccc cece cece nce ce cence ccececceceueercucercucenturentunerceneueeneeceneeceneecenes 42
`Wireless technology © 2.000000 coco cee cee cece cece ence eeeeeeceeeeseees 4A?
`Haptic feedback 20.0... ccc ccc cec ec ccc cece cee cececcueeceeeeccenecececeueesceeneceeecenees 42
`Battery ooo... cc ccc cece cece cece ence ec cee ee ce eec cece cecee cutee ceteseeeesceeeceeeeeecseesceecenses A?
`MOMOSLy ooo. c ccc cece cece ccc cce cece cece ce eee ce ceceeeececeeceseeeeeeeceeecesesceceececeesssees AS
`hs)= AS
`Wristb€nd SIZ@ ooo cece cece cee cu cec cece cuceecusevavecveueceseserevsuctersereceneees 43
`Environmental Conditions 20.2.0... 0.0. cc cece cece cece ce cee cece cence neeeenceesucaesueeees 43
`LEAN MOP o.oo ccc cece cence eee eee ee cece e Geen cee ceeeeenneeenaeneeeeaeencneenenes 44
`Return policy and warranty —_. 000.0c ee cee ce cee eee eee eeeeees 44
`Regulatory & Safety Notices 220000 ce ccc cece enc cncecenceceucessncesense45
`USA: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement .. 0.0.00... AS
`Canada: Industry Canada (IC) statement 200.00. cccceeccaccececcceceeceers 46
`European Union CEU) ooo. cece cece cece cece cee eee eee ee eee ee eeneeeeeeeees A?
`AIQentinda 2.0.22. coe cece cece cee eee ee ce ee eee eee voce eee e ee ences vecaceeeeeeeees 48
`Australia and New Zealand . 0200.00. eee cece ceeeececeeeeeees 49
`CHUNG ooo occ ec cc cece ccc ec cee ceccece cues ceeesuseceeeuecsteecuaessteustevecsececeseuarsvseseerssuees AQ
`PVH ooo cece ceccc cee cc ee ece ccc ceeue cucu ceeeeceecuseuecatessuaeecseuetsveuteceesseuanseeeseers 59
`is=) 51
`SADA ooo ccc cece cc cece cece ec ee ev cee ceaeeccneeceeeeeceeveeesveeteveneereseresevecenussenses 5)
`MEXICO Looe cece cece eee cece ene cece ceneeceeee conse ueegneennsenaeengnecereeueegreeensenaeens 51
`MOPOCCO ooo ccc cece cece ce eee ce een eens nee eens ce eeecegen eens eneeeeeeeceeeereegnmennees 52
`Ne ed= 52
`T=| 52
`PAKISTAN ooo cece ccc cc ccc cceccuccececcuceecucestucenseeeceseceeeceesteceseeaesessnsuseesessenens 52
`PRU DINGS ooo ccc cece cece eee cee bee ene cee eee eee eeeeee 53
`SOP La Looe cece cece cece eevee veveueeeeeusvacveue cates cusevaveuetutevsvervevensevseeavervsnees 54
`SOUTN KOTocc cece ccc cc cece ce cecceeeecuceecuseveveuvsueueteseveveuctevertecetsetentess 54
`TAIWAN ooo. e cece cece ce eee cee eee meee cence cence neces neeeuaeneeeegeteenseneeeeneenerenes 54
`United Arab Emirates .o cocci ce cece cece cece cece eee ecceeeccenesseaeseesensenees 56
`A168) ©)= 56


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`Safety Statement 2200... ccc cence cece cece cee cee eccneeeceenecececeeeecereseeceecerereenees 57


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`Get started
`Fitbit Inspire HR is a friendly heart-rate and fitness tracker for every day that helps
`you build healthy habits. Take a moment to review our complete safety information
`at Inspire HR is not intended to provide medical or scientific data.
`What's in the box
`Your Inspire HR box includes:
`Tracker with small wristband (color
`and material vary)
`Charging cable
`Additional large wristband (color
`and material vary)
`The detachable wristbands on Inspire HR come in a variety of colors and materials,
`sold separately.


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`Set up Inspire HR
`For the best experience, use the Fitbit app for iPhones and iPads or Android
`phones. You can also set up Inspire HR on Windows 10 devices. If you don’t have a
`compatible phone or tablet, use a Bluetooth-enabled Windows 10 PC. Keep in mind
`that a phone is required for call, text, calendar, and smartohone app notifications.
`To create a Fitbit account, you're prompted to enter your height, weight, and sex
`to calculate your stride length and to estimate distance, basal metabolic rate, and
`calorie burn. After you set up your account, your first name, last initial, and photos
`are visible to all other Fitbit users. You have the option to share other information,
`but most of the information you provide to create an account is private by default.
`Charge your tracker
`A fully-charged Inspire HR has a battery life of up to 5 days. Battery life and charge
`cycles vary with use and other factors; actual results will vary.
`To charge Inspire HR:
`1. Plug the charging cable into the USB port on your computer or a UL-certified
`USB wall charger.
`2. Hald the other end of the charging cable near the port on the back of the
`tracker until it attaches magnetically. Make sure the pins on the charging cable
`align with the port on the back of your tracker.


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`Charging fully takes about 1-2 hours. While the tracker charges, you can press the
`button to check the battery level. A fully-charged tracker shows a solid battery icon
`with a smile.
`Set uo with your ohone or tablet
`The free Fitbit aop is compatible with most iPhones and iPads, Android phones,
`and Windows 10 devices. If you're unsure if the Fitbit app is compatible with your
`device, see
`To get started:
`1. Find the Fitbit app in one of the locations below, depending on your device.
`e Apple App Store for iPhones and iPads
`e Google Play Store for Android phones
`« Microsoft Store for Windows 10 devices
`Install the app, and open it.

`If you already have a Fitbit account, log in to your account, and tap the

`> Set Up a Device.
`account icon
`If you don’t have a Fitbit account, tap Join Fitbit to be guided througha
`series of questions to create a Fitbit account.
`3. Continue to follow the on-screen instructions to connect Inspire HR to your


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`When you're done with setup, read through the guide to learn more about your
`new tracker and then explore the Fitbit app.
`Set up with your Windows 1O PC
`IF you don’t have 4 compatible phane, you can set up and sync Inspire HR witha
`Bluetooth-enabled Windows 10 PC and the Fitbit app.
`To get the Fitbit agp for your computer:
`1. Click the Start button on your PC and open the Microsoft Store.
`2, Search for "Fitbit app”. After you find it, click Free to download the app to
`your computer.
`4. Click Microsoft account to sign in with your existing Microsoft account. If you
`don’t already have an account with Microsoft, follow the on-screen instructions
`to create anew account.
`4. Open the app.

`If you already have a Fitbit account, log in te your account, and tap the

`> Set Up a Device.
`account icon
`If you don't have a Fitbit account, tap Join Fitbit to be guided througha
`series of questions to create a Fitbit account.
`5. Continue to follow the on-screen instructions to connect Inspire HR to your
`When you're done with setup, read through the guide to learn more about your
`new tracker and then explore the Fitbit app.
`See your data inthe Fitbit aco
`Sync Inspire HR to transfer your data to the Fitbit ape, where you can view your
`activity and sleep data, log food and water, participate in challenges, and more. For
`best results, keep all-day sync turned on, so that Inspire HR syncs periodically with
`the app.


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`IF you turn off all-day sync, we recommend syncing at least once a day. Each time
`you open the Fitbit app, Inspire HR syncs automatically when it’s nearby. You can
`also use the Sync Now option in the app at any time.


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`Wear Inspire HR
`Place Inspire HR around your wrist. If you need to attach a different size wristband,
`or if you purchased an accessory wristband, see the instructions in “Change the
`wristband” on page 13.
`Note that the clip accessory isn’t designed to fit Inspire HR.
`Placement for all-day wear vs exercise
`When you're not exercising, wear Inspire HR a finger’s width above your wrist
`For optimized heart-rate tracking while exercising:
`e Try wearing Inspire HR higher on your wrist during exercise for an improved
`fit and more accurate heart-rate reading. Many exercises, such as bike riding
`or weightlifting, cause you to bend your wrist frequently, which can interfere
`with the heart-rate signal if the tracker is lower on your wrist.
`& = >ie=) ON
`|~ |
`‘© |
`ik Dn


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`« Make sure the tracker is in contact with your skin.
`« Don’t wear your tracker too tight; a tight wristband restricts blood flow,
`potentially affecting the heart-rate signal. The tracker should be slightly
`tighter (snug but not constricting) during exercise.
`« With high-intensity interval training or other activities where your wrist is
`maving vigorously and non-rhythmically, the movement may limit the
`sensar’s ability to provide a heart-rate reading. If your tracker doesn’t show a
`heart-rate reading, try relaxing your wrist and staying still briefly.
`For greater accuracy, you must specify whether you wear Inspire HR on your
`dominant or non-dominant hand. Your dominant hand is the one you use for writing
`and eating. To start, the Wrist setting is set to non-dominant. If you wear Inspire HR
`on your dominant hand, change the Wrist setting in the Fitbit app.


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`Change the wristband
`Inspire HR comes with a small wristband attached and an additional large, bottom
`wristband in the box. Both the top and bottom wristbands can be swapped with
`accessory wristbands, sold separately. For wristband measurements, see
`"Wristband size” on page 43.
`Remove a wristband
`To remove the wristband:
`1. Turn over Inspire HR and find the quick-release lever.
`2. While pressing the quick-release lever inward, gently pull the wristband away
`from the tracker to release it.
`3. Repeat on the other side.
`Attach a wristoand
`To attach a wristband:
`1. Attach the wristband with the clasp to the top of the tracker. Slide the pin
`(the side opposite the quick-release lever} into the notch on the tracker.


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`2. While pressing the quick-release lever inward, slide the other end of the
`wristband into place.
`3. When both ends of the pin are inserted, release the quick-release lever.


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`Learn how best to navigate, check the battery level, and care for your tracker.
`Navigate Inspire HR
`Inspire HR has an OLED touchscreen display and 1 button.
`Navigate Inspire HR by tapping the screen, swiping up and down, or pressing the
`button. To preserve battery, the tracker’s screen turns off when not in use.
`Basic navigation
`The home screen is the clock. On the clock:
`e Swipe down to scroll through the apps on Inspire HR. To open an app, swipe
`to find the app and then tap it.
`e Swipe up to see your daily stats.


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`Quick settings
`Press and hold the button on Inspire HR for a faster way to access certain settings.
`Tap a setting to turn it on or off. When you turn off the setting, the icon appears dim
`with a line through it.
`@® :02
`On the quick settings screen:
`» Check the battery level.
`o Adjust your Screen Wake setting. When the Screen Wake setting is on, turn
`your wrist toward you to turn on the screen.
`o Turn notifications on or off. When the Notifications setting is on, Inspire HR
`displays notifications from your phone when your phone is nearby. For more
`information, see “Notifications” on page 20.
`Aaqjust settings
`Manage basic settings including heart rate and phone GPSdirectly on your tracker.
`Open the Settings app and tap asetting to adjust it. Swipe up to see the full list of


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`Care for Inspire HR
`It's important to clean and dry Inspire HR regularly. For more information, see


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`Change the clock face
`A variety of clock faces are available in the Fitbit Clock Gallery.
`To change your clock face:
`1. With your tracker nearby, from the Fitbit app dashboard, tap the account icon
`> Inspire HR tile.
`2. Tap Clock Faces > All Clocks.
`3. Browse the available clock faces. Tap a clock face to see a detailed view.
`4. Tap Select to add the clock face to Inspire HR.


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`Inspire HR can display call, text, calendar, and app notifications from your phone to
`keep you informed. The phone and tracker must be within 30 feet of each other to
`receive notifications.
`Set up notifications
`Check that Bluetooth on your phone is on and that your phone can receive
`notifications (often under Settings > Notifications). Then set up notifications:
`1. With your tracker nearby, from the Fitbit agp dashboard, tap the account icon
`> Inspire HR tile.
`2. Tap Notifications.
`3. Follow the on-screen instructions to pair your tracker. Inspire HR appears in
`the list of Bluetooth devices connected to your phone. Call, text, and calendar
`notifications are turned on automatically.
`4. Toturn on notifications from apps installed on your phone, including Fitbit and
`WhatsApp, tao App Notifications and turn on the notifications you want to
`Note that if you have an iPhone, iPad, or Windows 10 device, Inspire HR shows
`notifications from all calendars synced to the Calendar app. If you have an Android
`phone, Inspire HR shows calendar notifications from the calendar app you choose
`during setup.
`For more information, see help.
`See incoming notifications
`When your phone and Inspire HR are within range, a notification causes the tracker
`to vibrate:
`e Phone calls—the name or number of the caller scrolls once. Press the button to
`dismiss the notification.


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`|ext messages—the name of the sender scrolls once above the message.
`Swipe up to read the full message.
`« Calendar alerts—the name of the event scrolls once below the time and
`» App notifications—the name of the app or sender scrolls once above the
`message. Swipe up to read the full message.
`Note: Your device shows the first 250 characters of the notification. Check your
`phone for the full message.
`Turn off notifications
`Turn off all notifications in the quick settings on Inspire HR, or turn off certain
`notifications in the Fitbit agp.
`To turn off all notifications:
`|. Press and hold the button on your tracker to reach the quick settings screen.
`2. Tap Notifications to turn them off. The notifications icon dims to indicate that
`notifications are turned off.
`To turn off certain notifications:
`1. With your tracker nearby, from the Fitbit app dashboard, tap the account icon
`> Inspire HR tile > Notifications.
`2. Turn off the notifications you no longer want to receive on your tracker.
`3. Tap Notifications > Inspire HR in the top left to return to device settings. Syne
`your tracker to save your changes.


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`Note that if you use the Do Not Disturb setting on your phone, you don't receive
`notifications until you turn off this setting.


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`Alarms vibrate to awake or alert you at a time you set. Set up to 8 alarms to occur
`once or on multiple days of the week. You can also time events with the stoowatch
`or set a countdown timer.
`Set an alarm
`Set and delete alarms in the Fitbit app. Turn alarms on or off directly on Inspire HR
`in the Alarms app Y) ;
`For more information, see


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`Dismiss or snooze an alarm
`When an alarm goes off, the tracker vibrates.
`To dismiss the alarm, press the button. To snooze the alarm for 9 minutes, swipe
`Snooze the alarm as many times as you want. Inspire HR automatically goes into
`snooze mode if you iqnore the alarm for more than 1 minute.


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`Use the Timers apo
`Time events with the stopwatch or set a countdown timer with the Timers app
`on your tracker.
`For more information, see help.


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`Activity ana Sleep
`Inspire HR continuously tracks a variety of stats whenever you wear it. Data
`automatically syncs when in range of the Fitbit aop throughout the day.
`See your stats
`Swipe up from the clock face on your tracker to see your daily stats, including:
`Core stats
`Steps taken today, calories burned, distance covered, and active
`Hourly steps
`Steps taken this hour and the number of hours you met your hourly
`activity goal (tap to switch between these stats)
`Current heart rate and heart-rate zone
`Number of days you met your exercise goal this week
`Cale BRaEk
`Information on the current stage of your menstrual cycle,if
`Time spent asleep
`Water intake logged today
`Current weight, progress toward your weight goal, or where your
`weight falls within a healthy range if your goal is to maintain your
`If you set a goal in the Fitbit app, a ring shows your progress toward that goal.


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`Find your complete history and other information detected by your tracker, such as
`sleep data, in the Fitbit app.
`For more information, see help.
`Track a daily activity goal
`Inspire HR tracks your progress toward a daily activity goal of your choice. When
`you reach your goal, the tracker vibrates and shows a celebration.
`Choose a goal
`Set a goal to help you get started on your health and fitness journey. To begin, your
`goal is 10,000 steps per day. Choose to increase or decrease the number of steps,
`or to change your goal to active minutes, distance traveled, or calories burned.
`For more information, see
`Track progress toward your goal on Inspire HR. For more information, see "See your
`stats” on the previous page.
`Track your hourly activity
`Inspire HR helps you stay active throughout the day by keeping track of when
`you're stationary and reminding you to move.
`Reminders nudge you to walk at least 250 steps each hour. You'll feel a vibration
`and see areminder on your screen at 10 minutes before the hour if you haven't


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`walked 250 steps. When you meet the 250-step goal after receiving the reminder,
`you'll feel a second vibration and see a congratulatory message.
`For more information, see help.
`Track your sleep
`Wear Inspire HR to bed to automatically track your time asleep and sleep stages
`ctime spent in REM, light sleep, and deep sleep). To see your sleep stats, sync your
`tracker when you wake up and check the app. You may need to wait a few minutes
`to see your sleep stats while the Fitbit agp analyzes your sleep data.
`For more information, see help.
`Seta sleep goal
`To start, you have asleep goal of 8 hours of sleep per night. Customize this goal to
`meet your needs.
`For more information, see help.
`Set a bedtime reminder
`The Fitbit app can recommend consistent bedtimes and wake times to help you
`improve the consistency of your sleep cycle. You can choose to be reminded
`nightly when it’s time to start getting ready for bed.
`For more information, see help.


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`Learn about your sleep habits
`Inspire HR tracks several sleep metrics including when you go to bed, how long
`you're asleep, and your time spent in each sleep stage. Track your sleep with
`Inspire HR and check the Fitbit agp to understand how your sleep patterns
`compare to your peers.
`For more information, see help.
`See your heart rate
`Inspire HR tracks your heart rate throughout the day. Swipe up from the clock
`screen to see your real-time heart rate and heart-rate zone. For more information,
`see "See your stats” on page 26.
`During a workout, Inspire HR shows your heart-rate zone to help you target the
`training intensity of your choice.
`For more information, see “Check your heart rate” on page 35.
`Adjust your heart-rate setting
`Track your heart rate day and night with Inspire HR. To preserve battery life, turn
`off heart-rate tracking in the Settings app > Heart Rate.
`Note that the green LED on the back of Inspire HR continues to flash even if you
`turn off heart-rate tracking.
`For more information, see
`Practice quided breathing
`The Relax app Cs on Inspire HR provides personalized guided breathing sessions
`to help you find moments of calm throughout the day. You can choose between 2-


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`minute and 5-minute sessions.
`To begin a session:
`1. On Inspire HR, open the Relax app.
`2. The 2-minute session is the first option. Swipe up to choose the 5-minute
`3. Tap the play icon to start the session and follow the on-screen instructions.
`After the exercise, asummary appears that shows your alignment Chow closely you
`followed the breathing prompt), your heart rate at the start and end of the session,
`and how many days you completed a guided breathing session this week.


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`All notifications are automatically disabled during the session.
`For more information, see help.


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`Fitness and Exercise
`Choose to automatically track exercise, or to track activity with the Exercise app
`ao and set goals based on distance, time, or calories.
`Sync Inspire HR with the Fitbit app and share your activity with friends and family,
`see how your overall fitness level compares to your peers, and more.
`Track your exercise automatically
`Inspire HR automatically recognizes and records high-movementactivities at least
`15 minutes long—including run, elliptical, and swim. Sync your device to see basic
`stats about your activity in your exercise history.
`For more information, see help.
`Track and analyze exercise with the Exercise app
`Track specific exercises—such as run, bike, or weights—with the Exercise app on
`Inspire HR to see real-time stats, including heart-rate data, calories burned, elapsed
`time, and a post-workout summary on your wrist. For complete workout stats, and
`route and pace information if you used GPS, review your exercise history in the
`Fitbit app.
`Note: The connected GPS feature on Inspire HR uses the GPS sensors on your
`nearby phone.
`GPS requirements
`Connected GPS is available for all supported phones with GPS sensors, For more
`information, see help.
`To use connected GPS:


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`1. Turn on Bluetooth and GPS on your phone.
`2. Make sure the Fitbit app has permission to use GPS or location services.
`3. Make sure connected GPSis enabled on Inspire HR Copen the Settings app >
`Phone GPS).
`4. Follow the steps below to track an exercise. Keep your phone with you during
`the workout.
`Track an exercise
`To track an exercise:
`1. On your tracker, open the Exercise app ey
`Swipe to find an exercise, and tap to choose it.
`Tap the play icon [> to begin the exercise, or swipe up to set a goal for time,
`distance, or calories, depending on the activity.
`4. When you're done with your workout or want to pause, press the button.
`(Press the button again and tap Finish to end the workout.)
`Swipe up to see your workout summary.
`Press the button to close the summary screen.
`Inspire HR shows 3 re

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