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`3% fitbit alta mm
`Product Manual
`Version 1.0


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`Table of Contents
`Getting Started occ cccccecseesseesseenseensnensseneaseeaseeavenesenes sees snesceaeaaecaaecaaeenasenaecaacenaecneeenenseneneneneneaes 1
`Wat’S IN TNE DOXrnErne rE nen inir ee eireninirneeirieeeeneneriey |
`What’s IN thiS COCUMEN itn rn nn nnn trientine er nireninireesinieneeneneries |
`Setting up your Fitbit Alte HR vecccccccscccesvccccccceccwnn veeccceverewii veewccewwreawis vecccewuveewtit vedcdcwwrewwireedcewwrewtit: 2
`Setting up your tracker on your MODINE AEVICE ecccc ees cess eeseeessesieenesseesieen 2
`Setting wo your tracker on your Miindows: 10 PG scmcmeseesssemeneenneareereeaeein 2
`Setting up your tracker On YOUr MAC vss cossciin aeisinin anus adiuaain Adis aes f
`Syncing your tracker data to your FItDIE ACCOUNT occ cccccceee cece teceeetseveearcaneanieetieens 4
`Getting to know your Fitbit Alta HR occ cecccccscseeseeseeesseeseaesseeseesseesseassseeeeseesseasssrenesseess 5
`WOALING YOU CLACKE occ ccccccccccccsecssecsseessseseseessssesssevisesesessseeseesetecsescatscstesiascaesiassransittateeessaes 5
`Placement for all-day Wear VS CXEFCISG ciccccccccccseseessecsesesusscereecsussecsussereecudueeisesreesiags 5
`Wrist Choice and COMINANt NANoo. tne neitiiiien sinner ctennnees 7
`AEDs mV he tele We ths [AS fol re err erence eet eraser er escent acc eee acre ee acer 7
`PREC FIEGITIG: ERG LEBER CINE ccccocmssansnnanmme ernest antes ernst RT ernie IT na ART RS ARIE SE RAR 8
`Finding veur current battery level usersscsseesesnsseemenenrseneaeeasenaneieeS 3
`GharGing INSUUCUONS sian casisca ncaa aeaaiien wean Aaa Aaa aea ReaaEn ne 9
`Caring FOr YOUP CTLACKED occ cccccccccececsteeseseseeciecrsserastissteaetsuetiuetastnietnatecaeecescavearcansiantarsate 9
`CHANGING ThE WHISTDANC .icccccccccssecceeecrsssecseceerecsesecsssesereecissecesecereecesecrisesieesiineesinesieenss 10
`REMOVING A WHISTOANC Loci cc ccccccescsesseteeteesecaeeceetsascrascruecssecsusesuseiseisenecerssiresiresetesenereeses 10
`Attaching @ NEW WYISTBANC ices ccccesssesseesssessssussesuessussssusstusssustrussunesiusssressansy 11
`Automatic Tracking with Fitbit Alta HR oie sccceesccssesesecneesersssseusecneeseereesnsesneeeeens 12
`APT ERNNET TG] Beal tel ay ESE errrcrtRT I TET TE POTP 12
`AP TONNE TVG) YEO F FIST [PEREEE seccscsnaensccereemane sareeeraEP 13
`Usiror N@arterAiel ZOOS concmyreessceanrererseeenesuensskemenen eaneRe 13
`Default’ RSSTETS0G ZOE S cncncnceuseneen 14


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`CUSTOM N@art PATE ZONEScee rn Eee non dno neo neenierneniernecite 15
`Tracking @ Cally ACtIVIEY GOAL i cccccccccsccsccsseeccessecssecsseecceusecrascoaeeccrussecsuecsatessiasseravessnesees 15
`CHOOSING BQO cccccccccccscseeccsseccsessesescsseeccesseeescsseecsessrseesceesoessieesssieeciessitessugenessiintes 15
`SEEING GOA] PPOGESSi cccccccceccceesseecssecsceessrseescsseecsessseescsiesoessieeessigecnessiitescigecissiineens 15
`TRACKING GXQPCISE icc cccccccccccceeccetecetecsteeeesseesseesseessssssseeisesssesisssiessssneeeeasisaenteantaanteantarenteanss 15
`TRACKING NOULIY ACTIVITY cocci ccccccccssccseecceescessecsaeecceeuseuuecauesseusseuucaeeccrussecsuecsaeeesiasesesavesanesies 16
`Sle@p Tracing occ ccc cee cseessees sees seessesesussnse iss snus caus snus seus caus saescauseascasseescnesseessnesenessassuetaeseesanaes 7
`SELLING SIGSD GOS cccccsscccseccecsscsseccusceeeseuseceaueeceeeseeuseceaueeceusensascoueeceusseuuecsrecsiadesravennesees 7
`Setting Up bedtime rAMiINnders.... ccc cee ec seesssetnsssseensssniaeitssttaentsantatertanteaess V7
`LeEarming About your SlIGSD NABDITSi ccccccsccsseccseesseueesssecseesseussssseessessennsssaeesiestnnesaees 7
`Wsirigg Sile@mt Aa rryis oie... cccccccscccccuecesssecsseecceeesansecssescceaesaaesecseusccaassaauecseesccnassuausecsensccnassanssesseeccnaseaats 18
`Receiving Call, Text & Calendar Notifications oo ccccccssccsseesceeeceessessenssseeesssnsessnesseeesans 19
`Calendar FAQUIFEMBENES ccccccccccccccccccsccsescssesecusccsaeeccssuseeuuecsaueecsssecsavcsaeeecsuuseesuvcsaeeccruuuevavesinesis 19
`EMablING NOTIFICATIONS oc ccccc ccc cccceeecceteerteceeeereecreecistssetsrstisetsssiieetiasieetasntenteantantentanss 19
`VIEWING INCOMING NOTIFICATIONS iiss sccsccccessecnsecsseesseesseusscssussesseuassseeessessinisssueesieseriys 20
`Customizing your Fitbit Alta HReee cec ces ceescenteusceussascnesceescnessnessnessnesaaeseaeawaes 21
`Changing the clock face And OFi@Ntationci ccccsccsecccesscsccsesscceessesssecsressesesravesressees 2]
`USING QUICK VIGW occ ccc ccc ccc ccc eec tec tertecreecitecrescrseciassssesiesssstnstsssesiesiiesteasiaeitsantaententanteeess 21
`Aajusting the heart rate tracker ccccccccscesecseescessnseceessessnsecsieesiessntecueeiessinten 2]
`Wpodating your FItbit Alta HR occ ccccccsssecssecccneesesesecssueccnessausecsseeccnaesaausesseueccnasseansesesecneesaas 22
`Troubleshooting your Fitbit Alba HR ccc sesccecssceesesssessceeseeesnssseseeeesseaesasseueeenessentsseneenes 23
`Heart-rate SIGMAl MISSING cccccccscccccccccsscseccsseccececsesseceuecceesseusecoeusceusseeuuccsreecrussesavcsnessirtensieenats 23
`Unexpected DANAVIOP ccc ccc cccsccscceccrtecescssecressssesrassrsesrsssiesssssessastaeissnsaatteantaresseees 23
`Fitbit Alta HR General Info & Specifications oo... cccccccscccesssesseccceeesessecseueccnessunsesseeecneseaas 25
`MALCTI€IS ocrCro HE OnE enon rene enor ee eineeein nine enenerieeneries 25
`Wireless TACKNOIOGY ccc ceseccectseccseceeciseeuescisseurecesscursecrtcursistecstecstecsseceeesssiesriesenieins 25
`HAP tic FECHA CK oi iccccccccceccsccssccsseecceeuceusecsauecceeveeuuecsauecceusueeuuscaueeceusseeuecsaeecceusvecsuccsavessiusseeraveas 25


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`BRUCE LY cc cccccccccccceeccsceseeceueeusecueeusecsuueusecsureusecsecesscsseeececsseeeceauscevcrvececsseuvecsestuvecseutesceieterceietessnentes 25
`ML ITIONY cocccccccccccccccccceceecccceueesceneusecsueeuscsuuessecsuueusecsauecsesseeecccrsecececusceccrsuececcisuceccesuuvecseutevecieuserceiustvsnentes 25
`DES POLY ccc ccccccccsucccsueccececseuueceuuscecscseuueceaueeceusseeuuecausveuecaeuuecaueeceussauuvceaueeceusssscceueeceusssdsaccseesseusesueceats 25
`SLL cnet en ete nr EEE EEE EE ELIE EEE CREEP EEE EDDC EERE OE EEO E CSREES Od Ed nd teenie neteeeaeceneees 26
`ENVironmental CONCILIONSocc ect tenets tetecenseersesnseunisecinsescineserssirsisieeetiieeur tests 27
`LEAT IOP cette te rn rn EOE OEE OnE PEEP EE SEC SEE EE OOP HEE Or ed Een dnneen ie ceanernecnieeteeniecineenas 2/
`Return Policy ANd WALrANLY ooo ste sees steesteestrasbastidecistietlettstlecitscisseisciesieceeseeess 27
`Regulatory & Safety Notices oo ccccccccccccssscecsseecceeesesesecsseeccnessaesecseesccnassaaesucseeeccnassansesnsecnessaas 28
`USA: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement oc teeeeees 23
`Canada: Industry Canada (IC) Stale Mme nticccccscesseesecseessseseeseesiessnseceesienss 29
`EUrOPean Union CEDi ccccccccccscssecsscsrecseseeecsssececssrseevcrvseescrsuvecsesguvecseutevcsiusercsiesevsentes 29
`Australia and New Zealandcrei inne oiiiiiieniieiineinenen 30
`COIN trern Un DEE EEE CrP Ere Or Eee nner ne cetenie or neeniceeirenteriey 30
`PSTD ccc cceecersecsseeeccneersesnecrseanscusnserecenesersesereisisercisteersinecursesiecnecsseanesnecneciitersiiaeuseseeueseas 31
`DEAD cc cccccccceccsccccccsucecscseueeusessucecsesececeuseeesesuseeecsuseevcsuseccsseueccceueuvecseusuvecseusucccseugeceieestessinestessinestessnentes 41
`MEXICOcn nee ne One een EOE nnn GD cider r cnr nC Or nedneteeeesenr tees neanisneciesnrseerseenmecnieseess 32
`CITI eect rt en en nnn EEE ODE DORE CDEP EE OEE EE EEE REE Ont ed eed ne need eeaneeeeenieneteenieceenenas 32
`aT 0) 0 |=9en 32
`SOPIc rn UE OEE OHO OE OE on OnE reer nec seneoneenieorneenineriecteeny 32
`SUS OLE cc cccccccceceecccceceeeceseeseeceueesscsuueusecsuueasecsausasseeneeuscrececevecescrsvsceccrsvucecsrsvuceueseeceiesevssinery 33
`SOUTH AbiCAnrnO nnn eon endef ieee enioeneniierirerterce 33
`SOUTH KOTCSEE EEE ner eee or ne enioer niin irerseeie 33
`TAIWAN tn nn nnn En EEE GPE LOD IED e Eco Sn eon rene tredertenrsnernenediieerertonree 34
`United Arab EMIratesct ee erin ine necieineiserecierieonieaieioseeneenececns 35
`Safety STATEMENTcc ccc ccc cee cce sence cenit ecrteritecreseittcisesiaesiessiisistissiistisesteasiagsnasneeananten 35


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`Getting Started
`Welcome to Fitbit Alta HR™, the heart rate wristband that motivates you to reach
`your goals in style. Take a moment to review our complete safety information at
`What’s in the box
`Your Fitbit Alta HR box includes:
`Charging cable
`The top and bottom detachable wristbands can be swapped for other colors and
`materials sold separately.
`What’s in this document
`We get you started creating a Fitbit® account and making sure your tracker can
`transfer the cata it collects to your dashboard. The dashboard is where you'll set
`goals, analyze historical data, identify trends, log food and water, keep up with
`friends, and much more. As soon as you're done setting up your tracker, you're ready
`to start moving.
`Next, we explain how to find and use the features that interest you and adjust your
`preferences. To find more information, tips, and troubleshooting, please browse our
`comprehensive articles at help


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`Setting up your Fitbit Alta HR
`For the best experience we recommend using the Fitbit app for iOS, Android, or
`Windows 10. If you don’t have a mobile device, you can also use a Bluetooth®-
`enabled Windows 10 PC or Mac. For non-Bluetooth options visit
`Your Fitbit account asks for information such as height, weight, and gender to make
`various calculations such as stride lengths to estimate distance and basal metabolic
`rate to estimate calorie burn. Your name and average daily step count are visible to
`Fitbit friends by default. You have the option to share your age, height, or weight
`with Fitbit friends but the information you provide is private by default.
`Setting uo your tracker on your mobile device
`The free Fitbit app is compatible with more than 200 mobile devices that support
`iOS, Android, and Windows 10 operating systems.
`To get started:
`1. Make sure the Fitbit app is compatible with your mobile device by checking
`2. Find the Fitbit app in one of these locations, depending on your device:
`e« The Apple® App Store® for iOS devices such as an iPhone® or iPad®,
`e« The Google Play™ Store for Android devices such as the Samsung®
`Galaxy® $6 and Motorola Droid Turbo 2.
`« The Microsoft® Windows Store for Windows 10 mobile devices such as
`the Lumia™ phone or Surface™ tablet.
`Install the app. Note that if you don’t have an account with the store you'll be
`required to create one before you can download the app.
`4, When the app is installed, open it and tap Join Fitbit to be guided through a
`series of questions that help you create your Fitbit account, or login to your
`existing account.
`5. Continue following the onscreen instructions to connect, or pair, your Alta HR
`to your mobile device. Pairing makes sure the tracker and mobile device can
`communicate with one another (sync data back and forth).
`When you're done pairing, read through the guide about your new tracker and then
`explore the Fitbit dashboard.
`Setting up your tracker on your Windows 10 PC
`If you don’t have a mobile device, you can set up and sync your tracker using a
`Bluetooth-enabled Windows 10 PC. The same Fitbit app that is available for Windows
`10 mobile devices is available for your computer.
`To get the Fitbit app for your computer:


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`Click the Start button on your PC and open the WindowsStore (called Store).
`2. Search for “Fitbit app” and when you find it click Free to download the app to
`your computer.
`If you've never downloaded an app to your computer you'll be prompted to
`create an account with the Windows Store.
`4. Click Microsoft account to sign in with your existing Microsoft account. If you
`don’t already have an account with Microsoft, follow the onscreen instructions
`to create a new account.
`5. Open the app after it’s done downloading.
`6. Click Join Fitbit to be guided through a series of questions that help you
`create a Fitbit account, or login to your existing account.
`7. Continue following the onscreen instructions to connect, or pair, your Alta HR
`with the Windows 10 app. Pairing makes sure the tracker and app can
`communicate with one another (sync data back and forth).
`When you’re done pairing, read through the guide about your new tracker and then
`explore the Fitbit dashboard.
`Setting uo your tracker on your Mac
`If you don’t have a compatible mobile device, you can set up your tracker witha
`Bluetooth-enabled Mac and use the dashboard to see your stats. To use
`this method you'll first install a free software application called Fitbit Connect that
`lets Alta HR sync its data with your dashboard.
`To install Fitbit Connect and set up your tracker:
`1. Go to http://www.
`2. Scroll down and click the option to download. If the button does not correctly
`show your type of computer Cfor example, if it says “Download for Mac’),
`choose the correct type, then click the button.
`3. You'll see an option to open or saveafile; choose open. After several seconds
`you'll see an option to install Fitbit Connect.
` @e06 __., FitbitConnect-v2.0.1.6801-2016-06-02
`Install Fitbit Connect.pkg
`Uninstall Fitbit Connect
`Double-click Install Fitbit Connect.okg. The Fitbit Connect installer opens.
`Click Continue to move through the installer.
`When prompted, choose Set up a New Fitbit Device.
`Follow the onscreen instructions to create a Fitbit account, or login to your
`existing account, and connect your tracker with Fitbit Connect.
`When you’re done with the setup steps, Fitbit guides you through an introduction to
`your new Alta HR and then takes you to the dashboard.


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`Syncing your tracker data to your Fitbit account
`When you start using your Alta HR you'll need to regularly sync it with your Fitbit
`dashboard. The dashboard is where you'll track progress, see your exercise history,
`track your sleep patterns, participate in challenges, and much more. We recommend
`syncing at least once a day.
`The Fitbit apps and Fitbit Connect use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology to
`sync with your Fitbit tracker.
`Each time you open the Fitbit app it syncs automatically if the paired tracker is
`nearby. You can also use the Sync Now option in the app at any time.
`Fitbit Connect on your Mac syncs every 15 minutes if the tracker is within 30 feet of
`the computer. To force a sync, click the Fitbit Connect icon located near the date
`and time on your computer and choose Sync Now.


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`Getting to know your Fitbit Alta HR
`This section tells you how best to wear, navigate, and recharge your tracker. If you
`bought an accessory wristband, you'll also find instructions for taking off the original
`band and putting ona different one.
`Wearing your tracker
`Place your Alta HR around your wrist. The side of the tracker marked with “fitbit”
`should be on the inside or bottom of your wrist.
`Placement for all-day wear vs exercise
`For all-day wear when you're not exercising, your Alta HR should usually rest a
`finger’s width below your wrist bone and lay flat, as you would normally wear a


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`tracker is lower on your wrist.
`For optimized heart rate tracking keep these tips in mind:
`e Experiment with wearing the tracker higher on your wrist during exercise.
`Because blood flow in your arm increases the farther up you go, moving the
`tracker up a couple inches can improve the heart rate signal. Also, many
`exercises such as bike riding or weight lifting cause you to bend your wrist
`frequently, which is more likely to interfere with the heart rate signal if the
`e Do not wear your tracker too tight; a tight band restricts blood flow,
`potentially affecting the heart rate signal. That being said, the tracker should
`also be slightly tighter (snug but not constricting) during exercise than during
`all-day wear.
`« With high-intensity interval training or other activities where your wrist is
`moving vigorously and non-rhythmically, the movement may limit the sensor’s


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`ability to provide a heart rate reading. Similarly, with exercises such as weight
`lifting or rowing, your wrist muscles may flex in such a way that the band
`tightens and loosens during exercise. If your tracker does not show a heart
`rate reading, try relaxing your wrist and staying still briefly (about 10 seconds),
`after which you should see a heart rate reading.
`Wrist choice and dominant hand
`For greater accuracy and ease of use, Alta HR needs to know which wrist you wear it
`on cright or left) and which hand you consider dominant Cright or left). Your
`dominant hand is the one you usually write or throw with.
`During setup you're asked to choose the wrist where you're going to wear Alta HR.
`Should you later decide to move Alta HR to the other wrist, change the Wrist setting.
`You can also change your dominant hand at any time with the Handedness setting.
`Both settings are found in the Account section of the Fitbit app.
`Using the Tap Display
`Alta HR has an OLED tap display that can be oriented horizontally or vertically. You
`can choose from several clock faces, each with a unique design. Single-tap the
`display to flip through your stats.


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`When you're not using Alta HR the screen is dimmed. To wake it up:
`« Double-tap your tracker.
`e Turn your wrist towards you. This behavior, known as Quick View, can be
`turned off in your tracker settings.
`For best results, tap your tracker where the screen meets the band as shown.
`Recharging the battery
`Your fully charged Alta HR has a battery life of up to seven days. Battery life and
`charge cycles vary with use and other factors; actual results will vary.
`Finding your current battery level
`If your battery is low, when you wake up your Alta HR you'll see low battery icon
`after a few seconds. If you see a critical battery icon you'll be unable to flip through
`your stats until you charge your tracker. Your tracker continues to track your activity
`until your battery runs out. Note that heart rate tracking will stop when your battery
`level is at approximately five percent.
`Critically low battery


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`You can check your battery level at any time on the battery screen on your tracker or
`on your Fitbit dashboard. You must turn on the battery screen in the Fitbit app, it is
`not on your tracker by default.
`Charging instructions
`To charge your tracker:
`1. Plug the charging cable into the USB port on your computer or a UL-certified
`USB wall charger.
`2. Clip the other end of the charging cable to the port on the back of the tracker.
`The pins on the charging cable must lock securely with the port. You'll know
`the connection is secure when the tracker vibrates and you see a battery icon
`on your tracker’s display. The battery icon disappears after three seconds.
`Charging fully takes about one to two hours. While the tracker charges, you can tap
`it to check the battery level. A fully charged tracker shows a solid battery icon.
`Caring for your tracker
`It's important to clean and dry your Alta HR regularly. For instructions and more
`information see http://www.


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`Changing the wristband
`The wristband has two separate bands (top and bottom) that you can swap with
`accessory bands sold separately.
`Removing a wristband
`To remove the wristband:
`1. Turn over your Alta HR and find the band latches—there’s one on each end
`where the band meets the frame.
`2. To release the latch, press down on the flat metal button on the strap.
`3. Slide the band up to release it from the tracker.
`4. Repeat on the other side.
`If you’re having trouble removing the band or if it feels stuck, gently move the band
`back and forth to release it.


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`Attaching a new wristband
`To attach a band, slide it down on the end of the tracker until you feel it snap into


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`Automatic Tracking with Fitbit Alta HR
`Your Alta HR continuously tracks a variety of stats whenever you have it on. The
`information is transferred to your dashboard every time you sync your tracker.
`Viewing all-day stats
`Tap your Alta HR to see these all-day stats:
`e Steps taken
`e Heart rate
`e Resting heart rate (optional)
`e Distance covered
`e Calories burned
`e Active minutes
`On your Fitbit dashboard you can find other information captured by your tracker,
`such as:
`® Your sleep history, including hours slept and sleep patterns
`® The hours of your day that you were stationary vs. active Qwalked at least 250
`e Your exercise history and progress towards a weekly exercise goal
`e« Your beats per minute (BPM), average resting heart rate, and time spent in
`heart-rate zones
`Note: Alta HR stats reset at midnight to begin a new day.


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`Double-tap your Alta HR to wake it up. When you see the clock, tap to see each of
`your stats in turn. If you have an alarm set, you'll also see the next alarm time.
`Resting heart rate (optional screen)
`Active minutes
`Viewing your heart rate
`Alta HR allows you to view your real-time heart rate and your resting heart rate on
`your tracker. To view your heart rate, tap your tracker until you get to the heart rate
`screen where you'll see your current heart rate. Tap again until you get to the resting
`heart rate screen to see your resting heart rate. You must turn on the resting heart
`rate screen in the Fitbit app.
`Using heart-rate zones
`Heart-rate zones help you target the training intensity of your choice. Your tracker
`shows your current zone beside your heart rate, and on your Fitbit dashboard you
`can see your time spent in zones during a particular day or exercise. Three zones
`based on American Heart Association recommendations are available by default, or
`you can create a custom zone if you have a specific heart rate you're targeting.


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`Default heart-rate zones
`Default heart-rate zones are calculated using your estimated maximum heart rate.
`Fitbit calculates your maximum heart rate with the common formula of 220 minus
`your age.
`Out of Zone
`Below 50% of your
`maximum heart
`Your heart rate may
`be elevated but not
`enough to be
`Fat Burn
`Between 50% and
`69% of your
`maximum heart
`Between 70% and
`84% of maximum
`heart rate.
`Greater than 85%
`of your maximum
`heart rate.
`intensity exercise
`zone. This zone
`may be a good
`place to start for
`those new to
`exercise. It’s called
`the Fat Burn zone
`because a higher
`percentage of
`calories are burned
`from fat, but the
`total calorie burn
`rate is lower.
`intensity exercise
`zone. In this zone
`you're pushing
`yourself but not
`straining. For most
`people this is the
`exercise zone to
`exercise zone. This
`zone is for short
`intense sessions
`that improve
`performance and


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 338-20 Filed 03/02/22 Page 20 of 41
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 338-20 Filed 03/02/22 Page 20 of 41
`Custom heart rate zones
`Instead of using the default heart-rate zones, you can configure a custom zone ora
`custom max heart rate if you have a specific target in mind. For example, elite
`athletes might have a target that differs from the American Heart Association’s
`recommendations for the average person. When you're in your custom zone you'll
`see a solid heart on your tracker. When you're not in the zone you'll see an outline of
`a heart.
`For more details about heart rate tracking, including links to relevant American Heart
`Rate Association information, see help.,
`Tracking a daily activity goal
`Your Alta HR tracks your progress towards a daily activity goal of your choice. When
`you reach your goal, the tracker vibrates and shows a celebration.
`Choosing a goal
`By default your goal is 10,000 steps per day, but you may have changed this goal
`when you set up your account. You can change the goal to distance traveled,
`calories burned, or active minutes and select the corresponding value you prefer. For
`example, you may want to keep steps as your goal but change the target from
`10,000 to 20,000 steps.
`Seeing goal progress
`A goal progress bar helos keep you motivated. The filled in portion of the bar shown
`below indicates that you’re more than halfway to your goal.
`Tracking exercise
`SmartTrack ensures you get credit for your most active moments of the day. When
`you sync your tracker after a SmartTrack-detected exercise, you can find several
`stats in your exercise history including duration, calories burned, impact on your day,
`and more.
`By default, SmartTrack detects continuous movement at least 15 minutes in length.
`You can increase or decrease the minimum duration or disable SmartTrack for one or
`more exercise types. For more information about customizing and using SmartTrack,
`see help.
`PNA-FB00003 12


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`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 338-20 Filed 03/02/22 Page 21 of 41
`Tracking hourly activity
`Alta HR helps keep you active throughout the day by keeping track of when you're
`stationary and reminding you to move.
`If you haven't walked at least 250 steps in a given hour, at ten minutes before the
`hour you'll feel a vibration reminding you to walk. When you meet the 250-step goal
`after receiving a reminder, you'll feel a second vibration and see a congratulatory
`message. For more information, including how to customize the hours you receive
`reminders, see
`PNA-FB00003 13


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`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 338-20 Filed 03/02/22 Page 22 of 41
`Sleep Tracking
`Wear your Alta HR to bed to automatically track both your time spent asleep and
`your sleep quality. To see your sleep information, sync your tracker when you wake
`up and check your dashboard.
`For more cetails about sleep tracking see help
`Setting sleep goals
`By default, you have a customizable sleep goal of 8 hours of sleep per night. For
`more information about your sleep goal, including how to change it, see
`Setting Up bedtime reminders
`Your Fitbit dashboard can recommend consistent bedtimes and wake times to help
`you improve the consistency of your sleep cycle. You can even choose to be
`reminded nightly when it’s time to start winding down for bed.
`For more information about setting up bedtime reminders, see help
`Learning about your sleep habits
`Your Alta HR tracks several sleep metrics including how long you're asleep and time
`spent in each sleep stage. When used with the Fitbit dashboard, your Alta HR can
`help you understand how your sleep patterns compare to others who share your age
`range and gender. For more information about what happens when you're asleep,
`see help.
`PNA-FB00003 14


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`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 338-20 Filed 03/02/22 Page 23 of 41
`Using Silent Alarms
`Alta HR can gently vibrate to wake or alert you with a silent alarm. You can set up to
`eight alarms to recur every day or on particular days of the week only. When the
`alarm goes off, simply double tap to dismiss.
`For more information about customizing and using silent alarms, see
`| VaUraeer
`PNA-FB00003 15


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`Receiving Call, Text & Calendar
`Over 200 compatible iOS and Android mobile devices let you receive incoming
`phone call, text message, and calendar event notifications on your Alta HR when
`your mobile device is nearby. To determine whether your device supports this
`feature, go to http://www. Note that notifications aren’t available
`with the Fitbit app for Windows 10.
`Calendar requirements
`If you turn on calendar notifications, your tracker will show calendar events and any
`information sent from your calendar app to your mobile device. Note that if your
`calendar app does not send notifications to your mobile device, you won't receive
`notifications on your tracker.
`f 10:30 am
`If you have an iOS device, your Alta HR showsnotifications from all calendars synced
`to the default iOS Calendar app. If you have a third-party calendar that is not synced
`to the iOS Calendar app, you won't see notifications from that calendar.
`If you have an Android device, your Alta HR shows calendar notifications from the
`calendar app you choose during setup. You can choose from the default Calendar
`app on your mobile device or several third-party calendar apps.
`Enabling notifications
`Before you turn on notifications in the Fitbit app, make sure that Bluetooth on your
`mobile device is turned on and that your mobile device is capable of sending
`notifications Coften under Settings > Notifications).
`For more information about making sure your mobile device permits notifications,
`see help.
`Call and text notifications are on by default. To turn on calendar notifications:
`1. With your tracker nearby, on the Fitbit app dashboard, tap the Account icon
`2. Tap the Alta HR tile.
`3. Tap Notifications and turn on or off any combination of text, call, or calendar
`4. Follow the onscreen instructions to connect (bond) your mobile device with
`your tracker.
`PNA-FB00003 16


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