Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 1 of 35
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 1 of 35


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 2 of 35
`Paradiso 4
`new products, prizes,
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 2 of 35 EXHIBIT sisi
`fitness tips, and much more!
`Model No. HRTL16991
`Serial No.
`Write the serial number in the soace
`above for fulure reference.
`Serial Number Decal
`As a manufacturer, we are com-
`mitted to providing complete
`customer satisfaction. if you
`have questions, or if there are
`missing paris, we will quarantee
`complete satistaction through di-
`rect assistance from our factory.
`HOT LINE. The trained techni-
`clans on our customer hot line
`will provide immediate assis-
`tance, free of charge.
`Mon-Fri, § am.~& pan. MST
`Read all precautions and instruc-
`tions in this manual before using
`this equipment. Save this manual
`for future reference.


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 3 of 35
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 3 of 35
`BEFORE YOU BEGIN 2000er eee easLe ee eee ae 4
`ASSEMBLY 0.000ee een ee eee 5
`HOW TO USE THE CHEST PULSE SENSOR .................-a 6
`OPERATION AND ADJUSTMENT 0000 ccee ee eee es ¢
`HOW TO FOLD AND MOVE THE TREADMILL 0.0.00 cece enerer 23
`CONDITIONING GUIDELINES ...........eeeeee eensLeas 28
`PART LIST0te eee 30
`HOW TO ORDER REPLACEMENT PARTS ....... 0000.00.00eeLees 31
`LIMITED WARRANTY 000ce eR en Ce eee Back Cover
`Note: An EXPLODED DRAWING is attached in the center of this manual.
`A WARNI NG: To reduce the risk of burns, fire, electric shock, or injury to persons, read the
`following important precautions and information before operating the treadmill.
`itis the responsibility of the owner to ensure
`thatall users of this treadmill are adequately
`informed of all warnings and precautions,
`Use the treadmill only as described In this
`. Place the treadmill on a level surface, with
`eight feet of clearance behind it. Do not place
`the treadmill on any surface that biocks air
`openings. To protect the floor or carpet trom
`damage, place a mat under the treadmill.
`. Keep the treadmill indoors, away from mois-
`ture and dust. Do not put the treadmill in a
`garage or covered patio, or near water.
`, Do not operate the treadmill where aerosol
`products are used or where oxygen is being
`Keep children under the age of 12 and pets
`away from the treadmill at all times.
`The treadmill shoutd not be used by persons
`weighing more than 300 pounds.
`. Never allow more than one person on the
`treadmill at a time.
`Athletic support clothes are recommended
`for both men and women. Always wear ath-
`letic shoes. Never use the treadmill with bare
`feet, wearing only stockings, or in sandals.
`10. When connecting the power cord (see page
`7), plug the power cord inio a surge protector
`{not included) and piug the surge protector
`into a grounded circull capable of carrying 15
`or more amps. No other appliance should be
`on the same circuit.
`11. Use only a UL-listed surge protector, rated at
`15 amps, with a 14-gauge cord of five feet or
`less in length. Do not use an extension cord.
`12. Keep the power cord and the surge protector
`away trom heated surfaces.
`13. Never move the walking belt while the power
`is turned off. Qo not operate the treadmill if
`the power cord or plug is damaged, or if the
`treadmill is not working properly. (See
`BEFORE YOU BEGIN on page 4 if the tread-
`mill is not working properly.)
`14. Never start the treadmill while you are stand-
`ing on the walking bell. Always hold the
`handrails while using the treadmill,
`.. Wear appropriate exercise clothing when
`using the treadmill. Oo not wear loase cloth-
`ing that could become caught in the treadmill.
`15. The treadmill is capable of high speeds.
`Adjust the sneed in small increments to aveid
`sudden jumps in speed.


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 4 of 35
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 4 of 35
`16. Using hand weights and not holding the
`handralis may compromise your ability to
`maintain your balance. Exercises using hand
`weights should be attempied only by experi-
`enced users.
`20. When folding or moving the treadmill, make
`sure that the storage latch is fully closed.
`21. inspect and tighten all parts of the treadmill!
`every three months.
`17, The pulse sensor is not a medical device.
`Various factors, including the user's move-
`ment, may affect the accuracy of heart rate
`readings. The pulse sensor is intended only
`as an exercise aid in determining heart rate
`trends in general.
`18. Never leave the treadmill unattended while it
`is running. Always remove the key, unplug
`the power cord and move the on/off switch-to
`the off position when the treadmill is not in
`use. (See the drawing on page 4 for the loca-
`tion of the on/off switch.)
`19. Do not attempt to raise, lower, or move the
`treadmill until itis properly assembled. (See
`ASSEMBLY on page 5, andHOW TO MOVE
`THE TREADMILL on page 23.) You must be
`able to safely lift 45 pounds (20 ka) in order
`to raise, lower, or move the treadmill.
`22. Never drop or insert an object into any open-
`23. The treadmill is intended for in-home use
`only. Do not use the treadmill in any
`commercial, rental, or institutional setting.
`24, DA N G E R + Always unplug the power
`cord immediately after use, before cleaning
`the treadmill, and before performing the main-
`tenance and adjustment procedures de-
`scribed in this manual. Never remove the
`motor hood urdess instructed te do s0 by an
`authorized service representative. Servicing
`other than the procedures in this manual
`should be performed by an authorized service
`representative only.
`Ae WARNING ; Before beginning this or anyexercise program, consult your physician, This
`is especially important for persons over the age of 35 or persons with pre-existing health problems.
`Read all instructions before using. ICON assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property
`damage sustained by or through the use of this product.
`The decals shown below have been placed on your treadmill. if a decal is missing orillegible, please call
`our Customer Service Departmenttoll-free at 1-800-999-3756 to order a free replacement decal. Apply the
`decal in the iccation shown. Note: The large decal is shown at 38% of actual size.
`* Keep hands and
`feet clear of this areagrh™"P"T"
`while operating or


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 5 of 35
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 5 of 35
`Congratulations for purchasing the HealthRider® SOFT-
`STRIDER S700i™ treadmill. Fhe SOFTSTRIDER $700)
`offers an impressive array of features to help you
`achieve your fitness goals in the convenience of your
`home. From the advanced console to the cushioned
`walking belt, tha SOFTSTRIDER S700iis designed to
`make each workout more effective and enioyabie. And
`when you're not exercising, the SOFTSTRIDER $700)
`can be folded away, taking jess than half the floor
`space of conventional treadmills.
`For your benefit, read this manual carefully before
`using the treadmill. 1f you have additional questions,
`please call our Customer Service Department toll-free
`at 1-800-999-3756, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m.
`unt6 p.m. Mountain Time (excluding holidays). To
`help us assist you, please note the product model
`number and serial number before calling. The model
`number is HHTL16991. The serial number can be
`found on a decal atlached to the treadmill (see the
`frant cover of this manual for the location).
`Before reading further, please familiarize yoursell with
`the parts that are labeled in the drawing below.
`Hand Weights
`Chest Pulse Sensor Holder --—-——-
`a ntaneneceeneceeneneneeneceeseasennenteeneeecaeenenineenens Book Holder
`Water Bottle Holder*-—
`Pulse Sensor
`Lock Knob~~Nae Jed
`Walking Platform
`Rear Roller
`ACIUSTMENL BOL--------nnn
`*Water bottle is not included


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 6 of 35
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 6 of 35
`Assembly requires two people. Place the treadmill in a cleared area and remove all packing materials. Do not
`dispose of the packing materials until the readmill is assembied. No tools are required.
`Note: The underside of the treadmill walking belt is coated with high-performance lubricant. During shipping, a
`smal amount of lubricant may be transferred to the top of the walking belt, the sides of the walking platform, of
`the shipping carton. This does not affect treadmill performance. If there is lubricant on top of the walking belt or
`on the sides of the walking platiorm, wipe off the lubricant with a soft cloth and a mild, non-abrasive cleaner.
`{103} and tighten the Lock Knob onto it.
`1. With the help of a second person, carefully raise the
`Uprights (103) until the Wheels (99) are resting on the
`floor as shown.
`2, Next, make sure that the Lock Knob Sleeve (68}is fully
`inserted into the left Upright (103).
`Remove the Lock Knob (67} from the Lock Pin (72). Make
`sure that the Lock Pin Callar (70) anc the Spring (69) are
`on the Lock Pin. Insert the Lock Pin into the left Upright
`3. Make sure that all parts are tightened before you use the treadmill. Place a mat beneath the treadmill
`to protect the floor or carpet. For your benefit, we recommend that you farniliarize yourself with the
`TROUBLE-SHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE section on pages 25 through 27.


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`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page7of 35
`The chest pulse sensor consists of fbvo components:
`the chest strap and the sensor unit {see the drawing
`below}. Insert ihe tab on one end of the chest strap into
`one end of the sensor unit, as shown in the inset draw-
`ing. Prass the and of the sensor unit under the buckle
`on the chest strap. The tab should be flush with the
`front of the sensor unit.
`Next, wrap the
`chest pulse sen-
`sor around your
`chest and attach
`the other end of
`the chest strap to
`the sensorunit.
`Adjust the jength
`of the chest strap,
`if necassary. The
`chest pulse sen-
`sor should be under your clothing, ight against your
`skin, and as high under the pectoral muscles ar
`breasts as is comfortable. Make sure that the logo on
`the sensorunit is facing forward and is right-side-up.
`Pull the sensor unit away from your body a few inches
`and locate ihe two electrode areas on the inner side.
`The electrode areas are the areas covered by shallow
`ridges. Using saline solution such as saliva or contact
`lens solution, wet both electrode areas. Return the
`sensor unit to a position against your chest
`- Thoroughly dry the chest pulse sensor after each
`use. The chest pulse sensoris activated when the
`electrode areas are wetted and the heart rate
`monitor is put on; the chest pulse sensor shuts off
`when it is removed and the electrode areas are
`dried. If the chest pulse sensor is not dried afer
`each use, ii may remain activated longer than nec-
`essary, draining the battery prematurely.
`* Store the chest pulse sensor in a warm, dry place.
`Do not store the chest pulse sensorin a plastic bag
`or other container that may trap moisture,
`* Do not expose the chest pulse sensor to direct
`sunlight for extended periocs of lime; do not expose
`it to temperatures above 122° Fahrenheit {50°
`Celsius} or below 14° Fahrenheit [-10° Celsius).
`+ Do not excessively bend or stretch the sensor unit
`when using or storing the chest pulse sensor.
`» Clean the sensor unit using a damp cloth—never
`use aicohal, abrasives, or chemicals. The chest
`strap may be hand washed and air dried.
`The instructions on the following pages explain
`how the chest pulse sensor is used with the con-
`sole. ff the chest pulse sensor does not function
`properly, try the steps below.
`Make sure that the chest pulse sensor is under your
`clothing, tight against your skin, and as high under
`the pectoral muscles ar breasis as is comfortable,
`The logo on the sensor unit must be facing forward
`and be right-side-up. Note: {i the chest pulse sensor
`does not function when positianed as described, try
`moving it slightly lower or higher on your chest.
`Use saline solution such as saliva or contact lens
`solution to wet the two electrode areas on the
`sensorunit. if heart rate readings do not appear until
`you begin perspiring, re-wet the electrode areas.
`* As you walk or run on the treacimill, position your-
`self near the center of the walking belt. For the
`console to display heart rate readings, the user
`must be within arm's length of the console.
`The chest pulse sensor is designed to work with
`people who have normal heart rhythms. Heart rate
`reading problems may be caused by medical
`conditions such as premature ventricular contrac-
`tions (pves), tachycardia bursts, and arrhythmia.
`The operation of the chest pulse sensor can be
`affected by magnetic interference caused by high
`power lines or other sources. ff itis suspected that
`this is a problem, iry relocating the treadmill.
`- The CR2032 battery may need to be replaced (see
`page 27).
`ICON0003 66


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 8 of 35
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 8 of 35
`electric shock. This product is equipped with a cord
`having an ecuipment-grounding conductor and a
`grounding plug. Plug the power cord into a surge
`protector, and plug the surge protector into an ap-
`propriate outlet that is properly Installed and
`grounded in accordance with ali local codes and
`This product is for use on a nominal 120-volt circuit,
`and has a grounding plug that looks like the plug iHus-
`trated in drawing 1 below. A temporary adapter that
`looks like the acapter ilustrated in drawing 2 may be
`used fo connect the surge protector to a 2-pole recep-
`tacle as shown in drawing 2 if a properly grounded out-
`let is not available.
`The temporary adapter should be used only untila
`properly grounded outlet (drawing 1} can be installed
`by a qualified electrician,
`The green-colored rigid ear, lug, or the like extending
`from the adapter must be connected to a permanent
`ground such as 4 properly grounded outiet box cover.
`Whenever the adapter is used it must be held in place
`by a metal screw. Some 2-pole receptacle outlet box
`covers are not grounded. Contact a qualified elec-
`trician to determine if the outlet box cover is
`grounded before using an adapier.
`Your treadmill features a walking belt coated with
`PERFORMANT LUBE™. a high-performance lubricant.
`IMPORTANT: Never apply silicone spray or other
`substances to the walking belt or the walking plat-
`ferm. Such substanceswill deteriorate the walking
`belt and cause excessive wear.
`a DANGER: improper connection
`of the equipment-grounding conductor can
`result in an increased risk of electric shock.
`Check with a qualified electrician or service-
`man if-you are In doubt as to whether the
`product is properly grounded. De not modify
`the plug provided with the product—ifit will
`not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet in-
`stalled by a qualified electrician.
`Your treadmill, ike any other type of sophisticated
`electronic equipment, can be seriously damaged by
`sudden voltage changes in your hame’s power,
`Voltage surges, spikes, and noise interference can re-
`sult from weather conditions or from other appliances
`being turned on or off,
`To decrease the pos-
`sibility of your tread-
`mill being damaged,
`always use a surge
`protector (not in-
`cluded) with your
`Grounding Pin
`ft Grounded Outlet Box
`Treadmill Power Cord-._¢oo
`Surge projectors are
`sold at most hardware
`stores and department
`stores. Use only a UL-
`listed surge protector,
`rated at 15 amps, with a
`14-gauge cord of five
`feet or less in length.
`This product must be
`grounded, if it should
`malfunction or break
`down, grounding pro-
`vides a path of feast re-
`sistance for electric cur-
`rent to reduce the risk of
`er Grounded Outlet Box
`\Surge Protector


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 9 of 35
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 9 of 35
`ie Note:if there is a thin
`sheet of clear plastic
`console, remove if.
`The treadmill console offers an impressive selection of
`features io help you get the mast from your exercise.
`When the console is in the manual mode, the speed
`and incline of the treadmill can be changed with a
`touch of a button. As you exercise, the displays will
`show your workout time, the number of calories and fat
`calories you have burned, the distance you have
`walked, the inctine level of the traadmill, and the speed
`of the walking belt. If you use the built-in handgrip
`pulse sensor or chest pulse sensor, the consale will
`aiso show your heart rate,
`The console also offers six preset workout programs.
`Each program automatically controls the speed and
`incline of the treachnili as #t guides you through an effec-
`tive workout. The included hand weights allow you to
`add upper body exercise to your warkout as well. Two
`pulse programs are also offered. Each program auto-
`matically adjusts the soeed and incline of the treadmill to
`keep your heart rate within a preset range during your
`The console even allows you to create your own work-
`out programs and store them in memory for future use.
`The console aiso features advanced technol-
`ogy. technology is like having a persanal
`trainer right in your home. Using the included audio
`cable, you can connect the treadmill to your home
`stereo, portable stereo, or computer and play spacial
`iFitcom OD programs (CD's are available separately).
` CD programs automatically controthe speed
`and incline of the treadmill as a personal trainer guides
`you through every step of your workouL High-energy
`music provides added motivation. Each CD features
`two programs designed by certified parsonaltrainers.
`in addition. you can connect the treadmill to your VOR
`and TV and play video programs (videocas-
`seties are available separately). Video programs offer
`the same benefits as CD programs, but add
`the excitement of working oui with a class and an
`instructor—the hottest new frend at health clubs.
`With the treadmill connected te your computer, you
`can also go to our new internet site af www.tFiLcom
`and access basic programs, audio pregrams, and
`video programs directly from the internet. And by
`adding an optional upgrade module to the treadmill,
`you can use virtually endless features from our internet
`site. See for complete details.
`To purchase CD's or videacassettes or an
`optional upgrade module, call toll-free 1-800-735-0768.
`To use the manual mode of the console. follow the
`sieps beginning on page 10. To use a preset program,
`see page 12. To use a pulse program, see page 13.
`To create and use a custom program, see pages 15
`and 16. To use an CD or video program,
`see page 19. To use an iFiLcom program directly
`from our internet site, see page 21.


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 10 of 35
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 10 of 35
`Refer to the drawing on page 8 to identify the features
`described below.
`A. Water bottle holder—This convenient holder keeps
`your water bottle handy during your workouts (no
`water bottle is included}.
`B. Hand weight hoider—These compartments hold the
`included hand weights.
`C. Book holder—This area is designed fo hold your
`favorite magazine or the latest best-seller.
`DB. inckne buttons— These buttons contro! the incline af
`the treadmill. Each time a button is pressed, the
`incline will change by 0.8%. The incline range is 0%
`to 10%.
`E. Speed buttons— These buttons control ihe speed of
`the waiking belt. Each thme a button is pressed, ihe
`speed will change by 0.1 mph; df a button is held
`down, the speed will change in increments of 0.5
`mph. The speed range is 0.5 mph to 12 mph.
`F, Quick Speed buttons~ These buttons allow you to
`quickly select speed settings.
`G. Start button—This button is used to start the walking
`H. Stop buttons ~These buttons are used to stop the
`walking belt. Note: Pressing either Dutton will stop
`the walking belt.
`|. Waistband clip—This clip is designed to be worn on
`the waistband of your clothes. If the key is pulled
`from the console, the walking belt will automatically
`J, Key—This key turns the consoieg on and of.
`K. Time/Segment Time display —When the manuaf
`made or an program is selected, this cisplay
`will show the elapsed time. When a preset program,
`a pulse program. or a cusiom program is selected,
`the display will show both the time remaining in the
`program and the time remaining in the current
`segmert of the program. The display will alternate
`between one number and the other every seven
`L. Cross Training indicator— During the Fitnesswalk,
`Cardiojog, or Gardiorun programs, this indicator will
`periodically flash. The included hand weights can
`be used while the indicatoris flashing to add upper
`body exercise to your workouts,
`M. Pulse display—This display shows your heart rate
`when the handgrip pulse sensor or the chest pulse
`sensoris used.
`N. Calories display— This display shows the approxi-
`mate numbers of calories and fat calories you have
`burned. The display will alternate between one
`number and the other every seven seconds.
`©. Distance/inciine display—This display shows the
`distance you have walked and the incline level of
`the treadmill. The display will alternate between one
`number and the other every seven seconds. Note:
`Each time the incline buttons are pressed, the dis-
`play will change to show the incline setting.
`P. Speed display—This display shows the speed of
`the walking belt.
`Q. Enter button and “ and “ buttons— These buttons
`are used to enter your age when pulse programs
`aré used.
`8 . Program display—When the manual mode or an
`iFiLcom program is selected, this display wall shaw
`your progress on an LED track. When a preset
`POGTAM, & Pulse DYoCVaMm, Gr & Custom pragrant is
`selected, the display will show the settings for the
`a . Record buiton-—This button is used to program
`speed and incline settings for custom programs.
`T. Select Workout button —This bution is used to select
`the manual mode, the presel grograms, the pulse
`programs, the custorn programs, and pro-
`grams, Note: H the walking belt is moving when the
`Select Workout bution is pressed, ihe walking belt
`wl slow {a a stop, the cisplays wil be reset, and a
`new program or the manual mode will be selected.
`U. Mode indicators These indicators show whether
`the manual mode. a preset program, a pulse pro-
`cram, a custom program, or an iFiLcom program is
`¥. Program profiles -- These prafies shaw haw the
`speed and incline of the treadmill will change during
`preset programs, arul how the largel heart rae will
`change during pulse pragrams.
`WHandgrip pulse senser— The handgrip guise sensor
`allows you to measure your heart rate before, curing,
`or after your workouts,
`Note: The console can display exercise feedhack
`in either miles or kHometers (sea SPEED DISPLAY
`on page 11} For simplicity, al instructions in this
`section refer ta miles.


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 11 of 35
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 11 of 35
`G .
`WARNIN « Fo reduce the risk of
`serious injury, read the following precautions
`before operating the console,
`: Do not stand on the walking belt when turn-
`ing on the poweror starting the walking belt.
`- Always attach the clip (see “fon page 8} to
`your waistband when using the treadmill. if
`the key is pulled from the console, the waik-
`ing belt will stop.
`: The treadmillis capable of high speeds.
`Adjust the speed in small increments.
`+ To reduce the risk of electric shack, keep
`liquids away from the console and place only
`a sealed water bottle in the console,
`- Using hand weights and not holding the
`handrails may compromise your ability to
`maintain your balance. Exercises using hand
`weights should be attempted only by experi-
`enced users.
`- H you have heart problems, or ff you are over
`60 years of age and have been inactive, do
`not use the pulse programs. If you are taking
`medication reqularly. consult your physician
`te find whether the medication will affect
`your exercise heart rate.
`| Plug in the power cord (see HOW TO PLUG IN
`THE POWER CORD on page 7}.
`Locate the on/off
`switch on the front of
`tne freadmial near the
`power cord. Move
`the onvolf switch to
`4 Insert the key into the console.
`See HOW TO TURN ON THE POWER atthe left.
`Select the manual mode.
`Whenthe keyis in-
`serted, the manual
`rode will be selected
`and the manualindica-
`tor will light. Hf a program
`is selected, press the
`Select Workout bution
`repeatedly to select ihe manual mode.
`Ej Press the Start button or the Speed “. buttan
`io start the walking belt.
`A moment afer the butlon is pressed, the walking
`belt will begin to raove al tdimph. Hold the hand-
`rails arid begin walking.
`AS you exercise, adiust
`the speed of the walking
`belt as desired by press-
`ing the Speed buttons ar
`ine Quick Speed bul-
`tons, Note: After the iut-
`tons are pressed, Hf may
`take a moment for the walking belt to reach the
`selected speed setting.
`To ston the walking bell, press either of the Stop
`buttons. The displays will pause and the Tirne/
`Segment Time display wall Degin to flash. To
`restart the walking bell, cress the Start bution or
`the Speed 4 butlon. To step ihe walking belt and
`reset the displays, press a Stop button, remove
`the key, anc then reinsert the key.
`the on position. Adjust the incline of the treadmill as desired.
`Stand on the foot
`rads of the treadmill.
`Find the clip attached
`to the key and slide
`the clip fully ante the
`waistband of your
`clothing. Next, insert
`the key into the console. Afler a moment, the
`displays, the LED track, and various indicators will
`To vary the intensity ol
`your exercise, achust the
`incline of the treadmill
`hy gressing the Incline
`buttons. Mote: After the
`biltons are preaased i
`may take a moment lor
`ihe treadmill fo reach the selectedincline setting,


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`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 12 of 35
`Follow your progress with the LED track and
`the five displays.
`LED Track— When the
`manual mode or an
` program is
`selected, the program
`display will show a
`track representing a
`distance of 1/4 mile. As
`you exercise, the indicators around the track will
`light one at a time until ihe entire track is lit. A new
`lap will then begin.
`Time/Segment Time
`display— When the
`manual mode or an
` program is
`selected, this display
`wil show the elapsed
`time. When 4 preset
`program, a pulse program, or a custom program is
`selected, the display will show both the time re-
`raining in the program and the time remaining in
`the current segment of the program. The display
`will alternate between one number and the other
`every seven seconds. Note: For an explanation of
`the Cross Training indicator, see step 4 on page 13.
`Pulse display—This
`display shows your
`heart rate when you
`use the handgrip pulse
`sensor (see step 6) ar
`the chest pulse sensor
`isee page 6).
`Calories display—
`This display shows the
`approximate numbers
`ot calories and fat calo-
`ries you have burned
`(see FAT BURNING on
`page 28}. The display
`wil alternate between one number and the other
`avery seven seconds.
` 3
`display—This display
`shows the distance you
`have walked and the
`incline fevel of the
`treadmill, The display
`will alternate between
`one number and the other every seven seconcs.
`Note: Each time the Incline buttons are pressed,
`the display will change fo show the incline setting.
`Speed display — This
`display shows the speed
`of the walking beit.
`Note: The speed can be
`displayed in either miles
`per hour (rph} of kilo-
`meters per hour (kph).
`To see which unit of
`measurement is se-
`lected, hold down one of
`the Stop buttons while inserting the kay into the
`console. The Speed cisplay will show an °E”for
`English miles or an “M" far metric kilometers.
`Pressing the Speed 4. button will change the unit
`of measurement When the desired unit of mea-
`surement is selected, remove and reinsert the key.
`tise the handgrip pulse sensor, if desired.
`lf you are not wear-
`ing the chest pulse
`sensor and you
`wart to measure
`your heart rate,
`Stand on the foot
`rails and place
`your hands on the
`metal contacts on
`the handrail. Your
`paims must be resting on the upper contacts, and
`your fingers must be tauching the lower con-
`tacts--aveid moving your hands. After a few
`seconds, one or two dashes will appearin the
`Pulse display and then your heart rate wil be
`shown. For the most accurate heart rate reading,
`hold the contacts for about 15 seconds.
`When you are finished exercising, stop the
`walking belt and remove the key.
`Step onto the footrails, press one of the Step but-
`tons, and adjust the incline of the treadmill ta 0%.
`The incline must be at 0% when the treadmill is
`raised to the storage position or the treadmill
`will be damaged. Next, remove the key from the
`console and put it in a secure place. Note: If the
`displays and indicators on the console remain
`lit after the key is removed, the console is in
`the “demo” mode. Refer to page 22 and turn off
`the demo mode.
`When you are finished using the treadmill, miove
`the on/off switch near the power cord to the off
`position and unplug the power cord.


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 13 of 35
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 308-4 Filed 02/09/22 Page 13 of 35
`the flashing Current
`Segment column of the
`program display. (The
`incline settings are not
`shown in the program
`display.) The speed set-
`tings for the next twelve
`segments wil be shown
`in the twelve columns to the right.
`Current Segment
`When only three seconds remain in the first seg-
`ment of the program, both the Current Period col-
`umn and the caiumn to the right will flash, a series
`of tones will sound, and all speed settings will
`move one column to the fell. The speed setting for
`the second segment wil then be shown in the
`flashing Current Segment column and the treac-
`rill will autornatically adiust to the speed and in-
`cline settings for the second segment.
`The program wil continue in this way unt the
`apeed setting tor the last segment is shown in the
`Cisrent Segment coluvan and no time remains in
`the Time/Segment Time display. Tha walking belt
`wall then slew fo a stor.
`Male: Each ime a segment ends and the speed
`settings move one column to ine left fall of the
`indicators in the Current Segment column are Hl,
`ine speed settings will move downward so that only
`the highest indioators in the colurins will appear in
`the program display. When the speed settings
`nave io the left again and not al of the indicators
`in the Current Segment calumn are lit, the speed
`setlings wil move back up.
`# the speed or incline setting for the current
`segment is too high or ioe low, you can manualfy
`override tha setting by pressing the Speec or
`incline buttons on the console. Every tew times
`one af the Speed buttons is press

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