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`     Civil Action No. 1:19‐cv‐11586‐IT 

`September 17, 2019 
`In accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 16(b) and Local Rules 16.11 (as modified by this 
`order) and 16.6 (for patent cases),2 an initial scheduling conference will be held in 
`Courtroom 9 on the 3rd floor of the John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse 
`in Boston, Massachusetts on November 4, 2019, at 2:30 p.m.  
`The court considers attendance of lawyers ultimately responsible for the case to 
`be of the utmost importance.  Counsel for the plaintiff(s) is responsible for ensuring that 
`all parties and/or their attorneys who have not filed an answer or appearance with the 
`court are notified of the date of the scheduling conference. 
`The court expects compliance with sections (b), (c), and (d) of L.R. 16.1 and L.R. 
`16.6 (for patent cases) as modified below: 
`Scheduling Order: In most cases, the court will issue a scheduling order at the 
`conference in the form attached hereto. The court may depart from the form in 
`cases of relative complexity or simplicity or otherwise if justice so requires. The 
`parties should attempt to agree on the relevant dates for discovery and motion 
`practice.  In a case of ordinary complexity, the parties should propose a schedule 
`that calls for the completion of fact discovery, expert discovery, and motion 


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-IT Document 8 Filed 09/17/19 Page 2 of 11
`practice less than one calendar year from the date of the scheduling conference. 
`The dates of the status conference and pretrial conference will be set by the court. 

`Settlement Proposals: Each defendant shall present to the plaintiff(s) a written 
`response to the plaintiff(s)= settlement proposal(s) no later than seven days prior 
`to the scheduling conference. 

`Initial Disclosures: In addition to the information required by Fed.R.Civ.P. 
`26(a)(1) and L.R. 26.2, initial disclosures shall include:  
`Sworn statements disclosing the information set forth in L.R. 26.1(B)(1)(b)‐
`(d) and (2)(a)‐(c); 
`A copy of, or a description by category and location of, all documents, 
`data compilations, and tangible things in the possession, custody, or 
`control of the party with substantial relevance to disputed facts alleged 
`with particularity in the pleadings. 

`Pending Motions: The parties= joint statement shall identify all pending motions. 
`Counsel shall be prepared to argue pending motions at the scheduling 

`Reassignment to a Magistrate Judge: The parties’ joint statement shall indicate 
`whether all parties consent to reassignment of the case to a magistrate judge for 
`all purposes.  If all parties consent, the parties should also jointly file a completed 
`“Consent/Refusal of Magistrate Judge Jurisdiction” form available at 





`Case 1:19-cv-11586-IT Document 8 Filed 09/17/19 Page 3 of 11
`Client Signatures:  Clients should hand sign the certificate of consultation filed 
`pursuant to Local Rule 16.1(d)(3).  Counsel may sign with a typed signature so 
`long as counsel is registered to use the court’s CM/ECF system. 



`Indira Talwani 
`United States District Judge 

`     By: /s/Gail A. MacDonald Marchione   

`Courtroom Deputy Clerk 

`Date:  September 17, 2019  

` These sections of Local Rule 16.1 provide: 
`  1

`(b) Obligation of Counsel to Confer. Unless otherwise ordered by the judge, counsel for 
`the parties must, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(f), confer at least 21 days before the date 
`for the scheduling conference for the purpose of: 

`(1) preparing an agenda of matters to be discussed at the scheduling conference, 

`(2) preparing a proposed pretrial schedule for the case that includes a plan for 
`discovery, and 

`(3) considering whether they will consent to trial by magistrate judge. 

`(c) Settlement Proposals. Unless otherwise ordered by the judge, the plaintiff shall 
`present written settlement proposals to all defendants no later than 14 days before the 
`date for the scheduling conference. Defense counsel shall have conferred with their 
`clients on the subject of settlement before the scheduling conference and be prepared to 
`respond to the proposals at the scheduling conference. 

`(d) Joint Statement. Unless otherwise ordered by the judge, the parties are required to 
`file, no later than seven (7) days before the scheduling conference and after 
`consideration of the topics contemplated by Fed. R. Civ. P. 16(b) & (c) and 26(f), a joint 
`statement containing a proposed pretrial schedule, which shall include: 

`(1) a joint discovery plan scheduling the time and length for all discovery events, 


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`that shall 
`(a) conform to the obligation to limit discovery set forth in Fed. R. Civ. P. 
`26(b), and 

`(b) take into account the desirability of conducting phased discovery in 
`which the first phase is limited to developing information needed for a 
`realistic assessment of the case and, if the case does not terminate, the 
`second phase is directed at information needed to prepare for trial; and 
`(2) a proposed schedule for the filing of motions; and 

`(3) certifications signed by counsel and by an authorized representative of each 
`party affirming that each party and that partyʹs counsel have conferred: 
`(a) with a view to establishing a budget for the costs of conducting the full 
`course—and various alternative courses—of the litigation; and 

`(b) to consider the resolution of the litigation through the use of 
`alternative dispute resolution programs such as those outlined in LR 16.4. 
` These sections of Local Rule 16.6 provide: 



` 2

`In addition to the partiesʹ obligations under Fed. R. Civ. P. 26 (f) and LR 16.1, the parties 
`in cases raising issues of patent infringement shall consider and address in their joint 
`statement under L.R. 16.1 the following issues:  

`(1) The timing for disclosing initial infringement and invalidity positions;  

`(2) The process for identifying disputed claim terms, exchanging proposed claim 
`constructions, and claim construction briefing;  

`(3) The timing of and procedure for the claim construction hearing, including:  
`(a) whether the Court will decide claim construction through live testimony at a 
`hearing or based on the papers and attorney argument; and  
`(b) the timing of claim construction relative to summary judgment, expert 
`discovery, and the close of fact discovery.  

`(4) The need for tutorials on the relevant technology, including:  
`(a) the form and scope of any such tutorials; and  


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-IT Document 8 Filed 09/17/19 Page 5 of 11
`(b) the timing for such tutorials.  

`(5) The identification of dispositive issues that may lead to an early resolution of the 

`(6) Whether the court should authorize the filing under seal of any documents that 
`contain confidential information.  

`(7) Procedures for, and limits (if any) to be placed on, the preservation and 
`discovery of electronically stored information, including:  
`(a) whether preservation and discovery of electronically stored information 
`should be limited to that located on the parties’ active computer systems or 
`extended to backup systems;  
`(b) the identification of key persons, if any, who should have their electronically 
`stored information produced; 
`(c) whether production of electronically stored information should be limited to 
`discrete time periods; 
`(d) whether costs of producing electronically stored information should be 
`shifted, particularly costs of preserving and producing information stored on 
`backup systems.


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`Case 1:19-cv-11586-IT Document 8 Filed 09/17/19 Page 7 of 11
`Civil Action No. ____________________
`I. Timetable for Discovery and Motion Practice
`This Scheduling Order is intended to provide a reasonable timetable for discovery and
`motion practice in order to help ensure a fair and just resolution of this matter without undue
`expense or delay.
`Pursuant to Rule 16(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Local Rules 16.1(f)
`and 16.6, it is hereby ORDERED that:
`1. Preliminary Disclosures.
`Initial Disclosures. Initial disclosures required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(1) and
`by this court’s Notice of Scheduling Conference must be completed by
`Preliminary Infringement Disclosure. No later than __________, the
`patentee shall serve and file preliminary disclosure of the claims infringed.
`The patentee shall specify which claims are allegedly infringed and identify
`the accused product(s) or method(s) that allegedly infringe those claims. The
`patentee shall also specify whether the alleged infringement is literal or falls
`under the doctrine of equivalents. If the patentee has not already done so, the
`patentee shall produce all documents supporting its contentions and/or identify
`any such supporting documents produced by the accused infringer. Such
`disclosures may be amended and supplemented up to 30 days before the date
`of the Markman Hearing. After that time, such disclosures may be amended
`or supplemented only by leave of court, for good cause shown.
`Preliminary Invalidity and Non-Infringement Disclosures. No later than
`__________, the accused infringer shall serve and file Preliminary Invalidity


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-IT Document 8 Filed 09/17/19 Page 8 of 11
`and Non-Infringement Contentions. The accused infringer shall identify prior
`art that anticipates or renders obvious the identified patent claims in question
`and, for each such prior art reference, shall specify whether it anticipates or is
`relevant to the obviousness inquiry. If applicable, the accused infringer shall
`also specify any other grounds for invalidity, such as indefiniteness, best mode,
`enablement, or written description. If the accused infringer has not already
`done so, the accused infringer shall produce documents relevant to the
`invalidity defenses and/or identify any such supporting documents produced
`by the patentee. Further, if the accused infringer has not already done so, the
`accused infringer shall produce documents sufficient to show operation of the
`accused product(s) or method(s) that the patentee identified in its preliminary
`infringement disclosures. Such disclosures may be amended and supplemented
`up to 30 days before the date of the Markman Hearing. After that time, such
`disclosures may be amended or supplemented only by leave of court, for good
`cause shown, except that, if the patentee amends or supplements its
`preliminary infringement disclosures, the accused infringer may likewise
`amend or supplement its disclosures within 30 days of service of the amended
`or supplemented infringement disclosures.
`2. Amendments to Pleadings. Except for good cause shown, no motions seeking leave
`to add new parties or to amend the pleadings to assert new claims or defenses may be
`filed after __________.
`3. Claim Construction Proceedings.
`No later than __________, the parties shall simultaneously exchange a proposed
`list of claim terms to be construed.
`No later than __________, the parties shall simultaneously exchange and file
`preliminary claim construction briefs. Each brief shall contain a list of terms
`construed, the party’s proposed construction of each term, and evidence and
`argument supporting each construction. Absent leave of court, preliminary
`claim construction briefs shall be limited to 25 pages.
`No later than __________, parties shall simultaneously exchange reply briefs.
`Absent leave of court, reply briefs shall be limited to 15 pages.
`No later than __________, the parties shall finalize the list of disputed terms for
`the court to construe. The parties shall prepare and file a joint claim construction
`and prehearing statement (hereafter the “joint statement”) that identifies both
`agreed and disputed terms.
`i. The joint statement shall note the anticipated length of time necessary for
`the claim construction hearing and whether any party proposes to call
`witnesses, including a statement that such extrinsic evidence does not
`conflict with intrinsic evidence.


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-IT Document 8 Filed 09/17/19 Page 9 of 11
`ii. The joint statement shall also indicate whether the parties will present
`tutorials on the relevant technology, the form of such tutorials, and the
`timing for such tutorials in relation to the claim construction hearing. If
`the parties plan to provide tutorials in the form of briefs, declarations,
`computer animations, slide presentations, or other media, the parties shall
`exchange such materials seven days before the claim construction
`hearing. In the alternative, the parties may present tutorials through
`presentations by the attorneys or experts at the claim construction
`iii. The joint statement shall include a proposed order in which parties will
`present their arguments at the claim construction hearing, which may be
`term-by-term or party-by-party, depending on the issues in the case.
`iv. The joint statement shall limit the number of claim terms to be construed
`and shall prioritize the disputed terms in order of importance. The Court
`suggests that, ordinarily, no more than 10 terms per patent be identified
`as requiring construction.
`v. The joint statement shall include a joint claim construction chart, noting
`each party’s proposed construction of each term, and supporting
`4. The Claim Construction Hearing (a.k.a. “Markman” Hearing). The claim
`construction hearing will be held on __________ at __________.
`5. Fact Discovery.
`Written Discovery. Written discovery (requests for production of documents,
`interrogatories, and requests for admission) shall be served by __________.
`Fact Discovery. Fact discovery must be completed by __________.
`6. Status Conference. A status conference will be held on __________ at __________.
`7. Expert Discovery.
`Plaintiff(s)’ trial experts must be designated, and the information contemplated by
`Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(2) must be disclosed, by __________.
`Plaintiff(s)’ trial experts must be deposed by __________.
`Defendant(s)’ trial experts must be designated, and the information contemplated
`by Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(2) must be disclosed, by __________.


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-IT Document 8 Filed 09/17/19 Page 10 of 11
`Defendant(s)’ trial experts must be deposed by __________.
`Expert discovery must be completed by __________.
`8. Dispositive Motions. Dispositive motions, such as motions for summary judgment or
`partial summary judgment and motions for judgment on the pleadings, must be filed by
`9. Initial Pretrial Conference. An initial pretrial conference will be held on __________ at
`__________. The parties shall prepare and submit a pretrial memorandum in accordance
`with Local Rule 16.5(d) five business days prior to the date of the conference.
`Procedural Provisions
`1. Extension of Deadlines. Motions to extend or modify deadlines will be granted only
`for good cause shown. All motions to extend shall contain a brief statement of the
`reasons for the request; a summary of the discovery, if any, that remains to be taken;
`and a specific date when the requesting party expects to complete the additional
`discovery, join other parties, amend the pleadings, or file a motion.
`2. Motions to Compel or Prevent Discovery. Except for good cause shown, motions to
`compel discovery, motions for protective orders, motions to quash, motions to strike
`discovery responses, and similar motions must be filed no later than seven days after
`the close of fact discovery or the close of expert discovery, whichever deadline is
`relevant. If additional discovery is compelled by the court after the relevant deadline
`has passed, the court may enter such additional orders relating to discovery as may be
`3. Status Conferences. The court has scheduled a status conference after (or close to) the
`close of fact discovery for case management purposes. Any party who reasonably
`believes that a status conference will assist in the management or resolution of the case
`may request one from the court upon reasonable notice to opposing counsel.
`4. Additional Conferences. Upon request of counsel, or at the court’s own initiative,
`additional case-management or status conferences may be scheduled.
`5. Early Resolution of Issues. The court recognizes that, in some cases, resolution of one
`or more preliminary issues may remove a significant impediment to settlement or
`otherwise expedite resolution of the case. Counsel are encouraged to confer and jointly
`advise the court of any such issues.
`6. Pretrial Conference. Lead trial counsel are required to attend any pretrial conference.


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-IT Document 8 Filed 09/17/19 Page 11 of 11
`7. Discovery Disputes. In the event the parties encounter a discovery dispute, they are
`encouraged to request a hearing or telephone conference with the court before filing a
`discovery motion.
`8. Proposed Orders: Any proposed orders, such as Proposed Protective Orders, shall be
`docketed separately as an exhibit to a Motion for Proposed Order.
`United States District Judge
`Courtroom Deputy Clerk


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