Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 220-6 Filed 08/11/21 Page 1 of 12
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 220-6 Filed 08/11/21 Page 1 of 12


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 220-6 Filed 08/11/21 Page 2 of 12
`ECLI : N L: H R: 2005: AT 441 8, previously LJ N AT44 1 8, Supreme Courl, 0327 21 04 B
`ECLI : N L : H R:2005 :AT4 418
`Judicial authority Dutch Supreme Court
`Date ofjudgment June 14, 2005
`Publication date
`June 15, 2005
`Case No.
`03272t04 B
`Proced u ral references Opin ion. EC Ll : N L: PH R :2005:AT44 1 B
`Areas of law
`Specific features Cassation appeal
`Content indication Search for purposes of seizure at an attorney (suspect). 1. The attorney's
`Iegal privilege is not absolute in the sense that there might be very exceptional
`circumstances imaginable where the interests of uncovering the truth -
`includíng matters entrusted to the attorney's knowledge in that capacity - must
`take precedence over attorney-client privilege. What this means is that while
`searching for the purposes of seizure at an attorney's office without his
`consent can already happen if it pertains to letters and documents that are the
`subject matter of the criminal offense or have been used in its commission,
`this consent is likewise unnecessary if there are very exceptional
`circumstances where the search has a further purpose and is targeted at
`letters and documents that may be used to uncover the truth. lt is not possible
`to summarize, in terms of a general rule, the answer to the question of which
`circumstances should be classified as very exceptional. The simple fact that
`an attorney is classed as a suspect is not enough, in any event, but the
`suspicion of a serious crime - such as the attorney forming a criminal
`conspiracy with specific clients - would be. ln those cases, the interests of
`those clients who have entrusted certain knowledge in that criminal situation
`to the attorney, on the assumption that it will be kept secret, must yield to the
`interest of uncovering the truth. ln such a case, the attorney-client privilege
`and associated constraints on exercising the power of search and seizure
`must yield to the interest of criminal prosecution, albeit that the breach of
`attorney-client privilege may not go further than is strictly necessary for
`uncovering the truth surrounding the relevant offense. Due care must also be
`observed to ensure that the interests of the attorney's clients other than those
`involved in the criminal offenses of which the attorney is suspected are not
`impacted disproportionately (Dutch Supreme Court NJ 2002,438 and Dutch
`Supreme Court NJ 2002, 439).2. lt was neither incorrect nor
`incomprehensible for the District Court to hold that there were very exceptional
`circumstances in this case, as a resultof which the interestin uncovering the
`truth - including in relation to knowledge entrusted to the complainant in that
`capacity - should take precedence over attorney-client privilege (the attorney
`was suspected, correctly in the view of the District Court, of money-laundering
`involving potentially a very large amount of cash in terms of Articles 420ter or
`else 420bis of the Dutch Penal Code ('DPC') and forgery of a notarial deed in
`terms of Articles 225 andlor 226 DPC, or else of participating or assisting in
`the commission of those offences, while there appeared to be a serious
`interest in investigating four joint suspects). Nor is there any
`of an
`incorrect legal understanding by the District Court in its findi
`balancing the interests in question in a case like this, one
`significant was that there were joint suspects and there
`investigating those joint suspects. 3. ln a case of very e
`: N L: H R:2005:AT441 8


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 220-6 Filed 08/11/21 Page 3 of 12
`ECLI:NL:HR:2005:Af 4418, previously LJN AT441I, Supreme Court,03272t04 B
`circumstances such as this one, where the interest in uncovering the truth
`takes precedence over attorney-client privilege, the power of search is not
`confined to letters or documents that form part of the subject matter of the
`criminal offense or have been used to commit the offense, so that the question
`whether the documents are of that nature is irrelevant (Dutch Supreme Court,
`NJ 2002, 439).
`Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure
`Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure 98
`JOL 2005, 369
`NJ 2005, 353
`NBSTRAF 20051253
`June 14,2005
`no.03272104 B
`Supreme Court of the Netherlands
`on the cassation appeal against a judgment by the District Court of 's-Hertogenbosch of October 6,
`2004, No. RK 04/968, on a complaint as defined in Article 552a of the Dutch Code of Criminal
`Procedure, filed by:
`[complainant], born in [place of birth] on [date of birth] 1969, residing in [place of residence].
`'1. The challenged decision
`The District Court held that the complaint filed by the complainant for return to him of certain items
`described in its decision was without merit.
`2. Proceedings in cassation
`The appealwas filed by the complainant. A.A. Franken, attorney practicing in Amsterdam, filed
`grounds for cassation rn a document on his behalf. The document is attached to this ruling and
`constitutes a part thereof. Advocate-General Wortel concluded that the Supreme Court should dismiss
`the appeal.
`3. Course of the proceedings
`The following assumptions may be applied in the context of the cassation appeal.
`The complainant is an attorney. A preliminary judicial investigation against him was initiated in relation
`to suspected violation of Articles 420bis and/or 420ter and/or violation of Articles 225 andlor 226 of the
`Dutch Penal Code, or of participating in and/or being an accessory to the commission of those
`offenses. The charge against the complainant entails - briefly - that he, potentially along with one or
`more others, forged documents, namely (parts of) a private client administration, business
`administrations, valuation reports and/or notarial deeds, or else intentionally used those forged
`documents and disguised or concealed the true nature and origins of cash and residences and the
`identity of the ultimate beneficiaries.
`https://uitspraken. rechtspraak. nl/inziendocument?id=ECLI : NL: HR :2005:.AT 441 8


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 220-6 Filed 08/11/21 Page 4 of 12
`ECLI : N L: H R:2005: AT 441 8, previously LJN AT44 1 B, Supreme Court, 0327 21 04 B
`ln the context of the preliminary judicial investigation against the complainant, a search for the purpose
`of seizure was performed at the complainant's office address on September 21, 2004 under the
`direction of the lnvestigating Judge. The lnvestigating Judge was accompanied by the Dean of the Bar
`Association for the court district of Amsterdam. The lnvestigating Judge seized a number of
`documents in the course of this search. The complainant did not consent to the search of his office,
`nor to the seizure of documents.
`The complainant filed a complaint as defined in Article 552a of the Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure
`on September 28,2004. On October 6,2004, the lnvestigating Judge submitted three sealed
`envelopes - numbered 1,2 and 3 - in judges'chambers. Envelopes 1 and2 contained the documents
`that the lnvestigating Judge had seízed, following advise on this from the Dean. Envelope 3 was
`returned to the complainant with the consent of the Public Prosecutor and without the District Court
`becoming aware of the contents of the documents it contained, as the lnvestigating Judge and the
`Dean considered that these documents were of no interest in the criminal investigation against the
`complainant or his joint suspects.
`The District Court issued the disputed decision on October 6,2004 after hearing the case in
`4. Assessment of the first ground for appeal in cassation
`4.1 . This ground complains, among other things, that the District Gourt was incorrect in taking into
`consideration that there was a compelling investigation interest in relation to the complainant's joint
`4.2. The District Court made the following finding in the disputed judgment:
`"Under Article 98(1) of the Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure, letters or other documents in the
`custody of those who are entitled to legal privilege (in this case the attorney) may not be seized
`without their consent if those letters or documents are covered by their duty of confidentiality.
`Paragraph 2 of that Article provides that, unless they consent, a search will only occur for such
`persons to the extent that it can be done without violating their positional, professional or official
`confidentiality and any such search will not extend to letters or documents other than those that are
`part of the subject matter of the criminal offense or have been used in its commission.
`ln the view of the District Court, there is a further exception to the assumption contained in Article
`98(1) of the Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure, which is - briefly - if the interest of uncovering the
`truth takes precedence over professional secrecy. That will only be the case in very exceptional
`circumstances, which may be present if the individual protected by attorney-client privilege is
`suspected of a serious criminal offense.
`The District Court supports the premise that the opinion on whether letters or documents are protected
`by privilege is in principle a matter for the individual entitled to the privilege.
`There is an exception to this, however, in an exceptional case as defined above. When balancing the
`interests in this sense, the fact that there are joint suspects and an interest in investigating those joint
`suspects as well is a factor that may be considered.
`ln this case, the District Court considers that this is one such exceptional case as outlined above. The
`complainant is an attorney and attorney of record and, in the District Court's view, is correctly
`suspected of money-laundering within the meaning of Articles 420ter of the Dutch Code of CrimÍnal
`Procedure or money-laundering within the meaning of Article 420bis of that Code, and also of
`(aggravated) forgery in a notarial deed, as defined in Articles 225 andlor 226 of the Dutch Code of
`Criminal Procedure, or else of participating or assisting in the commission of these offenses.
`There is sufficient evidence from the documents currently available to conform that the potential
`money-laundering related to a very large amount of cash. Those documents also confirm a compelling
`investigative interest against the joint suspects I , 2, 3, and 4, [joint suspect 1], fioint suspect 2], [joint
`suspect 3l and [joint suspect 4] who may or may not be under arrest.
`: NL: H R:2005:4T441 8


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 220-6 Filed 08/11/21 Page 5 of 12
`ECLI:NL:HR:2005:AT4418, previously LJN Aï44í 8, Supreme Courl, 03272t04 B
`The seizure of the relevant documents is accordingly lawful.
`ln this case, therefore, the complainant loses his right to attorney-client privilege.
`ln this regard, the District Court has noted the documents that were ultimately seized.
`The seized documents in envelope number 1 are also, in the view of the District Court, documents that
`[... ] form part of the subject matter of the criminal offense or that have been used in its commission
`and, for this reason also, it must be concluded that the seizure was lawful."
`4.3. The explanation accompanying the ground for appeal in cassation states that the investigative
`interest relating to joint suspects may not play any part in the decision as to whether uncovering the
`truth must take precedence over attorney-client privilege of the suspect who benefits from that
`4.4.fhe attorney's legal privilege is not absolute in this sense; there might be very exceptional
`circumstances imaginable where the interests of uncovering the truth - including matters entrusted to
`the attorney's knowledge in that capacity - must take precedence over attorney-client privilege. What
`this means is that while searching for the purposes of seizure at an attorney's office without his
`consent can already happen if it pertains to letters and documents that are the subject matter of the
`criminal offense or that have been used in its commission, this consent is likewise unnecessary if there
`are very exceptional circumstances where the search with a view to seizure has a further purpose and
`is targeted at letters and documents that may serve to uncover the truth. lt is not possible to
`summarize, in terms of a general rule, the answer to the question of which circumstances should be
`classified as very exceptional. The simple fact that an attorney is classed as a suspect in not enough,
`in any event, but the suspicion of a serious crime - such as the attorney forming a criminal conspiracy
`with specific clients - would be. ln those cases, the interests of those clients who have entrusted
`certain knowledge in that criminal situation to the attorney, on the assumption that it will be kept
`secret, must yield to the interest of uncovering the truth. ln such a case, the attorney-client privilege
`and associated constraints on exercising the power of search and seizure must yield to the interest of
`criminal prosecution, albeit that the violation of attorney-client privilege may not go further than is
`strictly necessary for uncovering the truth surrounding the relevant offense. Due care must also be
`observed to ensure that the interests of the attorney's clients other than those involved in the criminal
`offenses of which the attorney is suspected are not impacted dÍsproportionately (cf. Dutch Supreme
`Court NJ 2002,438 and Dutch Supreme Court NJ 2002,439).
`4.5. Applying the correct criterion, the District Court explained that and why it held that there were very
`exceptional circumstances here, meaning that the interest of uncovering the truth - including matters
`entrusted to the knowledge of the complainant as such - must take precedence over attorney-client
`privilege. That finding does not show an incorrect understanding of the law and is not
`incomprehensible. Nor is there any evidence of an incorrect legal understanding by the District Court
`in its finding that when balancing the interests involved in this case, it should attach weight to the fact
`that there were joint suspects and that in a case such as this one weight should also be attached to
`the investigative interest relating to those joint suspects.
`4 6. The ground for appeal accordingly fails.
`4.7. Nor can the other ground for appeal in cassation described in the complaint be successful. ln the
`light of section 81 of the Judiciary Organization ActlWet op de Rechterlijke OrganisaÍlel, this does not
`require any further substantiation, as the complaint does not warrant the answering of legal issues in
`the interests of the unity or the development of law.
`Assessment of the second ground for appeal in cassation
`: NL: HR:2005:AT441 8


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 220-6 Filed 08/11/21 Page 6 of 12
`ECLI : NL: H R:2005:AT44 1 8, previously LJ N AT44 1 B, S upreme Courl, 0327 2104 B
`5.1. This ground complains that the District Court ignored the complainant's position that the seized
`letters or documents were not part of the criminal offense or used in the commission of that offense,
`while it had not decided - with adequate reasoning - that there could not reasonably be any doubt that
`this position of the complainant was wrong. This ground makes reference on this to the decision by the
`Dutch Supreme Court of November 30, 1999, NJ 2002, 438.
`5.2. ln the absence of any interest, the ground for appeal cannot result in a successful cassation,
`taking into account that the District Court held, as shown above in para. 4.2, thatthere were very
`exceptional circumstances here, where the interest in uncovering the truth outweighed the attorney-
`client privilege. ïhe fact is that in such cases the power of search and seizure is not confined to letters
`or documents that are the subject matter of the criminal offense or that have been used in its
`commission, so that the question as to whether the documents were of that nature is irrelevant. (cf.
`Dutch Supreme Court February 12, 2002, NJ 2002, 439, paras.3.3 - 3.4).
`6. Conclusion
`As none of the grounds for appeal in cassation can lead to a successful cassation and as this Court
`sees no reason why the disputed decision by the District Court should be annulled ex proprio motu,
`the appeal must be dismissed.
`7. Decision
`This Court dismisses the appeal.
`This judgment was issued in chambers by Vice-president C.J.G. Bleichrodt as presiding justice with
`justices J.P. Balkema and A.J.A. van Dorst, in the presence of the court registrar J.D.M. Hart, and
`pronounced in open court on June 14, 2005.
`:N L: H R:2005:AT441 8


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 220-6 Filed 08/11/21 Page 7 of 12
`.1* 1
`l, Anne Hermine Hendriks, residing in Amsterdam, duly sworn as a translator for the English language
`by the District Court of Amsterdam and listed under number 2321 in the Dutch Register of Sworn
`lnterpreters and Translators (ReglsÍer beédigde tolken en vertalers) of the Dutch LegalAid Board
`(Raad voor Rechtsbijstand), the official register of sworn interpreters and translators recognised and
`approved by the Dutch Ministry of Justice, certify that the foregoing document is a true and faithful
`translation of the Dutch source text, a copy of which is hereby attached.
`Amsterdam, August 10, 2021


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 220-6 Filed 08/11/21 Page 8 of 12

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`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 220-6 Filed 08/11/21 Page 10 of 12
`Case 1:19-cv-115841:MSir:200cATAAeftadBEbG_INATeahd)BsgdRad, obeage 40 of 12
`In cassatie kan van het volgende worden uitgegaan.
`De klager is advocaat. Tegen hem is een gerechtelijk vooronderzoek geopend ter zake van vermoedelijke
`overtreding van de art. 420bis en/of 420ter Sr en/of over-treding van de art. 225 en/of 226 Sr, dan wel van het
`gemaaktvan die valse stukken en heeft verhuld of verborgen wat de werkelijke aard, herkomst van geld en
`woningen is en wie de rechthebbenden zijn.
`In het kader van het gerechtelijk vooronderzoek tegen de klager is op 21 september 2004 onder leiding van de
`Rechter-Commissaris een doorzoeking ter inbeslagneming verricht op het kantooradres van de klager. De Rechter-
`Commissaris was daarbij vergezeld van de Deken van de Orde van advocaten in het arrondissement
`Amsterdam. Bij die doorzoeking zijn door de Rechter-Commissaris diverse stukken in beslag genomen. Klager heeft
`geen toestemming gegeven tot doorzoeking van zijn kantoor en evenmin tot inbeslagneming van stukken.
`Op 28 september 2004 is door de klager een klaagschrift als bedoeld is art. 552a Sv ingediend. De Rechter-
`Commissaris heeft op 6 oktober 2004 in raadkamer een drietal gesloten enveloppen overgelegd genummerd 1, 2 en
`3. In de enveloppen 1 en 2 bevinden zich de stukken die door de Rechter-Commissaris - na advies daaromtrent van
`de Deken - in beslag zijn genomen. De enveloppe 3 is met instemming van de Officier van Justitie en zonder dat de
`Rechtbank kennis heeft genomen van de inhoud van de zich daarin bevindende stukken teruggegeven aan de
`klager, nu die stukken, aldus de Rechter-Commissaris en de Deken, van geen belang zijn in het strafrechtelijk
`onderzoek tegen de klager of de medeverdachten.
`De Rechtbank heeft, na de behandeling in raadkamer, op 6 oktober 2004 de bestreden beschikking gegeven.
`medeplegen van en/of medeplichtigheid aan die feiten. De verdenking tegen klager hield - kort samengevat - in dat
`hij al dan niet tezamen met een of meer anderen bescheiden - te weten (delen van) een privé-administratie,
`bedrijfsadministraties, taxatierapporten en/of notariéle akten - heeft vervalst, althans opzettelijk gebruik heeft

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`4. Beoordeling van het eerste middel
`4.1. Het middel klaagt onder meer dat de Rechtbank in haar oordeel ten onrechte heeft laten meewegen dat er een
`zwaarwegend onderzoeksbelang bestaat ten aanzien van de medeverdachten van de klager.
`4.2. De Rechtbank heeft in de bestreden beschikking onder meer overwogen:
`"Blijkens artikel 98, eerste lid van het WvSv kunnen, tenzij met hun toestemming, bij personen met bevoegdheid
`tot verschoning (in casu een advocaat) niet in beslag genomen worden brieven of andere geschriften, tot welke hun
`plicht tot geheimhouding zich uitstrekt. Blijkens het tweede lid van dat artikel vindt een doorzoeking bij dergelijke
`per-sonen, tenzij met hun toestemming, alleen plaats voor zover het zonder schending van het stands-, beroeps- of
`ambtsgeheim kan geschieden, en strekt die doorzoeking zich niet uit tot andere brieven of geschriften dan die
`welke het voorwerp van hetstrafbare feit uitmaken of tot het begaan daarvan gediend hebben.
`Naar het oordeel van de rechtbank bestaat er nog een uitzondering op het uitgangspunt van het eerste lid van
`artikel 98 van het WvSv, namelijk -kort gezegd- in het geval dat het belang van de waarheidsvinding prevaleert
`boven het beroepsgeheim. Van een dergelijk geval is slechts sprake bij zeer uitzonderlijke omstandigheden en
`dergelijke omstandigheden kunnen aanwezig zijn indien de verschoningsgerechtigde verdacht wordt van een zeer
`ernstig misdrijf.
`De rechtbank onderschrijft het uitgangspunt dat het oordeel omtrent de vraag of brieven of geschriften object van
`de bevoegdheid tot verschoning uitmaken in beginsel toekomt aan de tot verschoning bevoegde persoon.
`Dit leidt echter uitzondering in een uitzonderlijk geval als hiervoor bedoeld. Bij een belangenafweging in voormelde
`zin mag meewegen de omstandigheid of er sprake is van medeverdachten en het ten aanzien van die
`medeverdachten geldende onderzoeksbelang.
`In casu is de rechtbank van oordeel dat er sprake is van een dergelijk uitzonderlijk geval als hiervoor bedoeld.
`Klager is advocaat en procureur en wordt naar het oordeel van de rechtbank terecht verdacht van witwassen als
`bedoeld in artikel 420ter van het WvSr dan wel witwassen als bedoeld in artikel 420bis van dat wetboek en van


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 220-6 Filed 08/11/21 Page 11 of 12

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