Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 210-2 Filed 07/16/21 Page 1 of 7
`Case 1:19-cv-11586—FDS Document 210-2 Filed 07/16/21 Page 1 of 7


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 210-2 Filed 07/16/21 Page 2 of 7
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS DocumentZlO-Z Filed 07/1
`By regigtered past:
`mums; inrafiflarrua? Mummy 3:: fitarrriarrfis
`Qarmin Switmréafid Gmbi-E
`Arm: Mr. Pembie, CEG
`Mfihfientafistrasse 2
`32am Eschaffhausen
`High Tech Campus 5
`5655 AE Erndhwan
`The Netheflandfi
`Emmi: gefigafiriakfighEErmigmfi
`Tait: 6031 E; rlrrmzr
`Dare: Miami-3w 17, 2816
`Subject: Urea by fiarmirr rrf certain Phiéém paterr’rr
`Dear Mr: Pembfie,
`"fi'his Earrer E5 written r0 Garmin Switzerland (SorrrbH and its wmrfidwide affifiiares Encfiud‘rrrg
`wirhaur Eimitatrmr Sarmir‘r Brrterrrafimrai, Brae. {mifiectively "Garmin“) rm behaif {sf Phfiiim
`finteifiecruai Frmper‘ry 8: Standards (“iPéfiS’l “3&3 35 authorizefi tr; Emma parents awned arr
`mnrmfiled by Kgninkfiigke Phifipg NM {prwiausiy krruwn as; Koninkfiéjke Philips Efiactrmirs
`NV.) and m affiliarm {cafiiectiveiy “fihifiiprfl intruding wirfimut i‘r’mératiun Phrfips Erectmnécg
`Marti”; Amarfica Carpmatmn and US‘ Phiiim Carparatim.
`the rrranufacturing! advertiséng, nffearéng far fiaie,
`irwulved Err
`W533 mire ‘Shar Garrrrin Br
`imporrirrg, rimming andi’mr sailing rrf pmrfiucrs arm} gewémg in the fiaid {3f actévfiw trackera in
`the United States; car America, Eumprz, China, Japan and athrer mumriea
`Thrg Emma“ mares as; karma? rrmice that remain a? {ragga fiarmin pmdurzts and sewécezs Mfr/mgr:
`(me 0r mare granted US patentg and their foreign cuunmrmrrgg awnad m’ mummified by
`Wiring? .35 indicaterj and identéfifid mare parrécmar Err Ethit 1L Wéth ragpect m US 5013687,
`we waufiré Hike m marinara the digmszséom war have had wfitrr BFXE.
`Far raxarrrpfie, as ghown in Exhibit 1, Germain vivaaetéve infrmges US 6&13GG?, Ufi “7325“:«4353, US
`mama‘s», US "JZQAMS, US "7038233 and US 63912353», and {Barmin Cennect inrrénger; US
`Phiiim Er wiiiéng m dfiswm with {Sarmin the terms; and conditram 0f 3 nun—exrfiugive, warM»
`wrde Eéarérrse under the parenm firm-d in Exhrbi‘r In
`Phifipr Emmiacfiuai Warsaw; & $tasm§arr§s
`High Tenth (amgms 5, 56% AE Eindhaven, The Nerheriands
`TEE. +31 4:) 2% its. 11‘
`Fax. +31 M} 274 34 88


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 210-2 Filed 07/16/21 Page 3 of 7
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS DocumentZlO-Z Filed 07/1
`We mm m sazhedufie a meeting with Garmin m déswgg this matter, at a mummiy canvemem
`time amfi place, wéthén twn mamhg {mm the date 0? EMS Better, Kindly Eat us; knew, at yaw
`earfiéest mus/migrate, who w‘éil he the Gamma: merger: m yam argamzation with Wham we can
`arranga such a meeting”
`Fm gmd arder’fi sake, 3R PhEEim’ rights: in respacfi: 23f the unauthmrized use 01‘ the patents
`:agm in Exhfihfit 1 remain farmaily rammed.
`mars génrzerefiy‘,
`Phiiipg Entekflactuafi Pmmrty 8: fitandmdg
`VJ“£35“; Ji/xw»
`HA. Pasténk
`EBMQE’ I?” {inunseg
`Encmgum: Exhibét 1


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 210-2 Filed 07/16/21 Page 4 of 7
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS DocumentZlO-Z Filed 07/1
`Exhibit 1: Phiéim patenm and Qarmin infringfing pmduzts andiur sewficeg
`"""é'§—EE§&"QEE§“ m'"m""§'éé'¥é§?r§§g§é};§"§'¥£§¥é£éEial
`Pmrat titfie
`_____________________gfiflffiffim 23950::4
`mama and
`Zflllnaprnm gamma“; 124mm
`am? (image
`munamnm Garmin Connect
` 2Gi3~aug~23
`”mining patient
`data manituring with
`wiraiazss internet
`1) A53 prmducm havéng simiia? funttémaiiw 52330 infringe {he Phiiim patents; identifimfi in thia
`Exhibfi 1“


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 210-2 Filed 07/16/21 Page 5 of 7
`min Approx-d3 (57
`Gamma Approach (53
` “imaging pmducmz
`Garmin Approach :35
`é zuflzwamm

`Garmin Approach $5
`58mm Edge 253
`Garmin Edge 25
`(53mm fidge 5320
`Garmin Edge 319
`Gag/mm Efigg 1090
`Garmin Edge Exyinre mm:
`Garmin Edge Taming
`fiarmér: fidge huffing Mus
`Garmir‘. Foraruamar 10
`Garmén Fm‘erumeér 15
`Garmin Fmeramner 2.5
`(iam’aan Fm‘erumm £520
`fiarm‘an Faremmar 225
`fiarmin Forerunner 233}
`Garmin Fmemnner 2313‘
`Garmin merumer Em
`Garmin Famrmner 830
`Garmin Farenmner 91mm
`{Saarmm Forerunnar 92%?
`Garmin Mfume: 22%
`Gawain eTrex 1E]
`Garmira arm): Tauch 25
`Garmm firm “(such 35
`Garmm ETI'EER Teach 33$
`Garmén fénix 2
`Garmin fénéx 2 5mm!
`(33mm féraix 3
`Gam‘ein Foreman 401
`433mm GPSMAP 558:»
`Gmm‘m GPSMAP 545
`(335mm GPSMAP 6451‘,
`Gawain Mmtana ME}
`Garmin Montana 630% Came
`{iarmm Mamarsa am
`Garmén Mmmna 610*: Karma _
`Garmira Mantegna 5533
`Garmin Muntana 65m
`Garmisa Mariana 638
`Garmin Mmtam 1393331?
`(33min Msnterra
`Garmin Uregw 6m}
`Garmén Qregcm {SSE}
`Emmin Dragon 6501
`(fiatmin mm
`Garmin vs’maative
`performance munémr
` 3a
`? ‘
`Athflam‘g £3.53SE-basad

`in? 6866

`S“: AER products having simifiar fumtimafiéw aha infringe the 9h§§ép5 pammg idemtified in this
`Exhibit 1‘


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 210-2 Filed 07/16/21 Page 6 of 7
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS DocumentZlO-Z Filed 07/1
` fifiE‘g‘EQEQ” GrantnumberEGrantdazem 3
`Garmin Fmemnner 3.5
`E 28338010550633.
`Garmin Fureruamm 220
`Garmin Fmemmm 225
`15? 1983
`Garmin Fmerunner 230
`Garmin Fmermmer 2335’s
`Admit"; mmii‘ming
`f" E:
`200% e ”(35
`Garmén Egrgrufiner 62K}
`Garmin Fmerunnar 63:}
`fiarmin Fmerunnar 9mm“
`Garmém Foramm‘aar fiZflXT
`barmm vivaactwe
`Garmm newsman
`fiarm’m van‘i‘it
`Garmin Fararunner 25
`Garmiri Fmemnner 226
`{Earmm Fararwaram 225;
`Earmm Faramnnar 23G
`Garmm Far'erummr 235
`Garmm Fmemmer €528
`Sarmén Fmemmer E36
`Gawain Fmrmumar 91030”
`{fiarmfin FSE‘EI‘UHY‘KE‘!’ 9292f?
`Garm‘m VWQEMMW’;
`Emmi“ mmmm
`{iarmin vivasmart HR
`Garm‘m vivmfit
`Gawain Mm‘aach £3?
`{521mm Appmam (38
`Garmin Apumach SS
`Garmm Apamach 55
`Gearmin Edga 25
`{Sarmm Edge 5926
`Garmin Edge 810
`Garmin Edge mm}
`Garmin Edge Expiam mm
`German mm
`Garmin $2me “(much P15
`Garmm eTrax Teach 3%
`Garmin fénéx 2
`Sarmin fe’znéx 2 Special
`Barnum fénix 3
`(Sarmm férsix 3 Sapphire
`Garmin tamix
`Gawain Fammnner 239
`(33min Fmramnner 23$
`Gawain Fm'aa’urtmar 638
`Garmin Farerumer 920K“?
`fiarmin va’vuazzflve
`2130380 iflfifififlfl
` 2093*{33355’21
`' mmwwm
`EQGS-NW- 21
`NEW-Apr- 1?
`Activity maniwring
`Parsaaaai madicai
`system and methm
`Garmm vz'wamart
`Garmm magmas”: HEN
`3} Ali praducts having simifiarfuncfianaiéty aiso infringe the Phiiéps patentg identified in this
`Exhibit 1,


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 210-2 Filed 07/16/21 Page 7 of 7
`159$??- feb ’22
`{)am garmmssmg drawica
`and methud m‘
`mmmtting the msim
`transfmm (3%}? matréx
`g g
` E
`Garmén Apyrflach (36
`Garmm Amrmach (-2?
`Gamma Aparuafih {33
`Garmin Apgmach 32
`Garmin Appmach 533
`{Sarmin Appmach 54
`(33min Apnmath 35
`Garmin Approach 56
`Garmin Edge 2E3
`Garmin Edge: 25
`{Sarmin Edge 52:}
`Garm‘an Edge 31E}
`Garmin Edge mm)
`Garmin Bags: Expimm 1081)
`Garmin Eéga Taming
`Gawain Edge Taming Pius
`fiarmm Forwumher 1C;
`Gawain: Famrumer 1.5
`Gar‘mim Mrerumér 25
`Garmén Faremmmr 220
`Gamma Faremmgr 22$
`{3231mm Farm‘mmflr 233:
`Garmin Fummmar 2355
`(iarmin Furammer 232G
`Garmén Fmemmar 53E)
`[Bantam Furemnner 591E)”
`Harman Furarunner QZGXT
`Garmin Emma 20
`Garmin e‘T’mx 1E}
`Gamma Mm; 230»
`Gawmin FREE): 3014
`Garmin firs): Touch 25
`Garmin ETFEK Tnuch 35
`Garmin eTrm-t 'i'mmh 3m.
`fiarmir: fénix ‘2
`(33min fénix 2 Spechai Editiun
`Gamma fénix 3
`Garmirs fénix 3 Samshim
`Garmén Faretmx 4G1
`Garmin GPSMAP 64
`{339mm {iPSMAP 5133
`Garmin WSMN‘ 634$:
`{33mm Mantana ma
`(33min Mantegna 633% Game)
`fiarmin Montana 61%
`(Emma Montana 51:}: Camus
`Garm‘m Mamana 656
`Garmin Mantafia :5th
`Garmin Mmmana 63%
`fiarmén Mantana 58m
`Gamfim Mm‘ufierra
`Garmin Qregan 6m}
`Sarmm Oregm mm
`Garmin (Dream 6356
`Garmin Qr‘agnn 65:):
`Garmin tam}:
`83mm viwactive
`(53min vs’wssrmrt
`Garmm vivosman HQ
`fiarms‘n vivafit
`19935323 Wit-15
`4-3 ABE waducm having SémEEar fw‘actmnaéity aim infringe the Phifiipfi patents idenfified in théa
`Exhibit “L

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