State Court of Fulton County
`8/1/2019 8:23 PM
`LeNora Ponzo, Clerk
`Civil Division
`) )
`) )
`CASE NO: 19DD000100
`IT APPEARING TO THE COURT that Plaintiff3445 PT BUCKHEAD LLC and Defendant
`INFORM, INC. are parties to that certain commercial office lease dated July 3, 2013 (the “Qfifl
`ngsj’), as amended by the First Amendment t0 Office Lease dated September 30, 201 4 (the “E151
`Amendment”), the Second Amendment to Office Lease dated April 24, 20} 5 (the “m
`Amendment”), and the Third Amendment to Ofiice Lease dated November 18, 2016 (the “M
`Amendment”; the Office Lease, First Amendment, Second Amendment and Third Amendment are
`collectively referred t0 herein as the “L_ea_§§") whereby Plaintiffleases to Defendant certain premises
`commonly known as Suite 1000 ofthe building located at 3445 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, Georgia
`30326 (the “Premises”), for a term that commenced on or about October 1, 2013, and that is
`scheduled to expire on November 30, 2020 (the “Te_m)“);
`IT FURTHER APPEARING TO THE COURT that a dispute arose between Plaintiff and
`Defendant, which dispute resulted in Plaintiff fiiing this Proceeding Against Tenant Holding Over
`against Defendant (the “Disgossessog Proceeding”);
`IT FURTHER APPEARING TO THE COURT that Defendant was personally served with
`process in this Dispossessory Proceeding, as shown in the Affidavit ofService verifying same filed in
`this action on July 16, 2019, and that Defendant timely filed an Answer on July I9, 2019;


`IT FURTHER APPEARING TO THE COURT that all statutow prerequisites t0 the filing 0f
`this Dispossessory Proceeding have been met 01‘ waived by the parties;
`IT FURTHER APPEARING TO THE COURT that Plaintiffand Defendant have agreed and
`consented, and do hereby mutuaHy agree and consent, to compromise, settle and resolve all claims
`and matters in controversy between them raised 0r which could have been raised in this Dispossessory
`Proceeding, whether by claim 0r counterclaim, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth
`herein, and that ail such Claims, counterclaim and matters in controversy and issues may be decided
`by the ently 0fthis Consent Order and by this Court sitting without a jury, the parties hereto having
`expressly waived the right t0 a trial by jury by the execution of this Consent Order;
`Provided no Uncured Default, defined below, by Defendant occurs hereunder, Defendant’s
`right t0 possession 0f the Premises is hereby reinstated as 0f the date 0f this Consent Order, and
`Defendant may remain in possession 0fthe Premises pursuant t0 the terms 0f the Lease and this
`Consent Order.
`As 0fthe date hereof, Defendant is indebted to Plaintiff for past—due rent and other charges
`that have accrued under the Lease in the aggregate amount 0f One Hundred Eighty-three
`Thousand, Eighty-six and 23/] 00 Dollars ($1 83,086.23) (the "Rental An‘earage"). which amount is
`comprised 0f the following:
`$155,532.45” which amount is comprised ofBase Rent due under the Lease for the
`months OfMarch 2019 through July 2019 in the aggregate amount 0f$156,888.55
`(caiculated at the rate 0f $313777} per month), less a credit for the 2018


`reconciliation ofoperating expenses applied to Defendant’s account in the amount of
`$1 ,3 56. 10;
`$5,861.55, for Tenant’s Proponionate Share 0f Operating Expenses due under the
`Lease for the months of March 2019 through July 2019, calculated at the rate of
`$1,172,31 per month;
`$617.63, for unpaid electricity charges due under the Lease through May 201 9;
`$12,881.34, for late charges due under the Lease, which is comprised oflate charges
`accrued through April 201 9 in the amount of $7,999.57 and late charges 0n unpaid
`rent due for the months ofMay 201 9 through July 201 9 in the amount 0f$ 4,881 .77
`(the “Mav-June 2019 Late Charges”);
`$4,155.84, for interest accruing on unpaid amounts due under the Lease at the rate 0f
`10.5% per annum pursuant t0 Section I26) 0f the Lease, Which is comprised 0f
`interest in the amount 0f$3,2 1 9.84 that had accrued as oflhe date 0fthe filing ofthis
`Dispossessory Proceeding as stated in the Dispossessow Proceeding and interest in
`the amount 0f $936.00 that has accrued fiom such filing through July 29, 201 9;
`$2,147.42, for Plaintiff‘s reasonable attorneys‘ fees, calculated in accordance with the
`Lease and Georgia law, as stated in the Dispossessmy Proceeding; and
`$1,890.00 for additional reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred by Plaintiff since the
`Dispossessory Proceeding was filed, calculated in accordance with the Lease and
`Georgia law.
`1n consideration ofthe agreements and mutuai promises contained herein, Defendant shall pay
`to Plaintiffthe sum OfOne Hundred Seventy Thousand Eleven and 22/100 Doliars (3170,01 1.22)


`(the “Settlement Funds"), which amount represents the Rental} Arrearage less the May-June 2019
`Late Charges and the interest and attorneys’ fees, in equal monthly payments 0f Thirty-four
`Thousand, Two and 24/100 Dollars ($34,002.24) (each, an “Instalhnent Payment,” coElectively, the
`“Installment Payments”) payable over a period 0f five (5) consecutive months commencing with the
`month 0f August 2019 (the “Payment Period”), due 0n 01‘ before the fifteenth (15m) day of each
`month during thc Payment Period, with the first Installment Payment being due 0n August 15, 2019
`and the final Installment Payment being due 0n December 15, 2019. The Installment Payments shall
`be made payabIe t0 PIaintifi" and shall be delivered in good funds by Defendant to Plaintiff at the
`address where payments 0f rent due under the Lease are to be paid. Unless an Uncured Default,
`defined beiow, occurs under this Consent Order, Plaintiffshall accept full payment ofthe Settlement
`Funds in fuil satisfaction 0f the Rental Arrearage.
`By execution 0f this Consent Order by their counsel, the parties agree that all terms and
`conditions of the Lease, as the same may be amended from time t0 time, shall continue in full force
`and effect and that Rent, defined in the Office Lease, due under the Lease shal} continue t0 be due and
`payable to Plaintiff in accordance with the terms ofthe Lease, and any further amendments thereto; it
`being expressly understood that the parties are in negotiations to fimher amend the lease t0 reduce
`the size of the Premises and the amount of Rent due and payable to Plaintiff under the LeaseA
`Provided n0 Uncured Default shall occur under this Consent Order, Defendant shall be provided with
`an abatement of onemhalf (1/2) of the Base Rent and Tenant‘s Proportionate Share of Operating
`Expenses due and payable 0n August 1, 2019 in the aggregate amount 0f Sixteen Thousand, Two
`Hundred Seventy-five and 01/100 Dollars ($162750!) (the “Abated Rent"). A11 Rent due and
`payable under the Lease shall continue t0 be payable t0 Plaintiffat Plaintiff’s address for payments


`stated in the Lease.
`IfDefendant shall fail to pay any Installment Payment when due under this Consent Order, 0r
`any installment 0f Rent when due under the Lease while this Consent Order is in efl‘ect, Defendant
`shall be in default in its obligations under this Consent Order, and if Defendant shall fail to cure such
`default within five (5) days after Defendant‘s receipt ofwritten notice thereoffi‘om Plaintiff, provided
`in accordance with the notices provision of this Coment Order that appears below, then such
`continued failure shall constitute an “Uncured Default” under this Consent Orderl Upon the
`occurrence ofan Uncured Default hereunder:
`The entire outstanding balance of the Rental Arrearage, less any portion 0f the Settlement
`Funds paid by Defendant t0 Plaintifi as ofthe date ofsuch Uncured Defauh (the “Arrearage
`Mg“); plus the Abated Rent, shall become immediately due and payable I0 Plaintiff
`hereunder, and interest shall accrue thereon at the rate often and one-half percent (1 0.5%)
`per annum (the “Interest Rate”). the rate specified in the Lease;
`Plaintiff shall be entitled to the entry 0f a consent judgment for the Anearage Baiance, as
`provided hereinafter, the Abated Rent and any unpaid instailments of Rent that have accrued
`hereunder as Ofthe date OfSUCh Uncured DefauEt (the “Past—Due Rent”), plus accrued interest
`thereon, calculated at the Interest Rate; and
`This Court shall, upon application 0f Plaintiff, issue a writ of possession 0f the Premises in
`favor ofthe Plaintifi", without any notice, other than as provided below, and without hearing
`0n this matter.


`Any notices 0r other communication required 0r pennitted t0 be given t0 a party hereunder
`shali be in writing and shail be delivered t0 counsel for Plaintiffor Defendant at the addresses stated
`A11 such notices shalf be in writing and shalk be hand delivered, delivered by nationally
`recognized overnight courier (such as Federal Express), 01' sent by certified United States Mail, retum
`receipt requested, t0 such addresses. Any notice mailed shall be deemed to have been received upon
`the earfier of (a) receipt, (b) refusal thereof, 01' (c) three ('3) days after mailing of same. Notice
`effected by hand delively or overnight courier shall be deemed t0 have been received at the time 0f
`actual delivew or refusal thereof. Either party shall have the right t0 change its address t0 which
`notices shall be delivered by giving the other party written notice thereof in accordance with the
`provisions 0f this paragraph.
`Contemporaneously with the execution 0f this Consent Order, Defendant shall execute the
`original of that certain Consent Judgment, a true and genuine copy 0f which is attached hereto as
`Exhibit A, and shall deliver the signed originai 0f the Consent Order and the signed original ofthe
`Consent Judgment t0 counsel for Plaintiff. Plaintiff shall file this Consent Order immediately. Plaintiff
`shall hold the signed originai of the Consent Judgment and shall complete and file same only if an
`Uncured Default should occur hereunder. In the event 0f an Uncured Default hereunder, Plaintiffmay
`complete and present to this Court the signed original Consent Judgment for entry ofjudgment in the
`amounts specified therein, together with an affidavit of‘Plaintifs counsel (the “Default Affidavit”)
`stating (i) that notice 0f default was provided t0 Defendant in accordance wifh the terms of‘this
`Consent Order, a tme and genuine copy ofwhich notice shall be attached t0 such affidavit as Exhibit
`"A“; (ii) the amount ofthe Arrearagc BalanceR Abated Rent and Past-Due Rem‘ plus interest accruing


`thereon, that is due hereunder; and (iii) that more than five (5) days have passed since such notice was
`delivered t0 Defendant, and n0 additional sums were paid by Defendant t0 Plaintiff; and, Plaintifishall
`file a cenificate ofservice with this Coun stating that copies 0fthe completed Consent Judgment and
`the Defauit Affidavit were served upon Defendant contemporaneously with such filing. Upon the
`Court’s receipt 0fthe completed Consent Judgment and the Defauft Affidavit, this Court shall execute
`and enter the Consent Judgment without the necessity for hearing 0r any other 0r fimher notice to the
`Defendant Upon filing Ofthe Consent Judgment and Default Affidavit, a writ ofpossessiOn ofthe
`Premises, and a writ Offierifizcz’as for the amount owed under the Consent Judgment, shall both issue
`insrantcr, without funher hearing or notice, and Plaintiffmay proceed hnmediately to collact all sums
`due thereunder, without the necessity 0f any other or further notice t0 Defendant‘
`Upon payment in filll ofthe entire amount offlle Settlement Funds and the Rent due under the
`Lease While this Consent Order is in effect, Plaintifishall dismiss this Dispossessoxy Proceeding, and
`shall not fiie the Consent Judgment.
`day 0f
`, 2019
`[Signatums cmu‘inued 0n nexl page]


`J5: f???
`2%?“ M! ffifiy’): (MIA f
`Elizabeth A. LeVan
`Counsel for Plaintiff
`Georgia Bar No‘ 447924
`Two Ravinia Drive
`Suite 1250
`Atlanta, Georgia 30346
`(770) 392—7100
`/ .../’
`By: péf/ ///7%é/
`Ted Eader By Elizabeth A. LeVan Mt]: expresxv permission
`Counsel for Defendant
`Georgia Bar N0. 905761
`400 17‘“ s: NW, Unit 1217
`Atlanta, Georgia 30363
`(470) 745-2640
`[Signaturav continued 0n next page]


`EIEabeLth A. LeVan
`Georgia Bar N0. 447924
`Attorney for Plaintifi‘3445 PT BUCKHEAD LLC
`CASE NO: 19DD000] 00
`Two Ravinia Drive
`Suite 1250
`Atlanta, Georgia 30346
`(770) 392-7100
`QM!) E ~I {300 — x'\l O3 1 >Barmgs‘dnibrm‘Dispusscssory\(‘onscnt ()rdcr and ,ludgmenI-WG 3
`l 9.41me


`) .
`CASE NO: 19DD000100
`) )
`) )
`IT APPEARING TO THE COURT that an agreement has been reached by and between
`Plaintiff and Defendant to settle the above action and that the parties hereto have waived and d0
`hereby waive a {rial by juxy as t0 the claims between these parties and have agreed that this action
`may be resolved immediateiy by the court, sitting without july;
`1T FURTHER APPEARING TO THE COURT that the panics hereto have waived and d0
`hereby waive the requirements of O. C. GA. § 9~1 1—52(a) regarding findings offact and conclusions 0f
`IT FURTHER APPEARING TO THE COURT that the parties hereto have waived and d0
`hereby waive the requirements 0f OCGAA, § 9—1 l~62(a) regarding a ten—day waiting period for
`enforcement ofjudgments;
`IT FURTHER APPEARING TO THE COURT that the parties hereto have agreed and d0
`hereby agree t0 the tenns 0f this Consent Judgment, and the court being fully informed;


`That possession 0f the Premises is hereby awarded t0 Plaintiff, and a Writ of
`Possession for the Premises shafl issue in favor 0f Plaintiff instanter; and
`That, in accordance with the terms 0fthat certain Consent Order filed with the Court
`in the above-styled Proceeding Against Tenant Holding Over on
`2019 (the “Consent Order“), Plaintiff have judgment against Defendant in the
`following sums:
`The principal amount of
`Dollars ($
`), comprised 0f:
`MW), representing
`Balance, as set fomh in the Consent Order; plus
`}, representing the Abated Rent, as
`set forth in the Consent Order; plus
`), representing the Past-Due Rent,
`as set forth in the Consent Order; plus
`), representing accmed but unpaid
`pre-judgmem interest on the amounts shown in Paragraphs
`II(a)(i), (ii) and (iii) above, as set forth in the Consent Order;
`Post—Judgment interest 0n the unpaid balance 0fthe principal amount


`stated in Paragraph (a) above, calculated in accordance with 0. C. GA.
`§ 7—4~12(b) at the simple interest rate 0f ten and oxle—half percent
`(10.50%) per annum, which is the Interest Rate specified in the
`Consent Order.
`IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk OfIhe Court shall, I‘z'zsfanfer, deliver t0 counsel
`for Plaintiff a writ offierifacias in favor of Piaintiif and against Defendant for the sums set forth
`above, without further notice 0r hearing.
`day 0f
`, 2()__
`Elizabeth A. LeVan
`Counsel for Plaintiff
`Georgia Bar N0. 447924
`Two Ravinia Drive
`Suite 1250
`Atlanta, Georgia 30346
`(770') 392-7} 00
`[Signatures continued 0n next page]


`Ted Eader
`Counsel for Defendant
`Georgia Bar N0. 905761
`400 17m St NW, Unit 1217
`Atianta, Georgia 30363
`(470) 745-2640
`Eiizabeth A. LeVan
`Georgia Bar N0. 447924
`Attorney for Plaintiff 3445 PT BUCKHEAD LLC
`CASE NO: 19DD000100
`Two Ravinia Drive
`Suite 1250
`Atianta, Georgia 30346
`(770) 392~7100
`QrVJO l ‘I 000 # .x‘xi (l3 1 «Ben mgsflnfln'm‘Dlsposscswr) \(‘onscnt Order and Judgmenl-UT} E ,I gvdoc

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