CMP Development, LLC v. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC

1:21-cv-00549 | Delaware District Court

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Division Wilmington
Judge Judge Maryellen Noreika
Filed April 16, 2021
Case Flags PATENT
Nature of Suit 835 Patent - Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA)
Cause 35:271 Patent Infringement
Jury Demand None
The docket is incomplete. Sign up for verified information.
Filing Date # Docket Text
5/7/2024MEMORANDUM OPINION. Signed by Judge Maryellen Noreika on 5/7/2024. (dlw)
1/12/2024Redacted Document
1/12/2024Redacted Document
1/5/2024Brief - Opening Brief in Support
1/5/2024Attorney Fees
1/4/2024~Util - Terminate Motions, Telephone Conference
1/4/2024Notice of Appearance
1/3/2024Order Setting Teleconference
12/22/2023Stipulation to EXTEND Time
12/22/2023Oral Order
12/21/2023Stipulation to EXTEND Time
12/7/2023USCA Order Terminating Appeal
10/26/2023Notice - Other
10/19/2023Transcript Purchase Order - Appeal to Federal Circuit
10/18/2023USCA Notice of Docketing ROA - Federal Circuit
10/16/2023SO ORDERED
10/13/2023Stipulation to EXTEND Time
10/12/2023USCA Notice of Appeal and Docket Transmitted, USCA Appeal Record Sent to Reporter Hawkins
10/11/2023- APPEAL - Credit Card Payment (Attorneys Only)
10/11/2023- NOTICE OF APPEAL - Federal Circuit
10/11/2023Patent/Trademark Report to Commissioner of Patents
10/11/2023Proposed Order
10/4/2023Redacted Document
9/29/2023MEMORANDUM OPINION. Signed by Judge Maryellen Noreika on 9/29/2023. (dlw)
9/12/2023Redacted Document
3/20/2023Notice of Filing Multi Media Materials
3/13/2023Post Trial Brief
3/10/2023Notice re Attorney Appearance - Requesting Removal of Co-Counsel
3/3/2023Proposed Findings of Fact
3/3/2023Post Trial Brief
2/9/2023Proposed Findings of Fact
2/9/2023Post Trial Brief
2/6/2023- Transcript
2/6/2023- Transcript
2/3/2023Exhibit List
2/3/2023SO ORDERED
2/3/2023Stipulation to EXTEND Time
1/30/2023~Util - Set Briefing Schedule - open,ans,reply,surreply, SO ORDERED
1/30/2023Stipulation-General (See Motion List for Stipulation to Extend Time)
1/18/2023Bench Trial - Completed
1/13/2023Bench Trial - Begun
1/6/2023Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines, Oral Order
1/4/2023Add Attorneys - PHV only
1/3/2023SO ORDERED
12/26/2022Redacted Document
12/23/2022Appear Pro Hac Vice
12/21/2022- Transcript
12/21/2022SO ORDERED
12/20/2022Stipulation to EXTEND Time
12/20/2022Set Deadlines/Hearings, 1 - Terminate Deadlines and Hearings, Pretrial Conference, ~Util - Set Scheduling Order Deadlines
12/19/2022Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines, Oral Order
12/15/2022Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines
12/13/2022Proposed Pretrial Order
11/3/2022SO ORDERED
11/3/2022Stipulation of Dismissal
11/2/2022SO ORDERED
11/2/2022Stipulation-General (See Motion List for Stipulation to Extend Time)
10/21/2022Notice to Take Deposition
10/14/2022Notice to Take Deposition
10/4/2022Notice of Service
9/22/2022Notice re Attorney Appearance - Requesting Removal of Co-Counsel
8/31/2022Notice of Service
8/23/2022Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines, SO ORDERED
8/23/2022Stipulation-General (See Motion List for Stipulation to Extend Time)
8/17/2022SO ORDERED
8/17/2022Stipulation-General (See Motion List for Stipulation to Extend Time)
8/16/2022Notice of Appearance
8/11/2022Notice of Service
8/9/2022SO ORDERED
8/8/2022Stipulation-General (See Motion List for Stipulation to Extend Time)
8/1/2022Notice re Attorney Appearance - Requesting Removal of Co-Counsel
7/29/2022SO ORDERED
7/29/2022Stipulation-General (See Motion List for Stipulation to Extend Time)
7/25/2022SO ORDERED
7/22/2022Stipulation-General (See Motion List for Stipulation to Extend Time)
7/20/2022SO ORDERED
7/20/2022Stipulation-General (See Motion List for Stipulation to Extend Time)
7/19/2022Notice of Service
7/12/2022Notice of Service
7/12/2022Notice to Take Deposition
7/8/2022Notice to Take Deposition
7/8/2022Notice to Take Deposition
7/7/2022SO ORDERED
7/6/2022Appear Pro Hac Vice
7/5/2022SO ORDERED
7/5/2022Stipulation-General (See Motion List for Stipulation to Extend Time)
7/1/2022Add Attorneys - PHV only
6/29/2022Notice of Service
6/29/2022Redacted Document
6/29/2022SO ORDERED
6/27/2022Appear Pro Hac Vice
6/23/2022Notice of Service
6/23/2022Oral Order
6/22/2022Notice of Service
6/22/2022Notice to Take Deposition
6/22/2022Notice to Take Deposition
6/22/2022Notice to Take Deposition
6/22/2022Notice to Take Deposition
6/22/2022SO ORDERED
6/21/2022Stipulation to EXTEND Time
6/17/2022Redacted Document
6/14/2022Notice to Take Deposition
6/14/2022Notice to Take Deposition
6/14/2022Notice to Take Deposition
6/14/2022Notice to Take Deposition
6/13/2022Oral Order
6/10/2022Notice to Take Deposition
6/10/2022Notice to Take Deposition
6/10/2022Notice to Take Deposition
6/10/2022Notice to Take Deposition
6/10/2022Notice to Take Deposition
5/31/2022Notice of Service
5/18/2022SO ORDERED
5/18/2022Appear Pro Hac Vice
5/17/2022Notice of Service
4/20/2022SO ORDERED
4/20/2022Stipulation to EXTEND Time
4/4/2022Case No Longer Referred to Mediation - Magistrate Judge only
3/25/2022Notice of Service
3/11/2022Notice of Service
3/4/2022Notice of Service
2/25/2022Add Attorneys - PHV only
2/23/2022SO ORDERED
2/22/2022Appear Pro Hac Vice
2/18/2022Notice re Attorney Appearance - Requesting Removal of Co-Counsel
2/18/2022Notice - Other
2/18/2022Notice of Service
2/2/2022Notice of Service
1/26/20221 - Terminate Scheduling Order Deadlines, Oral Order
1/20/2022Notice of Service
1/19/2022Notice of Service
1/18/2022Notice re Attorney Appearance - Requesting Removal of Co-Counsel
1/14/2022Notice of Service
1/4/2022Add Attorneys - PHV only
1/3/2022SO ORDERED
12/30/2021Appear Pro Hac Vice
12/15/2021Notice of Service
11/30/2021Notice of Service
11/16/2021Notice of Service
11/15/2021Protective Order
11/15/2021Notice of Service
11/15/2021Proposed Order
11/8/2021Oral Order, Case Referred to Mediation - Magistrate Judge only
11/8/2021Scheduling Order - Patent
10/29/2021Proposed Order
10/22/2021Oral Order
10/18/2021Proposed Order
9/27/2021Redacted Document
9/21/2021Oral Order
9/20/2021Answer to Counterclaim
8/31/2021SO ORDERED
8/30/2021Redacted Document
8/30/2021Appear Pro Hac Vice
8/30/2021Disclosure Statement - Rule 7.1
8/30/2021Counterclaim, Answer to Complaint
8/27/2021SO ORDERED
8/26/2021Stipulation-General (See Motion List for Stipulation to Extend Time)
7/1/2021Waiver of Service Exexuted - 60 day ddl
4/29/2021Pro Hac Vice Attorneys Christopher J. Sorenson, Andrew O. Larsen, Karen L. Beckman for CMP Development, LLC added for electronic noticing. Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5 (d)., Delaware counsel shall be the registered users of CM/ECF and shall be required to file all papers. (kmd) (Entered: 04/29/2021)
4/23/2021SO ORDERED re 7 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Christopher J. Sorenson, Andrew O. Larsen and Karen L. Beckman filed by CMP Development, LLC. ORDERED by Judge Maryellen Noreika on 4/23/2021. (dlw) (Entered: 04/23/2021)
4/22/2021MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Christopher J. Sorenson, Andrew O. Larsen and Karen L. Beckman - filed by CMP Development, LLC. (Delcollo, Renee) (Entered: 04/22/2021)
4/21/2021Case Assigned to Judge Maryellen Noreika. Please include the initials of the Judge (MN) after the case number on all documents filed. (rjb) (Entered: 04/21/2021)
4/16/2021Summonses Issued (please complete the top portion of the form and print out for use/service). (nmg) (Entered: 04/16/2021)
4/16/2021 Disclosure Statement pursuant to Rule 7.1: identifying Corporate Parent CMP Holding Company LLC for CMP Development, LLC filed by CMP Development, LLC. (nmg) (Entered: 04/16/2021)
4/16/2021Report to the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks for Patent/Trademark Number(s) 9,757,394; 10,493,083; 10,624,906; 10,660,907; 10,888,570. (nmg) (Entered: 04/16/2021)
4/16/2021 Supplemental information for patent cases involving an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) - Date Patentee(s) Received Notice: 3/5/2021 and 3/25/2021. Date of Expiration of Patent: 10/28/2036.Thirty Month Stay Deadline: 9/5/2023. (nmg) (Entered: 04/16/2021)
4/16/2021Notice, Consent and Referral forms re: U.S. Magistrate Judge jurisdiction. (nmg) (Entered: 04/16/2021)
4/16/2021COMPLAINT for PATENT INFRINGEMENT filed against Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC - Magistrate Consent Notice to Pltf. ( Filing fee $ 402, receipt number ADEDC-3595123.) - filed by CMP Development, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A-E, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(nmg) (Entered: 04/16/2021)