Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 99 Filed 01/11/19 Page 1 of 10 PageID #: 1281
`C.A. No. 13-919-LPS
`Defendant Google LLC (“Google”), by and through the undersigned counsel, answers the
`Amended Complaint of Plaintiff Arendi S.A.R.L. (“Arendi”) as follows:
`Google lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the
`allegations in paragraph 1, and therefore denies them.
`Google lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the
`allegations in paragraph 2, and therefore denies them.
`Google admits that Google LLC is a Delaware corporation with its principal place of
`business in Mountain View, California. Google denies any remaining allegations in paragraph 3.
`Google admits that it transacts business in this judicial district.
`Google admits that it makes, uses, imports, offers to sell, or sells (and/or has made, used,
`imported, offered to sell, or sold) Gmail, Google Documents/Docs, Google Sheets, Google
`Slides, Google Chrome, Google Translate, Google Calendar, Google Hangouts, the Google App,
`Nexus, Pixel, Chromebook Pixel, and Pixelbook. Google denies any remaining allegations in
`paragraph 5.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 99 Filed 01/11/19 Page 2 of 10 PageID #: 1282
`Google admits that the Amended Complaint purports to state a claim arising under the
`patent laws of the United States, Title 35 of the U.S. Code. Google denies any remaining
`allegations in paragraph 6.
`Google admits that this Court has subject-matter jurisdiction over this case.
`For the purposes of this matter, Google does not contest personal jurisdiction in this
`District. Google denies that it has committed any acts of infringement within this or any other
`district and denies any remaining allegations in paragraph 8.
`Google admits that venue is proper in this District. Google denies that it has committed
`any acts of infringement within this or any other district and denies any remaining allegations in
`paragraph 9.
`Google admits that U.S. Patent No. 7,917,843 (the “’843 patent”) is titled “Method,
`System and Computer Readable Medium for Addressing Handling from a Computer Program.”
`Google admits that Exhibit A appears to be a copy of the ’843 patent, but lacks sufficient
`information to verify its authenticity. Google denies that the ’843 patent was duly and legally
`issued. Google lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of any
`remaining allegations in paragraph 10, and therefore denies them.
`Google admits that U.S. Patent No. 7,496,854 (the “’854 patent”) is titled “Method,
`System and Computer Readable Medium for Addressing Handling from a Computer Program.”
`Google admits that Exhibit B appears to be a copy of the ’854 patent, but lacks sufficient
`information to verify its authenticity. Google denies that the ’854 patent was duly and legally


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 99 Filed 01/11/19 Page 3 of 10 PageID #: 1283
`issued. Google lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of any
`remaining allegations in paragraph 11, and therefore denies them.
`Google admits that U.S. Patent No. 7,921,356 (the “’356 patent”) is titled “Method,
`System and Computer Readable Medium for Addressing Handling from a Computer Program.”
`Google admits that Exhibit C appears to be a copy of the ’356 patent, but lacks sufficient
`information to verify its authenticity. Google denies that the ’356 patent was duly and legally
`issued. Google lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of any
`remaining allegations in paragraph 12, and therefore denies them.
`Google admits that U.S. Patent No. 8,306,993 (the “’993 patent”) is titled “Method,
`System and Computer Readable Medium for Addressing Handling from an Operating System.”
`Google admits that Exhibit D appears to be a copy of the ’993 patent, but lacks sufficient
`information to verify its authenticity. Google denies that the ’993 patent was duly and legally
`issued. Google lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of any
`remaining allegations in paragraph 13, and therefore denies them.
`Google lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the
`allegations in paragraph 14, and therefore denies them.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 15.
`Google lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the
`allegations in paragraph 16, and therefore denies them.
`Google lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the
`allegations in paragraph 17, and therefore denies them.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 99 Filed 01/11/19 Page 4 of 10 PageID #: 1284
`(Infringement of United States Patent No. 7,917,843)
`Google repeats and realleges its answers to the preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 19.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 20.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 21.
`Google admits that it has been aware of the ‘843 patent as of the service of the original
`Complaint. Google denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 22.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 23.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 24.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 25.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 26.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 27.
`(Infringement of United States Patent No. 7,496,854)
`Google repeats and realleges its answers to the preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 29.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 30.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 31.
`Google admits that it has been aware of the ‘854 patent as of the service of the original
`Complaint. Google denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 32.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 99 Filed 01/11/19 Page 5 of 10 PageID #: 1285
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 33.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 34.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 35.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 36.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 37.
`(Infringement of United States Patent No. 7,921,356)
`Google repeats and realleges its answers to the preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 39.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 40.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 41.
`Google admits that it has been aware of the ‘356 patent as of the service of the original
`Complaint. Google denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 42.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 43.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 44.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 45.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 46.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 47.
`(Infringement of United States Patent No. 8,306,993)
`Google repeats and realleges its answers to the preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 99 Filed 01/11/19 Page 6 of 10 PageID #: 1286
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 49.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 50.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 51.
`Google admits that it has had knowledge of the ‘993 patent as of the service of the
`Amended Complaint on December 21, 2018. Google denies the remaining allegations in
`paragraph 52.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 53.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 54.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 55.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 56.
`Google denies each and every allegation in paragraph 57.
`Google denies that Arendi is entitled to any relief from Google or the Court, either as
`prayed for in the Amended Complaint or otherwise. Google has not infringed, either directly or
`indirectly, any valid and enforceable claim of the patents-in-suit, and Arendi is not entitled to
`any remedy or recovery. To the extent paragraphs A-E under Plaintiff’s Prayer for Relief are
`interpreted to contain any factual allegations, Google denies them.
`Google asserts the following defenses. In doing so, Google does not assume the burden of
`proof for matters for which Arendi bears the burden. Google also reserves all rights to allege
`additional defenses that become known during litigation.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 99 Filed 01/11/19 Page 7 of 10 PageID #: 1287
`First Defense
`Google does not infringe, has not infringed (directly, indirectly, literally or under the
`doctrine of equivalents) any valid and enforceable claim of the ’843, ’854, ’356, or ’993 patents.
`Second Defense
`The claims of the ’843, ’854, ’356, and ’993 patents are invalid and/or unenforceable for
`failure to satisfy one or more of the patentability conditions set forth in Title 35 of the U.S. Code,
`including but not limited to 35 U.S.C. §§ 101, 102, 103, and 112.
`Third Defense
`(Limitation of Damages)
`Arendi’s claim for damages, costs, or attorneys’ fee, if any, against Google for alleged
`patent infringement is limited by 35 U.S.C. §§ 286 and/or 288. Furthermore, the six-year
`limitation (pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 286) on Arendi’s claim for damages, if any, against Google
`for alleged patent infringement of any of the claims of the ’993 patent, and any new, previously
`unasserted claims of any of the remaining patents-in-suit, is restricted to a start date of December
`21, 2018, the date of filing of Arendi’s Amended Complaint.
`Fourth Defense
`(Failure to Mark)
`Arendi has failed to comply with the patent marking and notice requirements of 35
`U.S.C. § 287, and therefore Arendi’s claim for damages, if any, against Google for alleged patent
`infringement is limited pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 287, to those damages occurring only after notice
`of infringement.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 99 Filed 01/11/19 Page 8 of 10 PageID #: 1288
`Fifth Defense
`(No Injunctive Relief)
`Arendi is not entitled to any injunctive relief because any injury to Arendi is neither
`immediate nor irreparable and because Arendi has adequate remedies at law.
`Sixth Defense
`(Estoppel, Waiver, and Unclean Hands)
`Arendi’s claims for relief are barred, in whole or in part, by the equitable doctrines of
`estoppel, waiver and/or unclean hands.
`Seventh Defense
`(Prosecution History Estoppel)
`Arendi’s infringement claims are barred by the doctrine of prosecution history estoppel
`based on statements, representations and admissions made during a.) the prosecution of the
`patent applications resulting in at least one of the ’843, ’854, ’356, or ’993 patents; and b.) the
`Inter Partes Review proceedings involving the ’843, ’854, ’356, or ’993 patents.
`Eighth Defense
`(No Exceptional Case)
`Arendi pleaded no valid basis for finding an exceptional case under 35 U.S.C. § 285.
`Ninth Defense
`(Substantial Non-infringing Use)
`Any and all allegedly infringing products or actions have substantial non-infringing uses
`and do not induce or contribute to the alleged infringement of the ’843, ’854, ’356, or ’993
`Tenth Defense
`(Patent Exhaustion and/or Implied License)
`Arendi’s claims are barred by the doctrines of patent exhaustion and/or implied license,
`in whole or in part, to the extent there are licensed rights, implied or otherwise, granted to third-


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 99 Filed 01/11/19 Page 9 of 10 PageID #: 1289
`parties, including but not limited to its settlement agreement with Microsoft Corp., or Arendi has
`otherwise been compensated for any alleged acts of infringement by Google.
`WHEREFORE, Google prays for judgment that:
`Arendi’s Amended Complaint against Google be dismissed in its entirety with
`Arendi is not entitled to any of the relief prayed for in its Complaint as to Google,
`or to any relief whatsoever;
`Google has not infringed any valid and enforceable asserted claim of the ’843,
`’854, ’356, or ’993 patents;
`Each asserted claim of the ’843, ’854, ’356, or ’993 patents is invalid and
`No damages or royalties are due or owing for any of the acts alleged by Arendi in
`its Complaint as to Google, nor is any preliminary or permanent injunction appropriate as a
`matter of law;
`Google be awarded its costs, disbursements, and reasonable attorneys’ fees
`pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 285 as against Arendi; and
`Google be granted such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and
`Google demands a trial by jury of all issues so triable in this action.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 99 Filed 01/11/19 Page 10 of 10 PageID #: 1290
`By: /s/ Bindu A. Palapura
`David E. Moore (#3983)
`Bindu A. Palapura (#5370)
`Hercules Plaza, 6th Floor
`1313 N. Market Street
`Wilmington, DE 19801
`Tel: (302) 984-6000
`Attorneys for Defendant Google LLC
`Robert W. Unikel
`Michelle Marek Figueiredo
`71 South Wacker Drive, Suite 4500
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Tel: (312) 449-6000
`Robert R. Laurenzi
`200 Park Avenue
`New York, NY 10166
`Tel: (212) 318-6000
`Evan M. McLean
`1117 S. California Avenue
`Palo Alto, CA 94304
`Tel: (650) 320-1800
`Ariell Bratton
`4747 Executive Drive, 12th Floor
`San Diego, CA 92121
`Tel: (858) 458-3000
`Dated: January 11, 2019
`6051308 / 40549

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