Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 1 of 22 PageID #: 1054
`Exhibit 2


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 2 of 22 PageID #: 1055
`C.A. No. ________13-919-LPS
`Plaintiff Arendi S.A.R.L. (“Arendi”) for its Complaint against Defendant hereby
`demands a jury trial and alleges as follows:
`Related Actions
`This case is related to two cases previously consolidated before Judge Stark, 09-
`cv-00119 (D. Del.) (LPS) and 11-cv-00260 (D. Del.) (LPS), both of which settled after extensive
`dispositive motion practice. This case is also related to the action filed by Arendi today against
`Yahoo Inc!, and the actions filed on November 29, 2012 in this District by Arendi, No. 12-1595
`(LPS), No. 12-1596 (LPS), No. 12-1597 (LPS), No. 12-1598 (LPS), No. 12-1599 (LPS), No. 12-
`1600 (LPS), No. 12-1601 (LPS), No. 12-1602 (LPS), which involve the same patents-in-suit and
`common facts..
`The Parties and Accused Products
`Plaintiff Arendi is a corporation organized under the laws of Luxembourg with its
`principal place of business in Luxembourg.
`On information and belief, Defendant Google Inc.LLC (“Google”) is a Delaware
`corporation with a principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View,


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 3 of 22 PageID #: 1056
`California 94043. Google has appointed The Corporation Trust Company, Corporation Trust
`Center, 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, as its agent for service of process.
`Google transacts substantial business, either directly or through its agents, on an
`ongoing basis in this judicial district and elsewhere in the United States.
`Google makes, uses, imports, offers to sell, and sells (and/or has made, used,
`imported, offered to sell, and sold) in the United States and in this judicial district, Gmail,
`Google Documents/Docs, Google VoiceSheets, Google ChatSlides, Google Chrome, Google
`Translate, Google Calendar, Google Hangout, the Google App, Nexus, Pixel, Chromebook Pixel,
`Pixelbook, and other products and devices containing the same or similar information handling
`technology disclosed in the asserted patents described herein (collectively, the “Accused
`Nature of the Action
`This is a civil action for infringement of United States Patents No. 7,917,843 (the
`“‘843 Patent”), No. 7,496,854 (the “‘854 Patent”), No. 6,323,853 (the “‘853 Patent”), and No.
`7,921,356 (the “‘356 Patent”), and No. 8,306,993 (the “‘993 Patent”). This action arises under
`the Patent Laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C. § 1 et seq.
`Jurisdiction and Venue
`This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action pursuant to 28
`U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a).
`Personal jurisdiction is proper in this district because, among other reasons,
`Google has a continuous presence in this District, Google committed acts of infringement in this
`District and a substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to this claim occurred in this
`District. Google placed, and continues to place, Accused Products into the stream of commerce,


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 4 of 22 PageID #: 1057
`through an established distribution channel, with the knowledge and/or understanding that such
`products are used and sold in this District. This causes injury to Arendi in this District. On
`information and belief, Defendant derives substantial revenue from the sale of Accused Products
`distributed within the District, and derives substantial revenue from interstate and international
`Venue is proper in this district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b) and (c), and
`1400(b), because Google resides in this District, and has committed acts of infringement in this
`district and, upon information and belief, has a substantial partregular and established place of
`the events or omissions giving rise to this claim occurredbusiness in this District.
`The Patents-In-Suit
`United States Patent No. 7,917,843, entitled “Method, System and Computer
`Readable Medium for Addressing Handling from a Computer Program,” was duly and legally
`issued on March 29, 2011, by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. A copy of the ‘843
`Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`United States Patent No. 7,496,854, entitled “Method, System and Computer
`Readable Medium for Addressing Handling from a Computer Program,” was duly and legally
`issued on February 24, 2009, by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. A copy of the
`‘854 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit B.
`United States Patent No. 6,323,853, entitled “Method, System and Computer
`Readable Medium for Addressing Handling from a Computer Program,” was duly and legally
`issued on November 27, 2001, by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. A copy of the
`‘853 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit C.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 5 of 22 PageID #: 1058
`United States Patent No. 7,921,356, entitled “Method, System and Computer
`Readable Medium for Addressing Handling from a Computer Program,” was duly and legally
`issued on April 5, 2011, by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. A copy of the ‘356
`Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit C.
`United States Patent No. 8,306,993, entitled “Method, System and Computer
`Readable Medium for Addressing Handling from an Operating System,” was duly and legally
`issued on November 6, 2012, by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. A copy of the
`‘993 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit D.
`Arendi is the exclusive owner of all rights, title, and interest in the ‘843 Patent,
`‘854 Patent, ‘853356 Patent and ‘356993 Patent, including the right to bring this suit for
`injunctive relief and damages.
`The ‘843 Patent, ‘854 Patent, ‘853,356 Patent and ‘356993 Patent are valid and
`Arendi filed suit in this District against Microsoft Corporation and Dell Inc. for
`infringement of the ‘854 Patent on February 24, 2009. 09-cv-00119 (D. Del.) (LPS). The case
`was assigned to the Honorable Leonard P. Stark, who held two Markman Hearings, on February
`25, 2011 and November 21, 2011, and denied several summary judgment motions. The case was
`resolved by settlement and dismissed on November 29, 2011.
`Arendi filed suit in this District against Microsoft Corporation for infringement of
`the ‘843 Patent on March 29, 2011. 11-cv-00260 (D. Del.) (LPS). The case was assigned to the
`Honorable Leonard P. Stark, who consolidated the 11-cv-260 case with the above-referenced


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`case on May 10, 2011. After Judge Stark held a Markman Hearing on November 21, 2011, this
`case was also resolved by settlement and dismissed on November 29, 2011.
`(Infringement of United States Patent No. 7,917,843)
`The preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if stated fully herein.
`Google has infringed and continues to infringe the ‘843 patent under 35 U.S.C. §
`271, including but not limited to claim 1claims 1, 20, 23, and 42, literally or under the doctrine
`of equivalents, by making, using, selling, and/or offering for sale in the United States, and/or
`importing into the United States, Accused Products, without authorization. On information and
`belief, Google has also infringed and continues to infringe at least claims 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10,
`11, 12, 14, 13, 1516, 17, 18, 19, 2321, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40,
`41, 43, and 4144 of the ‘843 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271, literally or under the doctrine of
`equivalents, by making, using, selling, and/or offering for sale in the United States, and/or
`importing into the United States, Accused Products, without authorization.
`Google’s acts of infringement have caused damage to Arendi and Arendi is
`entitled to recover from Google the damages it has sustained as a result of Defendant’s wrongful
`acts in an amount subject to proof at trial. Google’s infringement of Arendi’s exclusive rights
`under the ‘843 patent have damaged, and continue to damage, Arendi, causing irreparable harm
`for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless the infringement is enjoined by this Court.
`In addition to the foregoing and/or in the alternative, third parties, including
`Google’s customers, have infringed, and continue to infringe, one or more claims of the ‘843
`patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271 by making, using, selling, and/or offering for sale in the United
`States, and/or importing into the United States, Accused Products.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 7 of 22 PageID #: 1060
`Google has had knowledge of and notice of the ‘843 patent and its infringement at
`least since the filing of this complaint.
`To the extent Google continues to sell or otherwise supply Accused Products after
`the filing of this complaint, Google is inducing infringement of one or more claims of the ‘843
`patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(b), including on information and belief at least the claims set forth
`above. Google is actively, knowingly, and intentionally inducing infringement of the ‘843 patent
`by practicing the methods set forth therein and by selling, offering to sell and/or importing into
`the United States the Accused Products after the filing of this complaint; with the knowledge and
`specific intent that third parties, including its customers, will continue to – either alone or in
`combination with Google – practice the patented methods, and use, sell, offer for sale, and/or
`import the Accused Products supplied by Google to infringe the ‘843 patent; and with the
`knowledge and specific intent to encourage and facilitate the infringement through the
`dissemination of the Accused Products and/or the creation and dissemination of promotional and
`marketing materials, supporting materials, instructions, product manuals, and/or technical
`information relating to the Accused Products and infringing uses thereof.
`Google’s acts of induced infringement have caused damage to Arendi and Arendi
`is entitled to recover from Google the damages it has sustained as a result of Defendant’s
`wrongful acts in an amount subject to proof at trial. Google’s induced infringement of Arendi’s
`exclusive rights under the ‘843 patent have damaged, and continue to damage, Arendi, causing
`irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless the infringement is
`enjoined by this Court.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 8 of 22 PageID #: 1061
`In addition to the foregoing and/or in the alternative, at least since the filing of
`this complaint, Google has knowingly contributed to the infringement of one or more claims of
`the ‘843 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c).
`To the extent Google continues to sell or otherwise supply Accused Products after the
`filing of this complaint, Google is contributing to the infringement of one or more claims of the
`‘843 patent by third parties, under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c), including on information and belief at
`least the claims set forth above. Google is actively, knowingly, and intentionally contributing to
`the infringement of the ‘843 patent by selling, offering to sell and/or importing into the United
`States Accused Products after the filing of this complaint; with the knowledge that the Accused
`Products are especially designed or adapted to operate in a manner that infringes the ‘843 Patent;
`with the knowledge that third parties, including its customers, will continue to – either alone or in
`combination with Google – practice the patented methods; and with the knowledge that the
`infringing information handling technology in the Accused Products is not a staple article of
`commerce suitable for substantial noninfringing use.
`Google’s acts of contributory infringement have caused damage to Arendi and
`Arendi is entitled to recover from Google the damages it has sustained as a result of Defendant’s
`wrongful acts in an amount subject to proof at trial. Google’s contributory infringement of
`Arendi’s exclusive rights under the ‘843 patent have damaged, and continue to damage, Arendi,
`causing irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless the infringement is
`enjoined by this Court.
`(Infringement of United States Patent No. 7,496,854)
`The preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if stated fully herein.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 9 of 22 PageID #: 1062
`Google has infringed and continues to infringe the ‘854 Patent under 35 U.S.C. §
`271, including but not limited to claims 19, 5713, 31, 50, 79, 93, 98, and 93101, literally or under
`the doctrine of equivalents, by making, using, selling, and/or offering for sale in the United
`States, and/or importing into the United States, Accused Products, without authorization. On
`information and belief, Google has also infringed and continues to infringe at least claims 1, 2, 3,
`6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 25, 26, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51,
`52, 53, 54, 58, 70, 71, 73, 74, 79, 80, 85, 94, 96, 98, 99, and 10156 of the ‘854 patent under 35
`U.S.C. § 271, literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, by making, using, selling, and/or
`offering for sale in the United States, and/or importing into the United States, Accused Products,
`without authorization.
`Google’s acts of infringement have caused damage to Arendi and Arendi is
`entitled to recover from Google the damages it has sustained as a result of Defendant’s wrongful
`acts in an amount subject to proof at trial. Google’s infringement of Arendi’s exclusive rights
`under the ‘854 patent have damaged, and continue to damage, Arendi, causing irreparable harm
`for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless the infringement is enjoined by this Court.
`In addition to the foregoing and/or in the alternative, third parties, including
`Google’s customers, have infringed, and continue to infringe, one or more claims of the ‘854
`patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271 by making, using, selling, and/or offering for sale in the United
`States, and/or importing into the United States, Accused Products.
`Google has had knowledge of and notice of the ‘854 patent and its infringement at
`least since the filing of this complaint.
`To the extent Google continues to sell or otherwise supply Accused Products after
`the filing of this complaint, Google is inducing infringement of one or more claims of the ‘854


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 10 of 22 PageID #: 1063
`patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271, including on information and belief at least the claims set forth
`above. Google is actively, knowingly, and intentionally inducing infringement of the ‘854 patent
`by practicing the methods set forth therein and by selling, offering to sell and/or importing into
`the United States Accused Products after the filing of this complaint; with the knowledge and
`specific intent that third parties, including its customers, will continue to – either alone or in
`combination with Google – practice the patented methods, and use, sell, offer for sale, and/or
`import the Accused Products supplied by Google to infringe the ‘854 patent; and with the
`knowledge and specific intent to encourage and facilitate the infringement through the
`dissemination of the Accused Products and/or the creation and dissemination of promotional and
`marketing materials, supporting materials, instructions, product manuals, and/or technical
`information relating to the Accused Products and infringing uses thereof.
`Google’s acts of infringement have caused damage to Arendi and Arendi is
`entitled to recover from Google the damages it has sustained as a result of Defendant’s wrongful
`acts in an amount subject to proof at trial. Google’s infringement of Arendi’s exclusive rights
`under the ‘854 patent have damaged, and continue to damage, Arendi, causing irreparable harm
`for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless the infringement is enjoined by this Court.
`In addition to the foregoing and/or in the alternative, at least since the filing of
`this complaint, Google has knowingly contributed to the infringement of one or more claims of
`the ‘854 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c).
`To the extent Google continues to sell or otherwise supply Accused Products after the
`filing of this complaint, Google is contributing to the infringement of one or more claims of the
`‘854 patent by third parties, under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c), including on information and belief at
`least the claims set forth above. Google is actively, knowingly, and intentionally contributing to
`the infringement of the ‘854 patent by selling, offering to sell and/or importing into the United


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 11 of 22 PageID #: 1064
`States Accused Products after the filing of this complaint; with the knowledge that the Accused
`Products are especially designed or adapted to operate in a manner that infringes the ‘854 Patent;
`with the knowledge that third parties, including its customers, will continue to – either alone or in
`combination with Google – practice the patented methods; and with the knowledge that the
`infringing information handling technology in the Accused Products is not a staple article of
`commerce suitable for substantial noninfringing use.
`Google’s acts of infringement have caused damage to Arendi and Arendi is
`entitled to recover from Google the damages it has sustained as a result of Defendant’s wrongful
`acts in an amount subject to proof at trial. Google’s infringement of Arendi’s exclusive rights
`under the ‘854 patent have damaged, and continue to damage, Arendi, causing irreparable harm
`for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless the infringement is enjoined by this Court


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 12 of 22 PageID #: 1065
` (Infringement of United States Patent No. 6,323,8537,921,356)
`The preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if stated fully herein.
`Google has infringed and continues to infringe the ‘853356 Patent under 35
`U.S.C. § 271, including but not limited to claim 12, literally or under the doctrine of equivalents,
`by making, using, selling, and/or offering for sale in the United States, and/or importing into the
`United States, Accused Products, without authorization. On information and belief, Google has
`also infringed and continues to infringe at least claims 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 46, 65, 66, 76, 77,
`and 79 of the ‘853 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271, literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, by
`making, using, selling, and/or offering for sale in the United States, and/or importing into the
`United States, Accused Products, without authorization.
`Google’s acts of infringement have caused damage to Arendi and Arendi is
`entitled to recover from Google the damages it has sustained as a result of Defendant’s wrongful
`acts in an amount subject to proof at trial. Google’s infringement of Arendi’s exclusive rights
`under the ‘853 patent have damaged, and continue to damage, Arendi, causing irreparable harm
`for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless the infringement is enjoined by this Court.
`In addition to the foregoing and/or in the alternative, third parties, including
`Google’s customers, have infringed, and continue to infringe, one or more claims of the ‘853
`patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271 by making, using, selling, and/or offering for sale in the United
`States, and/or importing into the United States, Accused Products.
`Google has had knowledge of and notice of the ‘853 patent and its infringement at
`least since the filing of this complaint.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 13 of 22 PageID #: 1066
`To the extent Google continues to sell or otherwise supply Accused Products after
`the filing of this complaint, Google is inducing infringement of one or more claims of the ‘853
`patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271, including on information and belief at least the claims set forth
`above. Google is actively, knowingly, and intentionally inducing infringement of the ‘853 patent
`by practicing the methods set forth therein and by selling, offering to sell and/or importing into
`the United States Accused Products after the filing of this complaint; with the knowledge and
`specific intent that third parties, including its customers, will continue to – either alone or in
`combination with Google – practice the patented methods, and use, sell, offer for sale, and/or
`import the Accused Products supplied by Google to infringe the ‘853 patent; and with the
`knowledge and specific intent to encourage and facilitate the infringement through the
`dissemination of the Accused Products and/or the creation and dissemination of promotional and
`marketing materials, supporting materials, instructions, product manuals, and/or technical
`information relating to the Accused Products and infringing uses thereof.
`Google’s acts of infringement have caused damage to Arendi and Arendi is
`entitled to recover from Google the damages it has sustained as a result of Defendant’s wrongful
`acts in an amount subject to proof at trial. Google’s infringement of Arendi’s exclusive rights
`under the ‘853 patent have damaged, and continue to damage, Arendi, causing irreparable harm
`for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless the infringement is enjoined by this Court.
`In addition to the foregoing and/or in the alternative, at least since the filing of
`this complaint, Google has knowingly contributed to the infringement of one or more claims of
`the ‘853 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c).
`To the extent Google continues to sell or otherwise supply Accused Products after the
`filing of this complaint, Google is contributing to the infringement of one or more claims of the
`‘854 patent by third parties, under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c), including on information and belief at


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 14 of 22 PageID #: 1067
`least the claims set forth above. Google is actively, knowingly, and intentionally contributing to
`the infringement of the ‘853 patent by selling, offering to sell and/or importing into the United
`States Accused Products after the filing of this complaint; with the knowledge that the Accused
`Products are especially designed or adapted to operate in a manner that infringes the ‘853 Patent;
`with the knowledge that third parties, including its customers, will continue to – either alone or in
`combination with Google – practice the patented methods; and with the knowledge that the
`infringing information handling technology in the Accused Products is not a staple article of
`commerce suitable for substantial noninfringing use.
`Google’s acts of infringement have caused damage to Arendi and Arendi is
`entitled to recover from Google the damages it has sustained as a result of Defendant’s wrongful
`acts in an amount subject to proof at trial. Google’s infringement of Arendi’s exclusive rights
`under the ‘853 patent have damaged, and continue to damage, Arendi, causing irreparable harm
`for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless the infringement is enjoined by this Court.
`(Infringement of United States Patent No. 7,921,356)
`The preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if stated fully herein.
`49.39. Google has infringed and continues to infringe the ‘356 Patent under 35 U.S.C. §
`271, including but not limited to claim 1, literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, by
`making, using, selling, and/or offering for sale in the United States, and/or importing into the
`United States, Accused Products, without authorization. On information and belief, Google has
`also infringed and continues to infringe at least claims 7, 11, 12, 16, 19, and 2011 and 19 of the
`‘356 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271, literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, by making,
`using, selling, and/or offering for sale in the United States, and/or importing into the United
`States, Accused Products, without authorization.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 15 of 22 PageID #: 1068
`50.40. Google’s acts of infringement have caused damage to Arendi and Arendi is
`entitled to recover from Google the damages it has sustained as a result of Defendant’s wrongful
`acts in an amount subject to proof at trial. Google’s infringement of Arendi’s exclusive rights
`under the ‘356 patent have damaged, and continue to damage, Arendi, causing irreparable harm
`for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless the infringement is enjoined by this Court.
`51.41. In addition to the foregoing and/or in the alternative, third parties, including
`Google’s customers, have infringed, and continue to infringe, one or more claims of the ‘356
`patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271 by making, using, selling, and/or offering for sale in the United
`States, and/or importing into the United States, Accused Products.
`52.42. Google has had knowledge of and notice of the ‘356 patent and its infringement at
`least since the filing of this complaint.
`53.43. To the extent Google continues to sell or otherwise supply Accused Products after
`the filing of this complaint, Google is inducing infringement of one or more claims of the ‘356
`patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271, including on information and belief at least the claims set forth
`above. Google is actively, knowingly, and intentionally inducing infringement of the ‘356 patent
`by practicing the methods set forth therein and by selling, offering to sell and/or importing into
`the United States Accused Products after the filing of this complaint; with the knowledge and
`specific intent that third parties, including its customers, will continue to – either alone or in
`combination with Google – practice the patented methods, and use, sell, offer for sale, and/or
`import the Accused Products supplied by Google to infringe the ‘356 patent; and with the
`knowledge and specific intent to encourage and facilitate the infringement through the
`dissemination of the Accused Products and/or the creation and dissemination of promotional and


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 16 of 22 PageID #: 1069
`marketing materials, supporting materials, instructions, product manuals, and/or technical
`information relating to the Accused Products and infringing uses thereof.
`54.44. Google’s acts of infringement have caused damage to Arendi and Arendi is
`entitled to recover from Google the damages it has sustained as a result of Defendant’s wrongful
`acts in an amount subject to proof at trial. Google’s infringement of Arendi’s exclusive rights
`under the ‘356 patent have damaged, and continue to damage, Arendi, causing irreparable harm
`for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless the infringement is enjoined by this Court.
`55.45. In addition to the foregoing and/or in the alternative, at least since the filing of
`this complaint, Google has knowingly contributed to the infringement of one or more claims of
`the ‘356 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c).
`56.46. To the extent Google continues to sell or otherwise supply Accused Products after the
`filing of this complaint, Google is contributing to the infringement of one or more claims of the
`‘356 patent by third parties, under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c), including on information and belief at
`least the claims set forth above. Google is actively, knowingly, and intentionally contributing to
`the infringement of the ‘356 patent by selling, offering to sell and/or importing into the United
`States Accused Products after the filing of this complaint; with the knowledge that the Accused
`Products are especially designed or adapted to operate in a manner that infringes the ‘356 Patent;
`with the knowledge that third parties, including its customers, will continue to – either alone or in
`combination with Google – practice the patented methods; and with the knowledge that the
`infringing information handling technology in the Accused Products is not a staple article of
`commerce suitable for substantial noninfringing use.
`57.47. Google’s acts of infringement have caused damage to Arendi and Arendi is
`entitled to recover from Google the damages it has sustained as a result of Defendant’s wrongful
`acts in an amount subject to proof at trial. Google’s infringement of Arendi’s exclusive rights


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 17 of 22 PageID #: 1070
`under the ‘356 patent have damaged, and continue to damage, Arendi, causing irreparable harm
`for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless the infringement is enjoined by this Court.
` (Infringement of United States Patent No. 8,306,993)
`The preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if stated fully herein.
`Google has infringed and continues to infringe the ‘993 Patent under 35 U.S.C. §
`271, including but not limited to claims 1, 9, 17 literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, by
`making, using, selling, and/or offering for sale in the United States, and/or importing into the
`United States, Accused Products, without authorization. On information and belief, Google has
`also infringed and continues to infringe at least claims 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18,
`20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 the ‘993 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271, literally or under the doctrine of
`equivalents, by making, using, selling, and/or offering for sale in the United States, and/or
`importing into the United States, Accused Products, without authorization.
`Google’s acts of infringement have caused damage to Arendi and Arendi is
`entitled to recover from Google the damages it has sustained as a result of Defendant’s wrongful
`acts in an amount subject to proof at trial. Google’s infringement of Arendi’s exclusive rights
`under the ‘993 patent have damaged, and continue to damage, Arendi, causing irreparable harm
`for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless the infringement is enjoined by this Court.
`In addition to the foregoing and/or in the alternative, third parties, including
`Google’s customers, have infringed, and continue to infringe, one or more claims of the ‘993
`patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271 by making, using, selling, and/or offering for sale in the United
`States, and/or importing into the United States, Accused Products.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 89-6 Filed 11/19/18 Page 18 of 22 PageID #: 1071
`Google has had knowledge of and notice of the ‘993 patent and its infringement at
`least since the filing of this complaint.
`To the extent Google continues to sell or otherwise supply Accused Products after
`the filing of this complaint, Google is inducing infringement of one or more claims of the ‘993
`patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271, including on information and belief at least the claims set forth
`above. Google is actively, knowingly, and intentionally inducing infringement of the ‘993 patent
`by practicing the methods set forth therein and by selling, offering to sell and/or importing into
`the United States Accused Products after the filing of this complaint; with the knowledge and
`specific intent that third parties, including its customers, will continue to – either alone or in
`combination with Google – practice the patented methods, and use, sell, offer for sale, and/or
`import the Accused

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