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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 517-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 18 PageID #: 52400
`Kemper Diehl
`John Lahad
`Friday, April 21, 2023 10:53 PM
`Unikel, Robert; Failla, Melissa J.; Kalpana Srinivasan; Max Straus; Seth Ard; Rachel Solis; Kemper Diehl;
`Richard Wojtczak;;;
`;; Google-Arendi; Susan M. Betts; Neal C.
`RE: Meet and Confer Concerning IPR Proceedings Issue
`Weinstein - Supp Reply Exhibits (Highlighted).pdf
`Confirmed as to CD and CSQA.
`Arendi will present a total damages figure of $45.5 million at trial.
`This is reached by taking Exhibits 1B and 2B to Mr. Weinstein’s supplemental reply report and
`excluding (i) all units of the News app; (ii) units of the Chrome app from before August 21, 2017;
`and (iii) all Pixel 1 / Pixel XL units.
`These exhibits are re-attached here for convenience. The units now being excluded from the
`damages figure are highlighted. The Chrome units for 2017 are pro-rated in the same manner as
`the other apps, such that the accused Chrome units in 2017 are now
`Thank you.
`John P. Lahad
`Partner |Susman Godfrey LLP
`Houston | New York | Los Angeles |Seattle
`713.653.7859 (o) 713.725.3557 (m)
`From: Unikel, Robert <>  
`Sent: Friday, April 21, 2023 8:03 PM 
`To: John Lahad <>; Failla, Melissa J. <>; Kalpana Srinivasan 
`<>; Max Straus <>; Seth Ard 
`<>; Rachel Solis <>; Kemper Diehl 
`<>; Richard Wojtczak <>;; 
`;; Google‐Arendi <Google‐>; Susan M. 
`Betts <>; Neal C. Belgam <> 
`Subject: RE: Meet and Confer Concerning IPR Proceedings Issue 



`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 517-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 3 of 18 PageID #: 52401
`At the end of our call a bit ago, you stated that Arendi is dropping it infringement claim against Chrome using Content 
`Detectors and Contextual Search Quick Actions.  Please confirm that this is correct by reply email ASAP. 
`When I asked you what Arendi’s new damages demand is, you did not have a number readily available, but promised to 
`send that number, along with your method of calculating that number, tonight so that we can consider the impact of 
`this withdrawal on the case. 
`From: John Lahad <>  
`Sent: Friday, April 21, 2023 6:33 PM 
`To: Unikel, Robert <>; Failla, Melissa J. <>; Kalpana 
`Srinivasan <>; Max Straus <>; Seth Ard 
`<>; Rachel Solis <>; Kemper Diehl 
`<>; Richard Wojtczak <>;; 
`;; Google‐Arendi <Google‐>; Susan M. 
`Betts <>; Neal C. Belgam <> 
`Subject: [EXT] RE: Meet and Confer Concerning IPR Proceedings Issue 
`‐‐‐ External Email ‐‐‐ 
`How about 8 pm eastern? Can you circulate a dial-in please?
`John P. Lahad
`Partner |Susman Godfrey LLP
`Houston | New York | Los Angeles |Seattle
`713.653.7859 (o) 713.725.3557 (m)
`From: Unikel, Robert <>  
`Sent: Friday, April 21, 2023 4:42 PM 
`To: John Lahad <>; Failla, Melissa J. <>; Kalpana Srinivasan 
`<>; Max Straus <>; Seth Ard 
`<>; Rachel Solis <>; Kemper Diehl 
`<>; Richard Wojtczak <>;; 
`;; Google‐Arendi <Google‐>; Susan M. 
`Betts <>; Neal C. Belgam <> 
`Subject: Meet and Confer Concerning IPR Proceedings Issue 


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 517-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 4 of 18 PageID #: 52402
`Arendi team,
`Per the Court’s instruction, we would like to schedule a meet and confer call with you tonight to discuss
`potential paths to resolve the IPR proceedings issue. Please let us know when you are available.
`This message is sent by a law firm and may contain information that is privileged or confidential. If you received
`this transmission in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message and any attachments.
`If you reply to this message, Paul Hastings may collect personal information including your name, business name
`and other contact details, and IP address. For more information about Paul Hastings' information collection, privacy
`and security principles please click HERE. If you have any questions, please contact
`This message is sent by a law firm and may contain information that is privileged or confidential. If you received
`this transmission in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message and any attachments.
`If you reply to this message, Paul Hastings may collect personal information including your name, business name
`and other contact details, and IP address. For more information about Paul Hastings' information collection, privacy
`and security principles please click HERE. If you have any questions, please contact


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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 517-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 10 of 18 PageID #: 52408
`Page 271
` _____________________________
` ARENDI S.A.R.L., )
`Plaintiff, ) Case No: 12-1601 LPS
`vs. )
`Defendant. )
` _____________________________)
`) )
`) Case No: 13-919-LPS
`) )
`) )
`Tuesday, October 18, 2022
`Volume III
` Reported by:
` CSR No. 8714
` Job No. 5516598
` PAGES 271 - 439
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 517-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 11 of 18 PageID #: 52409
`Page 414
` part of what you just said is true; that is, the
` Court found that Linkify and Smart Linkify do not
` infringe, that much is true.
` Q So when do you believe that the hypothetical
` negotiation would have occurred --
` A Well --
` Q -- now in light of the Court's rulings?
` A You -- you noted that I don't address that in
` my reports, and as far as -- as far as I'm
` concerned, the hypothetical negotiation date is the
` same for Google given -- given Chrome and
` infringement of Chrome.
` Or for Motorola, in my original report, the
` hypothetical negotiation was around March of 2011.
` Given the Court's -- the Court's ruling on Linkify
` and Smart Linkify, it -- it could be -- it could be
` later.
` But even if it were later, such as in 2017,
` I -- I don't believe that -- that change of the date
` would change the results of my analysis insofar as
` the damages that I've calculated are concerned.
` Q Do you have an opinion, sitting here today,
` as to when the hypothetical negotiations would have
` occurred with respect to Google?
` A Yes. It would be in -- in -- in
`Veritext Legal Solutions


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`- - -
`NO. 12-1601-LPS
`- - -
`Wilmington, Delaware
`Monday, December 9, 2019
`11:30 o'clock, a.m.
`***Telephone conference
`- - -
`- - -
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Valerie J. Gunning
`Official Court Reporter
`1 of 10 sheets
`Page 1 to 1 of 21
`12/09/2019 08:25:34 PM


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`Your Honor, this motion is about obtaining
`discovery from Google that should not be controversial.
`We're moving to compel an answer to the question of how many
`units of the accused products Google sold. Without that
`number, we can't calculate damages as accurately as we would
`For background, there are two categories of
`accused products in this case. The first are Google's
`devices, like the Pixel and Nexus smartphones. After we
`filed this motion to compel, Google had agreed to produce
`unit sales data for all of the devices by today and to
`provide a witness to testify about the newly produced
`documents on Friday. We're glad this motion prompted Google
`to do that, but that only gets us part of the way there. We
`also need a number of units for the second category of
`accused products, which are various Google applications like
`Gmail, Google Chrome, Google Docs and Google Hangouts.
`Google has refused to present a witness to
`testify about the number of units of those applications that
`it has sold or distributed. Arendi sought 30(b)(6)
`testimony in order to pin down the unit sales and revenues
`of the accused products. Those were topics 1 through 6 of
`Arendi's deposition notice. These are typically not
`controversial topics.
`Google said in its responses and objections that
`APPEARANCES (Continued):
`(Houston, Texas)
`(Seattle, Washington)
`Counsel for Plaintiff
`(Chicago, Illinois)
`(New York, New York)
`Counsel for Defendant
`Google LLC
`- - -
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`(REPORTER'S NOTE: The following telephone
`conference was held in chambers, beginning at 11:30 a.m.)
`1 2
`5 6
`1 2
`4 5
`it would present a witness on them and the witness would
`"testify generally about the Google financial documents
`produced in this case."
`Google did not impose any restrictions limiting
`the testimony to any specifically identified documents.
`About ten days after Google agreed to testify about its
`financial documents, it produced a set of financial
`documents for the first time in this case. There were 38
`files in the production. Most of them were spreadsheets.
`They had different pieces of Google financial data across
`them. Some of the files appeared to include unit numbers
`for the accused applications like Gmail and Chrome. Those
`files seem to show how many installations and downloads some
`of the accused applications had, but it's not clear from
`just looking at them.
`Google put up a single witness on topics 1
`through 6. That was Mr. Sai Marri. He could not testify
`about how many units of the accused products Google sold or
`distributed. He made that clear in his testimony and he
`admitted he could not testify about the files that Google
`had produced that seemed to show downloads for the accused
`applications. The upshot is that at the end of the
`deposition of the only witness Google has put up on topics 1
`through 6, Arendi was still in the dark about the number of
`units at issue in this case.
`Page 2 to 5 of 21
`THE COURT: This is Judge Stark's chambers. Are
`counsel all there?
`MS. ORMEROD: Good morning, Your Honor. Yes.
`This is Eve Ormerod with Smith, Katzenstein & Jenkins.
`I am calling on behalf of plaintiff, Arendi, and I have
`with me on the line John Lahad and Kemper Diehl from Susman
`MR. MOORE: And for Google, your Honor, it's
`David Moore at Potter Anderson, and with me on the line from
`Paul Hastings are Chad Peterman and Michelle Marek.
`THE COURT: All right. Thank you.
`And we have our court reporter here with us, and
`for the record it's our case of Arendi S.A.R.L. versus
`Google LLC, Civil Action No. 13-919-LPS, and this is the
`time we set for a discovery dispute teleconference. It's
`Arendi who is the moving party, and so let's hear from
`Arendi first.
`MR. DIEHL: Good morning, Your Honor. This is
`Kemper Diehl speaking on behalf of Arendi.
`12/09/2019 08:25:34 PM
`2 of 10 sheets


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`Google has now agreed to produce documents and
`testimony identifying the units of the accused devices but
`still refuses to present testimony on the number of units at
`issue for the accused applications.
`Google's opposition letter does not dispute
`the fundamental relevance of this information. There's not
`much to debate there. It's clearly relevant. Google has
`also not brought up any burden argument. Instead its
`opposition letter lists reasons why Google thinks Arendi was
`neglectful in pursuing this testimony. Each of those is a
`red herring.
`First, Google's letter points to an e-mail that
`counsel sent on Arendi on October 22nd. That's Exhibit E to
`Google's letter. Paul Hastings represents both Google and
`Motorola here, and the exhibit shows that Paul Hastings
`wrote, "Neither Google nor Motorola will be producing a
`witness to testify broadly concerning financial topics."
`Google wants the quote to stop reading there,
`but the next two sentences are crucial. The e-mail goes on
`to say that even though Paul Hastings said it would limit
`Google's and Motorola's witnesses to testifying on their
`produced financial documents, Motorola's witness would still
`testify to any questions that relate to the produced
`financial documents which include information regarding the
`units sold. This is a clear indication that the parties
`That is categorically not an indication that he would
`testify about unit sales for Gmail or about unit sales to
`the rest of the accused applications. The same is true for
`each of the other witnesses that Google says Arendi should
`have asked for unit information after Mr. Marri didn't have
`Despite the narrow designations that are shown
`in Exhibit C to Google's letter, Google now says Arendi was
`neglectful for not asking each of these witnesses whether
`they could testify about unit sales. That is not how
`30(b)(6) depositions work. Google should put up a single
`witness on a topic and prepare them to testify on it.
`It's not fair for Google to put up Mr. Marri on
`topics 1 through 6, have him fail to testify about unit
`sales, and then claim without ever telling Arendi that
`Arendi should have asked every subsequent witness the same
`question until it found someone who could answer.
`Google says in its letter that it "expressly
`told Arendi that Mr. Elbouchikhi could testify about unit
`sales," but that was never communicated to Arendi." Google
`rests that finding on citations to page 73 of the transcript
`from Mr. Elbouchikhi's deposition.
`In the middle of the deposition, Google's
`counsel said there was one spreadsheet which Mr. Elbouchikhi
`was prepared on and did not even identify the spreadsheet
`for Arendi's counsel. If Google will actually intending for
`understood that an agreement to testify about financial
`Mr. Elbouchikhi to testify about the unit sales of Google's
`documents does not exclude testimony about unit sales.
`accused applications or about a spreadsheet that presents
`The second thing Google says in its letter is
`that information, they should have told Arendi before the
`that five other witnesses could have provided unit sales
`deposition in clear terms so Arendi could have prepared to
`information if only Arendi had asked them. There are two
`ask questions, not in the middle of a deposition.
`problems with that argument.
`The same is true for Mr. Toki. Google says at
`First, Google did not designate those witnesses
`the outset of his deposition that he was prepared to testify
`on topics 1 through 6. Those five witnesses were all
`regarding "methods relating to testing and usage of Linkify,
`designated on a variety of technical and marketing topics.
`Smart Tech Selection and Smart Linkify." That is again not
`It also makes no sense for Google to put up a
`a statement that Mr. Toki was ready to testify about unit
`witness on topics 1 through 6 which are the actual topics
`sales of the accused applications like Gmail and Chrome.
`related to the sales and use of the accused products and
`Testimony about the usage of Linkify is totally different
`then argue that that wasn't the right witness to testify
`from testifying to a number of the units of the accused
`about unit sales.
`applications that Google has distributed and, again, it came
`Second, Google sliced and diced its 30(b)(6)
`during the deposition.
`witnesses so that each one is only testifying as to a
`Google's whole defense to this motion is
`specific accused product or functionality. This is shown in
`literally the argument that it was hiding the ball among
`Exhibit C to Google's letter, which is an e-mail that
`various technical witnesses and Arendi never found it.
`Google's counsel sent to Arendi. Google designated each
`There's no reason why Google should not be compelled to
`witness on narrow slices of the topics.
`present a witness on the unit sales of the accused
`For example, Syed Albiz, who is one of the
`applications. It's highly relevant information. There's
`witnesses Google says Arendi should have asked for detailed
`no apparent burden to doing it. Google has already agreed
`information, was designated to testify only on "the
`in response to this motion to present a witness about the
`functionality of WinView and Smart Tech Selection in
`connection with the Gmail, web and mobile application."
`unit sales information it is producing to the accused
`3 of 10 sheets
`Page 6 to 9 of 21
`12/09/2019 08:25:34 PM


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`devices. It should simply prepare that same witness to
`testify about the number of units at issue for the accused
`application. Thank you.
`THE COURT: All right. Mr. Diehl, is the relief
`you're seeking limited to a witness on topic 5 or is it now
`topics 1 through 6 or is it something different, i.e., unit
`sales of the application?
`MR. DIEHL: Yes. It's really unit sales of the
`application. Topic 5 is a topic that specifically goes to
`that issue, so really we would say it is topic 5 that we're
`I referenced topics 1 through 6 because
`Mr. Marri was put up on those topics, but topic 5 is the one
`that goes to the amount of sales and use of the accused
`products, and what we're really looking for is numbers that
`go to that and unit sales or proxy for them, such as
`downloads or installations or the number of users for the
`accused applications.
`THE COURT: All right. So if I were persuaded
`by you to grant the relief you're seeking, is it anything
`more than hold Google to what they've represented they'll
`give you this week and, further, prepare a witness to give
`testimony on topic 5 with respect to the accused
`application? Is it something more than that?
`MR. DIEHL: No. That was it.
`Within each of those witnesses, we believe that
`the topics that those witnesses were designated for covered
`the use of the various applications, and we think that was
`very clear within the topics themselves and also express
`statements that were made during the deposition as
`particular witnesses were prepared to testify regarding
`particular spreadsheets.
`So just for instance, there are topics, for
`example, topic number 25, which we cite in our letter, which
`asks for all accused products that were sold since 2010, the
`extent to which the customers use any of the functionality
`depicted in plaintiff's infringement contentions. To us,
`that's very clear that that is talking about usage
`information with respect to the accused products.
`Mr. Brahim Elbouchikhi was designated on topic
`number 25.
`THE COURT: All right. Mr. Peterman,
`Mr. Peterman, we may be able to shortcut this. Do you agree
`that Mr. Marri is the only witness that you put up expressly
`to testify about topic 5?
`MR. PETERMAN: Mr. Marri was the only witness
`expressly to talk about topic 5.
`THE COURT: Hold on.
`MR. PETERMAN: We believe that portions --
`THE COURT: Hold on, hold on. Do you agree
`THE COURT: Okay. All right. So let me hear
`from Google.
`MR. PETERMAN: Thank you, Your Honor. It's Chad
`Peterman on behalf of Paul Hastings on behalf of Google.
`Just responding to a number of points that Mr.
`Diehl made, we produced the spreadsheets as best as we
`could, which included our numbers regarding installation and
`download of Google applications, a number of users of Google
`There's no such, you know, metric, no such
`document which covers unit sales for Google applications
`because our applications are not sold. They are given away
`for free.
`The spreadsheets were produced in September.
`They were -- we believe that they're self-explanatory. When
`Mr. Marri was offered as a deponent, he wasn't offered to
`cover all of the spreadsheets that were downloaded and other
`The way that Google is organized is that all of
`the different divisions, different apps, they are very, you
`know, spread out. You know, no one person is going to know
`what's happening in Gmail as well as all of the other
`applications, so that's why we had to produce multiple
`witnesses for topics regarding use and all of the different
`12/09/2019 08:25:34 PM
`MR. PETERMAN: So topic number 5 is not clear.
`THE COURT: All right. If I think that what
`they are now calling unit sales is within the scope of topic
`5, it may also be within the scope of other topics, but I
`guess the question is, what is unreasonable or that I should
`find unpersuasive about a party relying on the witness who
`was designated for a particular topic to be the source for
`the responsive information on that topic, even if there may
`be other witnesses designated on other topics that overlap?
`I mean, what's unreasonable -- absent clear notice to the
`contrary from you, what's unreasonable about, you know,
`expecting they would get this information responsive to
`topic 5 from the witness and the only witness you designated
`on topic 5?
`Page 10 to 13 of 21
`that topic 5 covers the unit sales for which a proxy may
`well be downloads or installations, unit sales of the
`MR. PETERMAN: Yes. I don't see unit sales
`within the scope of topic 5. It's sales, use,
`subscriptions. This concept of unit sales is something that
`Arendi, you know, brought up at the deposition. It's not in
`any of the topics expressly. They use use. Use is also
`included within several other topics, including topic 24 and
`25, 31.
`4 of 10 sheets


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 517-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 17 of 18 PageID #: 52415
`MR. PETERMAN: Your Honor, with respect to topic
`5, we are very clear in limiting the testimony that the
`witness was going to testify about. We made it very clear
`within the objections that the witness would testify
`generally about Google financial documents relating to the
`accused products. That witness testified regarding
`financial documents, regarding revenues.
`Now Arendi is making an argument that a
`spreadsheet regarding downloads and installations somehow
`fits within the definition of financial documents, and
`that's not something we agree with and, you know, something
`that we actually dispute directly.
`There were other witnesses who were specifically
`on the record identified as being prepared to talk about the
`spreadsheet that Arendi now complains about. Mr.
`Elbouchikhi was specifically identified during his
`deposition that he was prepared to talk about installs and
`downloads of the accused apps. The normal course of things
`is that Arendi would have been asked questions regarding Mr.
`Elbouchikhi regarding that spreadsheet because he was -- he
`was designated on topic 24, for instance, which included use
`of the accused apps.
`The same thing with Mr. Toki. Mr. Toki at the
`very beginning of his deposition, there was an express
`statement on page 6 saying that he's here to testify
`Just with respect to topic 5, we were very
`narrow in what we agreed to produce the witness for, and
`that was on financial documents relating to the accused
`products. There was no -- Arendi didn't raise any issue
`with the scope of what we were producing the witness for
`prior to the deposition. When we were at the deposition,
`they started asking about the spreadsheets, which were not
`financial documents.
`So we believe that Mr. Marri, who was designated
`on topic 5, testified to the full scope of what we said he
`was going to be testifying to, and that is how the witnesses
`covered the usage and download, installation information.
`With respect to the second question that Your
`Honor had, I don't believe that we're actually going to be
`able to prepare this witness to testify regarding all of
`these disparate topics. I mean, it's something we can
`certainly try to do, but the knowledge within Google is
`really just spread out amongst a variety of different, a
`variety of different witnesses, and so it's very difficult
`to testify, it's very difficult to prepare one witness to
`testify regarding apps, you know, that are housed in a
`variety of different centers within Google. And so that's
`one of the reasons that we had to provide so many witnesses
`to Arendi in the first place, and, you know, why we tried to
`take care of making sure that each of those witnesses was
`prepared to testify and, in fact, you know, mentioned on the
`record that they were prepared to testify regarding these
`different, these different spreadsheets.
`So we think Arendi had the opportunity to ask
`questions about the spreadsheets when those witnesses
`specifically said they were prepared to testify regarding
`those spreadsheets. And these were all after -- all but one
`was after the deposition of Mr. Marri.
`So if Arendi didn't believe that they got the
`information that they needed to get from Mr. Marri, they had
`ample express opportunity to get this information from these
`other witnesses as we cited in our letter.
`THE COURT: Is your burden argument in your
`5 of 10 sheets
`regarding the metrics relating to the testing and usage of
`the Linkify. You know, that as we understand it is, you
`know, the sales, you know, units, you know, data that Arendi
`is now looking for.
`So we think that Arendi was just very deficient
`when there were express statements made during the
`deposition that these witnesses were prepared to testify
`regarding these spreadsheets.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. PETERMAN: This was after --
`THE COURT: Let me stop you. I guess I'm not
`clearly understanding where the deficiency is. I can see
`maybe there was a reasonable disagreement, but if topic 5
`includes the information that they're now asking for a
`witness for and you disclosed only one witness to testify
`about topic 5, it's hard for me to see what per se or in
`this case is deficient about them seeking that information
`only from the witness you designated for that topic.
`And I will give you one more chance to address
`that, but I guess the other question that follows is: At
`this point when you've agreed to prepare a witness I guess
`on the accused products, why shouldn't I go ahead and order
`you to prepare a witness, perhaps the same one, on the
`accused apps as well?
`MR. PETERMAN: I will take the first question
`Page 14 to 17 of 21
`MR. PETERMAN: We have not -- we didn't make a
`burden argument in the letter, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. Anything else you want to
`add, Mr. Peterman?
`MR. PETERMAN: No, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right. Mr. Diehl, do you want
`to respond to anything?
`MR. DIEHL: Yes. I will just take a quick
`In response to topic 5, Google never identified
`12/09/2019 08:25:34 PM


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 517-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 18 of 18 PageID #: 52416
`any specific financial documents that they limited his
`testimony to, and the spreadsheets that Mr. Peterman
`referenced that shares download installation information
`were produced in the same production of 35 files that had
`substantial documents. Arendi had no way of knowing that
`those were not documents that Google considered to be
`financial documents it would testify on and it clearly put
`Mr. Marri up on topic 5, which goes to the amount of sales
`and use of the products.
`The other topics that the technical and
`marketing witnesses were designated on, Mr. Peterman
`referenced topics 24 and 25, do not go to units or overall
`use of the accused products or applications. They are much
`more specific.
`Topic 25 specifically goes to the extent to
`which your customers use any of the functionality depicted
`or described in plaintiff's supplemental infringement
`contentions. That is about use of the actual infringing
`functionality, not how many units that the products are out

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