Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 1 of 142 PageID #: 30478
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 2 of 142 PageID #: 30479
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 2 of 142 PageID #: 30479
`You’re in charge of creating a procedures manual for your company,
`an employee handbook, let’s say. You need to make sure the manual
`is universally accessible and always up—to-date. Also, you want to
`let users browse through and retrieve information quickly. Finally,
`you’d like to include color and graphics, but you don’t want to pay
`higher printing costs.
`The solution: Create an online manual and move it to a network
`server. This topic describes how to set up the manual’s structure and
`Move your employee handbook to a network server so that employees in
`any group or location can access an up-to-date version of the handbook.
`Key Features
`2% Styles
`Online Layout View
`Document Map
`Chapter 3
`MS 114154
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 417
`Employee Handbook
`Chapter 1
`Chapter 2
`Network sewer


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 3 of 142 PageID #: 30480
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 3 of 142 PagelD #: 30480
`Part 8 Exchange Information with Others
`Create an Easy—to-Read Design
`You want to design an online manual that’s easy to read and easy to
`scan. Start by creating a document that sets up the fonts, colors,
`white space, and other elements you’ll need.
`ew button
`Click the New button. Type some sample headings and body text,
`and then format them as shown in the following illustration.
`To standardize headings, apply built-in heading styles: Select a heading, and
`then click a heading style in the Style box. Repeat for the other headings.
`Heading 3
`Heading 2
`body text.
`Change the text design of a built-in style: Select a heading or body text paragraph,
`format it the way you want, click the Style box, press ENTER, and then click OK when
`prompted to update the style to reflect recent changes.
`= ‘
`Save your document Click Save As (File menu), and then name the
`Want to use a colored background in your online manual? Click
`Background (Format menu), and then click the background you want.
`MS 114155
`418 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 4 of 142 PageID #: 30481
`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 4 of 142 PagelD #: 30481
`Create an Online Manual
`What Makes a Design Easy to Head?
`To improve the legibility of on-screen text, use large and plain
`fonts, maximize the contrast between text and the background
`color, and use white space generously.
`effect you want.
`To highlight important information, increase the font size,
`indent the text, or emphasize it with underlining or color. You
`can even use animated text effects, such as a blinking
`background or text that sparkles. To add animated text effects,
`click Font (Format menu). On the Animation tab, click the
`Want to know more? Look up Getting Results - Online Manual in Help.
`Office Assistant button
`MS 1 1 41 56
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 419


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 5 of 142 PageID #: 30482
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 5 of 142 PagelD #: 30482
`Part 8 Exchange Information with Others
`What View Should Online Readers Use?
`While users can read documents in normal View or page layout
`View, the best View for reading online is online layout view (View
`Why? Because of increased legibility through larger fonts and more
`space between lines. Online layout View also hides screen elements
`(such as the ruler and horizontal scroll bar) that aren’t critical for
`online reading. It also offers the Document Map, which displays an
`outline of the document headings.
`/——4—:\ The Document Map displays an outline of the headings in your manual.
`E m ponee Ha nd book
`“"V' '"f‘ ”'"h lntrod uctlon
`Welcome to our company. As an employee here, you have the
`opportunity to share in the excitement of shaping the future
`success of our company. We know you will find your work here
`challenging and rewarding, and we believe your contribution will
`be meaningful—one that will give you real satisfaction.
`. CorporateMissien,
`Users can navigate within the manual
`quickly by clicking the title of the
`section that they want to read.
`It a title isn’t completely displayed, all a
`user has lo do '3 pornt to the tllle, and
`a ScreenTip displays the fun title.
`About this Handbook
`This handbook describes our company's general personnel
`guidelines and employee benefits plans. It is divided into the .
`major sections to make it easy for you to find the information
`you need.
`-’5 Recommend that online readers remove toolbars Since online readers
`a ' won’t be editing the manual, you might want to recommend that they
`remove toolbars and the status bar to clear more screen space. To do so,
`tell users to click Toolbars (View menu) and then to click the toolbars with
`check marks.
`Hands-Free Reading
`If online readers with Word for Windows have the Microsoft
`the AutoScroll feature.
`IntelliMouse pointing device, you might want to point out that
`they can use the device to automatically scroll at reading
`speed. All readers need to do is click the wheel button to start
`420 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
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`MS 114157


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 6 of 142 PageID #: 30483
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 6 of 142 PagelD #: 30483
`Create an Online Manual
`To Outline or Not to Outline?
`After you start writing your manual, you may want to switch to
`outline View. It provides a quick way to organize your manual, and
`also creates the Document Map for your manual automatically. To
`switch to outline View, click Outline (View menu).
`Click here to promote a heading (make it a higher heading level).
`Click here to demote a heading (make it a lower heading level).
`Click here to demote a heading to body text.
`° E m p onee H a n d boo k
`9 Introduction
`0 Guidelines and Policies
`= Employee Activities and
`= Security, Safety, and Health
`0 Benefits
`Use buttons on the Outlining toolbar
`to collapse, expand, and rearrange
`headings and text.
`All headings in your outline will appear
`m the Document Map.
`=- Savings and Stock Plans
`= Health Care
`9 Even if you don’t outline, you can still have a Document Map Just
`: ‘
`apply heading styles (Heading 1, Heading 2, and so on) to your headings.
`You can use built-in heading styles or your own custom heading styles. For
`more information on custom heading styles, see "Reuse Your Custom
`Formatting,” page 144.
`Change to normal view for speedier writing and editing Click Normal
`(View menu).
`MS 114158
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 421


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 7 of 142 PageID #: 30484
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 7 of 142 PagelD #: 30484
`Part 8 Exchange Information with Others
`Want to Keep Different Versions of Your Manual?
`As you develop your manual, you may have different ideas
`about how to organize it, or even about what content to
`include. Instead of saving different versions of your manual as
`separate documents, you can save different versions of your
`manual in the same document file.
`comment in the Save Version dialog box.
`Click Versions (File menu), and then click Save Now. To give
`a brief description of which version you’re saving, type a
`Want to know more? Look up Getting Results - Online Manual in Help.
`Office Assistant button
`422 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`., .
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`MS 114159


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 8 of 142 PageID #: 30485
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 8 of 142 PagelD #: 30485
`Create an Online Manual
`For Easy Navigation, Create Hyperlinks
`After you finish writing, the next step is to add hyperlinks, which
`allow a user to jump from one place in the manual to another.
`While the Document Map allows users to jump to the headings in
`your document, it’s also a good idea to add hyperlinks to the text, so
`users can jump to related sections and to other relevant documents.
`For example, the section on savings and stock plans might include a
`hyperlink to another document that provides current stock prices.
`For more information on creating hyperlinks see “Office and the
`Web,” page 442.
`Copy a heading or text in your manual
`Securi Guidelins insert the hyperlink text. Click
`then click where you want to
`Paste as Hyperlink (Edit menu).
`Like any company its size, we ve adopted certain work rules for all
`employees, These rules are bas- on comxnon~sense guidelines, basic work
`ethics, employees’ safety, and r pect for others.
`Security, Safety, an a Health .
`The Safety Committee’s primar-
`responsibilities are to review accident and
`injury reports, make recommen tions for corrective actions to prevent
`recurrences, suggest enhancem ts to the company’s accident-prevention
`program, and to make other hea
`and safety recommendations that will assist
`our company in maintaining a s e and healthful work environment.
`When users point to the heading or text, the pointer becomes a hand, indicating a hyperlink.
`MS 114160
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 423
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 9 of 142 PageID #: 30486
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 9 of 142 PagelD #: 30486
`Part 8 Exchange Information with Others
`9 The Paste as Hyperlink command isn’t available Make sure that the
`a ‘
`document that you are copying from has been saved.
`Want cross-references to be hyperlinks? Just click Cross-reference
`(Insert menu). By default, all cross-references in the same document will be
`hyperlinks. Online readers will be able to jump to headings, page numbers,
`numbered paragraphs, table or figure references, or whatever you insert as
`a cross-reference.
`Add graphics Word comes with a variety of clip art that you can use to
`make your manual more interesting. You can even create your own
`graphics with tools on the Drawing toolbar. For more information, see “Get
`Your Point Across with Graphics,” page 159.
`Want to know more? Look up Getting Results - Online Manual in Help.
`Office Assistant button
`424 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114161
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 10 of 142 PageID #: 30487
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 10 of 142 PagelD #: 30487
`Save Your Document and Protect It from Changes
`To make sure that your document is not changed by online readers,
`protect it by requiring a password to modify the document.
`Click Save As (File menu), and then click Options. On the Save
`tab, type a password in the Password to modify box.
`Create an Online Manual
`To allow online readers to open your
`manual but not make changes, use
`this option.
`open it as read-only.
`When online readers open your manual.
`they see a dialog box prompting them to
`-9 Move a copy of your manual to a network server Send e-mail to
`a '
`employees to let them know the location of the manual. In your message,
`you might also want to strongly recommend that they read the manual in
`online layout view and that they remove toolbars.
`Move the Online Manual to Your Intranet?
`a Web Page with Word,” page 458.
`If your company has an intranet, you might want to think
`about converting your online manual to a Web page. For more
`information, see “Office and the Web,” page 442, and “Create
`MS 114162
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 425


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 11 of 142 PageID #: 30488
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 11 of 142 PageID #: 30488
`Part 8 Exchange Information with Others
`Next Steps
`Use your online manual as a
`template for other online manuals
`“About Creating and Opening
`Documents and Databases,” page 48
`Distribute the manual on your
`internal Web
`“Office and the Web,” page 442
`Create a simple schedule that
`includes topic names, authors,
`current status, and future milestones
`Schedule team meetings and track
`other tasks and appointments
`“Create a Business Contact List in
`Microsoft Excel,” page 353
`“Schedule an Appointment,”
`page 383, “Keep a Task List,”
`page 391
`Modify the manual’s formats, such
`as fonts, line spacing, and margins
`Solicit feedback on individual
`“Make Your Word Document Look
`Great,” page 127
`“Have Your Team Review a Word
`topics or on the entire manual
`Document,” page 406
`426 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114163
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 12 of 142 PageID #: 30489
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 12 of 142 PagelD #: 30489
`An order entry database is likely to be used by people throughout
`your company. For example, one person may enter an order taken
`over the phone, another may fill the order from inventory, someone
`else may pack and ship the order, and another person may check on
`order status for the customer. With the Microsoft Access Database
`Wizard, you can easily create a multiuser database that serves all of
`these needs.
`Key Features
`Database Wizard
`Muitiuser Options
`To complete the steps in this topic you need to have Microsoft Office,
`Professional Edition or an individual copy of Microsoft Access installed.
`Ms 114164
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 427
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 13 of 142 PageID #: 30490
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 13 of 142 PageID #: 30490
`‘Part 8 Exchange Information with Others
`Create an Order Entry Database
`If you need to track sales activity, you can use Microsoft Access to
`quickly set up a database to enter sales data and store information
`about your products, customers, and company. In the database
`window, click New Database (File menu). On the Databases tab,
`double—click Order Entry to start the Database Wizard. Follow the
`instructions in the wizard.
`When the Database Wizard creates your database, it creates a
`switchboard, a form that you use to open the database’s forms,
`tables, and reports.
`The Database Wizard creates everything you need to enter orders and search your database.
`the switchboard.
`Ciick here to open forms and reports
`to track company information,
`shipping. and payments.
`Click here to change items on
`428 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114165
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 14 of 142 PageID #: 30491
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 14 of 142 PagelD #: 30491
`Track Orders in a Shared Database
`‘9 Help your co-workers get started on tracking orders You can choose
`to have the Database Wizard include sample data when it creates your
`database. Your co-workers can view the sample data and replace the
`entries with their own data.
`Want to set up other types of business databases? Use the Database
`Wizard to create many business and personal databases, including
`databases for asset tracking, event management, and resource scheduling.
`Protect your database with a password Click Security (Tools menu),
`and then click Set Database Password. Type a password when prompted.
`When you or your co-workers attempt to open the database, Microsoft
`Access will ask for the password.
`Want to see all the components that make up your database? Click
`the Database Window button to see your forms, reports, tables, queries
`and modules.
`Database Window button
`Want to know more? Look up Getting Results - Track Orders in Help.
`Office Assistant button
`MS 114166
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 429


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 15 of 142 PageID #: 30492
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 15 of 142 PagelD #: 30492
`Part 8 Exchange Information with Others
`Share Your Order Entry Database
`After the Database Wizard creates a complete order entry database,
`you can use Windows Explorer to copy or move the file to a
`network location where everyone can open it.
`When you place the database on a network, your co-workers can use
`the switchboard to open its forms and reports. You can work with
`order prices, dates, and other important information by using Orders
`by Customer, the primary order entry form. To use this form, click
`Enter/View Orders by Customer.
`Multiple users can enter data at the same time when working in
`forms. Microsoft Access saves changes every time a user presses
`SHIFT+ENTER or moves to the next record.
`The Unsaved Record Indicator symbol shows that you are editing this record.
`the latest status.
`Several users can create new orders
`simultaneously, while other users view
`430 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114167
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 16 of 142 PageID #: 30493
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 16 of 142 PagelD #: 30493
`‘9 Prevent others from making changes to a record you are working in
`-: ‘ Click Options (Tools menu). On the Advanced tab, click Edited Record.
`Does someone else need to edit while you are? Microsoft Access will
`notify you and give you choices about how to proceed.
`View the most up-to-date changes to records Click Refresh (Records
`Do some users just look at orders and never make changes? These
`users can open the file in the read-only state. To open a database in read-
`only state, click the Open Database button and then click the database.
`Click the Commands and Settings button, and then click Open Read
`Is your database slow? You can improve performance and make a
`database easier to maintain by dividing it into two files: one that contains
`your data and another that contains the queries, iorms, reports, macros,
`and modules that you need. Click Add-Ins (Tools menu), and then click
`Database Splitter.
`Track Orders in a Shared Database
`:99" Database
`Commands and
`ettmgs bum“
`When You Need to Modify a Database, Open It in
`Exclusive Mode
`Making design enhancements while others are sharing a
`database can be confusing to your users. For example, if other
`users are sharing the database and you start making changes to
`table designs, the other users cannot use the data stored in the
`tables you’re modifying. If other users have opened tables,
`you can’t modify them.
`Then select and open the database you want to work in.
`You can prevent others from using a database while you make
`changes. First, make sure no one else is using the database.
`Click Open Database (File menu), and then select the
`Exclusive check box in the Open dialog box that appears.
`MS 114168
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 431
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 17 of 142 PageID #: 30494
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 17 of 142 PagelD #: 30494
`Part 8 Exchange Information with Others
`Use Data from Other Applications or Databases
`Microsoft Access makes it easy to work with data
`from elsewhere on your network.
`Move data permanently into your database by
`pasting or impeding You can move several
`different types of data into Microsoft Access. For
`example, you can move data that is stored as text,
`in a supported database format, or as a Microsoft
`Excel list. Microsoft Access wizards can help you
`import data. To import external data into your
`database, click Get External Data (File menu),
`and then click Import. To create a link to external
`data, click Get External Data, and then click
`Link Tables.
`List in Paradox
`View and update data stored in another application
`by creating links What if you want to work with
`data stored and maintained in a different
`application or in another database, such as
`Paradox? Create a link to your Microsoft Access
`database from a table in a supported database
`format. Users can then view and update the linked
`data, just as they View and update data stored in
`Microsoft Access. The changes are saved and
`stored in the original application’s file, so that
`users who work with the data using the original
`application can continue to do so.
`Customers table
`Microsolt Access database
`Next Steps
` See
`Learn more about using forms for
`data entry
`“Use Your First Microsoft Access
`Database," page 104
`Move Microsoft Excel data into
`“Move a Product List into Microsoft
`Microsoft Access
`Access,” page 493
`432 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114169
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 18 of 142 PageID #: 30495
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 18 of 142 PageID #: 30495
`Outlook to Share Folders
`uppose that you maintain a group calendar. You’re constantly
`Key Features
`4 dating your co-workers about meetings, events, and other
`associated information stored in the calendar. Instead of using your ® Public Folders
`private folders, you can share this information easily by using a
`Setting Permissions
`public folder. Public folders are Outlook folders that are posted to a
`network. You can add any Outlook item, Office document, or other
`file to a public folder. You can assign levels of permission to a
`public folder so that you determine the users who can read, edit, and
`add information to the folder.
`Offline Folders
`To use public folders, you need Microsoft Exchange and permission to
`read items in a folder. See your network administrator for permission to
`create or add information to a public folder.
`MS 114170
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 433
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 19 of 142 PageID #: 30496
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 19 of 142 PagelD #: 30496
`Part 8 Exchange Information with Others
`Check Permissions Granted for a Public Folder
`You created a group calendar for the Inspired Technologies
`conference, and now you want to add the calendar folder to a public
`folder. Start by checking the properties of the public folder to see if
`you have the correct permission level.
`To check the permissions set for a public folder, click the Folder
`List button and then navigate to the public folder. Select the Public
`Folders folder, and then click Properties for folder name (File
`menu, Folder submenu).
`Folder List button
`Your role as Publishing Author lets you create and read
`items in the public folder, create subfolders, and edit and
`delete items you create.
`Click here to see a list of network
`administrators and the owner of
`the public folder.
`folder is displayed here.
`Your level of access to the public
`434 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114171
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 20 of 142 PageID #: 30497
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 20 of 142 PagelD #: 30497
`Use Outlook to Share Folders
`-9 Set access levels for other users Only the owner can set permissions
`: '
`for a public folder. However, if you have Publishing Editor or Publishing
`Author privileges for a public folder, you can create a subfolder and, as the
`owner of that subfolder, set levels of permission for other users.
`Create a Shortcut to a public folder You can add a Shortcut to the public
`folder. Right-click the public folder you want to add to the Outlook Bar, and
`then click Add to Outlook Bar.
`Want to know more? Look up Getting Results - Share Folders in Help.
`Office Assistant button
`MS 114172
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 435
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 21 of 142 PageID #: 30498
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 21 of 142 PagelD #: 30498
`Part 8 Exchange Information with Others
`Add a Calendar to the Public Folder
`NOW you’re ready to coPy the conference calendar to the public
`folder. In the folder list, right-click the folder you want to add to the
`public folder.
`Click Copy folder name
`IEE'l-g- Mai -ox - Kylie Hansen
`then click the public folder
`you want.
`Public Folders
`ENE Favorites
`[3% Inspired Technologies Conference :
`Shared contacts
` .
`-----(é Shared documents
`Shared ioumal
`-----@ Shared notes
`(E Shared posts
`~~~~~Q Shared tasks
`-9 Notify other users about the public folder You can send a shortcut to a
`public folder to other users in an e—mail message. Create a new message,
`and then drag the public folder into the body of the message.
`Copy information from the public calendar to your private calendar
`To copy an appointment or event to your personal calendar, open the
`appointment or event and then click Copy to Personal Calendar
`(Appointment menu).
`instead of copying a private
`Create a new folder within a public folder
`folder, right-click the public folder and then click Create Subfolder to create
`a new folder. You must have permission to create subfolders within a public
`436 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114173
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 22 of 142 PageID #: 30499
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`Use Outlook to Share Folders
`Start an Online Discussion
`One of the speakers has submitted a paper for the conference and
`you’d like input from the rest of the team. You can use a public
`folder as a bulletin board so that members of the group can discuss
`the paper online. You must have permission to create items in order
`to post information to a public folder. Other members of the team
`need permission to read and post items to the folder.
`Open the public folder you want to post to, and then click New Post
`in This Folder (Compose menu). After the item is posted, your co—
`workers can read and respond to the information.
`CW hereto add the item
`to the public folder.
`A respondent can click Post Reply in the
`item to add the response to the folder so
`that others can read it.
`someone else. ete Wilson session paper
`Click Reply to send your
`response directly to the
`originator of the post, or
`click Forward to send it to
`'d appreciate your input.
`MS 114174
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 437
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 23 of 142 PageID #: 30500
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 23 of 142 PagelD #: 30500
`Part 8 Exchange Information with Others
`-‘ ' . Create a bulletin board You must have permission to create subfolders
`Q- within a public folder. Right-click the public folder, and then click Create
`Subfolder. In the Create New Folder dialog box, click the Folder contains
`arrow, and then click Mail Items.
`Sort posted information Suppose the public folder contains posts about
`more than one session paper. You can click By Conversation Topic in the
`Current view box to sort posted information by conversation topic. Then
`open a post, click Next (View menu), and then select a navigation option to
`scroll through the responses in that group.
`If you have owner
`Organize how items are posted to a public folder
`privileges, you can set rules to process new items posted to a public folder.
`For example, you can create a rule that sorts posted information by subject.
`Right-click the public folder, and then click Properties.
`Want to know more? Look up Getting Results - Share Folders in Help.
`Office Assistant button
`438 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114175
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 24 of 142 PageID #: 30501
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 24 of 142 PageID #: 30501
`Use Outlook to Share Folders
`Update a Public Folder When You’re Out of the Office
`If you use a computer when you’re away from the
`office, you can still share information in a public
`folder if you create an ofiline folder on your
`remote computer. Offline folders make it possible
`to copy a public folder from a server location,
`update and modify the contents, and then update
`the public folder, all from a remote location. For
`example, you can use offline folders to send and
`retrleve e-mail messages.
`Open the public folder you want to use offline.
`Click Add to Public Folder Favorites (File
`menu, Folder submenu). Open the Favorites
`folder in the public folder list, right-click the
`public folder you want, and then click Properties.
`On the Synchronization tab, click When offline
`or online. Follow the instructions that appear on
`the screen to create an offline folder on your hard
`When you’re ready to update the server folder,
`connect to Microsoft Exchange and then open the
`folder in Outlook. Click This Folder (Tools
`menu, Synchronize submenu).
`Next Steps
`Learn more about public folders
`Create custom views in folders
`Microsoft Office 97 Resource Kit,
`Microsoft Press
`Building Microsoft Outlook 97
`Applications, Microsoft Press
`“Customize the Way You Display
`Information,” page 366
`MS 114176
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 439


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 25 of 142 PageID #: 30502
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 25 of 142 PageID #: 30502
`Use Office on the World Wide Web
`Office and the Web 442
`Publish Microsoft Excel Tables and Charts on the Web 448
`Create a Web Presentation with PowerPoint 452
`Open Web Addresses from Outlook 470
`Create a Web Page with Word 458
`Use Microsoft Access to Retrieve and Publish Data 464
`Ms 114177
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 441


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 26 of 142 PageID #: 30503
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-7 Filed 03/10/21 Page 26 of 142 PagelD #: 30503
`Suppose you have product specifications written with Microsoft
`Key Features
`Word that you want to share with your team, upper management,
`engineering, and other product teams. And you also have Microsoft Q Hyperlinks
`PowerPoint slide presentations, a cost analysis done in Microsoft
`Web Toolbar
`Excel, and sales summaries done in Microsoft Access. You can
`share information with many people (who do not all share the same
`applications) by adding hyperlinks to your files. If not everyone in
`your audience has all the Office applications, they can still jump to
`most files they need and View Microsoft Excel, Word, and
`PowerPoint files by using the special viewers with these
`When you add hyperlinks to your Office files, onli

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