Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 1 of 142 PageID #: 30336
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 2 of 142 PagelD #: 30337
`Part 4 Show Data in Charts and Maps
`Create the Chart and Design the Form
`After you specify the size and location of the chart on the form, the
`Chart Wizard starts. Select ProductName and ProductSales from
`the Product Sales query in the database. Then, follow the
`instructions in the wizard to create the chart. When the wizard is
`finished, it automatically displays the form, with the chart, in form
`design view. While in this View, you can adjust the layout of the
`form by resizing and moving controls. For more information, see
`“Adjust the Form’s Layout,” page 500. When you’re satisfied with
`the layout of the form, click Form View (View menu).
`While in form design view, you can adjust the size and position of the chart and other controls on the form.
`, ‘mrmwmi:5: ,WW
`—_tnits{En Gide: ~‘
`“9 Want to make changes to your chart? If you're not already in form
`design view, click Design View (View menu). Double-click the chart to edit
`and format it. For more information, see “Customize the Look of a Chart,”
`page 276.
`274 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114013


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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 3 of 142 PageID #: 30338
`Create a Chart from a Database
`Create a Chart Report
`Use Microsoft Access to create a chart that
`retrieves information from many records in your
`database, instead of creating a link from the chart
`to the current record on a single form or report.
`For example, you can create a chart that displays
`annual sales for all products, which you can then
`add to a form or report. The information in this
`kind of chart is updated all at once, whenever you
`view the form or run the report.
`To see the chart, preview the report When the
`Chart Wizard is finished, click the Print Preview
`button to see the report.
`Print Preview button
`In the database window,
`Create a new chart report
`on the Reports tab, click New. Select the table or
`query that contains the data to chart, double-click
`Chart Wizard, and then follow the instructions in
`the wizard.
`Add the chart report to your application If you set
`up your database as an application, you can make
`the chart easy for users to access by adding it to
`your main SWitChboard For more information, see
`“Turn Your Inventory Database into an
`Application,” page 519
`Next Steps
`Refine the layout of a chart
`“Customize the Look of a Chart,”
`page 276
`Use a chart in another document
`“Add a Chart to a Document or
`Presentation,” page 266
`MS 114014
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 275


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 4 of 142 PageID #: 30339
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 4 of 142 PagelD #: 30339
` tomize the Look of a Chart
`6 Items in a Chart
`There are many ways you can format a chart to get the look you ——_——-
`want. Each component of the chart has characteristics you can alter,
`Key Features
`such as color, pattern, line style, text or number appearance, and
`Formatting Selected Chart Items
`placement. To see a dialog box with the formatting options available
`for a chart component, double—click the component.
`Formatting 3-D View
`Charts with custom formatting
`Westam Canada
`District Sales Pruidcu'ons
`ct Vancouver I Edmonton
`When you want to work with a chart make charting commands and
`toolbar buttons available: In Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, or
`Microsoft Access, double-click the chart object. The border changes to a
`thick. patterned line when a chart is active. To work with a chart in Microsoft
`Excel, click an item on an inserted chart, or click a sheet tab to move to a
`chart sheet in a workbook. For more information, see “Create a Chart from
`Worksheet Data,” page 260, “Add a Chart to a Document or Presentation,”
`page 266. and “Create a Chart from a Database,” page 272.
`276 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114015


`Western Canada
`Dism'ct Sales Pny'ech'ans
`_ ,,,, ‘ ' ‘
`i 5 Edmonton
`‘ uVancome:
`SE .033
`. . - ‘ '
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 5 of 142 PageID #: 30340
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 5 of 142 PagelD #: 30340
`Customize the Look of a Chart
`Change the Data Markers
`The graphic elements that indicate numeric values in a chart, such as
`lines, bars, columns, and pie slices, are data markers. To change the
`colors and patterns for one data series, double-click one of the data
`markers and then make changes on the Patterns tab of the Format
`Data Series dialog box. To change only one marker, after selecting
`the series, click again to select the individual marker. Then double—
`click the marker to display the Patterns tab of the Format Data
`Point dialog box.
`Data markers with solid colors
`Sales Prajaninns (or I998
`Weaam Canada District Sales Projections
`a pattern
`or pictures
`Canadian dollars
`If you are using Microsoft Graph to create your chart, use the
`Microsoft Graph Help menu to find additional information.
`MS 114016
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 277


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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 6 of 142 PagelD #: 30341
`Part 4 Show Data in Charts and Maps
`:9 Use both markers and lines The line and xy (scatter) chart types give
`: ‘
`you the option of displaying data markers connected by lines. When you
`double-click a data series, you can specify on the Patterns tab which one
`(or both) to display, and how you want them to look. For information on
`scatter charts, see “Display Scientific Data in a Chart,” page 595.
`Add picture markers For chart types in which data markers have a
`surface, such as column, area, and pie charts, double-click the data series
`or a single data marker where you want to use a picture. On the Patterns
`tab, click Fill Effects, click the Picture tab, and then click the Select
`Picture button to locate the picture file you want to use.
`Emphasize one slice of a pie or doughnut chart Click the chart, then
`click the slice, and drag it away from the rest of the pie or doughnut.
`Want to use a different kind of data marker? Change the chart type; for
`example, change columns to lines or pie slices. Click Chart Type (Chart
`menu), and then select the type you want.
`Combine Two-Dimensional Chart Types on One Chart
`You can mix chart types—for example, combine lines and
`columns in the same chart to show data clearly. Select an
`individual data series and apply a different chart type; only
`that series changes. You cannot combine three-dimensional
`charts with other chart types.
`9 Want to know more? Look up Getting Results - Customize a Chart in
`Office Assistant button
`278 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114017
`u»- M... ,............i.. ...., .... MN ”nus.“WWMWMNM


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 7 of 142 PageID #: 30342
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 7 of 142 PagelD #: 30342
`Customize the Look of a Chart
`Label the Data Markers
`Data labels are optional text or values, associated with data markers,
`that provide additional information. The information comes from the
`associated source data, for example, the value from the worksheet
`cell or the percentage of the whole that one marker represents.
`Add data labels To add labels to all markers in a chart, click Chart
`Options (Chart menu), and then select options on the Data Labels
`tab. To add labels to a particular data series, select it and then click
`Selected Data Series (Format menu). (In Microsoft Graph, the
`command name is Selected Object.) Select the type of label you
`want. To add labels to only one data point, select the individual
`marker for that data point.
`For Help on dialog box options
`click this button and then click
`the option.
`Modify data labels To change the font, number format, or other
`characteristics, double-click a label for a data series. The selections
`you make in the Format Data Labels dialog box apply to all labels
`for the series. To modify only one label, after selecting the labels for
`the series, click the individual label and then double-click it.
`Western Canada
`DEM Sales Pretentious
`Vertically aligned data
`label showing value
`Fiscal year
`- Vancouver D Edmonton
`1998 Sales Projections
`C1 Edmonton
`I Vancouver
`Data label showing text and percentage,
`with varied font style and size
`MS 114018
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 279
`,a-,..s...~.....m. “was. “mm“, W. .1..m....,...._.~.._..w .._.,.... m..- .........e .4...,.,._. ”W...


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 8 of 142 PageID #: 30343
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 8 of 142 PagelD #: 30343
`Part 4 Show Data in Charts and Maps
`:9 Edit data label text You can edit a data label by clicking it and then typing.
`: ‘ However, this breaks the link between the label and the source data. if you
`want to restore the link, double-click the data marker (not the label itself)
`and then select the Automatic Text check box on the Data Labels tab.
`Are data labels too long or awkwardly placed? You can move or rotate
`labels, or change the font. To move labels, select and drag them. Make
`other changes by double-clicking a label: Rotate labels by changing the
`alignment on the Alignment tab, and change the font on the Font tab.
`9 Want to know more? Look up Getting Results - Customize a Chart in
`Office Assistant button
`280 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114019


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`Customize the Look of a Chart
`Title the Chart and Its Axes
`To convey a chart’s purpose and clarify the kind of data it shows,
`add titles. If you did not include titles when you created the chart,
`you can add them at any time.
`Add titles Click Chart Options (Chart menu). On the Titles tab,
`type the titles you want. If you want a title to contain two lines, click
`the label after you add it to the chart and then press ENTER where
`you want the line break. You can select and format the two lines
`separately; for example, you can make the second line of text a
`smaller font size.
`Modify titles To edit title text, click it. To change the format of a
`title, double-Click its border and then make selections on the
`Patterns, Font, and Alignment tabs. You can move titles by
`dragging them, although their size is determined by the amount of
`text and by the font size.
`For Help on dialog box options
`click this button and then click
`the option,
`Value (y) axis title
`Chan title
`Western Canada
`Disfict Safes Projecfims
`The new Edmonton ’
`excellent potential
`Text box with arrow
`540 £170
`$35 .000
`Category (X) axis title
`Fiscal year
`Add an arrow or other graphic object Arrows are useful for pointing out
`important information or for connecting text to items in the chart. Ovals and
`rectangles can also add visual interest. Click Drawing (View menu,
`Toolbars submenu) to display a toolbar of buttons you can use to create
`arrows, rectangles, and other objects.
`Add other text to a chart When you want to add explanatory text that is
`not attached to a chart item, create a text box. Click the Text Box button on
`the Drawing toolbar. drag to where you want the text box, and then start
`Te“ 3“ bum”
`MS 114020
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 281
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 10 of 142 PageID #: 30345
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 10 of 142 PagelD #: 30345
`Part 4 Show Data in Charts and Maps
`Format the Axes and Gridlines
`The axes show the range of values, the categories, or, for some 3-D
`charts, the data series in a chart. You can change the color, line
`pattern, tick marks, and labels of an axis. You can also adjust the
`scale, or range of values, shown along the axis. Gridlines extend
`from an axis across the plot area, and may be turned on or off. You
`can also format their color and line style.
`Format an axis Double-click the axis to display the Format Axis
`dialog box. Then make the changes you want on the Patterns,
`Scale, Font, Number, and Alignment tabs. Axes are displayed by
`default, but if you want to hide them, click None on the Patterns
`Add and format gridlines Click Chart Options (Chart menu). On
`the Gridlines tab, specify the axes on which you want the gridlines
`to appear. To format a gridline, double-click it and then specify the
`look you want on the Patterns tab.
`Tick-mark labels shown as currency along axis
`For Help on dialog box options
`Click this button and then click
`the option.
`Dotted gridlines
`Western Canada
`District Sales Projections
`CIVancouver I Edmonton
`- $17,892 ...............
`$20 .950
`Fiscal year
`540 one
`$35 000
`$30 .000
`$25 .000
`$20 .003
`$1 5 .000
`$1 El .000
`$5 ,000
`Axis and tick marks formatted with thick, solid line
`282 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114021


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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 11 of 142 PagelD #: 30346
`Customize the Look of a Chart
`' . Are the category axis labels too long? The labels automatically rotate to
`3L fit the chart. To make adjustments, double-click the axis to display the
`Format Axis dialog box. Adjust the rotation of the labels on the Alignment
`tab, or change the font size on the Font tab. You can also display fewer
`labels: On the Scale tab, adjust the number of categories displayed.
`Add a secondary value axis When values for different data series vary
`widely, or when you have different types of values, such as price and
`volume, switch one or more data series to a secondary axis. Double-click
`the series, and then select the Secondary axis option on the Axis tab of
`the Format Data Series dialog box. Note that you cannot add a secondary
`axis to some chart types, including 3-D, bubble, and surface charts.
`- 9 Want to know more? Look up Getting Results - Customize a Chart in
`Office Assistant button
`MS 1 14022
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 283
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 12 of 142 PageID #: 30347
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 12 of 142 PagelD #: 30347
`Part 4 Show Data in Charts and Maps
`Format and Position the Legend
`The legend in a chart: identifies the data series. You can add a legend
`while creating the chart with the Chart Wizard, or add it later by
`clicking Chart Options (Chart menu) and then clicking the
`Legend tab. You can move the legend, change its shape and size,
`and format individual entries and keys within it. Changing an
`entry’s color or pattern also changes the markers in the associated
`data series.
`To work with the legend double-click the legend to display the
`Format Legend dialog box with the available formatting options.
`To move or resize the legend, just drag it. Dotted lines show the
`shape and placement of the legend as you drag it.
`a For Help on dialog box options
`click this button and then click
`the option.
`Western Canada
`District Sales Projeca’ws
`r DEdmnntnn f
`Legend placed over the plot area
`3'5: Need to change an individual entry or key? After selecting the legend,
`click the entry or key, and then double-click it to display the available
`formatting options.
`Position the legend automatically Instead of dragging, you can
`automatically place the legend at the top, bottom, right, left, or corner of the
`chart. Double-click the legend to display the Format Legend dialog box. On
`the Placement tab, select the position you want. Because automatic
`positioning sets the legend to the default size and adjusts the plot area
`accordingly, it’s best to use this method to position the legend first and then
`to resize it and the plot area manually if necessary.
`I Vancouver El Edmonton
`Legend key
`996” en ry
`284 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114023


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 13 of 142 PageID #: 30348
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 13 of 142 PagelD #: 30348
`Format the Background and Size the Chart for Printing
`Customize the Look of a Chart
`There are two background areas in a chart that you can format with
`colors and patterns: the entire chart area, and the plot area, which is
`contained within the axes. When formatting the chart area, you can
`also change the font for the entire chart. Double-click the chart area
`to display the available formatting options. Then specify the
`changes you want on the Patterns and Font tabs. To format the plot
`area, double—click it and then select options on the Patterns tab.
`Fiscal yea!
`uVancouver I Edmonton
`Western Canada
`Dism'cl Sales Projecn’on:
`The chart area
`The plot area
`Resize the plot area When you have moved the legend, or added a title
`or a text box, resizing the plot area can help make all the chart items fit
`together well. Select the plot area, and then drag until it’s the size you want.
`Apply fancy backgrounds Double-click the chart area or plot area to
`display available formatting options. On the Patterns tab, click the Fills
`button. The Fill Effects dialog box offers many possibilities, including
`gradient fills, textures, patterns, and even pictures.
`Control an inserted chart’s position on a worksheet You can control
`whether the chart is moved, sized, or both when worksheet cell widths and
`heights change. Change this setting by double-clicking the chart area and
`then clicking the Properties tab in the Format Chart Area dialog box.
`MS 1 14024
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 285


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`Part 4 Show Data in Charts and Maps
`Formatting a 3-D Chart
`In addition to the chart formatting options
`discussed earlier in this topic, there are several
`more ways you can change the look of a 3-D
`When a 3-D chart has three axes you can adjust
`the rotation, elevation, and perspective. By doing
`so, you can find the best arrangement for clearly
`displaying the values and axes in the chart.
`Change the rotation and elevation Click a corner,
`and then drag. To see outlines of the markers
`while you drag, hold down CONTROL.
`For more formatting options click 3-D View
`(Chart menu) to adjust the chart’s perspective. To
`adjust the chart depth and the gaps between
`markers, double-click the data markers and then
`Chok the Optlons tab.
`Change the color and pattern of the walls and floor
`The walls are formatted together as a unit. The
`floor is always opaque, unless you have rotated it
`to View the chart from below; in this case, the
`floor is transparent. Double-click a wall or the
`floor to make your formatting selections. You can
`apply patterns, gradient fills, textures, and even
`pictures to the walls and floor.
`v 540 ml]
`$35 .000
`$30 .000
`Floor formatted with color and pattern
`525' 'UDD Canadian
`$1 5 .000
`Adjust elevation and rotation by dragging the corner.
`Next Steps
`To See
`Add a trendline or error bars to a
`“Display Scientific Data in a
`Chart,” page 595
`Show a moving average on a chart
`“Create a Sales Forecast,” page 571
`286 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114025


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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 15 of 142 PageID #: 30350
` soft Map to Give Information a Geographical Context
`When you work with data that is associated with geographic
`regions, the most meaningful way to display it may be on a map.
`Use Microsoft Map for appealing presentation and effective analysis
`and decision support. Plot your own data on one or more maps, or
`use demographic data provided with Microsoft Map. There are
`several display formats, a selection of maps to choose from, and
`features that you can add to maximize your maps’ usefulness.
`Key Features
`Microsoft Map
`European Countries
`1993 Population
`1 Do! = 1000.000
`World Countries
`r» '
`,. W23,mu
`@gg 11.500
`World Counties
`Total Sales
`[:1 Produce
`a 22.990 to 25.300 (2)
` 22.909 (2)
`a l7.500to 13.900 (1)
`m 15.1mm 13.5w (2)
`Cl 12.3mm team (3)
`You must have Microsoft Map installed before you begin creating a
`map. To install Microsoft Map, run Microsoft Excel Setup. For more
`information, see “Install and Start Microsoft Office," page 28.
`MS 114026
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 287


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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 16 of 142 PagelD #: 30351
`Part 4 Show Data in Charts and Maps
`Create the Map
`The first step in creating a map is selecting the data you want
`displayed. The selection must contain a colurrm of data that
`identifies geographical regions, such as states or countries, as well
`as the columns of data you want to show on the map. You can
`display and hide these columns when you need to, as described in
`“Update, Add, or Remove Data,” page 294.
`Click the Map button. Drag on the worksheet to indicate the size
`and location of the map you want to create. After the map is created,
`you can modify it through the Map Control dialog box. For more
`information, see “Change the Data Display and Format,” page 291
`and “Add Emphasis and Detail,” page 293.
`" '
`Map button
`Your map displays the
`geographical regions
`and one or more columns of
`data in the selection.
` 2 Sales Region Total Sales
`World Countries
`by T0“ 3mm 5
`15mm 21.000 (3)
`”WWW (2:
`Badminton nos (2)
`[‘3 a son to 10
`the legend to
`customize it.
`You can adjust the data
`display in the Map
`Control dialog box.
`288 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114027
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 17 of 142 PagelD #: 30352
`Display Data on a Map
`1') Can’t find the Microsoft Map toolbar buttons? Double-click the map to
`e ‘
`activate it on your worksheet and display the Map toolbar. When active,
`your map is surrounded by a thick border.
`Microsoft Map checks for mismatched or misspelled geographical
`If some regions in your selection don’t match Microsoft Map’s
`geographical data, Microsoft Map displays a dialog box in which you can
`correct the information.
`Don’t have data yet? You can start working with Microsoft Map with no
`data selected. This displays a blank map, to which you can then add data.
`For more information on inserting data, see "Change the Data Display and
`Format,” page 291.
`Create a new map from an old one If you already have a map, you can
`create another by copying and pasting the existing one. After pasting, you
`can add data, change the way it’s displayed, and make other modifications.
`Get help while you use Microsoft Map Microsoft Map has Help you can
`use when working with your maps. With Microsoft Map active, click the
`commands on the Help menu to find the information you need.
`What Maps Can You Use?
`The following maps are installed with Microsoft Map:
`World Countries
`United States
`Canadian Provinces
`European Countries
`United Kingdom
`Australian States
`Mexican States
`Help, Microsoft Map must be active.
`You can obtain additional maps to use with Microsoft Map.
`For more information, see Microsoft Map Help. To access this
`Want to know more? Look up Getting Results - Map in Help.
`Office Assistant button
`MS 114028
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 289


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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 18 of 142 PageID #: 30353
`Part 4 Show Data in Charts and Maps
`Change the Way You View the Map
`While you work, it’s helpful to display precisely the area you need
`to see: Zoom in for more detail and zoom out to see the bigger
`picture. Adjust the area currently displayed in the window by
`Use the Zoom box on the Map toolbar to specify a zoom
`percentage while the map is selected. To specify a point on which
`you want the map centered, click the Center Map button.
`Zoom box
`Center Map
`Zoom out for the big picture
`and zoom in for a close-up view.
`Use the Center Map button to
`change the focus of the map.
`If You Have a Microsoft IntelliMouse Pointing
`direction to pan the map.
`When a map is active, rotate the wheel to zoom in and out.
`Hold down the wheel button and move the mouse in any
`290 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114029
`,_ M.» ,i
`s m M__._M..,..A.
`_, . ,
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 19 of 142 PageID #: 30354
`Display Data on a Map
`Change the Data Display and Format
`When you first create a map, the Map Control dialog box appears
`and your map is active. Each column of data in the selection appears
`as a button in the Map Control dialog box. The buttons in the
`lower-left corner of the dialog box represent available formats.
`To add data, drag a format button into the box at the lower right, and
`then drag a column button beside it. To change formats, drag a
`different format button to a column button. Experiment to find the
`combination of data and formats that suits your purpose.
`Drag the format you
`want into the box
`and then drag the data
`alongside the format.
`‘ 2,300
`Represent data with value
`shading, graduated symbols, pie
`charts, and other formats.
`ortd Countries
`- A-~-—2a,ooo
`MS 114030
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 291


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`Part 4 Show Data in Charts and Maps
`-9 How do you display the Map Control dialog box when you need it?
`a ‘ When you want to change the data displayed or its format, click the
`Show/Hide Map Control button on the Map toolbar. it you can’t see the
`Map toolbar, double-click your map to activate it.
`Show/Hide Map Control button
`Not seeing the legend you want? Double-click the legend to change its
`default text and appearance. To display a compact legend, click the Legend
`Options tab and then select the Use compact format check box.
`Add pie charts or column charts for more detail Use these charts to
`compare two or more columns of data, for example, individual product
`information for each region. You can display these chart types one at a time
`on your map.
`Change the format of data To modify the way a column of worksheet
`data is displayed on the map, double-click its column button in the box
`inside the Map Control dialog box. Then make the formatting changes you
`want, such as changing the color or the number of value ranges to use in
`Want to know more? Look up Getting Results - Map in Help.
`Office Assistant button
`292 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 114031


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 21 of 142 PageID #: 30356
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 21 of 142 PagelD #: 30356
`Display Data on a Map
`Add Emphasis and Detail
`There are several ways you can provide orientation, highlight
`specific data, or otherwise make your map more informative. One
`way is to show highways, cities, airports, lakes, or a combination of
`these. This information is provided with Microsoft Map. To add
`these features, click Features (Map menu), and select the ones you
`Display labels to identify countries, regions, or cities. Click the
`Map Labels button, select the options you want, and then click
`each point at which you want a label. To add a text box with a
`comment or explanation, click the Add Text button, and then type
`the text. Click the Custom Pin Map button to add custom labels or
`symbols to the map, identifying points of interest. To return to
`normal selection, click the Select Objects button.
`Add Text
`Pin Map
`Select Objects button
`World Courdries
`by Total Sales
`22.90010 25,200 m
`13.90010 22.9fm (2)
`El trauma mm (1)
`C] Hanoi: 15.10: S;
`Add text
`geographic labels
`graticule (longitudinal
`and latitudinal lines) on
`the world map
`and custom labels to point
`out specific locations.
`Format and edit text and other map elements Double-click legends and
`symbols to display a dialog box in which you can make changes. Click to
`select a text box or title, and then double-click to display the dialog box. To
`edit the text in place, double-click the text. For more information on
`formatting and editing map elements, see Microsoft Map Help.
`MS 1 14032
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 293


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 22 of 142 PageID #: 30357
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-6 Filed 03/10/21 Page 22 of 142 PagelD #: 30357
`Part4 Show Data in Charts and Maps
`Update, Add, or Remove Data
`After you’ve created a map, you can adjust the data it displays. You
`might need to add more data than you initially plotted, change the
`source data you’re working with, or import data from an external
`source. You can also hide data you no longer want displayed.
`To add a column of data from the same source, click Data (Insert E
`menu). To add data from an external source, click External Data
`ShOWIH'de Map Control button
`(Insert menu). To hide data currently displayed, click the
`Show/Hide Map Control button. In the Map Control dialog box,
`drag the button representing the data you want to hide out of the
`dialog box. If you want to add the data again later, drag its column
`heading into the box beside a format button.
`I: The Beverages column is added to the source data
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`and displayed in the updated map.
`‘p Select geographic regions along with new data When you add a
`column of data, select that column along with the column containing the
`geographic regions you originally used to create your map (the new data
`column must be contiguous with the geographic region column). By doing
`this, you provide the information Microsoft Map needs to plot the new data.
`Refresh the map automatically when source data changes by clicking
`Options (Tools menu) and then clicking Automatic in the Map Options
`dialog box.
`Want to add a row instead of a column? If you’re adding a new row
`(such as another country's data) to the map, insert the row between existing
`Want to know more? Look up Getting Results - Map in Help.
`Office Assistant button
`294 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 1 14033


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