Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 1 of 141 PageID #: 30053
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 2 of 141 PageID #: 30054
`Getting Results
`with Microsoft Office 97
`Real World Solutionsfor the Work You Do
`MS 113733
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 3 of 141 PageID #: 30055
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 3 of 141 PagelD #: 30055
`Microsoft Technical Support
`In the event you cannot install Microsofto Office for Windowsa, please refer to the telephone support offerings
`below. Microsoft’s support offerings range from no-cost and low—cost electronic information services (available
`24 hours a day, 7 days a week) to annual support plans. Please check the Technical Support section in Help for
`detailed information.
`Microsoft Technical Support services are subject to Microsoft’s then—current prices, terms, and conditions, which
`are subject to change without notice.
`Information Services
`Microsoft Technical Support Information Services provide you with easy access to the latest technical and
`support information for Microsoft products. You can access a variety of low-cost and no-cost Information
`Services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
`Internet services and MSN", The Microsoft Network Access the Microsoft Frequently Asked Questions,
`Software Library, Knowledge Base, customer—to—customer newsgroups, and other technical information online.
`0 On the World Wide Web and MSN go to
`0 For FTP access, go to
`Microsoft TechNet CD-ROM-based Microsoft TechNet is the front-line resource for fast, complete answers to
`technical questions on Microsoft desktop and systems products. For more information or to subscribe to
`Microsoft TechNet, call the Microsoft office nearest you.
`Microsoft Developer Network Library (MSDN) CD—ROM-based MSDN is the comprehensive source of
`programming information and toolkits for those who write applications for the Microsoft Windows, Windows 95,
`and Windows NT® operating systems, or use Microsoft products for development purposes. For more information
`or to subscribe, call the Microsoft office nearest you.
`Microsoft Download Service (MSDL) Direct modem access to a variety of technical information is available on
`MSDL. In the United States, dial (206) 936-6735. Connect information: 1200, 2400, 9600, or 14400 baud, no
`parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. In Canada, dial (905) 507-3022; connect information: 1200 to 28800 baud, no
`parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. In Latin America, call your Microsoft office nearest you for more information.
`Microsoft FastTips This automated service provides quick answers to your common technical questions via an
`automated toll-free telephone number, fax, or mail. To access FastTips or to receive a map and catalog in the
`United States, call the following FastTips numbers:
`0 Desktop applications: (800) 936—4100
`0 Personal Systems products: (800) 936—4200
`0 Development products: (800) 936—4300
`0 Business Systems products: (800) 936—4400
`In Latin America call your Microsoft office nearest you for more information.
`MS 113734


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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 4 of 141 PageID #: 30056
`Standard Support
`In the United States and Canada, Microsoft offers unlimited no-charge usability support Via toll call for the
`Microsoft Office Standard Edition. Microsoft also offers two (2) no—charge incidents for assistance developing
`custom solutions and applications using the Microsoft Office Standard Edition. The Microsoft Office Professional
`Edition (which includes Access) comes with two (2) additional incidents, for a total of four (4) incidents, which
`can be used for Access usability questiOns or for developing custom solutions using the Microsoft Office
`Professional Edition. Standard Support hours are 6:00 AM. and 6:00 PM. Pacific time, Monday through Friday,
`excluding holidays. In the United States, call between 6:00 AM. and 6:00 PM. Pacific time, Monday through
`Friday, excluding holidays. In Canada, call between 8:00 AM. and 8:00 PM. eastern time, Monday through
`Friday, excluding holidays. In Latin America call during normal business hours Monday through Friday,
`excluding holidays.
`In the United States for:
`0 Microsoft Office for Windows, call (206) 635—7056
`0 Microsoft Access for Windows, call (206) 635—7050
`0 Microsoft Excel for Windows, call (206) 635-7070
`0 Microsoft PowerPointe for Windows, call (206) 635-7145
`0 Microsoft Word for Windows, call (206) 462—9673
`0 Microsoft Outlook for Windows, call (206) 635—7031
`In Canada, for technical support for Microsoft Office, call (905) 568-2294.
`In Latin America, for technical support call the Microsoft office nearest you.
`Priority Support
`Microsoft Technical Support offers priority telephone access to Microsoft support engineers 24 hours a day,
`7 days a week, including holidays, in the United States. In Canada, the hours are from 8:00 AM. to midnight,
`7 days a week, excluding holidays.
`In the United States for usability issues, excluding Microsoft Access, call (800) 936-5700 or (900) 555-2000;
`$35 (U.S.) per incident. For development issues, including Microsoft Access, call (800) 936-5500 or
`(900) 555-2020; $55 (U.S.) per incident.
`In Canada for usability issues, excluding Microsoft Access, call (800) 668—7975; $45 (CDN) per incident.
`For development issues, such as Microsoft Access, call (800) 936-5500; $55 (U.S.) per incident.
`Please note: 800#s will be billed to your VISA, MasterCard or American Express card. 900#s will appear on your
`:elephone bill.
`For more information on priority support offerings, including annual contracts, call Microsoft Technical Support
`Sales at (800) 936-3500. In Canada, call (800) 563-9048. In Latin America, call the nearest Microsoft office.
`l'ext Telephone
`.Vlicrosoft text telephone (TT/TDD) services are available for the deaf or hard-of-hearing. In the United States,
`15ing a "IT/TDD modem, dial (206) 635—4948. In Canada, using a TT/TDD modem, dial (905) 568-9641.
`MS 113735
`.a ,.


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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 5 of 141 PagelD #: 30057
`Product Support Worldwide
`The following list contains Microsoft subsidiary offices and the countries they serve. If there is no Microsoft
`office in your country, please contact the establishment from which you purchased your Microsoft product. For
`additional subsidiary information, check the Product Support Worldwide section in Help.
`When you call, you should be at your computer and have the appropriate product documentation at hand.
`Fax Numbers
`Tele hone Numbers
` Fax Numbers
`(212)24710 86
`(212) 2 4710 72
`(54) (1) 819-1922
`(52) (5) 325-0912
`(61) (02)805—0519
`022-68 16 2710
`Czech Republic
`French Polynesia
`Hong Kong
`Telephone Numbers
`(54) (1) 314-0560
`(61) (02) 870-2131
`Microsoft Excel:
`0660—651 1
`PowerPoint: 0660-6511
`Word: 0660-6513
`02-5133274 (Dutch-speaking)
`02-5023432 (English-speaking)
`02-5132268 (French-speaking)
`See Uruguay
`(55) (11) 871-0090
`(972) 714-9100
`(571) 313-4011
`(+42) (2) 245 10554
`(45) (44) 89 01 11
`(971) 4 513 888
`(593) (2) 463—094
`See United Kingdom
`(0358) (90) 525-502-500
`(33) (1) 69—86—10-20
`See France
`Microsoft Access:
`Microsoft Excel:
`Word: 089/3176—1 131
`(55) (11) 241-1157
`(309) 273-3636
`(571) 310-7525
`(+42) (2) 266020
`(45) (44) 89 01 44
`(971) 4 527 444
`(46) (0)8 752 29 00
`(33) (1)69-28-00-28
`(30) (1) 6893 631
`through (30) (1)6893 635
`(852) 804-4222
`(36) (0)1/1 172289
`(30) (1)6893 636
`(852) 560-2217
`(+36) (1) 269 1030
`(91) (l 1) 646—0694
`See United Kingdom
`(39) (2) 7039-8351
`(81) (424) 41-8890
`(82) (2) 508-0040
`See Switzerland
`(39) (2) 7039-2020
`(82) (2) 53l-46OO
`(32) 2—5133274 (Dutch»speaking)
`(32) 25023432 (English-speaking)
`(32) 2—5132268 (French-speaking)
`02503-77877 (Dutch-speaking)
`02503—77353 (English-speaking)
`New Zealand
`Northern Ireland
`Papua New Guinea
`64 (9) 357-5575
`See United Kingdom
`(47) (22) 02 25 50
`See Australia
`See Uruguay
`(51) (1) 422-4116
`(+48) (2) 6216793 or
`(+48) (71) 441357
`(351) 14412205
`Republic of China
`Republic of Ireland
`Saudi Arabia
`(886) (2) 508-9501
`See United Kingdom
`(+7) (095) 267-8844 or
`(+7) (095)158-6963
`64 (9) 358-0092
`(47) (22) 02 25 70
`(51) (1) 440—2619
`(+48) (2) 6615434
`(351) 14412101
`(886) (2) 508-9575
`(+7) (502) 224 50 45
`+966— 1 —488— 1576
`ext. 300
`Slovak Republic
`South Africa
`United Kingdom
`See United Kingdom
`(65) 220-7202
`(+386) (61) 1232354
`(+42) (7) 312083
`(Toll free): 0 802 11 ll 04
`(34) (1) 803-9960
`(46) (8) 752 09 29
`Microsoft Access:
`01/342-4 12 1
`Microsoft Excel:
`0 1/342-4082
`0 1/342-4087
`Technical Support
`(41) (22) 738 96 88
`(90) 212 2585998
`(44) (734) 271000
`(598) (2) 77-4934
`(582) 264 19 33
`See United Kingdom
`(65) 227-6811
`(+42) (2) 266020
`(27) 11 445 0045 or
`(27) 11 445 0046
`(34) (1)803—8310
`(46) (0)8 752 29 00
`01-831 09 69
`(90) 212 2585954
`(01734) 270080
`(598) (2) 91-0227
`(582) 265 08 63
`MS 113736


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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 6 of 141 PageID #: 30058
`Getting Results with
`Microsoft® Office 97
`MS 113737
`Microsoft Corporation


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`Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless
`otherwise noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any
`purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation.
`© 1995—97 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
`Microsoft, MS, MS—DOS, ActiveX, AutoSum, Bookshelf, Encarta, FoxPro, FrontPage, IntelliMouse, IntelliSense, MSN, Microsoft At Work,
`Microsoft Press, Multiplan, Outlook, PivotTable, PowerPoint, Rushmore, Visual Basic, Windows, Windows NT, Wingdings, XL and design
`(the Microsoft Excel logo) are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
`Apple and TrueType are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
`The Mac OS Logo is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. used under license.
`MathType is a trademark of Design Science, Inc.
`Genigraphics and In Focus Systems are registered trademarks of In Focus Systems, Inc.
`NetWare and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc.
`Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
`Graphic filters licensed from Access Softek, Inc. Copyright 1996 Access Softek, Inc.
`Importhxport Converters copyright 1988—1996 DataViz Inc. All rights reserved. Additional file translators and PDA connectivity solutions
`may be obtained by contacting DataViz directly at 55 Corporate Drive, Trumbull, CT, 06611. Telephone (203) 268-0030.
`Portions of graphic filter software used with permission of Eastman Kodak Company. Copyright 1996 Eastman Kodak Company.
`The Microsoft Excel Solver program was developed by Frontline Systems, Inc., PO. Box 4288, Incline Village, NV 89450—4288. Portions of
`the Microsoft Excel Solver program code are copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1995 by Frontline Systems, Inc. Portions are copyright 1989
`by Optimal Methods, Inc.
`The Microsoft Excel Solver program uses the Generalized Reduced Gradient (GRG2) nonlinear optimization code developed by Leon Lasdon,
`University of Texas at Austin, and Allan Waren, Cleveland State University. Linear and integer problems use the simplex method with
`bounds on the variables and the branch and bound method, implemented by John Watson and Dan Fylstra, Frontline Systems, Inc.
`The Microsoft Excel Analysis ToolPak was developed by GreyMatter International, Inc., 173 Otis Street, PO. Box 388, Cambridge,
`MA 02141.
`Portions of graphic filter software are based in part on the work of Group 42, Inc.
`Graphic filters licensed from Henderson Software, Inc. Copyright 1996 Henderson Software, Inc.
`The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English language, Third Edition copyright 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version
`licensed from INSO Corporation. All rights reserved.
`ImageStream Graphics Filters® copyright 1995 ImageMark Software Labs, Inc.
`Portions of graphic filter software are based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
`International CorrectSpellTM English spelling correction system copyright 1993 by INSO Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction or
`disassembly of embodied algorithms and database prohibited.
`International Hyphenator licensed from INSO Corporation. Copyright 1991 by INSO Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction or
`disassembly of embodied computer programs or algorithms prohibited.
`Creative direction on the Office Assistant by Maz Kessler and Robby Kilgore (Maz and Kilgore).
`The GraphicsLink program is partially based on source code appearing in The Working Programmer’s Guide to Serial Protocols, copyright
`1995 Tim Kientzle and Coriolis Group, Inc.
`Microsoft Map was developed by MapInfo Corporation, One Global View, Troy, NY 12180-8399. Copyright 1995—1996 MapInfo
`Corporation, Troy, New York, USA. All rights reserved.
`Timex Data Link Watch Export copyright 1994—1996 Timex Corporation and Microsoft Corporation.
`Soft—Art Dictionary and Soft-Art Dictionary program: copyright 1984—1995, Trade Secret, Soft—Art, Inc. All rights reserved.
`Transend® cc:Mai1 ConnectorWareTM copyright 1996 Transend Corporation. All rights reserved.
`The Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Solution Templates were developed by Village Software, 186 Lincoln Street, Boston, MA 02111.
`MS 113738


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 8 of 141 PageID #: 30060
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 8 of 141 PagelD #: 30060
`tTE: This product includes sample forms only. Using them may have significant legal implications that may vary by state and subject matter.
`lse of these forms may not comply with generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) or other accounting principles or standards.
`tefore using any of these forms for your business, you should consult with a lawyer, financial advisor, and/or accountant. Microsoft and its
`uppliers are not responsible for any action you take based on the use of these templates.
`)TE: Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. The user should review the accuracy of any summary
`ecause a summary is by its nature not the entirety of the work.
`me remember: You must accept the enclosed License Agreement before you can use this product. The product is licensed as a single
`tduct. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer. If you do not accept the terms of the License
`reement, you should promptly return the product for a refund. Do not make illegal copies. For further details, please refer to the License
`CIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Apple's liability to you for actual damages for any
`ise whatsoever, and regardless of the form of the action (whether in contract, tort [including negligence], product liability or otherwise), will
`limited to $50.
`)cument No. X03-21975-0397
`3M Document No. 000—62836
`inted in the United States of America
`MS 113739


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 9 of 141 PageID #: 30061
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 9 of 141 PagelD #: 30061
`Start Here 1
`Match Information Resources to Your Needs and Experience 2
`Answers to Questions About File Compatibility 6
`What’s New in Office 97? 9
`Microsoft Press Publications for Office 97
`Extend Office 97 with Additional Microsoft Applications 24
`Part 1 Your First Day at the Office 27
`Install and Start Microsoft Office 28
`Get Assistance While You Work 35
`Take a Shortcut to Work 44
`About Creating and Opening Documents and Databases 48
`Create Your First Word Document 61
`Create Your First Microsoft Excel Workbook 76
`Create Your First PowerPoint Presentation 92
`Use Your First Microsoft Access Database 104
`Your First Outlook Session 113
`Make Your Word Document Look Great 127
`Make Your Microsoft Excel Worksheet Look Great 148
`Get Your Point Across with Graphics 159
`Use Office Applications Together 169
`Part 2 Create Letters, Mailings, and Other Business
`Communications 183
`Write a Business Letter 184
`Create a Memo 189
`Create a Fax Cover Sheet and Send a Fax 192
`Create Letterhead and Matching Envelopes
`Create a Mailing 206
`Create a Newsletter 218
`Create a Flyer 222
`Create a Business Report 228
`MS 113740
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office V


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 10 of 141 PageID #: 30062
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 10 of 141 PageID #: 30062
`Part 3 Create Printed and Online Business Forms 239
`What’s the Best Way to Create a Form? 240
`Create an Online or Printed Form in Word 241
`Create a Form for Online Invoices 250
`Part 4 Show Data in Charts and Maps 259
`Create a Chart from Worksheet Data 260
`Add a Chart to a Document or Presentation 266
`Create a Chart from a Database 272
`Customize the Look of a Chart 276
`Display Data on a Map 287
`Part 5 Create Informative and Entertaining Presentations 297
`Create Audience Handouts and Speaker Notes 298
`Prepare for an Electronic Presentation 304
`Give an Electronic Presentation 314
`Customize the Appearance of Your Presentation 319
`Quickly Prepare a Black—and-White Presentation 324
`Transfer Information Between PowerPoint and Other Applications 327
`Create a Self—Running Presentation 332
`Give a Presentation on a Remote Computer 338
`Add Comments to a PowerPoint Presentation 343
`Part 6 Keep Track of Contacts ‘345
`Where Should You Store Your Contact Information? 346
`Manage Contacts with Outlook 348
`Create a Business Contact List in Microsoft Excel 353
`Track Your Business Contacts in Microsoft Access 360
`Part 7 Do the Right Thing on the Right Day at the Right Time 365
`Customize the Way You Display Information 366
`Organize E—mail 376
`Add Activities to the Calendar 382
`Confirm 3 Meeting 387
`Keep a Task List 391
`vi Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 113741


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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 11 of 141 PageID #: 30063
`? Contents
`Part 8 Exchange Information with Others 395
`Distribute Documents Online 396
`Have Your Team Review a Word Document 406
`Share a Workbook with a Co-Worker 412
`Create an Online Manual 417
`Track Orders in a Shared Database 427
`Use Outlook to Share Folders 433
`Part 9 Use Office on the World Wide Web 441
`Office and the Web 442
`Publish Microsoft Excel Tables and Charts on the Web 448
`Create a Web Presentation with PowerPoint 452
`Create a Web Page with Word 458
`Use Microsoft Access to Retrieve and Publish Data 464
`Open Web Addresses from Outlook 470
`Part 10 Budget with Microsoft Excel 473
`Consolidate Budget Input 474
`Develop Budgeting Alternatives 482
`Part 11 Set Up a Custom Inventory System 491
`Design a Custom Inventory Database 492
`Move a Product List into Microsoft Access 493
`Create a Great-Looking Product Form, 498
`Add a Suppliers Table to Your Inventory Database 505
`Make Data Entry Easy and Accurate 513
`Turn Your Inventory Database into an Application 519
`Create and Enhance an Inventory Report 525
`Part 12 Prepare Customer Bids 531
`Create a Price List 532
`Prepare a Customer Quote 539
`MS 113742
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office Vii


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 12 of 141 PageID #: 30064
`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 12 of 141 PagelD #: 30064
`Part 13 Analyze and Report Sales Data 545
`What Method Should You Use to Analyze Your Sales Data? 546
`Get Sales Information from a Database 548
`Create a Detailed Sales Report 556
`Create a Sales Summary 563
`Create a Sales Forecast 571
`Create a Sales Summary from a Microsoft Access Database 576
`Evaluate Sales Performance in a Microsoft Access Database 582
`Part 14 Analyze Scientific and Engineering Data 591
`Analyze Data from an Experiment 592
`Display Scientific Data in a Chart 595
`Part 15 Create Legal Documents 603
`Create a Pleading 604
`Create a Legal Contract 611
`Part 16 The Home Office 619
`Create a Resume and Cover Letter 620
`Catalog Your Music Collection 626
`Record Your Home Assets 631
`Part 17 Automate and Program Office 635
`Customize Office 636
`Automate Repetitive Tasks 643
`Automate Repetitive Tasks in Microsoft Access 649
`Appendix Accessibility for People with Disabilities 655
`Index 665
`viii Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 1 13743
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 13 of 141 PageID #: 30065
`Start Here
`Match Information Resources to Your Needs and Experience 2
`Answers to Questions About File Compatibility 6
`What’s New in Office 97? 9
`Microsoft Press Publications for Office 97
`Extend Office 97 with Additional Microsoft Applications 24
`MS 113744
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 1


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 14 of 141 PageID #: 30066
`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 14 of 141 PagelD #: 30066
`ch Information Resources to Your
`13 and Experience
`Whether you need a hands—on tutorial or a programming guide, case
`study examples or a traditional user’s guide, and whether you’re
`new to the Microsofte Office applications or are a seasoned user, a
`rich store of information is available to suit your needs.
`information included with your Office 97 package Getting Results
`with Microsoft Office 97 helps you discover how to get the most
`from Office 97. Discover the details by consulting built-in Help.
`Microsoft Press publications for Office 97 Microsoft Pre33®
`publishes a variety of books on Office applications, including
`tutorials, references, and programmers’ guides. See “Microsoft
`Press Publications for Office 97,” page 19.
`The Microsoft Office World Wide Web site The Office Web site
`offers a wealth of information, templates, tips on ways to use
`applications, and links to additional sites. Click Microsoft on the
`Web (Help menu) or connect to the Microsoft Office 97 Web site at
`the following location:
`2 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 113745
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`4 w. .


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 15 of 141 PageID #: 30067
`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 15 of 141 PagelD #: 30067
`Get the Results You Want
`Match Information Resources to Your Needs and Experience
`If You Are an Experienced Office User
`Getting Results with Microsoft Ofi‘ice 97 focuses on common
`business and organizational tasks. It’s designed to help you be more
`productive and efficient by showing you the fastest and best way to
`accomplish these tasks using the features of Microsoft Office.
`We wrote Getting Results with some assumptions in mind about our
`readers. The people who will find this book most useful are those
`who have been using the Office applications for a while and who
`can usually do what they want to do with the applications. Each
`solution in Getting Results explains the process necessary for
`accomplishing the task. And we are confident that you’ll be able to
`apply the features and methods you discover here to similar tasks
`you perform.
`Built—in Help provides details about the features of the applications,
`step-by—step procedures that help you complete specific tasks, and
`wizards that walk you through many operations.
`Getting Results is available on the Web. On the Office 97 ValuPack
`CD, click on Resu1t97.htrn in the cdonline folder.
`Microsoft Press publishes several books that might be useful as your
`skills and needs change. The most comprehensive “user’s guide”
`series is the Running series. The books in this series provide you
`with information ranging from basic “how-to” procedural help to
`advanced tips on how to use the Office applications fully. The At a
`Glance series of books on Office applications provides quick
`answers in a reference format. Another easy—access reference is the
`Field Guide series.
`MS 113746
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 3


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 16 of 141 PageID #: 30068
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 16 of 141 PagelD #: 30068
`Introduction Start Here
`If You Are a Novice User or Are Switching from Another
`Get a good start on working with the Office applications by reading
`the topics in Part 1, “Your First Day at the Office.” These topics will
`show you how to quickly begin creating documents, spreadsheets,
`presentations, and databases by using built-in templates and
`wizards. You will also learn how to use the various components of
`Outlook, such as e-mail and task scheduling.
`Former WordPerfect and Lotus 1-2-3 users will find built—in Help
`available to ease the transition. In Word, click WordPerfect Help
`(Help menu) to get information on how to make the switch easily. In
`Microsoft Excel, click Lotus 1-2-3 Help (Help menu).
`In conjunction with Getting Results, use the Microsoft Press Step by
`Step series, available for all the Office applications. These books
`provide self-paced lessons based on real-world business examples.
`The modular format lets you learn exactly what you need to know,
`at your own speed.
`4 Getting Results with Microsoft Office
`MS 113747
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 17 of 141 PageID #: 30069
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 17 of 141 PagelD #: 30069
`Match Information Resources to Your Needs and Experience
`If You’re an Advanced User, Programmer, or Developer
`This book can point you toward new features that you might not
`discover on your own. For more information, Office 97 also has
`built—in Help about programming in Visual BasiC® for Applications,
`the programming language built in to the Office applications.
`The Microsoft Press collection of technical references and resource
`kits will also be useful. The Microsoft Ofiice 97 Resource Kit is
`designed for system administrators and advanced users. It provides
`complete coverage of Office 97 installation and configuration in
`both Window5® 95 and Windows NT@ Workstation 4.0.
`If you are new to programming in Visual Basic, read “Automate
`Repetitive Tasks,” page 643. Then turn to the Visual Basic Step by
`Step series, which is organized by application and is designed so
`that you teach yourself, focusing on exactly what you need to learn.
`If you’re already familiar with Visual Basic, the Microsoft
`Office 97/Visual Basic Programmer ’5 Guide can teach you how to
`create concise, efficient code. You will learn how to customize and
`adapt tools, as well as how to create custom commands, menus, and
`much more.
`For those who want to design, optimize, secure, and deliver data
`management applications by using Microsoft Access, Building
`Applications with Microsoft Access 97 is available on the Office 97
`ValuPack CD. This book can also provide instruction on how to use
`Visual Basic for Applications in conjunction with Microsoft Access
`and can help users create applications for the Internet.
`See the Microsoft Press Catalog on the Web at the following location:
`See the Microsoft Office 97 Resource Kit on the Web at the following
`MS 113748
`Getting Results with Microsoft Office 5


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 18 of 141 PageID #: 30070
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-4 Filed 03/10/21 Page 18 of 141 PagelD #: 30070
`wers to Questions About File
`The new productivity features of Office 97 require new file formats.
`However, the Office 97 applications are fully compatible with files
`created in earlier versions. We realize you might have additional
`questions about how Office 97 applications can coexist with
`previous versions or whether files created with other applications
`can be used with Office 97. See below for answers to some of these
`key questions.
`Are my old files compatible with Office 97 applications?
`Yes. We know that you need to be able to work with documents
`created in earlier versions. We have strived to make Office 97
`fully compatible with earlier versions, so that the work you have
`done will be fully supported and usable.
`if I install Office 97 over my old version of Office, what happens to my
`old files?
`We actually recommend that you install Office 97 directly over
`your old version. This guarantees the cleanest installation. None
`of your data or old files will be lost or damaged.
`What happens to my Office 97 files if only part of my company
`switches to Office 97 and the rest continues to use earlier versions of
`Office 97 applications read documents created in earlier versions
`of Office. None of your work will be lost.
`Is there an easy way to save files so that they are available to
`everyone even if some people are using earlier versions of Office?
`You or your system administrator can arrange for files to be
`saved in the old format until you decide to switch to Office 97.
`What happens to data created with new features when it is saved in an
`earlier file format?
`Office 97 will map it as closely as possible to the corresponding
`feature in the earlier version. For example, an Office 97 drawing
`object will be saved as the corresponding Draw object from the
`earlier versio

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