Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 1 of 40 PageID #: 30013
`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 1 of 40 PageID #: 30013


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 2 of 40 PageID #: 30014
`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 2 of 40 PagelD #: 30014
`PruQucsl 'l'cch Bwks ~ Special llzdilion Using Aiimosul‘ttftz \Vurd 97
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`Special Edition Using Microsoft® Word 97
`8y: Ron Perm", mum": Revs:
`Publisher: Qua
`Pub. Date: December 15, 1996
`Prlnl xsaN-m: 0-7897-9962-1
`Pun: ISBN-13: 973«u~7397;0952-2
`WORD 97 Pages’ln‘wlnt Edition: 4296
`ma Amazonmomfi Rating:
`Sunscubcv (Milan:
`[2 Ratings) Msazm Kama ficmm
`(0 Rulings]
`Ta ble of Contents
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`AH L01 94629


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 3 of 40 PageID #: 30015
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 3 of 40 PagelD #: 30015
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`Copyright 4:3 HM? by Que“ Corporation.
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`Library of Congress Catalog No‘; 96-70787
`This book is sold as is, without warranty or” any kind, either express or implied, respecting the cow
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 4 of 40 PageID #: 30016
`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 4 of 40 PagelD #: 30016
`No part cl any chapter or booit may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the prior written pennissrori for
`feminist and excerpts from the publisher oi the book or chapter Redlslrtbulion or other use that violates the fair use privilege under
`U 3 copyright laws (see I? USClD7) or that otherwrse violates these Terms of Service is strictly prohibited Violators will be
`prosecuted to the hill extent of US. Federal and Massachusetts laws
`Chapter 1 7. Mastering Envelopes, Mail Merge,
`and Form Letters
`Insert an lndividtJal‘s name and address In a letter
`Insert an address from the Personal Address Book; Scheduler», or Outlook.
`- Print envelopes and include their bar code or FlM code
`Print envelopes by themselves. attached to a document. or as part’ci‘a mass‘rnalllng.
`. Use the Mail Merge Helper to createa main document and a data source and to control the data
`merging of documents
`The Mail Merge Helper manages the entire mail-merge process in three easy steps.
`- Perform mail merge with documents such as ietterheads, envelopes, and mailing labels
`Specity ditiereni top margins tor'ihe first page oi a form le‘iterto allow tore letterhead page.
`merge envelopes or envelopes and documents at the some time, and create custom mailing
`lnsertfte‘ld codes that prompt you to enter a personal note in each maiFmerge document
`FiLLlN is a special Word field that. prompts the—user to enter'apersonatized messageto the
`recrpient during the merge operation.
`Successful businesses know that staying in touch with their clients and customers is crucial to the
`success of the business. Staying in touch with many people can be difficult. however, unless you
`learn how to create personalized form letters and envelopes with Word 97.
`To make Single letters easier to produce. Word has automated the process of printing an envelope.
`The erwetnpe printing feature uses the address from a document to print an envelope wnh or without
`a return address. The envelope can be printed separately or attached to the document with which
`it ts assooated. This feature ts covered in the first section of this chapter.
`Form letters broadcast t’i'iiormalion, .yet acid a personal touch to your work. Even it‘you generate
`only a few. form letters each day. this feature allows you to automaterepetltive p‘arl‘soiyour business
`and gives you time to improve the creative end of your work. You can also generate invoices, ap,
`poinimenl. reminders, and so on. Learning how to create form letters is challenging. but working
`through the presses ‘will pay great dividends,
`You can create two types of form letters With Word: those that are filled in manually and those that
`are tilled in item computer-generated lists. in this chapter, you learn to create an automated form
`letter that prompts you for information the document needs tor creating an invoice. You learn also
`how to till in the blanks in a form letter by merging a mailing list with the main document Finally.
`you learn advanced Word techniques tordocumentautomation, including a form letter that combines
`manual fill-tn with merging of information.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 5 of 40 PageID #: 30017
`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 5 of 40 PagelD #: 30017
`No pan of any chapter or book may be reproduced or transmitted'In any form by any means without the pnor‘fm’tten permtssion for
`reprints and excerpts trons the nubltsher ol the book or chapteI Redtstnbutton oI other use that Vtolates the fair use privilege und=r
`U.3 copyright laws (see I? USC107) or that omen-Ilse violates these Terms of Servrce is strictly prohibited Violators will be
`prosecuted to the full extent at U5 Federal and Massacnuselts laws
`Mastering Envelopes, Mail Merge, and Form Letters 478
`Inserting a Name and Address from the Address Book
` You can use Address Books and lists oicontacts to manage the names and addresses
`of peotnle you write to frequently. After you enter the names, addresses. and email Information
`about people. you can retrieve the Information tay clicking the insert Address button in the Standard
`toolbar. then setecting to use names and addresses from an address book or a contact list. You
`also can paste a person‘s address into your document by clicking their name.
`It the insert Address button (it locks like art Opened address book) is hotdisplayed in the Standard
`toolbar, choose Mew, Ioolbars, gustomtze, select insert from the Cale gottes list, select Address
`Book from the Commands list; and drag the Address Book icon onto‘the Standard toolbar.
`‘SeeManagtng Names and Addresses with Address Books
`Before you can use the Address Book on a network or with the Address Booktn Outlook or Schedule
`+. you must gain access to the network and Outlook or Scheduteta If your computer is on a network
`and you use Outlook or Schedule+, you need to follow these steps:
`Postman me Insertion pout: In the document wt'Iere you want to haste a person's address
`i Click the insert Address button in the Standard toolbar. ti you are prompted. select
`an Exchange profile. The Selectt‘lame dialog box apprears as shown in Figure tit;
`3, Select the §h0w Names From The list and select the address book. o'r‘contact tist‘containing
`the address you want to insert into your document.
`AH L01 94632


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 6 of 40 PageID #: 30018
`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 6 of 40 PagelD #: 30018
`No part of any chapter or book may be feproduoed or transmitted in any ionn by any means without the prior written permission for
`reprints and excerpts from/the publisher-of the book or chapter. Redistribution or other use that violates the lair use privilege under
`0.8 copyright laws (see 17 USC‘107) or that otherwise violates theseTerms of Service is strictly prohibited Violators witl be
`prosecuted to the full extent of US, Federal and Massachusetts laws.
`Mastering Envelopes. Mail Merge. and Form Letters
`Select Name
`fluent wattage {hem me:
`Type Name or filfi‘hom Ltst:
`53L!” tut Metre-:1: 91.23".
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`emitter Rosenttro
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`Kym? :7 ; 1%: oak-cl. 31:79 a}:toy ismgives you access to the {Heiress tracks arm/tam! list: are; male (I: lifetimes
`it you have installed Windows 95 and Office 97, the lottowing address books are available;
`«thin-5t ltnnk
`tluttaml. Address Utmkt
`tlutlmt Contact LN
`Schedule“ Cmttttut Llfit
`Fem-mat Ehrlich Bank
`l‘ostttti’tce mam LN
`the hlmusntav‘fuzu "ti.
`A suntahtklmss. tutti mi‘nmmnon list slum! n: {1111!on axtdslwml tum mire-its on your :tetumtz
`A mum; addrewmmt rhfemmtitm int stored in Otttlurtlr mm Shem! wtfliltflflltifi'i'h 3N}? iwwttt‘it.
`A ltdllti‘.;txm1‘t)$£.tult$ imam-ninth tut attired in Selenium“ unit sharedwtth other: mt yum” artwork
`A name. .tdtlltis. .tntl ‘tlll‘rltflmt‘lim lisrurod liar emitting, gamut and father i‘mm Wont [tux-ugh Mtv
`untu‘rlii l‘fidtt‘uhgc.
`A home. cadmium! moot! tittilrcstlht that! ihrmnltngwm‘st'mewges fmmet through war
`it fit} nutwnrlz
`A Mme. midis-ea. .tml u-tmtl mom; lw mm for sending tumult meéx’ugcs hem Word War the
`M tar-Null Netty ark
`Type the name you went into the Type Name or Select From List edit box. or click the name in
`the Inst
`Choose OK to tnsen’ that person‘s name and address Into your Word document.
`It you have ‘used the address book before: a shortcut. list will be available. Using this shortcut list is
`a very quick and convenient way to insert names and addresses- To quickly insert a name and
`address you have Used below, follow these steps;
`Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Insert Address button to display the list shown in
`Figure 17.2.
`AH L01 94633


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 7 of 40 PageID #: 30019
`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 7 of 40 PageID #: 30019
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`AH L01 94634


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 8 of 40 PageID #: 30020
`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 8 of 40 PageID #: 30020
`N0 part 07 80? chapter or {3003 may be reptoduced or transmittedIn any form by any means without the poor mitten permissxon for
`reprints and excerpts from the publtsher of the book or chaptet RBdisirtbut’ton or other use that violates the fair use pfivitege under
`U 8 copyright tax-Is (see 17 USCtO?) or that otherwise wotales these; Terms of Service,5 strictly prohibited Vtotators mu be
`prosecuted to the full extent of US Racism! and Massachusetts laws.
` Mastering Envelopes. Matt Merge. and Form Letters: 481
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`AH L01 94635


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 9 of 40 PageID #: 30021
`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 9 of 40 PagelD #: 30021
`No part at any chapter or boot: may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the prior whiten permi‘ssron for
`reprints and excerpts trom the publisher of the book or chapter Redrslributton or other use that wotates the fair use prtvrlege under
`U 5 copyright laws {see t7 USC107t or that otherwtse Violates these Terms of Service Is strictly prohtbnee Violators Will be
`prosecuted to the full extent of US Federal and Massachusetts laws.
`Mastering Envelopes Mail Merge. and Form Letters
`The Delivery Address and Return Address opttons enable you to customize the fonts
`and positions of the addresses. You can read about, the postal mailing areas later in
`this section.
` Envelope Options
`@fivaflF; Evelina" ' among adhere
`Ffiini (1.1;:
`Ertvelwe aka:
` ("it :fifi t: e" 7;?) .n j SIZE 1Q
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`ngwa if: 5' {Hick Ibo cations button m the E'nvelegesondLane's diafay rm to ( the Envelene aplzbnsm‘alag box:
`C noose OK when you're finished with your selections.
`Load envelopets) into your printer's feeder as indicated tn the Feed area in the Envelopes and
`Labels dialog box,
`9. Click the Erint button to print an envelope immediately.
`You can also click the add to Document button to add the envelope as a landscape—oriented
`section before the first page or‘ your document (see Figure 1.7.6).
`You can change the detau‘tt getum Address tnt’om‘tattnn. Choose Iools. Quitons; then select User
`Information tab. In the Mailing Address text box! add or edit the return address. This address be-
`comes the detatttt return address Until you change it.
`When you click the Print button. many laser printers can immediately print the envelope from the
`envelope bin. It you do not have an envelope feeder or envelope bin, insert the envelope—narrow
`side inmdastnin the form-teed guides on top at the primary paper tray. The envelope prints first.
`followed by the document.
`To reposriton the Delivery Address area. change to Page Layout wow and move the mouse pointer
`to the Striped border until a tour—headed arrow appears Then drag the entire box containing the
`Delivery Address to a new posrtton (see Figure 17 7).
`AH L01 94636


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 10 of 40 PageID #: 30022
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 10 of 40 PagelD #: 30022
`No part of any chapter or book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any i‘neans without the prior-mitten permission {or
`iEprlt'llS and eitcemts fromthe publisher of’the book or chapter. Redistribution or other use that violates the fair useprivitege under
`U 5. copyright: laws (see 1.7 USC107) or that otherwise vioiates these Terms at Service is strictty prohibited. Violators Will be
`prosecuted to the full. extent OPUS. Federal and Massachusetts laws.
`Mastering Envelopes, Mall Merge. and Form Letters
`mulcrromWodol‘um Lam:
`’§;_.. E‘ firm p.43 "(.13 g‘ f”: g“; Ruhr 4ft
`" L; 1: 3.‘
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`Wa‘ mat; “'9 "r?
`Fagura If 51' You 531:ng fire address same re 9 newgwwzm an the envefogm section.
`'l'rnuhlmhunliug Tip
`lt'you have troulote printing an envelope
`My address isn‘t printing properly on the envelopes.
`with the envelope layout or with envelope and paper feeding, examine the printer driver
`Choose Eile. Erint. and look in the Name text box of the Pnnt dialog box to see which printer
`driver is selected. Make sure y0u have the correct driver. Check with your printer menu-
`facturer or Microsoft for a more currenr't/ersion of the Windows printer driver program if you
`continue to have problems. Install a new printer driver by sticking Start. Settings. .Erinterst
`then double-clicking the Add Printericon. Follow the Add Pn‘nter Wizard to install 'a printer
`AH L01 94637


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 11 of 40 PageID #: 30023
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 11 of 40 PagelD #: 30023
`No part of any chapter or boot: may be reproduced Dt transmitted tn any form by any means without the pnor written permtsston for
`tepnnts and excerpts trom the Dublistter of the book or chapter. Redtslnbutt‘on or other use that vtolates the fair use prt-ftlege under
`US copynght taws {see ‘1 7 U361. 07) or that otherwise vtatates these Tam-ts 01 Service is strictty prohibited. Violators will be
`prosecuted to the full extent of US. Federal and Massachusetts laws.
`Mastettng Envelopes, Matt Merge, and Forth Letters
`Printing an Envelope with Bur Codes nr Flt“. Codes
`Word provides a way to print matchineweadable codes on envelopes so that the US. Postal Service
`can process the envetOpes by machine. Tt'tese codes can be Used ‘35 tong as they are sentto
`addresses within the U.S.. thus savlng time and money‘
`You can print POSTNETcodes (bar code equivalents of US. ngP nudge) and: facing i’eienifficaiian
`marks or Fill/{5(verticat lines that indicate the address side of the envelope).
`To p'r‘tni POSTNET bar codes, and 'FtMs on envelopets) attached to the current document. follow
`these steps:
`Choose Iools, Envelopes and Labets.
`Cttck the thtons button to the Envelopes tab of the Envelopes and Labels analog box. Wont
`dtsplays the Envetope Options dialogtbox (see Figure 17,8).
`ewes 'QPLW ' Eng‘fififlfl'fi g
`[teem me:
`1.4.91) "M 3‘»!
`*fi‘flwg i. i
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`ii 9mg: “3137's!
`Cheekeng Fest? M
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`mm“ AM we
`codes and: Fltvts w
`your tiét'vektttes
`Fig/22m Im Set'entrzzfoge firming entrant? 1n the Sum-sieve Eyebrow/29105; 330x
`3. Select the Deltvery Point ~B‘ar Code checkbcx' to print-POSTNET bar codes.
`4_ Select'the Flaw} Courtesy Reply Matt check box to pnnt FtMs.
`5 Choose OK
`(.‘nstnmi/Jng Envelopes with Text :tntl Graphics
`You can easety add a gramme—such as a company logo—to y0ur envelopes. w'nett'ter the graphic
`conststs ot‘ formatted text or actual graphics
`To set up envelopes to pnnt your logo. follow these steps:
`Enter your logo text and graphics in a document
`Put the logo In a frame.
`~Seelnserttng Ptctures mto a Document
`3. Choose insert, gutoText. flew.
`ttt Type the name EnvelopeExtra in the Please Name Your AutoText’ Entty text box.
`Cllck OK.
`AH L01 94638


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 12 of 40 PageID #: 30024
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 12 of 40 PagelD #: 30024
`No part of any chapter or book may be reproduced,” transmitted in any form by any means without the prior written permission for
`reprints and excerpts from the publisher of the book orchahter. Redistribution or other use that violates the fair use privilege under
`U 5. copyright laws (see 17 USC1D7) or that otherwise violates these Terms olServ‘tee is strictly prohibited, Violators will be
`prosecuted to the full extent at US Federal and Massachusetts laws
`Mastering Et‘tvelopes. Mail Merge, and Form Letters
`Merging Mailing Lists and Documents
`One of the most powerful and time-saving features availab‘te in any word processoris mail merge
`Altai! merge enables you to create multiple letters or enveldpes bymerging together a list of names
`and addresses wrth letters, envelopes, or address labels- Mail 'merge can also be used for such
`tasks as tilting in administrative terms and creating invoices from accomtting tiles Whenever you
`keep a list or get a list from other programsantl you need to put information into a Word document;
`you should consider using mail merger
`The time you save by netng mail merge can be tremendous. instead oi typing or modifying tens or
`hundreds oi documents. Word can make all the documents for you. All you need to do is keep your
`list (names, addresses. and so on) upto‘date and create a form letterin which to insert the data. in
`tact} vou can even make each document pause {luring mail merge so that yen can enter personal—
`ized tniorrnatton
`Understanding the Mail Merge Components: Data Sources and Main 'l')ncuments
`You need two documents to create form letters or mailing tenets» One document, called thedata.
`source. contains a precisely laid-out set of data, such as hernias and addresses; The other docu-
`ment, the main document, actses a forth that receives the data. Mostforms that receive data are
`form letters or mutti‘column tables for mailinglabels
`Although most people would use the term form latte/10 describe a Word mam document. a main
`document'can take the form of a matting list. catalog. mailing labels. orlettersl
`The main document is like, a normat document except that it contains MERGEFtELD field codes
`that specify the placement of merged data. in a typicat form tetter, ‘ior’examnle. the main document
`is a form letter in which the names and addresses are inserted. and the data source ts the list at
`those names and addresses.
`The data source document must be organszed in a very specific way, or the merge process will
`generate errors. The first row of the data source must be one. row of field names. Below the row of
`names are rows of data. Each row of data is'a rear/IE4 and each piece oi’data in the row! Such as a
`Iasr name, is 3 [Haiti The row of names in the first row of the documents is ‘the/teaderrecord Each
`name in the first tow is a field name. Each field can be referenced by the name for that field in the
`-SeeManagtng Data
`When you merge the documents, Word replaces the merge tietu‘s With the appropriate text from the
`data sources At merge time. you can {house to display the result as a new document. onscreen or
`to print it directly to the current printer:
`l.,‘mlcrstundiug Word's Mail Merge l-lelpcr
`Word Mail Merge Helper guides you throttgl’t the three stages of creating a form letter. catalog! or
`other merged document:
`- Creating or identifying the main document
`. Creating or identifying the data source
`- Merging the data source and main document
`To start the Mail Merge Helper. {allow these steps:
`Open the decrit'nent you want to use as the main rtomrment, (ti the main document doesn't. exist,
`create a new document i
`ChooseTonls. Matt Mtttgttt.
`AH L01 94639


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 13 of 40 PageID #: 30025
`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 13 of 40 PagelD #: 30025
`No hart of any chapter or hoe}. nutty be reproduced or transmitted In any ion" by any means without the prior written permissyon for
`reprints anu excerpts from the publisher of the boot; or chapter Redistribution or other use that violates the fair use privolege under
`US copyright laws (see 17 USC‘tO’?) or that OlthWIlSE vroiates these Terms of Service ts strictly prohibited Violators will be
`prosecuted to the full extent of US. Federal and Massachusetts laws.
`Mastering Envelopes, Mail Merge, and Form Letters 486
`The Mail Merge Helper dialog box guides you throughthe three stages of‘creating a merged docu»
`meni (see Figure 173)“ Notice that the dialog box contains a lot at empty space: this Space will fill
`up thl't useful information about, the merge documents as you proceed.
`flail Merge Hetper
`Use murmurs: to set-up a mall merge. Begin b}; drawing the Create
`, ‘tjuttm.
`tt‘tWw .,..._,..._..- 9- ..
`greats. '
`2 ”3 Data :uurce
`agate i] .4 The 1‘. {3:1 rfitelye Healer (nu/0g m. Ls“ me warm! uterus; be t Mn) witldfl yam firmware rite wagers; .13 of farm
`fetter pmtiucfwu.
`The Mail Merge Helper is designed to be flexible: you can start setting up the merge at virtually any
`stage in the document-creation process. At approhriate points. Word requires you to make decisions
`or reminds you to go back and complete some necessary steps.
`You‘ll see many dialog boxes resembling the one in Figure 17:10. Although this dialog be): clues not
`have a name. you might think of It as the "decrston" dialog box.
`Sometimes the decision box otters a choice between creating a new document or changing the type
`of the acttve document. Consider carefully before changing the document type: generally. you'll want
`to preserve the existing document in its current form.
`mmmm_4x-_W—.fivv _,,
`.1 3w
`AH L01 94640


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 14 of 40 PageID #: 30026
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 14 of 40 PagelD #: 30026
`No part. of any chapter or boot»: may be reproduced or transmitted in any term by any means Without the priorwnlten penntssron for
`reprints and excerpts iron: the publisher 0! the book or chapter. Redistribution or other use that violates the lair use privilege under
`U .8 copyright laws (see 17 (1861 07) or that otherwise molates these Terms of Service ls strictly prohibited. Violators will be
`prosecuted to the full extent of Us. Federal and Massachusetts laws.
`Masrering Envelopes, Mail Merge. and Form Letters
`"it" rem-w Mm'l‘es‘f'hmm
`lg»: at Main em will,
` few-em ” “ '
`figure if 10 air dzfi’eten! points In lira merge process. Word 0555’ ttt‘reiileryna rte/t1 la wattle a next: blank trimaran! or use
`an ousting one
`ll‘ you tell to complete a required portion of one or the three stages in the merge process, you see
`a dialog box like the one shown in Figure 1711i This type of dialog; box essentially forces you to
`add detail to incomplete documents before going through with the merge. You see'thts dlalog hex
`only it the Mall Merge Helper detects that you have missed a step or incorrectly entered a response.
`rim riots source ‘fflll ”teem among warm regards too rwfighw
`‘3) {was to yum wows: fWWkflaa Serge
`View were:
`ra?"v :r
`£33239 to your wofifioeumenzor 1 l
`Microsoft Word
`Figure 13" l';
`tit/cafe Mai-{6431116 Helper rbrcieswli to create commoner dosmwnis before I? will lemon beginnmryr‘roz
`The follow/mg settlons describe how to proceecl through the three stages of creating melt-merge
`documents The Mail Merge Helper coorttlnales the mett‘merge documents and the merging proc~
`955. When you click a button in the Mail Merge Helper, Word displays a series of wrntlows thathetp
`you complete the part ol the merge process that Corresponds to the button
`Selecting the Main Document
`You can use any existing document as a main document, Simply open that document before starting
`the Mail Merge Helper. ll you need to create the main document. hooterver. you have the lottowing
`Start Wordand be sure you're in a new docmnenl.
`Choose Elle, blew
`. Make sure that the roument button is selected.
`Selecting tab that contains the template ‘v‘ou want to usa.
`Select the. latrlpldlés' yen want to use.
`Choose OK.
`It's not necessary to enter any text in the document right now; you can come back to that later.
`To create a main document for a form teller, follow these steps:
`Choose tools. Mail Me age.
`Click the greale button under the Main document heading Mills Mail Merge Helper dialog box.
`Choose Form Letters. Word displays a decision dialog box asking what. you want to use to
`create the iorm letter
` Mt“
`AH L01 94641


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 15 of 40 PageID #: 30027
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 312-3 Filed 03/10/21 Page 15 of 40 PagelD #: 30027
`No part at any chapter or book may be reproduced or transmitted in any lorm by any means without. the prior written permtssion for
`reprints and excerpts from the putattshet of the book or chapter Redistribution or other use that violates the lair use pnvtlege under
`U S copynght law's {see 17 USC107) or that otherwise violates theSe Terms of Servrce‘is strictly prohibited Violators will be
`prosecuted to the lull extent of U 5. Federal and Massachusetts laws
`Mastering Envelopes Mail Merge and Form Letters
`‘ 488
`Cluck the Acttve thdow button to use the active document as the main document Or click the
`New Main Document button to open anew document that uses the Normal document template.
`Word returns you to the Mail Merge Helper dialog box. which now disol'ays the type of merge and
`the name and path of the main document Under the Main Document heading.
`this process illustrates the Mail Merge Helpers ftexibility;‘if you realize ittstép 4 tltatyou don‘t want
`to use the active document, you don't have to start over again.
`Selecting :I Data Source
`Attaching the date worse to the main document does three things:
`- Shows Word the file name and path where the data will be located
`- Attaches 3 Matt Moron toolbar wnh merge tools to the top at the main d

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