`DEC 30 2024. Ye/tac
`DOCKETNO.: HHD-CV23-6174331-S
`The:Gourtappointed Kevin Brignole.asArbitratorfor anArbitration oftheabovecaptioried
`case. The case was: arbitrated ‘pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes § 52-549u. The.
`procedural and substantive: laws ofthe StateofConnecticut govern this decision. The above
`captioned case wastriedto thisArbitrator.onDecernbér13, 2024.At said Arbitration thePlaintiff
`| waspresentandrepresentedbyattomeyMartinaBriafrom the ZayasLawFirm..TheDefendant
`. ‘wasnot’présent, but,wasrepresentedby attorneyMichael Collinsfrom Halloran &Sage.
`The Plaintiffbroughtthis cause ofaction in a single Count sounding in negligence. The:
`Plaintiffallegesthat on November 22, 2021, atapproximately: 6:42.a.m., he was operatinghis
`motor vehicle on route.218in Windsor.The:Plaintifffurtherconteridsthat he:brought his vehicle
`toa'stop‘inobservanceofa.schoolbus‘that had displayedits “STOP”sign.ThePlaintiffcontends
`‘that theDefendantrear-ended the Plaintiff's vehicle. The Plaintiff. alleges thatthe: impactofthe
`collision:¢aused him to. sufferinjuriestohis cérvical:and (umbarspine. The Plaintiffallegesthat.
`the Defendarit wasnegligentinthat.he failéd to keep a reasonableand proper lookout,in that
`hé was traveling toofast, and that he wasfollowing the Plaintiff's vehicle more closely than was
`reasonablein violationof C.G.S. §14-240. The Plaintiff alleges.that itwas the Défendant's _
`negligentoperation of his.motor vehicle that causedthe collision and proximately caused his
`injuries. The Plaintiff hasalleged that he suffered economic and non-economicdamages.
`‘The Defendant filed an Answerand Special Defense. In thé. Defendant’s Answer, the
`Defendant denied that it was his negligencethat causéd the collision. By way. of Special
`Defenses,the Defendantcontendsthatthe Plaintiffis.barredfrom.récovering in that the Plaintiff's.
`own.negligence éxceedsthat oftheDefendant.The Defendantallegesthat the Plaintifffailedto
`keép a proper lookout, stopped suddenly, failedto utilize his mirrors'to observetraffic conditions,
`failedtokéap his vehicle.under proper-control, was. inattentive and wasspeeding.
`ThePlaintiff denied the Defendant’s Special Defenses.
`At the Arbitration Hearing, Plaintif’s attorney: introduced ‘a number of exhibits. The.
`following exhibits were-entered:
`4, Schedule A: Angel Colon’s medicalbills:
`_2, Angel:Colon’smedical records;
`3. Police Report (redacted);
`4. Photos
`The Defendant énteréed the following exhibits:
`A. Policé Report (unredacted).
`. B. Photosof the property damage
`Under our common-law negligence.laws, the failure of a party touse reasonable care
`under the circumstance. constitutes negligence.In this instance,thePlaintiff allegesthatthe
`Defendantfailed to.keepa reasonable distance betweenhis.vehicle.andthePlaintiff's vehicle. A
`driverof ani automobile has a duty to’ use reasonable care to avoid dangers. that he may
`encounter:‘such as: other vehicles. on the roadway: Adriveris required to keep a redsonable
`lookoutforothervehicles'that heislikelyto encounter.McDonald v. Connecticut Go., 197:Conn,
`14,17 (1963). Additionally, the violation of the Statute governing theoperation of motor vehicle
`could constitute negligence.
`In this. instance, the Plaintiff alleges that the Defendantviolated
`C.G.S, § 14-240(failure:to drive areasonable distance apart), C.G.S. § 14-218 (speéding), and.
`failed to keep a reasonableand properlookout.
`The Plaintiff was: present andtestified using the servicesof ah intefpreter. The Plaintiff
`testifiedat the Arbitration that he was travelingin theleft-handlane of route 218, on adark and
`rainy morning, whén a school bustravelling in the opposite direction displayed the “STOP”sign.
`The Plaintiff testified that he. immediately stopped and was. rear ended: by’the Defendant. The
`Plaintiffwas adamantthat he did not abruptly change lanesprior to stoppingfor the schoolbus.
`‘The Plaintiff testified that he had_a very limited understanding of Englisty and wasnot fluentin
`the: English language. The Plaintiff furthertestifiedthat theinvestigating officer did not speakto
`him. in Spanish andan interpreter was notutilized when hetried to tell thepolice what had
`The Defendant, through counsel, contested liability andblamedthePlaintiffforthe crash
`- stating thatthe Deféndant would testify that the Plaintiffabruptly cutin front of him:andstopped.
`This is consistent.with what. the Defendanttold the investigating officer. The Defendant rélied
`heavily on the inconsistencies inthe Plaintiff's version ofeventsif thé. policereport. Specifically,
`the Plaintiffinitially states that he. is. traveling in the left lane when a-schoolbustraveling in.the.
`opposite direction displayedthe “STOP”sign.. However, the Defendanttold theofficer aboutthe
`Plaintiff's abruptlane changeand when theofficer questioned the Plaintiff, sometime lateF'the —
`Plaintiff respondedwith a one word answer of “maybe”.
`In light ofthe circumstances,the statements bythe parties in the police report; the actions:
`of theparties documentedby the policé, and thePlaintiff's explanation of howthecollision took.
`place,liabilityshouldbe foundin favor of the Plaifitiff by a fair preponderance of the evidence.
`Althoughthe Defendantargues‘thePlaintiff's statementsare inconsistent, thereis evidence that
`thé Plaintiff did not understand the investigatingofficer. The Defendant's deemed to be 100%
`at faultforthe collision.
`Additionally, the Plaintiff must prove that any injuries that he may have suffered were
`proximately caused by theDefendant's negligence. Winnv. Posades, 281 Conn, 50, 56(2007).
`ThePlaintiff must prove that hedid in fact-suffer an actual injury and that theinjury was caused
`by the Defendant's negligence.
`In this case, the Plaintiff claimsinjuries to his cervical spine, ‘thoracic spine and post
`traumatic headaches. The Plaintiffpresented to Hartford OrthopedicMedicinefor an-assessrtient
`on November 29, 2021. He complained of neck and-backpain and-was prescribed muscle
`relaxers and anti-inflammatories. He underwentx-rays ofhiscervical and thoracicspinewhich
`werelargely unremarkabléand showednoacutefractures. Dr. Wei XuatHOM recoirimended a
`course ofchiropractic treatment.
`Between December1,2021 andFebruary 23, 2021 the Plaintiff underwent.22 chiropractic.
`treatment sessions. On February 23, 2021 the Plaintiff was experiencing occasional cervical
`pain, butwas managing his symptoms. He was discharged from chiropractic care.
`ThePlaintiffcontinued to follow up with Dr..Xufor his cervical and thoracic injury. On May
`25, 2022 heunderwent.afinal evaluation withDr. Xu. During thisvisit his physician references.
`aprior cervical injury. The Doctor referencesongoingpain management treatmentforthat prior
`cervical injury. DoctorXu performs an evaluation which reveals a cervical Spine ratige of motion
`thatislimited and a tharacie range of motion thatis “improved? All other orthopedic testing is
`negative. Dr. Xu diagnosed thePlaintiff with acervical Strain and sprain with ‘residual pain,
`thoracic sprain and strain (improving). and post traumatic headaches. (itnproving).. Dr. Xu opines
`that thePlaintiff hasreached MMI and statesthat his currentinjuries are causallyfelated to the
`motorvehicle collision onNovember22, 2021. Dr. Xudoesnotassign the Plaintiffwith a disability
`rating. Dr. Xuopined that thePlaititiffmay need additional treatment, but'there: is no évidence
`‘thePlaintiff has sought additional treatment since May of 2022.
`The. Defendant has: not disclosed any experts contradicting the doctor’s opinionor
`contestingthat the treatment/bills were excessive. The.Defendantpointed.out atthe Arbitration
`thatthe Plaintiff was involved in a priorincident where the Plaintiffinjured his neck-and hada _
`| In thiscase,the PlaintiffHasproved bya preponderanceofthe evidencethathe'suffered _
`anexacerbation injury tohiscervical spine,an injurytohis thoracic spine and post traumatic:
`headacheswhich is morelikely than notdirectly and proximately causedbythetraumatic events.
`of November22, 2021.
`Finally,thé.Plaintiffallegesthat he-suffered both economic and noh-econontic damages.
`The: Plaintiff claims economic damiagés of Five Thousand Six, Hundred and Seventy-Séven
`Dollars ($5,677.00)in outstanding medical ‘treatmentto. Hartford Orthopedic Medicine, Shaw |
`Chiropractic, andMichaelYoo!, FurtherthePlaintiffallegeshe sufferednon-economicdamages
`ofpastand futurephysical painand sufferingand past and future emotional pain and suffering.
`Areview’ofthe Plaintiffsmedicals: records: and in-conjunction withhis testimony reveals
`thatthePlaintiffclearlysifferadacatviealandthoracicinjury asa resultofthe-accident aridpost
`traumatic headaches. ThePlaintiffdid-notsuffer-any:pénvianentinjuriesbutstilloccasionally has
`some discomfort.ThePlaintiff testified thatprior to thecollision he'wasvery activeandused to-
`‘playbaseball, The Plaintiff claimsthatthe injuries havemadehim less activeandcaused him to:
`stopplaying baseball. The Plaintiff has proved bya. preponderanceofthe evidence:that. he’
`_ Sufferednon-economic damages forpastphysical-and emotionalpainandsuffering.
`Theréfore, the: judgement shall énter for the Plaintiff in the amount of$5,677.00in
`economic damages and $8,000 in non-economic damagesforatotal of$13,677.00.
` 73 Wadsworth Street
`Hartford,CT 06106.
`(860) 527--9973
` Juris#:436173
`12/30] 2024
`Law Frey
`20 -Graceh
`Hered) CT DIO
`One Goodwin
`Les Asylum Sheer
`Hath: Cr O03