CH4 00
`State Bar NO;
`State CA
`Zip: 94063
`Request for CiVil Harassment
`Restraining Orders
`Read Can a Civil Harassment Restrainingbrder Help Me? orm CH-I 00-
`out Condential CLETS
`INFO) before completing this form. Also ll
`Information orm CLETS-OOJ) with as much information as you know.
`® Person Seeking Protection
`a. Your Full Name:
`Lupita Perez
`Your Lawyer (ifyou have onefor this case)
`F. N r
`mm am '
`b. Your AddreSs (Ifyou have a lawyer, give your lawyer ’s
`information. Ifyou do not have a lawyer and want to keep your
`home address private, you may give a dierent mailing address
`instead. You do not have to- give telephone, fax, or e-mail.)
`Marlborough Avenue
`City: Redwood City .
`ETMail Address:
`Person From Whom Protection is Sought,
`Full Name: ,Avis Sanders Lewis r
`Address (ifknown): 2753 Marlborough Avenue
`City: Redwood City
`Clerk stamps date here when form is led.
`F E Ed E D
`8 I
`0 CT 2 9 2020
`Gem of
`Superior c
`(/E ,_.
`Fill in court name and street address:
`Superior Court of California, County of‘
`San Mateo
`400 County Center
`Redwood City, CAi'94063
`Court lls
`in case number when form is led.
`Case Number;
`2,0 (Liv 0%?53
`Zip: 94063
`State: CA
`® Additional Protected Persons
`a. Are you asking forprotection for any other family or household members? D Yes D NO ~ Ifyes, list them}
`Lives with you? How are they related to you?
`Full Name
`ID Yes D No
`D Yes D No
`D Yes D No i
`D .Yes' D No .
`D Check here ifthere are more persons. Attach a sheet ofpaper and write “Attachment 3a—Additional Protected
`.Persons ”for a title. You may useform MC~025, Attachment.
`b. Why do these people‘need protection? (Explain below):
`D Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer on the attached sheet of
`paper orform MCl025 and write “Attachment 3b—Why Others Need Protection ”for a title.
`This is not a Court Order.
`Riv'fs'; $3,323.,23512T$anm;‘2;,fn°ag°v
`Code of Civil Procedure. §§ 527.6 and 527.9
`Request for CIVII Harassment Restraining Orders .
`(CiviI Harassment Prevention)
`CH 10°» P6991 °f6


`Case Number:
`Relationship'of Parties
`How do you know the perso'n in ® ? (Explain below):
`E Check here ifthere is not enough Spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer 0n the attached sheet of
`paper orform MC—025 and write “Attachment 4—Relati0nship ofParties ”for a title.
`in this county? (Check all that apply):
`-Why are you ling
`a. D The person in ® lives in this county.
`b. E I was harassed by the person in® in this county.
`c. D Other (specijy):
`- -. Other Court Cases
`a. Have you or any of the persons named in @been inVQlved in another court case with the person in ®?
`D Yes D No
`(Ifyes, check each kind ofcase and indicate where and when each wasled.)
`Year Filed Case Number (it knownz
`Kind of Case
`Filed in (County/State)
`ID Civil Harassment
`(2) D Domestic Violence
`(3) D Divorce; Nullity, Legal Separation
`(4) D Paternity, Parentage, Child Custody
`’(5) D Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse
`(6) D Eviction
`(7). D -Guardianship
`(8) D Workplace Violence
`(9) D Small Claims
`(10) D Criminal
`(1 1) D Other (specii):
`b. Are there now any protective or restraining orders in effect relating to you or any! of the persons in ® and the '
`No D Yes'
`(Ifyes, attach a copy ifyou have one.)
`person in®?
`Description of Harassment
`Harassment-means violence or threats o'f violence against you, or a course of condu‘ctthat seriously alarmed,
`annoyed, or harassed you and caused you substantial emotional distress. A course of conduct is more than one act.
`a. Tell the court about the last time the person in ® harassed you.
`(1) When did it happen? (provide date or estimated date): March 2020, 10/6/2020, 10/7/2020, 10/14/2020
`(2) Who else was there?
`My direct supervisor as well as my director. See declaration for more details.
`This is not a Court Order.
`Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
`(Civil Harassment Prevention)
`CH4“): Page 2 0‘6


`® a.
`How did the,person in ® harass you? (Explain below):
`E Check here ~ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer 0n the attached
`' sheet ofpaper orform MC—025 and write “Attachment 7a(3)—Describe Harassmeht”f0r a title.
`Case Number:
`Did the person in ® use or threaten to use a gun or any other weapon?
`D Yes IINo (Ifyes, explain below)
`D Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer on the attached
`sheet ofpaper orform MC—025 and write “Attachment 7a(4)——Use of Weapons ”for a title.
`Were you harmed or injured because of the harassment?
`Yes D No (Ifyes, explain below):
`D Check here ifthere is not enough spacefOr your answer. Put your complete answer on the attached
`sheet ofpaper orform MC—025 and write ”Attachment 7a(5)—Harm or Injury ”for a title.
`Did the police come? D Yes E No
`’Ifyes, did they give you or the person in ® an Emergency Protective Order? D Yes D No
`If yes, the order protects (check all that apply):
`D The person in ® D The persons in ® .
`D Me
`(Attach a copy‘ ofthe order ifyou have one.)
`b. Has the person in ® harassed you at other times?
`E Yes D No
`(Ifyes, describe prior incidents andprovide dates ofharassment below).
`D Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer Put your complete answer on the attached sheet of
`paper orform MC—025 and write ”Attachment 7b—Previous Harassment”for a title.
`See Declaration
`This is not a Court Order.
`Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
`.(Civi|_Harassment Prevention)
`011-100: Page 3 0f 6


`’Case Number:
`me or to any person to be
`. Check the orders you want. M
`E Pershnal Conduct Orders
`I ask the court to order the person in ® not to do any of the following things to
`a. I Harass, intimidate, molest, attack, strike, stalk, threaten, assault (sexually or otherwise), hit, abuse, destroy
`protected listed1n @.
`personal property of, or disturb the peace of the person
`b. I Contact the person, either directly or indirectly, in any way, including, but not limited to, in person, by
`telephone, in writing, by public or private mail, by interofce mail, by e—~mail, by text message, by fax, or by
`other electronic means.
`Other (speciz):
`.D Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer 0n the attached
`sheet ofpaper orform MC—025 and write “Attachrnent 8c—Other Personal Conduct Orders, ”for a
`Social Media (Facebook), Next Door, and/or Cyperstaking

`The person in ® will be ordered not t0 take any action t0 get the addresses or locations ofany
`good cause not to make the order
`unless the courtnds
`E Stay-Away Orders
`I ask the court to order the person in ® to stay at least 3_0_0 yards away from (check all.that apply).
`(8) I My vehic1e.
`(1) E Me
`(9) D Other (specil'
`(2) D The other persdns listedin @.
`My home.
`(4) E Myjob or workplace.
`(5) D My school.
`(6) D My children’ s school.
`(7) D My children’ s place of child care.
`b. Ifthe court orders the person in ® to stay away from all the places listed above, will he or she still be able
`Yes D N0
`(Ifno, explain below):
`to get to his or her home, school, or job?
`D. Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put‘your complete answer on the attached sheet of
`paper orform MC-025 and write “Attachment 9b—Stay-Away Orders, ”for a title.
`Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunition
`D Yes D 'No
`Does the person in ® own or possess any guns or other rearms?
`I don’t know
`Ifthejudge grants aprotective order; the person in ® will be prohibitedom owning, possessing, purchasing,
`receiving, or attempting to purchase or receive a gun, otherrearm,
`and ammunition while the protective order
`The person in ® will also be ordered to turn in to law enforcement, or sell to,or store with a
`is in eect.
`licensed gun dealer, any guns orrearms within his or her immediate possession or control.
`This is not a Court Order.
`Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
`(CiviIHarassment Prevention)
`CH-100- Page 4 °f5
`, 9


`Case Number:
`@Il Temporary Restraining Order
`I request that a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) be issued against the person in ® to last until the hearing. I
`am presenting form CH-l 10, Temporary Restraining Order, for the court’s signature together with this Request.
`Has the person in® been told that- you were going to go to court to seek a TRO against him/her?
`I Yes D No (Ifyou answered no, explain why below)
`D Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer Put your complete answer on the attached sheet of
`paper orform MC—025 and write “Attachment 1 I—Temporary Restraining Order ”for a title.
`® D Request to Give Less Than Five Days' Notice of Hearing
`You must have yourpapers personally served 0n the person in ® at leastve
`days before the hearing, unless the
`court orders a shortertimefor service.- (Form CH-200-INFO explains What Is “Proof of Personal‘Service”? Form
`CH—200, Proof of Personal Service, may be used to show the court that the papers have been served)
`‘If you want there to be fewer than ve
`days between service and the hearing, explain why below:
`D Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer on the attached sheet of
`paper orform MC—025 and write “Attachment 12—Request to Give Less Than Five Days ’ Notice ”for a title.
`E No Fee for Filing or Service
`a. E There should be no ling
`fee because the person in ® has used or threatened to use violence against me,
`b. l The sheriff or marshal should serve (notify) the person in ® about the orders for free because my request
`has stalked me, or has acted or spoken in some other way that makes me reasonably fear violence.
`for ordersls based on unlawful violence, a credible threat of violence, or stalking
`c. U There should be no filing fee and the sheriff or marshal should serve the person in @for free becauseI
`am entitled to a fee waiver. {You must complete andleform FW-001, Application for Waiver of Court
`Costs .)
`.@D Lawyer's Fees and Costs
`D Check here ifthere are more items Put the items and amounts 0n the attached sheet
`MC—025 and write ”Attachment 14—Lawyer‘s Fees and
`Costs ”for a title.
`This is not a Court Order.
`Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
`(Civil Harassment Prevention)
`I ask the court to order payment ofmy D lawyer’s fees
`The amounts requested are:
`D Court costs.
`Gil-10°: Page 5 °f5 '


`Case Number:
`® D Possession and Protection of Animals
`I ask the court to order the following
`a. D That I be given the sole possession, care, and control ofthe animals listed below, which I own, possess,
`lease, keep, or hold, or which reside1n my household.
`animals by, e.g., type, breed, name, color, sex.)
`I request sole possession ofthe animals because (specil
`good causefor granting order):
`D Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer. ~Put your complete answer on the attached
`sheet ofpaper orform MC—025 and write “Attachment 15a—Possession ofAnimals ”for a title.
`b. D That the person in @must stay at least
`yards away from, and not take, sell, transfer, encumber,
`conceal, molest, attack, strike, threaten, harm, or otherwise dispose of, the animals listed above.
`D Additional Orders Requested
`I ask the court to make the following additional orders (speciz):
`D Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer on the attached sheet of
`paper orform MC—025 and write “Attachment 1 6.—Additional Orders Requested, ”for a title.
`® Number of pages attached to this form, if any:
`Lawyer ’s name (ifany)
`Lawyer ’s signature
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above and on all
`attachments is true and correct.
`Lupita Perez
`Type orprint your name
`h m QM
`Sign o’ur nanle
`This is not a Court Order.
`Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
`(Civil Harassment Prevention)
`CH-100: Page 5 °f5


`Attachment 7, a (3) (5); 7b; 80; 9b, and Attachment 11 -
`Avis Sa'nders Lewis is continually harassing me at iny place of employment putting my .job in ‘
`jeopardy and causing me and my family tremendous stress. Ms. Lewis repeated acts have caused me to feel
`afraid. She is making false and defamation accusations against me which are damaging my reputation as well
`as my integrity. Ms. Lewis has publishing false information 'and injurious acts through, Neighbors social
`media. Our neighbors on Marlborough Ave in Redwood City had been complaining about Ms. Lewis for some
`time and concern about the activity at her residence. They asked me to intervene, as a property owner on that
`street. I did not pay much attention to the matter until I was informed about a subject who frequents Ms.
`Lewis’s residence trespassing in my properties backyard claiming he was “looking for a quarter.” Ms. Lewis
`was aware of this incident (see exhibit 1).
`IAt that point, I felt I needed to intervene in an attempt to protect the elderly resident living in my
`property. A neighbor provided me with the property owners name and cellular phone number for the residence
`in which Ms. Lewis lives. On March 23, 2020, I was in the neighborhood and photographed pictures of the
`subjects outside Ms. Lewis residence with the purpose of showing the landlord proof of all the activity going
`on. I forwarded'the pictures to the property owner requesting he look into the matter as we wereconcemed. It
`forwarded the pictures to Ms. Lewis ‘ along. with my phone. number as I
`appears the property owner
`immediately received a call from Ms. Lewis. I was in my car and dropped my phone as I tried to answer it and
`was unable to retrieve it befOre Ms. Lewis'hung up. She followed by sending me a text message j
`(see exhibit 2).
`On March 24, 2020, I was informed by a friend that Ms. Lewis had posted my Facebook account
`picture along with a‘statement about me on her Facebook account (see exhibit 3).
`On September 5, 2020, I was informed by a coworker who has Ms. Lewis as a iend
`that a new post about me had been posted. This post had my correct work title (see exhibit 4).
`on her Facebook r
`On October 5, 2020, a neighbor informed me that Ms. Lewis had once again posted about me on the
`Nextdoor application that reaches “25 neighborhoods” (see exhibit 5). I have received several phone calls from
`friends,_family and co—workers informing me about this post.
`On October 6, 2020, Ms. Lewis called my place of employment attempting to le
`a” complaint. She
`a citizen's complaint should she feel it was appropriate. On
`was told by a director she was welcomed to le


`October 7, 2020, Ms. Lewis\called my direct work number. She was telling me we needed tdtalk before I
`asked who was on the phone. As soon as she introduced herself, I asked her to not contact me again and hung
`up. Same day, Ms. Lewis sent a, Nextdoor message to a neighbor threatening to go to my .place of
`employment, ask for me and my supervi‘sorif I didn’t talk to her (see exhibit 6).
`0n October 14, 2020,‘Ms. Lewis spoke to my direct supervisor. On October 21, 2020, my supervisor
`spoke to Ms. Lewis and referred her back to the director. Lastly, I was informed by a neighbor that Ms. Lewis _
`was going door to door asking where I lived. I have been told several neighbors have led
`complaints against
`Ms. Lewis, but she believes it was me and that is not‘true. OI have never emailed anyone regarding Ms. Lewis
`or made the comments she is alleging.
`I am respectfully requesting the Court grant me a restraining order to prevent Avis Sanders Lewis
`from cOntinued'harassment and false accusations to my person, my residence and place of employment. It is
`my fear without a restraining order the harassment will escalate to something more serious.
`I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the
`foregoing is true and correct.
`‘201 ‘ZOZO
`L pita Perez, In Pro Per


`Lois Wood- North Fair Oaks—Menlo
`Rosendo Lopez Ms. Lopez the statement
`“nobody plays with balls 'anymore" oh,
`please... that is not true. What-do you know
`about it anyway? Did you spend the last 3.5
`decades watching over children in a sch‘ool
`36 min ago Like
`o Theresa Winterling- North Fair Oaks—Menlo'
`Q 2
`Rosendo Lopez lthink Avis is pointing out the
`'way racial bias affects our thinking, analysis,
`and conclusions whether we realize we are
`factoring in bias or not. lf | were you, instead
`of being defensive and sticking firm to your
`beliefs and assumptions, | would reread her
`posts and think more objectively
`10 min ago Like
`Rosendo Lopez So was anything stolen or
`missing or are you simply coming to a
`nefarious conclusion due to fear?
`7 min ago Like
`0 Theresa Winterling- North Fair Oaks—Menlo
`g the situation was dscussed with'whoever drives
`avis Lewis- Berkshire to Northumberland
`that black truck was it you?
`1 hr ago Like
`(-il { Comment
`a l]


`avis Lewis- Berkshire to Northumberla‘nd
`I question you said never have had any
`problems the 40 years here so when the
`people that lived here before me were selling
`drugs and gang banging and even
`somebody got shot that wasn’t a p... See more
`Q 1
`6 hr ago Like
`Rosendo Lopez- Berkshire to Northumberland
`avis Lew'is who's we?|'m the owner l never
`talked to anybody ljust put ca’maras up, and
`yes it was from my back yard.not saying it was
`you but you're saying you have about 100
`people coming over that concern all 'of us do
`they All live in RWC?
`1 hrago Like
`avis Lewis. Berkshire to Northumberland
`Rosendo Lopez so i pay my rent just like you
`do and if i had 20,000 people at my house as
`long as they not causing a threat or doing
`illegal things that’s my business and
`you still did not answer the'questio... See more
`'l hr ago Like
`Rosendo Lopez- Berkshire to Northumberland
`avis Lewis why are you tryingto make this a
`race thing? Nothing to d_o with race if you're
`coming out of my back yard without my y
`permission no matter what color you
`are it_’s_wronaL'lIheabalLstnrvlSadl...‘_See more.
`x '


`perez7063 <‘>
`Friday, October‘ 23, 2020 4:00 PM
`Lupita Perez
`Emmi + Z
`"rem;— mggctcg 9mm
`3| 25} 2620
`CAUTION: This email originated from outside of San Mateo County. Unless you recognize the sender's email address a'nd know
`S'Izq PM
`the contentIs safe, do not click links, open attachments or reply}
`Ms.Perez , Since l dont go on assumption ltook the time f0 research you ..First of all my name is Avis Lewis lgrew up in
`this neighborhood my grandparents owned the house on the corner of Northumberland for over 50 yrs. My Aunt was
`the head librarian downtown'and my other Aunt taught at Fairoaks Ms.Rebecca Bibbs ,
`i understand you have conterns
`but the adult thing to do would b_e to come and address your concerns since you made no attempt to do so leads me to
`believe your intentions are to cause me hardship , at no time have i been contacted about these concerns because ifi
`had of been iwould have been willing to_correct the issues . Now since you have took it upon your self to take photos of
`no illegal'activities besides the gathering of African American people because for 1 it was during the day and 2 nobody
`was engaging in no illegal activity and then you sent those pictures to my landlord providing proof of what? My rent is
`$3900 and i do have the right to peaceful enjoyment and i offering you the opportunity to discuss what issue you have
`and why you. are taking pictures and if you are seeing illegal activity 'e.g. drug deals or acts of crime then i will side with
`you but if its nothing other then people of color then, lm glad | am knowledgeable about the law please feel free to
`come to me with concerns and please feel free to share this text as i am forwarding copies as well‘
`Lupita Perez
`Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy SlOe.


`_ m3 mmwic 5m.“ <0:
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`Emgba-y 3
`AV|s,5anaers LeWIs
`Q 15 mins - 11.
`This is the woman who works for We
`Hope and was taking pictures of people
`. who were doing nothing other then being
`black and referred to us as “our kind of
`people "
`. Lupita Perez
`3 .¥


`Escb‘xfba’ L"
`Time/WK. (963+
`. Avis Sanders Lewis
`g 11m - a
`there are a big majority of African Americans on probation
`and with probation officers that refer to African Americans
`as "you people " and "your kind of people" not to mention
`go as far as to make false accqsations in order to cause '
`undue harm SHOULD NOT be 'able to be in charge of
`anybody because how can any African American
`successfully do probation when the person who is over
`them has racial opinions? The ongoing issue has and will
`always be racial profiling discrimination and unfairness
`within law enforcement because this racist individuals keep
`getting hired ,‘see the thing is she did not expect for me to
`find out who she was or better yet where she was employed.
`what she should have been doing while she was making
`accusations of me running naked down a street and getting
`arrested was that l know how to check police logs and the
`fact that l have lived in this neighborhood over 4O years and
`lm not the image of a black person she thought l was infact
`lm way more scarier l"M A NEGRO WlTH EDUCATION”, And
`,my first step is putting out on social media and lm not lying
`about the things shes done I have proof and witnesses
`unlike herself , and l am not on probation so cant get me
`there so Facebook family share this and pass it on Lupita
`Perez Probation Officer San Mateo County needs not to be a
`Probation Officer she needs to resign and work somewhere
`that she will not be supervising African American
`D Comment
`® Send


`EmWbWl 5
`avis Lewis
`,V Berkshire to Northumberland - 15 min ago
`|. <
`Don't Assume‘Come Talk. | moved into a place that the
`tenants before me were into illegal activities so of course
`attention is on me especially being of color . l'm going to
`say this check sheriffs logs at no time have the law been
`summoned to my place for any illegal activity if they came i
`called I pay my rent like everyone else if i have 100 friends
`come to my home as long as no one is threatening the
`safety of the neighbors or breaking the law then other then
`the fact of being BLACK because that is the issue because
`if it wasn't and it was anything illegal i'm sure the sheriff
`would be at my home | wonder if the house 3 doors down
`gets the same judgement as me since the task force has
`raided at least twice since i moved here and | was told by
`an individual who works for the county that she was tired of
`"My kind of People " and that the whole neighborhood was
`sick of "my kind of people" so since one person has spoke
`for the neighborhood I'm making myself available to
`address any concerns of issues we are adults and the


`Exhibit” 5
`nouse 5 aoors oown gets tne same Juogement as
`'me since the task force has raided at least twiee
`since i moved here and | was told by an individual
`‘who works for the county that she was tired of "My
`kind of People " and that the whole neighborhood
`was sick of "my kind of people” so since one person
`has spoke for the neighborhood I’m making myself
`available to address any concerns of issues we are
`adults and the correct way to handle concerns is to
`come and talk cause what you assume probably is
`not what you think .I am not aggressive l am not
`dangerous what iam though l’m not ignorant Lupita'
`Perez who is a probation officer who took this
`picture sent it to my landlord who in return sent it to
`so this shows wrong
`me along with her number
`doing where? we are trying to get a car started
`unless those saggin pants are illegal but she has
`spoken for all of the neighbors and the not wanting
`"my kind of people" living here
`Posted in General to 25 neighborhoods
`O Like D Comment
`"W; Caroline Cardoso- South Palm Park
`@l lm sorry this is happening to you Avis
`Q 2 D 1
`Q 1
`18 min ago
`if, Comment


`wbl—F 5
`O 1
`aVIS LewlS- Berkshire IO Nortnumberland
`~ You know l would appreciate that very much
`and I will dm you
`‘l hrago Like
`avis LeWis' Berkshire to Northumberland
`l think the fact that this person is a county
`employee and has these oinions is not okay
`‘lhrago Like
`@r] 2
`Joanne Sperans- North Fair Oaks-Menlo
`l’m sorry you experienced this, Avis. lt’s good you
`spoke up so others are aware and can reach out as
`they are. Don’t let one bad apple ruin things for
`1hrago Like
`I Reply
`Q 1
`Anna Nicole Sanchez- Stambaugh-‘Heller
`Just wanted to say l am sorry you are experiencing
`this bullying and am glad your landlord informed
`you of the "concern”. What l really appreciate is
`having a neighbor like you, that opens the dialog
`for community discussion. How else can Our
`community improve, if we do not have these
`conversations? Thank you for being open and
`sharing the photo. Masks are mandatory, belts are
`not people! Q Calm down fashion police! Maybe
`you need a sign out frontthat say’s "no paparazzi
`14 min ago Like
`Q 1
`l Comment


`Em‘xb‘x3r (29“
`30h \202’0
`a avis Lewis, Berkshire to
`0k i had a pleasant conversation
`with your father awesome guy and l
`would like to talk to Lupita on her
`terms because for one i know what
`was said because i recorded the
`conversation my landlord can and
`will vouch that it was said the email
`yes i have the emails about me
`supposedly running naked but no
`police records if i was arrested and
`guess where those emails trace
`back to? so before i go downtown
`with my evidence that points the
`finger at who did these things and
`in case you are not aware it kinda
`falls under a hate crime legal
`counsel might be good if you need
`to be defended innocent people
`don't but i would appreciate it if you
`passed the messsge or i can come
`to the 5th floor and ask for her and
`the supervisor and we can resolve
`the situation i'll come with
`everything i have so she can explain ‘
`i’m sure she has my number thank
`View or reply
`\ \

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