Kiana Jones v. Starz Entertainment, LLC

5:24-cv-00206 | California Central District Court

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Division Riverside (Eastern Division)
Judge Judge Kenly Kiya Kato
Filed Jan. 31, 2024
Terminated March 11, 2024
Magistrate Magistrate Judge David T. Bristow
Nature of Suit 896 Arbitration
Cause 09:0009 Petition to Confirm Arbitration Award
Jury Demand None
Last Updated: 8 hours ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
3/24/2025MANDATE of Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals filed re: Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, 35 , CCA # 24-1645. The judgment of this Court, entered February 28, 2025, takes effect this date. This constitutes the formal mandate of this Court issued pursuant to Rule 41(a) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure. [See USCA Opinion 40 , AFFIRMED.](mat) (Entered: 03/26/2025)
2/28/2025OPINION from Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals filed re: Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, 35 filed by Kiana Jones. CCA # 24-1645. The decision of the District Court is AFFIRMED.(mat) (Entered: 03/04/2025)
2/6/2025Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Albert Pak counsel for Petitioner Kiana Jones. Albert Y. Pak is no longer counsel of record for the aforementioned party in this case for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Plaintiff Kiana Jones. (Pak, Albert) (Entered: 02/06/2025)
8/2/2024Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Patrick A. Huber counsel for Petitioner Kiana Jones. Patrick A. Huber is no longer counsel of record for the aforementioned party in this case for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Petitioner KIANA JONES. (Huber, Patrick) (Entered: 08/02/2024)
3/19/2024NOTIFICATION from Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals of case number assigned and briefing schedule. Appeal Docket No. 24-1645 assigned to Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, 35 as to petitioner Kiana Jones. (mat) (Entered: 03/22/2024)
3/14/2024REPRESENTATION STATEMENT re Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, 35 . (Pak, Albert) (Entered: 03/14/2024)
3/14/2024NOTICE OF APPEAL to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals filed by Petitioner Kiana Jones. Appeal of Order on Motion to Dismiss Case, 34 . (Appeal Fee - $605 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-37092904.) (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - March 11, 2024 Order, Dkt. 34)(Pak, Albert) (Entered: 03/14/2024)
  • Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer)Granted
MINUTES (In Chambers) Order GRANTING Respondent's Motion to Dismiss [Dkt. 19] by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. For the reasons set forth above, the Court GRANTS Respondent's Motion to Dismiss and Petitioner's Petition to Compel Arbitration is DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk of Court shall close this action. (See document for further information).; granting 19 MOTION to Dismiss Case. (MD JS-6. Case Terminated) (aco) (Entered: 03/11/2024)
  • Order
(IN CHAMBERS) ORDER by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato: The Court finds Respondent's Motion to Dismiss [Dkt. 19] appropriate for resolution without oral argument. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 78; L.R. 7-15. Accordingly, the hearing set for March 14, 2024 is hereby VACATED and the matter is taken under submission. IT IS SO ORDERED. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (npo) TEXT ONLY ENTRY (Entered: 03/08/2024)
3/7/2024DECLARATION of Patrick A. Huber In Support Of NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Compel Arbitration 23 filed by Petitioner Kiana Jones. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - 5/22/2023 Letter)(Huber, Patrick) (Entered: 03/07/2024)
  • Motion to Compel Arbitration (Arbitration Demand)
REPLY In Further Support Of NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Compel Arbitration 23 filed by Petitioner Kiana Jones. (Pak, Albert) (Entered: 03/07/2024)
  • Order
ORDER ON APPLICATION OF NON-RESIDENT ATTORNEY TO APPEAR IN A SPECIFIC CASE PRO HAC VICE by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. APPLICATION of Attorney Albert Pak to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Petitioner Kiana Jones, designating Jae K. Kim as local counsel GRANTED.; granting 26 Non-Resident Attorney Albert Pak. (aco) (Entered: 03/01/2024)
2/29/2024DECLARATION of Oliver M. Kiefer in opposition to NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Compel Arbitration 23 and in support of Opposition filed by Respondent Starz Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit 1 - August 24, 2023 JAMS Invoice to STARZ, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit 2 - January 11, 2024 Letter from S. Nevins to Parties, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit 3 - January 19, 2024 Letter from P. Huber to S. Nevins, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit 4 - January 22, 2024 Letter from D. Horniak to S. Nevins, # 5 Exhibit Exhibit 5 - January 26, 2024 Email from P. Huber to S. Nevins, # 6 Exhibit Exhibit 6 - January 31, 2024 Letter from D. Horniak to S. Nevins, # 7 Exhibit Exhibit 7 - February 14, 2024 Letter from S. Nevins to Parties, # 8 Exhibit Exhibit 8 - February 29, 2024 Email from P. Huber to S. Nevins)(Tsai, Jeffrey) (Entered: 02/29/2024)
  • Motion to Compel Arbitration (Arbitration Demand)
OPPOSITION to NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Compel Arbitration 23 filed by Respondent Starz Entertainment, LLC. (Tsai, Jeffrey) (Entered: 02/29/2024)
  • Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer)
REPLY in support of NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Dismiss Case (Petition) 19 filed by Respondent Starz Entertainment, LLC. (Tsai, Jeffrey) (Entered: 02/29/2024)
  • Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Albert Pak to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Petitioner Kiana Jones (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-37005620) filed by Plaintiff Kiana Jones. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Good Standing, # 2 Proposed Order) (Kim, Jae) (Entered: 02/29/2024)
  • Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer)
OPPOSITION to NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Dismiss Case (Petition) 19 filed by Petitioner Kiana Jones. (Postman, Warren) (Entered: 02/22/2024)
2/22/2024DECLARATION of Patrick A. Huber In Support of NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Compel Arbitration 23 filed by Petitioner Kiana Jones. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Email from Claimants to JAMS dated May 31, 2023, # 2 Exhibit B - Email from Starz to JAMS dated June 1, 2023, # 3 Exhibit C Letter from JAMS dated June 7, 2023, # 4 Exhibit D - Emails between Claimants and Starz dated June 14, June 15, and June 16, 2023, # 5 Exhibit E - Emails from Claimants and Starz to JAMS dated July 9, July 10, July 11, and July 12, 2023, # 6 Exhibit F - Letter from JAMS dated July 6, 2023, # 7 Exhibit G - Letter brief from Starz to JAMS dated July 17, 2023, # 8 Exhibit H - Letter brief from Claimants to JAMS dated July 17, 2023, # 9 Exhibit I - Letter from JAMS dated August 8, 2023, # 10 Exhibit J - Letter from JAMS dated Nov. 15, 2023, # 11 Exhibit K - Letter from Starz to JAMS dated Dec. 8, 2023, # 12 Exhibit L Letter from Claimants to JAMS dated Dec. 15, 2023, # 13 Exhibit M - Letter from Starz to JAMS dated Dec. 18, 2023, # 14 Exhibit N - Letter from Claimants to JAMS dated Dec. 19, 2023, # 15 Exhibit O - JAMS Letter dated Jan. 8, 2024, # 16 Exhibit P - Letter from Claimants to Starz dated Jan. 10, 2024, # 17 Exhibit Q - Letter from Starz to Claimants dated Jan. 17, 2024, # 18 Exhibit R Letter from JAMS dated Feb. 12, 2024)(Postman, Warren) (Entered: 02/22/2024)
  • Motion to Compel Arbitration (Arbitration Demand)
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Compel Arbitration filed by Petitioner Kiana Jones. Motion set for hearing on 3/21/2024 at 09:30 AM before Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Postman, Warren) (Entered: 02/22/2024)
2/16/2024CIVIL STANDING ORDER by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. (npo) (Entered: 02/16/2024)
  • Order
ORDER ON APPLICATION OF NON-RESIDENT ATTORNEY TO APPEAR IN A SPECIFIC CASE PRO HAC VICE by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. APPLICATION of Attorney Patrick Huber to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Petitioner Kiana Jones, designating Jae K. Kim as local counsel GRANTED.; granting 11 Non-Resident Attorney Patrick Huber. (aco) (Entered: 02/15/2024)
2/14/2024NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIES in Electronic Filed Document RE: Notice of Appearance 15 , Notice of Appearance 13 , Notice of Appearance 14 . The following error(s) was/were found: Case number incomplete; missing initials of Judge. Incorrect event selected. Correct event to be used is: Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel G123. In response to this notice, the Court may: (1) order an amended or correct document to be filed; (2) order the document stricken; or (3) take other action as the Court deems appropriate. You need not take any action in response to this notice unless and until the Court directs you to do so. (ak) (Entered: 02/14/2024)
  • Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer)
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Dismiss Case (Petition) filed by Respondent Starz Entertainment, LLC. Motion set for hearing on 3/14/2024 at 09:30 AM before Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Tsai, Jeffrey) (Entered: 02/13/2024)
2/13/2024NOTICE OF REASSIGNMENT of MJDAP case from Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym to Judge Kenly Kiya Kato for all further proceedings. Any discovery matters that may be referred to a Magistrate Judge are assigned to U.S. Magistrate Judge David T. Bristow. The case number will now reflect the initials of the transferee Judges 5:24-cv-00206 KK(DTBx). (rn) (Entered: 02/13/2024)
2/13/2024DECLINED STATEMENT OF CONSENT TO PROCEED before the assigned Magistrate Judge filed by Respondent Starz Entertainment, LLC. (Horniak, David) (Entered: 02/13/2024)
2/13/2024 NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Respondent Starz Entertainment, LLC, identifying Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.. (Horniak, David) (Entered: 02/13/2024)
2/13/2024 NOTICE of Appearance filed by attorney David Michael Horniak on behalf of Respondent Starz Entertainment, LLC (Attorney David Michael Horniak added to party Starz Entertainment, LLC(pty:res))(Horniak, David) (Entered: 02/13/2024)
2/13/2024 NOTICE of Appearance filed by attorney Angela Christine Agrusa on behalf of Respondent Starz Entertainment, LLC (Attorney Angela Christine Agrusa added to party Starz Entertainment, LLC(pty:res))(Agrusa, Angela) (Entered: 02/13/2024)
2/13/2024 NOTICE of Appearance filed by attorney Jeffrey E. Tsai on behalf of Respondent Starz Entertainment, LLC (Attorney Jeffrey E. Tsai added to party Starz Entertainment, LLC(pty:res))(Tsai, Jeffrey) (Entered: 02/13/2024)
2/7/2024 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed filed by Petitioner Kiana Jones. upon Starz Entertainment, LLC waiver sent by Plaintiff on 2/5/2024, answer due 4/5/2024. Waiver of Service signed by Jeff Tsai. (Postman, Warren) (Entered: 02/07/2024)
  • Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Patrick A. Huber to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Petitioner Kiana Jones (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-36869836) filed by Petitioner Kiana Jones. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Good Standing, # 2 Proposed Order) (Attorney Jae Kook Kim added to party Kiana Jones(pty:pet)) (Kim, Jae) (Entered: 02/07/2024)
2/1/2024 NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Petitioner Kiana Jones, (Postman, Warren) (Entered: 02/01/2024)
2/1/2024NOTICE OF DEFICIENCIES in Attorney Case Opening RE: Petition (Attorney Civil Case Opening) 1 . The following error(s) was found: No Notice of Interested Parties has been filed. A Notice of Interested Parties must be filed with every partys first appearance. See Local Rule 7.1-1. Counsel must file a Notice of Interested Parties immediately. Failure to do so may be addressed by judicial action, including sanctions. See Local Rule 83-7. (et) (Entered: 02/01/2024)
2/1/2024NOTICE OF PRO HAC VICE APPLICATION DUE for Non-Resident Attorney Patrick A. Huber on behalf of Petitioner. A document recently filed in this case lists you as an out-of-state attorney of record. However, the Court has not been able to locate any record that you are admitted to the Bar of this Court, and you have not filed an application to appear Pro Hac Vice in this case. Accordingly, within 5 business days of the date of this notice, you must either (1) have your local counsel file an application to appear Pro Hac Vice (Form G-64) and pay the applicable fee, or (2) complete the next section of this form and return it to the court at You have been removed as counsel of record from the docket in this case, and you will not be added back to the docket until your Pro Hac Vice status has been resolved. (et) (Entered: 02/01/2024)
2/1/2024 21 DAY Summons Issued re Petition (Attorney Civil Case Opening) 1 as to Respondent Starz Entertainment, LLC. (et) (Entered: 02/01/2024)
2/1/2024NOTICE TO COUNSEL re Magistrate Judge Direct Assignment Program. This case has been randomly assigned to Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym. (Attachments: # 1 CV11C Statement of Consent) (et) (Entered: 02/01/2024)
2/1/2024Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Petition (Attorney Civil Case Opening) 1 filed by Petitioner Kiana Jones. (Postman, Warren) (Entered: 02/01/2024)
1/31/2024DECLARATION of Patrick A. Huber re Petition (Attorney Civil Case Opening) 1 to Compel Arbitration filed by Petitioner Kiana Jones. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A: Starz Terms of Use (Revised Dec. 12, 2019), # 2 Exhibit B: Petitioner's JAMS Arbitration Demand, # 3 Exhibit C: JAMS Mediators' Fee Schedules, # 4 Exhibit D: JAMS Consumer Arbitration Minimum Standards, # 5 Exhibit E: JAMS Comprehensive Arbitration Rules & Procedures, # 6 Exhibit F: Letter brief from Starz to K. Loew dated July 17, 2023, # 7 Exhibit G: Letter brief from Keller Postman to K. Loew dated July 17, 2023, # 8 Exhibit H: Letter brief from Starz to S. Nevins dated Dec. 8, 2023, # 9 Exhibit I: Letter from Keller Postman to Starz dated Jan. 10, 2024, # 10 Exhibit J: Letter from Starz to Keller Postman dated Jan. 17, 2024, # 11 Exhibit K: Email from Starz to JAMS dated June 1, 2023, # 12 Exhibit L: JAMS Letter to the Parties dated June 7, 2023)(Postman, Warren) (Entered: 01/31/2024)
1/31/2024DECLARATION of Kiana Jones re Petition (Attorney Civil Case Opening) 1 to Compel Arbitration filed by Petitioner Kiana Jones. (Postman, Warren) (Entered: 01/31/2024)
1/31/2024 CIVIL COVER SHEET filed by Petitioner Kiana Jones. (Postman, Warren) (Entered: 01/31/2024)
  • Motion to Compel Arbitration (Arbitration Demand)
PETITION to Compel Arbitration Receipt No: ACACDC-36827800 - Fee: $405, filed by Petitioner Kiana Jones. (Attorney Warren D Postman added to party Kiana Jones(pty:pet))(Postman, Warren) (Entered: 01/31/2024)